Marina Devyatova marital status. Famous Russian singer got married for the sake of a child

The biography of Marina Devyatova, a performer of Russian songs, began in December 1983. It was then that the future singer was born in the family of the people's artist Vladimir Devyatov, in Moscow. Marina's artistic abilities manifested themselves already in three years old. Her childish voice sounded harmonious, the girl felt the tonality and rhythm of the melody. After watching their daughter for some time, the parents decided to send the child to a music school, which was done in 1990, when Marina was 7 years old. Thus, the biography of Marina Devyatova opened her next page.

Education at the music school

For a full eight years, the young student comprehended the basics of musical science, harmony and solfeggio, and also studied choral conducting. After school, Marina entered the Schnittke School of Music, and four years later she continued her studies at the famous Gnesinka, the Academy of Music, where she studied vocals for several years. Musical education allowed the girl to believe in herself and continue to improve in the performance of Russian folk songs.

First concerts

In October 2008, the singer Marina Devyatova, whose biography was constantly updated with new pages, organized her first concert, which was held under the sign of Russian singing traditions. The success was stunning, after the concert the young singer decided to devote herself entirely to Russian folk song and the study of folklore. And in March 2009, the biography of the singer Marina Devyatova was marked by another event that excited the girl to the core, she received an invitation to participate in a reception organized by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in honor of Queen Elizabeth of England and her entire family.

Solo albums

Exactly one and a half years later, Marina presented her own program, with the ingenuous name "I'll go, I'll go out," at the Moscow Variety Theater. At the same time, her album "I didn't think, I didn't guess" was released. Critics unanimously suggested that Marina Devyatova neither thought nor guessed that Russian songs performed by her would receive such wide popularity. And when, at the end of 2011, Marina's next album, entitled "I'm happy", was released, no one had any doubts that the singer, by and large, had found herself and would continue to develop in the field of Russian folk song.

Foreign concerts

Marina visits regularly various countries world with concerts, and she is already considered the "ambassador" of Russian culture. At the same time, the biography of Marina Devyatova develops in a given direction and new creative pages appear in it. The singer loves to work with children's groups, talented guys add a resounding note to her performances, and Marina is just happy from this, like her little helpers. She is also assisted on tour by a Russian folklore group, the show-ballet "Young Dance", which includes professionally trained dancers who own the technique of native Russian dance.

Religious beliefs

The biography of Marina Devyatova, in addition to creative pages, contains information about the religious beliefs of the singer. By her own admission, Marina is a Hare Krishna. Being a vegetarian, the singer tries to convey her beliefs to every person with whom fate somehow brings her together. Marina Devyatova, among other things, with difficulty, but finds time for yoga, which, according to her assurances, is the key to physical and moral health.

I recently became a village dweller: I left Moscow, where I was born and lived for more than thirty years, in Vacation home. This was primarily due to the replenishment in our family. When Ulyana was born, I realized that we need to unite all generations in one big house. Since my profession is connected with constant traveling, and I can only leave such a tiny girl with my mother, I can’t even think of any nanny. But there is very little space in my Moscow apartment with my husband: it was designed for the two of us and is perfect place for two adult egoists living for themselves. The child does not fit in there. Therefore, we decided to move out of town, to a house that could accommodate all family members.

- Have you already experienced all the delights of life in the countryside?

It's still hard for me to get used to it. And by the way, it's good that I listened to the advice of my wise dad (singer Vladimir Devyatov. - Approx. "TN"). When my daughter was born and the question of expanding the living space arose, my husband and I began to think: should we buy an apartment or a house? Live in the city or on the ground? And dad said: rent a house for a few months, see how you feel there, and then decide.

