prime world. Recruit Guide

Over the past year, and today we bring you the first part of the guide for beginners, dedicated to the mode "Borderlands", which in this moment serves as the main activity in the game.

First steps

After registering and installing the game, you need to choose a side of the conflict: the technological Doct Empire or the magical Kingdom of Adornia. The differences between them, apart from a few unique heroes, are cosmetic, so the choice is yours.

Then you will be asked to complete a few tutorial tasks to get comfortable with the interface and earn some initial capital. Including you will fight in the "Borderland" mode against computer opponents. Be sure to repeat this workout several times to get a visual idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis mode and its rules. The easiest to master of the initial heroes are "Huntsman"(aka "Dancing with Wolves") and "Fire Fox" ("Red Tail").

If you have already played DotA, League of Legends and other similar projects, the essence will be familiar to you. In battle, five heroes from each side, led by players, face each other. They must destroy the enemy stronghold located in the opposite corner of the map. Between the bases there are three roads, protected by three rows of towers on each side of the river flowing in the middle (the so-called "lines").

From time to time, strongholds send equal squads of soldiers ("creeps" in the game jargon) along each line to the opponent's base, and the task of the players is to provide an advantage to their troops at least on one of the sections of the front and destroy the enemy towers in order to get to the base.

Each tower has a flag that can be raised by both a powerful soldier and a hero. This makes the surrounding land "home" to one of the parties, which gives the heroes an advantage while they are on it. In addition, you can teleport to the "native land" from anywhere (the last button on the skill bar). If the flag is under cover of the tower, you must first destroy it. However, it is not necessary to turn all the land on the line into native land, the base can be destroyed without it.

The main thing is pumping!

For destroying towers, killing enemy creeps and heroes, and just for being in battle, players earn prime. This is a resource that is spent on studying the talents of the hero. Each learned talent gives the character a new active or passive skill, and increases its level, which gives an increase to each main characteristic. The faster your hero levels up, the greater your advantage over the enemy team.

Between the lines there is a forest inhabited by neutral monsters "wonder", the killing of which serves as an additional source of prime. Keep in mind that if you go into the forest, you will not be able to hold back the enemy on the front line. So, before the start of the battle, agree in the chat on the loading screen who will take each of the three lines, who will go to the forest, and who will create valuable scrolls for themselves and their partners, playing "balls" at the base (the board with them is located near the respawn point ). It often happens that the "balls" and the forest remain empty, and all the players go to the lane in order to quickly break through to the enemy base.

The main source of prime is killing (not just attacking!) enemy soldiers. Be sure to get them! You get much more for killing prime heroes, but it's easy to become prey yourself - some classes in a duel are much stronger than others. So in your first battles with live opponents, go to the lane where someone from your team is already located - it's easier to win together.

In addition, the higher your level, the longer you will have to wait for the revival, and if at the end of the match at least half of the team goes to the "bench", the enemy will not miss such a great opportunity. Therefore, you should value your life, do not climb against superior forces and not allow the enemy to become stronger at your expense.

If your health is running out - move back to your territory and wait until it is restored or teleport to the base, where you will be cured almost instantly. And, of course, do not forget to study talents that give regeneration and steal health from enemies.

Pushing through the defense

Constant battles go for the flagpole in the center of the river, not protected by towers, but even if the enemies capture it, it's okay - they won't get a tangible advantage right away. There will be an opportunity - beat off.

Do not try to beat the towers alone - wait until the next detachment of friendly soldiers approaches and deal with the approaching enemy creeps together with them. Then, while your troops are taking the fire, attack the tower. As soon as the soldiers are destroyed, retreat to a safe distance, otherwise the tower will take over you, and it hits very hard.

In addition, the turret switches to you, ignoring soldiers if you hit an enemy hero that is next to it. But it is worth using it for your own purposes. For example, with AoE heroes, melee characters have a hard time early in the fight. Lure one closer and let him hook you with his mass attack: the tower will immediately switch to the insolent one, and you will support it, preferably with an ability that will make the enemy freeze in place for a while under fire.

The tower also switches to you if only a siege creep is left in the allied unit. They look like a robot and a red demon, respectively, and do not leave the base every wave, but they help to break through the enemy defenses - they just know how to raise flags and cause heavy damage to buildings. If all the other creeps are dead, leave this one in splendid isolation and retreat. Unless the tower is about to be destroyed and then it is worth coming to the rescue.

When you finally manage to force the enemy to leave the lane, there are several options further action. Stay in the lane and continue to build up the advantage, go into the jungle and level up on monsters or go to another lane and help the allies - before choosing, check the situation on the mini-map.

This is generally a very important tool, because the enemies also do not sit still, they constantly move between the lines through the forest or along the river and come to you from the rear. Keep a close eye on their movements, and this will save your life more than once. In addition, you can warn your friends about the approach of the enemy by drawing them the route of movement of enemy heroes on the minimap (by holding down the Alt key).

There are a number of heroes who, thanks to special talents, can remain invisible to the opponent. They are not visible not only on the mini-map, but even nearby, until they hit you. However, any friendly tower detects invisibility within a certain radius, keep this in mind.

In the forest, in addition to the Chud, there are shops where you can buy potions to restore health, mana, and so on. Potions are also sold here that help you see enemy heroes if they come close to you. But they are not cheap, especially at the initial stage of the battle, so do not immediately spend precious Prime on them. It is better to buy and place several "eyes" that detect stealth in strategic places, and thereby see the movement of the enemy. Over time, however, they disappear.

