When an obstacle becomes a boon. The prosecutor's office explains the installation of fences on the territory of apartment buildings Is it possible to put a fence near a high-rise building

Any person at all times has a natural desire to protect his home. And also, clearly outline its boundaries and protect it from possible encroachment.

Owners of private houses have long practiced the erection of fences to fulfill these purposes.

But, the objective reality today is such that residents of apartment buildings are trying to protect its territory. They are trying to turn the “passage” courtyard into a cozy place for recreation and games.

Let's figure out how to protect an apartment building without violating the norms of the current legislation.

The practical side of the issue

What defines the term "domestic area"

The home yard is the land around the house. Everything located on this site is included in the common property of an apartment building. This territory is the shared property of the owners of housing in this house.

Such a definition is given in the Land Code of the Russian Federation (Article 36). At the same time, it is indicated that the corresponding act, which confirms the right of ownership, is not issued.

Based on this definition, it follows that the owners of apartments and offices in such a building can fence its territory, equip sports or playgrounds there, and organize parking. That is, to use this site, as it is necessary for them to operate the apartment building and the attached facilities.

The right to own and dispose of a land plot in an apartment building is enshrined in the following documents:

  • Federal Law "On Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" (Part 4, p. 16);
  • Resolution No. 10 of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (paragraph 67);
  • Decree No. 22 of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation.

Why is it necessary

It's no secret that utilities monitor the infrastructure of the house with their eyes closed. And enthusiasts, if there are any, quickly realize that their attempt to put the territory in order does not meet not only with support. At least understanding from some people.

And if there is a person who is able to find like-minded people and start beautifying the territory, he must first restrict access to it.

The following groups can encroach on the local area:

  • strangers - passers-by, owners walking animals, persons without a fixed place of residence, etc.;
  • homeless animals;
  • owners of motor vehicles who use the area for parking;
  • cars passing through the yard.

Therefore, it is necessary to begin the arrangement of the territory with the construction of a fence.


The type of fence has a direct impact on the possibility of access to the territory.

The following types are possible:

  1. Fences, the purpose of which is the complete restriction of access.

Several subspecies can be distinguished:

  • Decorative. Such or metal are made. The latter material is the most widely used. The reason for this is the low price and high speed of installation.

Their height ranges from 0.2 to 2 meters.

Low fences are so familiar to us that we don’t even notice them anymore. In practice, it turns out that they can act as an obstacle only for transport.

At the moment, such fences have not yet become widespread, but are rapidly gaining popularity. This is especially true for those houses that have been commissioned recently and are intended for high-income buyers.

Most often, they install an intercom and hire a concierge. Because the main condition in this case is to provide free access to the residents of the house.

As well as various services - fire, ambulance, police, gas service, taxi.

  1. Fencing that partially restricts access.

The installation of a barrier requires approval only by the Inspectorate for State Architectural and Construction Supervision.

Detailed instructions for installing a barrier with your own hands are presented in the video.

  1. Fencing that restricts access to part of the territory.

Partial fencing of the territory of an apartment building is called the target and does not require approval.

Target fences are constructed from a height of 0.2 m to three meters. Their purpose is to protect a part of the adjacent area, for example, places for garbage cans, parking, a children's or sports ground.

Helpful advice. You can make a fence of car tires in the form of flower beds.
The cost of the old tire and labor is minimal.
However, such a fence will perform two functions at once - restrict access and decorate.

  1. Fences that prevent access to the building.

Such fences are classified as temporary. They are installed by public utilities in order to prevent unauthorized access to certain parts of the building being renovated.

Legal side of the issue


A private trader can choose for himself, which he likes. Construction in this case can only be hindered by the price of the material, its availability, terms of work and experience in construction.

But how to fence the adjoining territory of an apartment building? In this case, a number of factors must be taken into account. Among them are the norms of the urban planning code and fire safety rules.


When considering such an issue, which concerns all residents of the house, as the installation of fences in the local area, you need to enlist the support of most of them.

Given that at the level of the federation or local councils, the procedure for such construction is not regulated - it is enough just to agree on the project.

Coordination of the fencing of the local area is mandatory with such services as:

  • Inspectorate for State Architectural and Construction Supervision;
  • Main Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region;
  • City Police Department;
  • City ambulance service.

