Fabric flowers on the head with their own hands. Secrets of a magical hobby - making flowers from fabric with your own hands in a hot way

The idea of ​​making flowers from fabric is not new at all. However, learning how to make such decorations is very useful. With the help of artificial ones, you can decorate postcards, gifts, frames, dresses, hair ornaments. How to make fabric flowers Photos and master classes will help in this matter.

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DIY fabric flowers: master classes

Master class number 1: do-it-yourself fabric roses

Making fabric roses is pretty easy. Even a beginner can handle it. For this you will need the following materials:

  • Any fabric.
  • Scissors.
  • Thermal gun.

Manufacturing steps:

Such fabric flowers will look good in a wreath as an interior element in shabby chic, Provence or country style. They are also suitable for decoration, pillows or, for example.

Master class number 2: do-it-yourself artificial flowers from organza or satin

If you look on satin flowers or organza, it may seem that making them is very difficult. But in fact, even beginners can make them.

Necessary materials:

  • Candle.
  • Satin fabric or organza (pink or white).
  • Scissors.
  • Yellow floss threads.
  • Needle.

Manufacturing steps:

Master class number 3: do-it-yourself flowers from frills

To make a product out of fabric, it is not necessary to have a glue gun, a simple needle and thread will suffice.

So , for making a flower from frills the following materials are needed:

  • Any fabric.
  • Scissors.
  • Thread according to the color of the fabric and a needle.
  • Bead, button or rhinestone.

Stages of work:

Such artificial flowers can decorate, for example, a dress, hair accessories or pillows.

Master class number 4: do-it-yourself pom-pom flower

To make a three-dimensional flower, you will need the following materials:

  • Fabric (any soft fabric will do).
  • Thermal gun.
  • Felt.
  • Scissors.

Stages of work:

Master class number 5: do-it-yourself denim flower

Materials required for the manufacture:

  • Denim.
  • Lace.
  • Glue.
  • Pin.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Bead.

Stages of work:

Master class number 6: a ring with a rose of their braid

To make such a rose It will take quite a bit of time and money. For this you need:

  • Braid "bindweed".
  • Threads according to the color of the braid.
  • Needle.
  • Matches or lighter.
  • Scissors.
  • Thermal gun.
  • Ring preparation.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut off 50 cm of braid. The length of the braid can be less or more, depending on the required size of the rosette.
  2. Fold the string in half.
  3. We intertwine with each other all the elements of the braid.
  4. We cut the ends and singe with a match or a lighter.
  5. We twist the braid into a bud, gradually stitching it from below.
  6. Slightly bend the outer layers to make petals.
  7. Now we glue the finished rose to the blank for the ring, which has a round platform.

fabric flowers

There is a lot of information on the Internet on the technique of making flowers from fabric with a detailed description and video. But I still decided to add my efforts here. Our site already has a couple of MKs on this topic, but suddenly you forgot about this type of needlework. I hope it will be useful to someone))) So, we will need:

  1. Man-made fiber fabric.
  2. Patterns of flowers or petals.
  3. Pins and needles with thread. ()
  4. Chalk, soap or disappearing marker. ()
  5. Various beads, rhinestones, buttons, stamens.
  6. Candle and matches.
  7. Scissors. ()
  8. Patience.

The fabric must contain synthetic fibers so that it can be further processed on fire. It can be silk, satin, chiffon, organza. In advance, you need to prepare templates for the petals - cut them out of cardboard or thick paper. The shape of the template determines how the finished flower will look. The shape of the template is only limited by your imagination. To do this, draw a few cinquefoils of different sizes, or individual petals also of different sizes.

If you need a large number of identical petals, then the fabric must be folded into 4 or 8 layers. Attach the templates to the fabric and circle. Secure each piece with pins and cut out. There is no need to try to make everything as smooth as possible. After all, there are no identical petals on a living flower.

