Scarlet Sails. Red color as a way of life This completely pure as a scarlet morning stream

This completely pure, like a scarlet morning stream, full of noble fun and regal color, was exactly the proud color that Gray was looking for. There were no mixed shades of fire, poppy petals, play of violet or lilac hints; there was also no blue, no shadow, nothing to be doubted. He glowed like a smile with the charm of a spiritual reflection. Gray was so thoughtful that he forgot about the owner, who was waiting behind him with the tension of a hunting dog, making a stance. Tired of waiting, the merchant reminded himself of himself with the crackling of a torn piece of cloth.

“Enough samples,” Gray said, standing up, “I'll take this silk.

- The whole piece? – respectfully doubting, asked the trader. But Gray silently looked at his forehead, which made the shop owner a little more cheeky. “In that case, how many meters?”

Gray nodded, inviting them to wait, and calculated the required amount with a pencil on paper.

“Two thousand meters. He looked doubtfully at the shelves. - Yes, no more than two thousand meters.

- Two? - said the owner, jumping convulsively, like a spring. – Thousands? Meters? Please sit down, captain. Would you like to have a look, Captain, at samples of new materials? As you wish. Here are matches, here is fine tobacco; I ask you to. Two thousand ... two thousand. He said a price that had as much to do with the real one as an oath to a simple yes, but Gray was pleased because he didn't want to bargain for anything. “Amazing, the best silk,” continued the shopkeeper, “a product beyond compare, only I can find such.

When he was finally exhausted with delight, Gray agreed with him about the delivery, taking on his own account the costs, paid the bill and left, escorted by the owner with the honors of the Chinese king. In the meantime, across the street from where the shop was, a wandering musician, having tuned the cello, made her speak sadly and well with a quiet bow; his companion, the flutist, showered the singing of the jet with the babble of a throaty whistle; the simple song with which they resounded in the dormant yard in the heat reached Gray's ears, and he immediately understood what he should do next. In general, all these days he was at that happy height of spiritual vision, from which he clearly noticed all the hints and hints of reality; Hearing the sounds muffled by the carriages, he entered the center of the most important impressions and thoughts, caused, according to his character, by this music, already feeling why and how what he thought would turn out well. Passing the lane, Gray passed through the gates of the house where the musical performance took place. By then the musicians were about to leave; the tall flute-player, with an air of downtrodden dignity, waved his hat gratefully at the windows from which the coins flew out. The cello was already back under its master's arm; he, wiping his sweaty forehead, was waiting for the flutist.

- Bah, it's you, Zimmer! - Gray told him, recognizing the violinist, who in the evenings amused the sailors, guests of the Money for a Barrel inn, with his beautiful playing. - How did you change the violin?

“Honorable Captain,” Zimmer said smugly, “I play everything that sounds and crackles. When I was young, I was a musical clown. Now I am drawn to art, and I see with grief that I have ruined an outstanding talent. That is why, out of late greed, I love two at once: the viol and the violin. I play the cello during the day, and the violin in the evenings, that is, as if crying, weeping for the lost talent. Will you treat me with wine, eh? The cello is my Carmen, and the violin.

“Assol,” Gray said. Zimmer didn't hear.

- Yes, - he nodded, - solo on cymbals or copper tubes - Another thing. However, what about me? Let the clowns of art make faces - I know that fairies always rest in the violin and cello.

- And what is hidden in my "tour-lu-rlu"? asked the flutist, a tall fellow with lamb-like blue eyes and a blond beard, who approached. - Well, tell me?

– Depending on how much you drank in the morning. Sometimes - a bird, sometimes - alcohol vapors. Captain, this is my companion Duss; I told him how you litter with gold when you drink, and he is absently in love with you.

“Yes,” Duss said, “I love gesture and generosity. But I am cunning, do not believe my vile flattery.

"Here you are," Gray said, laughing. “I don’t have much time, but I can’t stand the job. I suggest you make good money. Assemble an orchestra, but not from the dandies with the smart faces of the dead, who in musical literalism or

- what's even worse - in sound gastronomy they forgot about the soul of music and quietly deaden the stage with their intricate noises - no. Gather together your cooks and footmen who make simple hearts cry; gather your tramps. The sea and love do not tolerate pedants. I would love to sit with you, and not even with one bottle, but you have to go. I have a lot to do. Take this and drink it to the letter A. If you like my suggestion, come to the "Secret" in the evening, it is located near the head dam.

- I agree! Zimmer cried, knowing that Gray was paying like a king. - Duss, bow, say "yes" and twirl your hat for joy! Captain Gray wants to get married!

"Yes," Gray said simply. - I will tell you all the details on the "Secret". Are you…

- For the letter A! Duss nudged Zimmer and winked at Gray. - But ... how many letters in the alphabet! Please something and fit ...

Gray gave more money. The musicians are gone. Then he went to the commission office and gave a secret order for a large sum - to perform urgently, within six days. By the time Gray returned to his ship, the office agent was already boarding the ship. By evening the silk was brought; five sailboats hired by Gray fit with the sailors; Letika has not yet returned and the musicians have not arrived; While waiting for them, Gray went to talk to Panten.

