Interesting places in Belarus. The main attractions of Belarus (Belarus) with photos and descriptions

Since I am now on a short visit to Belarus, I decided to throw my top list of architectural sights of this country, and I was only in a few of these places, the rest I have long been in mind. The distribution of seats is random.

1. Brest Fortress- one of the symbols not only of Brest, but of the whole of Belarus, largely due to the tragic and at the same time heroic times of the Second World War. The proposal to build defensive fortifications at the confluence of the Bug and Mukhavets rivers appeared at the end of the 18th century. The course of the Patriotic War in 1812 confirmed its expediency and in 1833 the project of the fortress was approved, developed by military engineers Opperman, Maletsky and Feldman. The fortress was solemnly founded on June 1, 1836, and six years later it became operational.

2. Mir Castle- an outstanding work of Belarusian architecture of the 16th century. The era of feudalism found a visible reflection in its architecture: behind powerful walls and towers that could protect the owner from the enemy, there was a rich palace - the residence of the magnate. Made of stone and brick, surrounded by earthen ramparts with bastions and moats, the castle, with its monumentality and impregnability, personified the strength and unlimited power of the feudal lord.

3. Palace and Park Ensemble of the Radziwills in Nesvizh- on the site of a wooden fortification of the middle of the XVI century. a stone castle was laid. Its construction at the first stage was led by the Italian architect Jan Maria Bernardoni, the author of a number of buildings in the city.

4.Kamenets tower- a mute witness to many pages of history and bloody battles of past centuries. In the XIV century. it was repeatedly besieged by the crusader knights, stormed by the troops of the Polish prince of Mazovia, the Lithuanian princes Vitovt and Jagiello. In the 17th century in Kamenets near the walls of the fortress there were fierce battles between the armies of the Commonwealth and the Muscovite state.

5. Gediminas Castle in Lida- the fortress was built in 1323-1325. Prince Gediminas and for several centuries remained a powerful citadel in the western lands of Belarus. Numerous sieges that the fortress withstood led to damage to the walls, the destruction of the towers and the complete destruction of its buildings inside.

6. Palace complex Sapieha in Ruzhany- an architectural monument of the 17th century, the ruins of the former residence of the magnate family Sapieha in the village of Ruzhany. During the First World War (1914), due to an oversight of factory laundresses, a severe fire broke out in the palace, part of the walls collapsed. During the interwar period, attempts were made to restore, but due to the destruction of the Great Patriotic War, the palace finally turned into ruins. In the summer of 2008, excavations and restoration began on the territory of the palace complex.

7. I decided to unite Polotsk with its two ancient cathedrals - Spaso-Preobrazhensky and Sofia. The Cathedral of the Spaso-Evfrosinevsky Monastery, built between 1128 and 1156 by the architect John, is a six-pillar one-domed building. It reflected the features of the general direction of ancient Russian architecture of the XII century. - small size, simplicity of plan, monumentality appearance, achieved with meager means, and fresco painting of the interior.

Built on the foundation of the 11th-century Sophia Cathedral (laid between 1044 and 1066), the foundation stones are available for inspection in the lower (basement) part of the cathedral. From the cathedral of the XI century, an apse consisting of three parts, about 9 m high (on the right side of the cathedral, if you stand facing the entrance to the temple), the remains of walls, a crypt, have been preserved. This apse is the oldest stone building on the territory of Belarus.

8. Boris and Gleb Church in Grodno- a remarkable example of ancient Russian architecture of the second half of the XII century. The composition of the building, its design and decoration are related to the Lower Church in Grodno (mid-12th century). Both monuments confirm the existence in the Grodno region of an independent architectural and artistic school, where local Construction Materials, ceramics and elements of folk applied art.

9. Palace of the Puslovskys in Kossovo- was founded in 1838 on the western outskirts of the settlement as a suburban estate ensemble with a large park. The architects F. Yaschold and V. Marconi took part in the construction of the palace and the layout of the park. The palace, having a well-developed composition characteristic of classicism, is endowed with fortress towers and turrets in the spirit of Gothic antiquity, represents a romantic trend in the architecture of the middle of the 19th century.

10. Jesuit monastery in Grodno- a church and a monastery - an outstanding architectural monument of Belarus of the 17th-18th centuries. In the past, the church and monastery were the richest in the Commonwealth. They occupied a whole block in the central part of the city. The development complex included a collegium, a pharmacy, a library and a number of utility rooms.

I will add to these beauties my impressions of the Belarusian cities that I visited.

Everyone who lives in Belarus or came here to visit should certainly visit the maximum number of places from this list. These are the 10 best places in Belarus according to the results of the rating for 2016, conducted by our website. Welcome!

1. Belovezhskaya Pushcha

2. Dudutki

Dudutki is a museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies. Located 40 kilometers from. The first mention of this area in chronicles dates back to the 11th century. On the territory of the complex there is a functioning temple with a miraculous icon of the Mother of God, as well as a pottery workshop, a mill, a bakery, a brewery, a stable (you can take a horseback ride), a zoo, a poultry yard with rare birds. The complex introduces the ancient way of life of rural residents. Here you can not only visit an excursion, but also relax, try traditional National dishes and drinks.