There are also inconsistent fencing of the local area. Judicial practice knows enough cases when residents of a house installed a fence without proper permits and prevented access to the building. However, by a court decision, such fences are subject to complete or partial dismantling.

How to deal with illegal fences

Inconsistent installation of the fence of the local area is not allowed. And they are actively fighting.

To remove illegal fencing legally, you need to follow a number of steps:

  1. Determine the legitimacy of the building.
    For this you need:
    • obtain documentary confirmation that the territory is included in the cadastral plan of a multi-storey residential building;
    • receive the minutes of the meeting of the residents of the house with the decision on the arrangement of the fence;

Helpful advice. All apartment owners have the same rights to use the territory.
Therefore, there should be not just a majority of those present at the meeting, but a majority of those who make up the quorum.
Only in this case, it is generally accepted that the decision reflects the interests of all concerned.

If these documents are missing, it means that the fence was built without sanctions.

  1. Arrange the fence in such a way that it meets the interests of all interested parties.
  2. Remove illegal structure. But you need to do this not on your own, but by attracting the appropriate services.
    It is recommended to follow this order:
  • submit an application to the city government about the existence of an illegal fence;
  • indicate the address;
  • indicate the cadastral number of the land plot;
  • attach a photo to the application;
  • register an application.

Within thirty days from the date of registration, the fence must be removed.


Legal, and even more so illegal fencing of the local area will not be to everyone's taste. First of all, the residents of other houses will be indignant, the usual route of which passed through the square now fenced. This will be followed by motorists who will have nowhere to park their cars. Another group of dissatisfied will be hooligans and other unreliable elements of society, who will have nowhere to mess with.

However, as practice shows, residents of houses who defended their right to install a fence are satisfied. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

The desire to live in a quiet, cozy place where you can not worry about the safety of walking children is a natural desire of every person. Therefore, the desire of the residents of the passage yards to protect themselves from the endless flow of cars is quite understandable.

But not all types of barriers are appropriate and legal. Let's try together to figure out how to protect the adjacent territory of a residential apartment building without violating the rights of car owners and other residents.

The Land Code of the Russian Federation defines the local area as land adjacent to an apartment building and at the disposal of all homeowners. The right to a land plot is not supported in writing and exists orally.

It turns out that residents can use this territory at their own discretion: build all kinds of fences, install playgrounds or organize parking under their windows, in other words, ennoble the area for a comfortable life for all neighbors in the house.

Who are the fences protecting from?

The first step is to limit the access to the local area of ​​persons who can damage comfort objects (the same playgrounds).

These include:

  • the homeless;
  • animals;
  • passing vehicles;
  • other outsiders.

To do this, before starting the arrangement of the local area, it is necessary to install reliable fences.

Types of fences

The fences are divided according to the possibility of access to the territory.

Complete denial of access

Such protection of the area around the house can be ornamental shrubs or other vegetation, as well as stone or metal fences no more than two meters high.

The first option was not widely used due to the need for constant care for the hedge. In addition, this method is not able to protect strangers from entering the territory of the house, but only serves as protection against unauthorized car parking.

The second one is much more popular. In his favor is the low price and more serious protection, especially with a high fence.

There is no need to talk about the reliability of such methods from the encroachments of outsiders. They completely protect the adjoining territory of an apartment building only from the passage of vehicles.

Another thing is when the full fencing method is used in new homes, where video surveillance with intercom or a specially hired concierge is provided. Its advantages are in the unhindered passage of the residents of the house and good protection from strangers.

You can safely decorate the local area and not worry that vandals will loot or ruin your work. Lack of monthly payments for the security of your home.

Partial access denied

It's about the barrier. Not a bad way to limit the movement of road transport. The only thing is that the installation of a barrier requires special permission and coordination with the emergency services (fire, police and ambulance).

Partial ban on access to part of the local area

Such a fence is called target. It does not require special permission. Usually, metal mesh fences with a height of no more than three meters are used for such a fence. They are used to separate the sports ground, parking spaces or garbage containers.

In Soviet times, it was popular to restrict access to the playground with the help of old car tires painted with bright colors, or flower beds, which not only became an obstacle in the way of cars, but also served for aesthetic purposes and ennoblement of the local area. You can use these ideas now.

Deny direct access to a specific object

Such fences are usually made up of wooden boards and are used by utilities during construction or renovation work to ensure the safety of the population.