When Gray went up to the deck of the Secret, he stood motionless for several minutes, stroking his head from behind to forehead with his hand, which meant extreme confusion. Absent-mindedness - a cloudy movement of feelings - was reflected in his face with an insensitive smile of a lunatic. His assistant Panten was walking along the quarters with a plate of fried fish; when he saw Gray, he noticed the strange state of the captain. “Maybe you got hurt?” he asked carefully. - Where were you? What did you see? However, it is, of course, up to you. The broker offers a profitable freight; with a premium. What's the matter with you?.. "Thank you," Gray said with a sigh of relief. “It was the sound of your simple, intelligent voice that I missed. It's like cold water. Panten, inform the people that today we are weighing anchor and going to the mouth of the Liliana, about ten miles from here. Its course is interrupted by solid shoals. The mouth can only be entered from the sea. Come get a map. Do not take a pilot. That's all for now... Yes, I need a profitable freight like last year's snow. You can pass this on to the broker. I'm going to the city, where I'll stay until evening. — What happened? “Absolutely nothing, Panten. I want you to take note of my desire to avoid any questioning. When the time comes, I'll let you know what's up. Tell the sailors that repairs are to be done; that the local dock is busy. "Very well," said Panten senselessly at the back of the departing Gray. - Will be done. Although the captain's orders were quite sensible, the mate's eyes widened and he rushed uneasily back to his cabin with his plate, muttering, “Pantin, you've been puzzled. Does he want to try smuggling? Are we flying under the black flag of a pirate? But here Panten is entangled in the wildest assumptions. While he was nervously destroying the fish, Gray went down to the cabin, took the money and, crossing the bay, appeared in the shopping districts of Liss. Now he acted decisively and calmly, knowing to the smallest detail everything that lay ahead on the wonderful path. Each movement - thought, action - warmed him with the subtle pleasure of artistic work. His plan took shape instantly and convexly. His concepts of life have undergone that last foray of the chisel, after which the marble is calm in its beautiful radiance. Gray visited three stores, attaching particular importance to the accuracy of choice, since he had already mentally seen desired color and tint. In the first two shops he was shown market-coloured silks designed to satisfy an unpretentious vanity; in the third he found examples of complex effects. The owner of the shop bustled around happily, laying out stale materials, but Gray was as serious as an anatomist. He patiently dismantled the bundles, put them aside, moved them, unfolded them, and looked at the light with such a multitude of scarlet stripes that the counter, littered with them, seemed to burst into flames. A purple wave lay on the toe of Gray's boot; a rosy glow shone on his arms and face. Rummaging through the light resistance of the silk, he distinguished colors: red, pale pink, and dark pink; thick boils of cherry, orange and gloomy red tones; here were shades of all forces and meanings, different in their imaginary relationship, like the words: "charming" - "beautiful" - "magnificent" - "perfect"; hints lurked in the folds, inaccessible to the language of sight, but the true scarlet color did not appear for a long time to the eyes of our captain; what the shopkeeper brought was good, but did not evoke a clear and firm "yes." Finally, one color caught the buyer's disarmed attention; he sat down in an armchair by the window, pulled out a long end from the noisy silk, threw it on his knees and, lounging, with a pipe in his teeth, became contemplatively motionless. This completely pure, like a scarlet morning stream, full of noble fun and regal color, was exactly the proud color that Gray was looking for. There were no mixed shades of fire, poppy petals, play of violet or lilac hints; there was also no blue, no shadow, nothing to be doubted. He glowed like a smile with the charm of a spiritual reflection. Gray was so thoughtful that he forgot about the owner, who was waiting behind him with the tension of a hunting dog, making a stance. Tired of waiting, the merchant reminded himself of himself with the crackling of a torn piece of cloth. “Enough samples,” Gray said, standing up, “I'll take this silk. - The whole piece? asked the trader, respectfully doubting. But Gray silently looked at his forehead, which made the shop owner a little more cheeky. “In that case, how many meters?” Gray nodded, inviting them to wait, and calculated the required amount with a pencil on paper. “Two thousand meters. He looked doubtfully at the shelves. — Yes, no more than two thousand meters. — Two? - said the owner, jumping convulsively, like a spring. — Thousands? Meters? Please sit down, captain. Would you like to see, captain, samples of new materials? As you wish. Here are matches, here is fine tobacco; I ask you to. Two thousand...two thousand to...' He said a price that had as much to do with the real thing as an oath to a simple yes, but Gray was content because he didn't want to bargain for anything. “Amazing, the best silk,” continued the shopkeeper, “a product beyond comparison, only I can find such. When he was finally exhausted with delight, Gray agreed with him about the delivery, taking on his own account the costs, paid the bill and left, escorted by the owner with the honors of the Chinese king. In the meantime, across the street from where the shop was, a wandering musician, having tuned the cello, made her speak sadly and well with a quiet bow; his companion, the flutist, showered the singing of the strings with the babble of a throaty whistle; the simple song with which they resounded in the dormant yard in the heat reached Gray's ears, and he immediately understood what he should do next. In general, all these days he was at that happy height of spiritual vision, from which he clearly noticed all the hints and hints of reality; Hearing the sounds muffled by the carriages, he entered the center of the most important impressions and thoughts, caused, according to his character, by this music, already feeling why and how what he thought would turn out well. Passing the lane, Gray passed through the gates of the house where the musical performance took place. By then the musicians were about to leave; the tall flute-player, with an air of downtrodden dignity, waved his hat gratefully at the windows from which the coins flew out. The cello was already back under its master's arm; he, wiping his sweaty forehead, was waiting for the flutist. — Bah, it's you, Zimmer! Gray told him, recognizing the violinist, who in the evenings entertained the sailors, guests of the Money for a Barrel inn, with his beautiful playing. How did you change the violin? “Honorable Captain,” Zimmer said smugly, “I play everything that sounds and crackles. When I was young, I was a musical clown. Now I am drawn to art, and I see with grief that I have ruined an outstanding talent. That is why, out of late greed, I love two at once: the viol and the violin. I play the cello during the day, and the violin in the evenings, that is, as if crying, weeping for the lost talent. Would you like some wine, eh? The cello is my Carmen, and the violin... “Assol,” Gray said. Zimmer didn't hear. “Yes,” he nodded, “solo on cymbals or brass tubes is another matter. However, what about me? Let the clowns of art make faces - I know that fairies always rest in the violin and cello. - And what is hidden in my "tour-lure-lu"? asked the flutist, a tall fellow with ram's blue eyes and a blond beard, who approached. - Well, tell me? - Depending on how much you drank in the morning. Sometimes - a bird, sometimes - alcohol vapors. Captain, this is my companion Duss; I told him how you litter with gold when you drink, and he is absently in love with you. “Yes,” Duss said, “I love gesture and generosity. But I am cunning, do not believe my vile flattery. "Here you are," said Gray, laughing. “I don’t have much time, but I can’t stand the job. I suggest you make good money. Assemble an orchestra, but not from the dandies with the smart faces of the dead, who, in musical literalism or, even worse, in sound gastronomy, forgot about the soul of music and quietly deaden the stages with their intricate noises - no. Gather together your cooks and footmen who make simple hearts cry; gather your tramps. The sea and love do not tolerate pedants. I would love to sit with you, and not even for one bottle, but you have to go. I have a lot to do. Take this and drink it to the letter A. If you like my proposal, come to the Secret in the evening; it stands near the head dam. - I agree! Zimmer cried, knowing that Gray was paying like a king. “Duss, bow, say yes, and twirl your hat for joy!” Captain Gray wants to get married! "Yes," Gray said simply. - I will tell you all the details on the "Secret". Are you... - For the letter A! Duss nudged Zimmer and winked at Gray. “But… how many letters there are in the alphabet!” Please something and fit ... Gray gave more money. The musicians are gone. Then he went to the commission office and gave a secret order for a large sum - to execute urgently, within six days. By the time Gray returned to his ship, the office agent was already boarding the ship. By evening the silk was brought; five sailboats hired by Gray fit with the sailors; Letika has not yet returned and the musicians have not arrived; While waiting for them, Gray went to talk to Panten. It should be noted that Gray sailed with the same crew for several years. At first, the captain