How to steam the earth in the oven. Methods for disinfecting land for growing seedlings

How to calcine the earth in the oven? What time, what temperature? and got the best answer

Answer from Dana Bessonova[guru]
in general, during heat treatment, most of the vitamins are lost, nutrients change their structure and lose value
the microwave generally changes the structure of the earth completely, but here's a recommendation for you.
# Steaming in the oven. Wet earth is poured in a thin layer on a baking sheet, covered on top to avoid active evaporation of moisture, periodically stirring, kept in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 100-120 ° C.
# Steaming in microwave oven- short-term processing of wet soil at high temperatures. Wet soil is placed in a special dish or in a bag of dense polyethylene (holes must first be made in a sealed bag of purchased soil). The optimal steaming time for 0.5 liters of soil is 5 minutes at maximum mode. Or two runs for 2-3 minutes with soil mixing between treatments.
# Steaming in water. The earth is poured into a metal container, poured with water until evenly moistened, covered with a lid and kept on low heat for 1 hour.
# Steaming in a water bath. The earth is poured into a metal container, covered with a lid, placed in a larger container with water, covering the container with earth by three quarters, kept on fire with a slight boil of water for 1-1.5 hours.
# Steaming in a colander. The colander is lined with gauze in several layers or canvas, covered with earth. A colander is fixed over a container of boiling water, covered from above. Keep on fire with a slight boil of water for 1 hour. In the process of processing, the earth is periodically mixed for uniform heating.
# The earth, poured in a thin layer on a metal pallet, is shed with boiling water with further drying.
# Freeze. The soil is kept in severe frost with complete freezing. The easiest way is to leave small packages of earth for the whole winter on an open balcony. Freezing does not rid the soil of many microorganisms and weeds.
Heat treatment also has a downside - immediately after it, the risk of introducing unwanted microorganisms into the ground and their active development in a sterile environment increases, the natural microflora of the soil is restored for a long time. Calcining the earth without moisture instead of steaming leads to a change in the structure of the soil, turning it into dust. Exceeding the recommended tillage temperature (especially purchased soil with numerous additives) may lead to the formation of undesirable compounds.
To "revive" sterile soil, it is recommended to use biological products - Trichodermin, Planriz, Baikal, Renaissance and others. A dry biological product is added to the soil that has cooled down after heat treatment, or the earth is shed with an aqueous solution.
It is possible to sterilize only the most dangerous components (turf, leaf, humus, coniferous, heather soil), and then add relatively pure peat.
Sand, expanded clay, pebbles, gravel are washed to pure water, fall asleep in a metal container, pour water and keep on fire at a low boil for 30-60 minutes.
Bark, fern roots, sphagnum moss, cones are subjected to short-term treatment with boiling water before use.
The risk of introducing pests and diseases is significantly reduced with the transition to substrates that do not contain humus and consist of peat, perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber, bark.
Chemical treatment allows you to get rid of pests and pathogens. The earth mixture, spread out in a thin layer on a pallet, is shed with a solution of potassium permanganate (a hot solution of potassium permanganate, 0.5-1 g per liter of water) or a pesticide (fungicide, insecticide, acaricide). Land treatment with biological preparations containing microorganism-antagonists of soil pathogens is more natural, but less reliable.
Thermal and chemical tillage is carried out 1-3 weeks before use to restore soil microflora.
dana bessonova
I wrote that it is harmful, read carefully. By the way, my earth mites did not die after calcining the earth in the oven. and so that you know, I restored the soil with EMkoy

When growing seedlings, you can expect a lot of surprises associated with poor-quality seeds, poor conditions of maintenance and care, and unprepared soil. In the latter case, pathogens, eggs and larvae of pests present in the substrate are the most dangerous.

Do I need to disinfect the purchased land for seedlings?

Purchased soil for the most part consists of peat and does not fully contain all the necessary nutrients. Of course, it goes through pre-processing. If there is sand in the composition, then it is calcined, etc.

Many summer residents add additional components to the finished soil mixture (land from the garden, various organic matter). There is no need for processing. The old rule applies: “What happens if you add a fly in the ointment to a barrel of honey?”. Everything will have to be disinfected.