Even during the battle, glyphs randomly appear in two places on the river - bright icons that give bonuses for a certain time. There are four glyphs in total: one increases the character's damage, another increases their speed, the third reduces the cooldown of talents, and the fourth grants invisibility. It is also worth putting "eyes" on the places where the glyphs appear, so that you can see when they are restored.

final assault

At the end of the battle, there comes a moment when most of the towers are destroyed and all that remains is to destroy the enemy's citadel. Jogging alone becomes unsafe and ineffective (if you die, leave your comrades in the minority for a long time), and then the whole team gathers in a group to go wall to wall. In such mass battles, the most protected character (“tank”) starts first, flying into a group of enemies, followed by “attack aircraft”, they are supported by ranged heroes with fire, and support players help allies by sending various effects on opponents and healing comrades.

First of all, it is necessary to attack not an enemy tank, but the most fragile enemy, for example, a magician. Then, in turn, focus attacks on the rest of the enemies, and destroy the heavyweight last. If both groups are slow to attack, it is not always worth starting the battle yourself. It is better to go into the forest and destroy the Chud, getting valuable Prime.

Instead of participating in the general battle, you can go for a trick: while your partners are distracting the enemy, you attack his main building alone - with a high level of the hero, this is quite real.

Hunt for Gorynych

The strongest among the monsters is the three-headed dragon "Gorynych", the destruction of which will require the efforts of all players. Only closer to the maximum level of the hero will it be possible to defeat him alone, having received the achievement "Living Legend". At the same time, the whole team will still receive a large portion of Prime! In the final of the match, after a mass skirmish, the surviving heroes sometimes run to beat Gorynych while the enemy team is waiting for a respawn. But if your character survived or resurrected before the rest, you can try to "steal" it from the enemy by inflicting the last blow on the monster.

The easiest way to do this is as follows: run to the top of the Gorynych cave and put an “eye” next to the monster to see its amount of life without showing up to the enemy. Keeping an "eye" near Gorynych is generally useful in order not only to notice the enemy team's attempt to kill him in time, but also to prevent sudden attacks from the flanks. When the enemies almost kill the three-headed, attack him yourself. Not every hero can easily finish off the dragon, but if successful, you will greatly annoy the enemies and please your comrades. Most importantly, then have time to escape with the help of a scroll or teleport.

Finally, a few more tips. Never stand still, every minute on the battlefield should be put to good use. Read the description of talents carefully before you buy them, don't waste Prime in vain. Think before the battle in what order you will learn them, especially the most powerful ones, on the last line - each of them is very expensive, but also strong.

Don't be afraid to change your well-thought-out strategy on the fly - for example, if mages are especially bothering you in battle, first of all open talents that increase Will. In general, it is always useful to have a few spare talents at the ready, in case of surprises. Use Skype and similar programs for voice coordination of team actions.

We hope our tips will help you at first. We wish you good luck and see you in battle!

MMORPG Prime World- is very similar to such a popular game as DotA, however, it has serious differences. In general, Prime World is an original game that has a number of its own features. It cannot be said that it is difficult to perceive and that learning the basic aspects of the game is difficult for everyone without exception. Prime World will not confuse anyone and will not make you wander in ignorance, however, in a number of game moments there are still some specifics that are better to be familiar with beforehand.

Prime World is a team-based, dynamic and exciting game that provides the gamer with a huge number of all kinds of emotions. It is good if these emotions are positive, not negative. So let's try to master some of the gameplay and get acquainted with the ten basic rules of combat.

Rookie's path.

There are no artifacts in Prime World. The character can only rely on his own game characteristics. In addition to proper pumping, main skill, which will allow with enviable constancy to feel the taste of victory - the ability to fight. It is from well-coordinated team actions and the notorious ability to work in a team that the outcome of any battle depends.

All characters in Prime World are divided into males and females. Despite the fact that there are two warring races in the game, their skills and characteristics are no different from each other. After completing the registration and entering the game, the starting location appears in front of the player in the form of a city. In addition to the main and understandable buildings, there will be a bathhouse and a bedchamber. Do not neglect the break. Unlike many similar game projects, the heroes of Prime World get tired, and the more cheerful the hero, the more chances to win. However, in addition to such elementary and obvious moments, Prime World contains shady, unwritten rules of combat, non-observance of which will not bring anything good to either the player or his team. Let's take a look at these rules.

Twelve simple rules.

Rule one: no need to show excessive heroism. The feat of one is the criminal negligence of another. Despite the huge temptation to show yourself as a real warrior, you still don’t need to be a hero. The pursuit of an almost finished hero can end badly for the chasing one. The enemy will drag the hero under his tower, where the one who catches up will be shot and torn apart by creeps. What to say about the fact that you should not rush at two heroes at the same time. No checkers naked. You can only run on the attack with the support of teammates. At the first danger, do not hesitate to retreat to your tower or change positions with combat comrades-in-arms, leaving the front line and going deeper. It makes sense to die only when the player is sure that the death of his character was not in vain.

The second rule is that you can fight under an enemy tower only in exceptional cases. It is necessary to stop all attempts of the opponent to lure your hero under the tower. Having started a duel within the range of it, the player can be sure of his defeat, since he will have to get hit in the neck not only from the enemy hero and his creeps, but also from the enemy tower. And if you already had to attack the enemy at its foot, then you must make sure that the enemy’s tower shoots at the creeps, and not at your main character.

