Irina Borisovna Golub - exercises in the style of the Russian language - read a book for free. Irina Borisovna Golub exercises in the style of the Russian language Exercises in the style of the Russian language Golub

Irina Borisovna Golub

Exercises in the style of the Russian language

BBK 81.2-5 G62
Golub I.B.
Exercises in the style of the Russian language: Tutorial- 3rd ed., Rev.
M.: Rolf, 2001. 240 p. 5000 copies
Reviewers: Doctor of Philosophical Sciences prof. MSU N.N. Kokhtev; prof. M.A. Telenkova.
The textbook is a complex with the theoretical course "Stylistics of the modern Russian language" by the same author. The manual contains all sections of the relevant course: Lexical stylistics; Phonics; Stylistics of word formation; Stylistics of parts of speech; Syntactic style. The exercises will help philology students to study the typology of speech errors, master the stylistic editing of the text, and consolidate theoretical information in the course of stylistics. Tasks are built according to the principle "from simple to complex", which makes it possible to work with the book independently, as well as distance learning.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a teaching aid for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Journalism"
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, sound recording, any storage devices and information retrieval systems, without the written permission of the Copyright Holder.
ISBN 5-7836-0359-7
© Golub I.B., 1997.
© Rolf, 1997.


The proposed manual complements our textbook "The style of the modern Russian language" (M., 1997). The collection of exercises was written in full accordance with the program of the course "Practical stylistics of the Russian language", studied at universities, pedagogical institutes, as well as in the Moscow state university print.
The aim of the manual is to consolidate theoretical knowledge in the course of stylistics, to teach students the stylistic analysis of the text, the definition of speech errors in word usage, word formation, form formation, the use of parts of speech and syntactic means of the Russian language, as well as in the sound organization of speech. At the same time, special attention is paid to developing the skills of stylistic editing of the text and literary editing. In many exercises, it is proposed to compare unedited and edited versions of texts, compare their different editions, and analyze instructive examples of auto-editing by classic writers.
Many exercises make it possible to study various stylistic techniques for creating imagery of speech, enhancing its expressiveness. Classical examples of Russian prose, poetry, journalism are offered for observation. A number of exercises are based on a critical analysis of texts that testify to the low speech culture of the authors, their careless attitude to the Russian language, ignorance of its norms, unjustified enthusiasm for foreign words, neologisms, and vernacular. The tasks are designed to develop in philologists - future philologists and editors - intolerance to stylistic flaws in speech, professional skills in correcting various stylistic errors.
"Collection of exercises in the style of the modern Russian language" was created and supplemented by the author in the course of many years pedagogical work with students of Moscow State Unitary Enterprise and students of advanced training courses for editors at the Moscow Polygraphic Institute. The author is grateful to his students who collected funny examples of speech errors, texts for literary editing and stylistic editing.
The author is responsible for the correctness of the quoted texts.