Legal agreement

The owner of a private house can choose any type of fencing from a variety of materials that is financially available to him. He does not need to obtain permission or coordinate his decision with government services, and even more so ask permission from his neighbors, because the land is in his full ownership.

But with the territory of an apartment building, everything is not so simple. Here it is necessary to take into account the opinions of all residents and fire safety standards, because the land near the house is equally the property of all persons living in it.

First of all, the issue of installing a barrier should be raised at a general meeting of residents of an apartment building.

After the support of most of them is received, it is possible to develop a fence design and obtain approval for installation from the following services:

  • architectural and construction inspection;
  • regional department for emergencies;
  • the police;
  • Ambulance.

If the approval of the listed services has not been received, the fence is subject to demolition by a court decision. Do not neglect the installation rules, because homemade fences can become not only a source of inconvenience for neighbors, but also block the way for emergency services in a hurry to call.

Installing an illegal fence

Despite quite understandable arguments, there are residents who install illegal fencing. They can obstruct access to emergency services and create inconvenience to other neighbors.

After identifying the illegal installation of the fence, you can do the following actions.

  1. Request documents confirming the legality of the building.

These include: minutes of the general meeting of residents with a written majority decision on the installation of a fence or a paper from the relevant authorities confirming the inclusion of the territory in the cadastral plan of an apartment building. In the absence of these documents, the installation of the fence cannot be considered legal.

  1. Design fences in accordance with existing laws and regulations, taking into account the interests of all owners of high-rise buildings.
  2. If the requirements of paragraph 2 are not met, the fence is subject to immediate demolition. However, you do not need to do this yourself, there are special bodies for this.

To get rid of illegal fencing, you can act according to the following plan.

  1. Apply to the city council with a request to deal with the unauthorized construction of the fence.
  2. Be sure to indicate the address of the apartment building, as well as the cadastral number of the site where the unauthorized building is located.
  3. It is advisable to support the application with a photograph of the illegal fence.
  4. Register your application.

After successful registration, no more than 30 days must pass before the demolition.

If you have shown activity, have received the consent of the neighbors and have gone through all the paperwork, hold on to the end. There will always be dissatisfied people who will interfere with the implementation of the conceived idea.

First of all, these are motorists from neighboring high-rise buildings, who found themselves without parking spaces, as well as small dirty tricks, which now they can’t make trouble for respectable people.

But these are all trifles. Soon everyone will calm down and it will be possible to relax, and the neighbors will thank you for creating comfort in your common home.

Text: Anastasia Dorofeeva

In late April - early May, public utilities dismantled yellow-green fences around front gardens and lawns between houses throughout Moscow. Attention was drawn to this social media users. The mayor's office explained the demolition of the fences by the fact that they were outdated: morally and physically. Urbanists rejoiced - in their opinion, low fences are useless, they take up space and in fact do not protect lawns from pedestrians and cars. If desired, they can be easily stepped over - for these reasons, such structures are not used in Western countries. But it turned out that it was too early to rejoice: judging by the documents, new ones will soon appear in place of the yellow-green fences.

The Village tried to find out why the fences were put back in place after the demonstration demolition and why the fences were painted right before the dismantling.

Why the fences were demolished and how the townspeople reacted to this

According to official statements, yellow-green fences have been removed throughout the city, except for places where they are functionally necessary, for example, blocking the yard from the passage of cars. According to Petr Ivanov, a specialist in the Department of Territorial Development of the RANEPA, officials "accidentally made a decision that unexpectedly led to an aesthetically good result."

The townspeople greeted the innovation ambiguously - almost immediately there were those who wanted to keep the fences in their yard. To do this, you need to create an initiative group and apply to the council or directly to the Zhilischnik. So, for example, residents of one of the houses in the area of ​​​​Teply Stan acted, drawing up the minutes of the general meeting of the owners of an apartment building.

But still, it was not even the very fact of the demolition that caused more questions among the townspeople, but the fact that a few days before that, almost all the fences had been painted.

The mayor's office and the city department of housing and communal services could not respond to inquiries about the reasons for such an illogical decision and about how much the painting cost the budget.