Rule three: mutual assistance is the basis of the Prime World game. Do not mindlessly play the mini-games built into this game or wander aimlessly through the forests, fighting mobs. Prime World, as stated earlier, is a team game. If a player sees that his comrades need his help, even if he is not asked for help, then you still need to help the allies. At the same time, don't be afraid to ask for help yourself. Here, as in real life, mutual assistance is the most important thing.

Rule 4: Don't clutter up the team chat. The combat chat has a very specific purpose, and clogging it will only distract from gameplay allies. Consequently, the overall team efficiency will decrease. If the player character does not shine with achievements, and his statistics indicate that he is an excellent simulator for pumping enemy heroes, then it is better to keep quiet for the time being. If there is absolutely nothing to do, then it is better to go pumping into the forest. It will be more useful than arguing with other players.

Rule five: no need to run to the castle. A standard team fight in Prime World lasts no less than thirty minutes. If it was already decided to turn on the game and go to the raid, then you need to make sure that no distractions prevent you from finishing the duel. A cowardly escape to the castle will not only greatly complicate the situation of your team, whose members will have to fight in the minority, but also spoil the statistics of the character himself.

Rule six: don't spend too much time with Zuma. According to the stories of the aksakals and elders of Prime World, earlier this same Zuma gave the character a good pumping. A team that did not have a qualified "zoomer" was doomed to defeat. In the process of evolution, the situation has changed somewhat. Now Zuma will not pump much. Although, playing, for example, a hero of the Assassin class, you can spend time playing this mini-game, not forgetting to distribute scrolls to your colleagues in arms, but when a serious felling begins, absolutely everyone involved must drop everything and be present on the battlefield directly.

Rule seven: no need to "tank" characters of the Assassin class. At the very beginning of the game, the gamer will already understand that the characters differ in characteristics and their purpose. One class is good at hitting, the second is good at killing, and the third is a support class. All heroes are important, all heroes are needed. The destiny of the "tank" is to start the battle and take the main damage from enemy strikes. The fate of the Killer is to run up, kill and run away. You should not start the fight first, rushing into the crowd of trained opponents.

Rule eight: do not forget about talents. Talents are acquired both in combat and in the library. A careful selection of talents for each character is half the battle. A character who owns the default talents will never reach the top that a character with well-chosen skills will reach. To get acquainted with the list of talents and assortments of their combinations, you just need to go to the game forum and read the topics of interest for each of the classes. There, everything has long been painted, chewed and laid out on the shelves.

Rule nine: don't give up when offering surrender. Surrender on the battlefield is perhaps the worst thing in the game. Raising the white flag runs the risk of receiving a huge dose of negativity from the allies, whom this action will annoy in earnest. Before you give up, you need to take a quick look at fellow soldiers. Perhaps they are doing much better. No need to despair, just gather your will into a fist, focus and continue to act. It often happens that at the beginning of the game the situation does not develop in the best way. Sometimes, it even seems catastrophic, but by the middle of the battle, the balance of power on the battlefield can change radically, and the team can easily win. At the same time, one does not need to demonstrate excessive courage when things are frankly bad. If a own lines pierced, and the difference in points and levels is huge, then the refusal of the proposed surrender is a waste of time for all comrades.

Rule ten: no need to be distracted. The main scourge of games like DotA and Prime World is the so-called. "Noobs" who, for no reason, entered the game and it is not clear what they are doing in it. A team of five characters should be a clear and well-coordinated combat unit. Blatant disregard for collective actions, idleness or inattention will not only not be useful, but will also bring a lot of criticism to the player in the form of all kinds of curses, which, one way or another, the filter built into the game still misses. Consequently, the whole point of games is lost, which, as you know, is to give the player a pleasant experience and emotions.

Rule eleven: before the fight you need to distribute positions. Decide who will play solo and who will need support. Do it yourself, if such an initiative does not follow, or it will not be competent from your point of view. At the same time, the player himself should listen to what the “older” and more experienced players say.
Rule 12: You should always carry a teleport scroll with you. While the player will fight in the enemy base, his own team can easily lose one of the parties. To prevent this from happening, you must always carry a teleportation scroll in stock, which will transfer the hero to the right place.

These were the ten basic combat rules, the observance of which will make your virtual life and the life of your fellow soldiers in Prime World interesting and successful.

The Stormtrooper class is represented by seven heroes (Doct/Adornian): Duelist/Prince of Thieves, Warlord/Leader, Combat/Meijin, Fire Fox/Red Tail, Toad Rider/Swamp King, Queen of the Night/Black Panther, Fang/Claw. Let's take a closer look at each character.


Duelist (Dul) - attack aircraft. A versatile hero who can take out almost any opponent one-on-one, as well as successfully act as part of a group.

Main talents of the Duelist


There are two optimal options for leveling the Duelist: Dull-enforcer and reasonable Dool.

