The meaning of the zodiac sign Gemini is a girl. Characteristics of the Gemini woman according to the zodiac sign: an impregnable fortress The character of the twin girls according to the horoscope

Is your girlfriend a Gemini according to the horoscope? Thanks to the ability to get along with people, intelligence, good character, she can achieve serious success in her work.

Gemini girl - her characteristic

It is difficult for her to focus only on her family, especially if home life seems too boring for her. To withstand the company of boring, from her point of view, household members around the clock is beyond her strength.

Even in situations that are completely unambiguous, in the understanding of other people, the Gemini sign shows inconstancy and unpredictability. She reacts to comments in a way that is not always predictable, which often causes tension and conflicts.

A completely trifling occasion can cause her admiration or, conversely, resentment. The duality of nature, inherited from the stars, is manifested in the fact that the representatives of this sign, on the one hand, are nervous, witty, live only for today, and on the other hand, they are smart, businesslike, able to think deeply and clearly and hide their true thoughts behind feigned frivolity. intentions.

Gemini girl character

It is simply unrealistic to get bored in the company of a girl according to the Gemini horoscope. Travel, adventure, novelty of impressions - this is her element, the need for her indomitable temperament. She really likes going to the theater, to exhibitions, etc. She loves cheerful companies and feels like a fish in water in them.

Yes, and the environment is good with her, because she is an excellent friend, has a kind and accommodating character, converges with people easily and naturally, is able to maintain a lively conversation on any topic. At the same time, it can be not only dreamy, diversified, but also adamant and demanding.

In addition, the characteristic of the Gemini girl is not complete without such traits as cheerfulness, youthfulness, cheerful disposition, activity, and initiative. This person will never leave anyone in a critical situation and will always turn his shoulder at the first call.

Gemini in a relationship

If someone hurts - involuntarily or consciously - her pride, then the Gemini woman is unlikely to be silent. The girl is fast - in thoughts, in actions, in movements. Her sonorous voice, the sound of heels can be heard everywhere. Aimless loitering, walks around the office, calm and long sorting through papers - this is not about an employee born under this sign.

Gemini woman. 2 in 1, 3 in 1, 4 in 1....

As soon as it comes to the psychology of relationships of heterosexual human beings, some representatives of the stronger sex who are not inclined to fidelity put forward an invincible argument: “All men are polygamous by nature, they need diversity.” But the one who connected his life with the Gemini woman will not say anything like that, because:

She is always different, she is always dual, and her behavior can be completely unpredictable;

Her inner being changes with age;

The Gemini woman is not too interested in earthly affairs, but is very romantic, capable of strong feelings, has rare mental, spiritual and physical qualities;

Dreams and aspirations make the Gemini woman actively move forward all the time, but she will be grateful to someone who will try to slow her run and give her the opportunity to rest;

She is always on the move - constantly traveling and moving;

She keeps the complexities of her character to herself, without burdening anyone.

However, some features of the Gemini woman may not be very pleasant for her chosen one. For example,

She can admire something, and then begin to criticize it with extreme sarcasm - this is how the duality of character manifests itself;

Novels for her are a game of love, an easy way to express her fantasies;

She is not heartless, as she may seem, but it is difficult for her to devote herself to any one person.

It is difficult for a Gemini woman, constantly striving for change and looking for them, to learn patience and stability, and sometimes control herself, and this can significantly complicate her life. Such a woman likes romantic and sentimental gestures, but you can’t call her a frivolous silly girl. With age, most Gemini ladies come to a deep understanding of their nature.

Gemini Woman:

She dreams of falling in love for real, but she does not succeed;

Strives for motherhood, but this also does not always work out;

She always looks very soft and feminine and does not hide her intelligence, which is most pronounced when she meets a new man;

She is sincerely convinced that she is in love with one man, but at the same time she can be passionate about another.

It is not difficult to recognize a representative of this zodiac sign, especially since in any company she will be able to attract attention. Such ladies are very inquisitive, they are easily carried away by new ideas, they try to diversify the impressions that they receive from life as much as possible. The Gemini woman usually:

It has medium-sized, but regular facial features (by the way, representatives of this sign should not try to change the shape of their lips and eyes with the help of cosmetics);

Has an extensive and varied wardrobe: her clothes can influence the style of behavior throughout the day;

Often changes preferences in the field of outfits and makeup, but always retains his own style;

To her face absolutely all the things in which she feels free and comfortable;

He tries to emphasize the beauty of forms, if he has a good figure;

Knows how to look young to a ripe old age;

Fabrics for outfits chooses light, translucent, soft tones.

