Systems of internal cold and hot water supply. Sewerage device in a multi-storey building Sewerage device in a typical multi-storey building

SNiP 2.04.01-85*

Building regulations

Internal plumbing and sewerage of buildings.

Systems of internal cold and hot water supply


17. Internal sewer networks

17.1. Wastewater disposal should be provided through closed gravity pipelines.

Note. Industrial wastewater that does not have an unpleasant odor and does not emit harmful gases and vapors, if it is caused by technological necessity, is allowed to be discharged through open gravity trays with a common hydraulic seal.

17.2. Sections of the sewer network should be laid in a straight line. Change the direction of laying the sewer pipeline and connect the devices with the help of fittings.

Note. It is not allowed to change the slope of the laying in the section of the branch (horizontal) pipeline.

17.3. The arrangement of indents on sewer risers is not allowed if sanitary appliances are connected below the indents.

17.4. For connection to the riser of branch pipelines located under the ceiling of rooms, in basements and technical undergrounds, oblique crosses and tees should be provided.

17.5. Bilateral connection of outlet pipes from baths to one riser at one mark is allowed only with the use of oblique crosses. It is not allowed to connect sanitary appliances located in different apartments on the same floor to one outlet pipeline.

17.6. It is not allowed to use straight crosses when they are located in a horizontal plane.

17.7. For sewerage systems, taking into account the requirements of strength, corrosion resistance, saving consumable materials, it is necessary to provide the following pipes:

for gravity systems - cast iron, asbestos-cement, concrete, reinforced concrete, plastic, glass;

for pressure systems - pressure cast iron, reinforced concrete, plastic, asbestos-cement.

17.8. Connecting parts of pipelines should be taken in accordance with current state standards and specifications.

17.9. The laying of internal sewer networks should include:

openly - in undergrounds, basements, workshops, utility and auxiliary rooms, corridors, technical floors and in special rooms designed to accommodate networks, with fastening to building structures (walls, columns, ceilings, trusses, etc.), as well as on special supports;

hidden - with embedding in the building structures of floors, under the floor (in the ground, channels), panels, wall furrows, under the facing of columns (in side boxes near the walls), in false ceilings, in sanitary cabins, in vertical shafts, under the plinth in the floor.

It is allowed to lay sewage from plastic pipes in the ground, under the floor of the building, taking into account possible loads.

In multi-storey buildings for various purposes, when using plastic pipes for internal sewage systems and drains, the following conditions must be observed:

a) laying of sewer and drain risers should be hidden in installation communication shafts, tunnels, channels and boxes, the enclosing structures of which, with the exception of the front panel providing access to the shaft, box, etc., must be made of fireproof materials;

b) the front panel is made in the form of an opening door made of combustible material when using PVC pipes and slow-burning material - when using polyethylene pipes.

Note. It is allowed to use combustible material for the front panel with polyethylene pipes, but the door must be non-opening. For access to fittings and revisions in this case, it is necessary to provide for opening hatches with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 0.1 sq.m with covers;

c) in the basements of buildings in the absence of industrial storage and office premises in them, as well as in the attics and bathrooms of residential buildings, it is allowed to provide for the laying of sewer and drain plastic pipelines openly;

d) the passage of risers through the floors must be sealed with cement mortar for the entire thickness of the floor;

e) the section of the riser above the ceiling by 8-10 cm (up to the horizontal outlet pipeline) should be protected with a cement mortar 2-3 cm thick;

f) before sealing the riser with mortar, the pipes should be wrapped with a rolled waterproofing material without a gap.

17.10. Laying of internal sewer networks is not allowed:

under the ceiling, in the walls and in the floor of living rooms, sleeping quarters of children's institutions, hospital wards, treatment rooms, dining rooms, work rooms, office buildings, meeting rooms, auditoriums, libraries, classrooms, switchboard and transformer, automation control panels, supply ventilation chambers and industrial premises requiring a special sanitary regime;

under the ceiling (open or hidden) of kitchens, premises of public catering establishments, trading floors, warehouses for food products and valuable goods, lobbies, premises with valuable decoration, production premises in places where industrial ovens are installed, which are not allowed to be exposed to moisture, premises, where valuable goods and materials are produced, the quality of which is reduced by moisture.

Note. In the premises of supply ventilation chambers, it is allowed to skip drain risers when they are placed outside the air intake zone.