Option 1 - download strength (increase physical damage) and cunning (increase penetration and critical strike chance). In addition to the main talents, we study the following general talents:

Nature's Strength, Transcendence, Nature's Regeneration, Body Training, Prime Surge, Indomitable Healing, Rare Strength, Regeneration, Rare Cunning, Athletic, Insatiable Fury ”, “Rising Cunning”, “Invincible”, “Sprout of Life”,
Shroud of Shadow, Corrupted Blood, Frozen Might, Unjustified Brutality, Breaking Defenses, Lust for Destruction, Blood of the Ancients, Fortify the Faith, Unleashed Potential, Combat Assault, Force-A-Nature, Ferocity, Heightened Senses, Dragonheart. These talents are aimed at increasing strength, cunning, health points and regeneration.

The resulting Dool will deal great damage with the main attack, which will increase with the study of the skill "Damn Sharp Sword", and frequent critical hits. Flurry of Blows will grant 80% penetration. However, Secret Blade will deal low damage.

Option 2 - we swing the mind (increased damage from the "Blade with a secret" and "Final Shot") and agility (increased penetration and attack speed). In addition to the main talents, we study the following general talents:

Natural Mind, Transcendence, Nature Regeneration, Body Training, Prime Surge, Indomitable Healing, Mighty Spirit, Regeneration, Hidden Mind, Rare Mind, Training Mind, Agility Training, Invincible, Sprout of Life,
Shroud of Shadow, Frost Might, Steel Temper, Will to Win, Heroic Fortitude, Blood of the Ancients, Fortify Faith, Unleashed Potential, Arcane Assault, Noble Mind , "The Greatness of the Mind", "The Agility of the Lynx", "Heart of the Dragon". These talents are aimed at increasing the mind, agility, stamina, will and regeneration.

This Muzzle will deal huge damage with Final Shot (up to 1500), Secret Blade will also please. But crits will be much less frequent than Dool-silovik.

game tactics

Since Dul is a universal hero, he can both level up in the forest - in battles against monsters (mobs), and stand on the line - fighting heroes and their soldiers. However, it is better to enter the lane after the hero has been leveled up to the level of killing a strong monster in golden dots.

To safely kill an enemy hero on early stages games, we look for the character with the fewest health points on the line. If necessary, we use amplifying runes - glyphs (for example, "swiftness"), since they are replenished quickly enough - approximately every 3 minutes. Next, we attack the enemy, the best option is from the back. Dull is a fast hero, and if the enemy has no chance to flee, then Unfair Combat can be omitted. Best Option 1 on 1 opponent for the Duelist is some kind of killer. The assassin is a one-hit master, and Ace in the Hole blocks that hit. Next, we use "Unfair Combat" and "Flurry of Blows".

In the later stages of the game, the heroes have leveled up and do not go alone. Basically, 5v5 battles take place. The task of Doole in these battles is to “control” the fighters (“Unfair Fight”), eliminate the killers (still the same bag) and, if necessary for the team, inflict damage on other characters. Dool doesn't have a lot of health points, so he is not suitable for tanking.


Warlord is one of the most balanced heroes in the game. Best of all, he acts in a team, both supporting allies and increasing his parameters due to their presence. However, even in splendid isolation, an experienced governor is able to deliver enough trouble to the enemy.

The main talents of the Warlord


There are 2 the best way leveling Voivode: Voevoda-tank and Voevoda-damager.

Option 1 is the development of stamina (resistance to physical damage), willpower (resistance to magical damage) and a little strength (damage amount). General Talents for the Warlord Tank:

Nature's Strength, Nature's Regeneration, Transcendence, Body Training, Prime Influx, Indomitable Healing, Athletic, Regeneration, Sprout of Life, Steel Temper, Secret of Health ”, “The Will to Win”, “Heroic Fortitude”, “Blood of the Ancients”, “Fortification of Faith”, “Heart of the Dragon”, “Survival Instinct”, “Thick Skin”, “Equanimity”. These talents are aimed at increasing stamina, willpower, health points and regeneration.

The warlord tank will have a huge amount of health and very good protection against physical and magical damage. That is, being an attack aircraft, he can act as a defender.

When pumping the 2nd version of the Voevoda, the main characteristic for development is strength. What is more to sacrifice here - stamina or will, depends on the individual preferences of the player. General Talents for Warlord Damager:

Nature's Strength, Transcendence, Nature's Regeneration, Body Training, Prime Surge, Rare Strength, Indomitable Healing, Regeneration, Athletic, Insatiable Fury, Indomitable , Germ of Life, Unjustified Brutality, Breaking Defenses, Lust for Destruction, Blood of the Ancients, Unleashed Potential, Fortify the Faith, Combat Assault, Ferocity, Heightened Senses, "Unrelenting Force", "Heart of the Dragon", "Survival Instinct".

The damage dealer will deal great damage from the Leader Strike and Breakthrough skills, but it is undesirable to collect all the enemy’s damage on himself here.

game tactics

Voivode - a character with large quantity health points and good regeneration, that is, it is problematic to kill him. Therefore, already in the early stages of the game, the warlord can enter the lane, preferably with the support of the maximum number of his own creeps. The best option go to the lane with a partner, but in general it is ideal when the partner belongs to the support class.

In 1v1 battles, the Warlord is a serious opponent, but there are uncomfortable opponents - namely, assassin class characters, such as the Faceless or the Cleaner, who specialize in dealing large one-time damage and can drain even a strong Warlord.