Almost always, Gemini ladies love roses and lilies of the valley. Fresh, citrus notes are suitable for their lifestyle, as well as aromas of spices and fresh herbs, which can stabilize the state of the nervous system. You can read more about fragrances suitable for Gemini here.

Gemini woman at work:

She wants to make a career, but sometimes she encounters problems due to the fact that it is difficult for her to settle down, focus on one thing, and maintain interest in it for a long time;

Has a rare mind and subtle intuition, is interested in everything new;

After marriage, does not lose interest in work and social activities;

Sometimes too impulsive when you need to make an important decision;

Optimistic, can work on a dubious project if he believes in its success;

Notices the little things;

Able to be very persuasive;

Able to give excellent advice;

She can work hard and earn little, and if her income is high, she spends more than she receives;

Never asks for help.

The main activities in which the Gemini lady can succeed are mediation and obtaining information. Representatives of this sign are excellent at commercial activities, but sometimes they are not too picky in their means. In addition, a Gemini woman can become a wonderful doctor or an outstanding lawyer.

Gemini woman in her personal life:

Spends a lot of time in search of an ideal life partner;

Good understanding of people;

Calculating, and often guided by reason rather than emotion, even in intimate relationships;

Shows interest in a partner, but is sometimes guided solely by his own curiosity, and not by some far-reaching plans;

Not afraid of frank talk about sex and experiments in this area.

Those who plan to enter into a romantic or business relationship with a representative of this sign should remember that she:

It will be true if you are interesting enough to win her love;

Will help you by expressing original thoughts, and will support you in difficult times;

She will be glad to spend time with you and will become an excellent companion;

Sometimes she will be caustic and cynical, and always independent;

Will not ask unnecessary questions and probably will not want to answer yours;

In emotionally difficult periods, he may completely lose interest in household chores;

Does not always spend money wisely;

Gives children a lot of love, but spends little time with them and does not become dependent on her offspring;

Will be an excellent hostess, connoisseur of serving and etiquette;

He loves theater, exhibitions, sports and dancing, can engage in literary creativity or painting, be interested in design.

If your chosen one is Gemini, then she:

Has a wide variety of interests;

Clever, dreamy and complaisant, but will not tolerate injustice;

Knows how to conduct a conversation and cheer up others, knows a lot about witty jokes;

Big dreamer;

Can't stand slovenliness and is sometimes very pedantic;

Sentimental and dreams of a "real" romance, but can be not only a lover, but also a friend;

Finds time for both work and household chores;

Takes care of his friends, likes to give advice;

Can be a very passionate lover;

Does not always control emotions and can become seriously ill due to nervous strain;

Easily obey a just decision;

He does not allow anyone to restrict his freedom;

She wants to be liked even by those who do not arouse her sympathy;

Freedom-loving and will not want to live in a "golden cage";

Subject to bouts of self-doubt, fear of the unknown;

Will not put up with a subordinate position in a relationship;

She is constantly changing herself and loves to change everything that surrounds her: she creates a new interior, looks for new housing, tries new food, has fun in new ways;

If he does not work on himself, then he focuses his efforts on changing his beloved.

Change is an indispensable part of the lifestyle of Gemini women, and there is nothing to be done about it!

A girl is always a mysterious and unpredictable creature, and a Gemini girl is doubly so. The air element, combined with youth, creates a unique cocktail, the composition of which is quite difficult to figure out. But, knowing a few important facts about the representatives of this sign, it will be a little easier to find the key to them.

General characteristics of Gemini

The nature of Gemini girls is greatly influenced by their patron planet Mercury, which gives those born from May 22 to June 21 sociability, liveliness and flexibility of mind. Ladies of this sign are often adventurous, restless, their life is in motion and development. The most characteristic feature of Gemini is the duality of nature, as well as the variability of mood. They are characterized by a constant search for themselves and situations of mental confusion. But at the same time they are incredibly sociable and curious, they need to be constantly in the center of events. Strong, cunning, intelligent - that's exactly what the Gemini are. A girl born under this sign is always surrounded by a certain halo of mystery and mystery, while remaining active and bright. Experiments, adventures, risk - these are the elements of the game, without which Gemini simply cannot exist. They love travel. Ambition is an integral feature of the representatives of this sign, so they often reach unprecedented heights in their aspirations.