17.11. Connection to the sewer network should be provided with a jet break of at least 20 mm from the top of the intake funnel:

technological equipment for the preparation and processing of food products;

equipment and sanitary appliances for washing dishes installed in public and industrial buildings;

downpipes of pools.

17.12. Household sewer risers located on the upper floors of buildings passing through public catering establishments should be provided in plastered boxes without installing revisions.

17.13. Laying of industrial wastewater pipelines in production and storage premises of catering establishments, in premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale and in utility rooms of shops is allowed to be placed in boxes without installing revisions.

From the networks of industrial and household sewerage of shops and public catering establishments, it is allowed to connect two separate outlets to one well of the external sewerage network.

17.14. Against revisions on risers with hidden laying, hatches with a size of at least 30x40 cm should be provided.

17.15. Laying of outlet pipelines from appliances installed in latrines of administrative and residential buildings, sinks and sinks in kitchens, washbasins in treatment rooms, hospital wards and other utility rooms should be provided above the floor; at the same time, it is necessary to provide for the installation of cladding and waterproofing.

17.16. Laying under the floor of pipelines transporting aggressive and toxic wastewater should be provided in channels brought out to floor level and covered with removable plates or, if appropriate, in through tunnels.

17.17. For fire and explosion hazardous workshops, a separate industrial sewage system with independent outlets, ventilation risers and hydraulic seals should be provided for each of them, taking into account the requirements of safety regulations given in departmental standards.

Network ventilation must be provided through ventilation risers connected to the highest points of pipelines.

It is not allowed to connect industrial sewerage transporting wastewater containing combustible and flammable liquids to the domestic sewerage network and drains.

17.18. Domestic and industrial sewer networks that discharge wastewater into the external sewer network must be ventilated through risers, the exhaust part of which is discharged through the roof or prefabricated ventilation shaft of the building to a height, m:

from a flat non-exploited roof .......... 0.3

"pitched roof....................... 0.5

"Operated roof .......................... 3

"cutoff of the prefabricated ventilation shaft ....... 0.1

The exhaust parts of the sewer risers brought above the roof should be placed from the opened windows and balconies at a distance of at least 4 m (horizontally).

Wind vanes on ventilation risers are not required.

17.19. It is not allowed to connect the exhaust part of the sewer risers with ventilation systems and chimneys.

17.20. The diameter of the exhaust part of the sewer riser must be equal to the diameter of the waste part of the riser. It is allowed to combine several sewer risers on top of one exhaust part. The diameter of the exhaust riser for a group of combined sewer risers, as well as the diameters of the sections of the prefabricated ventilation pipeline that combines the sewer risers, should be taken in accordance with paragraphs. 18.6 and 18.10. The prefabricated ventilation pipeline connecting the sewer risers at the top should be provided with a slope of 0.01 towards the risers.

17.21. At the expense of wastewater in the sewer riser in excess of those indicated in Table. 8, provision should be made for the installation of an additional ventilation riser connected to the sewer riser through one floor. The diameter of the additional ventilation riser should be taken one size less than the diameter of the sewer riser.

The connection of an additional ventilation riser to the sewer should be provided from below below the last lower device or from above - to the upwardly directed process of the oblique tee installed on the sewer riser above the sides of sanitary appliances or revisions located on this floor.

17.22. To monitor, if necessary, the movement of wastewater from process equipment on pipelines discharging wastewater or waste cooled water, a jet break or viewing lights should be installed.

17.23. On the networks of domestic household and industrial sewerage, it is necessary to provide for the installation of revisions or cleanings:

on risers in the absence of indents on them - in the lower and upper floors, and in the presence of indents - also in the floors above the indents;

in residential buildings with a height of 5 floors or more - at least every three floors;

at the beginning of the sections (according to the movement of drains) of the outlet pipes with the number of connected devices 3 or more, under which there are no cleaning devices;

at the turns of the network - when changing the direction of movement of effluents, if sections of pipelines cannot be cleaned through other sections.

17.24. On horizontal sections of the sewerage network, the largest allowable distances between revisions or cleanings should be taken according to Table. 6.

Table 6

Distance, m, between revisions and cleanings
depending on the type of wastewater

Pipeline diameter, mm

industrial uncontaminated
and drains

domestic and industrial, close to them

industrial, containing a large amount of suspended solids

Type of cleaning device



200 or more

Notes: 1. Instead of revision on suspended lines of sewerage networks laid under the ceiling, it is necessary to provide for the installation of cleaning systems that lead to the higher floor with a hatch in the floor or openly, depending on the purpose of the room.