1.1. Semantic accuracy of speech

1.1.1. Search for the right word
Exercise 1. Instead of dots, insert the words that most accurately express the thought; motivate your choice. (See the words used by the author at the end of the exercise.)
Man ... (invented, found, found, invented, created) words for everything that he discovered ... (in the world, in the universe, on earth). But this is not enough. He ... (named, explained, defined, pointed to) every action and state. He ... (named, designated, explained, christened, defined) in words the properties and qualities of everything that surrounds him. Dictionary ... (reproduces, defines, displays, reflects, fixes) all changes, ... (occurring, ongoing, existing) in the world. He ... (captured, reflected, preserved) the experience and wisdom of centuries and, not lagging behind, accompanies life, ... (movement, progress, development) of technology, science, art. He can ... (highlight, name, designate, define, point to) any thing and has the means for ... (expression, designation, explanation, transmission, message) of the most abstract and generalized ideas and concepts.
(According to S. Marshak.)
Note. Found, in the universe, named, identified, reflects, occurring, captured, development, name, expression.
Exercise 2. Analyze the author's editing (in parentheses are the words crossed out by the writer when working on the text, the words inscribed in the author's hand are in italics); explain lexical substitutions, motivate the use of words entered into the text during auto-editing.
I. 1. (Pause) Peaceful amusements have disappeared, like a dream, like a morning mist. 2. Dubrovsky and (decided) settled in his house. 3. The same disabled person who (sewed up) repaired his uniform in the commandant's anteroom entered. 4. Already from a distance their cries are heard, and the rumble (roams a little) echoes them through the forests (P.).
II. 1. Well-fed, white, important (geese) birds walked along the dam to this side of the pond. “A well-fed bird,” said Lagutin, “is fed (with steamed bran) with steamed wheat.” 2. “You, dear soul, (go, and I’ll go) go ... and tell the commissioner: (I want) I need to look around here, this and that, spin around, talk with the peasants.” 3. - (Well, go, go) Well, turn, turn the cart, otherwise they will see us again. - Lagutin sighed again, turned the cart and angrily hit (with the reins) with a twig the assiduous gelding (A.T.).
III. 1. ... He [Chekhov] ... burst into a sweet, sincere (and deep) laugh. 2. He demanded (ordinary) everyday stories from writers. 3. Further, on the same side, in the very corner, there is a door through which Anton Pavlovich's unoccupied bedroom is visible ... 4. I now remember very vividly shaking his big, (dry) and hot hand... 5. But often on (good) warm mornings he could be seen on a bench behind the house ... (Cupr.)
Exercise 3. Instead of dots, insert right word or phrase; motivate your choice.
1. On the site of a small plant ... (erected, built, created) a large woodworking plant. 2. Depending on the specific conditions, the installation can be ... (built, assembled, created, installed) both outdoors and indoors. 3. Already in October, the farmer began to ... (ship, deliver, send, hand over) green onion to the shops of the capital. 4. Technologist Kalinina proposed ... (remake, convert, modernize, update, change) the design of two ... (large, large, powerful, huge) horizontal boring machines. 5. At the carpet factory in ... (past, past, last) year, production improved. Already ... (released, manufactured, produced, made) 867 sq. meters ... (products, carpets and paths, carpet products). 6. It is known ... (to anyone, everyone, everyone) that even the most ... (good, excellent, excellent, magnificent, excellent) ... working conditions are not yet ... (define, decide, ensure, guarantee) success. 7. In this work, the author succeeded ... (to reveal, reveal, sing, portray, describe, present) tragic events in the life of ... (of his generation, his peers, his contemporaries). 8. This ... (flaw, flaw, defect) in detail can be ... (see, identify, determine, notice, note) with the naked eye. 9. The winner of the competition ... (awarded, assigned, issued, allocated) prize. 10. In a new hotel, … (primary, paramount, main, leading, most important) attention is paid to … (good, excellent, impeccable, optimal, attentive) guest service.
Exercise 4. Rate the use of the highlighted words. When wrong choice correct the sentences (examples are taken from fiction and journalistic works).
1. In a spacious aquarium, goldfish rush about to the melodic rustle of fountains. 2. The ashtray fell out of Vladislav's hands and broke into small pieces. 3. Reckless drivers are invariably met with an accident. 4. Our region is characterized by its industry, its products are respected in Russia and abroad. 5. Our region is famous for the cultivation of good Orenburg shawls. 6. Seven carts are involved in the transportation of feed.
Exercise 5. Evaluate the use of lexical means in the above sentences; indicate the use of the word without taking into account its semantics, anachronism, euphemistic speech, ambiguity of the statement, distortion of meaning, absurdity and comicality of speech.
1. Decade Uzbek cuisine The restaurant will be held for five days: from 1 to 5 September. 2. The measures taken for moral and material incentives for negligent workers did not bring the desired result. 3. At the exam, he mixed up not only all the myths, but also the names of ancient heroes and gods. 4. From the end of the VI century BC. the flow of Greek tourists rushed to Egypt. 5. There are still shortcomings in our work that prevent us from successfully overcoming the backlog. 6. Uncomfortable in the assembly shop, it is in disrepair. 7. Farmers don't pay enough attention to fertilizing their fields. 8. For five months, Moscow radio broadcast chess moves to these two continents - the Arctic and Antarctic. 9. During February, in the Moscow region, the length of the day will increase by 2 hours. 10. Good employees at our enterprise are awarded with the Board of Honor.
Exercise 6. Compare the sentences, determine the nature of the errors eliminated by the editor (alogism, substitution of the concept, unjustified expansion or narrowing of the concept, the use of an abstract noun instead of a specific one, ambiguity or illogicality of the statement due to incorrect word usage). Give your options for stylistic editing of sentences.
1. A situation arises similar to Balzac's early novels.
1. A situation arises that resembles those situations that Balzac described in his early novels.
2. It is necessary to compare the results obtained in the third examination with previous examinations.
2. It is necessary to compare the results of the third examination and the previous ones.
3. The gluten of these hybrids, unlike wheat, has a darker color.
3. These hybrids have darker gluten than wheat.
4. The use of birch fungus is considered as a general tonic.
4. Infusion of birch fungus is used as a tonic.
5. They try to compensate for the low temperature in office premises with all kinds of heating devices.
5. Office premises are so badly heated that it is necessary to use all kinds of heating devices.
6. Completion of courses in legal terms is not equated to higher and secondary educational institutions.
6. Completion of courses cannot be legally equated with graduation from higher and secondary educational institutions.
7. The fleet of steam locomotives was replaced by diesel locomotives, and with their introduction, the amount of fuel and water has significantly decreased.
7. Steam locomotives were replaced by diesel locomotives, which significantly reduced fuel and water consumption.
8. The composer's work is based on the development of the best traditions of Russian art.
8. The composer in his work relies on the best traditions of Russian music.
9. Those who have children and grandchildren know that children enjoy watching TV more than reading books.
9. Those who have children and grandchildren know that children like watching TV more than reading books.
Exercise 7. What caused the illogicality, absurdity of the statement in the above sentences? Eliminate logical and lexical errors, formulate the thought correctly.
1. When you read poetry, you meet now unknown words: cheeks, hand, flame, voice. They were used by writers, creating the flavor of antiquity in fiction. 2. We learn about this woman, so unlike her letters, something new that made her related to the composer; we see her face reading his letter, her thin figure walking through a beautiful park. 3. The ballerina creates a soulful image of Giselle - from a joyful girl who believes in love, to the tragic death of the heroine. 4. I love Moscow very much, and how can I not love it, because I myself am from Tambov. 5. The sprinkler has already been put into operation; long jets rising up early in the morning do not fall until late in the evening, watering the meadow with herbs growing on it. 6. Many hundreds of people go to farms every morning to do the usual, most everyday business - to produce milk, raise livestock and poultry. 7. Farm workers must strictly adhere to the cow calving schedule.
Exercise 8. Compare offers; analyze the stylistic revision. What logical and lexical errors did the editor notice and eliminate? Bring your edits if the editorial needs improvement.
1. Champions today are unrecognizable, they play superbly.
1. Today we get to know our champions: they play superbly.
2. If you grow and plant potato seedlings correctly, you can get a potato crop that is not inferior to the normal method of sowing.
2. From potato seedlings it is possible to grow a crop that is not inferior to the yield obtained with the usual method of planting tubers.
3. Like many other works, the idea of ​​this painting was nurtured by the artist for a number of years.
3. The idea of ​​this picture, as well as many other works, the artist hatched for more than one year.
4. Cutting wood along the banks of the rivers causes damage environment.
4. Cutting down trees along the banks of rivers causes damage to nature: rivers become smaller and dry up.
5. In the Far East, woodcocks winter in India, Iran, Sri Lanka and China.
5. Woodcocks living in the Far East winter in India, Iran, on the island of Sri Lanka and in China.
6. Compressor serves as a source of pneumatic air.
6. A compressor is used to blow air.
7. The owner of the "Moskvich" Gulyaev found himself on the streets of the city with faulty brakes and a damaged wing.
7. Gulyaev left for the city in his Moskvich with faulty brakes and a damaged wing.
8. A group of instructors pays constant attention to the collective farm herd, after the meetings, the cows began to give more milk.
8. A group of instructors closely monitors the organization of work on the farm, as a result, the milk yield of cows has increased.