In 5v5 mass battles, the Governor must act based on the composition of the team. If he is the only tank in the team, then his job is to pull the damage onto himself. If there is a “clean” tank in the group, Voevoda plays second number. Here he tries to "control" the fighters ("Breakthrough") and provides support to the entire group ("Holy Banner"). In this case, the Voivode, with his health and regeneration, becomes practically indestructible.


Kombat is a strong hero who specializes in dealing high damage to a single target in melee, a classic attack aircraft.

The main skills of the Kombat


As a brave warrior, the Combat is simple and straightforward, so you need to pump strength (for damage) and agility (for penetration). Optimal general talents for Kombat

Nature's Strength, Body Training, Transcendence, Nature's Regeneration, Prime Influx, Rage of Predator, Hidden Intention, Rare Strength, Regeneration, Way of the Warrior, Athleticity , Insatiable Fury, Savage Strength, Invincible, Sprout of Life, Knight's Regeneration, Ice Might, Unjustified Brutality, Lust for Destruction, Breaking Defenses, Blood of the Ancients , Unleashed Potential, Irbis Agility, Force-A-Nature, Heightened Senses, Ferocity, Dragonheart. As an attack aircraft, the Kombat should have good auto-attack damage, decent health and regeneration.

game tactics

In the early stages of the game, it is not recommended to enter the lane, it is best to swing in the forest (you can do it alone). It is generally better to fill the initial levels by getting prime in the "zoom". Wounded enemy heroes can be finished off from ambush or using invisibility (glyph).

In 1v1 battles, the Kombat is able to merge almost anyone, having two “control talents” in his arsenal of talents. However, fair fights often do not have a place in the prime world, and you can run into a competent ambush of some killer character. It is important to have an “eye” with you in order to detect invisible opponents in time.

In massive 5v5 battles, the Battalion Commander must act according to the situation. It is most effective to break into a crowd of enemies using the Black Tornado (it is advisable to join the battle after the defender). Then, while the Black Cyclone is reloading, you need to control and finish off more dangerous opponents (Fist of Steel and Resistance Is Useless). After all, the Combat waves his fists often, and every sixth hit is a 100% crit.

fire Fox

Fire Fox (Fox) is an attack heroine, distinguished by her agility, speed, as well as her attacks using the fire element as a weapon of mass destruction.

The main talents of the Fire Fox


Depending on your preferences, you can download a reasonable Fox, a Silovik Fox, or even a Tank Fox. Since in mass battles the Fox is terrible with her class talents, it will be more useful to pump the mind (damage from magic attacks). Common Talents for a Reasonable Fox:

"Natural Mind", "Natural Vigor", "Guardian's Ward", "Prime Influx", "Body Training", "Desperate Mind", "Giftedness", "Inner Reserves", "Hidden Intention", "Rare Mind", " Rare Strength, Corrupted Blood, Harmony, Mind Training, Rising Cunning, Frost Might, Unjustified Brutality, Courageous Heart, Destruction Lust, Legendary Health, Magic Storm”, “Noble Mind”, “Revealed Potential”, “Greatness of Mind”.

As a stormtrooper, Fox needs health and regeneration, and in order to effectively use class talents, we are studying general talents for mind growth and energy replenishment.

game tactics

Due to her class skills, the Fox can stand alone in the lane already in the early stages of the game (standing, killing enemy creeps and healing from the Soul Harmony and Wind and Sparks skills). The main thing here is not to go on the rampage, because there is not so much health. A little later, having studied the "Playing with Fire", you can move between the lines and set fire to opponents. It is important to use Wind and Sparks to last hit a lot of enemy creeps.

In 1v1 battles, Fox can have problems with assassins - specialists in dealing one-time damage to a single target. When the use of some kind of killer skill is visible (for example, the "Hammer" of the Thunderer), it is better to use the "Fox Trick" and the killer misses. It also helps a lot against the giant damage of Shield of Fire.

In 5v5 battles, you must enter after the defenders, the first thing you need to activate in a mass battle is Firetail. Periodically in a crowd of opponents, use the "Fire Trick", which threatens with an unpleasant massive stun, and of course, for the same crowd - "Wind and Sparks". If you download a reasonable Fox, then there should be no problems with energy. With a critical loss of health - urgently run away into the forest.

toad rider

Toad Rider (Toad) is an attack hero focused on single and AoE damage. This character, under certain conditions of pumping, can be quite successfully tanked.

Toad Rider Main Talents


Based on class talents and a reasonable approach to their use, two options for the development of the Toad can be distinguished: the Toad is strong and the Toad is thick. Strong Toad will be more focused on single damage from auto attacks and the “Get it!” talent. - the main characteristic for pumping is strength. Fat Toad will be a long-lived tank with huge AoE damage from the “Push!” talent, here talents should be invested in increasing health. Approximate general talents for a fat Toad:

Natural Strength, Warrior's Intercession, Prime Influx, Body Training, Survival of the Fittest, Insidious Will, Rare Strength, Athletics, Hidden Strength, Insatiable Fury, " Sprout of Life", "Mystery of Life", "Secret of Health", "Increasing Cunning", "Remarkable Strength", "Firmness of Character", "Firmness of Judgment", "Absorption of Life", "Charming Power", "Courageous Heart", " Force-A-Nature”, “Unleashed Potential”, “Equanimity”, “Furiousness”, “Unlimited Potential”, “Legendary Health”.

game tactics

Since for the fastest leveling of the “Glutton” talent, you need to swallow someone once every 30-40 seconds, it is better for Toad to start the game in splendid isolation so that good allies do not select high-calorie opponents. Therefore, if you do not get out of the schedule, then after 16-18 minutes of the game the hero will have a 24% increase in health points. It is important at the beginning to pump the talent “Caught?” - this is damage from afar, and a decrease in enemy defense.