2. Revisions and cleanings must be installed in places convenient for their maintenance.

3. On underground sewage pipelines, revisions should be installed in wells with a diameter of at least 0.7 m. The bottoms of the wells must have a slope of at least 0.05 to the revision flange.

17.25. The smallest depth of laying sewer pipes should be taken from the condition of protecting pipes from destruction under the influence of permanent and temporary loads.

Sewer pipelines laid in rooms where, according to operating conditions, their mechanical damage is possible, must be protected, and network sections operated at low temperatures must be insulated.

In amenity premises, it is allowed to provide for laying pipes at a depth of 0.1 m from the floor surface to the top of the pipe.

17.26. On industrial sewerage networks that discharge wastewater that is odorless and does not emit harmful gases and vapors, it is allowed to install manholes inside industrial buildings.

Inspection wells on the network of internal industrial sewerage with a diameter of 100 mm or more should be provided at pipeline bends, at places of change in slopes or pipe diameters, at points of connection of branches, as well as on long straight sections of pipelines at distances given in SNiP 2.04.03-85.

On domestic sewerage networks, the installation of manholes inside buildings is not allowed.

On industrial sewer networks that emit odors, harmful gases and vapors, the possibility of constructing wells and their design should be provided for in accordance with departmental standards.

17.27. Sanitary appliances, the sides of which are located below the level of the hatch of the nearest manhole, must be connected to a separate sewerage system (isolated from the sewerage system of the upstream premises) with a separate outlet device and the installation of a gate valve with an electrified drive, automatically controlled by a signal from a sensor installed on the pipeline in sewered basement, and giving an emergency signal to the duty room or to the control room.

Behind the electrified valve downstream of the water, it is allowed to connect the sewerage of the higher floors, while installing revisions in the basement on the riser is not allowed.

Outlets from the sewer network of basements should be provided with a slope of at least 0.02.

The canalized basements should be separated by solid main walls from the storage facilities for storing products or valuable goods.

Note. It is allowed to install a valve with a manual drive, provided that the attendants stay in the basement around the clock.

17.28. The length of the outlet from the riser or cleaning to the axis of the manhole should be no more than that indicated in Table. 7.

Table 7

17.29. The outlet diameter should be determined by calculation. It must be at least the diameter of the largest of the risers connected to this outlet.

17.30. Outlets should be connected to the external network at an angle of at least 90° (counting from the movement of wastewater). At the outlet of the sewerage, the device of drops is allowed:

up to 0.3 m - open - along a concrete spillway in a tray, entering with a smooth turn into the external sewage well;

over 0.3 m - closed - in the form of a riser with a cross section not less than the cross section of the supply pipeline.

17.31. When the release crosses the walls of the basement or the foundations of the building, the measures specified in clause 9.7 should be carried out.

The sewerage of an apartment in multi-apartment residential buildings refers to a domestic sewer system designed to remove domestic and household drain water and waste from human and pet activities.

This purpose of the sewerage of the apartment determines the further type of urban sewage disposal, and the division of the city sewerage into domestic, storm and industrial systems determines the prohibition to use the sewerage of the apartment to drain industrial waste.

Sewerage apartment description

Sewerage of the apartment refers to the internal sewerage systems. The sewerage system of the apartment includes all sewer pipes laid in the apartment up to the main sewer riser (pipe of a centralized outlet). All sewer risers of an apartment building are connected to the house sewer outlet.

Sewerage includes horizontal pipelines called outlets, vertical pipelines called sewer risers and pipes from wastewater receivers called slopes. The main part of the apartment sewage system is made up of horizontal pipelines of sewer pipes (branches).

As a rule, horizontal sewer pipes are laid openly with a slope towards the risers. A hidden laying of bends is practiced behind removable building structures such as a box. It is worth noting that, according to the standards, the bricking of the sewer pipes of the apartment is prohibited.

Separately, it is worth noting about the cleaning and ventilation of the sewer. These sewerage elements are mandatory for the general house system, but more often they are not included in the apartment sewerage system. Cleaning is needed for sewer maintenance, and sewer ventilation removes harmful gas emissions from risers.