3. Silichi

Silichi is a ski center about 30 kilometers from the capital. These are unique conditions for active rest among the picturesque nature. Thirteen tracks for skiing of varying difficulty, a training track 120 meters long, two large jumps, cable cars, a snowmobile track. Skiing and snowboarding in winter, quad bikes and go-karts in summer, badminton, tennis, basketball, football, volleyball. On the territory of the center there are several cafes and restaurants, spa centers, baths.

is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the country. The palace and park complex, the former residence of the ancient and powerful princely family of the Radziwills. Included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. The construction of the building began in 1583, and over the course of three centuries the complex was expanded and improved. The architecture has incorporated features various styles(from Renaissance to Neoclassicism). A large picturesque park with lakes adjoins the palace. Nearby is the Nesvizh Benedictine Monastery, the Farny Church, the market square with the town hall and shopping malls.

5. Stalin Line

The Stalin Line is a historical and cultural complex, one of the largest fortification ensembles in the country, formed before the start of World War II over more than 1,200 kilometers from the Karelian Isthmus to the Black Sea. Located near Minsk. It was opened for tourists in 2005 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet troops over the Nazi invaders. The complex periodically hosts reconstructions of military events with the participation of genuine military equipment and weapons. Many exhibits have preserved traces of shells and bullets. The trenches are real too. The guides are dressed in military uniforms of the Red Army.

/countries/europe/belarus/gomel" title="(!LANG:Interesting places in Gomel">Гомеля XVIII-XIX веков, памятник природы республиканского значения, уникальный музейный комплекс, расположенный в центре города и объединяющий собор святых Петра и Павла, дворец Румянцевых-Паскевичей, семейную усыпальницу, зимний сад, смотровую башню, роскошный старинный парк с Лебединым озером и многочисленными видами деревьев, среди которых имеются и редкие виды. Музейный комплекс содержит собрания картин, икон, старопечатных и рукописных книг; нумизматическую, этнографическую, археологическую коллекции.!}

is a landscape reserve of republican significance, created in 1972 on the territory of the Myadel district of the Minsk region and the Postavy district of the Vitebsk region. To a large extent, the formation of the landscape was influenced by the Valdai glacier. The relief is an alternation of flat and hilly areas, has 13 different-sized lakes with the purest water (among which is the Dead Lake), picturesque meadows and forests. Rare animal species and relict plants grow on the territory of the reserve, therefore it is strictly forbidden to fish, pick berries and mushrooms here.

8. Blue Krinitsa

Golubaya Krinitsa is the largest spring in Eastern Europe. In 1985, it was declared a natural monument of republican significance. Located in the Mogilev region. The purest water with a high content of fluorine and silicon, which has healing properties, beats from a depth of 200 meters, forming a small emerald-bluish lake. A stream flows out of the spring, flowing into the tributary of the Sozh, the Golub River. Swimming in the lake itself is prohibited, but you can plunge into the water. The water is very cold, its temperature is 5 °C in any weather. And if you cross the stream three times, then, according to belief, you will gain good health, happiness in your personal life and speedy enlightenment. Around the picturesque nature.

- one of the most beautiful historical sites Belarus. Located in the Grodno region, near the border with Lithuania. The church in Gervyaty is very often compared with Notre Dame in Paris, it is one of the three most high temples Belarus. The height of its highest point is more than 60 meters. It was built in 1903 in the Neo-Gothic style on the site of a wooden church built in 1526. Aesthetic and stylistic completeness of the building is given by several richly carved wooden crosses located in front of the temple, an alley with figures of the apostles and benches for rest, as well as a picturesque landscape.

- part of a new tourist complex on the territory of an old panorama estate 30 kilometers from Minsk in the village. The house is on a sloped roof. Inside, too, everything is turned upside down: under the feet of the ceiling, above the head - the floor. Furniture hangs from above. Extreme lovers can test their strength, as staying inside this unique structure is a real test for the vestibular apparatus. For a long time after the tour, people feel dizzy, stagger, their gait becomes uncertain. But no one is responsible for any reactions of the body! However, this is only part of the fun. On the territory of the complex you can visit a children's fairy-tale meadow with "talking" arbors, a stable, a pottery, a distillery, a small zoo, a rope town, a tavern (no one will go hungry).

Were in Dudutki for Maslenitsa this winter. I liked it very much! I recommend.
We ordered a warm gazebo and had a great time.

Slavic tribes came to the territory of modern Belarus in the 8th century AD, and after a couple of centuries these lands were completely populated. Throughout its ancient history, this country was part of first Lithuania, then Poland, Russian Empire and the USSR, but remained incredibly unique and original, despite the influence of the customs of so many countries. This region has absorbed the best from the states that it once belonged to, so almost every one has priceless monuments of culture and history.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Considering the sights of Belarus, it is impossible to ignore this unique miracle of nature. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the most famous nature reserves in Europe. Songs are written about him, he is guarded like the apple of an eye, and, of course, tourists adore him. The Pushcha became the first object on the territory of the USSR, which was included in the list of the World Heritage of Humanity by the decision of UNESCO.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is located on territories 2 and Grodno. Due to the diversity of vegetation, many animals live in the reserve, most of which are rare and unique, and therefore were listed in the Red Book. The bison is considered the most famous inhabitant of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Tourists from all over the world come here to admire this curiosity.

big theater

The focus of the places that Belarus is famous for is Minsk. The sights of the capital include many museums, castles and cultural monuments, one of which is the Bolshoi Theater. The building was built in the middle of the 20th century in the style of constructivism and is of great interest both in architectural and artistic terms.

