Mangup Kale is a cave city where it is located. Mangup-Kale - a cave city in the Crimea

One of the most interesting sights of Crimea is the cave city of Mangup-Kale. Everything is magnificent here - nature, multi-room buildings carved into the rocks, the remains of fortress walls, and a breathtaking view of the surroundings .... Therefore, going on a trip to the Crimea, be sure to find time for Mangup!

Cave-city Mangup-Kale on the map of Crimea:

History of Mangup-Kale

The geographical location of the plateau, a large territory and numerous natural barriers on the approaches in the form of rocky cliffs, made it attractive for human settlement. This is confirmed by archaeological finds from the Copper Stone Age. The first fortifications on the plateau of Mount Mangup appeared in the 5th century, in its second half. Then it was the territory of the Crimean Gothia. Later, in the 7th century, the fortress with varying success passed from the hands of the Khazars to the hands of the Goths. At the same time, the fortress was named Mangup.

From the 13th century until the middle of the 15th century, there was a fortress of the Principality of Theodoro here (historians still argue). The most large-scale buildings preserved in the ancient city belong to this time. Judging by the archaeological finds, handicrafts, winemaking, cattle breeding, and trade were actively developing here.

In 1475, under the onslaught of the troops of the Ottoman Empire, all the fortresses of the peninsula fell. The fortress Mangup resisted for the longest time. But still, she was captured. Embittered by the long siege and the insubordination of the fortress defenders, the Turks massacred its entire population. For another three hundred years, Ottoman garrisons were stationed in the fortress. The buildings of that time have been preserved - part of the fortress wall and the guard tower. In 1790, the last inhabitants, the Karaites, left the cave city.

What to see on Mangup

Behind the solid fortress wall, a variety of buildings were erected for life and economic needs. To date, the caves have been well preserved, which were probably used to accommodate soldiers and defense. At the top of the plateau there are small stone pools - tarapans, which served for squeezing grapes, and at the same time, possibly, for collecting water.

Buildings that you definitely need to look at in order to experience surprise and admiration for the skill of the builders and the reliability of the building that has stood for many centuries:

  1. The remains of a three-story fortress, which, presumably, housed the prince's residence.
  2. Main city gates.
  3. Foundation of the octagonal basilica.
  4. Cave complex with two-level caves.
  5. Karaite cemetery.
  6. The famous cave "Drum".

In addition to the buildings of the cave city of Mangup-Kale, the unique views that open from the plateau are of interest. The height here is about 250 m. At the foot of the mountain, covered with mixed forest, there is an artificial young lake with a muddy bottom and warm water. Here is a photo of the view from Mangup-Kale to the village and the lake at its foot:

There are a sufficient number of springs on the plateau itself, but the most famous of them are the male spring, located in the Cheshme-Koba grotto, and the female spring paired with it. The male spring is located on the territory of the cave city itself in the area of ​​​​the defensive tower and the preserved fortress wall.

How to get to Mangup

Where is Mangup in Crimea and how to get there? The mountain with the cave city is located in the Bakhchisaray region of Crimea. Travel agencies organize numerous excursions to visit this place. But it is quite possible to get there on your own. There are three main paths:

  1. By bus Bakhchisaray - Zalesnoye to the village of Khoja Sala. This is the nearest settlement to Mangup. It is located at the foot and almost at the beginning of the trail up. The ascent is quite steep at times, in addition, it passes through the forest and therefore the exit to the plateau is perceived as emerging to the surface from the depths of the green ocean.
  2. By bus from Simferopol towards the village of Zalesnoye or by bus Simferopol - Rodnoye. Buses depart from the bus station "Zapadnaya". You need to get out at the foot of Mangup.
  3. From Sevastopol, you can take an electric train to Bakhchisaray and further as indicated above. Or by bus Sevastopol - Rich Gorge and Sevastopol - Ternovka. From the village of Ternovka, you will have to walk another three kilometers.