The main regulatory documents that determine the device and design of sewerage in an apartment are: SNiP 2.04.01–85; SP 40-102-2000; SP 40-107-2003.

Material for the sewerage of the apartment

The main modern material for sewerage inside the apartment is sewer polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes. Diameter (internal) of sewerage pipes from 32 to 110 mm. For quick connection of PVC pipes, special sockets with embedded gaskets are provided at their ends. The connection of such pipes is carried out by simply inserting one pipe into the socket of another. PP and PE pipes in apartments are connected with glue (cold welding).


For turns, bends of branches and descents of sewer pipes, special sewer fittings are produced.

It is important to note that previously cast-iron pipes were actively used for sewerage of the apartment. They remained in the houses of old buildings and are being actively replaced by polymer pipes. For joining plastic and cast iron sewer pipes, special adapters are used.

General rules for installing an apartment sewer

Sewer pipes are mounted from each plumbing fixture of the apartment (sewage receiver) with a drain. Connection of receivers to the sewerage is carried out through siphons or ganders. An exception may be plumbing fixtures of non-permanent use (washing machine, dishwasher). Their drains can be connected to permanently used sewerage systems, such as sinks, using drain fittings and a flexible drain hose d=25mm.

All sewer pipes laid horizontally must have a slope towards the sewer riser equal to 3˚ for pipes 32-40-50 mm and 2˚ for pipes 85-110 mm. For a more accurate calculation of the slope, it is better to use the table.

The choice of the diameter of the sewer pipes is tied to the type of waste water receiver:

  • To connect the toilet, a 110 mm pipe or fitting or a special cuff is used;
  • Stationary appliances (sink, washbasin) are connected through a siphon to 40-40 mm drains, bathroom and shower to 50 mm outlets, main outlets of the apartment are made with at least 50 mm.
  • Installation devices with a drain (sink, washing machine) are connected to the sewer with 50 mm drain hoses 25-32 mm.
  • The distance from the pipe to the building structure should not be less than 20 mm. Sewer pipes are fastened to structures with special clamps.

What can not be done when installing the sewerage of an apartment

In the sewerage device of the apartment it is unacceptable:

  • Sealing of raster joints of plastic pipes with mortar;
  • Rigid bricking of plastic pipes with mortar and covering them with a screed;
  • Transition from a large pipe to a smaller pipe (narrowing of the route);
  • The device of reverse slopes from the receivers.

Basically, the citizens of our country live in panel buildings, where the sewerage system in an apartment building is equipped according to the built-in type. The sewer structure must be regularly inspected and repaired, as a result of which many problems such as clogged pipes, flooding, and unpleasant odors can be avoided.

Based on this, it becomes clear that preventive maintenance and timely maintenance of the sewer system should be one of the priority tasks facing not only the communal organizations serving the house, but also the residents themselves. To do this, they need to know how the sewage system is arranged in an apartment building: the scheme of which allows you to understand the principles of its operation (read also: "").

Most residential high-rise buildings erected during the USSR were designed so that the bathroom and bath were next to the kitchen. A similar sewerage device in an apartment building made it possible to use a single wiring of the sewer network in the apartment. See also: "".

Such a scheme looks like this: wiring begins in the kitchen, and then passes through the bathroom and bathroom, after which the drains are sent to the common sewer riser in a multi-storey building, the top of which is brought to the roof of the building to ensure ventilation. A single wiring is simple and perfectly performs the function of draining wastewater from a separate apartment to a common house riser. The operation of the wastewater disposal system is based on the gravity movement of the liquid without additional pressure. Sometimes in such a system a sewer plug can be installed for debtors who do not pay for sewage disposal.

This principle of effluent movement is decisive when a sewerage system is created in an apartment building. The pipeline is laid at a certain slope. Its value is calculated by specialists in the field of engineering (sewer) systems.

It is important that the size of the slope be uniform throughout the entire pipeline, because otherwise blockages will appear at the bends, and this will complicate the use of plumbing (more: "").

When sewerage is being equipped in an apartment building, the rules and regulations provide that:

  • for pipes with a diameter of 40-50 millimeters, the slope should be 3%;
  • for products with a diameter of 85-100 millimeters - 2%.
The height of the sewer pipe depends on the distance from the device to the liquid drain point.