During the Second World War, the building was damaged: the theater was plundered by the Nazis, but after the war it was restored and restored, and an alley with figures of dancing ballerinas and ladies in beautiful dresses was built nearby. Figures of resting dancers, with whom tourists like to be photographed, were erected at the service entrance to the theater.

Sights of Vitebsk

The city where most of the religious monuments that Belarus can boast of is located - Vitebsk. The sights of the city include ancient churches, cathedrals, palaces, parks and much more. Consider the most famous:

  • Church of the Annunciation was built in 1130 and is the only monument of Byzantine architecture in Eastern Europe.
  • old town hall was founded in 1597, and the last building was built in 1911. Nowadays, the local history museum is located here.
  • Kazan church is the only temple of the monastery, which could survive after the Soviet era. The famous miraculous icon of the Mother of God, dated 1656, is kept here.
  • Holy Intercession Cathedral was built in 1821 and restored several times, the last repair took place in 1992. The cathedral is famous for its magnificent frescoes, as well as the many shrines that are stored there.

Memorable places of Brest

Many historical events are connected with this city, so another place that Belarus is known to the whole world is Brest. The sights of the city are headed by the famous Brest Fortress, the defenders of which detained the German invaders for several months. During the war, the fortress was almost destroyed, but now there is a grandiose memorial in memory of the defenders of the Motherland. In 1965, the fortress was awarded the title of Hero Fortress and the Golden Star award.

The memorial consists of a whole architectural and artistic ensemble, it includes monumental sculptures, battle sites and the old fortress itself. Also, a museum was equipped in the part of the defensive barracks. The main entrance of the Brest Fortress is crowned with a five-pointed star, and on both sides of it you can see the casemates of the main rampart. In the east, some stone fragments of the buildings of Brest-Litovsk have been preserved, which are one with the defensive barracks, the White Palace and Ceremonial Square. In the very center of the ensemble there is a huge burial, where the remains of more than 800 soldiers are buried, the grave was erected in the form of 3 tiers of memorial plates.

Ancient sights of Belarus: castles

It is impossible to ignore the incredibly beautiful and majestic castles, of which there are many in the country. If we consider the main sights of Belarus, first of all it is worth mentioning the Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace in Gomel. Peter Rumyantsev was a famous military man, and the best architects of that time worked on his castle: Mostsepanov, Blank and others. The building offers a magnificent view, as it is located on the banks of the Sozh River.

The castle is famous for the rarest collections of works of art collected by the general. Therefore, after his death, the castle gradually became a museum. During the Second World War, all valuables were removed from the building. Initially, there were about 8 thousand of them, but only 200 units returned home. The collections contain the most incredible things, from ancient coins and things of the Rumyantsev family to marine organisms and old books.

Mir Castle

The name of the castle comes from the village of Mir, where this majestic building is located. Not all sights of Belarus can boast of such an achievement as being included in the UNESCO heritage list, but the Mir Castle was honored with such an honor. The castle-fortress had several owners: the Ilinichi, then the Radziwills, the Wittgensteins, and finally the Svyatopolk-Mirskys, the last owners.

However, after 1940, the castle passed into state ownership, so it was made the National Art Museum of Belarus. To date, the building is being reconstructed, but some parts of it are still available to the public.

Lida Castle

The castle was built by special order of Prince Gediminas in the city of Lida. Construction began in 1323 on a hill between the rivers Kamenka and Lideya. Ancient history, which almost all the sights of Belarus are famous for, also affected the Lida Castle. It was besieged many times, but the fortress survived. But in the 18th century, the castle lost its former strategic importance and began to gradually collapse.

The Lida castle is built of brick and rubble stone, and in shape it is an irregular quadrangle topped with towers. There was a whole infrastructure on the territory of the fortress: churches, a court, an archive and various outbuildings. Living rooms were located in the towers on the upper floors.

Since 1384, the castle has been repeatedly attacked: first by the crusaders, then by the Crimean Tatars, and in 1659 the fortress was captured by Russian soldiers. After 50 years, the Northern War began, and the castle was again destroyed, but by the Swedes, who blew up the towers.

Grodno castle

The famous sights of the cities of Belarus do not leave any visitor indifferent, and castles are especially successful in this. One of the most powerful, Grodno, was built back in the days crusades, however, it reached its peak during the time of Stefan Batory, when it was repeatedly completed and restored. Like the Lida Castle, the Grodno Castle was subjected to numerous attacks by the Crusaders, however, despite the numerical superiority and the efforts of the invaders, they did not succeed in taking the fortress.