If the beginning of the game was successful, then the Toad will be ahead of everyone in terms of level and in 1v1 battles he should have no competitors. There is an option that a killer character with high magical damage will try to merge the Toad. In this case, you need to increase the characteristic will. You also need to monitor the presence of an "eye" in consumables.

If the hero is a fat Toad, then he should be the first to break into 5v5 fights (it’s better to jump in “Push!”), take damage (tank), finish off enemies with an auto attack in order to heal. Also, do not forget about “Hold tight!”, This is an opportunity to stun and finish off the enemy and give a wounded ally a chance to retreat. When it is discovered that the talent has been activated by an enemy hero - use the “Got it?” talent, it is useful to use the same talent on enemy tanks, significantly lowering their defense.

queen of the night

The Queen of the Night (Cat) is a heroine whose main power is her pet snow leopard (a panther for the Adornian heroine). They perfectly complement each other and due to this symbiosis, the heroine is a very dangerous opponent.

Queen of the Night class talents


Class talents indicate to us that the heroine can feel quite at ease while her pet is alive. Therefore, as a rule, it is better to pump a fat Cat or a power Cat. For a fat Cat, you need to pump health (number of points), stamina (protection from physical damage) and energy regeneration (a large amount of energy is spent on controlling an animal). Also, the mind will not interfere (the number of healed health points from "Feed the Night"). Fat Cat Recommended General Talents

"Guardian's Charm", "Fountain of Energy", "Natural Vigor", "Prime Influx", "Body Training", "Giftedness", "Rare Strength", "Rare Intelligence", "Champion", "Reliability", "Harmony" , Grasp the Earth, Exude Fury, Withstand the Force, Lightness of the Wind, Frost Might, Purposefulness, Heroic Fortitude, Harmonious Growth, Fortitude, Will to Win , Combat Assault, Presence of Mind, Ferocity, Magister, Heart of the Dragon, Agility of the Lynx.

Such a fat Cat will not do much physical damage with auto attacks and Cleave, but its main advantage is longevity, and for tanking it is the main one.

game tactics

It's better to start alone. The Queen of the Night can be pumped both in the forest and on the lane. In any case, while the leopard is alive, it is preferable for the heroine to be attacked by a stronger enemy than the leopard. You need to correctly use the talents “Feed the Night” and “Cleave Throw” in order to direct the movement of the pet - send the leopard to fight with a weak target, and fight with a stronger one (damage goes to the animal and then 50%). In the event of the death of a leopard, the Cat becomes very vulnerable and she needs to behave very carefully - it is better to run away under the protection of the tower. When surrounded by many enemies, there is an option to leave the leopard to be torn apart by them, and save herself.

In 1v1 fights with enemy melee heroes, the first action is Cleave Throw, the leopard runs, fights and takes damage. Then we use "Feed the Night" and move forward, covering the pet and attacking the enemy. In a battle against an enemy with a priority ranged attack, you need to periodically send the leopard to attack enemy creeps (soldiers) so that it regenerates faster. With a rapid decrease in the health of the leopard - retreat under the protection of the towers.

In 5v5 team fights in the absence of a defender, tank the heroine herself. Use "Cleave Throw" to control the most stubborn characters, monitor the life of the leopard, feed him in time. If Feed the Night is not on cooldown and the animal is already dying, activate Blood One. There is an opportunity to finish someone off, then to do it, there is no possibility and the Cat is surrounded - only an organized quick retreat.


Fang is a lone hero. A beast with native instincts and a human mind. One of the characters adapted to finish off wounded enemy heroes.

Fang class talents


Fang is a stormtrooper and therefore needs general talents for strength and agility, but since there are class talents focused on dealing magic damage and regeneration, some players pump an intelligent Fang. Approximate set of general talents for a strong Fang

Natural Strength, Superiority, Natural Agility, Spiritual Protection, Scorn of the Weak, Indomitable Healing, Rare Strength, Nimble Fortitude, Rare Agility, Regeneration, Savage Strength, Unstoppable, Speed ​​of Thought, Sprout of Life, Agility, Frost Might, Harmonious Growth, Break Defenses, Consume Life, Purposefulness, Sleight of Hand, Unleashed Potential, Agility of the Lynx, Agile Defense, Radiant Danger, Heightened Senses, Heart of the Dragon. These talents increase strength, agility, regeneration, health steal, and lower enemy defenses.

A sentient Fang has enough talents pumped into energy regeneration. For the frequent use of talents implies a crazy consumption of mana. Also, the reasonable Fang is characterized by the purchase of talents to reduce reload time active talent(in principle, this is also characteristic of a strong Fang)

game tactics

The best start is to play zouma. After - run into the forest and exterminate the Chud. Fang is a non-team character, he should enter the lane to catch up and finish off a wounded hero (“Animal Sense”) or help the team with flank attacks. While the character is not pumped, it is better not to chase enemy heroes (even the wounded) deep into a foreign land.

In 1v1 battles, it is difficult to kill Fang due to his regeneration, especially if he is on his native land. And thanks to his class talents "Blood Magic" and "Animal Sense" Fang basically finishes off opponents, and fair duels are not typical for him.