- My husband has a taboo: he does not offend animals. Even insects. With husband Alexei. Photo: Arsena Memetova

And now we have been living in wooden house, we have our own garden, veranda, there is where to put the stroller. I am a child who grew up in the stone jungle, in an apartment on the 16th floor, at first I was even afraid of some features of life outside the city. For example, when some insects with large wings suddenly appear in the bathroom and start waving them. I must say that my husband has a taboo: he does not offend animals. None. Even insects. Therefore, when I see them in my bathroom, I immediately start shouting: “Lesha, if you don’t want me to kill this mosquito now, run quickly and save his life!” I'm not that principled. If a mosquito bites my daughter, then, of course, I will slap him instantly. But in general we are vegetarians and try not to harm anyone living. Lesha, for example, takes mosquitoes in his palm and releases them outside the house. They probably shout "thank you" to him in their own language. In general, our new life turned out to be full of surprises. But gradually we got used to it. Pluses were found instantly. First of all, silence. You fall asleep, and around the forest, nightingales - just some kind of fairy tale. Neither the rumble of cars, nor neighbors swearing behind the wall.

- Are you on maternity leave now?

My decree lasted three months. I left the stage a month before the birth, the last time I went out to the audience under New Year. In principle, I could have continued to jump and dance quite calmly, but my fans cautiously began to hint: “Marinochka, you should lie down and relax. Save yourself!" And I listened to their opinion - I went to prepare for the birth of Ulyana. And three months later she was again on stage and gave a solo concert. But it was preceded by more rehearsals, so I probably spent a month and a half on a clean decree. To be honest, I didn't even want to go outside. When I just returned from the hospital, my mother cooked food, my husband brought it to me, and I only did what I fed Ulyana, improved our relationship with her, and it took all my time.

But even when my daughter was very tiny, I thought not only about her, but also about work - about a new concert program, which will be released on September 28 at the Helikon-Opera Theatre. This is a serious academic platform, and the program will not be quite usual for me, a real theatrical production in which the leitmotif is the line female destiny. I have long wanted to do something on this topic, but while I was still unmarried and childless, it would look somehow strange if I suddenly started talking about the female share. And now it's natural.

- I can leave such a tiny girl only with my mother, I don’t even want to think about any nanny. With mother Natalya, husband and daughter Ulyana. Photo: Arsena Memetova

- And yet you spend more time at home?

All autumn I have already painted by day, right up to the New Year. And now I try not to part with Ulyana, kiss her in all places, carry her in my arms, sleep next to me, I can’t breathe. Like many artists, I lead a seasonal lifestyle. After the New Year, there is a lull, and then I can stay with my family. In the summer, too, people are not very interested in concerts, rather in garden beds and outdoor recreation, and I have a vacation. But in spring and autumn - suffering. Therefore, while I am catching a buzz, especially since it is more comfortable to do it in nature.

- Have you been accustomed to such a schedule since childhood?

Yes, when I was born, my dad was already a fairly well-known artist, he gave solo concerts in the Kremlin, in the Hall of Columns and the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, he sang Russian folk songs and romances. I often went on tour with him. She first appeared on stage at the age of three. The older sister Katerina (she was nine at the time) sat down at the piano, and I stood next to me. My uncle comes out and gives me a microphone. And it was in the 1980s, then microphones were made in frightening sizes. “No,” I say, “uncle, I won’t keep it, keep it yourself.” And here Katya plays, I sing, my uncle holds the microphone - that was my debut.

Hall I was not afraid. In addition, while studying at a music school at the conductor-choir department, I stood with my back to this very hall for seven years and did not understand at all what to be afraid of there - I did not see the audience. It was only later, when I was turned around to face the public, I realized that there was a certain excitement, but I easily coped with it.

- Do young people go to your concerts too? After all, this genre can not be called trendy.

- I am a child who grew up in the stone jungle, at first I was even afraid of some features of life outside the city. Photo: Arsena Memetova

- Give jam?

I'm returning from a tour - as if I went to my grandmother in the village: I carry mushrooms, jam, twists in bags. Those people who know that I am a vegetarian are especially trying to feed them: for some reason it seems to everyone that vegetarians are always hungry, emaciated people who constantly want to eat. They give scarves and knitted socks so that I don’t freeze on my diet. And recently they began to give vests and booties. People know that I have become a mother, and they want to help in any way they can.

- Is it easy for you to be a mother?