Since the sewerage scheme in each apartment assumes the presence of several drainage points, for each device it is necessary to correctly calculate the slope angle. Properly made calculation on the basis of SNiP for sewerage in an apartment building will avoid many problems in the future. The above percentage means that the slope for each meter of a pipeline with a diameter of 40-50 millimeters should be 3 centimeters. As a result, when the sink is installed 2 meters from the riser, the upper edge of the pipe should be raised by 6 centimeters.

Features of the sewer system in an apartment building

In the photo you can see what the sewerage scheme looks like in a high-rise residential building. In order for it to function smoothly, it needs periodic cleaning. Even with the correct calculation of the pipe slope, there is no guarantee that the drains will freely enter the riser. The reason for the appearance of blockages lies in the presence of contaminants in the sewer that prevent good patency. Sometimes in such cases, it is required to replace the sewer riser in the apartment, which should not be delayed.
Prevention (cleaning) of the sewer system is necessary. It should be carried out in places where plumbing fixtures are connected to the pipe through the holes in them. Maintenance repairs are also required on long runs, and are not performed on short runs.

The optimal pipe slope does not apply to household appliances that are equipped with pumps that remove waste fluid under pressure. The rules for using sewerage in an apartment building suggest the presence of a water seal or water plug. Thanks to this design solution, sewer gases cannot penetrate into the living quarters. The siphon, in which a water plug is formed, is made in a curved shape. It contains water and drains that completely cover the pipe in diameter.

Sewerage repair and cleaning: norms and rules

Modern sewerage in an apartment building should be, first of all, easy to use and safe. In addition to the internal network, it has an external part, which is a collector, which combines several risers into a single system and discharge wastewater outside the building. In addition, there are wells outside, collecting sewage from several neighboring houses.

For an apartment building, the external sewage system is the city centralized network (for more details: ""). Since the sewer system is considered an integral element of modern comfortable life, it must be constantly repaired and maintained in working condition.

At the end of the last century, cast-iron products were used to create sewers in houses. Their main advantage was a fortress, but there were also enough shortcomings. Since they were of considerable weight, their installation was difficult. In addition, the rough inner surface contributes to the settling of all kinds of solid fractions and fats on it. Since cast iron pipes are prone to frequent blockages, their service life is shorter than that of modern plumbing products.

Currently, plastic pipes are in demand because they are light in weight, durable, easy to install and have a smooth surface. Repair them and make them preventive maintenance easier and faster. In addition, the cost of cast iron products is much more expensive. Prevention of blockages is very important for the sewer system.

Cleaning from blockages happens:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical.
In the first case, it is performed using special means that decompose fats. The composition should be poured into the system and rinsed with hot water after a certain time. Mechanical cleaning is done using a wire stack - it is placed inside the pipe and thereby destroys the accumulated deposits. Then the system is also washed with hot water. Sometimes it is enough to use a plunger to clear the blockage.

Probably, few of the readers are familiar with the details of the sewage system in an apartment building. In my article, I am going to fill this gap by describing all the elements of the sewage system, its typical problems and methods for eliminating them.

How is sewage arranged in a multi-storey building?

Down up

Let's start with a simple enumeration of the sewer elements. When enumerating, we will move against the movement of sinks - from bottom to top:

  1. Domestic sewerage well is under the jurisdiction of the City Water Service. It ends with a release to the well, which diverts the drains of several risers outside the walls of the house (usually from one entrance);
  2. Outlet to the well- a pipe with a slope in its direction, laid through the foundation of the building and laid below the freezing level of the soil. The outlet discharges wastewater into a tray in the concreted bottom of the well;
  3. Lezhnevka- a horizontal pipe connecting sewer risers;

Sewer bed


I operate with terms used in the region where I happened to work as a plumber.
Often, even among professionals, the same object is called differently.
The same bed can be called a sunbed or simply a horizontal sewer.

  1. Riser- a vertical pipe that collects drains from apartments located one above the other;
  2. Comb- internal sewerage. It got its name from the days when plastic wiring for apartments with an adjacent bathroom and kitchen was made monolithic and really looked like a rare comb for combing hair;
  3. fan pipe- ventilation outlet of the riser to the roof.



If the storm sewer is closed with lattice covers for receiving wastewater, then the yard sewer well is closed with a monolithic cover, which prevents foreign objects from entering it.

Its location is marked on the wall of the house with a designation of the form KK12, KK5, etc., in which the letters indicate exactly the sewer well, and the number indicates the distance to this well in meters along a line drawn perpendicular to the wall with the designation.

