The governor of frosts, what is his nationality. Sergei Morozov, biography, news, photos

To Ulyan ovskaya oblast is brewing a tax conflict. One of the most important agricultural enterprises in the region, OAO Teplichnoye, is suing the tax authorities. The company, which in the recent past was managed by the governor's wife Elena Morozova, does not want to pay a 1 million ruble personal income tax fine.

Do not pay taxes

Teplichnoye OJSC had problems with the tax system back in 2014. The Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Zasviyazhsky District imposed a rather large fine on the agricultural enterprise - almost 1.078 million rubles. The reason for the recovery is the penalties for personal income tax.

The fact is that the IFTS conducted an inspection of Teplichny for the period from January 1, 2011 to January 1, 2013. “Based on the results of the audit, decisions were made to bring to tax liability for committing a tax offense,” this is how the situation was commented to a Rupor73 correspondent in the regional IFTS. In addition, the tax authorities report that Teplichnoye applied to the Regional Arbitration Court with a request for an additional reduction in sanctions (under Article 123 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Although earlier the tax inspectorate already reduced the fine by 2 times.

At the same time, one of the largest agricultural enterprises in the region is also trying to get the decision of the Federal Tax Service to be suspended. In April, Teplichnoye applied to the court for provisional interim measures before filing an application to challenge the fine. The court went to meet the company and suspended the decision of the tax authorities to recover more than 1 million rubles. The suspension will be in effect until the entry into force of a judicial act on the merits of the case initiated on the basis of Teplichny's application to challenge the penalties.

The leadership of Teplichny failed to clarify the situation - acting. Director General Lyudmila Dolganova declined to comment on this topic.

It is curious that this is not the first trial between Teplichny and the tax authorities. Last year, Teplichnoye was sued because of a fine of 30 thousand rubles, which was imposed by the IFTS employees for selling products "by the cash register." The agricultural enterprise won the first instance, but the tax authority successfully appealed this decision in the court of appeal.

Morozov's wife left Teplichnoye

This story attracts attention not only because a large agricultural enterprise of the region is suing the tax authorities because of a large fine. For several years, Teplichny was managed by the wife of the governor Sergei Morozov, Elena. She became the general director of the Teplichnoye OGUE in 2010, and one can only guess how and why this happened. Indeed, until that moment, Morozov's wife had nothing to do with agriculture - she worked at the Povolzhsky bank.

However, about a year ago, the wife of the head of the region mysteriously left Teplichnoy - since April 2014, she has not even been included in the list of affiliated persons of the company. But this list still includes the director of the department of state property and land relations of the Government of the region Sergey Mishin.

Correspondent Rupor73 contacted Sergei Mishin, but he could not say why Elena Morozova left Teplichnoye. “I was relieved of my post, I don’t know why,” Mishin said sparingly.

Elena Dolganova is the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors as of March 31, 2015. At the same time, a 100% share of Teplichny on paper belongs to the Mishin department - that is, the enterprise is owned by the region.

It should be noted that the financial performance of "Teplichny" cannot but please the owners. Net profit company for 2014, according to the accounting report, amounted to 111.7 million rubles. It turns out that this figure has increased dramatically compared to 2013 - then Teplichnoye earned a little more than 40 million rubles.

It is curious that in 2013 they wanted to sell Teplichnoye, the enterprise was put up for auction. However, the auction was quiet and imperceptible - without a single application.


In 1975, the construction of a greenhouse complex began near the village of Barataevka. 2 years after the start of construction from 2 hectares winter greenhouses finished vegetable products began to arrive in the shops of the city of Ulyanovsk. In March 1977, the greenhouse plant became an independent organization - the Teplichny state farm. In 1985, new construction began and in 1995 another 12 hectares of winter greenhouses were put into operation. In 2011, OGUSP Teplichnoye was transformed into OJSC.