At first it was scary, I categorically did not understand how I should take care of my daughter so as not to harm her - she is so small.
When Ulyana was just born and they gave her to me in my arms, I looked at her and thought: “Is this mine, or what?” Couldn't believe it. I had zero experience with babies, I didn’t prepare for childbirth at all, I didn’t go to courses, and therefore I was confused. “Lay on the breast, feed,” the midwife said. It's easy to say, "Feed!" There is milk, but how to pour it into a child? And I came up with an idea: I got up, hanging with the letter G over the bed in which Ulyana lay, and in this position I fed her. “And you, baby, are you going to stand like that for a long time?” - asks the entered doctor. I say: "Well, she eats, it's still normal." - “Yes, everything is clear. Will learn". She swaddled the girl, showed her arms and legs. I learned how to wash her, clean her nose, cut her nails. I also learned to feed normally, and not in the way that I myself came up with on the first day. I am very grateful for science, I would not have mastered it myself for a long time.

And, of course, life in the house has changed a lot. Now we have a little Lord in our house, her name is Ulyana. Therefore, everything and everyone around is subject to it. The whole space is organized so that it is convenient to communicate with the child - cribs, strollers, baby monitors, bottles. But we must pay tribute: Ulya does not bother us over trifles. The first month turned out to be somewhat heavy - gaziki, colic and all other "joys of life". But Lesha helped me a lot. Husband Ulyana has a second child, he is a more experienced parent. As soon as my daughter began to worry, he immediately put her on his stomach, and she calmed down. So we realized that dad's belly is a salvation from all troubles. I could keep her like that for four hours. True, the father himself then had to be scraped off the sofa and brought to his senses, but the child was pleased.

- I do not plan to take my daughter to work with me. Behind the scenes, she will have time to jump. Photo: Arsena Memetova

And now there are no problems with Ulyana. She is a gift. I call her "Soldier Jane" - she doesn't cry just like that. Dissatisfaction is expressed on a specific occasion: he wants to eat, or sleep, or it's time to change diapers. The rest of the time he is silent and is keenly interested in the world around him. We are friends with her. And with dad Ulya is generally a single whole, do not spill water. He is very kind and patient. You can sit on his head and try to pull out all his hair, and he will be happy and satisfied and shout: come on!

Yesterday we got out among the people, went for a walk on the Arbat, and my daughter spent the whole day in the "kangaroo", never uttering a word at all. Lesha says: “What is wrong with her? She doesn't scream. Everything is fine?" - “Yes, the child just likes it, everything around is interesting, why shout?” Ulyana charmed the whole Arbat. Even important uncles who invited their beautiful aunts to dinner and were not inclined to any sentimentality, seeing this little sausage with eyes, which turned its muzzle and looked at the lights around, involuntarily smiled at her.

- Do you often travel like this?

I am not a big supporter of such walks, Ulyana is still small. Grandma saves us. Now I can say with confidence that grandmothers are our everything. My job doesn't involve me getting stuck in maternity leave for three years. I'm afraid to leave the baby with the nanny. So there is only one way out - grandmother.

- But you have to argue with your grandmother about the methods of education?

Well, you can't do without it, of course. We even call her: "grandmother, so as not to blow." Because she worries all the time whether Ulyana is blowing, whether she will freeze in such a light blouse. But you can understand it. Her last child (that is, me) was born in 1983. Can you imagine how far the children's industry has come in this time? Diapers, for example, appeared. In general, I think that it is high time to erect a monument to the person who invented them. Recently I told my mother: “Listen, Ulya peed twenty times today. And how did we cope if there were no diapers? “And like this,” says my mother, “twenty times they would have washed it all. Handles."

So all mom's advice is from her rich and difficult experience. And everything she does is purely out of love. Dr. Komarovsky says that the baby's feet should be cool, because this is normal. But my mother would argue with Dr. Komarovsky, because she raised two and also knows something! What is my way out? Either come to terms with the fact that mom knows best, or live in constant conflict with her. So we are learning to build relationships so that everyone in the new family is comfortable: both mom and us, and above all the child. So far it seems to work.