surprised the sailors with the vagaries of unexpected voyages, stops - sometimes monthly - in the most non-commercial and deserted places, but gradually they were imbued with Gray's "greyism". He often sailed with only one ballast, refusing to take a profitable charter just because he did not like the offered cargo. No one could persuade him to carry soap, nails, machine parts and other things that are gloomy silent in the holds, causing lifeless ideas of boring necessity. But he willingly loaded fruits, porcelain, animals, spices, tea, tobacco, coffee, silk, valuable tree species: black, sandalwood, palm. All this corresponded to the aristocracy of his imagination, creating a picturesque atmosphere; it is not surprising that the Secret crew, thus brought up in the spirit of originality, looked somewhat down on all other ships, shrouded in the smoke of flat profit. Still, this time Gray met questions in faces; the most stupid sailor knew perfectly well that there was no need to make repairs in the bed of a forest river. Panten, of course, told them Gray's orders; when he entered, his assistant was finishing his sixth cigar, wandering around the cabin, crazy from the smoke and bumping into chairs. Evening came; a golden beam of light jutted out through the open porthole, in which the lacquered visor of the captain's cap flashed. "Everything is ready," said Panten gloomily. — If you want, you can raise the anchor. "You should know me a little better, Panten," Gray remarked gently. There is no secret in what I do. As soon as we drop anchor at the bottom of the Liliana, I'll tell you everything, and you won't waste so many matches on bad cigars. Go, weigh anchor. Panten, smiling awkwardly, scratched his brow. “That is true, of course,” he said. — However, I nothing. When he went out, Gray sat for some time, looking motionless at the half-open door, then went over to his room. Here he either sat or lay down; then, listening to the crackle of the windlass, rolling out a loud chain, he was about to go out to the forecastle, but again he thought and returned to the table, drawing a straight, fast line on the oilcloth with his finger. A punch on the door brought him out of his manic state; he turned the key, letting Letika in. The sailor, breathing heavily, stopped with the air of a messenger who had averted the execution in time. “Fly, Letika,” I said to myself, he spoke quickly, “when from the cable pier I saw our guys dancing around the windlass, spitting in their palms. I have eyes like an eagle. And I flew; I breathed so hard on the boatman that the man sweated with excitement. Captain, did you want to leave me on the shore? “Letika,” Gray said, peering into his red eyes, “I expected you no later than morning. Lil you on the back of your head cold water? — Lil. Not as much as was ingested, but lil. Done.- Speak. “Don't talk, captain; it's all written down here. Take and read. I tried very hard. I'll leave.- Where? “I can see by the reproach of your eyes that you still poured little cold water on the back of your head. He turned and walked out with the strange movements of a blind man. Gray unfolded the paper; the pencil must have marveled as he drew these drawings on it, reminiscent of a rickety fence. Here is what Letika wrote: "According to instructions. After five o'clock I walked down the street. House with a gray roof, two windows on the side; with him a garden. The person in question came twice: once for water, twice for chips for the stove. After dark, he peered through the window, but saw nothing because of the curtain. This was followed by several instructions of a family nature, obtained by Letika, apparently through a table conversation, since the memorial ended, somewhat unexpectedly, with the words: “I put a little of my own on account of expenses.” But the essence of this report spoke only of what we know from the first chapter. Gray put the paper on the table, whistled for the watchman, and sent for Panten, but boatswain Atwood appeared instead of his mate, tugging at his rolled-up sleeves. “We moored at the dam,” he said. “Pantin sent to find out what you want. He is busy: he was attacked there by some people with trumpets, drums and other violins. Did you invite them to The Secret? Panten asks you to come, says he has a fog in his head. “Yes, Atwood,” said Gray, “I certainly called the musicians; go, tell them to go to the cockpit for a while. Next, we will see how to arrange them. Atwood, tell them and the crew that I'll be on deck in a quarter of an hour. Let them gather; you and Panten, of course, will also listen to me. Atwood cocked his left eyebrow like a cock, stood sideways by the door, and went out. Gray spent those ten minutes with his face in his hands; he did not prepare for anything and did not count on anything, but he wanted to be mentally silent. In the meantime, everyone was already waiting for him, impatiently and with curiosity, full of conjectures. He went out and saw in their faces the expectation of incredible things, but since he himself found what was happening quite natural, the tension of other people's souls was reflected in him as a slight annoyance. “Nothing special,” Gray said, sitting down on the bridge ladder. “We will stay at the mouth of the river until we change all the rigging. You saw that red silk was brought; from it, under the guidance of the sailing master Blunt, they will make new sails for the Secret. Then we will go, but where I will not say; at least not far from here. I'm going to my wife. She is not yet my wife, but she will be. I need scarlet sails so that even from afar, as agreed with her, she noticed us. That's all. As you can see, there is nothing mysterious here. And enough about that. “Yes,” said Atwood, seeing from the smiling faces of the sailors that they were pleasantly puzzled and did not dare to speak. - So that's the point, captain ... It's not for us, of course, to judge this. As you wish, so be it. I congratulate you. - Thanks to! Gray squeezed the boatswain's hand hard, but the boatswain, making an incredible effort, responded with such a squeeze that the captain relented. After that, everyone came up, replacing each other with shy warmth of a look and muttering congratulations. No one shouted, no noise - the sailors felt something not quite simple in the abrupt words of the captain. Panten breathed a sigh of relief and cheered up - his spiritual heaviness melted away. One ship's carpenter was dissatisfied with something: languidly holding Gray's hand, he gloomily asked: How did you come up with that idea, captain? "Like a blow from your axe," Gray said. — Zimmer! Show your kids. The violinist, clapping the musicians on the back, pushed out seven people dressed extremely slovenly. “Here,” Zimmer said, “this is a trombone: it doesn’t play, but fires like a cannon.” These two beardless fellows are fanfares; as soon as they play, they want to fight right now. Then clarinet, cornet-a-piston and second violin. All of them are great masters of hugging a frisky prima, that is, me. And here is the main owner of our fun craft - Fritz, the drummer. Drummers, you know, usually look disappointed, but this one beats with dignity, with enthusiasm. There is something open and direct about his playing, like his sticks. Is that how it's done, Captain Grey? "Amazing," Gray said. - All of you have a place in the hold, which this time, therefore, will be loaded with different "scherzo", "adagio" and "fortissimo". Disperse. Panten, take off the moorings, move off. I'll relieve you in two hours. He did not notice these two hours, as they all passed in the same inner music that did not leave his consciousness, just as the pulse does not leave the arteries. He thought of one thing, wanted one thing, aspired to one thing. A man of action, he mentally anticipated the course of events, regretting only that they could not be moved as simply and quickly as checkers. Nothing in his calm appearance spoke of that tension of feeling, the rumble of which, like the rumble of a huge bell tolling above his head, rushed through his whole being with a deafening nervous moan. This finally brought him to the point that he began to count mentally: "One ... two ... thirty ..." and so on, until he said "a thousand." Such an exercise worked: he was finally able to look from the outside at the whole enterprise. Here, he was somewhat surprised that he could not imagine the inner Assol, since he had not even spoken to her. He had read somewhere that it was possible, even vaguely, to understand a person if, imagining oneself as this person, one copied the expression on his face. Already Gray's eyes began to take on a strange expression that was not characteristic of them, and his lips under his mustache formed into a weak, meek smile, when, coming to his senses, he burst out laughing and went out to relieve Panten. It was dark. Panten, turning up the collar of his jacket, walked by the compass, saying to the helmsman: “Left quarter point; left. Stop: another quarter. The "Secret" sailed with half sail and a fair wind. “You know,” Panten said to Gray, “I am satisfied.- How? - The same as you. I got it. Right here on the bridge. He winked slyly, illuminating his smile with the fire of his pipe. “Come on,” said Gray, suddenly realizing what was the matter, “what did you understand there? The best way smuggling,” Panten whispered. “Anyone can have the sails they want. You have a brilliant head, Gray! “Poor Panten! said the captain, not knowing whether to be angry or laugh. “Your conjecture is witty, but devoid of any basis. Go to sleep. I give you my word that you are wrong. I do what I said. He sent him to bed, checked his heading, and sat down. Now we will leave him, because he needs to be alone.