1.1.2. Lexical compatibility

Exercise 9. Indicate the words, the use of which leads to a violation of lexical compatibility, correct speech errors.
1. The author of the reader has not compiled an annotation yet. 2. Crowded evenings are held in the factory club. 3. We wished the organizers to gather such evenings more often. 4. Harvesting is in full swing in the village. 5. Shevchenko opened the beginning of the harvest last year, working on the harvest; the same honor is entrusted to him today. 6. Increasing the protein content of grain poses great difficulties for researchers. 7. Two birds do not live in the same lair. 8. The Book Fair hospitably invites publishers and authors to visit the pavilions. 9. Athletes "Kolos" established 32 new achievements of the region. 10. In a magazine I read a big discussion about the role of a father in raising his children. 11. This policy is already bearing fruit. 12. Much attention will be paid to the improvement of the city. 13. We attach high priority to this issue. 14. Our farmers have won the world record for shearing wool from fine wool sheep. 15 The vast majority of those present understood this topic.
Exercise 10. Compare sentences; indicate cases of violation of lexical compatibility, contamination of phrases that are close in meaning, use of a word without taking into account its semantics, evaluate the editorial correction of sentences, in case of disagreement with the editor, give your options for stylistic correction.
1. The association "Dawn" gave five girls' dresses to the exhibition.
1. The association "Dawn" presented five women's dresses of youth cuts to the exhibition.
2. Dressed in fur coats, felt boots, warm mittens, our viewers did not perceive the frost.
2. In fur coats, felt boots, warm mittens, our viewers did not notice the frost.
3. Under the shady trees, tourists comfortably nestled.
3. Tourists are comfortably seated under shady trees.
4. Now our children are beginning to comprehend the first school difficulties.
4. Now our children are beginning to overcome the first difficulties of school life.
5. I remembered the war: burning villages, the heartbreaking whistle of bombs.
5. I remembered the war: burning villages, the chilling whistle of bombs.
6. In this battle, shrapnel shot him in both legs.
6. In this battle, he was wounded by shrapnel in both legs.
7. Having won, the university team took a step up one step of the podium.
7. Having won, the university team went up one step on the podium.
8. Where in the recent past there were wastelands, landfills, whole blocks of new residential buildings have risen.
8. Where in the recent past there were wastelands, landfills, blocks of new buildings have appeared.
Exercise 11. Evaluate the use of lexical means in excerpts from newspaper articles; indicate the violation of lexical compatibility, the use of words without taking into account their semantics, illogicality, ambiguity of the statement, etc. Correct the suggestions.
1. Hundreds of athletes from many countries of the world will start in Grenoble. 2. The fact that the exhibition "Mayakovsky in Paris" was honored in the capital of France with such attention, such an abundance of visitors, such an interest on the part of the French in the poet, is not quite usual. 3. In recent years, government organizations have increased their attention to the development of cooperation in the development of measures to protect the biosphere from pollution. 4. The main condition for the successful work of any permanent commission is to act in close contact with those organizations whose activities are under its control and assistance. 5. The leading role in the activity of this youth organization is played by its attitude towards work. 6. After much trouble of the workers, the renovation of the library finally took place. 7. Combine "Moskovsky" all year round provides the population of the capital with young vegetables and herbs. 8. Dozens of tons of green onions, a decent amount of tender lettuce, radish, and tomatoes are shipped to Moscow. 9. In greenhouses, the whole year is harvesting and planting seedlings. These days, glazed plantations are preparing seedlings of cucumbers. 10. In specially constructed five-tier mushroom greenhouses, mushrooms are sown weekly. Up to five tons of delicious champignons are sent from this artificial mushroom field to shops, restaurants, and canteens.
Exercise 12. Combine words from the left and right columns into phrases, taking into account the peculiarities of their lexical compatibility. Specify the options.