Marina Devyatova

father - Vladimir Devyatov, singer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, mother - Natalya, choreographer; husband - Alexey Pigurenko, works in the advertising field; daughter - Ulyana (5 months)

Graduated from the Faculty of Folk Singing of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins

sang in the folklore ensemble "Indrik the Beast", then began a solo career, recorded three albums. Finalist of the project "People's Artist-3". The repertoire includes duets with Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov and other artists. Performed at the reception of Queen Elizabeth II

Marina Devyatova is a Russian singer, performer of folk songs, as well as pop hits stylized as folklore. Marina became the finalist of the third season of the television project "People's Artist".

Marina was born in Moscow in a creative family. Father - People's Artist of Russia, a famous performer of Russian folk songs, and my mother was professionally engaged in choreography, staged dances for show ballets. Dad almost from birth began to instill in his daughter a musical taste. Moreover, he put his daughter on records not only of folk singers, but also music and other rock idols. At the age of three, Marina already perfectly felt the rhythm. The girl became the second child in the family, her parents were already raising their eldest daughter Katya, who also had musical abilities.

When Marina was five years old, her parents divorced, but her father did not stay away from raising his daughters. Devyatova did not abandon music. Marina studied at the prestigious music school named after , where she mastered not only the instrument and vocals, but also choral conducting.

After graduation, Vladimir Devyatov took Marina on a tour. Creative life captured the girl, and Devyatova decided to continue her musical education. Then Marina studied at the Gnessin Sisters College and the Russian Academy of Music. There, Devyatova already specialized in what would bring her all-Russian glory in the future - solo folk singing.


In her student years, Marina Devyatova met Artem Vorobyov, who invited the girl to the Indrik-Beast group. The team performed ancient and folk songs in a modern interpretation. The band's repertoire included rock arrangements and compositions performed on ethnic wind instruments. The success of the ensemble was quite tangible, but at the same time, music critics called Devyatova's music "unformatted".

The singer decided to prove that a folklore song in the Art Nouveau style can be truly folk. To do this, Marina chose the television project "People's Artist" consonant with the name and went to the casting of the third season. This decision played a decisive role in the creative biography of Marina Devyatova. The singer was recognized and loved by all of Russia.

The audience and the jury accepted the singer with a bang, the duet performance of the song “It could be love” with the singer was especially successful. In the show, Devyatova reached the final, and after the end of the project, she released the disc "People's Artist-3", which included the compositions that sounded in the program.

The performance of Kim Breitburg's hit “I am fire, you are water”, with which the name of Marina Devyatova is still associated, suffered great popularity for the artist. A video was also created for this song. On the project, the girl met producer Yevgeny Fridlyand, the owner of the FBI MUSIC studio, who signed a contract with the artist to record a solo disc.

In 2007, Marina was honored to perform the song "Katyusha" at the country's selection ceremony for hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics. In Guatemala, the Russian performer was called for an encore 8 times.

Having declared herself to the whole world, Marina focused on preparing a solo program. Then the singer went on tour in Russia and gave concerts under the general title "I'll go, I'll go." At the same time, the first studio album “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess” was released, in support of which the artist gave her first concert in the capital at the Variety Theater. The disc became a cocktail of folk songs and pop hits. In the same vein, the following records “I am happy” were recorded with the songs “Black Raven”, “Kalinka” and “In the Moonlight”, which included the compositions “Grape Seed”, “Bell”, “In the Upper Room”.

Marina Devyatova is one of the few Russian performers who have been honored to perform in front of the Queen of England and her relatives. At the memorable London concert, in addition to the royal family, there were the leaders of Russia - and, as well as the leaders of other countries - the head of Libya and the president of Kazakhstan.

The most popular songs in the repertoire of Marina Devyatova are “Verila”, “Oh, how I like you”, “Ah, Mommy”, “Oh, snow-snow”, “If there was no winter” and the new 2016 “Conversations”. Also on the account of the singer is a joint concert with another performer of folk songs. At the last ceremony of the Russian National Music Award, Marina was nominated for the award as "Best Folk Artist", but in the end she lost the victory.

Personal life

In the life of Marina Devyatova there was a tragic romance. The girl was in love with a much older man who worked as a doctor. Unfortunately, this love was waiting for a sad end: the singer's lover died suddenly of cancer.