Soil freezing

It is best to prepare the soil in the fall. Fertilized loose soil is placed in bags, which in turn are kept in an unheated barn in winter. A small amount of land for planting can be kept in buckets on the balcony. During the winter, most of the pathogenic flora and pests will die.

In a situation where the soil is exposed to frost for a short time, thorough disinfection will require at least a week with constant night and daytime negative temperatures.

Steaming and roasting

One of the most convenient and quick ways giving 100% result is steaming. Even the most persistent pathogens such as phytophthora and clubroot, which can withstand prolonged exposure to sub-zero temperatures, will not resist such heat treatment.

Prepare a pot or tank of the required volume (5-10 liters) and a colander. Fill the container 40% with water and place over medium heat. Put on the bottom of the colander dense fabric, pour soil on top. As soon as the water in the tank boils, place a colander with earth on top. Continue steaming for 20-30 minutes.

If there is no colander, you can put a cotton cloth on top of the pot of water and fix its edges hanging outward with twine. In the middle of the fabric there should be a small depression in which the soil is placed. The duration of steaming is the same.

Speaking of heat treatment, one cannot fail to mention another popular method - calcining the soil in the oven.

The soil mixture is mixed in a basin with a small amount of boiling water. After cooling, the composition is mixed and spread on a baking sheet with a layer no thicker than 5 cm. It is necessary to ignite for about half an hour at a temperature of about +80 C.

Biological disinfection

Freezing, steaming and calcining have a significant drawback - not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms die. As a result, the soil becomes almost sterile.

A good solution would be to treat the soil with microbiological fungicides Alirin B, Baikal EM-1, Trichodermin, Fitosporin. In addition to suppressing harmful pathogens, these preparations relieve soil fatigue, enrich it with nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, fluorine and other trace elements, and contribute to the development of beneficial microflora.

The solution is prepared strictly in accordance with the instructions. The approximate norm is 1 g of the drug per 1 liter of water. It is necessary to spray from the sprayer, observing individual precautions.

Some gardeners out of habit use proven "grandfather" methods - they treat the soil mixture with an infusion of garlic, calendula or mustard.

Potassium permanganate and copper sulfate

Good old potassium permanganate, which is now not so easy to get, helps to quickly disinfect the planting soil. A pink solution is used. To prepare it, 1 g of the substance is dissolved in 1 liter of water so that all the crystals are completely dissolved.

Immediately after processing, the containers with soil are tied up, the seedling containers are tightly covered with a film.

Potassium permanganate is also used to disinfect containers, cups and pots before their next use.

Some gardeners shed seedling soil with a weak solution blue vitriol(1 tsp per 5 liters of water).

Soil mixtures ( substrates) for indoor plants should not contain pathogenic bacteria, and weed seeds. To ensure this condition, it is necessary to treat, or sterilize the soil.

Special soil mixtures for planting seedlings and indoor plants can now be purchased in stores, as well as made independently at home. Depending on the purpose for which the soil mixture is prepared, its composition may be different. It is necessary to prepare all the components for the manufacture of a nutrient mixture of the required composition. The main component of the soil mixture is the earth, which includes clay, fine sand, humus and nutrients.

The composition of the soil mixture

The best soil for growing indoor plants is garden soil, because it is well cultivated, fertilized and fed. First, it must be prepared accordingly: select the roots of weeds, earthworms, beetles. It is not recommended to use lime-treated soil, as most houseplants prefer acidic soil. To ensure a good soil structure, you can add to the mixture:

  • Soddy and leafy soil;
  • household compost;
  • crushed tree bark;
  • Peat;
  • Sand.

All supplies for the future substrate must be made in the fall, put in separate bags and stored until spring in a cool place, occasionally moistened with water. From properly preserved soils in the spring, you can make the nutrient mixture necessary for plants.


Land taken from nature needs to be cultivated. At home, it can be made sterile thermal and chemical treatment.

Thermal methods of substrate disinfection include freezing and steaming. The soil can be kept in the cold all winter, and in the spring it can be thawed and plants can be planted in it. The disadvantage of this method is that freezing does not destroy the seeds. weeds, pests also remain in the soil.