Mangup Kale is also ideal for hiking for beginners. The roads on the approach to the plateau are paved and in good condition, so it is easy to get there with your own vehicles. Don't let the road in this video scare you, they go to Mangup-Kale on foot or order an UAZ, and you can drive up to the foot by any car, the road is good there.

In this post:

Cave towns of Crimea – Mangup-Kale

Crimea has a huge number of attractions. Many of them have the status of a monument of history and architecture. Their list also includes the ancient cave city, the Mangup-Kale fortress, which is part of the Bakhchisarai Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve.

Location, historical facts

Not far from the village of Khoja-Sala, 25 km from Bakhchisaray, is one of the largest cave cities of the Crimean peninsula - Mangup-Kale. At the foot of the plateau on which the fortification is located, there is another local attraction -. I recommend to combine visits to these unique places.

Scientists still cannot come to a consensus on the date of foundation of the cave city and fortress. It is believed that the first settlements were organized here in the 1st century. At the same time, according to archaeological finds, the construction of various structures began here in the 4th-5th centuries. When the Scythians-Sarmatians and Alans settled in the territory.

The area developed gradually. At first, people chose Cape Leaky. Ancient city and the fortification was formed in the VI century by Byzantine colonists. Then it was called Doros. Two centuries later, the Khazars organized a military garrison here.

In their possession, the area was flesh until the XIII century. Since that time, the Byzantines began to rule here again, who founded the capital of the Principality of Theodoro. It is worth noting: it was a rather big settlement with a population of two hundred thousand people. Around the same time, defensive walls, tower buildings, temple complexes, the palace of the ruler, various buildings appeared here. household type. The principality was quite influential, received the support of neighboring states.

The fortress was such a powerful object that even the Ottomans could not take it just like that. For a long six months, she withstood the siege, as a result she was taken to starvation. The Turkish invaders not only renamed the city, but also undertook a thorough restructuring.

Numerous wars with the Russian Empire forced the Turks to leave these places. During the entire existence of the cave settlement, representatives of different peoples, including Greeks and Karaites. When Crimea joined Russian Empire, the area slowly became empty, a huge number of things valuable for history were destroyed by irresponsible citizens, stolen by "black" archaeologists. In the status of a natural and historical monument, the Mangup-Kale fortress was erected in the mid-seventies of the last century.

Popular tourist attraction

The Mangup-Kale plateau, which was once a solid mountain range, occupies an area of ​​90 hectares. On the north side there are 4 long capes and three gorges. There are a huge number of karst caves and springs on the massif. A picturesque place that deserves special attention of tourists, even those who are not interested in the history of Crimea and ancient cities.

You can approach the ancient cave city from different sides, but I recommend doing it from the aforementioned man-made lake of the same name. Perhaps, some tourists will find the path a little difficult, but along the way there will be rest areas with benches where you can relax.

Walking along this path, at first you will see the Karaite cemetery, then you will pass by the fortress wall, behind which there will be a plateau itself. Unfortunately, most of the buildings did not survive to our times, only ruins remained of them, but there is still something to see.

The citadel and some parts of the defensive walls are well preserved. Cave complexes are in the best condition, including rock tombs and so on. On the southern side of the plateau, there are operating facilities - founded in the XIV - XV centuries, but for a long time was in disrepair. Of course, this is not, but there are enough pilgrims.

Tourists are of great interest in which the column is installed; when struck, a sound similar to a drum roll comes from it. From the plateau, bewitching landscapes open up to the surroundings. Therefore, in my opinion, it will be interesting for anyone here.

Prices, official site

A visit to the cave city of Mangup-Kale is free, but the excursion program is paid separately. Adult ticket - 100, children and students - 50 rubles. More detailed information can be obtained on the official portal of the museum complex.

Address: Crimea, Bakhchisaray district, Khodzha-Sala village.

Phone for inquiries: 7 978 7013844.

Official Internet portal:

Tours are held daily from 9 to 18.00.