After Marina recovered from this loss, the girl began a romantic relationship with the young singer Nikolai Demidov. Devyatova wanted to find a loved one in her lover, but it turned out that Nikolai used the famous artist to become famous. Of course, such a relationship could not stand the time and the young people broke up, and with a loud scandal provoked by Demidov.

Marina Devyatova is a believer, but her religion is not Christianity, but Krishnaism. This direction helped the singer find inner peace and reveal creative potential. Thanks to this religion, Marina completely abandoned cigarettes, alcohol and eating meat. Yoga classes help the artist maintain spiritual harmony.

In October 2016, information appeared in the media that Marina Devyatova and her chosen one Alexei Pigurenko, head of an advertising agency and owner of the YogaBoga brand, had a wedding. The wedding took place in the Kutuzovsky department of the Moscow registry office.

Young people have known each other since 2008, but for several years they were just friends, since both were in a relationship. In 2011, Alexey and Marina began to live together, but at first the family did not work out, and for a while the lovers parted.

The second connection turned out to be more productive: in 2016, Marina became pregnant. In February 2017, the singer had a daughter, Ulyana. Photos of a happy father with an heiress in his arms appeared first on Alexei Pigurenko's personal Instagram, and then on Marina's page.

Marina Devyatova now

After the birth of her daughter, Marina Devyatova went on vacation for only two months. True, the artist herself with a stretch calls this time rest. The first program in which the artist participated after giving birth was the program “Laughing is allowed”. Later, Marina visited Slavyansky Bazaar with a solo performance, performed at the Kremlin Palace at a concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the pop star. The artist also appeared in the program "TV Center" - "Mood".

In the fall, Marina Devyatova already performed a solo concert in the capital of Russia. Along the way, the young family rested in Cyprus. Now the singer is building big plans for the future - Marina is waiting for the opportunity to participate in a choral project, and also plans to move to a country house with her husband and daughter.


  • 2006 - "People's Artist-3"
  • 2009 - “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”
  • 2011 - "I'm happy"
  • 2013 - "In the moonlight"

Two definitions are most suitable for Marina's childhood: happy and musical. Although her parents broke up when the girl was still quite a baby, both her mother and father constantly surrounded her with love and care. Marina did not have the feeling of an incomplete family, especially since her parents continued to treat each other with mutual respect.

Marina Devyatova in childhood. Photo: Marinadevyatova.rf

The creative atmosphere in which the girl was from birth could not but affect her personality. Quality music often sounded in the house. Marina's father, Vladimir Devyatov, was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia for his creativity and virtuoso performance of Russian folk songs. Mother was a sought-after and accomplished choreographer.

Thus, from the first days of her life, Marina was surrounded by two amazing world- Music and dance.

Contrary to the popular belief that nature rests on the children of talented parents, Marina showed her musical and Creative skills. Like all kids, she sang songs along with the heroes of her favorite cartoons. But parents were amazed that she perfectly felt the rhythm and almost always hit the right notes.

Naturally, the father made every effort to develop his daughter's talent. He began to instill in her a love not only for folk, but also for foreign quality music.

Years of study

Marina, like many children, started learning to play the piano at the insistence of her parents. It was very difficult for a mischievous and nimble girl to sit in one place, repeating hated scales for hours.

But she always loved to sing. And for games, and even for performing homework often sang something. Often, together with her sister, she arranged small home concerts for any reason and even without it. We can say that since childhood she dreamed of a big stage.

Studying in two schools at the same time was difficult. Marina even sometimes tried to rebel and quit the prestigious music school in which her parents arranged her.

However, she really enjoyed any performances, and only for the sake of the stage did she put up with quite large loads. Therefore, by the time the final exams approached, there were practically no doubts about the choice of profession.

Although not all relatives supported the girl in her passion for music. Her grandfather, a retired military man, insisted on a more practical profession. He really wanted to see Marina as a lawyer or lawyer. But the father began to take the grown girl to his concerts, giving her the opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the big stage. And this turned out to be decisive. Marina decided to continue her musical education.

