Businessman artur volkov how old is he. Biography of Anna Khilkevich

Decided to spend in Italy. He went on vacation with his son Plato. And only now the journalists managed to find out that his girlfriend flew to rest with Shepelev Ekaterina Tulupova. The couple has been attending social events together for several months, which is why the girl is considered the new lover of the TV presenter.

Little is known about Ekaterina Tulupova: she was born in Yekaterinburg, graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, has a daughter and organizes creative breakfasts for businesswomen. As a source close to the TV presenter told reporters, the relationship with Tulupova is so serious that Shepelev, flying to Moscow to shoot, left Plato with Ekaterina, refusing the services of nannies and tutors.

Ekaterina Tulupova

“Dima spends a lot of time with Katya. Their romance became known in early February. In general, their relationship has been about a year. In the Italian region of Tuscany, they rented a spacious house with a swimming pool. Both love an active lifestyle, so they constantly disappeared somewhere. We went on excursions, visited the town of Lucca, Florence. Katya was very fond of photographing Dima and Plato against the backdrop of local attractions. True, the guys set different geolocations on the pages on Instagram so as not to cause unnecessary questions. In the evenings, they arranged gastronomic gatherings, tried local dishes - pasta, pizza, salads ... By the way, Katya has a little daughter, so the kids were not bored, ”said StarHit, surrounded by a TV presenter.

Indeed, Ekaterina Tulupova's microblog on Instagram is full of photos of Italian landscapes. True, geotags do not always coincide with those set by Shepelev. Nevertheless, according to the published photographs, it can be concluded that in Italy the girl is not resting alone. In addition, if you compare the pictures of Tulupova and Shepelev, you can find many coincidences: for example, a field with sunflowers, which the TV presenter for some reason called poppies, and his alleged chosen ones - dandelions.

Dmitry Shepelev on the background of sunflowers

The same sunflowers in Ekaterina Tulupova's microblog

Shepelev does not comment on rumors about his novel, however, judging by his latest posts on the microblog on Instagram, he is in a great mood and feels happy. So, for example, recently a TV presenter wrote (Spelling and punctuation of the author are given without changes. - Note. ed.) : "What a joy to disconnect from everyday life and, finally, thanks to books, to stop and think about myself, about my real desires and about what actually makes me happy."

Dmitry Shepelev with his son

Anna Khilkevich is a Russian film actress that modern viewers may remember from the TV series Barvikha, where the girl played the role of a rich student. After that, there was another role in the series “Univer. New hostel. All this only strengthened her position as a popular actress.

Who is Anna herself, as a person? How did she become popular and how did she decide to start her own creative way? What obstacles awaited her on the road to glory? This and other questions concern the girl's fans who are interested in her life.

The actress is still young and very beautiful, therefore it is not surprising that most of her fans are young guys who are interested, first of all, in such parameters as height, weight, age. How old is Anna Khilkevich - one of the first questions that arise from her new fans.

Anna is now 31 years old. Photos of Anna Khilkevich in her youth and now do not show a significant difference, because the actress is still quite young. Her height is not high - 160 centimeters. And the weight of the girl is 51 kilograms.

Biography and personal life 👉 Anna Khilkevich

Anna Khilkevich was born on October 15, 1986, in Leningrad. Father - Alexander Khilkevich and mother - Tatyana Khilkevich were in no way connected with the world of art. In addition, in her childhood, Anna was a nondescript child, so none of her entourage seriously imagined that she would become a real movie star. She was an ordinary girl, but she had a big dream, which she was able to achieve thanks to her perseverance.

After graduating from nine classes, the girl moved to a special school at the theater school. Shchepkin. Studying at this institution gave her an excellent base, on which she subsequently built her acting career.

The biography and personal life of Anna Khilkevich could not stand out if it were not for the character and determination of the girl. Born in a military family, she was taught discipline from the cradle, which only benefited her in the future. The formation of Anna as an actress was also facilitated by the family moving to the capital when the girl was 10 years old. That's where there were plenty of chances to break out into people.

Filmography 👉 films starring Anna Khilkevich

After graduating from school, she without any hassle entered the theater school. Shchepkika, but left a year later. The reason is that in all acting universities, freshmen are prohibited from filming - this is an unspoken, but very strict rule. Meanwhile, Anna was called to the shooting. Moreover, immediately in two films: “I Conceived an Escape” and “Fire Fighters”. The roles were insignificant, one might even say episodic. But Anna decided to take a chance, and did not lose.