A typical material for the walls of the well is reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of 1000 mm. Steel brackets are fixed in the wall, allowing you to go down to the bottom level. The bottom is concreted to prevent untreated drains from entering the ground; there is usually a recess in concrete - a tray that directs wastewater to the next well and further to the collector.


A blockage between the wells means that the drains from the entrance enter it, but do not go to the collector. Cleaning in accordance with the current regulations should be carried out pneumatically:

Instructions for pneumatic clearing blockage

Cleaning is done like this:

Instructions for pneumatic clearing blockage

As you know, in our country, not all technological operations are carried out in accordance with the regulations. Sewer cleaning is no exception. In practice, sewer wire is used for it - steel wire with a diameter of 5 - 6 mm with a hook at one end and a handle at the other.

Cleaning is done like this:

  1. The coil of wire is completely unwound;
  2. The locksmith descends into the well and feeds the wire with a hook to the blockage;
  3. His partner pulls on the wire, preventing it from looping, and turns the handle to help the hook break the cork.

This method has four serious drawbacks.

  1. The walls of the well are always covered with a layer of dried sewage. A person who descends into it rises to the surface in a very unsightly form;
  2. Staples of old wells are often partially or completely destroyed: wet fumes from sewage have a detrimental effect on steel;
  3. Methane and other gases often accumulate in the well, which are products of fermentation of sewage or penetrating from the ground. By themselves, they are not overly toxic; however, oxygen deficiency may well lead to loss of consciousness, and lifting an adult from a narrow shaft is more than a difficult task. The accumulation of gases in wells annually leads to the death of several people;
  4. When clearing a blockage, a multi-meter column of sewage hits the opposite wall of the well with such speed and force that it is rather problematic to escape from splashes.

That is why experienced Vodokanal locksmiths carry with them the simplest device in case of an accident - a pipe with a diameter of 32 - 40 mm, curved in the shape of a stick. Its short side is inserted into the outlet from the side of the well, after which the wire is fed to the blockage through the pipe.

Outlet to the well


A typical outlet diameter is 100-150 millimeters. The beginning of the outlet from the basement is completed with a plugged tee for cleaning. The slope of the pipe is at least 1 centimeter per linear meter; slope changes, and even more so counter slopes, are strictly prohibited, since they will inevitably lead to constant blockages.

Since the outlet is laid in the ground, rather stringent requirements are imposed on the strength of the pipes. The release is being laid:

  • Cast iron pipe (including ductile iron - ductile iron with nodular graphite);
  • Orange PVC pipe for outdoor use with high ring stiffness.


With regard to the areas of responsibility in relation to the release, the situation is rather complicated: its blockages are cleared by employees of the housing department or the management company, repairs and replacements are carried out by them; however, damage to the outlet due to subsidence of the walls of the well must be eliminated by the Gorvodokanal. However, every controversial case is a cause for friction between the parties concerned.

The most common outlet problem is blockage. Its cause is:

  • The rags missed by the tenants in the toilet while washing the floors. The rag clings to any unevenness inside the pipes and quickly becomes overgrown with other debris;
  • Fat plugs. Fat from the plates settles on the walls of the pipes as the wastewater cools, gradually reducing their useful cross section.

Cleaning the sewer in an apartment building and in this case is carried out using a sewer wire. Cleaning of blockages is practiced both from the side of the basement and from the well.

The planned repair includes work with engineering communications, in particular, with sewerage.

Often it is required to replace pipes, move or install plumbing.

Installation of sewer equipment requires knowledge of the principles of operation of the engineering system.

Installation errors lead to problems, the price of which is a new repair and financial costs.

Building regulations

More than half of the inhabitants of Russia live in cities or urban-type settlements.

Living in a large settlement is associated with multi-apartment panel or brick houses.

High-rise buildings are connected to the city sewer, have internal wiring for all apartments.

The correct functioning of the system is impossible without timely maintenance and compliance with the rules of operation.

Part of the housing stock was built during the Soviet period. The layout is carried out in such a way that the kitchen and bathroom are located nearby.

This allows the use of common wiring sewers:

  • waste collection begins in the kitchen (at what distance from the house a septic tank is installed, indicated),
  • passes through the toilet room and bathroom,
  • included in the common stand.

Sewer system in apartment buildings built on the gravity flow of wastewater under the action of gravity.

Pipe products are laid under a slope ().