Red refers to three of the primary colors (also blue and yellow). This color has many shades - from light pink to red-brown.

Alexander Grin spoke about them so excellently in his Scarlet Sails that we can only repeat these magnificent lines.

"Gray looked at the light with so many scarlet stripes, that the counter, littered with them, seemed to flare up. A purple wave lay on the toe of Gray's boot; a rosy glow shone on his arms and face.
Rummaging through the light resistance of the silk, he distinguished colors: red, pale pink, and dark pink;

thick boils of cherry, orange and gloomy red tones; here were shades of all forces and meanings, different in their imaginary relationship, like the words: "charming" - "beautiful" - "magnificent" - "perfect";

There were hints hidden in the folds, inaccessible to the language of sight, but the true scarlet color did not appear to the eyes of our captain for a long time ... Finally, one color attracted the disarmed attention of the buyer ... This color, completely pure, like a scarlet morning stream, full of noble fun and royalty, was precisely that proud color, which Gray was looking for.
There were no mixed shades of fire, poppy petals, play of violet or lilac hints; there was also no blue, no shadow, nothing to be doubted. He glowed like a smile with the beauty of a spiritual reflection.

Red is the most active, creating warm mood and spectacular interiors, is used in the decoration of almost all premises. However it should be used carefully because it can be unnecessarily exciting and emotional. This color is more suitable for the common rooms of the apartment - living room, study, fireplace room, hallway or hall, that is, where the most active family life takes place. Keep in mind that the room, decided in red, will look smaller, lower.

The interior of the living room or office will turn out to be successful and beautiful, solved in various shades of red - from pale golden to dark terracotta, since the combination of gold with red is always identified with power, beauty, power.

Red, along with blue and yellow, is strongly associated with the children's room, fun games and the absence of everyday worries. Such an emotional effect is achieved through contrasts, but psychologists do not recommend using it too actively here. In the nursery, it is especially necessary to observe the measure - busting can cause irritation of the child and even stress. Red in this room is acceptable only as a separate color contrasts, diluted with a maximum of neutral and muted.

In sleeping quarters, it should also be used to a limited extent, since it has a strong energy. Having reached the bedroom, we cannot but say that since ancient times the color has served as a bait in love games, and here the palm belongs to the most romantic color - red. It is no coincidence that he was chosen as a symbol of St. Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day. However, if we talk about interiors, it is not red that creates a romantic mood in them, but its pink shades, from light to dark. Pink tones have, by the way, amazing property: they neutralize the aggressiveness lurking in many of us.

Of course, purple and its lilac shades can be called romantic, as well as the color of garnet - they have passion and unpredictability. The romantic palette also includes light orange tones - apricot and peach, symbolizing the purity of feelings. Of course, this is largely an individual matter. Maybe someone thinks green is sexy. And then what to do? And the same thing they do in the red bedroom ...