Alexey Lasnov

Photo from

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© Novaya Gazeta, 01/18/2016, Photo:

Domostroy in Ulyanovsk

Boris Pavlenko

Recently, officials at various levels are increasingly coming up with populist initiatives. So, Ulyanovsk Governor Sergey Morozov proposed to create new system management of the regions, the purpose of which is to reduce the bureaucratic apparatus and reduce budget expenditures on it. Formally, the Ulyanovsk region is positioned by the local authorities as a leader in the fight against corruption. Last year, they even introduced a new post of commissioner to combat it.

However, in reality, in the Morozov region, the picture is reversed. Even in those cases when an associate of the head of the region left his post after a scandal, he soon found himself attached to a good government job. Recently, for example, Mikhail Sychev returned to power in the rank of adviser to Morozov, who resigned from the post of deputy governor after last year's searches in his office and apartment in connection with the investigation of a criminal case of an attack on a deputy of the Ulyanovsk City Duma.

An even louder story happened to the son of the former deputy governor Vildan Zinnurov, Eduard, who, together with friends arranged a disassembly with the company of comrades of the son of the former head of the city police department Vitaly Arapov. At the moment, Zinnurov Jr. and accomplices are accused of intentionally causing grievous bodily harm (part 3 of article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), beatings (part 1 of article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), of threatening to kill (part 1 of article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ) and extortion (clause “a”, part 2, article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The trial started after new year holidays. Meanwhile, Zinnurov Sr. is not at all in disgrace, but in a senior position at UAC-Transport Aircraft (a division of the United Aircraft Corporation). By the way, Zinnurov's successor in the bad post of vice-governor was ... Mikhail Sychev.

The business activity of his wife Elena Morozova, which, as can be judged, is connected with the administrative capabilities of her husband, does not fit in with the innovative ideas of Sergei Morozov. For example, Elena Morozova is the founder.

Exclusive priorities

"PRAN" provides intermediary services on a contractual basis in obtaining a permit for construction, commissioning and reconstruction of facilities. The company also represents the interests of clients in government bodies, for example, in the Committee for City Property and Land Resources Management, Architecture and Urban Planning of Ulyanovsk. The cost of these works of the agency is also negotiable and, as can be assumed, high - the service is on the list of "exclusive".

The VIP list also includes "writing and defending investment projects for priority status." By law, this legal status entitles you to tax benefits for five years. The decision on its assignment in the region is made by OJSC Development Corporation Ulyanovsk region", which is again headed by a friend and former deputy governor Morozov Dmitry Ryabov. That is, as one can assume, the priorities of the regional policy for good money are placed in the circle of relatives, friends and colleagues.

One of the most high-profile regional scandals that have received federal resonance is connected with the leadership of the Ulyanovsk Region Development Corporation (a partner in the structure of the governor's wife). In 2013, in order to build a Marriott hotel right in the center of Ulyanovsk, part of the forested area had to be cut down, which caused protests from local residents. It is characteristic that the governor personally stood up for the investor, who for some reason saw a "swamp" trace in the actions of the park's defenders. Morozov then threatened his subordinates that if the project fails, “one of you will answer not only with your position, but also with a ruble,” since the investor spent “a decent amount of money” on its preparation.

Local deputies, in turn, appealed to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, pointing out that New City LLC, which acted as an investor in the project, was created just a month before the approval of the building permit. According to the deputies, the founders of the company were persons who previously had nothing to do with either the construction or the hotel business. The deputy manager of the LLC was a certain Blokhin S.V., who combined this position with the leadership of the organization that officially completed the development project, and was also the son of the former deputy general director of the Ulyanovsk Region Development Corporation (at that time, Blokhin Sr. was the deputy mayor of Ulyanovsk, in charge of land and construction issues).

The construction, however, was stopped, but not by the efforts of deputies or prosecutors, but by the Orthodox community, which was outraged by the possible proximity of the Church of All Saints and the ancient cemetery of Simbirsk with a global chain hotel owned by the Mormon family.

However, this case is unique. It is important that LLC PRAN could be not just one of the elements of the chain, but the central mechanism that allows you to connect the governor's wife to the implementation of development projects in the region.