Angle maintain, evenly, otherwise, stagnation in turns is possible. The farther the plumbing fixture is from the riser, the higher the pipe should be.

Wastewater has a complex composition, which includes residues of fats, carbohydrates, and solid fractions.

Pollution settles on the inner surface of the pipes and accumulate to form blockages.

Thus, self-cleaning of the internal volume of tubular products is achieved.

Blockage Prevention

Periodic work to eliminate possible blockages of deposits is carried out by plumbers, in accordance with the maintenance schedule.

Only the slope of the route is not able to completely solve the problem of blockages (the installation of local treatment facilities is described in the article).

Preventive cleaning(read reviews on the use of the drug) highways are carried out for extended sections of pipes and branches. On short runs, deposits do not have time to appear.

The procedure is carried out through the windows, at the points of connection of the plumbing fixture to the pipes.

Work is carried out with special equipment which can be bought or rented.

It is possible to lay pipes without slope to devices that use their own pump, such as a dishwasher or washing machine.

They also check the status on each device in the apartment. The water plug creates an obstacle for unpleasant smells.

The curved shape of the siphons (which is needed to connect the dishwasher, it is written) will allow solid sediment to accumulate, which is periodically removed. Do not forget that the portion of water in the shutter must constantly change.

INFORMATION. Modern apartments with a large area have two or more bathrooms.

Because of this, several risers can be mounted in the apartment, which are located at a distance from each other.

External communications

In addition to efficient operation, two consumer requirements are imposed on sewage:

  • convenient use,
  • safety.

Modern sewer network consists of two parts: intra-house wiring and external engineering networks.

The latter include:

  • highways,
  • collectors,
  • wells(),
  • treatment facilities.

At the current rate of growth of cities, and, consequently, the number of inhabitants (what is the standard for the consumption of cold water per person per month, it is written), city networks can no longer cope with the load.

The systems built in the second half of the last century contain cast-iron pipes (how to fix a leak under pressure, it is written), which become unusable over the years of operation.

Operational properties of cast iron products are worse than polymer ones.

A large weight makes installation difficult, the heterogeneity of the inner surface allows you to quickly overgrow with fat, salt deposition.

Currently, the process of replacing cast-iron pipes with PVC plumbing pipes for sewerage is proceeding at a fast pace (dimensions are indicated on the page).

Installation, repair, replacement of plastic pipes is easier, faster and cheaper. Smooth walls will allow drains to pass without stopping.

Preventive cleansing adds efficiency in the use of plastic materials.

Blockages are removed in two ways: chemical and mechanical.

For reagent cleaning splitting reagents are added to the pipeline, which are retained in the pipes for a certain time, then washed off with hot water.

mechanical way, otherwise, it is called manual.

In its application, a steel wire stack is used.

When the cable moves inside the pipes, the solid layers are destroyed.

After finishing work, the area is washed with hot water.

Repair of internal networks

Equipment cannot work forever. Therefore, after the prescribed period, it is necessary to deal with the repair of engineering networks.

Overhaul is the most convenient moment for this. The first thing to do is select pipes.

Distributed products from:

  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyethylene;
  • polypropylene.

There are no physical, structural or technological features between the species.

For the installation of intra-apartment wiring, you can use any.

The main thing is to choose the right connecting elements and necessary accessories.

The installation process itself is simple.

Pipes with a diameter of 50 and 110 millimeters sold by the meter with coupling.

Having bought pipes 2 meters long, it is easy to connect them together. To do this, the smooth end of one pipe is inserted into the coupling of the other.

The resulting connection is hermetically sealed by a rubber o-ring.

Products are inserted all the way, then pulled back half a centimeter. This creates a damping zone that compensates for linear expansions.

Internal redevelopment of pipelines

Often, during the redevelopment of apartments, it becomes necessary to change the internal sewer wiring.

This is possible when combining a toilet and a bathroom, adding or transferring a bathroom, a kitchen.

Achieve the movement of effluents under the influence of gravity (how much water the dishwasher uses, it is written), it is not always possible.

The solution is to install pumps designed for indoor use.


The layout and installation of sewerage inside the apartment will not be any particular problem.

The main requirement will be the correct slope main routes from devices to the riser.

If this condition cannot be met for any reason, a forced movement of effluents is created. This is achieved by installing pumps.

Watch a short video describing the principle of operation of the sewerage system of apartment buildings.