After Anna's debut in these films, her filmography often began to replenish with new roles. The only thing that disappointed the young actress was that all these roles were minor and very small. It is quite natural that she wanted much more - larger roles and professional growth. In 2004, Khilkevich entered the Shchukin School, but history repeated itself - she took the documents a year later. A big surprise for Anna's entourage was the girl's admission to the Academy. Plekhanov at the Faculty of Marketing and Advertising. The girl graduated from the university with honors.

After that, as if by magic, a new white streak began in Khilkevich's life. She played her first serious role in the film Don't Try to Understand a Woman. When the picture was released, Anna was more often invited to shoot. Among them was the offer of a role in the series "Barvikha", in which the girl was offered to play Vika Polyakova. Anna agreed, and this work made her a real star. The girl rose to the level where she could already stop grasping at everything that was offered, and choose those roles that she really likes. So, in the series "Basic Version" Anna starred as a "guest star". Currently, Khilkevich already has a lot interesting works, among which several parts of the New Year's comedy "Yolki" and the film "Island of Luck" can be noted.

Family and children 👉 Anna Khilkevich

The family and children of Anna Khilkevich are the most important thing in the life of this artist. It is worth mentioning that the girl met her first husband, Anton Pokrepa, on the set of Barvikha.

Under the influence of flared feelings or from the realization of the long-awaited success, but Anna plunged headlong into the relationship. And in May 2011, the couple got married. But their love story did not last long - only a year and a half. But, it is worth saying, the girl was not sad about this for long, and after a short period of time she again married businessman Arthur Volkov. Anna Khilkevich is currently pregnant with her second child. Photos with the belly of the expectant mother can be easily found on the Internet.

Daughter 👉 Anna Khilkevich - Arianna

Anna Khilkevich's daughter, Arianna, was born in 2015, shortly after the girl married a second time. The girl is growing very fast, active and cheerful. The artist herself is not at all opposed to showing her fans pictures of her daughter, posting them on her pages on social networks. She necessarily supplements each of these photos with her own commentary.

It can be seen that young parents love their baby very much. After all, everyone knows that children are very sensitive to the emotions of their parents, and the care of relatives is very important, especially for such a little man. Arthur and Anna no doubt do everything to make their girl grow up healthy and happy.

Former husband 👉 Anna Khilkevich - Anton Pokrepa

The ex-husband of Anna Khilkevich, Anton Pokrepa, met his future wife, as mentioned earlier, during the filming of the popular youth series Barvikha. The story of their love, which lasted only about a couple of years, was watched by all the fans of the couple.

In some interviews, Anna was asked what caused the breakup. To which Khilkevich usually replied: "There was no passion in our relationship." Probably, what was meant here was that Anton was a person, in all aspects, calm. Unlike the always energetic and enthusiastic Anna. Judging by the fact that the girl’s second marriage turned out to be more durable, everything is normal there with the level of passion.

Husband 👉 Anna Khilkevich - Artur Volkov

Anna Khilkevich's husband, Artur Volkov, is a successful businessman with a great future. They met in the first half of 2015, and already in the second - they decided to legalize the relationship. The wedding of Anna Khilkevich and Artur Volkov took place in August. The couple spent it in the capital's international house of music, and at their very main holiday invited only the closest and dearest people. I must say that the celebration was without much glamor and large scale - the hall was in a classic design, and the program of the holiday was made without frills. Khilkevich's wedding preparations and the subsequent traditional ransom of the bride took place in one of the capital's hotels.

Despite the fact that the holiday came out relatively modest, it gave both the guests and the newlyweds themselves a lot of pleasant impressions.

Photo 👉 Anna Khilkevich before and after plastic surgery

A photo of Anna Khilkevich before and after plastic surgery is a fairly common request on the Internet. And no wonder. Of course, the actress is still young, but, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. In addition, it is impossible not to mention that Anna herself does not deny that she resorted to plastic surgery. What she admitted in her numerous interviews.

For example, according to Khilkevich herself, it is reliably known that the actress corrected her breasts. This became known at her birthday party, when Anna independently demonstrated her renewed toned and firm breasts. As for other types of changes, Khilkevich denies them. At the same time, it is noticeable to the naked eye that the lips of the actress were not without correction.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Anna Khilkevich

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Khilkevich - pages of the actress, which are in constant open access. It is these two pages that are the main source of information for her admirers. On Wikipedia you can read short biography Anna, information about her personal life, look at the photo, and also study the list of all the films in which she played from the very beginning of her career.