Business on maternity leave

An important element of Elena Morozova's business can be called rivalry with competitors, which is also developing in the political plane. For example, at the end of last year, the ex-mayor of Ulyanovsk was expelled from United Russia with a scandal Marina Bespalova. According to media reports, Bespalova tried to prevent the privatization of the Teplichnoye OGUSP, headed by Sergei Morozov in 2010 with his wife. This is one of the most profitable in the region and in the Volga region. federal district state agricultural enterprises, all year round providing the population with fresh vegetables. In addition, "Teplichnoye" has a valuable asset: 25 hectares of land included in the territory of Ulyanovsk. If the agricultural enterprise could be privatized, then in the future urban lands could well be built up with housing. Considering the now obvious administrative ties between PRAN and the Ulyanovsk Region Development Corporation, it is easy to imagine whose interests the implementation of such a scenario would meet.

The same can be said about the situation around OAO Srednyaya Volga, which owns areas in the center of Ulyanovsk that are attractive to developers. The company's deputy general director is the youngest son of the governor Morozov from his first marriage, Evgeny. The eldest son is an adviser to the head of the administration of the regional capital.

Elena Morozova herself has repeatedly been in the top 10 richest wives of governors according to A circle her business interests is constantly expanding: agricultural production, real estate, tourism and even aircraft manufacturing. In particular, the assets of the governor's wife include the Itarus Service company, which is engaged in the repair and maintenance aircraft engines and aircraft. It is significant that at the same time the governor's project "Ulyanovsk - the aviation capital of Russia" was launched in the region.

Is it easy to argue with the fact that a successful marriage affected the growth of Elena's well-being, nee Gildina. If in 2009, being an employee of PV-Bank, she earned a little more than 102 thousand rubles, then in 2010, when Morozova was already the owner of a number of business structures, her income increased to 4.8 million rubles.

It is curious that the governor's wife earned a multi-million dollar capital during the period when she was on maternity leave for more than five years. She even managed to acquire luxury real estate abroad. In 2013, an apartment in Switzerland with an area of ​​104 square meters, owned by Morozova, was officially reflected in the governor's declaration. Then it was allegedly sold, but we did not find any profit from the transaction in the governor's declaration.

It is possible that the European apartment, like another business, for example, the Oblomov restaurant, was re-registered to Morozova's mother, Valentina Gildina, a simple pensioner.

The head of the Ulyanovsk region more than once had to disown both foreign real estate and participation in the business of his closest relatives. Therefore, experts are sure that the story of Elena Morozova's company, which makes money on mediation between investors and government agencies, will not add positive points to her husband's image. As well as the new initiative of the governor himself on the reform of public administration. Moreover, his statements differ from deeds: on the one hand, he advocates the modernization of the administrative apparatus, on the other, he comes up with new positions of advisers for members of the old team.

"You pay in PRAN ... a percentage of future unpaid taxes and wow - the status of" priority "is in your pocket"

The original of this material
©, 29.12.2015, Illustrations:

Exclusive business of Governor Morozov's wife

Alexey Shuvalov

The wife of the governor of the Ulyanovsk region, Elena Morozova, is the founder of PRAN LLC, which provides its clients with very exclusive services that may have a corruption component and be directly tied to the administrative resource of the head of the region.

First Regional Real Estate Agency LLC, on contractual terms and for a certain bribe, can solve any of your issues with any real estate: recognize your project as investment-attractive, obtain a building permit or, for example, represent your interests in proceedings with state bodies controlled by government and city administration, such as KUGIK. Who dares to refuse a firm owned by the governor's wife Elena Morozova? Frankly, no one, so success is always guaranteed and no doubts arise. The only disadvantage of contractual services may be only their cost, but that's why it is exclusive, in order to be expensive.

The question is, how legal are such services and on what terms does PRAN LLC have contractual obligations with the state company Ulyanovsk Region Development Corporation? What great specialists work at PRAN LLC who can prepare a business project for priority status? We admit that all this looks like the situation with the ex-minister of construction of the region, Mr. Shkanov, who promoted business projects for a certain amount in order to receive grants.