For steaming, the wet substrate must be poured in a thin layer on a baking sheet, then heated at a temperature of 120 ° C for 1 hour. During this time, the soil must be mixed 3-4 times.

The soil can also be treated with steam in a water bath. To do this, it is poured into a metal dish, which is placed in a container of water. With this method, the soil is steamed for one and a half hours.

But heat treatment also has its drawbacks: as a result of steaming the soil, not only pests die in it, but also beneficial bacteria. Therefore, it is best to combine heat and chemical treatment of the substrate. To do this, the steamed earth must be treated before use with biological products. Preparations such as Baikal-EM-1, Gamair, Alirin, Fitosporin, Vostok-EM-1 contain beneficial bacteria and fungi, which, when they enter the soil, destroy pathogenic microbes. In addition, the preparations contain strains of bacteria necessary for plant nutrition.

If you need to process large volumes of soil, then you can use only the chemical method of disinfection. Need pre-prepared soil mix treat with the above biological products, then add peat and BakSib before planting (to populate beneficial bacteria). Thus, from sterile substrate an enriched soil mixture is obtained, ready for planting.

In such a soil mixture, you can plant seedlings of vegetable crops, as well as any houseplants.
Video on how to choose the right substrate.

Soil disinfection for seedlings is one of the key points in the production of seedlings. Often, not only the future harvest, but also the life of plants itself depends on how well the disinfection of seedling soil is carried out. You can disinfect the soil in any way convenient for you. Amateur gardeners have invented a great variety of them.

Do not ignore safety measures - proper disinfection kills pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores, dangerous nematodes, insect eggs and pupae. In addition, it is a good prevention against the defeat of seedlings with a black leg (every gardener and flower grower has ever encountered a terrible picture of this disease).

So, amateur gardening tips

Seedling soil for disinfection can be:
- freeze
- steam,
- bake in the oven
- pour boiling water (in small portions),
- shed 1% solution of potassium permanganate (etching in potassium permanganate),
- warm up in the microwave
- fry in a frying pan
- bake in foil
- bake in a baking sleeve,
- spill the earth with Aktara's solution,
- shed with a fungicide, for example, foundationazole,
- add phytosporin to the soil,
- disinfect with boiling water and frost
- repeatedly freeze and thaw the soil.
As you can see, there is no limit to fantasy.

Repeated freezing of the soil

A bag of soil is kept outdoors in winter, then it is brought into the soil for 7-10 days. warm room. During this time, weed seeds will begin to germinate, pests will awaken. The revived soil is sharply frozen again (it would be nice if the temperature outside was 15-20 degrees below zero), after a while the soil is again brought into the room and frozen again.

This is a good simple method, but you should be aware that, unfortunately, it is not able to protect plants from serious diseases such as late blight or clubroot. To cope with the spores of these diseases, heat treatment of the soil is needed.

Soil steaming

It is convenient to steam the soil in a colander lined with a cloth. It is hung over a pot of boiling water, covered with a lid, and after boiling the water is heated over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Steam passing through the soil sterilizes it. Soil pests and their eggs, spores of pathogenic fungi and bacteria die. True and useful too.

Calcining the soil in the oven

Wet earth is poured onto a metal sheet with a layer of no more than 5 cm and kept in an oven preheated to 70-90 degrees for half an hour.

Important! More heat it is dangerous for the soil: nitrogen is mineralized, useful microorganisms die, the soil becomes barren.

Soil baking

Baking the primer in foil or in a baking sleeve ( folk way) has its rational grain: moisture is stored in the soil. In addition, with this treatment, the effect of steaming and the effect of treatment with boiling water are additionally present, since the soil water, warming up to a temperature of 90-100 degrees, acts on the soil, cleaning it.

When the earth cools down a little after heat treatment, it is poured onto paper or film and leveled with a layer of about 10 cm to saturate with air. You can thoroughly mix the soil directly in the bags. The earth enriched with air will acquire a good structure, become looser.

Disinfection of soil for seedlings loses all meaning if it is then poured into used and non-sterile containers for seedlings. They can be sterilized by treatment in a dilute bleach solution. Otherwise, the soil can be re-infected with pathogens.