Antique, classical Mythology, languages
Innate, born Talent, mind
Hospitable, hospitable, hospitable
reception, host, person
pernicious, pernicious
Influence, action
One, one
Moment, moment
Long, lasting, long, long-term, long-lastingImpact, period, way, fees, credit
Put forward, express, correct, eliminate Hypothesis, conjecture, shortcomings, errors.
Find, gain Support, support.
Impose, leave an imprint, trace.
To discover, discover the Law, regularity.
Prove, substantiate Theorem, theory.
Foreshadow, predict Defeat, success.
To expand, increase, increase Opportunities, potential.
Exercise 13. Indicate speech errors, edit sentences.
1. He began to write songs in his deep youth, and only now glory has fallen on his gray-haired head. 2. During these years, there has been an exuberant growth in our cinematography. 3. Ivanov has been working in this difficult area for a long time, and he does a good job. But in the last two years, he began to have negative glimpses. 4. He set so many world records that only hardened fans of sports statistics remember them. 5. Grazing of dogs is prohibited. 6. The warehouse is closed on a sanitary day due to the arrival of cockroaches. 7. It is forbidden to place household and industrial waste dumps. 8. An old house is for sale. 9. Lecture for childless parents is postponed to Thursday. 10. The students of our group have achieved a deterioration in discipline and academic performance in this semester. 11. In our work, moral and labor education is of primary importance.
Exercise 14. Indicate lexical errors in the following sentences, while highlighting cases of violation of semantic and grammatical compatibility. Edit sentences.
1. Young birch oak grove turned green outside the outskirts. 2. Children pronounce a poem, standing scattered. 3. The movie "The Return of the Black Blonde" is in theaters. 4. The bus was so crowded that someone suggested: "Stand flat, then it will be freer!". 5. Records continue. 6. Suddenly she noticed: a cat is walking along the corridor on tiptoe. 7. Most of the time passes fruitlessly. 8. The teacher invited us to write test orally. 9. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its feathers. 10. There is a monstrous improvement in living conditions. 11. The experience of recent years inevitably shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts. 12. Widespread testing of this vitamin bioactive cream has led to extremely positive results. 13. The stranger mounted a horse and rode on foot. 14. A three-year-old Parisian sits barefoot in the sandbox and, digging in the sand, wears with grace and ease the simplest soiled dress. Who taught her grace? 15. From fatigue, my body gave way on my feet. 16. The restaurant was filled with a cheerful hubbub, the guitar sobbed angrily, the drum groaned. 17. Several new businesses have appeared in our town and public transport. 18. Stand still and do not wave your eyes (from the speech of the educator in kindergarten). 19. This is how I clench my fists on my arms and legs! (child's speech) 20. Yesterday I took a plane and flew to Moscow (from a foreigner's speech).
Exercise 15. In the following sentences, indicate phrases in which lexical compatibility is violated. Replace lexical equivalents that caused speech errors.
1. You have to spend a lot of nerves reading letters from veterans. 2. The above metal was not delivered to the customer plant. 3. By the time the apartment was exchanged, the wife, daughter and things were registered in it. 4. Grief did not break this woman, her love for work, her courage. 5. There are people who, having done a lot, good and useful, quietly and modestly keep silent about it. 6. The teacher should give advice and comments to his students. 7. A frost hit, and the corn was severely grabbed. 8. We coped with the task confidently. 9. Sponsors donated a library and board games to the school. 10. Mentor wholeheartedly scolded me for breaking the cutter. 11. I do not think that there will be people who would seriously profess the opinion of this eccentric. 12. When a pilot gets into the cockpit of an unbroken plane, he thinks: who is the first, if not me? 13. But the sergeant was not destined to complete the investigation. On the evening of July 28, the ship "Mstislav Keldysh" suddenly left the scene, leaving a mourning wreath on the waves. 14. I ask for your permission to write me half a ton of coal.
Exercise 16. Assess the cases of violation of lexical compatibility in works of art. Why do writers use this stylistic device in each particular case?
1. Now I am dead, I have become the sheets of a book, and you can leaf through me (Vol.). 2. I myself do not like grumpy old men And yet I am sincerely glad That I have not experienced the dishonor of ranks And the meanness of lordly awards (Got.). 3. The cat turned out to be not only solvent, but also a disciplined beast (Bulg.). 4. Alexander Ivanovich Koreiko was in the last fit of his youth - he was 38 years old. 5. Every night Fyodor Nikitich was visited by the same seasoned Soviet dreams. 6. The earth was slightly touched by dark paint, and the leading star signaled the onset of night in a timely manner.