First steps

After leaving school, Marina enters a music college to study solo folk singing. She studies diligently, develops rapidly and even wins a prize in 2001 for participating in a vocal competition. However, having been brought up on a variety of music, she already then begins to think about how to connect folk music with more modern trends.

Shortly before graduating from college, she gets such a chance. She meets the organizer and leader of the original musical group "Indrik the Beast". The guys perform ethnic music in modern processing, organically mixing rock, wind instruments and other seemingly incompatible styles.

But in those years, pop-folk was not yet very popular, and Marina's dream of filled huge concert halls still seemed unattainable. However, she continued to develop and work in this genre, and also continued her studies at the Gnessin Conservatory.

With their "non-format" music, the team even decided to appear on the stage of the "Slavianski Bazaar", where they were very warmly received by the audience.

New star

The lucky star of Marina Devyatova caught fire at the moment when she independently decided to try her hand at the TV project "People's Artist". With extraordinary ease, Marina managed to overcome the casting and the first rounds of the competition, and then become its finalist.

Now she remembers the project as an excellent school of performing arts. Although at the time when she was in the thick of things, everything was seen differently. It turned out that big show business has many pitfalls, the existence of which she did not even suspect.

However, whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. The competition hardened Marina and greatly improved her professional level. And, of course, he brought a lot of new useful acquaintances and a contract with the promoted production center of Yevgeny Fridlyand, from which, in fact, the young performer's rapid rise began. The whirlpool of events swirled the singer, and she completely plunged into filming, concerts, and tours.

Kim Breitburg's song "I am fire, you are water" recorded at the project still remains the singer's musical calling card. Although since then many other equally incendiary and memorable songs have been written and presented to the audience.

By the way, after the first successful experience of working in a duet with Alexei Goman on the song “It could be love”, the singer began to practice such performances with other famous artists.

Devyatova today

Devyatova, after a long search, finally singled out for herself exactly the niche in which she was able to fully realize her creative potential. She performed folk songs in a bright and stylish modern arrangement, but at the same time she was not like any of their already well-known performers working in this genre: and other popular artists.

This is what quickly made her work recognizable and loved by the audience.

Quite quickly after the start of her career, Devyatova became famous far beyond the borders of the CIS. Today she successfully tours in Europe, the USA and even Asia, popularizing the Russian song. A real triumph for the singer was the honor to perform the song "Katyusha" at the ceremony of choosing the capital of the Winter Olympics, which she had to repeat 8 times - the enthusiastic audience stubbornly did not let the artist go.

Quite often, Devyatova has to speak to the heads of other states and other dignitaries visiting Russia. To some extent, it can be called a modern symbol of Russian song and folk traditions.

She easily collects huge halls and continues to successfully develop further in the chosen direction. Putin also repeatedly spoke approvingly of the work of the young performer.

Personal life of Marina Devyatova

The personal life of the singer is mostly behind the scenes. This is not surprising. Marina is a person of high moral principles. She has been a staunch vegetarian for many years now. He often meditates, listens to spiritual music, constantly works on himself. After meeting the Hare Krishnas, she became interested in this religious direction and began to practice it.

The singer has no children. And with personal relationships, everything is quite difficult. Her loved one tragically passed away a few years ago from cancer, and Marina was very upset by the loss. After recovering from the blow, she maintained a close relationship with singer Nikolai Demidov for some time, but the couple broke up.

In 2011, Marina took a fresh look at her friend, Alexei Pigurenko, the founder of YogaBoga. Five years later, in 2016, young people got married, and already in February 2017, Marina became a mother. She had a daughter, Ulyana. Parents affectionately call the baby "Boboy" and share her photos on the Web.

With Alexey Pigurenko

Our today's hero is a true patriot, a father of many children and a talented singer Vladimir Devyatov. Do you want to know when he was born and where he studied? Is he legally married? How many children does he have. All information about his person is contained in the article. We wish you happy reading!