After we circled and cut out the required number of petals, we proceed to firing. Gently bring the fabric to the flame of the candle, gently passing it in passing. Due to the impact of fire, the edges are melted and slightly wrapped, giving shape to our petals. So we handle all the details. Some particularly large petals can be slightly notched for a ragged effect. You should get such "clumsy" blanks.

Then we start assembling We lay out our blanks by size. We thread the needle and stick the needle with the eye down into something soft. It can be a piece of foam, foam rubber, or, for example, a needle bed, like mine. Then we begin to put our workpieces on the sharp end of the needle.

Five-blade blanks collected in turn from large to small. You determine the number of tiers yourself, depending on the desired result. For example, you can assemble it like this: 4 large blanks, 3 smaller ones, 3 more blanks of the following size, and 4 very small ones. The middle of the flower can be assembled from a different color. You can also leave room for beads or collect the middle of tiny petals.

Heart shaped blanks corresponds to one petal in a flower, unlike the previous version. We will need 5 to 8 petals of each size. We will collect one petal at a time - we string each petal by the "tail" starting from the largest in a circle. Each subsequent petal is strung on the previous overlap.

It is not necessary to use all blanks. Define the filling of the flower to your liking. The orange flowers below are made using this technique. After you have collected the flower, it must be fixed. Carefully take the flower and pull the needle through. Then fasten with a few stitches in the center, capturing all the petals. If the flower is not very dense, you can sew a few beautiful beads into the middle. Sew fastening on the back side. This can be a regular safety pin, a hairpin, or a special clasp purchased from a store.

Finished flowers look like this:

These flowers can decorate anything or anyone. Creative success to you!

They are beautiful no less than living ones, plus: they will not dry out, they will not lose their appearance at the most inopportune moment, they will retain their original appearance, beauty and color for a long time. They can be placed anywhere, and the flexible wire stems are easy to shape into any shape. They are fabric flowers, a real masterpiece of needlework.

Flowers can be made from fabric, which will be easy to collect in a wedding bouquet.

Wedding decoration with artificial flowers

Usually, artificial flowers at a wedding are used for:

  • and her wedding wreath, and if necessary, also for her handbag and hairpins;
  • and best man;
  • interior compositions.

For example, from satin roses you can make such an original wedding bouquet. Don't miss our wedding day!

We make a delicate and stylish bouquet of satin roses with our own hands!

Just below, you will find how to make artificial flowers at home. Everything you need for this exquisite creativity can be purchased at a specialized store. It doesn't take much:

  • a set of rolls (these are metal balls on wooden handles to give the petals a convex shape);
  • knife for corrugating leaves and petals;
  • a spatula for curling the edges of the petals;
  • scissors, awl, tweezers.

All bouquets, both for the bride and her bridesmaids, are made of fabric.

All of these are very easy to use tools.

To make fabric flowers, we also need:

  • rubber pad on which you will process the details of the flower;
  • brushes for tinting and jars for dyes;
  • glass on which tinting is done.

You can’t do without soft wire for stems, paper (preferably cigarette paper) for wrapping them, and PVA glue (PVA-M latex glue). Salt dough or colored paraffin for pistils and stamens and aniline dyes for fabric may be required. And your imagination and ability to be creative will also be required.

The most important thing is the right choice of fabric for the flowers that you are going to make with your own hands.

Important: it is easiest to work with natural fabrics (crepe satin, silk, crepe de chine, chiffon). They are well stretched and easily corrugated. Synthetic fabrics do not stretch well and deform when the tool is overheated; working with them requires a lot of experience.

A large flower of two-color fabric on the bride's dress

Important: use only new fabrics.

Master class of fabric flowers for the wedding

Let's make a very simple open semi-double pale pink chiffon rose. The petals of this rose are almost flat, revealing stamens. Flower diameter 5-7 cm.

Some details for assembling a fabric flower

Preparing fabric for a flower

The fabric is pre-gelatinized. To do this, two tablespoons of gelatin are left to swell in a glass of cold water, then heated in a water bath. With this solution, brush the fabric on a flat surface with a brush, then hang it to dry. The dried fabric is ironed with a warm iron.