At that time, the castle was considered an incredibly durable building that could withstand any siege. The fortress was erected along the perimeter of the mountain, and the walls formed an irregular triangle. 5 towers were built in the castle: 3 square, 1 round, and also "vezha-brama".

As a result, after all the attacks and reconstructions, only fragments of the monumental structure have survived to our time: the ruins of the Upper and Lower Churches, the palace itself, parts of the defensive walls, the prince's chambers, and also the bridge.

Nesvizh Castle

If you are going to visit the Minsk region, be sure to pay attention to the majestic and mysterious sights of Belarus - the Nesvizh Castle. This building is a palace and castle complex and is located in the city of Nesvizh, as you might guess from the name.

The architect of the castle was the Italian Giovanni Bernardoni. Moreover, the owner of the castle trusted his experience and talent so much that he calmly went on a pilgrimage to Palestine, completely entrusting the construction of Giovanni.

The castle was erected on a peninsula near the river Usha. Also, the castle was protected by two ponds and a moat, so that the fortress could only be reached by a wooden bridge, which could be easily disassembled in case of any danger.

At one time, Nesvizh Castle was a real cultural center, and now it is one of the favorite attractions of tourists, because the fortress still looks impregnable and majestic.

With the onset of warmth, the soul asks for new travels - get on a car, train or bike and go to explore Belarus. Together with the guide VETLIVA in Belarus, we have compiled a list of the main reasons to ride around the country with a breeze - from springs with healing water and eco-paths to powerful objects of military tourism, chamber museums and estates that have not lost their magnificence.


1. Palace of the Puslovskys

Kosovo, Ivatsevichi district

2. Palace complex Sapieha in Ruzhany

Ruzhany, Pruzhany district

In the guidebooks, the ruins of the palace are proudly called the “Belarusian Versailles”, but coming here is not for the chic views and interiors (not so much has been preserved here), but rather for the powerful energy that is inherent in such places of power. Just imagine: at the beginning of the 17th century a castle was laid here - the Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lev Sapega took part in this matter. To live in it was not only comfortable, but also safe, three powerful defensive towers were added to the complex. Important state issues were discussed in Ruzhany, receptions of top managers of the GDL came, the Sapieha archive and the state treasury were also located here. After the uprising was defeated, the Sapiehas left the residence, and a weaving factory was organized in the palace. During the First World War, the ensemble burned down, then they tried to restore it, but after the Second World War, this business was abandoned.

Now you can visit the museum (ul. Urbanovicha, 15a) and learn the whole history of the place - for this there are 4 halls and an exciting tour.

How to get there? Your chance is a bus from Minsk or 244 km by car. In Ruzhany, look for the address of the museum - st. Urbanovich, 15a.

3. Brest Fortress


A powerful defensive structure and a large-scale open-air museum of Soviet heroic monumental art. The fortress itself was built in the 19th century, and its history is impressive. In 1596, a church union was declared here, and during the First World War, a decree on peace was signed. But the fortress became famous after the heroic events of World War II.

Observe the chronology: on the Volyn fortification, look into the Berestye Museum - archaeological excavations where you can see the remains of the settlement and wooden buildings XI-XIII centuries, street pavements, even a few household items. Then move to the museum of the defenders of the Brest Fortress. The territory of the museum is simply huge - it will take about three hours to get around everything and not lose your breath. Most of all it sneaks in Fort V - a semi-abandoned fortification with armored doors, narrow loopholes, underground corridors and complete silence. Most likely, you will be the only tourist here.

How to get there? The easiest way is to go by train - € 4-10, three to four hours - and you are there. The same 350 km can be overcome by bus (€ 7-9) or by car (M1 highway).

4. Olman swamps

Stolin district

These swamps occupy 75% of the area of ​​the Stolin region - the only complex of upland, transitional and low-lying swamps that has survived in our natural state. Ecologists can't be happier: 687 species of plants, 151 species of birds (25 from the Red Book) and 26 species of mammals live here. It is interesting that in the 60s of the last century there was an aviation training ground in Olmany, so there are still unexploded shells and bombs in the swamps.

Of particular interest is the eco-trail almost one and a half kilometers long. It goes along Bolshoye Zasominoye Lake, on the other side of which Ukraine is already. The second route will take you to a 40-meter tower, from which it is very convenient to view the surroundings and biodiversity. Ask the locals where the “sea of ​​Herodotus” is here - Big and Small Zasominoe and 23 more lakes.

Please note that if you are a foreigner, you will have to pay 10 base (€ 114) in advance to visit the swamps. More information about excursions - .

How to get there? Classics of the genre - bus or minibus from Minsk to Stolin.

5. Belovezhskaya Pushcha

The Belarusian reason for pride is the largest and oldest forest area in Europe, protected by UNESCO. Yes, there are bison in the wild here. Yes, you can even hunt them (if you have enough conscience). Yes, it was here that the agreement on the collapse of the USSR was signed. Yes, this is where the Belarusian Grandfather Frost lives (his residence is open even in summer - but his grandfather's suit is light). Breathe the relic air, ride a bicycle, feed the bison in the aviary with bread from your hand, drive to look at the Kamenetz tower, which is already more than 700 years old.