It is known that legally the status of a priority investment project, which provides tax benefits for 5 years, is assigned to OJSC "Corporation for the Development of the Ulyanovsk Region". De facto, after lobbying for such a status, certain investors in the real estate agency of Elena Morozova may end up with hundreds of millions of rubles of unpaid taxes. The scheme may look quite simple: you pay a certain percentage of future unpaid taxes to PRAN and voila - the status of "priority" is in your pocket.

It is possible that this is how the mythical investor New City LLC appeared, who planned to build the Marriot Hotel on the site of the green zone. As well as a number of other projects. It is in the "Pran" of Elena Morozova that the "roots" of those numerous infill developments that Ulyanovsk residents observe today in the city can also be traced. Who in KUGIZ will refuse to issue documents to a company owned by the governor's wife?

In addition, according to real estate market participants, it is not clear today for what money PRAN LLC, Ms. Morozova, allegedly massively buys the first floors in all high-rise buildings under construction, in order to subsequently rent them out. Take at least an office on the street. Krasnoarmeiskaya, which is leased to Platon LLC. It is possible that in this way the wife of the governor Morozov can simply “cash out” money.

A resident of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Elena Gildina, before meeting the future governor Sergei Morozov, could hardly have imagined that in a few years such power would be concentrated in her hands that would allow a fragile woman to solve the most serious issues in the region. Thanks to a successful marriage, Elena Gildina, having changed her surname to Morozova, did not miss her chance and, using her special status, made herself multimillion-dollar capital.

If we trace the dynamics of the income of the wife of the governor of the Ulyanovsk region, we will see the following: in 2009, Elena Morozova, working at PV-Bank (CJSC), earned only 102,454.55 rubles; in 2010, annual income rose sharply to 4,799,625.70 rubles; in 2011 it amounted to 2,413,001.74 rubles; in 2012 - 8,92,621.34 rubles. According to the tax return of 2012, the property in Switzerland was declared as the property of the wife of Governor Morozov. The wife of Sergei Ivanovich, who has officially been on maternity leave for almost five years now, has an apartment there with an area of ​​104 square meters. True, realizing his mistake in time, Sergei Ivanovich tried to disown his annual income, which had grown to almost 5 million rubles, and at the same time apartments. Allegedly, his income in 2012 increased due to the sale of a four-room apartment in Dimitrovgrad. And the Swiss apartment, acquired by his wife in 2012, was already sold in 2013. Nevertheless, Governor Morozov did not indicate his income from the apartment sold in Switzerland.

The "pocket" media took the governor's word for money. The people doubted. Even the cheapest studio apartments of approximately the same area, far from the elite places in Switzerland, cost at least 600 thousand euros, that is, from 27 million rubles. Like it or not, the governor's wife, who is constantly on maternity leave, would never have been given a mortgage for such an amount even in a Swiss bank: the official income of the governor Morozov's family does not "fight" with his expenses. And why sell an apartment in Switzerland if the eldest daughter of the Ulyanovsk governor Daria Morozov is still studying there? And the presence of real estate allows his wife Elena and her family members to stay on a tourist visa in Switzerland for up to 180 days a year. It should be assumed that the apartment of Elena Morozova could “leave” in the same way as the Oblomov restaurant in the ownership of the mother-in-law of the governor, Valentina Alekseevna Gildina. Fortunately, the law does not require the publication of a declaration of income of a simple Dimitrovgrad pensioner.

As you can see, since 2010, Elena Morozova, having become the general director of Teplichnoye JSC, grew rich even being in two maternity leave. In 2014, the wife of the head of the region left the board of directors of OAO Teplichnoye. Apparently, to focus on the real estate market in the Ulyanovsk region and, oddly enough, on the promotion of investors.

The editors of ask you to pay attention to the activities of the First Regional Real Estate Agency LLC, owned by the wife of the governor. How legitimate are the services it provides for obtaining building permits, assistance in writing and defending a project for assigning priority investment status, as well as representing interests in government bodies. And whether there is a corruption component in her business.

Sergey Morozov was born on September 6, 1959 in the city of Ulyanovsk. Upon graduation from high school the young man got a job as a worker in a furniture factory. In 1977 he joined the army and served in the Pacific Fleet. Demobilized in 1980, for some time Sergey worked as a mechanic, later as a driver at a motor transport enterprise in Ulyanovsk.