How to get to Mangup-Kale fortress

There is an opportunity to get here public transport as well as by car. In the first case, from Bakhchisarai, take a bus to Zalesnoye, get off near the reservoir of the village of Khodzha-Sala. Buses No. 40 and 109 go from Sevastopol to Ternovka. Some distance will have to be overcome on foot.

The easiest way to travel is by car. In order not to lose your way, enter the exact coordinates into the navigator in advance or mark them on a paper map. The trip from Bakhchisaray will take about 30-35 minutes.

A photo

Cave city Mangup-Kale (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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The ancient city of Mangup-Kale is considered one of the most curious sights of the Crimean peninsula and the brightest monument of the Middle Ages. In those days, he was called Doros, and he himself played a key role in the bastion of the Crimean Gothia. Today, thousands of tourists come here, as to a real treasury of history and culture. Moreover, not only the ancient settlement is of interest, but also its especially significant places.

A bit of history

The city begins its history from the end of the 6th century - the time of the Great Migration of Nations. At that time, the Alans nomads ruled here, but in the 7th century the Byzantines appropriated all the surrounding lands, having founded a fortress. Over the years, it began to attract attention, and was soon captured by the Khazar Khaganate. It was the Khazars who gave the fortress its real name.

The city of Mangup-Kale experienced upheavals until the 14th century, peacetime came only when it became the capital of the medieval Christian principality of Theodoro.

While the princes ruled in Mangup-Kala, the city flourished and strengthened its position, a Christian basilica, a palace ensemble and stone fortifications were built in it, and underground communications were expanded, administrative and residential buildings were added.

However, the subsequent invasion of the Ottoman invaders became another test for the settlement: despite the courage and courage, almost all the local residents were exterminated, and Jews repressed by the Turks began to live in it. Over the years, these lands were abandoned by their last settlers. The city was empty for a long time, until it turned into a tourist pearl of the Crimea, reminiscent of the great past.

What's interestnig

The most remarkable place in the city, in addition to its streets, caves and remains of buildings, can be called Maiden Lake of artificial origin. It is located on a sheer beam, from where a bewitching panorama of the capes of the Mangup plateau opens: Calling, Windy, Pine and Leaky. These capes are the next places worth visiting, because from them you can see all the picturesque Crimean expanses and the authentic village of Khoja Sala.

Despite serious destruction, several cave monasteries, churches, casemates and an old three-story fortress, where the Theodoroian princes once lived, still stand in the city.

And nearby is the largest cave in the city - Drum-Koba. Inside it is a column - if you hit it, you will hear the beat of drums. As for the church of St. Helena and Constantine and the palace complex, today only fragments of the foundations remain from them.

Finally, we recall that the ancient settlement is part of the Bakhchisaray Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve, where you can order a tour of the surroundings.

Practical Information

The city of Mangup-Kale is located near the village of Khoja-Sala in the Bakhchisarai region. You can get to it from Yalta, Sevastopol and Bakhchisaray by bus or fixed-route taxi (you need to get off between the villages of Zalesnoye and Khodzha-Sala). Web site

It is possible to get there by car. GPS coordinates: 44°35’42"N; 33°48'29"E.

Ticket price: entrance 100 RUB - for adults, 50 RUB - for children, guided tour - an additional 100 RUB. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Opening hours: from 9:00 to 16:00 daily.

The cave city of Mangup-Kale in Crimea is the largest monument of this kind among many others located here. The list of such, for example, also includes, located nearby and only slightly inferior to it in area. The first settlement on Mount Mangup appeared somewhat earlier than many cities in caves, although the question remains open and controversial: some scientists date its foundation long before our era, others consider the 6th century AD. e. more likely date.

In any case, Mangup-Kale is most attractive not for its antiquity, but for the indescribable beauty that literally surrounds it from all sides. Rising like a giant over three valleys, it appears as a great platform for viewing the surrounding sights. It really takes your breath away here: while staying on the ruins of an ancient settlement, from contemplating these beauties, this place seems to be the most romantic and exciting on the whole planet!