How to get there? We advise you to overcome the distance Minsk - Brest by train, and then go to Kamenets by bus. For the more impatient, there are direct minibuses.

6. Jesuit Collegium

Pinsk, st. Lenina, 1

Pinsk is the second in Belarus in terms of the number of preserved sights (Grodno is in the first place). Particularly noteworthy is the collegium building, built in the 17th century as a super-prestigious educational institution. They took talented students there, regardless of their wealth. If you go around the building, the view will be different: from the river it is an impregnable fortress, from the yard - an open book. Now in the collegium there is a nice museum of Belarusian Polissya, where you can look at non-smelly stuffed animals or sit on a wooden bicycle. Further along Lenina is the Franciscan monastery with the "Pinsk Madonna" and cool magnets, the Butrimovich Palace (it now has a registry office), the Horde's house and the campus of Polesye University. Embankment in Pinsk 2.5 km long - walk with beautiful view can be long.

How to get there? In three hours you can get there by minibus - prepare € 3 for the fare. Once every two days you can take the evening train - you get off in Minsk at 17.37, at 22.55 you are in Pinsk. Very comfortably!

7. Polissya

Brest region

The largest of the European wetlands, which occupies approximately 30% of the map of Belarus. Terra Incognita is the size of a compact country, with isolated villages and indigenous people, the Poleshuks, who have their own distinct language. To feel all the charm of life in Polissya, you need to wait for the spring flood of Pripyat. The ideal option is to take a boat and sail through the Belarusian villages, which are flooded every spring. Choose to your taste - from Turov to Pinsk.

How to get there? How to get to Pinsk - see above.


8. Mir Castle

World, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 2

9. Kolozha Church

Grodno, st. Kolozha, 6

The Borisoglebskaya or Kolozhskaya church appeared on a pagan site near the Castle Hill in Grodno as early as the 11th century - this is one of the few buildings of the period Ancient Russia in Belarus, however, notably rebuilt. The church is not plastered from the outside, and therefore you can look at all the engineering solutions of the then builders. The church stands on the steep bank of the Neman

How to get there? Grodno can be reached from any point in the country by railway - the city is connected with 142 stations in Belarus. Trains leave Minsk several times a day, electrons even more often. There are also buses and minibuses at your disposal (€ 7).

10. Church of the Holy Trinity in Gervyaty

Gervyaty village, Ostrovets district

The highest church in Belarus - 61 meters (24-storey building!), And the only one built according to all the canons of neo-Gothic. It was erected on the site of a wooden church of the 16th century by the architect Alshalovsky. For the construction, a brick backwater was specially organized or, in parallel, eggs were collected from all the surroundings - they were added to strengthen the lime solution. Slate was specially brought from Germany. Here you can find out what a flying buttress looks like - an outdoor semi-arch that distributes the load from the main wall and stands separately (remember Notre Dame de Paris) - this is completely atypical for Belarus. Be sure to listen to the mass - it is in Belarusian, Polish and Lithuanian, and take a walk in the park - it may even be cooler than the church. By the way, in the vicinity too.

How to get there? Most best option Of course, go by car. If this is not possible, go to Astravets, and then hitchhike to Gervyat (via Vornany).

Nemnovo, Grodno region

A shipping canal built in the 19th century to create a route from the Black Sea to the Baltic. There are only two cool engineering structures, thought out so cunningly, for a long time, and preserved almost in their original form - in Great Britain and Sweden. The length of the canal is 101 km, 22 of them are on the territory of Belarus in the border zone. Hello, simplified visa regime! Gateways, drawbridges, columns - it's amazing how well everything works. You can ride along the canal on the Neman motor ship, take a walk along the canal, go to the canal museum, go kayaking, look at the surviving estate in Svyatsk, created in the 18th century by the Italian architect Giuseppe de Sacco.

How to get there? Start from Minsk by car (direction Volozhin - Lida - Skidel, 327 km). From Grodno you can go by car or bus (Grodno - Goryachki, Grodno - Nemnovo, Grodno - Kaleta, stop "Augustovsky Canal" or "Sonichi").

12. Slonim synagogue

Slonim, st. Soviet, 1

Baroque synagogue from 1642, one of the oldest in the country. The pompous and rich interior decoration has been preserved in the dilapidated building. The synagogue was badly damaged during the war of 1812, but was quickly restored - the Jewish community in Slonim was then considered one of the most powerful in the country. At the end of the 19th century, there were 21 synagogues in the city, and more than 70% of the inhabitants were Jews. In 2000, the building was returned to believers, but no restoration work was carried out. Be sure to look at the stucco molding, aron ha-kadesh and murals - all this is perfectly preserved.

How to get there? Jump into the minibus - you will get home in two and a half hours.

13. Murovanka church-fortress

Murovanka village, Shchuchinsky district

The 600-year-old temple was conceived not only as a place for worship, but also as a defensive structure - in the 16th century it was no different. The church looks like a real castle - two-meter-thick walls, loophole windows, towers. The temple in Murovanka survived many wars and was badly damaged during the Russian-Polish war. In 1882, a powerful restoration was carried out, a bell tower was made on one of the towers. A successful mix of gothic and renaissance, stone, brick and a rose window. Brick, by the way, is special - the "royal lily" - a symbol of the purity of the Mother of God. Historical facts and legends say that many underground passages were dug out of the church - however, it is not clear now where they started and where they led.