Communication and friendship

Unpredictability and inconstancy - in almost all areas of life, this is how the zodiac sign Gemini manifests itself. A girl can completely unexpectedly react to a remark or criticism, which will eventually lead to a conflict, because the Gemini tend to be offended over trifles. And their inappropriate delight and joy in a different situation will cause misunderstanding of others. Representatives of this air sign sometimes seem too frivolous, but this is feigned. You certainly won’t get bored with her, because the Gemini girl is literally always in search of adventure and strives for something new. She is also an excellent conversationalist, because she is smart, well-read, diversified, loves art and good companies, and very easily converges with people. Such girls are great in friendship, they will always come to the rescue at the first call, you can rely on them, they will be able to support you in difficult times and sincerely rejoice at the success of your neighbor. The character of Gemini girls often has contradictory features, it is difficult for them to remain silent if they are hurt, and due to their activity they are prone to hasty judgments.

The Right Approach

Due to the sociability of this sign and the desire to make many acquaintances, girls under the sign of Gemini may seem to be easily accessible ladies, but this is a delusion. An open character and a cheerful disposition are just an outer shell that hides a sharp mind and powers of observation. They very carefully evaluate any interlocutor, including a potential partner who needs to make a lot of efforts to win the heart of an airy beauty. Gemini girls are looking for a new approach in everything, so they cannot be conquered with the help of beaten clichés and clichés. They themselves have a wonderful sense of humor and love to joke, the same is required of a boyfriend. They will appreciate simplicity and sincerity, as well as fantasy in choosing a date or evening program, and not an expensive gift and a banal gentleman's set. They are very jealous, so you should not talk about your former relationship with them. It is better to flatter their slightly inflated self-esteem and focus on the exclusivity of the representative of the air sign. Gemini girl loves flirting, the main thing is not to be too assertive and not let her get bored.

Relationships and love

Not everyone can get along with a woman born under this air sign. The Gemini girl in love is superficial, she can rarely give herself completely to feelings. In addition, balance and mutual respect, partnership and spiritual kinship are important for her in relationships. She will not be able to completely obey a man, but she will not be able to bear a henpecked man either. But at the same time, the Gemini girl simply needs adoration from her chosen one and loyalty, because she should be the only one for him. Such a girl prefers successful men, and she can literally fall in love instantly, but she can fall out of love just as quickly. She loves change and longs for new experiences, so her chosen one must also have a freedom-loving nature. The girls of this sign very clearly and defiantly strive for freedom and independence, which also becomes an obstacle to their love and family relationships.

Gemini and other signs: compatibility

The most compatible in relationships with Gemini are Aquarius, who are also easy-going, as well as passionate and energetic Aries. Intellect will bring them closer to Libra, but Gemini will be able to build harmonious relationships with representatives of their sign. Relationships with fiery and nervous Leos can become interesting if they do not burn out quickly. Gemini is completely incompatible with earth signs: Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Their craving for stability and predictability repels the air sign. The relationship of Gemini with cold-blooded Cancer is categorically impossible: the weakness of this sign drives them to madness.

Talisman stones

Representatives of the air sign, born under the auspices of Mercury, are incredibly active, so they need a talisman that restores energy, gives spiritual and physical strength - Gemini stone should have such properties. The girls of this sign are always drawn to adventure, so the gem must also have the functions of a talisman. The best option for them is agate, which will give its owner eloquence, take away all negativity from her, restore vitality and even prolong life. Gemini should not part with this stone. Beryls such as emerald, aquamarine and heliodor will be excellent travel companions, as well as clean energy and help cope with depression. Chrysoprase will bring good luck to Gemini girls in all areas of life.

Charming and unpredictable women born under this zodiac sign will be given in the article. Gemini women are dual natures, their life is an eternal search for an ideal and, ultimately, the realization that such does not exist in nature. The conflict of dreams and reality is not a reason to be sad. Women of this sign are full of optimism and are always ready for a new search for a handsome prince.


People born in the period from May 22 to June 21 are characterized by ease of communication, intelligence, friendliness. They know how to consider any situation from two sides. They immediately see the good and the bad in a person. Gemini has many acquaintances, friends. However, their desire for truth leads to frequent quarrels and conflicts. Former friends often become enemies.

Mobility, liveliness of mind, speed of action of these people are fascinating. The incredible charm, subtle humor of Gemini make them the soul of the company. They are always on the lookout for new information. This is food for the mind, without which the Twins begin to get bored and sad.