The textbook is a complex with the theoretical course "Stylistics of the modern Russian language" by the same author. The manual contains all sections of the relevant course: Lexical stylistics; Phonics; Stylistics of word formation; Stylistics of parts of speech; syntactic style. The exercises will help philology students to study the typology of speech errors, master the stylistic editing of the text, and consolidate theoretical information in the course of stylistics. Tasks are built according to the principle "from simple to complex", which makes it possible to work with the book independently, as well as in distance learning.

Irina Borisovna Golub Exercises in the style of the Russian language

BBK 81.2-5 G62

Golub I.B.

Exercises in the style of the Russian language: Textbook - 3rd ed., Rev.

M.: Rolf, 2001. 240 p. 5000 copies

Reviewers: Doctor of Philosophical Sciences prof. MSU N.N. Kokhtev; prof. M.A. Telenkova.

The textbook is a complex with the theoretical course "Stylistics of the modern Russian language" by the same author. The manual contains all sections of the relevant course: Lexical stylistics; Phonics; Stylistics of word formation; Stylistics of parts of speech; syntactic style. The exercises will help philology students to study the typology of speech errors, master the stylistic editing of the text, and consolidate theoretical information in the course of stylistics. Tasks are built according to the principle "from simple to complex", which makes it possible to work with the book independently, as well as in distance learning.

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, sound recording, any storage devices and information retrieval systems, without the written permission of the Copyright Holder.

ISBN 5-7836-0359-7

© Golub I.B., 1997.

© Rolf, 1997.



The proposed manual complements our textbook "The style of the modern Russian language" (M., 1997). The collection of exercises was written in full accordance with the program of the course "Practical stylistics of the Russian language", studied at universities, pedagogical institutes, as well as at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts.

The aim of the manual is to consolidate theoretical knowledge in the course of stylistics, to teach students the stylistic analysis of the text, the definition of speech errors in word usage, word formation, form formation, the use of parts of speech and syntactic means of the Russian language, as well as in the sound organization of speech. At the same time, special attention is paid to developing the skills of stylistic editing of the text and literary editing. In many exercises, it is proposed to compare unedited and edited versions of texts, compare their different editions, and analyze instructive examples of auto-editing by classic writers.

Many exercises make it possible to study various stylistic techniques for creating imagery of speech, enhancing its expressiveness. Classical examples of Russian prose, poetry, journalism are offered for observation. A number of exercises are based on a critical analysis of texts that testify to the low speech culture of the authors, their careless attitude to the Russian language, ignorance of its norms, unjustified enthusiasm for foreign words, neologisms, and vernacular. The tasks are designed to develop in philologists - future philologists and editors - intolerance to stylistic flaws in speech, professional skills in correcting various stylistic errors.

"Collection of exercises on the style of the modern Russian language" was created and supplemented by the author in the course of many years of pedagogical work with students of Moscow State Unitary Enterprise and students of advanced training courses for editors at the Moscow Polygraphic Institute. The author is grateful to his students who collected funny examples of speech errors, texts for literary editing and stylistic editing.