In 1981, Morozov got a job as a patrol driver in the police department, while studying at the correspondence department of the All-Union Law Institute with a degree in law. Education provided a good start to his career in law enforcement: Sergey Morozov was appointed to the criminal investigation department as an inspector, and then head of a special unit of the Ulyanovsk Region Internal Affairs Directorate fighting drug trafficking. In 1995, Sergei Morozov was approved for the post of head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Dimitrovgrad.

In October 1999, Sergei Morozov, the head of the Dimitrovgrad Department of Internal Affairs, was removed from his post for the illegal actions of police officers, whose excess of authority led to the death of an innocent suspect. Retirement in 2000 with the rank of lieutenant colonel of militia was associated with the beginning of advocacy work in the regional bar association of Ulyanovsk.

In the December 24, 2000, elections of the mayor of Dimitrovgrad, Morozov won the majority of votes, the second place was taken by the incumbent mayor Vladimir Parshin, thus, Morozov was elected mayor for a term of office of four years. Under the leadership of the new head in 2003, Dimitrovgrad won the state competition for the title of the Cultural Capital of the Volga Region-2004, and was also awarded twice at the federal level for successful improvement.

In 2004, on December 26, he won the regional gubernatorial elections, gaining a majority of votes - 52.81%. Two years later, the candidacy of Sergei Morozov, proposed for consideration by President Vladimir Putin, was approved by the deputies of the parliament of the Ulyanovsk region. As a result, on April 8, 2006, Sergei Morozov's gubernatorial powers were extended for another 5 years.

On March 6, 2011, the Regional Parliament again approved the candidacy of Sergey Morozov nominated by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. On April 8 of this year, the third term of Sergei Moroz as governor began. Since May 2011, he has been the chairman of the branch of the Russian Bar Association in Ulyanovsk.

The main strategy of the governor's team of Morozov was the effective attraction of investments. According to media reports, the Ulyanovsk region entered the top three in terms of investment growth, ahead of strong regions - Tatarstan, Samara and Nizhny Novgorod regions. Particular attention was paid to supplying the townspeople with high quality products through the development of garden associations. In general, as mayor and governor, Sergei Morozov often distinguished himself by non-standard solutions. So, on his orders, the “Oblomov Sofa” and the monument to the letter “Yo” were installed in Ulyanovsk, and the “Russian ruble” in Dimitrovgrad.

In 2013, Sergey Morozov personally launched the regional donor marathon, having donated blood first. Being an active user of the World Wide Web, Sergey Morozov ordered the highest bureaucracy to create personal pages in LiveJournal, a blogging service.

According to the Kremlin website, on April 7, 2016, according to the decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Sergey Morozov was authorized to temporarily act as governor of the Ulyanovsk region.

Sergey Morozov awards

Order of Honor (2009);
medal "For Impeccable Service" III degree (1989);
medal "For Distinction in Service" (Ministry of Internal Affairs), I and II degrees (1999), (1994);
anniversary medal "60 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945" (2005);
medal "For contribution to the development of the penitentiary system of Russia" II degree (2009);
medal "For merits in conducting the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 2006" (2006);
medal "For contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex" (2009);
Medal of Merit (FMS) (2008);
Medal of the Order of Merit for the Chuvash Republic (2011);
badge "Excellent worker of militia" (1986);
badge "For excellent service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs" (1993);
badge "Honorary worker in the field of youth policy of the Russian Federation" (2006);
badge "Honorary Worker of General Education Russian Federation"(2007);
memorial sign "85 years of civil aviation" (2007);
Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (2007);
medal "For merits in protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens" I degree (2006);
medal "Governor of the Ulyanovsk region S. Morozov" (2008);
medal "50th Anniversary of the Ulyanovsk Society of Philatelists" (2008).

Family of Sergei Morozov

Married with a second marriage, two sons and two daughters. He divorced his first wife Lyudmila in 2001.