How to get there? You can get from Minsk to Shchuchin by bus, the church itself is located 3 km from the village of Mozheikovo.

14. Novogrudok Castle


Novogrudok is an ancient Belarusian city, which was the first capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The main point of attraction in the city is the ruins of the castle, which stood here in the 12th century. 6 centuries after the first mention, it was destroyed by the Swedes - almost to the present state. Of all the structures, two walls remained - Kostelnaya and Shield - opposite each other. From the Castle Hill there is a beautiful view - best place picnic not to be found. Be sure to visit the house-museum of Adam Mickiewicz, who was born and lived in Novogrudok, go to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, perfectly preserved in 1714, pay attention to Borisoglebskaya church, which is already over 500 years old.

How to get there? The best way to get from Minsk is by minibus (€ 2) or by bus, but you should not count on the railway.

15. Church of St. Michael the Archangel

Synkovichi, Zelvensky district

The largest defense-type temple in Belarus. A powerful impregnable church was built in the 15th century - towers, loopholes of not serious height, thick walls - this is a real small castle. The entrance gate, by the way, also deserves attention - it has been preserved since 1880. In walking distance - the building of the estate of the XIX century, which was later turned into a distillery. By the way, the legend about why the place is called Synkovichi is interesting. The temple was built by a father and son. At some point, the son fell from the scaffolding and crashed to death. His father shouted to him in despair: “Son, son!” This is how the name of the village surrounding the church appeared. Above the entrance to the church, you can see a ledge that resembles a coffin lid.

How to get there? It is relatively easy to get to Zelva from Minsk - by regular bus. Further - only by car or a ride.

16. Chetvertinsky Palace

Zheludok village, Shchuchinsky district

One of the most cinematic places in the country - it’s not without reason that the first (and last) Belarusian horror film called Masakra was filmed here. Cinematic scenery is still there: plywood tiles painted traces of fire on the facade. A movie club with a booth and star symbols remained in the palace from Soviet times.

17. Kreva Castle


Perhaps the most picturesque ruins from our guide. The castle in Kreva dates back to the 14th century. These walls have seen a lot: in 1382, Prince Keistut, Vitovt's father, was killed here, in 1385 a union was signed, in the 16th century the castle repelled the attacks of the Tatars and Muscovites, and already in the 19th century it was no longer considered as a sensible fortification and was abandoned. The ruins were mothballed in 1929 - so they still stand.

Listen to the wind blowing between the walls, go to the beautiful church of Alexander Nevsky or a strict church, find the former temple of the pagans - even though Krevo is now considered a village, there are plenty of witnesses of its former greatness.

How to get there? Minsk - Smorgon - bus or train, and then - on a green MAZ regional bus with curtains.


18. Nesvizh Castle


In the 16th century, Nesvizh became the family nest of the Radziwills, the main dynasty in the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. For example, the king of Poland often visited here, and representatives of the magnate family occupied the most important positions in the state. You understand the scale of the buildings - the palace and park complex occupies 90 hectares. In the Nesvizh Castle, you can look at the early Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassicism and Modernism. Ask them to tell you about the revenge of Bonna Sforza and show you the gilded apostles as tall as a man.

How to get there? You can get to Nesvizh by moving from Minsk along the Brest highway. If you decide to go by bus, you can find the timetable.

19. City of the Sun in Minsk


Minsk is a witness and a victim of the imperial ambitions of the Soviet authorities. You can feel it while walking along Independence Avenue - a straight paved arrow that stretches for 15 km and cuts the city in half. The writer Artur Klinov coined the term "City of the Sun" to refer to the Stalinist Empire style in Minsk. Minsk as the main artery of the Big Communist Dream, built in the likeness of Rome. Station square with a "gate", Lenin square, Marx, Kirov, Sverdlov streets - a solid building of an ideal city for life, according to the Soviet authorities.

How to get there? We tell in.

20. Khatyn

Khatyn village / Mokrad village, Logoisk district

High-quality Soviet documentary. was created on the site of the village, which was burned by the Nazis during World War II. All the inhabitants were herded into a barn and set on fire - and the same was done with the inhabitants of 628 villages. To prepare for the trip, be sure to check out the 1985 film Come and See directed by Elem Klimov. Information on tickets and opening hours of the complex.

How to get there? If you go by car, you are on the M3 highway (59 km). Public transport does not walk - if you ride a ride, you will have to walk 5 km from the highway.

21. Nalibokskaya Pushcha

Volozhinsky district

The largest forest in Belarus - three times the size of Malta! Here is the richest flora, a quarter of the plants are medicinal, many are listed in the Red Book. With animals, too, everything is in order - for example, 29 species of rare birds live here. Pushcha is surrounded by three large rivers - Neman, Berezina and Usoy, and therefore the places here are incredibly picturesque. And not particularly accessible - like Svaneti in Georgia. For example, during World War II, 20,000 people hid in Nalibokskaya Pushcha. Be brave or bold and make a march into the thick of the age-old forest. Be sure to look at Lake Kroman, the Lavryshevsky Monastery founded in the 13th century, the Tyszkiewicz estate in the village of Vyaloye and swim naked in the river - here you can afford it.