Patterns of flowers from fabric

You can find ready-made patterns, but there is a great little-known way - we will share it with you: patterns can be made according to patterns taken from the contours of fresh flowers. To do this, the flower is disassembled into separate petals, their contours are outlined on thick paper, cut out, and the pattern is ready.

Do the same with the leaves, but be sure to make a small protrusion in the shape of a boat 5x4 mm at the base of each leaf blade to attach the leaf to the stem. With this method, you can get patterns of any flower, not just roses.

Petals of a very convex shape, which do not lie completely on the paper, are outlined with some deviation from their shape.

Cut “along the bias”, tracing the pattern over the fabric with a ballpoint pen (red or green). The pencil is not good, as it leaves a dirty mark. You need to cut, leaving a trace from the handle behind the outline.

Coloring the petals of fabric flowers

Shadow tint will make the flower look more natural. They make it using the “raw” method: the petals are soaked in water, laid out on glass and the desired tone is applied with a brush. The leaves and sepals are painted with green paint, the petals are yellow with salad or salmon.

Shaping the petals

This will require bulbs. They are heated on an electric stove and the petal is processed on a soft pad, making it concave. There is another method of processing, cold: the petal is placed on a piece of rubber and carried out with a curling knife from the edges to the center.

Making stamens for flowers from fabric

These elements complete the complete resemblance to a living flower. The stamens are made from threads gelatinized, like fabric, and a colored paint color, into which the end of the thread smeared with glue is dipped. Color can be replaced with melted wax. The number of stamens is 30-40 pieces.

The pestle is made from a ball of cotton wool planted on a wire, painted in light green. The stamens and pistil are attached to a wire hook wrapped in paper and smeared with glue.

fabric flower core

A small button or cotton ball smeared with glue will act as a core. First fix a bunch of stamens with a pestle on it and start gluing the petals: from small to large, in a checkerboard pattern. Glue on the green sepals last. Attach the flower to the end of the crochet stem.

For all work, use PVA glue, it does not leave marks on the fabric.

Fabric flower stem

It is made of wire wrapped in dyed paper shavings (strips of tissue paper 4-7 cm wide). Paper can be replaced with green thread. For strength, the stem is covered with glue or varnish.

Leaves for fabric flowers

Leaf petioles are made of flexible wire, glued, like the stem, with dyed paper shavings. Each leaf blade is glued to a separate petiole, then the veins are applied to each blade with a hard rubber knife. Petioles are collected in a complex leaf with one common petiole.

Delicate pink fabric flower

Assembling a flower branch from fabric

On the stem with the flower already attached, “graft” the petioles of the leaves. Wrap the wire twists with paper, masking the joints.

Wedding celebrations, anniversaries, children's holidays do not pass without decorations made of textile materials. Fabric flowers are a wonderful addition to bouquets of living plants, which are used to decorate rooms, cars, and are also used as accessories.

Nowadays, salons are opening in which they create such accessories. It should be noted that their cost is high, so most beginner craftswomen learn this art of creating flowers from fabric with their own hands. For beginner needlewomen, there are a lot of instructions and recommendations in comprehending this creativity.

Textile embellishments

Decorating with flowers is very popular in additional items of clothing, bags, jokes, and making up stylish compositions. Experienced needlewomen use fabrics of different structures and colors, knitwear and yarn to make such jewelry.

Modeling compositions from silk ribbons, satin or denim is an interesting creative activity. From the same pieces of material, various and exclusive things are obtained. To date, a large number of ways to create flowers have been invented, and each of them is completely unique. To start creative work, you need a little time, trimming satin, chiffon, linen or organza, scissors and glue.

Mastering the art of creating flowers allows you to:

  • exquisitely wrapping gifts;
  • update interior items;
  • make jewelry items on your own;
  • serve festive tables;
  • make presentations;
  • make out albums, magazines.