The second wife is Elena Anatolyevna Morozova (born 1975). For Elena, this is also the second marriage (the first husband, Vladimir Tikhonov, died in 1998). She married Sergei Morozov in 2006. Since 2008 - President of the Association of Foundations to Support Children, President of the Board of Trustees of the Ulyanovsk Regional Puppet Theater. In 2010, by decree, the spouse was appointed general director of one of the largest enterprises in the region, State Unitary Enterprise Teplichnoye, she also owns a number of other companies in the Ulyanovsk region. Elena Morozova, with an income of 4.8 million rubles received in 2010, is among the ten richest wives of governors. Owns shares in Ulyanovsk Mandarin LLC (travel agency) and Dimitrovgrad Itarus Service (services for installation, maintenance, repair and restoration of aircraft and engines).

Two sons from his first marriage: Mikhail (born 1982) and Evgeny (born 1984), both students of the Dimitrovgrad Institute of Technology, Management and Design.

Adopted daughter Daria (born 1997, from the first marriage of Elena Morozova). Common daughter - Anfisa (born 2007).

Morozov Regions

During the election campaign, the long-divorced Morozovs told voters about their family happiness

The wedding of the governor was a big surprise for the people of Ulyanovsk. He ran for elections in 2004, representing the father of a happy family. Even last year, on March 8, he publicly confessed his love to his wife Lyudmila and with the words "oh, what a woman" handed her a bouquet of flowers. He said that he loves the way she bakes pies. Lyudmila said what a wonderful husband she had.

To good families was more, the region developed a program of demographic development right up to 2010, having allocated 8 billion rubles for it. And now - against the backdrop of a constant struggle for an ideal family - it suddenly turns out that the governor himself has been divorced since 2001. His two sons do not live in a complete family, and all the words about love? - Profanation.

Morozov's wedding has already turned into a real scandal for him. "It turns out that, being a candidate for governor, he deceived the people by hiding his divorce," local journalists say.

I did not deceive people, - said Morozov. - All this time I tried to save my family. And we tried to improve relations with Lyudmila. They tried to unite the family, living in a civil marriage. Did not work out. The reason for the discord with Lyudmila, according to the governor, was his work - he spent too little time with his family. His colleagues in an informal conversation admit that Lyudmila was unhappy with her husband's frequent absences. This often led to quarrels.

The topic of this book is closely connected with the question of the role of women in the formation and development of Russian statehood and culture. It attracted the attention of researchers relatively recently, although as early as the beginning of the 19th century. the famous historian N. M. Karamzin noted its importance and relevance. Creating a fundamental work on the history of the Russian state, he found in chronicles, chronographs, legends and stories a whole range of information about women who left a noticeable mark on their era. The scientist himself was interested in the bright personality of the Novgorod noblewoman Marfa Boretskaya, so he dedicated to her literary work"Marfa Posadnitsa", based on historical sources. The historian left the following order to his followers: “To write a gallery of portraits of Russian women famous in history or worthy of this fate.”

Old Russian state of the X century. Scheme

Another well-known historian of the XIX century. S. M. Solovyov concluded that “in the Middle Ages, women of the upper strata of society took an active part in political life principalities and lands. They had their own property, including entire cities, a squad subordinate to them, they themselves chose suitors, participated in public feasts, and even surpassed their husbands in literacy and education.

This opinion was fully shared by another pre-revolutionary historian, N. M. Kostomarov. He even believed that in the X-XV centuries. Novgorod and Pskov women had equal property and political rights with men. Therefore, they were just as active members of ancient Russian society as their husbands. He proved this conclusion in a two-volume study.

Inspired by famous historians, the writer D. L. Mordovtsev wrote several books dedicated to famous Russian women. True, in them fiction prevails over historical truth.

If in pre-revolutionary historiography occasionally appeared books dedicated to ancient Russian women (Princess Olga, the wives of Ivan the Terrible), then in Soviet time This topic has not been developed for a long time. After all, it was then necessary to write only about ordinary women, but there was practically no information about them in historical sources. Only since the 80s. 20th century work began to appear legal status women Ancient Russia, their role in the family, in the upbringing of children, their level of literacy. Recently, several popular science books have been published in which an attempt was made to recreate real images of the most famous women distant past.