How to get there? Your only chance is a car, you can get from Minsk in an hour.

22. Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Strochitsy

Ozertso village, Minsk region

Peasant Belarus in miniature. An open-air museum, which presents the ancient buildings of three regions of Belarus: the Central part, the Poozerye and the Dnieper region. Ethnological research will have to be carried out on the material of the church, parish school, mill, bathhouse and peasant huts. All this is scattered in picturesque fields - do not forget to charge your phone for a photo. For the mood, we advise you to wave the horseradish in the tavern at the entrance!

How to get there? All details are on the website.


23. Gomel park


You need to go to the palace and park ensemble in Gomel in the spring, when the huge park turns green and blooms sharply, the Sozh becomes full-flowing, and the evenings are already warm enough to wander thoughtfully near the Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace and look at the dark water. The palace ensemble is the largest piece of historical buildings in size, preserved without violating its solidity. The Russian Empress Catherine II presented Gomel to her favorite Count Rumyantsev for fun, and he lined up on the banks of the Sozh. Then the palace passed to the commander Paskevich, who, by a strong-willed decision, built a whole complex of outbuildings: a hunter's house, a winter garden, several churches. The best preserved landscape park is 24 hectares - you can walk here for half a day if you first refresh yourself with Gomel chocolate "Spartak" with 90% cocoa.

24. Gerard's Manor

Demyanki, Dobrush district

Nice homestead with pseudo-Russian style - in the resettlement zone. The red brick building was built at the expense of a Russian official, the Governor-General of Finland, Nikolai Gerard, in the second half of the 19th century. The estate stands on a hillock crossed by a moat - a bridge plays a decorative role, a park with rare species of trees has been perfectly preserved and amazing silence. If you are looking for a place where there will definitely not be tourists - you are here. By the way, you can get here completely legally.

How to get there? You can get to Radunitsa - then they let you in without a pass. The rest of the time, the pass must be issued in Dobrush. To get to Dobrush, buy train tickets Minsk - Gomel, and then go by train or suburban bus.

25. Museum of the Old Believers

Vetka, Red Square, 5

In the 17th century, the city of Vetka was chosen by the persecuted Old Believers. Pathologically tolerant Belarusians did not touch them, and therefore Old Believer icons, manuscripts and printed books of the 16th-19th centuries, collections of fabrics and household items are still in excellent condition. The museum is interactive - here, for example, you can learn traditional weaving.

How to get there? How to get to Gomel, and then take a suburban bus - you need to overcome only 22 km.


26. Bobruisk fortress


This powerful fortification is a planned construction in preparation for the war with Napoleon. For its construction, they actually destroyed the city that existed here before. The fortress nevertheless withstood a long siege by the French, and after the war served as a prison. Rumor has it that in one of the forts of the Bobruisk fortress there is an egg-shaped cell in which the prisoners went crazy after a couple of weeks of confinement. It was not for nothing that Herzen, recalling Bobruisk, wrote: "Let Siberia, let it be anything, but not this terrible prison on the Berezina River." Now it’s just fun to climb the fortress that has grown into the ground, for example, to visit an abandoned guardhouse, rebuilt from a Jesuit church. Now the fortress is 7 bastions stretched over an area of ​​several kilometers. Some are concreted, others can be climbed up and down. Grab a flashlight! The fortress burned several times, and therefore do not wear dress pants - you can get dirty in soot. A couple of steps from the fortress, it seems, aliens have landed. In fact, this is the Bobruisk Ice Arena for 7,000 spectators.

How to get there? An hour and a half by train from Minsk on the trendy Stadler train (or 2 on a regular train) - and you are already walking around the colorful Bobruisk and trying to count all the mentions of beavers. The second option is to go by bus or private minibus.

27. Manor of the count family of Tolstoy

Grudinovka village, Bykhovsky district

One of the most beautiful and mysterious places in the country is the Tolstoy count's house. And although Lev Nikolaevich never made it home, it’s worth a look at the estate. A two-story manor with domes, columns, a grand staircase and an open terrace overlooking the park awaits you. Wander around the 10-hectare park, find here the Siberian cedar, which has been growing here for more than 100 years, take a walk around the palace - quite recently a school and a sanatorium for sick children were located here, and therefore the walls painted green and the Soviet wardrobe with numbers were preserved here - strange contrast with

Belarus cannot be called the most popular country among tourists. However, this attitude can be considered unjustified. Of course, there is no sea here, but there are a lot of beautiful corners, historical places and comfortable sanatoriums, hotels and boarding houses for travelers.

The nature of Belarus is beautiful. The cleanest lakes and rivers, dense forests, green fields - the country is simply created for green tourism and is actively developing this particular direction. The poles of a trip to rest in Belarus include very affordable prices. Compared to Russia, there are very inexpensive products here. You can rent a cottage on the shore of a quiet lake at very modest prices. In addition, the Belarusians themselves are hospitable people who are always glad to see guests.