Instruction for beginners

In order to make a simple fabric flower on a dress with your own hands, using two equal-sized ribbons of different colors, you need:

  1. Fold the ribbons with each other, bend the corner from one end.
  2. Twist the strip in a spiral.
  3. When the tape ends, glue its edge to the formed bud.
  4. Form the base of the flower, cut off four identical stripes of the same color and three of a different color, only shorter in length. Grease the ends with glue and bend to the middle. Stack the resulting parts in a pile, on top of each other.
  5. Glue the bud to the center of the product.

Such a product can decorate the hair, neck, hand, and can be used as a decorative decoration for gift wrapping.

An artificial organza flower looks unusual and elegant. After all, this material is very often used for sewing wedding dresses and veils.

Fabric flowers to decorate the bride's dress are combined with a festive outfit and complement it. Working with this type of fabric is easy and pleasant, and the available palette of shades will allow you to choose the desired and suitable colors.

To create an air masterpiece you will need:

  • pieces of organza;
  • thread, needle, scissors;
  • wire or fishing line;
  • beads;
  • candle;
  • paper for sketches, drawings.

How to make a fabric flower?

A step-by-step master class will help you understand the process:

  1. Preparation of patterns. From paper, cut out drawn round geometric shapes that differ in diameters. Templates can be made using glasses of different sizes or other objects of a similar shape.
  2. Attach the cut pieces to the fabric. According to the ready-made templates, cut out several round elements of each size from the prepared organza - blanks for the petals are obtained.
  3. Melt the edges of the blanks with a burning candle.
  4. It is recommended to start the assembly from the lower petals, which are larger in size, then add the rest one by one. In the middle of the flower, glue a bead, beads, you can sew or string on a fishing line. It turns out a beautiful flower - a peony.
  5. To create a rose, at the beginning of work, make shallow cuts in a round fabric blank. In the process of singeing with fire, carefully observe that the petals twist in one direction. In this case, a delicate rose will turn out beautiful and refined.

Flowers and ribbons

Decorative embellishments from ribbons of different fabrics look completely natural. This is a rose twisted from a single satin ribbon, realistic bouquets, textured buds, lace specimens with leaves.

If you understand the technique of twisting the simplest product - roses from ribbon strips, in the future you can take on more complex creations. To get roses of different sizes, buds, opened heads, it is necessary to vary the dimensional features of the selected ribbon. The composition of the used tape is selected according to the creative wishes of the manufacturer.

To work, you need a ribbon fabric of the selected color, the resulting large or medium bud will depend on the width and length. To get a small rose, it is enough to prepare a ribbon 2 cm wide. In addition, prepare the necessary tools, namely scissors, thread, needle and glue gun.

How to make fabric flowers Everything is ready, it's time to get to work:

  1. Make a ribbon rose as per the previous twist tutorial.
  2. To form the petals, to do this, bend the ribbon outward along the oblique, and wrap the center of the flower. Hold the workpiece from below, you can fix it with a thread.
  3. Continue to build up the petals according to the scheme: bend the tape, wrap the bud, and then just like this
  4. After a few turns, it is desirable to fix the rows at the base of the bud so that the tape does not turn around. The flower is located between two fingers (forefinger and thumb) so that the rose is located on the palm.
  5. Once the bud has reached the desired size, press the end of the tape to the base and secure with glue.

Experienced craftswomen fix layers of fabric tape twice, at the beginning of work and at the end, and beginners are advised to stitch or glue the petals.

Braid is great for making flowers that can be used to decorate rings, a brooch or a necklace. The product of this material is very elegant and intricate.

Japanese style in action

In the modern world, women of fashion began to use items of their toilet, decorated with flowers using the kanzashi technique. This is a long-standing needlework, invented by the Japanese, and is in great demand today. The most popular model of this style is a flower with different shapes of petals, round or pointed edges, for example, chamomile, rose, chrysanthemum and others. The image of a girl becomes more feminine and eye-catching thanks to the decoration in the form of a delicate flower with bright colorful petals created from fabrics.

