The Minister of Education of the Ulyanovsk region shocked the Internet with an illiterate message. The head of the Ministry of Education of the Ulyanovsk region was summed up by his native speech

An unpleasant incident with the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region Ekaterina Uboy, a teacher of Russian language and literature in the recent past, happened right on the eve of the Day Russian science. In the minister's appeal, posted in a booklet released for the holiday, Ulyanovsk residents found about a dozen errors. One can only guess what language norms the person who wrote this text was guided by: “However, the main thing in our festival is that it is interesting for young people…”, “The chosen format of the festival is a good find, and contributes both to establishing partnerships and agreements on the high level so demonstrating to children and youth the potential of our scientists” (the spelling and punctuation of the author is preserved. - “Gazeta.Ru”).

Separate phrases completely drive one into a stupor: "The Ulyanovsk festival steadily takes its place among similar events that brings together representatives of science, business and government to exchange experiences and analyze the main trends in the development of a smart economy that reaches society."

“There are really a huge number of different errors in the posted text. Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Uba. - Gazeta.Ru) has already been informed about this. But the word is not a sparrow, it has already flown out, ”Maria Igoshina, press secretary of the Minister of Education, explained to Gazeta.Ru. She also said that Ekaterina Vladimirovna does not have enough time to "carefully read all the texts." “Apparently, she glanced through this appeal,” the spokeswoman admitted.

Ekaterina Uba herself told Gazeta.Ru that "there was negligence."

“Proofreading overlooked, there are people everywhere, you know. It’s very unpleasant,” the minister said, explaining that she “did not write this text, but dictated it.”

Uba's bright appeal could not leave members of the public indifferent.

“Ten mistakes in eight sentences is a worthy result for the Minister of Education and the teacher of the Russian language. In general, this is a deuce, ”Associate Professor of Ulyanovsk State University Sergey stated in an interview with Gazeta.Ru.

According to him, the minister should pay more attention to self-education. “They sit for hours at meetings, then have lunch, and only then receive a salary. It would be better if they learned the Russian language, ”the scientist complains. He is sure that the minister should "at least apologize" for such a thing. “It’s just awful, what an example she sets,” Petrov is indignant. “The trouble is that today people often become high-ranking officials through connections, and not because of the required level of competence.”

“Alas, today very often our officials cannot serve as a standard of literacy,” Vladimir Pykhov, scientific secretary of the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language, told Gazeta.Ru. - The literacy rate of the population is rapidly falling, and the neglect of mother tongue We, unfortunately, see more and more often. In his opinion, all this suggests that it is necessary to increase the number of lessons of the Russian language and literature in schools.

Whether Ekaterina Uba expects any sanctions from the higher leadership is not yet known. We only note that the governor of the Ulyanovsk region is kind to his native language. It was he who last spring replaced the text of the "Total Dictation", which was held throughout the country. The reason was that the writer Dina Rubina, according to whose work the dictation was conducted, according to Morozov, actively uses profanity in her work. “Language is the soul of a people. In each of his words and expressions, the unique power, deepest feelings and age-old wisdom of our ancestors are stored. And not to protect this property is a real crime,” the Ulyanovsk governor explained.

At the center of the "grammar scandal" was the Minister of Education of the Ulyanovsk region Ekaterina Uba. In a short appeal of the official to the participants of the regional science festival, a huge number of errors were discovered. Uba herself attributed the incident to the "human factor", and local social activists advised her to "learn her native language better."

An unpleasant incident with the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region Ekaterina Uba, a teacher of Russian language and literature in the recent past, happened right on the eve of the Day of Russian Science. In the Minister's appeal, posted in, released for the holiday, the Ulyanovsk people found about a dozen errors. One can only guess what language norms the person who wrote this text was guided by: “However, the main thing in our festival is that it is interesting for young people…”, “The chosen format of the festival is a good find, and contributes both to establishing partnerships and agreements on the a high level of demonstrating the potential of our scientists to children and youth” (the spelling and punctuation of the author is preserved. - “Gazeta.Ru”).

Separate phrases completely drive one into a stupor: "The Ulyanovsk festival steadily takes its place among similar events that brings together representatives of science, business and government to exchange experiences and analyze the main trends in the development of a smart economy that reaches society."