Instagram Khilkevich is no less popular, because there Anna shares photos and videos from the set, and from her family life. Including pictures of a little daughter.

The star of "Univer" Anna Khilkevich admitted how she managed to fall in love with a person who was annoyed by her heroine from the series - so much so that the man fell in love with the image he hated ...

In life, Anna Khilkevich is not much different from the screen heroine. She easily commits rash acts. It happened a couple of years ago, when the artist decided to take a break from the harsh working days.

“I came to Gorky Park that day,” says Anya. - I drove into the parking lot and brazenly climbed in front of one car. Turns out it was Arthur!

The guy did not like the behavior of the blonde terribly, and he decided to express all his claims to her personally. I got out of the car and saw Anna. I immediately recognized the famous actress in her, but did not show it. The young people began to talk.

“Arthur saw my Masha Belova on the screen,” the actress once recalled. - I didn’t just see it, but always, when I got to Univer, I watched the series. My heroine annoyed him terribly. But after meeting me, he changed his mind. Now he loves both me and Masha.

Communication in Gorky Park did not pass without a trace. Arthur and Anya began to meet. True, at first Khilkevich did not advertise her companion. They say that she was afraid of envy from competitors. After all, show business, from which the guy is far away, is still that terrarium of friends. They spent a lot of time together. Every day she understood more and more: Arthur is her destiny. He spared neither time nor money for it. For example, he paid for the celebration of her luxurious anniversary. They say, laid out for luxurious holiday more than five hundred thousand rubles.

Communication in Gorky Park did not pass without a trace. Arthur and Anya began to meet. True, at first Khilkevich did not advertise her companion. They say that she was afraid of envy from competitors. After all, show business, from which the guy is far away, is still that terrarium of friends.

The couple's family life is not boring at all. Previously, Khilkevich spoiled her husband with culinary delights and tried to have time to cook dinner for her beloved. After the birth of the child, their routine changed.

“Now he eats mostly dumplings,” the girl laughs. “In fact, he and I wanted to become vegetarians. But it didn't work out. At that time I was pregnant and I had changes in my body. The doctors forbade it. But I think I'll get there someday anyway.

For the sake of her beloved, Anya is ready for a lot. She tries to regularly surprise her husband. Since her chosen one is an adherent healthy lifestyle life, for his birthday, she bought him a luxurious gift: a simulator so that Arthur would not disappear in the gym, but would work out at home.

“It’s so huge: it took up half of our room!” the actress pouts. - And he does not work on it, can you imagine? He's better off at the fitness club!

Lovers love romance and regularly arrange romantic evenings for two. At this time, Arthur even asks Khilkevich to become Masha Belova.

“And I immediately start laughing,” the star smiles. I can't play with him!

Otherwise, in their family - peace and grace. Anna makes concessions to her husband and even coordinates with him all the photos that she posts on social networks - he strictly monitors the reputation of her beloved and does not allow her anything extra.

“Sometimes I don’t post photos in a swimsuit for a long time,” Anya said. - And Arthur says: “Come on, people are already bored!” And I post, and then we read the comments together. In general, we have a great family.

Lovers love romance and regularly arrange romantic evenings for two. At this time, Arthur even asks Khilkevich to become Masha Belova.

“Arthur is not registered anywhere on the Web, he enters through someone else’s profile and looks at how I behave, what fans write,” the actress from the Univer series admits. - But it happens that he himself will offer: “It's time to place something spicy!”

Artur and I met two years ago in May at the entrance to Gorky Park. I brazenly climbed in front of his car. From a distance, he did not understand who I was, and when they got out of the cars and started talking, lowered their glasses, examined and recognized me as Masha Belova (the heroine Khilkevich in the series. - Approx. "Antennas"). But by the way, he didn’t show it! Which is what I liked. Later, Arthur admitted that my heroine always annoyed him. But when he met me, he fell in love with her. Now sometimes at home she asks: “Well, can you be Masha Belova today?” But for some reason I can’t play with him, I immediately start laughing.