Shortly after the demolition of the fences, social media users also started complain that cars began to park on the lawns. IN comments To such posts, the townspeople shared photos with cars left on the lawns:

What will appear in place of the fences

Prefect of the Central Administrative District Vladimir Goverdovsky in an interview said that a hedge would be a good way to deal with cars on lawns after the fences were dismantled. According to him, in most cases it is planned to replace the lawn fences during the spring-summer improvement period.

At the same time, judging by the documents on the public procurement website, new lawn fences will still appear. For example, Zhilischnik in the Danilovsky District has an open auction for the "supply of lawn fences for the needs of the State Budgetary Institution" in the amount of 5,854,679 rubles. The situation is the same with Zhilischnik in the Vykhino-Zhulebino district, only there they are ready to pay 1,352,932 rubles from the city budget for the “manufacture and installation of metal fences in courtyard areas” that are being demolished. And the “purchase of a lawn fence for the improvement of the courtyard areas of the Koptevo district” is among those completed in early May. As a result of the auction, a company was chosen that is ready to perform the work for 1,693,894 rubles. In the procurement documents, we managed to find images of fences that are planned to be installed at several addresses in different parts of the district.

The tender documentation contained a list of addresses where such fences would be installed: with the help of Google Street Views, it was possible to determine that they mainly enclose parking lots from lawns. Initially, the mayor's office did not plan to return fences to such places.

From the procurement documents from Zhilischnikov in other districts, it follows that lawn fences LGO-10 and Raduga will be installed there. They look like this:

To find out why new fences are being put up on the site of the demolished fences, including in areas where we are not talking about the separation of the roadway, we called Zhilischniki, which posted this documentation on the public procurement portal. We managed to contact only the organization in Koptev, where they could not answer the question. The district councils could not be reached for comment either.

old new fences

Meanwhile, new fences have already begun to appear on the sites of the demolished fences, corresponding to the image from the order of Koptev's Zhilischnik. These are all the same low fences, only not yellow-green, but black. Procurement documents for other districts also indicate that black, gray and pistachio paint is now being purchased for fences.

In the Zhilischnik of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district, they commented on this phenomenon as follows:

“We are putting up black new fences in the yards of complex improvement, we are enclosing playgrounds at the expense of the district administration. Residents are asking for the return of the fences, and we are trying to accommodate them. We do everything at the request of the residents, only we removed the fences not at their request».

At the moment, the issue of restricting entry into the territory of apartment buildings has been put under the control of the prosecutor's office in connection with the increasing cases of illegal installation of fences.

Many install barriers without obtaining official permission from the state fire supervision service, which is the main limiter in this matter.

In the event of an emergency (for example, a fire in a house) in an area illegally fenced off by a barrier, special fire equipment will easily demolish the arrow on the path of movement on a call, while residents will not receive compensation for the funds spent on installation (about 50 thousand rubles), as they acted without permission. And if the car of firefighters as a result of a ram is marked with damage to the body, then a lawsuit may be filed against the initiators of the installation of the barrier in order to compensate for material damage.

According to Art. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and art. 16
Federal Law of December 29, 2004 No. No. 189-FZ "On the Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" a land plot on which an apartment building and other real estate objects that are part of such a house are located,
is the common shared property of the owners of premises in an apartment building. The procedure for registration of ownership of a land plot is established by paragraphs 2-5 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2004 No. No. 189-FZ "On the Enactment of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation".

The decision to form a land plot under the house is made by the owners of the premises at a general meeting. By decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, any person authorized by the said meeting has the right to apply to local authorities with an application for the formation of a land plot on which an apartment building is located.

According to Art. 26 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the ownership of a land plot is certified by documents in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.07.1997. No. 122-FZ "On state registration of rights to
real estate and transactions with it.
In accordance with clause 1.5 of the Rules of the Road, it is prohibited to arbitrarily install road signs, traffic lights, other means of organizing traffic (including barriers) that create
obstacles to movement. The installation of a barrier must be allowed by the city administration in agreement with the state fire supervision service, traffic police, public utilities.

Vehicles of owners of premises in an apartment building and other persons enter the adjacent territory in accordance with the procedure established by the general meeting. This item must be in the decision, as required by clause 6 of the Moscow Government Decree No. 428 “ On the procedure for installing fences in the adjacent territories in the city of Moscow».

The decision of the general meeting shall indicate information about the person authorized to represent the interests of the owners of premises in an apartment building on issues related to the installation of fencing devices and them.