“There are really a huge number of different errors in the posted text. Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Uba. - Gazeta.Ru) has already been informed about this. But the word is not a sparrow, it has already flown out, ”Maria Igoshina, press secretary of the Minister of Education, explained to Gazeta.Ru. She also said that Ekaterina Vladimirovna does not have enough time to "carefully read all the texts." “Apparently, she glanced through this appeal,” the spokeswoman admitted.

Ekaterina Uba herself told Gazeta.Ru that "there was negligence."

“Proofreading overlooked, there are people everywhere, you know. It is very unpleasant,” the minister said, explaining that she “did not write this text, but dictated it.”

Uba's bright appeal could not leave members of the public indifferent.

“Ten mistakes in eight sentences is a worthy result for the Minister of Education and the teacher of the Russian language. In general, this is a deuce, ”Associate Professor of Ulyanovsk State University Sergey Petrov stated in an interview with Gazeta.Ru.

According to him, the minister should pay more attention to self-education. “They sit for hours at meetings, then have lunch, and only then receive a salary. It would be better if they learned the Russian language, ”the scientist complains. He is sure that the minister should "at least apologize" for such a thing. “It's just terrible, what an example she sets,” Petrov is indignant. “The trouble is that today people often become high-ranking officials through connections, and not due to the necessary level of competence.”

[, 11/18/2013, "Ekaterina Uba Appointed Deputy Prime Minister" : Minister of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region Ekaterina Uba will take up her new position from tomorrow. Now, in addition to education, she will also oversee issues of culture and art. [...]
Curriculum vitae:
Uba Ekaterina Vladimirovna, was born on September 11, 1969 in Ulyanovsk.
In 1990 she graduated from the Ulyanovsk State pedagogical institute, qualified as a teacher of Russian language and literature. According to the distribution, she returned to the school where she studied herself - the MOU gymnasium No. 33 in Ulyanovsk. In 2003-2008 she was the deputy director of the gymnasium for scientific and methodological work.
In 2005 she defended her dissertation and received the degree of candidate of philological sciences.
In 2006, she represented the Ulyanovsk region at the competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia", and became one of the winners of the competition. – Inset]

“Alas, today very often our officials cannot serve as a standard of literacy,” Vladimir Pykhov, scientific secretary of the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language, told Gazeta.Ru. “The literacy rate of the population is rapidly falling, and, unfortunately, we see neglect of the native language more and more often.” In his opinion, all this suggests that it is necessary to increase the number of lessons of the Russian language and literature in schools.

Whether Ekaterina Uba expects any sanctions from the higher leadership is not yet known. We only note that the governor of the Ulyanovsk region, Sergei Morozov, is kind to his native language. It was he who last spring replaced the text of the "Total Dictation", which was held throughout the country. The reason was that the writer Dina Rubina, according to whose work the dictation was conducted, according to Morozov, actively uses profanity in her work. [...]

[Kommersant.Ru, 04/07/2013, "The text of the total dictation was replaced in the Ulyanovsk region": As it turned out, officials first learned about the governor's decision on Saturday, during the morning meeting of the regional government. According to one of the participants in the meeting, the governor expressed his attitude to the dictation, noting that “it was necessary to at least explain and explain to the Russians on what basis the author was selected”, “and when a person has not lived in Russia for 20 years and has Israeli citizenship, it causes mixed reactions." “This is not a speech by the governor against the total dictation, but disagreement with the works, where there is one obscene language. The governor said that he made such a decision after an appeal to him appeared in the comments on his blog and he thought that everything was going to decompose our youth, ”explained Svetlana Openysheva, head of the regional government apparatus.

At the center of the "grammar scandal" was the Minister of Education Ulyanovsk region Ekaterina Uba. In a short appeal of the official to the participants of the regional science festival, a huge number of errors were discovered. Uba herself attributed the incident to the "human factor", and local social activists advised her to "learn her native language better."

An unpleasant incident with the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Education Ulyanovsk region Ekaterina Uboy, a teacher of Russian language and literature in the recent past, happened right on the eve of the Day of Russian Science. In the minister's appeal, posted in a booklet released for the holiday, Ulyanovsk residents found about a dozen errors. One can only guess what language norms the person who wrote this text was guided by: “However, the main thing in our festival, I think, is that it is interesting for young people ...”, “The chosen format of the festival is a good find, and contributes both to the establishment of partnerships and agreements at the highest level so demonstrations to children and youth potential of our scientists”(Spelling and punctuation of the author preserved).