What kind of partner should they look for? What will the horoscope advise? Gemini, woman or man - it doesn't matter, they are always looking for a partner with the same level of intelligence. They need a smart, interesting interlocutor with whom they can argue, brainstorm, swear and put up. Geminis are always hungry for change, and their partner must come to terms with this.

Gemini women. Characteristic

A sweet, witty, charming lady born under this sign knows how to listen carefully and give interesting advice. The versatility of nature allows her to come up with new moves and situations, to solve complex problems in simple ways.

She is often impulsive and unpredictable. Her emotions sparkle and shimmer with all kinds of shades. Gemini women easily move from languid bliss to active actions, from ringing laughter to tears, from gentle thoughtfulness to sarcastic statements. This sign is very changeable. Gemini women can be cheerful. And at the same time very vulnerable and impressionable. They need a strong male shoulder.

Women of this air sign are always in action. They need to change and remake something, find something new and abolish the old. This may be a change of scenery or work, city or partner. Gemini-women are busy searching for new emotions, sensations. It is difficult for them to live in peace and stability.

Sign element

Gemini refers to the air verse. They are like the wind - light, mobile, elusive. "Air" women intuitively achieve their goals with charm and intelligence. Thanks to charm and intellect, they evade unpleasant duties. Originality, love of freedom give them the air element and a horoscope. Gemini, a woman and a man, are fair, honest. They are ready to help in difficult times.

planet sign

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. She gives the talent of an inventor and orator. Thanks to the influence of Mercury in Gemini, the philosophical perception of life, ingenuity, a penchant for languages, the ability to negotiate, diplomatic abilities, and quick wit are so developed. Amorousness, changeability, inconstancy, sense of humor - this small planet endows Gemini with many polar qualities.

Positive and negative traits


  1. Ingenuity, objectivity.
  2. Ability to make friends and communicate.
  3. Developed intelligence, intuition.
  4. Independence, honesty.
  5. Willingness to help.


  1. Talkativeness, tendency to gossip.
  2. Indifference, cynicism.
  3. Stubbornness.
  4. Duplicity, prudence.
  5. Unreliability.

Sexuality of the sign

The variability and inconstancy of a woman of this zodiac sign gives a special touch to relations with her. Either proud, or modest, or a minx and a laugher, or an icy and indifferent one - each time it is a different woman, and the partner will not have to look for diversity on the side.

A lover of experiments and non-standard situations, she has been looking for the perfect man all her life, who would suit her spiritually, emotionally, physically. Thanks to her rich imagination, she can play any roles and images, fulfill her partner's most secret dreams.

Gemini women do not tolerate speed and haste in sex. The characteristic of the sign dictates their own pace of relations to them. They will not agree to inept actions and timid foreplay. Only an attentive, experienced partner will be able to find a common language with this passionate lady.

Sign compatibility

The Gemini woman is dazzling and cheerful. Compatibility due to charm and sociability is possible with almost all signs of the zodiac. Love at first sight can flare up with representatives of the air element. Relations with Aquarius can be stormy and passionate, but will not lead to marriage.

With Gemini, the commonality of characters will give happy love or mutual hatred. A harmonious union is possible with Libra, but everything can destroy their slowness and hesitation. If the Gemini does not get tired of waiting, then a happy marriage is guaranteed for this couple.

With the signs of the fire element, a Gemini woman can become a happy woman. Compatibility with Sagittarius is almost perfect. These two are light and restless. Their union will bring spiritual harmony to both.

Leo will add brightness to the holiday, confidence in the future. Amazingly romantic relationships can happen with Aries. But they have little common interests for a long-term relationship.

Year of birth according to the eastern calendar

According to the eastern calendar, a certain animal rules each year. It brings its own features to the character of a person, adds interesting facets to temperament. How do Gemini women born in different years differ from each other? The characteristic of the sign varies depending on the dominant animal.

Rat. She gives diligence to the Gemini woman, responsibility, efficiency to the bitter end. Thrift and prudence can lead to a successful financial career. The main thing is not to rush, to be able to concentrate.

Bull. Gives a sense of duty, responsibility. Such Gemini can overcome all obstacles on the way. The bull gives the ability to control a flurry of emotions, to restrain. A woman born this year prefers a family to a career.

Tiger. Gemini born this year are endowed with activity and purposefulness. Tiger Woman is full of new ideas. Things are going well, only interest in them disappears quickly. She is patient, can look for an ideal partner for a long time.