According to part 3 of article 12 of the law of the city of Moscow "On land use in the city of Moscow" dated 12/19/2007 No. 48, the boundaries of land plots of apartment buildings are established on the basis of land surveying projects. The decision to prepare projects for planning territories, including a project for surveying the territory, is made by the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow. The owners of premises in an apartment building have the right to own and use this land plot to the extent necessary for their operation of the apartment building, as well as objects that are part of the common property in such a house.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 02.11.2012 No. 614-PP, issues on the release of land plots from objects illegally placed on them that are not objects of capital construction, including illegally installed fences, are carried out by permanent district commissions for the suppression of unauthorized construction. Based on the decision of the district commission, the prefecture of the administrative district takes measures for the demolition and dismantling of non-capital objects (fences, fences).

By virtue of paragraph 2 of part 2 of article 44 of the HC RF, the competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building includes: making decisions on the limits of the use of the land plot on which the apartment building is located, including the introduction of restrictions on its use.
According to Part 1 of Article 46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building on issues put to a vote are taken by a majority of votes from the total number of votes of the owners of premises in an apartment building participating in this meeting, with the exception of those provided for in clauses 1 - 3.1 of part 2 of Article 44 of this Code decisions that are taken by a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of votes of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

Thus, since the installation of a barrier in the courtyard of the house relates to the use of the land plot, including the restriction of the use of this plot, the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building (a meeting of members of the HOA) has the right to decide to install a barrier in the courtyard of the house. However, such a decision should not be made by a simple majority of votes, but at least two-thirds of the total number of votes of the owners, that is, a qualified majority, must vote for it.

In accordance with Part 5 of Article 46 of the LC RF, the decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, adopted in accordance with the procedure established by this Code, on issues within the competence of such a meeting, is binding on all owners of premises in an apartment building, including those owners who did not participate in the voting.

If a decision is made on an issue that falls within the competence of the general meeting, that is, to install a barrier in the courtyard of the house, and in compliance with the requirements provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, then it also applies to the owner who did not take part in the voting, or voted against the decision on barrier installation. Therefore, this owner is obliged to pay for the installation of a barrier in the courtyard of the house.

If the decision was made in violation of the requirements stipulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, that is, it was made by a simple majority of votes, and not by a qualified majority (at least two-thirds of the votes), the owner who voted against such a decision has the right to appeal it in court.

In the event that subsequently any of the owners of the premises in this apartment building sold the apartment, then the decision of the general meeting of the owners of the MKD (general meeting of members of the HOA) regarding the payment of funds, at the expense of which the barrier was installed in the yard, does not apply to the new owner Houses. These costs must be borne by the previous owner. The new owner may be obligated only to pay for the manufacture of keys to the barrier, if the previous owner did not transfer them to him.
If the chairman of the council of the house (chairman of the HOA) refuses to transfer the keys to the barrier to the new owner, the new owner has the right to demand that the keys to the barrier be transferred to him in court on the basis of Article 304 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with this article, the owner may demand the elimination of any violation of his right, even if these violations were not connected with deprivation of possession.

Summarizing the above:

1. The first stage is a mandatory meeting of apartment owners, which will consider the issue of restricting entry into the yard by installing a barrier. If such a resolution is adopted by an overwhelming majority (preferably at least 70%) of the votes, then a protocol is drawn up. It is submitted to the relevant authorities.

If the adjacent territory is still communal property, it is necessary to make a decision on the formation of the site and putting it on the cadastral register, and this already requires the consent of all residents. But the decisions of full owners have great power.

2. An appropriate application is submitted to the municipal council of deputies, the minutes of the meeting of tenants-owners and technical documentation, that is, the design of the fence. The Council makes a decision no longer than a month (this is separately stipulated by law) and notifies the person who submitted the application of its decision no later than five days after the verdict is passed.

3. The decision will not necessarily be positive. A refusal, according to a government decree, can be obtained if round-the-clock unhindered passage and free movement of fire, gas, other emergency services and ambulance transport around the yard are not provided.

It should be noted separately that the barriers are dismantled if they interfere with the work on the improvement of the territory, construction (reconstruction) or major repairs, carried out at the expense of the Moscow city budget. Dismantling will be announced in advance. In this case, the costs of the owners for the purchase and installation of the enclosing device will be compensated. The amount of compensation is determined on the basis of an independent evaluation report.