Red tones are present in the so-called intellectual palette, that is, they are believed to stimulate the intellect. True, this does not mean a pure color, but its shades, as close as possible to the color of nature or complex - say, cranberry or the color of Burgundy wine. A catchy combination of red, orange and dark yellow energizes the interior. Turning into pink, red becomes feminine, and darkening - on the contrary, masculine. Mixed with yellow, it turns into a cheerful orange, and with blue - into a mysterious purple.

Contrasting combinations are modern and interesting, although not everyone dares to combine red, for example, with azure blue or green.

But the combination of pure and clear shades of red with white and its “relatives” is most often resorted to, and almost always it looks very original. Radiate vitality pulsating red very successfully coexists with white, symbolizing rigor, clean lines and minimalism. This combination is called royal. There may be two solutions - red furniture against white walls or white furniture against red walls. But in any case, there should be less red color so that the "spectacle" does not contradict the comfort and functionality of the space.

A look at this color in cultures different peoples unequal. The Chinese, for example, always loved him, considered him a symbol of longevity, and it was from red fabric that they sewed Wedding Dresses for brides. The ancient Romans believed that red is a symbol of strength, power, and power. These associations were continued in rituals catholic church. Red color is present on the flags of many states. In modern history, he often symbolized the political views of left-wing extremists.

Those who are in love with the color red are characterized as active and powerful individuals. They strive to take from life everything that gives joy and pleasure. The "Red" person likes to look at others and show himself. He is fickle in his personal life and always hopes that he will meet someone even more suitable. At the same time, they strive for romantic love. They are courageous, love and know how to lead people, make decisions quickly and firmly. Such people are driven through life by curiosity and a desire to experience new sensations. The statements and actions of fans of the red color are sometimes ahead of thoughts. It is difficult for them to restrain their emotions, so they often find themselves in conflict situations.

Courageous people are not afraid of this color. Yes, you see, there are a few of them, brave ones. A completely red interior is a rare phenomenon. But still there are such people, there are! Give them everything red: the floor, entrance doors, blinds, refrigerator, even a vase, even flowers in it.

If we talk about styles, then most often red is present in exotic or oriental styles. For example, if you love the culture of distant and hot Mexico, red is perfect for you, the colors there are selected from the warm part of the spectrum. Red is also characteristic of the Empire style, Baroque with its lush sensuality. The color of theatrical velvet, venous blood and fire - the interior is almost Shakespearean. Dramatic color. It is often used in the interiors of theater and concert halls, it can be very beneficial and effectively used in bars, restaurants, discos.

Red allows you to create many effects, enlivens the interior, excites a person, creates an atmosphere of warmth. But it requires a certain courage and self-confidence from the designer. Only a virtuoso can work with strong colors: the slightest mistake and the palette will be flashy. World-famous professionals, especially furniture designers, adore red: in their work, it often becomes a touch that can give the interior chic and luxury, and the most ordinary thing - unusual. It is a pity that the limited format of our newsletter does not allow us to show you many amazing and beautiful examples of "red" fantasy.

Of course, everyone has their own perception of color, and there is no absolute truth here. When composing the palette of your interior, do not limit yourself to the generally accepted rules - focus on your attitude and the experience of professionals.

AT modern society there was a conviction that the potential capabilities of men and women are the same, they are equally talented and can master any professional skill. The irony is that today science has accumulated so much indisputable evidence to the contrary that it is no longer possible to ignore them.

The truth is that men and women are different. They are no worse, no better than each other - they are different. And in order to make society healthier and stronger, it is necessary to recognize and take into account the individual abilities of both sexes. This is what our conversation will be about, and since for the vast majority of people the main source of information is vision, we will start with it. So…

Color perception

Remember how in the novel "Scarlet Sails" the main character went in search of the right fabric? - “Grey visited three shops, attaching particular importance to the accuracy of choice, as he mentally saw the right color and shade. In the first two shops he was shown market-coloured silks designed to satisfy an unpretentious vanity; in the third, he found patterns of complex effects. Gray patiently sorted out the bundles, put them aside, shifted them, unrolled them, and looked into the light with such a multitude of scarlet stripes that the counter, littered with them, seemed to burst into flames.

A purple wave lay on the toe of the boot; a rosy glow shone on his arms and face. Rummaging through the light resistance of the silk, he distinguished colors: red, pale pink and dark pink, thick simmers of cherry, orange and dark red tones; there were shades of all powers and meanings, different in their imaginary relationship, like the words: "charming", "beautiful", "splendid", "perfect" ... Finally, one color attracted the attention of the buyer. This completely pure, like a scarlet morning stream, full of noble fun and regal color, was exactly the proud color that Gray was looking for. There were no mixed shades of fire, poppy petals, play of violet or lilac hints; there was also no blue, no shadow - nothing that causes doubt.

In fact, the vast majority of men hardly understand what this chapter is about: they do not distinguish between such shades, but see only the seven simple colors of the rainbow. But women can easily distinguish color Ivory or sea green, mauve or apple green. It's all about conical cells that perceive color scheme. Their source is the X chromosome. Since a woman has two X chromosomes, she has large quantity conical cells compared to a man. In case of their defect on one of the chromosomes, the second chromosome saves the situation - therefore, among women, color blind people are much less common.

Tunnel or peripheral?

A woman not only has more cone cells in the lining of the eye, but also a wider peripheral vision compared to a man. She, like the keeper of the hearth, has a program in her brain that allows her to clearly see a sector of at least 45 degrees on each side of the head, that is, left and right, as well as up and down. The effective peripheral vision of many women reaches a full 180 degrees. This is necessary so that even during household chores not to lose sight of small children, as well as to notice the danger in time - if a snake crawled into the cave, etc.

A man, as a hunter, needs to catch the target with his eye and not let it out of his field of vision, and at a fairly large distance. His vision had evolved to almost limited vision, as nothing was to distract him from his goal. Therefore, the eyes of a man are larger than those of a woman, and his brain provides him with "tunnel" vision. He is able to see clearly and clearly in front of him, but at a great distance - that is, his eyes can be likened to binoculars. That is why a modern man can easily find a remote beer hall, but cannot find a thing in a closet, chest of drawers or refrigerator. The following conversation with a man standing in front of an open refrigerator door may have once happened to every woman in the world:

He: Where is the oil?
Her: In the fridge.
He: I'm looking in the refrigerator now, but there is no oil there.
She: It's there - I put it there ten minutes ago.
Him: No, you must have put it somewhere else. There is no oil in the refrigerator. It is clear.
After these words, She enters the kitchen, puts her hand in the refrigerator and, like a magician, a pack of butter appears in her hand.