What you should definitely do in Belarus is to go hunting or fishing, see one of the ancient castles, visit the famous Brest and wander along the modern streets of the center of Minsk. We must not forget about the local cuisine - it is worth trying traditional potato pancakes and the local Zubrovka.

The best hotels and hostels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in Belarus?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

This is the largest relic, truly primeval forest in Europe. Agree, it is very interesting to see what Europe was like before it was thoroughly settled and remade by people. Majestic, dense, with centuries-old trees - Belovezhskaya Pushcha invariably arouses interest among tourists. Only here you can see bison, oaks that are over 600 years old. Now it is a biosphere reserve, it is better to go here as part of an organized excursion.

Borisoglebskaya Church, located in the city of Grodno, is an old building and surprises precisely with its antiquity. Built back in the 12th century, during the time of Ancient Russia, they retained the power of the walls, majesty and a special unique flavor. Scientists call the Church of Borisoglebsk a separate phenomenon in architecture that has no analogues on the planet.

The main square of the Belarusian capital, its architectural ensemble began to take shape back in the 1930s. The main place in the center of the square is occupied by the Victory Monument in the form of an obelisk; there is also a cozy square and residential buildings. In addition, capsules with earth from various hero cities were laid on Victory Square. There is also a hall in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, so the square fully justifies its name.

Narochinsky national park is called the most convenient platform for tourists who want to get acquainted with the beauties of Belarus. There are 16 tourist routes, comfortable rooms, comfortable cottages, and budget travelers can stay at the campsite. Blue Lakes, Forest Museum, apothecary garden, rare herbs and animals - in the Naroch National Park there is something to see and do. And the nature here is just amazing!

This is a technical museum, which is entirely dedicated to the history of the development of railway transport. Here are still pre-war specimens of steam locomotives, perfectly preserved and carefully restored. In addition, in the railway museum of the city of Brest you can see unique steam taps and a whole collection of passenger cars of various classes.

This is a whole complex of six museum objects. The Gomel palace and park ensemble is recognized as the oldest and most authoritative in Belarus, so tourists cannot miss it. The ensemble includes the Rumyantsev and Paskevich Palace, Winter Garden”, an old park, which is recognized as a monument of landscape gardening art, the Khaletsky manor house and a number of other interesting objects.

This museum is the largest collection of works of art and works of Belarusian artists and craftsmen from other countries in the country. The collection of the museum is impressive - in order to expose all the wealth of the collection, its area had to be expanded several times and branches opened. The museum has restoration workshops, and the collections are constantly replenished.

This is, of course, the saddest attraction in Belarus. It is dedicated to 149 residents of the village of Khatyn, who, in 1943, were burned and shot by the Nazis. Khatyn has become a symbol of the victims of the Great Patriotic War among the civilian population. The memorial impresses with its poignant sculpture “The Unbowed Man”, evidence of Nazi crimes and the general atmosphere.

The complex is dedicated to traditional crafts and folk technologies. It has been operating for more than 17 years and is a real open-air museum. People go to Dudutki to see with their own eyes a real village from the times of Ancient Russia, with a functioning windmill and houses in which things created by ancient masters are perfectly preserved. In addition, in Dudutki you can see how real homemade cheese is made and visit the zoo.

A real pearl of Belarus, a castle complex founded in 1520. Included in the UNESCO list, today it is a castle museum. Mir Castle has 39 expositions, a pond and picturesque parks. But the most interesting thing is that in the Mir Castle you can rent a room or spend celebratory event- there is a hotel and a restaurant serving ancient cuisine. The castle has a conference room and a souvenir shop with products of local craftsmen.

This is the most famous Catholic church in Belarus, located in Minsk. The church surprises tourists with its grandeur, red brick walls and rich interior decoration. The Church of St. Simeon and St. Helena is relatively young - its construction began in 1905. Travelers can admire the stained-glass windows and bas-reliefs, as well as attend worship services that are held here regularly.

This amazing building is included in the list of the most original buildings on our planet. The National Library of Belarus, the main library of the country, was built in the form of a rhombicuboctahedron. The height of this cube reaches 23 meters, and the weight, excluding the collection of books, is 115 thousand tons. This building, somewhat similar to a diamond, looks especially original in the evening, when the backlight turns on, finally turning it into a gem.

A really large castle, a whole complex, in the courtyard of which there is a real square. The construction of this castle began in the 15th century, then it was rebuilt and perfectly preserved to this day. Today, this residence of the Radziwills has become a museum-reserve where you can get acquainted with the life of an old aristocratic family. In 2012, the Nesvizh Castle was reconstructed and today it receives thousands of tourists - there are queues here on weekends.

Great Patriotic War began for the USSR in Brest. Today, the fortress has turned into a memorial that immortalized the feat of the Soviet soldiers who managed to delay the advance of the fascist invaders. The Brest memorial has become the largest monument of the Second World War in the CIS, a whole complex that includes battlefields, sculptural compositions and the ruins of an old fortress.