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Irina Borisovna Golub

Exercises in the style of the Russian language

BBK 81.2-5 G62
Golub I.B.
Exercises in the style of the Russian language: Textbook - 3rd ed., Rev.
M.: Rolf, 2001. 240 p. 5000 copies
Reviewers: Doctor of Philosophical Sciences prof. MSU N.N. Kokhtev; prof. M.A. Telenkova.
The textbook is a complex with the theoretical course "Stylistics of the modern Russian language" by the same author. The manual contains all sections of the relevant course: Lexical stylistics; Phonics; Stylistics of word formation; Stylistics of parts of speech; syntactic style. The exercises will help philology students to study the typology of speech errors, master the stylistic editing of the text, and consolidate theoretical information in the course of stylistics. Tasks are built according to the principle "from simple to complex", which makes it possible to work with the book independently, as well as in distance learning.
Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a teaching aid for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Journalism"
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, sound recording, any storage devices and information retrieval systems, without the written permission of the Copyright Holder.
ISBN 5-7836-0359-7
© Golub I.B., 1997.
© Rolf, 1997.


The proposed manual complements our textbook "The style of the modern Russian language" (M., 1997). The collection of exercises was written in full accordance with the program of the course "Practical stylistics of the Russian language", studied at universities, pedagogical institutes, as well as at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts.
The aim of the manual is to consolidate theoretical knowledge in the course of stylistics, to teach students the stylistic analysis of the text, the definition of speech errors in word usage, word formation, form formation, the use of parts of speech and syntactic means of the Russian language, as well as in the sound organization of speech. At the same time, special attention is paid to developing the skills of stylistic editing of the text and literary editing. In many exercises, it is proposed to compare unedited and edited versions of texts, compare their different editions, and analyze instructive examples of auto-editing by classic writers.
Many exercises make it possible to study various stylistic techniques for creating imagery of speech, enhancing its expressiveness. Classical examples of Russian prose, poetry, journalism are offered for observation. A number of exercises are based on a critical analysis of texts that testify to the low speech culture of the authors, their careless attitude to the Russian language, ignorance of its norms, unjustified enthusiasm for foreign words, neologisms, and vernacular. The tasks are designed to develop in philologists - future philologists and editors - intolerance to stylistic flaws in speech, professional skills in correcting various stylistic errors.
"Collection of exercises on the style of the modern Russian language" was created and supplemented by the author in the course of many years of pedagogical work with students of Moscow State Unitary Enterprise and students of advanced training courses for editors at the Moscow Polygraphic Institute. The author is grateful to his students who collected funny examples of speech errors, texts for literary editing and stylistic editing.
The author is responsible for the correctness of the quoted texts.