Greetings from the Deputy Head of "Ulyanovsk Land" Ekaterina Uba with "cultural well-being"

Separate phrases completely drive one into a stupor: "The Ulyanovsk festival steadily takes its place among similar events that brings together representatives of science, business and government to exchange experiences and analyze the main trends in the development of a smart economy that reaches society."

“There are really a huge number of different errors in the posted text. Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Uba) has already been informed about this. But the word is not a sparrow, it has already flown out, ”explained the press secretary of the Minister of Education, Maria Igoshina. She also said that Ekaterina Vladimirovna does not have enough time to "carefully read all the texts." “Apparently, she glanced through this appeal,” the spokeswoman admitted.

Ekaterina Uba herself said that "there was negligence."

“Proofreading overlooked, there are people everywhere, you know. It is very unpleasant,” the minister said, explaining that she “did not write this text, but dictated it.”

Uba's bright appeal could not leave members of the public indifferent.

“Ten mistakes in eight sentences is a worthy result for the Minister of Education and the teacher of the Russian language. In general, this is a deuce, ”Associate Professor of Ulyanovsk State University Sergey Petrov stated in an interview with Gazeta.Ru.

According to him, the minister should pay more attention to self-education. “They sit for hours at meetings, then have lunch, and only then receive a salary. It would be better if they learned the Russian language, ”the scientist complains. He is sure that the minister should "at least apologize" for such a thing. “It's just terrible, what an example she sets,” Petrov is indignant. - The trouble is that today often big officials become by pull rather than due to the required level of competence”.

[, 11/18/2013, "Ekaterina Uba Appointed Deputy Prime Minister" : Minister of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region Ekaterina Uba will take up her new position from tomorrow. Now, in addition to education, she will also oversee issues of culture and art. [...]

Curriculum vitae:

In 1990 she graduated from the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical Institute, qualified as a teacher of the Russian language and literature. According to the distribution, she returned to the school where she studied herself - the MOU gymnasium No. 33 in Ulyanovsk. In 2003-2008 she was the deputy director of the gymnasium for scientific and methodological work.

In 2005 she defended her dissertation and received the degree of candidate of philological sciences.

In 2006 she represented the Ulyanovsk region at the competition " Teacher of the Year Russia”, became one of the winners of the competition. – Inset]

“Alas, today very often our officials cannot serve as a standard of literacy,” said Vladimir Pykhov, academic secretary of the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language. “The literacy rate of the population is rapidly falling, and, unfortunately, we see neglect of the native language more and more often.” In his opinion, all this suggests that it is necessary to increase the number of lessons of the Russian language and literature in schools.

Whether Ekaterina Uba expects any sanctions from the higher leadership is not yet known. We only note that Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region Sergey Morozov passionate about their native language. It was he who last spring replaced the text of the "Total Dictation", which was held throughout the country. The reason was that the writer Dina Rubina, according to whose work the dictation was held, according to Morozov, actively uses profanity in her work. [...]

["Kommersant", 04/07/2013, "The text of the total dictation was replaced in the Ulyanovsk region": As it turned out, for the first time officials learned about the governor's decision on Saturday, during the morning meeting of the regional government. According to one of the participants in the meeting, the governor expressed his attitude to the dictation, noting that “it was necessary to at least explain and explain to the Russians on what basis the author was selected”, “and when a person has not lived in Russia for 20 years and has Israeli citizenship, it causes mixed reactions." “This is not a speech by the governor against the total dictation, but disagreement with the works, where there is one obscene language. The governor said that he made such a decision after an appeal to him appeared in the comments on his blog and he thought that everything was going to decompose our youth, ”explained Svetlana Openysheva, head of the regional government apparatus.