Arthur is far from show business, but at the same time he is a creative person. Engaged in the organization of holidays, various events. He could become an excellent director, but he does not like publicity. But he is attentive to my life, work, keeps track of everything. I call him my producer, who works for free, for love and food.

Male control

Now the situation in the cinema is unstable, there is not much work. Especially the one you want. One nonsense. Therefore, I don’t waste money on trifles, I take only those projects that I like. And I always discuss all new proposals with Artur. I’ll say more - I even coordinate photos for my Instagram profile with him. I show the picture I want to post, and he says yes or no. As a rule, we always agree. Arthur is not registered in any social networks, he enters through someone else's profile and controls how I behave, what fans write. It can be said that he is following my reputation. I myself try to upload a minimum of photos in a bathing suit. But it happens that Arthur himself will say: "It's time to post something spicy, let them discuss it."

In August, the cover of Maxim magazine was released. When I was first offered to shoot, the first thing I asked was Arthur's opinion. "What do you think?" I turned to him with apprehension. “It should be done,” he replied. I was very surprised, even a little upset: I thought it would be banned. But to a greater extent, of course, I was glad that Arthur adequately took it. Despite the fact that Caucasian blood flows in him, he understands that this is necessary for my work. And he approached this issue as a producer, and not as my man. For me it is valuable.

Women's logic

We both work a lot. Arthur is busy from morning to evening, and so am I, five days a week. But we definitely spend the weekend together and do not just do nonsense, mess around, but are busy with a common cause - either in his work, or in mine. I often fly to different cities, perform in clubs as a DJ. If Honey (as I affectionately call Arthur, from English Honey, which translates as honey or sweet) did not go on tour with me, perhaps everything would not have worked out so well for us. Yes, and without him I would not have flown anywhere.

Now I am invited to four private performances, but, to be honest, I am not ready to tour. I already travel as a DJ with my husband. Separately, I don’t want to live without it, especially since I’m afraid to fly. In mid-October, I was supposed to have a premiere in Moscow. But due to the fact that because of my pregnancy it is impossible to put on costumes, I do not participate.

In general, I think that joint activities are very close. We used to fight a lot. They rubbed against each other. Here I am laying out things around the house as it suits me, I have certain system, no, I don’t scatter, but I don’t fold it as usual either. For example, nail polishes are in the kitchen on the windowsill. I understand that they do not belong there, but I paint my nails there, which means that varnishes should live there. In my opinion, the system is logical. But Arthur could not come to terms with her for a long time.

I also like to eat in the car, even get screwed in the cabin, and Arthur never does that. But what's the problem? Then I will definitely go to the car wash. And I also have one drawback, according to Arthur. If I liked some gift item, I drag it to the holes. And he believes that I should take care of things and, if I like the gift, literally blow off the dust particles from it. This topic has been discussed before. But then we talked, I explained my logic, he realized that there was nothing to be done about it, that's me. Now Arthur has become much softer, and I am wiser - he loves this word very much.

Arthur, by the way, also has flaws: he does not like criticism, so I try to convey it gently. I understand that he is a man, and he should just feel good next to his woman, she should always be in a good mood, and not nag. It's the most important.

Family values

I love to cook and whenever possible I always try to have time to make dinner for my beloved in the evening. I'm lucky Arthur prefers healthy food, goes in for sports a lot, so I try to cook protein food for him: cottage cheese every day, boiled chicken. And in a steamer. And for me there are fewer temptations. Although I can eat everything, but in small quantities. Allowed yourself a slice of cake for lunch? Then eat less in the evening. I try to stay in shape throughout the year.

Every week I go to the salon to the beautician, I do body procedures. I recently discovered self tanning. It used to be necessary to smear it yourself, because of which it was always uneven, but now they do it in the cabin. Great. I love myself swarthy, but the solarium is harmful, and there is no way to go to the sea all the time. So I found a great way out.


We didn’t want to tell anyone about my pregnancy, we opened up only when it became impossible to hide it. Didn't plan it ahead of time. I had a short break from filming and we decided to give it a try, we didn't think it would happen so quickly. We don't know yet whether we will have a boy or a girl. As God wills, we will not find out before the birth. Let this be a surprise for us. So we have two lists of names for both. We decided: the name will be either native Russian, even Old Russian, or not Russian at all. No cribs, no strollers, not to mention clothes, have not yet been bought. My pregnancy is positive, however, hormones sometimes make themselves felt. In general, being pregnant is cool!