In mass fights, Fang's tactics are maneuver tactics. He enters the fight after the main fighters and, using the “Howl of the Beast”, you can break into the very crowd of enemies from the flank or from the rear. The timely use of the talent "Lycanthropy" helps a lot, when Fang has a human shield, which gives a guarantee of longevity.

Welcome to the official prime world website, where you can always find out the latest news about innovations, read a detailed description of the game's features, discuss the game on the forum and view the gallery of screenshots and videos.

The Prime World game itself is a social strategy game that successfully combines the ability to control the castle and tactical battles. Participants are determined by the choice of the warring faction on the side of which they would like to fight, manage their own castle, collect heroes and take part in ruthless battles. In addition, an addictive game prime world is based on a completely new social interaction of players for such projects.

The pv game provides both male and female characters that interact with each other on tactical maps, which not only makes the game more interesting, but also directly affects the outcome of tactical battles.

Description of Prime World

The online game will appeal not only to fans of strategies, but also to players who prefer other genres, and regardless of whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself in the world of Prime World. AT pw Everyone is given the freedom to do what he enjoys. You can build, mine resources, collect skills and talents, and create new heroes thanks to all this. While some players will take part in battles with enemies, you can provide them with bonuses obtained by winning mini-games directly on the tactical map.

essence Online Games consists in the opposition of two factions: the Empire of the Docts and the Kingdom of Andornia, who are trying to gain power over the prime in the course of endless battles. In turn, prime is a magical alien substance that can change the world with which you can manage it. In other words, the faction that has prime rules the world.

In the process of playing online PV, participants will be able to collect a whole collection of heroes with all kinds of talents, control their favorite character in a DotA-like skirmish mode, you can also become the owner of your own castle, complete tasks and fight other commanders.

Prime World-game online, which allows everyone to be themselves, men can become real victorious warriors, and girls can transform into wonderful healers who inspire their knights to exploits.

The hero artist in prime world is a unique fighter character of her kind. As a true melee warrior, this hero is characterized by such qualities as strength and dexterity in battles. At the same time, the artist in the prime world is a very vulnerable character with a low level of survival. But even this feature does not make the heroine less delightful.
The heroine's brush is a combination of the best qualities that one can wish for - elegance and lightness, subtlety and inspiration harmoniously merge with danger and strength.

Pros and cons

An artist in the prime world has a number of advantages:
Responds quickly to commands - has an excellent attack animation;
Attack Power;
Ability to decelerate and accelerate;
Ability to quickly restore health.

Among the few shortcomings of the heroine Vulnerability to control and low ability to survive. It is worth noting that all heroes of this class have these negative properties.

prime world paint guide assembly

There are two types of assembly in the game - reasonable and power. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Paint Guide: Power Brush

Let's start creating a build for the brush. There are several options for creating a build - you need to choose mind, strength or hybrid.

The strength build is considered one of the most useful, as prime world games are usually played one-on-one.

In the castle you need to pump paint into force.

Build brushes

Level 36 stats and rabbit strike stat

Stats after killing a dragon

Prime World Paint Guide: Power Brush Combat Tactics

Our hero is absolutely confident in the lane alone. At the beginning, you may encounter the problem of a lack of mana - because of the rabbits, its increased consumption is. The first step towards victory is to pump the rabbit. At the moment, this is the most powerful weapon. Pay attention to the enemy - if it's a Mask or an Archer with a pumped jump - attack them with rabbits from close range. In no case should you let the controller close to you - you need to immediately attack him with a rabbit.

After pumping the Color of Life, you need to use this talent against the enemy just before the attack. Beneficial features of this talent are limitless - it increases the speed of allies, having a detrimental effect on the enemy. An indispensable talent when you are being chased.

Depending on the strength and amount of HP of your team, there are two options:
1. Master's brush - Color of Life on allies - Rabbit;
2. Master's brush - Color of life directed at enemies - Rabbit.

Smart Brush. Assembly

Stats in the castle

rabbit attack

Attack from the hand


Crits from attack

Prime world paint guide: how to fight with a smart brush

In the game prime world artist, the guide does not exclude the possibility of standing alone on the lane. On the early stages you need to auto-attack. First of all, you need to pump the rabbit - at the beginning of the game, his blow is the most powerful weapon. Further, our actions depend on the enemy - if you are faced with the Mask or the Archer, pay attention to their talents. If the most pumped talent is a jump, you need to launch the rabbit from the closest distance. Otherwise, you may miss. In the confrontation with the controller, you need to avoid close contact with the enemy and attack him with rabbits right away.

Applying the Color of Life Talent

After pumping the talent Color of Life, throw it at the enemy and only then attack. This talent is very effective - it has a slowing effect on the enemy, it will also help to cope with the Man-Mountain.

There are several options for using a reasonable brush:
Master's Brush - Color of Life (for allies) - Rabbit;
Master's Brush - Color of Life (for enemies) - Rabbit;

The second option is the most optimal. After using it, you just need to auto-attack.

Tactics of the game by the artist

Prime world artist guide: crossroads

The success of the heroine directly depends on the level. Any delay in prime is unacceptable. There is definitely a need for a solo lane position. The advantage is given to a calm bottom or mid for ganks. It is not recommended to go to the zoom because of the strong dependence on the level. The situation in the forest is no better - mana runs out quickly, a huge risk of damage. We can not discard this option, but for us it is clearly not suitable.