Spring is coming, hooray! Who would have thought that it is already the middle of February, which means that the time is already very close when it will be necessary to plant seedlings. First of all, most gardeners plant peppers, tomatoes and eggplants. (I'm not talking about those who got confused with - it could be sown since mid-January). So, the land for seedlings needs to be prepared so that in the process of being waterlogged for a long time, harmful and dangerous microorganisms do not develop in this land.
Harmful and dangerous microorganisms mean mold, fungi and various viral diseases, with which seedlings can get sick, being in unprepared or poor-quality soil. I think many people buy ready-made substrate in bags in the store for seedlings. Such a pleasure is not very expensive and you can afford it to reduce the loss of brain nerve cells :). But if the culture that you are going to grow is tight, and it will take 30-40 days to germinate in a wet state, even purchased soil will have to take care of the cleanliness and health of the soil.
Well, if you have prepared a bag of land from the seedling site since autumn, it's time to start disinfecting it! To begin with, I will say that perfect place storage of this soil - a balcony or garage (unheated). Per winter time frost will kill most harmful organisms in a bag of soil, so the matter will be small.
In general, there are many ways to disinfect the soil. All of them are aimed at removing any living microorganisms in the soil at all, and the soil will be enriched with useful ones rather quickly. There are three main areas of tillage for seedlings:

  1. Chemical (with the help of chemical elements that kill all living "population" of the soil)
  2. Biological (soil settlement with beneficial microorganisms that will lead to the extermination of harmful ones)
  3. Physical (warming up, calcining, etc.)

These methods can be combined to enhance the effect, but purely chemical disinfection is now little used - more and more you will find only biological disinfectants in stores.
Methods of chemical and biological soil treatment under seedlings are simple - you just need to follow the instructions to “spill” the soil or spray it if there are obvious signs of life on the surface. But about the physical methods, you can tell in more detail:
1. Calcining the soil in the oven
This is the most ruthless and most dangerous way :) Its essence is as follows - you need to take an iron pan or a deep baking sheet, pour soil into it, after sifting it from organic components (sticks, twigs, etc.) and put it in the oven with a temperature of 200-300 degrees for 2 hours. Why did I call this method “dangerous”? I'll tell you =)

I poured earth into an enameled saucepan (well, it was the only one we had without plastic handles), put it in an already preheated oven (as if I were baking Easter cakes), I sit and wait. Then I smell something beginning to stink - well, I think now, as usual, new dishes stink a little and stop. Yep, it wasn't there! The stench (the smell of caustic burning) intensified every minute, despite open windows and included extractor. I decided to take a look at what I have cooked in the pan. I opened the stove, and naturally smoke poured out (which was not visible through the window at first), and in the saucepan, in addition to the strange color of the earth, several coals were smoldering. Probably these coals (which were probably chips before the arrival of the Inquisition), but I didn’t think to sift the earth.
In general, this “smell” was in the kitchen, and throughout the apartment for another two weeks. For the saucepan, which abruptly changed color to black and burnt, my wife also told me what a “well done” I am.

Therefore, for myself, I refrain from this method in the future.
2. Steaming the soil for seedlings
We take a large pot or bucket, put a colander on it. Pour in enough water so that it does not reach the bottom edge of the colander. We cover the inside of the colander with gauze, we fill the soil on top. Got a steamer! ;-) This is how you need to boil the soil for 40-50 minutes.
3. Washing and scalding the soil with boiling water- the least effective method, it is used more for its own reassurance. The disadvantages of this method are that if you pour a lot of boiling water, then you can “wash out” all the trace elements from the soil and you will get something like sand. Of course, seedlings can also be grown in this, but ... And if the soil is just scalded with boiling water, the effect will be small.
After steaming or warming up, as I said, you can “populate” the soil with beneficial microorganisms using some kind of biological stimulant. Since I am not familiar with any of the manufacturers of biological stimulants, I will not mention any companies and names of drugs, ask in stores ;-) In fact, they are all the same.
4. Heating the soil in the microwave
This is the most modern way and the fastest - it takes only 4-5 minutes to warm up. Just do not forget that you can’t put iron dishes in the microwave, and thin plastic melts easily ;-)


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