Large candlesticks in the interior. What role do candlesticks play in the interior of the house? Palace luxury - candelabra

Why do you need decor at all? He decorates the house. And reflects the character of the inhabitants. Someone likes minimalism, someone loves the classic style. But everyone wants their home to be comfortable. consists of little things - a warm blanket, a favorite cup, lovely candles. In this article we will talk about small generators of comfort - candles in the interior.

A bit of history

The prototype of candles is a hole hollowed out in a stone, filled with fat. Such lamps were known 20 thousand years ago.

The first mention of candles dates back to the 1st millennium BC.

Ancient candles were a vessel with fat or oil into which a piece of cloth or a piece of wood was inserted as a wick.

In the 15th century, beeswax was more commonly used to make candles. wax candles they burned brighter, longer, did not smoke so much, but were very expensive. Therefore, only very wealthy people and the church could afford them.

In the 18th century, with the development of whaling, spermaceti, a substance extracted from the upper part of the head of cetaceans, began to be used to make candles. Spermaceti burned so brightly that candles made from it were the standard for measuring light intensity in applied optics.

In the 19th century, Carl von Reichenbach discovered paraffin. This substance is made from petroleum products and is still the most popular material for making candles.

With the introduction of widespread electrification, the significance of candles acquired a purely decorative or ritual character.

What are candles?

Household candles made of unpainted purified paraffin must have been seen by everyone. In the 90s in Russia, in case of a sudden power outage in the house, many people had such a candle in store - pale yellow and rather nondescript. Her more elegant counterpart is a table candle. Dyed, twisted, glittery, scented. So it asks for festive table.
The hemp candle is called so because of its shape. Paraffin does not flow down the candle, but accumulates in a niche near the wick. Therefore, a hemp candle burns longer than usual. And a candlestick under it is not required.

A tea candle is used to heat the teapot in special devices. And also in aroma lamps and decorative lanterns. “Pill candles” do not sink in water, so they can be used in the bathroom or transparent vases with water for beauty.

candles from beeswax 100% natural. Sometimes they add propolis or essential oils for medicinal purposes. Increasingly, candles made from soy wax began to meet - it is cheaper than bees, it is easily processed and tinted.

A gel candle is made from a special gel that can be bought at craft stores. The gel itself does not hold its shape, so candles are always in transparent glasses, vases, glasses and look spectacular next to other light sources. The gel can be transparent, colored, flavored. And inside there can be anything: from notes and shells, to flower arrangements and figurines.
Scented candles are made using essential oils or synthetic flavors. They come with the smell of fruits, herbs, flowers or whole compositions. For example, with the aroma of your favorite perfume.

The variety of shapes and colors of decorative candles is amazing. Individual copies are drawn to a work of art.It’s a pity to burn such candles, but as decor they will last as long as you like.
A bulk candle is a combustible granular semi-finished product that can be poured into any heat-resistant form.
Street candles in tins for the street, they do not go out from the wind and even light rain.
The electronic candle is battery operated and emits a warm, flickering light almost like a real one. Only it does not burn, does not drip with paraffin, does not heat up and does not go out from the slightest breath.

Candles in the interior

Living room

Candles in the living room love " fireplace area”- there is real fire, and safety is much higher. Especially if the fireplace is decorative. But if it doesn't exist, it doesn't matter. Beautiful candlesticks will keep the candles company and will together create a cozy atmosphere in the living room.


With warm candlelight in the bedroom, get in the right mood before bed. Remember safety: pillows, blankets and textiles are flammable. closed decorative lanterns for candles will come in handy.


Candles in the kitchen can be a temporary decoration for a special occasion - New Year, festive feast, romantic dinner...

... or can be a permanent decor. Such compositions are easy to make with your own hands. Use bottles different shapes and flowers, cereals, spices, herbs and vegetables and fruits, in general, everything that will look organic in the kitchen.


Many people associate candles in the bathroom with romance. Pleasant twilight, warm water, fragrant foam ... By the way, the bathroom is the safest room for candles, and tea or floating candles burn right in the water!

Types of candlesticks

Some candles are sold immediately in glasses, hemp candles can stand on their own, and for everything else there are many different candlesticks. Take classic candelabra, designer candlesticks in the form of figurines or geometric minimalism. As a stand for candles, glasses, wine glasses, bottles, beautiful plates and trays are suitable.

The problem of lighting in our homes has long been and reliably solved with the help of electricity. It would seem that candles have long lost their significance as a source of light. Nevertheless, the feeling of a solemn and festive atmosphere is created precisely by lit candles set in elegant candlesticks. A candlelit dinner sets you up for an elegant and romantic style of conversation at the table.