This makes the man feel at times as if he was being played a joke on, and he accuses the woman of always hiding things from him. Socks, shoes, underwear, jam, butter, car keys, wallets - they're all there, the man just can't see them. With a large field of view, a woman can look at most of the refrigerator space without even moving her head. The man, on the other hand, moves his eyes left and right and up and down, as if scanning the space in search of a “disappeared” object. A woman will spend much less nerves if she understands the problems of a man related to his vision. And for a man less reason be nervous if, after the words of a woman, "This thing is in the closet!" he will believe her and keep looking.

In an office setting, eye fatigue in men is much higher than in women, since their vision is adapted for looking into the distance and must constantly refocus on a computer screen or newspaper text. A woman's eyes are better suited for near vision, which allows her to work with fine details much longer. In addition, the program of her brain gives her superiority in those cases when it is necessary to identify small details on the picture of a computer screen or, say, to thread a needle.

Ability to see in the dark

While women see better at night, this only applies to fine detail in a close, wide field. But to distinguish on which side of the road the oncoming traffic is moving, many women cannot. A man's eyes are better adapted to follow a distant object in a narrow field. Such a vision allows a man to distinguish and identify the movement of other cars on the road both in front and behind. This provides it with much better - and therefore safer driving - long-range night vision. Practical conclusion: when alternating behind the wheel on a long trip, it is better for a woman to spend the day, and for a man - the night.

We love fairy tales, but we do not believe in them, giving our thoughts to everyday life.
This quiet Sunday evening, when there is a chance to lift your eyes from the gray dust of worries and everyday life, I suggest re-reading a couple of fragments from Alexander Grin's story "Scarlet Sails".
Of course, everyone has seen the film, but these lines will help us remember that we, too, can do real miracles.
With my own hands.

Konstantin ZHUKOV

Now he acted decisively and calmly, knowing to the smallest detail everything that lay ahead on the wonderful path. Every movement - thought, action - warmed him with the subtle pleasure of artistic work. His plan took shape instantly and convexly. His concepts of life have undergone that last foray of the chisel, after which the marble is calm in its beautiful radiance.
Gray visited three stores, attaching particular importance to the accuracy of choice, as he mentally saw the right color and shade. In the first two shops he was shown market-coloured silks designed to satisfy an unpretentious vanity; in the third he found examples of complex effects. The owner of the shop bustled around happily, laying out stale materials, but Gray was as serious as an anatomist. He patiently dismantled the bundles, put them aside, moved them, unfolded them, and looked at the light with such a multitude of scarlet stripes that the counter, littered with them, seemed to burst into flames. A purple wave lay on the toe of Gray's boot; a rosy glow shone on his arms and face. Rummaging through the light resistance of the silk, he distinguished colors: red, pale pink and dark pink, thick simmers of cherry, orange and dark red tones; here were shades of all forces and meanings, different - in their imaginary relationship, like the words: "charming" - "beautiful" - "magnificent" - "perfect"; hints lurked in the folds, inaccessible to the language of sight, but the true scarlet color did not appear for a long time to the eyes of our captain; what the shopkeeper brought was good, but did not evoke a clear and firm "yes." Finally, one color caught the buyer's disarmed attention; he sat down in an armchair by the window, pulled out a long end from the noisy silk, threw it on his knees and, lounging, with a pipe in his teeth, became contemplatively motionless.
This completely pure, like a scarlet morning stream, full of noble fun and regal color, was exactly the proud color that Gray was looking for. There were no mixed shades of fire, poppy petals, play of violet or lilac hints; there was also no blue, no shadow, nothing to be doubted. He glowed like a smile with the charm of a spiritual reflection. Gray was so thoughtful that he forgot about the owner, who was waiting behind him with the tension of a hunting dog, making a stance. Tired of waiting, the merchant reminded himself of himself with the crackling of a torn piece of cloth.
- Enough samples, - said Gray, getting up, - I take this silk.
- The whole piece? - respectfully doubting, asked the trader. But Gray silently looked at his forehead, which made the shop owner a little more cheeky. - In that case, how many meters?
Gray nodded, inviting them to wait, and calculated the required amount with a pencil on paper.
- Two thousand meters. He looked doubtfully at the shelves. - Yes, no more than two thousand meters.
- Two? - said the owner, jumping convulsively, like a spring. - Thousands? Meters? Please sit down, captain. Would you like to have a look, Captain, at samples of new materials? As you wish. Here are matches, here is fine tobacco; I ask you to. Two thousand... two thousand. He said a price that had as much to do with the real as an oath to a simple "yes", but Gray was pleased because he didn't want to bargain for anything. - Amazing, the best silk, - continued the shopkeeper, - the goods are beyond compare, only you will find such a one with me.
When he was finally exhausted with delight, Gray agreed with him about the delivery, taking on his own account the costs, paid the bill and left, escorted by the owner with the honors of the Chinese king.

By evening the silk was brought; five sailboats hired by Gray fit with the sailors; Letika has not yet returned and the musicians have not arrived; While waiting for them, Gray went to talk to Panten.
It should be noted that Gray sailed with the same crew for several years. At first, the captain surprised the sailors with the vagaries of unexpected voyages, stops - sometimes monthly - in the most non-commercial and deserted places, but gradually they were imbued with Gray's "greyism". He often sailed with only one ballast, refusing to take a profitable charter just because he did not like the offered cargo. No one could persuade him to carry soap, nails, machine parts and other things that are gloomy silent in the holds, causing lifeless ideas of boring necessity. But he willingly loaded fruits, porcelain, animals, spices, tea, tobacco, coffee, silk, valuable tree species: black, sandalwood, palm. All this corresponded to the aristocracy of his imagination, creating a picturesque atmosphere; it is not surprising that the crew of the "Secret", thus brought up in the spirit of originality, looked somewhat down on all other ships, shrouded in the smoke of flat profit. Still, this time Gray met questions in faces; the most stupid sailor knew perfectly well that there was no need to make repairs in the bed of a forest river.