Connoisseurs of decorative arts say that kanzashi-style fabric products will never go out of fashion, they will always bring charm and individuality to women.

Before you start the creative process itself, you need to remember a few important points:

  • Choose the right fabric.
  • Connection of flower details.
  • cutting methods.
  • Heat treatment of fabric.

The most suitable and convenient material used will be a regular satin ribbon. It lends itself to heat treatment, is easily cut with scissors, and holds the shape of the finished product well. This is the best option for beginner needlewomen. More experienced craftswomen can work with natural silks, nylon and other varieties.

When connecting the individual parts of a flower, kanzashi prefer the process of stitching with a needle and thread. You can use glue, but the requirements for it are as follows: dry quickly, leave no marks, hold individual parts of the craft as a whole.

For even and accurate cutting, there is a convenient way to wind the tape several times on a cardboard template, pull it off and cut it into several parts at once. The edges are trimmed with sharp scissors. There is another simple way, bend the tape diagonally and cut it off. According to the finished template, cut out the required number of blanks.

Matches and an ordinary lighter are used to melt pieces of fabric and give shape to individual parts. A wax candle will help beginners.

Japanese experts glue the edges of textiles with a non-marking rice adhesive and do not use fire treatment.

The disadvantage of the method for inexperienced needlewomen is the long drying of such glue. In the case of using a candle to melt the tip of the strip, you need to cut it a few millimeters, and then process it at the base of the flame.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an aster

To get a beautiful kanzashi-style fabric aster flower, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a satin ribbon, scissors, a candle, cardboard, tweezers and glue.
  2. Make a petal from a 5 cm wide satin ribbon, folding several times and singeing the ends of the petal with a candle. You will need 20 pieces.
  3. Collect the flower from the middle, which will require 4 petals. Glue the parts together.
  4. The second layer will require 6 petals.
  5. Glue the petal of the third layer between the two petals of the second. The third row also has 6 petals.
  6. Glue the 4th row in the same way as the third.
  7. Make 12 more petals of another larger shape, glue them to the main flower in the same way.
  8. In order to cover the wrong side of the product, cut out a small circle from thick cardboard, attach it to a piece of fabric, wrap it inside the edges, and fix it with glue.
  9. Glue the flower to the base.

The graceful aster is ready, it can decorate any object. This simple tutorial is for a single color aster, but you can experiment with multiple color cuts.

An accessory consisting of a fabric flower is universal. With such a decoration, you can appear both at a magnificent celebration, and in the office, at presentations and business receptions. In this case, the flower must be correctly selected, depending on the color and size. Professional craftsmen who are fond of the “silk floristry” style use classical methods to create textile flowers.

Even if it is raining outside the window, an ornament in the form of an elegant fabric flower will help to make this day bright and memorable. And if you make it with your own hands, then wearing it will become more desirable and pleasant.

In a working environment, in the office, appropriate decorations are selected. If you wear a brooch with a bright and large product that attracts general attention to yourself, this is inappropriate. At a cheerful friendly party, a strict and stylish accessory will not fit the frivolous image of a lady.

For a working business suit, flower brooches made of a fabric that matches the set, for example, tweed, are suitable. A formal strict dress will brighten up a small modest rose. If such a cold dress is complemented with a lush chrysanthemum, then in such an outfit you can go anywhere after work, for example, to a restaurant.

A bright small aster looks great with a white office blouse.

On a walk, when choosing accessories, you can relax and let your imagination run wild. You can use products that are distinguished by brightness and originality, of any size. Poppies, orchids created from fabrics will be combined with this image.

In summer, there are no restrictions on the choice of bright jewelry; you can safely wear the most unusual jewelry.

Going for a walk, you do not need to add sparkling products to your wardrobe that are more suitable for the evening.

Feminine gentle image will be emphasized by products created from airy and light materials.

In winter, the palette of jewelry becomes calm, pastel.

Autumn is characterized by a warm range of colors that will make a dull time brighter and more fun.