Candlesticks and candelabra: a bit of history

Candles can be simple or decorative, in a variety of shapes and sizes. However, humanity paid much more attention to the appearance of the candle stand. Candlesticks evolved and changed, turning from an object for keeping a burning candle into a work of arts and crafts.

In ancient candlesticks, candle nests traditionally took the form of a flower cup. The flower, giving birth to light and life, symbolized the victory of light over the forces of darkness and gloom. Even in ancient Egyptian myths, it is told how a lotus flower appeared in the initial chaos, from which the sun god Ra was born.

The word "candelabra" comes from the Latin Candela - a candle. A candlestick is a fixture for one candle. But already in the days of the Etruscan culture, complex candlesticks for several candles appeared - candelabra. These are massive metal items over one and a half meters high made of iron, silver or bronze.

Under the Romans, candelabra became an interior decoration, their wall, hanging and table options appeared. And if floor and Wall lights fixed, the table chandeliers are more mobile, they are easy to move.

Candelabra came to Russia in the 18th century. The lamps are elegant products, which often used openwork floral ornaments. Often the candelabra was decorated with animal figurines, and compositions on antique themes were also used. For the manufacture of candlesticks, along with silver, bronze and tin, porcelain began to be used.

Types of candelabra and care for them

Most often there are modern candlesticks for two or three candles, but there are also products with a large number of candles. Luxurious chandelier on a massive stand with lighting fixtures located around the circumference at several levels is called a girandole. One of the oldest Jewish religious attributes is the menorah - a seven-barreled lamp that looks like a stem mounted on a stand.

The most common material for the manufacture of modern decorative candlesticks is metal. Used bronze, silver, brass, tin, various alloys. Such products are often stylized antique and require some personal care. So, bronze is cleaned with toothpaste, silver products can be washed with soapy water with the addition of ammonia, also for cleaning metal candelabra use special compositions for jewelry.

The festive table will look especially solemn if you decorate it with crystal candelabra or colored glass candlesticks made in the form of leaves, butterflies, animal figurines.

In order for these products to shine brighter, it is recommended to wipe them with a soft cloth dipped in ammonia.

The main decoration of porcelain and ceramic candlesticks is a beautiful pattern, the Gzhel ornament is quite common. These products are easy to care for and can be washed in the dishwasher.

Candelabra in a modern interior

These days, candelabra is more of a decorative item. Many modern designers consider the chandelier a desirable attribute of the interior of the room, and the presence of a candle is not necessary at all. As a candle stand, candelabra began to be used for romantic dinners or for separate moments of festive feasts. The aesthetic value of candlesticks lies in their ability to transform the interior, to give it a certain zest.

Often, candelabra are antiques, luxury items. Their presence in the house emphasizes a certain property status of the owner. Along with valuable works of art, you can now find candelabra made from different materials, differing in cost and capable of satisfying every taste. It all depends on the tasks and preferences that guide the buyer.

Candelabra should organically fit into the environment, their color and shape should be selected in accordance with created by the interior. IN classic interior products made of durable and aesthetic bronze look great. Massive metal candlesticks are good in rooms with high ceilings, especially if forging elements are used in the interior.

Candlestick is original decoration fireplace mantel. Classic option is a composition of clocks and a pair of candelabra, made in the same style. If the room is decorated in the Baroque style, then it is appropriate to display candlesticks with human or animal figures, with various plant elements, decorated with bizarre and elegant curls.

The brilliance and radiance of the Art Deco or Empire style is perfectly complemented by sparkling crystal candelabra. These products, as a rule, are purely decorative and are not used as a stand for burning candles, but create a certain atmosphere and decorate the interior of the room.

Ceramic and porcelain candlesticks perfectly complement the interior in country or Provence style. The undoubted decoration of the Russian country style is the Gzhel painting on the candelabra.

One of the main attributes of a romantic evening, in addition to wine and champagne, are candles. They will help create coziness and mood in your apartment and soul. Of course, you can buy ordinary candles at the market, but how to choose them and use them in the interior of your home? Now let's try to figure it out.

The first rule is the right color. Despite the fact that candles are just details of the big picture, they play an important role. Color must be combined with furniture and other interior items. You can also use them as a contrast against the background of calm tones.

The color of candles plays a big role in the psychological impact.

For example, it is considered that:

Decorating a fireplace with candles

Some people believe that all this is not true and you should not pay attention to such things. You don't need to convince them otherwise. But if you personally find a response when choosing one or another candle color, it is better to listen to your thoughts and choose the most suitable option.