It was a white morning hour; in the vast forest stood thin steam, full of strange visions. An unknown hunter, who had just left his fire, was moving along the river; through the trees shone the gap of its air voids, but the diligent hunter did not approach them, examining the fresh footprint of a bear heading towards the mountains.
A sudden sound rushed through the trees with the unexpectedness of an alarming chase; it was the clarinet. The musician, going out on deck, played a fragment of a melody full of sad, drawn-out repetition. The sound trembled like a voice hiding grief; intensified, smiled with a sad overflow and broke off. A distant echo vaguely hummed the same melody.
The hunter, marking the trail with a broken branch, made his way to the water. The fog hasn't cleared yet; in it the shape of a huge ship, slowly turning towards the mouth of the river, faded. Its folded sails came to life, festooned, spreading out and covering the masts with impotent shields of huge folds; voices and footsteps were heard. The coastal wind, trying to blow, lazily fiddled with the sails; finally, the warmth of the sun produced the desired effect; the air pressure increased, dispelled the fog and poured out along the yards into light scarlet forms full of roses. Pink shadows glided over the whiteness of the masts and rigging, everything was white, except for the spread, smoothly moved sails, the color of deep joy.
The hunter, who was watching from the shore, rubbed his eyes for a long time until he was convinced that he was seeing in this way and not otherwise. The ship disappeared around the bend, and he still stood and watched; then, shrugging his shoulders in silence, he went to his bear.
While the "Secret" was in the riverbed, Gray stood at the helm, not trusting the sailor to steer - he was afraid of the shallows. Panten was sitting next to him, in a new pair of cloth, in a new shiny cap, clean-shaven and humbly puffed up. He still didn't feel any connection between the scarlet outfit and Gray's direct target.
“Now,” said Gray, “when my sails are glowing, the wind is good, and my heart is more happy than an elephant at the sight of a small bun, I will try to set you up with my thoughts, as I promised in Lissa. Notice - I do not consider you stupid or stubborn, no; you are a model sailor, and that is worth a lot. But you, like most, listen to the voices of all simple truths through the thick glass of life; they scream, but you won't hear. I do what exists, as an old idea of ​​the beautiful-unrealizable, and which, in essence, is just as feasible and possible as a country walk. Soon you will see a girl who cannot, must not get married otherwise than in the way that I am developing before your eyes.
He succinctly conveyed to the sailor what we are well aware of, ending the explanation as follows: - You see how closely fate, will and character traits are intertwined here; I come to the one who is waiting and can wait only for me, but I don’t want anyone else but her, maybe precisely because thanks to her I understood one simple truth. It is to do so-called miracles with your own hands. When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the grain of a fiery plant - a miracle, do this miracle for him, if you are able. He will have a new soul, and you will have a new one. When the head of the prison himself releases the prisoner, when the billionaire gives the scribe a villa, an operetta singer, and a safe, and the jockey holds his horse for once for the sake of another horse that is unlucky, then everyone will understand how pleasant it is, how inexpressibly wonderful. But there are no lesser miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and - at the right time, the right word. Owning it means owning everything. As for me, our beginning - mine and Assol - will remain for us forever in the scarlet reflection of the sails created by the depth of the heart that knows what love is. Do you understand me?
- Yes captain. Panten grunted, wiping his mustache with a neatly folded clean handkerchief. - I got it. You touched me. I'll go downstairs and ask Nix's forgiveness, whom I scolded yesterday for the sunken bucket. And I'll give him tobacco - he lost his at cards.
Before Gray, somewhat surprised by the quick practical result of his words, could say anything, Panten was already thundering down the gangplank and sighing in the distance. Gray looked up, looking up; scarlet sails were silently torn above it; the sun in their seams shone with purple smoke. "Secret" went to sea, moving away from the shore. There was no doubt in Gray's ringing soul - no dull thumps of alarm, no noise of petty worries; calmly, like a sail, he rushed to a delightful goal; full of those thoughts that precede words.
By noon, the smoke of a military cruiser appeared on the horizon, the cruiser changed course and raised the signal from a distance of half a mile - "to drift!".
“Brothers,” Gray said to the sailors, “they won’t fire on us, don’t be afraid; they just can't believe their eyes.
He ordered to drift. Panten, shouting as if on fire, brought the "Secret" out of the wind; the ship came to a halt, while a steam launch sped off from the cruiser with a crew and a white-gloved lieutenant; the lieutenant, stepping on the deck of the ship, looked around in amazement and went with Gray to the cabin, from where an hour later he set off, with a strange wave of his hand and smiling, as if he had received a rank, back to the blue cruiser. Gray seemed to have had more success this time than with the ingenuous Panten, for the cruiser, after a pause, struck the horizon with a mighty volley of salute, the swift smoke of which, piercing the air with huge sparkling balls, dispersed in tatters over the still water. A kind of semi-holiday stupefaction reigned on the cruiser all day; the mood was unofficial, knocked down - under the sign of love, which was talked about everywhere - from the saloon to the engine hold, and the sentry of the mine department asked the passing sailor:
- "Tom, how did you get married?" - "I caught her by the skirt when she wanted to jump out of my window," said Tom and proudly twirled his mustache.
For some time the "Secret" was an empty sea, without shores; by noon the distant shore opened up. Taking up a telescope, Gray stared at Kaperna. If not for the row of roofs, he would have distinguished Assol in the window of one house, sitting behind some book. She read; a greenish beetle was crawling along the page, stopping and rising on its front paws with an air of independence and domesticity. Already twice he had been blown off without vexation onto the windowsill, from where he appeared again trustingly and freely, as if he wanted to say something. This time he managed to get almost to the hand of the girl holding the corner of the page; here he got stuck on the word "look", stopped doubtfully, expecting a new squall, and, indeed, barely escaped trouble, since Assol had already exclaimed: - "Again, a bug ... a fool! .." grass, but suddenly an accidental shift of her gaze from one roof to another revealed to her on the blue sea gap of street space a white ship with scarlet sails.