Anna Khilkevich is an actress known to viewers as one of the heroines of the popular TV series Barvikha and Univer. New hostel. Thanks to these projects, the girl became a real star of Russian television, but one should not assume that in addition to the roles of Masha Belova and Vika Polyakova, Anna no longer has interesting acting jobs.

The actress has a fairly extensive filmography. It is for this reason that the story of her life should be especially interesting.

The childhood of Anna Khilkevich

Anna Khilkevich was born on October 15, 1986 in Leningrad in a military family. However, she did not live long in the city on the Neva. In 1996 the family moved to Moscow. It is this circumstance that causes some confusion, which is sometimes seen in publications about the biography of the actress: somewhere Leningrad is indicated as the place of birth, and somewhere Moscow.

Anya had a dream of an acting career already in childhood, from an early age she studied at the Svetofor children's vocal and dance studio, learned to play the piano, and after grade 9 she moved to a specialized school at the Theater School. Shchepkin. Here Anya received the necessary experience, which became an excellent basis for her entire subsequent career.

The beginning of Anna Khilkevich's career

In 2003, Anya, having received a diploma of secondary education, successfully entered the Shchepkin Higher Theater School, but left it in 2004. The fact is that freshmen are forbidden to act in films, and Anna was offered roles in two remarkable television projects - the series “I Planned an Escape” and “Firefighters”. In both TV movies, the actress played only small roles.

In the period from 2003 to 2008, Anna Khilkevich often acted in films, but played only episodic and secondary characters. So, in her filmography appeared: the series "Lawyer", in which leading role Alexei Zimin was played by Andrey Sokolov, the film "Prima Donna" about three sisters who decided to conquer the capital, the comedy "The Flight of the Stork over the Cabbage Field", in which such legends of Russian cinema as Alexander Pankratov-Cherny and Lev Durov played episodic roles.

Separately, in this list, it is worth mentioning the film "The Ageless Man", in which Anna Khilkevich played prominent roles and first appeared on the site with Elena Valyushkina and Vitaly Gogunsky, who later joined the project team "Univer. New hostel".

In 2004, Anna entered the Higher Theater School. Shchukin to the course of Vladimir Vladimirovich Ivanov, but a year later she also took the documents. Unexpectedly for everyone, she submitted documents to the Academy. Plekhanov at the Department of Marketing and Advertising and entered. The actress graduated from this higher educational institution with a red diploma.

Star Trek actress Anna Khilkevich

In 2008, Anna successfully passed the casting for one of the leading roles in the series "Don't Try to Understand a Woman", in which she played along with Maxim Leonidov, Alena Ivchenko. This project was the first serious step of the actress to fame. She had more interesting offers, and a few months later she was approved for the role of Vika Polyakova in the famous youth series Barvikha, in which Lyanka Gryu, Anna Mikhailovskaya, Ravshana Kurkova became her partners.

Anya Khilkevich: interview about football

Filming in the series "Barvikha" was a turning point in the career of Anna Khilkevich. She became a star, having the opportunity to independently choose new roles. So, the actress starred with Urgant and Svetlakov in the film "Yolki-2", as a guest star she appeared in the series "Main Version" and "Bodyguard-2".

In 2011, Anna Khilkevich joined the cast of the popular youth project Univer. New hostel ", playing the girl Kuzi (actor - Vitaly Gogunsky), and then the girl Valentina Budeiko (actor Alexander Stekolnikov). Together with her roommates, played by Nastasya Samburskaya, Anna Kuzina, the heroine of Anna Khilkevich fell into a whirlpool of boiling student life, which was watched with interest by the whole country.

Continuing to act in the TV series “Univer. New hostel”, the actress played in parallel in other interesting tapes. The year 2013 was especially fruitful in this respect. During this period, the actress starred in the comedy Sarika Andreasyan and What Men Do, and also, together with Svetlana Khodchenkova and Agnia Ditkovskite, played one of the main roles in the blockbuster Lucky Island. In 2014, the lyrical comedy "The Snow Maiden" was released, in which we saw Anna in the title role.

Anna Khilkevich answers questions

DJ Anna Khilkevich

Anna loves and feels music. This could not but be reflected in the work. In March 2014, she announced herself as a DJ, becoming a resident of the Luxury Music label. Her dj-sets are a success both at large club parties and at closed social events, in restaurants and bars.