In the comments on Sergey Morozov's blog, there is indeed an appeal to the governor of the Ulyanovsk poet and journalist, the author of the hymns of Ulyanovsk and the Ulyanovsk region Nikolai Maryanin, dated April 4th. Calling Dina Rubina an unknown writer whom "few people know and few people have read," Mr. Maryanin in his address calls "the promotion of the popularity of the Israeli swearword a national disgrace." “If I were you, I would cancel this dictation on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region and replace it with a dictation from one of the really well-known writers,” the local poet notes. He also emphasizes that “in recent years, the opposition has saddled the total dictation; in 2009-2012, Strugatsky, Prilepin, Bykov composed texts for it.” “It turns out that the leaders of United Russia don’t read books and they don’t care who they make the idol of the youth?” - sums up the author of the appeal. In the same place, he gives several examples from the books of Dina Rubina, where profanity is used. [...]

Minister of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region Ekaterina Uba refused to comment on the governor's decision, saying that she herself learned about the decision of Sergei Morozov "only on Saturday morning." “But we were ready for a possible change, and we already had the option to replace the text. We prepared in advance, because you never know what technical failure can happen. In addition, there is our big project"The Ballad of the Simbirsk Territory", and within the framework of this project, we could do what we did," the minister said. [...]

The organizers of the total dictation on Saturday have already announced that its results in the Ulyanovsk region will not be taken into account due to the replacement of the text. - Inset]

At the center of the "grammar scandal" was the Minister of Education of the Ulyanovsk region Ekaterina Uba. In a short appeal of the official to the participants of the regional science festival, a huge number of errors were discovered. Uba herself attributed the incident to the "human factor", and local social activists advised her to "learn her native language better."

An unpleasant incident with the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region Ekaterina Uba, a teacher of Russian language and literature in the recent past, happened right on the eve of the Day of Russian Science. In the Minister's appeal, posted in, released for the holiday, the Ulyanovsk people found about a dozen errors. One can only guess what language norms the person who wrote this text was guided by: “However, the main thing in our festival is that it is interesting for young people…”, “The chosen format of the festival is a good find, and contributes both to establishing partnerships and agreements on the a high level of demonstrating the potential of our scientists to children and youth” (the spelling and punctuation of the author is preserved. - “Gazeta.Ru”).

Separate phrases completely drive one into a stupor: "The Ulyanovsk festival steadily takes its place among similar events that brings together representatives of science, business and government to exchange experiences and analyze the main trends in the development of a smart economy that reaches society."

“There are really a huge number of different errors in the posted text. Ekaterina Vladimirovna (Uba. - Gazeta.Ru) has already been informed about this. But the word is not a sparrow, it has already flown out, ”Maria Igoshina, press secretary of the Minister of Education, explained to Gazeta.Ru. She also said that Ekaterina Vladimirovna does not have enough time to "carefully read all the texts." “Apparently, she glanced through this appeal,” the spokeswoman admitted.

Ekaterina Uba herself told Gazeta.Ru that "there was negligence."

“Proofreading overlooked, there are people everywhere, you know. It is very unpleasant,” the minister said, explaining that she “did not write this text, but dictated it.”

Uba's bright appeal could not leave members of the public indifferent.

“Ten mistakes in eight sentences is a worthy result for the Minister of Education and the teacher of the Russian language. In general, this is a deuce, ”Associate Professor of Ulyanovsk State University Sergey Petrov stated in an interview with Gazeta.Ru.

According to him, the minister should pay more attention to self-education. “They sit for hours at meetings, then have lunch, and only then receive a salary. It would be better if they learned the Russian language, ”the scientist complains. He is sure that the minister should "at least apologize" for such a thing. “It's just terrible, what an example she sets,” Petrov is indignant. “The trouble is that today people often become high-ranking officials through connections, and not due to the necessary level of competence.”

[, 11/18/2013, "Ekaterina Uba Appointed Deputy Prime Minister" : Minister of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region Ekaterina Uba will take up her new position from tomorrow. Now, in addition to education, she will also oversee issues of culture and art. [...]
Curriculum vitae:
Uba Ekaterina Vladimirovna, was born on September 11, 1969 in Ulyanovsk.
In 1990 she graduated from the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical Institute, qualified as a teacher of the Russian language and literature. According to the distribution, she returned to the school where she studied herself - the MOU gymnasium No. 33 in Ulyanovsk. In 2003-2008 she was the deputy director of the gymnasium for scientific and methodological work.
In 2005 she defended her dissertation and received the degree of candidate of philological sciences.
In 2006, she represented the Ulyanovsk region at the competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia", and became one of the winners of the competition. – Inset]

“Alas, today very often our officials cannot serve as a standard of literacy,” Vladimir Pykhov, scientific secretary of the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language, told Gazeta.Ru. “The literacy rate of the population is rapidly falling, and, unfortunately, we see neglect of the native language more and more often.” In his opinion, all this suggests that it is necessary to increase the number of lessons of the Russian language and literature in schools.