She shuddered, leaned back, froze; then she jumped up abruptly with a dizzyingly sinking heart, bursting into uncontrollable tears of inspired shock. The "Secret" at that time was rounding a small cape, keeping to the shore at the angle of the port side; low music flowed in the blue day from the white deck under the fire of scarlet silk; music of rhythmic overflows, conveyed not entirely successfully by the words known to all: "Pour, pour glasses - and let's drink, friends, for love" ... - In its simplicity, exulting, excitement unfolded and rumbled.
Not remembering how she left the house, Assol was already running to the sea, caught up by the irresistible wind of the event; at the first corner she stopped almost exhausted; her legs gave way, her breath broke and went out, her consciousness hung by a thread. Beside herself with fear of losing her will, she stamped her foot and recovered. At times, now the roof, then the fence hid scarlet sails from her; then, fearing that they had disappeared like a mere phantom, she hurried over the painful obstacle and, seeing the ship again, stopped to breathe a sigh of relief.
In the meantime, such confusion, such agitation, such general unrest occurred in Caperna, which will not yield to the affect of the famous earthquakes. Never before big ship did not approach this shore; the ship had those same sails whose name sounded like a mockery; now they clearly and irrefutably glowed with the innocence of a fact that refutes all the laws of being and common sense. Men, women, children in a hurry rushed to the shore, who was in what; the inhabitants called to one another from yard to yard, jumped on each other, yelled and fell; soon a crowd formed by the water, and Assol ran swiftly into this crowd. While she was gone, her name flew among the people with nervous and gloomy anxiety, with malicious fright. Men spoke more; dumbfounded women sobbed in a strangled, snake-like hiss, but if one of them began to crack, the poison climbed into her head. As soon as Assol appeared, everyone was silent, everyone moved away from her with fear, and she was left alone in the middle of the emptiness of the sultry sand, confused, ashamed, happy, with a face no less scarlet than her miracle, helplessly stretching out her hands to the tall ship.
A boat full of tanned rowers separated from him; among them stood the one whom, as it now seemed to her, she knew, vaguely remembered from childhood. He looked at her with a smile that warmed and hurried. But thousands of the last ridiculous fears overcame Assol; mortally afraid of everything - mistakes, misunderstandings, mysterious and harmful interference - she ran up to her waist into the warm swaying of the waves, shouting: - I'm here, I'm here! It's me!
Then Zimmer waved his bow - and the same melody burst through the nerves of the crowd, but this time in a full, triumphant chorus. From the excitement, the movement of clouds and waves, the brilliance of the water and the distance, the girl almost could no longer distinguish what was moving: she, the ship or the boat - everything was moving, spinning and falling.
But the oar splashed sharply near her; she raised her head. Gray leaned down, her hands clutching at his belt. Assol closed her eyes; then, quickly opening her eyes, she boldly smiled at his radiant face and breathlessly said:
And you too, my child! - Taking out a wet jewel from the water, Gray said. - Here, I've come. Did you recognize me?
She nodded, holding on to his belt, with a new soul and quivering closed eyes. Happiness sat in her like a fluffy kitten. When Assol decided to open her eyes, the rocking of the boat, the glitter of the waves, the approaching, powerfully tossing, side of the "Secret" - everything was a dream, where light and water swayed, whirling, like the play of sunbeams on a wall flowing with rays. Not remembering how, she climbed the ladder to strong hands Gray. The deck, covered and hung with carpets, in scarlet splashes of sails, was like a heavenly garden. And soon Assol saw that she was standing in a cabin - in a room that could not be better.
Then from above, shaking and burying the heart in its triumphant cry, huge music rushed again. Again Assol closed her eyes, afraid that all this would disappear if she looked. Gray took her hands and, now knowing where it was safe to go, she hid her face, wet from tears, on the chest of a friend who had come so magically. Gently, but with a laugh, himself shocked and surprised that an inexpressible, precious minute inaccessible to anyone had come, Gray lifted this long-dreamed face by the chin, and the girl's eyes finally opened clearly. They had all the best of a man.
- Will you take my Longren to us? - she said.
- Yes. And he kissed her so hard, following his iron yes, that she laughed.
Now we will move away from them, knowing that they need to be together as one. There are many words in the world different languages and different dialects, but by all of them, even remotely, you cannot convey what they said to each other on this day.
Meanwhile, on the deck at the mainmast, near the barrel, eaten by a worm, with the bottom knocked down, revealing a hundred-year-old dark grace, the entire crew was already waiting. Atwood stood; Panten sat sedately, beaming like a newborn. Gray went up, gave a sign to the orchestra and, taking off his cap, was the first to scoop up holy wine with a faceted glass, in the song of golden trumpets.
- Well, here ... - he said, having finished drinking, then threw down the glass. - Now drink, drink everything; who does not drink is my enemy.
He didn't have to repeat those words. While the "Secret" Caperna, which was terrified forever, was leaving at full speed, under full sail, the crush around the barrel surpassed everything that happens at great holidays of this kind.

When it began to get light the next day, the ship was far from Caperna. Part of the crew both fell asleep and remained lying on the deck, overcoming Gray's wine; only the helmsman and the watchman, and the thoughtful and intoxicated Zimmer, sitting on the stern with the neck of the cello at his chin, kept on their feet. He sat, quietly moved the bow, making the strings speak with a magical, unearthly voice, and thought about happiness ...

My english and turkish friends are always asking me: why Russians became so inspired and dreamy looking on each yacht or gulet with red sails.
The answer is inside a story.
I "m proudly recommend this evergreen novel by russian writer Alexander Grin about a little girl named Assol, who meets a wizard one day. The wizard tells her that a ship with red sails will arrive -- sometime in the future - to take her away to a new, happy life with a dashing young prince. and the ridicule of her neighbors. Meanwhile, the son of a local nobleman grows up to become a sea captain and falls in love with Assol. Sure enough, he decides the only way to win her heart is to unfurl red sails and head into port.

After reading you will have an opportunity to become more close to understanding of Russian soul.
Konstantin Zhukov