In addition to the festive outfit, elegant silk bouquets are suitable.

The option looks original when the textural properties of the flower are completely opposite to the structural fabric of the outfit.

A beautiful contrast will come from a combination of sparkling accessories and a matte holiday dress. Textiles have a wonderful ability to turn a simple modest dress into a sophisticated holiday outfit. You can try to attach a homemade flower to a working dress, and the image of its bearer will change radically.

Jewelry for children

Do-it-yourself fabric flowers according to patterns using templates can also be created by children, of course with the help of adults. Every kid looks forward to holidays, especially birthdays. Parents worry more than the hero of the occasion, because they want to make this day unforgettable for their child.

You can start preparing for the holiday with the decoration of the birthday man's room. This is where knowledge on creating applications and crafts from different fabrics will come in handy. And it is best to make everything yourself, and the kids will be happy to do needlework with their parents.

Chairs, a festive table, and other interior items are decorated with home-made crafts. And the daughter's new dress will become very elegant and elegant if you attach a beautiful tulle flower to it.

To make a delicate accessory, you need to take a few centimeters of satin ribbon, a piece of tulle, and sewing supplies. Fold the ribbon in half and sew, make round elements from tulle, and connect them together, gently pulling the thread, give the shape of a flower. Glue a bead to the center, and sew the finished copy to the dress.

Flowers decorate children's dresses, skirts, making them more festive. Decorative handmade products make our life more joyful and bright, and the fact that they are made with their own hands give uniqueness and sincerity.

It is difficult to imagine a wedding ceremony and a celebration without flowers: they are an indispensable component of the bride's bouquet and groom's boutonniere, they decorate cars and the banquet room with their help. But sometimes living plants are not able to endure too hot or cold weather, and temperature changes adversely affect their appearance. In the article, you will learn what an alternative is, how to make fabric flowers with your own hands so that they look beautiful on your wedding day and remain in memory of a joyful day without losing their original appearance.

Master class on making artificial flowers from organza

Artificial flowers look charming, in the manufacture of which organza was used. This is due to the frequency of using the material when sewing a wedding dress, which means that the accessory will go well with the bride's outfit. In addition, the fabric is very comfortable and pliable in work, which will facilitate the process of creating a masterpiece, and a variety of color shades makes it possible to choose colors that best suit the decoration of the celebration.

Necessary materials

In order to make organza flowers, you will need:

  • Organza. The color of the fabric depends on the preferences of the bride and the theme, style of the wedding. To create an interesting composition, materials of different shades can be used. If it is impossible to find organza, chiffon or satin will do.
  • Sewing accessories - needle, thread, wire.
  • Beads, beads for decoration.
  • Candle, matches.
  • Paper needed for drawing patterns and sketches.

Stages of creation

A detailed master class will help you learn how to make fabric flowers with your own hands:

  • We are preparing patterns for future buds. To do this, draw several circles of different diameters on paper. To make the circles as even as possible, you should use glasses of different sizes or other round objects. After drawing, cut out the elements and transfer to the fabric. Using ready-made templates, we cut out several circles of each diameter from organza - we got petal blanks.

  • Light a candle. Bringing each petal, melt the edges a little. In order to determine how far from the fire to keep the fabric, practice on unnecessary segments. Small details should be singeed, holding them with tweezers so as not to burn your hands.

  • Let's start assembling. It is better to start with the lower petals of a large size, gradually adding the rest. The middle should be decorated with beads or beads, sewn on or strung on a wire. The organza peony is ready.

  • To create an organza rose, it is necessary during the first stage to make five shallow cuts on the finished fabric mug. When processing parts with fire, it is important to ensure that all the petals are twisted in one direction, then the bud will look neat and beautiful.