Guide to the artist: the beginning of the game

At the initial stage of the game, the artist has high damage from the rabbit, the attack power is also increased due to the fast cooldown. It should be noted that at the initial level, the brush has the same properties - it deals the same damage in any scenario.

On the line, we will be in a winning position in any case. No need to buy jars. As the first talent, you need to take a rabbit and advance to raise the flag. You must not allow the enemy to the flag, you need to stop him with rabbits. You have the opportunity to kill any player in a 1v1 fight. If the enemy does not give up and continues to move towards the flag, you can take advantage of the situation and finish him off with a painted rabbit. No one can stand against our attack power.

In no case should the duel be interrupted - this will not bring any benefit to your side. In any other scenario, the enemy immediately dies, not having time to use the defense of the tower. The death of any inattentive or overconfident enemy will be sudden if he is alone.

The flag must be raised in any case - regardless of success or defeat in battle. You need to keep the line. It will not be difficult for you to overcome melee heroes. You need to remember a few tricks - do not let the enemy near the creeps, do not hit the creeps, only deal the last blow. The creep has about 50 hp, we strike and guard the enemy. This tactic contributes to a stable defense and the death of heroes. Melee characters, as a rule, do not carry any danger - already in the early stages they receive 200-400 damage.

With ranged heroes, things are more complicated. By and large, it all depends on the danger of the enemy. With priestesses or other weak heroes, the course of action remains unchanged. If you come across a stronger opponent - for example, a centaur, you need to take cover behind the creeps. This is not the case where dominance should be put above all else. Be careful with ganks - in the initial stages, the brush is very vulnerable - it will not be difficult to kill it. To avoid unforeseen situations, you need to put wards. You can influence the outcome of any battle if you are given the opportunity to swing freely on the map. The damage inflicted by the opponent is replenished with the color of life. This is how the pumping to apa ults happens.

Prime world artist mid game

In the prime world game, you do not need to neglect the instructions that are presented in the guide for the artist.

The further the game goes, the harder and more dangerous it becomes to gank our team. Ult gives the ability to attack all enemies with rabbits. In this case, the rabbits fly only forward. There is no caste back, only forward and to the sides. We continue to farm. During the battle, you can only join after the tanks. Further instructions - ult, attack with rabbits and slow, then start to swing with a great fight and prize prime. Farming the forest must be done with extreme caution. The best option is to hold positions on the line and from time to time provide assistance to the allies.

Guide to the artist: the end of the game

The end of the game is analogous to the apocalypse. The heroine gets the job done. Damage from hitting rabbits becomes lethal. 3-4 rabbits are enough to kill all opponents, except for the defenders. The last moments of the game are the most important, because the outcome of the battle depends on our actions. Remember the main rules: do not substitute and stick together.

Friends and Enemies


We are often our own most formidable enemies. It is not the hero himself that is important, but those who control them. And yet, for a successful game, it is necessary to know the enemy in person, his strengths and weak sides. As they say, aware is armed.

Amazon. A serious and dangerous opponent. In the hands of a skilled player, it can turn into a murder weapon, and a hero controlled by a beginner does not pose any danger.
Cryo. The main weapon of this hero is the mind. She can kill us while the block is in effect. Rings with puddles can also be a problem. The key to the success of the confrontation is a competent and accurate calculation. Cryo in hp is simply not capable of inflicting huge damage, so you should not regard her as a dangerous opponent.
Mage. Having managed to control, the magician can cause serious problems. Otherwise, the magician himself should be afraid. An original character with whom you will have an exciting competition. AoE damage can bring victory to the mage.
Toad. Only one thing can be said about this character - he is too fat, and it will be uncomfortable to stand against him. In this situation, the one who has better hand-to-hand combat skills will win.
sorcerer. The true embodiment of horror and fear. One of the few characters to be especially careful with - he can kill for a cast and block abilities, and his strength and resilience make him almost invulnerable.
Witcher. Does not allow you to use magic. Thanks to his ult, he can bring the enemy to a state of complete inactivity, otherwise we may die because of our own abilities. The shield protects him from all sorts of attacks. The only way out is to carry a jar of purification to remove the ult. This will help you win 6 seconds while leaving the enemy without an ult.

Guide to the artist: allies-friends

They help us in the process of the game, while preventing the enemies from playing a full-fledged game.

Pied Piper. An excellent ally who will never refuse to help. It provides us with the most important thing - it gives us time to use abilities. In the initial stages, it can gank opponents.
Priestess. He will always lend a helping hand and never refuse support.
roar. Provides you with protection and control, allowing you to act calmly against your enemies.
Witcher. A practical hero, he fits perfectly into our team, providing us with additional protection. Can control enemies.
Nymph. Combines the qualities of a roar and a priestess. He takes on those same roles, but copes with them not so deftly. However, this does not make her a bad ally - she plays her role perfectly.

Masters mistakes

You must always soberly assess your strengths. There is no need to rush headlong forward. No need to jump on the rampage. Act thoughtfully and calmly - no need to make hasty decisions. We often become our own most dangerous enemies. We are merciless and built to destroy, but that doesn't make us terminators. Let others go first - then act. Remember important point- no one likes artists, so attacks against you will be enough. All the docs hate this character, so it won't be easy.