Rules for decorating with candles

There are certain rules, following which you can achieve amazing results in terms of decor.

More ideas for decorating your home with candles can be found in this video:

Candlesticks for interior decoration

In addition to choose correct color candles, you also need to choose a suitable candlestick. Depending on what kind of atmosphere you are trying to create in the house, you can choose options for a more festive or romantic setting. Here - you can use the ideas from there.

In addition, the candlestick will play the role of protection against wax getting on the table or the surface where the candle is located.

Also, the option of choosing a candlestick will depend on the size and length of the candle. There are candles thin or thick, long and short, square, round, in the form of a spiral, etc. There are plenty of options available today.

Another parameter is the material from which the candlestick is made.

Metal candlesticks

It can be any metal, but most often used: bronze, steel, silver. The material of the frame itself is stainless steel, which is covered with different coatings. It is important to consider that any of the above materials require special care. One of the popular forms is with glass walls. For example, you can find one in IKEA, and then decorate it by decorating the glass with a winter pattern or a bright “stained-glass window”.

Ceramic and porcelain candlesticks

Another version of the candlestick, which looks like real works of art. Will fit into any interior style, from classic to retro. By themselves, they are usually low, and a pattern or ornament is applied to the surface.

Glass candlesticks

Look very interesting in modern design. Usually, this material is often used, as it does not require special care, and the economic price is available to every buyer. All care is to wash from time to time in warm water, using a detergent.

And here is a video master class on making candles and candlesticks with your own hands from improvised materials. For example, you can see how to make a coffee candle from coffee and wax or a stylish candle holder from an ordinary glass jar and maple leaves.

Master class "How to make a candle with your own hands"

In order to make a candle yourself at home, we need the following materials:

The workflow will be as follows

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. And to make it clearer, here is a video instruction for making candles at home:

Therefore, in order not to run to the shops, you can do everything without leaving your home. Then your candles will turn out to be original and most beloved.

DIY candle decor from cinnamon sticks

If you are not ready to make a candle yourself, then you can decorate the candles that you have at home. An easy way is to use cinnamon sticks for this. This is done simply: we take cinnamon sticks and wrap them around the candle, and tie them with a ribbon or twine on top so that they hold better. As the candle burns, the cinnamon will heat up and add a pleasant scent to your home decor. And if you don’t like the smell of cinnamon, but you liked the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecor, use ordinary twigs and twigs instead:

What to decorate with candles in the house?

You can arrange candles in the house in a variety of places. For example, create a composition of three or five candles of the same color and shape, but different sizes or even different shapes, but the same color on a coffee or dressing table in the living room or on the bedside table in the bedroom - you can light it in the evenings to enjoy the romantic atmosphere and lighting from live fire.

In the relaxation bath, you can also add one or more scented candles to create a cozy atmosphere and nice smell. And if you are preparing a romantic surprise, then almost the entire space of the bathroom can be decorated with candles.

You can also add candles to the fireplace area. If you have a real or electric fireplace at home, then you can add candles to it by placing them on the mantelpiece and lighting it along with the fire in the fireplace. Or you can create a fake fireplace and put candles inside it, lighting them up and simulating a real fireplace flame.

Ordinary tealights, white or multi-colored, in small neat glass candlesticks can be placed throughout the room to create a romantic setting. They can be placed on a table or on a chest of drawers, on a regular and on coffee table, on shelves and open racks - the main thing is that there are no objects near the fire that can ignite.

And of course, without candles it is difficult to imagine a festive table setting - at least for the new year or a birthday, at least for March 8 or Valentine's Day, at least for an anniversary. And if you are preparing a romantic dinner for your other half, then you definitely cannot do without candles on the table, because until now we have exclusively romantic associations with this type of lighting.

Also, candles can be placed in the kitchen on the windowsill or on the shelves in order to light them in the evening during a family dinner - who said that romance should only be on holidays? They can also be simply added to various compositions that you create at home on a shelf, in a sideboard, on a dressing table or anywhere else, because candles can decorate a house not only when they are lit. And where do you use candles in the interior of your apartment or house?

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Many years ago, candles were a very common method of lighting a home. Candlesticks were indispensable in their function of securely fixing a burning candle and transporting it. It cannot be said that candle stands appeared simultaneously with them, but a whole story led to their appearance.

At first no one paid attention to appearance candlesticks, their role could be played by any objects suitable in shape and structure; stone, solid wood or pieces of metal.