Vladimir Devyatov: biography

He was born on March 15, 1955 in Moscow. However, fate turned out so that the Devyatov family had to leave for Vologda. Vladimir's father, Sergei Ivanovich, was a soldier. And when he was sent to another city, he could not leave his son and wife in Moscow. The Devyatovs returned to the capital only in 1961. Mother, Ekaterina Stepanovna, received a higher economic education. For several years (while living in Vologda) she was a housewife. And upon returning to Moscow, the woman got a job in a state-owned company.

Childhood and youth

Our hero attended school number 29, located in the Voykovskaya metro area. Teachers constantly set him as an example to other children. Vova was a diligent student. He was drawn to knowledge and took an active part in the life of the class. Several times a week the boy goes to music school. Devyatov Jr. learned to play the accordion.

At the end high school Vladimir submitted documents to the Military Academy of Chemical Protection. Timoshenko. A self-confident and purposeful guy was enrolled in a university. After 5 years, he was awarded a diploma of graduation from the academy. Vladimir Devyatov had no problems with employment. Our hero was hired by the defense research institute of Moscow.

Creative activity

Vladimir was not going to give up his old dream - to become a famous singer. His idols were such bands as Jethro Tull, Chicago, Deep Purple, Beatles and others. In the 70-80s, he himself performed as part of a musical group called "Old Arsenal". Vladimir Sergeevich not only sang, but also played percussion instruments.

In 1983, Devyatov entered the Musical and Pedagogical Institute. Gnesins. Our hero was enrolled in the faculty of solo folk singing. In 1987 he completed his studies at the university.

V. Devyatov began his creative activity as a student of Gnesinka. In 1985, a talented guy created the ensemble "Russian tunes". The team performed at festivals held in Moscow, Tbilisi, Krasnodar and other cities. "Russian Melodies" has repeatedly won prestigious awards.

Between 1985 and 1995 there was a formation of professional and public recognition of V. Devyatov. This singer has occupied a certain niche on the Russian stage. His personality aroused more and more interest among the audience.

Why is Vladimir Devyatov so unique? The songs he sings were written dozens or even hundreds of years ago. Each of his concerts is a kind of excursion into the past. Where else can you hear old romances and Russian folk songs today? This is extremely rare.

Currently, Vladimir Devyatov is known and loved in Russia and the CIS countries. In his creative piggy bank there are hundreds of concerts, dozens of compositions and bright duets (including with his daughter Marina).

Personal life

Vladimir Devyatova has never experienced a lack of female attention. It was impossible not to fall in love with a handsome guy with a strong chest and a velvety voice.

In the 1970s, our hero met a charming girl, Irina. He gifted her beautiful bouquets and compliments, took me to cafes and walks in the park. After a couple of months, the couple in love began to live under the same roof. One day, the girl told Vladimir about her "interesting situation." Devyatov was happy about this. However, the couple continued to live in a civil marriage. In 1977, their common daughter Catherine was born. Irina wrote it down in her last name - Lyakhova.

After some time, Devyatov met a new love. He honestly confessed to this former bride. The singer packed up and left, promising to help his daughter Katya.

Soon Vladimir Sergeevich officially married. His chosen one is a professional choreographer. In December 1983, the wife gave birth to a daughter, Marina. Vladimir was overjoyed. However, family happiness did not last long. When Marina was 5 years old, her parents divorced. All these years, the father continues to communicate with his daughter. Songs by Devyatova and Vladimir Devyatov can be heard at various festivals and vocal competitions. Father and daughter have a lot in common - a cheerful disposition, healthy lifestyle life and love for Russian folk songs.

In the mid-1990s, Devyatov began a stormy romance. The name, surname and occupation of that woman were not disclosed. It is only known that the birth of their son Nikita (born in 1995) was the fruit of their love.

Third marriage

A few years ago, Vladimir Devyatov met his current wife, a ballet dancer. Elizaveta Goryshkina was 2 years younger than his daughter Marina. But this did not bother the man in love. The girl conquered Vladimir with her grace, sophistication and femininity. He managed to win her heart.

In 2008, Lisa gave birth to a son to the singer. The boy was called a beautiful Russian name - Ivan. And in June 2009, the couple officially formalized the relationship. The celebration took place in one of the best Moscow restaurants.