Whether Ekaterina Uba expects any sanctions from the higher leadership is not yet known. We only note that the governor of the Ulyanovsk region, Sergei Morozov, is kind to his native language. It was he who last spring replaced the text of the "Total Dictation", which was held throughout the country. The reason was that the writer Dina Rubina, according to whose work the dictation was conducted, according to Morozov, actively uses profanity in her work. [...]

[Kommersant.Ru, 04/07/2013, "The text of the total dictation was replaced in the Ulyanovsk region": As it turned out, officials first learned about the governor's decision on Saturday, during the morning meeting of the regional government. According to one of the participants in the meeting, the governor expressed his attitude to the dictation, noting that “it was necessary to at least explain and explain to the Russians on what basis the author was selected”, “and when a person has not lived in Russia for 20 years and has Israeli citizenship, it causes mixed reactions." “This is not a speech by the governor against the total dictation, but disagreement with the works, where there is one obscene language. The governor said that he made such a decision after an appeal to him appeared in the comments on his blog and he thought that everything was going to decompose our youth, ”explained Svetlana Openysheva, head of the regional government apparatus.

The party project of "United Russia" in the Ulyanovsk region turned into a scandal: kindergartens were built from used materials.

Kindergarten, opened in the Sursky district of the Ulyanovsk region in January 2016.

A criminal case has been initiated on the fact of exceeding official powers by officials of the Ministry of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region. Kindergarten in the Sursky region.

But the party project failed. The FAS management found out an interesting scheme according to which the public-private partnership was built. The investor was entrepreneur Valery Kurenkov. According to anti-monopoly officials, in violation of the law, he received land for the construction of a kindergarten without bidding and, accordingly, budget money for its construction (a total of more than 42 million rubles: 32.6 million - funds federal budget and about 9.5 million - regional).

The FAS department said that the kindergarten was built using a household method: the investor attracted different teams, there were no certificates confirming the safety of the materials used for construction, nor receipts for expenses. At the same time, the entrepreneur said that he, most likely, also “remained at a loss”.

Alsu Balakishigieva (far left), Ekaterina Uba (center), Sergei Morozov (right).

Head of OFAS Gennady Spirchagov said that the same investor, as individual, built a kindergarten in another district center in the same way, and three more kindergartens “within the framework” of the same public-private partnership were built by an unknown LLC.

The inspection conducted by the prosecutor's office confirmed that there were indeed violations sufficient to initiate a criminal case.

“It was established that, on behalf of the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ulyanovsk Region, the local governments of the Sursky, Terengulsky, Ulyanovsky, Novomalyklinsky, Karsunsky and Nikolaevsky regions organized the selection of business entities ready to build and subsequently sell kindergarten buildings to municipalities. Payment was made, including through subsidies from the federal and regional budgets.

The prosecutor's office found out that the definition of developer companies was carried out in 2014-2015 by local administrations at their own discretion. These actions caused a significant violation of the rights of subjects entrepreneurial activity deprived of the opportunity to take part in competitive procedures for the right to build kindergarten buildings under the state program.

The legally protected interests of the state were also infringed, as this led to the impossibility of saving budgetary financial resources,” the prosecutor's office said in a statement.

Kindergarten, opened in the Sursky district in January 2016.

Evidence was also found that the gardens under the party project were handed over with "numerous violations of the requirements of urban planning and land legislation, sanitary and epidemiological standards, requirements fire safety". For example, buildings for kids in Sursky, Karsunsky and Ulyanovsk districts are built from ... used building materials . "We used blocks and floor slabs that were previously in operation, the origin of which is unknown," the prosecutor's office specified.

Former Minister of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region, First Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government Yekaterina Uba (left) and Governor Sergei Morozov (right), who is currently in charge of education.

Based on the materials of the prosecutor's check, a criminal case was initiated under Part 1 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Exceeding official powers", which provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 4 years. We think that this is a logical continuation for many "party projects" being implemented in the Ulyanovsk region

Alexandra Turgeneva