Relatively recently, the historian N. L. Pushkareva published a bibliographic review of works written over 200 years about Russian women. The list includes more than 1000 books and articles, but most of them belong to modern and contemporary times.

The main reason for the small amount scientific research devoted to ancient Russian women lies in the extreme insignificance of the sources. Thus, a great connoisseur of the literature of Ancient Russia D.S. Likhachev repeatedly noted that very few features of women of that era were reflected in early works: “Old Russian writers rarely turned their attention to the daughters, wives and mothers of their heroes. However, in all the few mentions, a woman invariably appears in the charm of tender care, a penetrating understanding of state concerns and concerns of her husbands and brothers. Daughter, mother or wife - she always helps her father, son or husband, mourns for him, mourns him after death and never inclines him to cowardice and self-preservation at the cost of shame ... Love for a husband, father or son does not dull their love for homeland, hatred of enemies, confidence in the rightness of the cause of a loved one.

A small number of sources on early “women’s history” led to the fact that, in contrast to domestic research, foreign historiography established the opinion that women of the privileged strata of ancient Russian society were hermits and did not participate in the social and cultural life of the country. This point of view is most detailed in the works of women historians K. Klaus, M. Helman, E. Donnert, D. Atkinson, N. Kolman and others.

The reason for seclusion, according to foreign scientists, was the desire of men to protect their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters from all sorts of threats, primarily from the raids of the steppes and the Horde. However, the danger of capture or murder lay in wait for noble women only during the invasion of Batu in the second third of the 13th century. Later, when the collection of tribute was in the hands of the Russian princes, raids on the central and northwestern regions became quite rare, and they posed a threat mainly to ordinary women. Therefore, the princes and boyars had no particular reason to lock their women in the towers either in the 14th, or in the 15th, or in the 16th centuries.

The second reason for the seclusion of Russian women, according to the same foreign researchers, was the spread among the Russian nobility of the ideas of Byzantine asceticism. However, the question arises: were these ideas generally inherent in the upper strata of Byzantine society? Sources testify that the Byzantine nobility, on the contrary, was prone to luxury, pomp, all kinds of excesses. All this was adopted by the tops of Russian society in the Kievan period. Later, after the capture of Constantinople, first by the crusaders, and then by the Turks, the authority of Byzantium in the eyes of Russian society fell significantly.

If we assume that the Russian nobility borrowed the ideas of asceticism from the teachings of the Byzantine Church, then in this case there are perplexed questions. After all, S. M. Solovyov wrote that the church organization, borrowed by Russia from Byzantium, took women under its protection. According to Orthodox teaching, the authority of the mother is equal to the authority of the father, moreover, crimes against women were considered as blasphemy and were judged according to church law. This means that the official church by no means recommended locking women in a tower and completely depriving them of their independence.

Another argument of foreign researchers in favor of the theory of "terem seclusion" is that during the period of strengthening the grand ducal, and then the royal power and the increase in the power of the boyar-princely aristocracy, women remained aloof from these processes and did not receive the right to independently rule, self-realize and even move around without a male escort.

This conclusion was made on the basis of a number of works of the sixteenth century. - "Domostroy" of the Annunciation archpriest Sylvester and notes of foreigners about Russia. But can these monuments be considered reliable? historical sources? Sylvester expressed his idea of ​​the place of women in society and the family; foreigners, who hardly communicated with Russian people, could only have the most superficial idea of ​​​​the position of local women. For example, when they saw that a noble person was traveling on business surrounded by an honorary retinue, they could conclude that she did not have the right to travel alone. Foreigners could also biasedly assess the presence of female and male halves in Russian houses. This was not due to the isolation of women, but to the division of responsibilities in the family. The woman was engaged in the upbringing of small children, provided all household members, including servants, with clothes, bed linen and took care of their cleanliness. All women had these duties, regardless of their social status. But the noble and rich hired servants, needlewomen, porters, nurses, mothers and nannies for children, while poor commoners did everything themselves. But the husbands never interfered in these women's affairs, giving the spouses freedom of action.