Simple decorative ribbon flowers

On the eve of the wedding, many brides think about how to sew, make fabric flowers so that they look beautiful, complement existing accessories and jewelry, harmoniously combined with them. Often the problem is the lack of necessary materials, skills and experience in the creative business. But in order to create amazing exclusive flowers from ribbons, you do not need special equipment or great skill. The main thing is a little patience and imagination, and a detailed master class will help you realize all this, create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

Necessary materials

In order to make buds from ribbons, you will need:

  • Satin ribbons in two colors (main and for leaves). Particular attention should be paid to the width of the tapes - the wider and longer it is, the larger and more voluminous the product will be.
  • Threads, needle.
  • Optionally, beads or rhinestones can be used for decoration.

Stages of creation

Consider two options for how to make beautiful fabric flowers, both are simple, but the result will surely please, and ready-made accessories will serve as an excellent decoration. Master class number 1:

  • We cut off a satin ribbon of the required width, 50 cm long. We wrap one edge to make a triangle.

  • We fold a small corner and fasten it with a needle and thread.

  • We collect the ribbon on a thread, folding it to make a beautiful "accordion". How to do it right, look at the photo.

  • Having collected the entire tape, it must be wrapped around the base, forming a beautiful rose. Secure everything with a thread so that the composition does not fall apart.

  • To create a leaflet, cut a ribbon 10 centimeters long, fold both ends into the middle, forming a triangle. Sew and tighten the triangle at the base. The leaf is ready. To create a beautiful composition, at least two leaves are required for one flower.

  • We connect the flower with the leaves - the masterpiece is ready.

Master class number 2:

  • We cut off a satin ribbon 35 centimeters long. We bend the edge away from ourselves and begin to twist the flower. We fix the base with a thread, not reaching the fold line.

  • We bend the tape towards ourselves, forming a petal. We continue to twist the rose, wrapping the ribbon towards us.
  • We sew the end of the tape from the inside out, fastening all the layers with a thread so that they do not fall apart.

  • By analogy, we make the required number of flowers, from which we will make an accessory or decoration. Such textile accessories are perfect for creating a wedding topiary.

Large fabric flowers using kanzashi technique

Fabric flowers made using the kanzashi technique are original and beautiful. Such accessories can be small and can be used to decorate a wedding dress, a bride's hair band or guests' boutonnieres. If desired, in this way you can make a large flower that will decorate the wedding cortege, banquet hall. The advantage of this technique is the ability to make a flower of absolutely any color, size, without spending a lot of effort and money.

Necessary materials

To make a flower using the kanzashi technique, you will need:

  • Satin ribbon. A large flower requires a wide ribbon. In order to get a multi-colored masterpiece, it is worth buying material of different shades, the golden elements in the product look good.
  • Glue gun, Moment-Crystal glue.
  • Thread, needle, scissors.
  • For decoration - beads, beads, rhinestones, small decorative ornaments in the form of insects (butterflies, ladybugs).
  • Cardboard or ball, cellophane bag.

Stages of creation

Two methods can be used to create large kanzashi-style flowers, we will consider both so that everyone can choose the most suitable and simple option for themselves. Master class number 1:

  • We cut the satin ribbon 7 cm long. Fold it in half and cut it at an angle with a soldering iron.

  • On the other hand, we wrap the tape in the opposite direction, singe the edge, due to which the two ends of the tape are connected. We make the required number of blank petals, which depends on the desired size of the flower.

  • We take cardboard and draw a circle along which we will glue the petals. The larger the diameter, the larger the accessory will turn out as a result. Glue all the petals around.

The second option for creating kanzashi involves creating a large, round, convex flower:

  • The ball is covered with a plastic bag. The size of the finished product depends on the diameter of the ball.
  • We make petals that will serve as the basis of the product.
  • We connect seven finished petals with a thread and a needle into a circle, fix it. It turns out a small flower, which we attach to our ball in the center.
  • Next, glue the petals, placing them between the elements of the previous row.
  • We glue one more element to the petals of the first row, and two more on each side to the details of the third.
  • By analogy, we glue the remaining petals until we get a flower of the desired size.
  • We remove the ball and the plastic bag, our masterpiece is ready.