Times were changing, and people wanted to brighten up their gray life, so they began to pay attention to the shape and beauty of ordinary household items. Candlesticks are no exception.

How did candlesticks come about?

The first candle holders were very massive. Such a stand was held by metal tripods or large racks. At the top of the product were small bowls, like molds for candles and wax flowing down them. There were several such nests, how many there will be, depended on the purpose of the object itself.

For example, two or three candles were enough for a house on such a stand, but for lighting large halls and crowded banquets, several dozen candles were lit. The candlesticks themselves were then made of wood.

Visitors to Italian museums in Venice can now be amazed by the luxurious candlesticks of the European Renaissance. Often they were inlaid with leaves, various ornaments and beautiful figures. Many bronze candlesticks that have come down to us from those times and covered with an impressive layer of patina can be seen at crowded exhibitions.

With the movement of time, one cultural style was replaced by another, and now its fashion for everything, candlesticks are no exception, was dictated by the Rococo style. Porcelain gilded figurines of angels gained popularity, they were also used as candle stands.

Later, some of the products began to be called candelabra and iron was used for their manufacture. At that time, such products began to illuminate huge buildings, central squares of cities and narrow streets. To save expensive metals, at the end of the nineteenth century, candelabra began to be made from cast iron.

Each nation had its own history of the evolution of this product. The ancient Greeks loved to make candlesticks out of clay, fired and covered with a layer of varnish. Other peoples could make them from Ivory, cedar and other plants. For luxury, materials such as marble and granite were used.

Often such candlesticks illuminated temples and dwellings of very rich people. The faster progress progressed and the processing of this or that material improved, the more more materials they could be made. Over time, porcelain, colored glass and crystal did not stand aside.

To move the fire, small, low candlesticks with wide edges were used, which made it easy to catch drops of melted wax. Masters divided candlesticks into types, depending on the materials from which they are made: metal, ceramic, candlesticks and candelabra made of crystal, salt, glass and wood.

Candlesticks are also divided into types according to the type of their attachment to the surface. For example, wall products come in both shapes for one candle, and for several. It would be appropriate to place such decorative elements on two sides of a beautiful picture or wall mirror.

Table candlesticks can often be an attribute that defines the relationship of the owner of the house to Judaism, but this is not necessary. The chandelier is beautifully combined on a table set for a gala dinner. Guests will be pleasantly surprised by your interior if one of its elements is a beautiful chandelier on an old piano.

Floor candlesticks will add a special sophistication to your living room or bathroom. The main thing is not to spare money and buy a product that is not small in size. Such candlesticks are best placed in the corners of rooms.

Now electric imitation candlesticks are gaining great popularity among buyers, which also look quite impressive, but are safe and economical. At the heart of such a device is almost always an ordinary Edison light bulb. Photos of such candlesticks can be found on the net.

Forged candlesticks are considered the highest quality. They are loved for their durability and wonderful appearance. Often they are purchased for the design of premises. If your house is dominated by the style of your ethnic group, this will suit you. Candelabra are often used as scented lamps, although this is not very traditional.

After electricity became available to the general population, candelabra and candlesticks lost their practical necessity. Although, they can easily create a relaxed romantic atmosphere of comfort and romance.

How to choose a candlestick for your home?

It is easy to find candlesticks for every taste in specialty decor and home accessories stores. The shape can be almost anything, like color and size. Do not assume that a candlestick is only suitable for a romantic date. By the way, a beautiful and well-chosen candlestick on the kitchen table will suit the design of the kitchen.

Yes, the candlestick will suit any style of your home, even high-tech or modern. It is only necessary to choose products of the appropriate form. For example, for the aforementioned situation, it would be a good idea to choose an object in the style of minimalism, the shapes should mostly be correct, straight legs, it is possible at an angle and cubic or square stands for the candles themselves.

If your apartment is classical style, it is better to dwell on the aforementioned inlay with figures or elements made in the form of bay leaves. You can always do hand-made. There are many tips on how to make a candlestick yourself.

Homemade candlesticks

If your finances are very limited, or the assortment of a decor store does not satisfy your creative needs, you can try to make a candlestick or chandelier yourself.

A candlestick made from a birch log can very organically complement the atmosphere of your room. For manufacturing, you will need three birch stumps of different sizes from 5 to 15 centimeters in height. When the material has already been picked up, it should be processed.

With a chisel or a special chisel with a hammer, hollow out the core to the depth and diameter of your candle, grind the resulting recesses. Stumps at the end for style can be tied with a strong, solid neutral-colored rope (black, white or the color of the usual fabric of the bag).

Candlestick photo