1.1. Semantic accuracy of speech

1.1.1. Search for the right word
Exercise 1. Instead of dots, insert the words that most accurately express the thought; motivate your choice. (See the words used by the author at the end of the exercise.)
Man ... (invented, found, found, invented, created) words for everything that he discovered ... (in the world, in the universe, on earth). But this is not enough. He ... (named, explained, defined, pointed to) every action and state. He ... (named, designated, explained, christened, defined) in words the properties and qualities of everything that surrounds him. Dictionary ... (reproduces, defines, displays, reflects, fixes) all changes, ... (occurring, ongoing, existing) in the world. He ... (captured, reflected, preserved) the experience and wisdom of centuries and, not lagging behind, accompanies life, ... (movement, progress, development) of technology, science, art. He can ... (highlight, name, designate, define, point to) any thing and has the means for ... (expression, designation, explanation, transmission, message) of the most abstract and generalized ideas and concepts.
(According to S. Marshak.)
Note. Found, in the universe, named, identified, reflects, occurring, captured, development, name, expression.
Exercise 2. Analyze the author's editing (in parentheses are the words crossed out by the writer when working on the text, the words inscribed in the author's hand are in italics); explain lexical substitutions, motivate the use of words entered into the text during auto-editing.
I. 1. (Pause) Peaceful amusements have disappeared, like a dream, like a morning mist. 2. Dubrovsky and (decided) settled in his house. 3. The same disabled person who (sewed up) repaired his uniform in the commandant's anteroom entered. 4. Already from a distance their cries are heard, and the rumble (roams a little) echoes them through the forests (P.).
II. 1. Well-fed, white, important (geese) birds walked along the dam to this side of the pond. “A well-fed bird,” said Lagutin, “is fed (with steamed bran) with steamed wheat.” 2. “You, dear soul, (go, and I’ll go) go ... and tell the commissioner: (I want) I need to look around here, this and that, spin around, talk with the peasants.” 3. - (Well, go, go) Well, turn, turn the cart, otherwise they will see us again. - Lagutin sighed again, turned the cart and angrily hit (with the reins) with a twig the assiduous gelding (A.T.).
III. 1. ... He [Chekhov] ... burst into a sweet, sincere (and deep) laugh. 2. He demanded (ordinary) everyday stories from writers. 3. Further, on the same side, in the very corner - a door through which Anton Pavlovich's single bedroom is visible ... 4. I now remember very vividly shaking his big, (dry) and hot hand ... 5. But often in (good) warm in the morning he could be seen on a bench behind the house ... (Cupr.)
Exercise 3. Instead of dots, insert the desired word or phrase; motivate your choice.
1. On the site of a small plant ... (erected, built, created) a large woodworking plant. 2. Depending on the specific conditions, the installation can be ... (built, assembled, created, installed) both outdoors and indoors. 3. Already in October, the farmer began to ... (ship, deliver, send, hand over) green onions to the shops of the capital. 4. Technologist Kalinina proposed ... (remake, convert, modernize, update, change) the design of two ... (large, large, powerful, huge) horizontal boring machines. 5. At the carpet factory in ... (past, past, last) year, production improved. Already ... (released, manufactured, produced, made) 867 sq. meters ... (products, carpets and paths, carpet products). 6. It is known ... (to anyone, everyone, everyone) that even the most ... (good, excellent, excellent, magnificent, excellent) ... working conditions are not yet ... (define, decide, ensure, guarantee) success. 7. In this work, the author succeeded ... (to reveal, reveal, sing, portray, describe, present) tragic events in the life of ... (of his generation, his peers, his contemporaries). 8. This ... (flaw, flaw, defect) in detail can be ... (see, identify, determine, notice, note) with the naked eye. 9. The winner of the competition ... (awarded, assigned, issued, allocated) prize. 10. In a new hotel, … (primary, paramount, main, leading, most important) attention is paid to … (good, excellent, impeccable, optimal, attentive) guest service.
Exercise 4. Rate the use of the highlighted words. In case of a wrong choice of a word, correct the sentences (examples are taken from fiction and journalistic works).
1. In a spacious aquarium, goldfish rush about to the melodic rustle of fountains. 2. The ashtray fell out of Vladislav's hands and broke into small pieces. 3. Reckless drivers are invariably met with an accident. 4. Our region is characterized by its industry, its products are respected in Russia and abroad. 5. Our region is famous for the cultivation of good Orenburg shawls. 6. Seven carts are involved in the transportation of feed.
Exercise 5. Evaluate the use of lexical means in the above sentences; indicate the use of the word without taking into account its semantics, anachronism, euphemistic speech, ambiguity of the statement, distortion of meaning, absurdity and comicality of speech.
1. Decade of Uzbek cuisine in the restaurant will be held for five days: from 1 to 5 September. 2. The measures taken for moral and material incentives for negligent workers did not bring the desired result. 3. At the exam, he mixed up not only all the myths, but also the names of ancient heroes and gods. 4. From the end of the VI century BC. the flow of Greek tourists rushed to Egypt. 5. There are still shortcomings in our work that prevent us from successfully overcoming the backlog. 6. Uncomfortable in the assembly shop, it is in disrepair. 7. Farmers don't pay enough attention to fertilizing their fields. 8. For five months, Moscow radio broadcast chess moves to these two continents - the Arctic and Antarctic. 9. During February, in the Moscow region, the length of the day will increase by 2 hours. 10. Good employees at our enterprise are awarded with the Board of Honor.
Exercise 6. Compare the sentences, determine the nature of the errors eliminated by the editor (alogism, substitution of the concept, unjustified expansion or narrowing of the concept, the use of an abstract noun instead of a specific one, ambiguity or illogicality of the statement due to incorrect word usage). Give your options for stylistic editing of sentences.
1. A situation arises similar to Balzac's early novels.
1. A situation arises that resembles those situations that Balzac described in his early novels.
2. It is necessary to compare the results obtained in the third examination with previous examinations.
2. It is necessary to compare the results of the third examination and the previous ones.
3. The gluten of these hybrids, unlike wheat, has a darker color.
3. These hybrids have darker gluten than wheat.
4. The use of birch fungus is considered as a general tonic.
4. Infusion of birch fungus is used as a tonic.
5. They try to compensate for the low temperature in office premises with all kinds of heating devices.
5. Office premises are so badly heated that it is necessary to use all kinds of heating devices.
6. Completion of courses in legal terms is not equated to higher and secondary educational institutions.
6. Completion of courses cannot be legally equated with graduation from higher and secondary educational institutions.
7. The fleet of steam locomotives was replaced by diesel locomotives, and with their introduction, the amount of fuel and water has significantly decreased.
7. Steam locomotives were replaced by diesel locomotives, which significantly reduced fuel and water consumption.
8. The composer's work is based on the development of the best traditions of Russian art.
8. The composer in his work relies on the best traditions of Russian music.
9. Those who have children and grandchildren know that children enjoy watching TV more than reading books.
9. Those who have children and grandchildren know that children like watching TV more than reading books.
Exercise 7. What caused the illogicality, absurdity of the statement in the above sentences? Eliminate logical and lexical errors, formulate the thought correctly.
1. When you read poetry, you meet now unknown words: cheeks, hand, flame, voice. They were used by writers, creating the flavor of antiquity in fiction. 2. We learn about this woman, so unlike her letters, something new that made her related to the composer; we see her face reading his letter, her thin figure walking through a beautiful park. 3. The ballerina creates a soulful image of Giselle - from a joyful girl who believes in love, to the tragic death of the heroine. 4. I love Moscow very much, and how can I not love it, because I myself am from Tambov. 5. The sprinkler has already been put into operation; long jets rising up early in the morning do not fall until late in the evening, watering the meadow with herbs growing on it. 6. Many hundreds of people go to farms every morning to do the usual, most everyday business - to produce milk, raise livestock and poultry. 7. Farm workers must strictly adhere to the cow calving schedule.
Exercise 8. Compare offers; analyze the stylistic revision. What logical and lexical errors did the editor notice and eliminate? Bring your edits if the editorial needs improvement.
1. Champions today are unrecognizable, they play superbly.
1. Today we get to know our champions: they play superbly.
2. If you grow and plant potato seedlings correctly, you can get a potato crop that is not inferior to the normal method of sowing.
2. From potato seedlings it is possible to grow a crop that is not inferior to the yield obtained with the usual method of planting tubers.
3. Like many other works, the idea of ​​this painting was nurtured by the artist for a number of years.
3. The idea of ​​this picture, as well as many other works, the artist hatched for more than one year.
4. Cutting wood along the banks of rivers damages the environment.
4. Cutting down trees along the banks of rivers causes damage to nature: rivers become smaller and dry up.
5. In the Far East, woodcocks winter in India, Iran, Sri Lanka and China.
5. Woodcocks living in the Far East winter in India, Iran, on the island of Sri Lanka and in China.
6. Compressor serves as a source of pneumatic air.
6. A compressor is used to blow air.
7. The owner of the "Moskvich" Gulyaev found himself on the streets of the city with faulty brakes and a damaged wing.
7. Gulyaev left for the city in his Moskvich with faulty brakes and a damaged wing.
8. A group of instructors pays constant attention to the collective farm herd, after the meetings, the cows began to give more milk.
8. A group of instructors closely monitors the organization of work on the farm, as a result, the milk yield of cows has increased.