According to Part 8 of Article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: “8. Violation of fire safety requirements to ensure passages, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures and structures -entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand roubles; on officials - from seven thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred and twenty thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand rubles. »

SNiP 2.07.01-89 states that "when designing driveways and pedestrian routes, it is necessary to ensure that fire trucks can reach residential and public buildings."

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the city of Moscow (Article 6.5), liability is provided for restricting access to a free site. The maximum sanction for this violation against legal entities is 20,000 rubles.

The territories that are located in the immediate vicinity of apartment buildings are property that belongs to all residents of this building at the same time.

But even in this article it is written that there should not be any act stating that this is the case. Thus, the current legislation tells citizens that they can do whatever they want with this land, but within certain limits.

Another reason for owning this territory can serve. It clearly states that such land plots and other immovable objects that are part of the house automatically become the property of a common share type.

All residents of the house have the right to it. And to make decisions about any actions with it should be taken by all tenants by voting. It should accept the majority of tenants living in the house.

Thus, based on all the provisions of the current legislation that were cited above, we can confidently say that fencing the adjoining territory of an apartment building.

How to fence the adjoining territory of an apartment building?

As mentioned above, such a decision should be made by a certain assembly, which should consist of the vast majority of people living in this house. At such a council, clear decisions should be made on how much land will be fenced off, what type of fence will be installed.

Most of the disputes in such a situation usually arise around the cost of all work. The collection of funds also falls on the shoulders of the residents of the house.

Often, not all people want to invest in such projects, and many of them do not even show up at meetings. That is why fundraising is usually a problem.

Usually, the required amount is divided equally among all tenants, after which a collection is made. Many citizens will not want to give away their hard-earned money until they see a concrete plan for how all the fencing work will be done.

Such a plan should be drawn up under the full control of the tenants' meeting in order to avoid problems in the future. But for the direct preparation of such a document, it is better to hire a specialist and include the cost of his services in the total amount that will be required to complete all the work.

Next, you need to coordinate the construction of the fence with some government services, which such a building may interfere with. This can be done if you bring the plan that was developed by the residents to the representative of each of the following services.

If approval is received, then the building is considered legal. In addition, each representative should be asked to sign and seal. This will serve as proof that the plan has been seen and approved.

If the case goes to court, then you can avoid a lot of problems if you have a plan in your hands, certified by the signature and seal of each service.

Types of barriers

Devices for barriers in the adjoining territories of an apartment building are divided into:

  1. On structures that provide a complete ban on access to the territory.
  2. On different designs that can provide a partial ban on access to the local area.
  3. Structures that can block access to some part of the territory. This type of fence is called target.


After preparation, the plan for carrying out all work must be agreed with such services as:

  1. Ministry of Emergency Situations, namely with the local management of this service.
  2. Police represented by the leadership of the local branch.
  3. With the ambulance service that operates in the area.
  4. With an inspection of the architectural and construction type.

Important. All these services must carefully study the plan and then put their seal and signature. Thus, they will show that they do not mind the construction of this.

If the tenants do not take this condition seriously and do not coordinate their actions with the above services, then one of them may be offended in the future and go to court with a statement of claim.

If the tenants fail to prove the fact that the work was coordinated, then the judge will undoubtedly take the side of the plaintiff and decide on the liquidation of all previously performed work. In other words, everything that was built will be automatically demolished by court order, and the money that was collected from the tenant will be thrown to the wind.

As a result, we can conclude that no one forbids residents to protect the territory on their own, and all their actions will be absolutely legal if they adhere to a certain procedure, which is prescribed above.

The services mentioned above can go to court not only because they are offended.

The fact is that they also have their own duties, and in order for them to be able to fulfill them fully in a fenced area, coordination is required.

How to deal with illegal fencing?

If the fences of the courtyard of an apartment building were installed inconsistently, then this action is considered illegal. They are very actively fighting with this, and in order to deal with such a disgrace, you need to:

To draw up an application, it is better to use the services of professionals, since legal literacy must be observed.


If there is a desire to protect an apartment building from uninvited guests, then it is better to immediately comply with all the formalities, which are not so many.

This will avoid many problems that may arise in the future.