Where is the settlement located in the Crimea?

Mount Mangup with its crowning cave city is located in the southern part of the peninsula, on the territory of the Bakhchisarai region. It is located 25 km south of, near the village of Khoja-Sala.

Mangup-Kale on the map of Crimea

The controversial history of the emergence of the ancient city

It is officially believed that Mangup-Kale was founded in the 6th century by the Alans fleeing the persecution of the Huns at the final stage of the Great Migration. However, there is another version, supported by archaeological finds. According to it, it appears that the settlement on the top of the mountain was founded by the Taurians - almost a thousand years earlier.

When the Goths settled in the III century, it began to turn into impregnable fortress, dominating over the valleys of Ai-Todor, Dzhan-Dere and Karalez. In the 6th century, the Alans and Sarmatians really settled here, but they did not found it, but became only a small part of its population.

Rise and fall of Mangup-Kale

With each new influx of immigrants, along with the population, expanding, the cave complex itself grew. From the beginning of the 7th century, the Byzantine Empire established control over it, the Greeks called this important outpost Doros. It was well protected, especially after Cape Teshkli-Burun was fenced in at its narrowest point with a fortress wall, after which the cave city of Mangup-Kale in the Crimea became an impregnable stronghold, where the inhabitants felt completely safe. But already in the VIII century, the Byzantines lost both the most valuable of their fortresses and vast territories that became part of the Khazar Khaganate - then the policy got its current name.

It reached its greatest prosperity and exaltation in the XIV-XV centuries. - when it was in the status of the capital of the Principality of Theodoro, founded by immigrants from Byzantium. For the city, this period was a time of prosperity and prosperity, it expanded, acquired new defensive fortifications and beautiful buildings, such as the prince's palace and the basilica.
During the reign of the Gavras dynasty, Mangup-Kale under the name became the richest and most influential settlement on the Crimean peninsula. The possessions of the Theodorites were gradually reduced, vast territories were conquered by the Tatars and the Genoese, but no one succeeded in capturing the capital of the principality, despite numerous attempts. And only in 1475 the fortress was taken by the Ottoman Turks - by starvation, after 7 months of siege.

Fierce by the stubbornness of the locals, the Turks, after the surrender of Mangup-Kale, plundered and set fire to it, for some time it lay in ruins, but the fortress was gradually rebuilt. Since it no longer had any strategic importance after the Crimea became part of the Russian Empire, it was completely abandoned, then the last few inhabitants left Mangup Mountain. Now the ancient cave city has the status of a complex natural and historical monument of national importance. There is a daily excursion on the territory of the Mangup plateau, quite a lot of people come to see the ancient ruins and enjoy the unique view of the surroundings, and the prices are mostly attractive.

What is interesting about the cave city?

For those who want to visit the most picturesque places of the Crimean peninsula, its largest cave city will be a real gift. To the great regret of many, he himself was poorly preserved - only miserable ruins remained of all his ground structures. But even now, and only by the foundations of the princely palace, the temple of Constantine and Helena, smaller churches, monasteries, one can judge the past grandeur and beauty of all these buildings. The only surviving building is a medieval three-story fortress,
which became the residence of the princes Theodoro in moments of danger.

Cave structures, churches, monasteries, administrative and utility rooms, and much more have been preserved much better. But there are also their own, such as the citadel - one of the best preserved cave objects. Of course, no one will ignore the Drum-Koba cave, where a column is installed that emits a sound resembling the beat of a drum when it is struck.

But the most charming for tourists and travelers are the local landscapes, which open from a height of almost 600 m above sea level. Thanks to this, the plateau, rising above the three surrounding valleys, converging at its ledges, seems to be an excellent viewing platform. From its top, pictures are simply amazing and exciting, and their beauty is indescribable! Anyone who tries to describe it in detail will soon stumble - due to the exhaustion of the vocabulary.

How to get to the fortification?