1.1.2. Lexical compatibility

Exercise 9. Indicate the words, the use of which leads to a violation of lexical compatibility, correct speech errors.
1. The author of the reader has not compiled an annotation yet. 2. Crowded evenings are held in the factory club. 3. We wished the organizers to gather such evenings more often. 4. Harvesting is in full swing in the village. 5. Shevchenko opened the beginning of the harvest last year, working on the harvest; the same honor is entrusted to him today. 6. Increasing the protein content of grain poses great difficulties for researchers. 7. Two birds do not live in the same lair. 8. The Book Fair hospitably invites publishers and authors to visit the pavilions. 9. Athletes "Kolos" established 32 new achievements of the region. 10. In a magazine I read a big discussion about the role of a father in raising his children. 11. This policy is already bearing fruit. 12. Much attention will be paid to the improvement of the city. 13. We attach high priority to this issue. 14. Our farmers have won the world record for shearing wool from fine wool sheep. 15 The vast majority of those present understood this topic.
Exercise 10. Compare sentences; indicate cases of violation of lexical compatibility, contamination of phrases that are close in meaning, use of a word without taking into account its semantics, evaluate the editorial correction of sentences, in case of disagreement with the editor, give your options for stylistic correction.
1. The association "Dawn" gave five girls' dresses to the exhibition.
1. The association "Dawn" presented five women's dresses of youth cuts to the exhibition.
2. Dressed in fur coats, felt boots, warm mittens, our viewers did not perceive the frost.
2. In fur coats, felt boots, warm mittens, our viewers did not notice the frost.
3. Under the shady trees, tourists comfortably nestled.
3. Tourists are comfortably seated under shady trees.
4. Now our children are beginning to comprehend the first school difficulties.
4. Now our children are beginning to overcome the first difficulties of school life.
5. I remembered the war: burning villages, the heartbreaking whistle of bombs.
5. I remembered the war: burning villages, the chilling whistle of bombs.
6. In this battle, shrapnel shot him in both legs.
6. In this battle, he was wounded by shrapnel in both legs.
7. Having won, the university team took a step up one step of the podium.
7. Having won, the university team went up one step on the podium.
8. Where in the recent past there were wastelands, landfills, whole blocks of new residential buildings have risen.

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