Rabbit (Cat). This woman is dual in everything. Strives for comfort and immediately abandons him in search of adventure. Activity alternates with apathy, curiosity - with despondency. She wants to find a comfortable state for herself and is always in search.

The Dragon. He will give many opportunities, hidden talents. You should beware of stubbornness and nervousness - they can nullify all successful undertakings. Lightness, optimism will make a woman's life bright, rich.

Snake. Positive, friendliness carries the Snake. A Gemini woman born this year is able to stop, think, make the right decision. She does not fuss, even her frivolity eventually becomes wisdom. Looking for a soft, calm man.

Horse. Constant movement, physical and spiritual, will give the Horse. Gemini woman is open, friendly. But it is also capable of conflict in defending its rights. She must be supported, so only a confident man can bring happiness.

Goat (Sheep). Change of images, impressions, people - this is the motto of this woman. Can be moody and fickle. Good beginnings, but his ideas will not be able to implement. Lack of will to see things through.

A monkey. This woman wants to shine. She is smart, interesting, and there are always a lot of spectators around who want to applaud her. Developed intelligence will help make a career. But the inconsistency and monotony of work can stall it.

Rooster. The Gemini woman born this year is restless and open. He has talents, bright temperament, artistry. His charisma can captivate the crowd.

Dog. Organization and control will bring order into the life of this woman. She is smart, energetic, sociable. She has many friends who love men. She prefers not to show her emotions, for a long time she may not talk about what worries her.

Pig. Mysterious, lovely woman. Emotional, sensual, but always gets into ridiculous situations. The dispersion of interests unsettles her. She needs to prioritize goals and follow them.

Ruler planet:☿ Mercury. Element: Air.

Gemini Woman

With a Gemini woman, anything can wait for you, except for one thing: you will never get bored with her! And how can you get bored next to a person who is so many-sided that it is difficult to understand: which of her many faces is real? Perhaps this is the image of a wonderful housewife and caring mother, from whom the comfort of a home is blowing? Or the face of a desperate traveler whose energy can only be satisfied by an extreme tour, with kayaking on rough rivers and conquering mountain peaks?

Or maybe the real Gemini woman is that spiritual person who modestly sits at a classical music concert or, holding her breath, listens to a lecture on cybernetics? Or is it a sexy and witty conqueror of men's hearts in an extravagant outfit? Or a housewife who throws you into a tantrum over a trifle?

Oddly enough, but both, and the other, and the third are integral parts of the changeable image of the Gemini woman. If you stick with her long enough, you can be sure that you will encounter all of these (and more) aspects of her!

And here you already have to decide what you expect from your beloved. Predictability or at least stability? Then you have no place next to the Gemini woman. If the very thought excites your blood that instead of one lover you will have at least a dozen of them, feel free to make a marriage proposal to the unpredictable Gemini. Perhaps her inner world will forever remain a mystery to you, but most of your male acquaintances will openly envy you.

True, keep in mind: to win an inquisitive Gemini and even get her as a wife is not as difficult as accustoming her to the idea that your marriage is not just her next adventure, but an adventure designed for a long time.

Indeed, Gemini can be so sociable, witty, seductive and active that it is foolish to think that the men around can remain indifferent to this. If, at the same time, we recall the variability of the Gemini woman, it becomes clear that you will have to spend a lot of effort to convince her of your own indispensability and uniqueness.

However, if you find the strength to share at least some of the many interests of the Gemini woman, for example, go with her to visit friends, to football and theater, and are also ready to patiently endure her regular outbursts of anger (Gemini is very quick-tempered ), - you have every chance to win her heart forever.

And it’s worth fighting for, because despite all her qualities that are not very convenient for family life, the Gemini Woman has many talents. She is easy to communicate with and is able to entertain anyone with a conversation, up to the Pope, and as a hospitable hostess she will make an indelible impression on the guests. Her erudition and erudition can only be envied, while she is able to be surprisingly sentimental and romantic.

In other words, woven from contradictions, virtues and small weaknesses, Gemini is a living illustration of the saying about incomprehensible female logic.

Becoming a mother, a Gemini woman will be able to educate the main thing in a child: independence and independence. Perhaps she will not touchingly lisp over the cradle, but she will surely become a cheerful playmate for the child, best friend and confidant of all his secrets.

The Gemini woman is smart, has a great sense of taste, and an equally great sense of humor. Life next to her will keep you in a constant tone, and each new day will give you a new feeling, because it will be completely different from the previous one.