The elder scrolls online dolmens. Exploring the world in The Elder Scrolls Online: MillionReasonsToPlay

Daedric Dolmens are dark portals that MolagBal's minions summon to use dark anchors to latch his Coldharbour Oblivion into Nirn's Tamriel.

Have you ever wondered about the Daedric Dolmens, their Dark Anchors and ElderScrollsLore as to why they appear during your journey? Daedric Dolmens are dark portals that Molag Bol's dark minions (such as Worm Cult Battle mages) summon to use dark anchors to connect his Oblivion Coldhabor and Nirn's Tamriel. So, Daedric Dolmens from ESO are also referred to as . The Daedric Prince Molag Bol is trying to use them as part of his sinister scheme called "Planemeld" to set up his realm of Coldhabor under Tamriel, and push Tamriel straight into his realm of Coldhabor in Oblivion! Coldhabor is a dark mocking mirror image of Nirn, i.e. with dark slimy lands, dark jagged mountains, lava pools and fiery skies. Coldhabor is complete destruction and death, at the expense of Molag Bol, he is not only the creator of the Vampires, but also the Daedric Prince of domination, corruption, the thief of souls and the enslaver of mortals. So this Prince Molag Bol cannot take a full part in the wars of Tamriel - heroes from all alliances can fight against these Daedric Dolmens - to interfere with Molag Bol's attempts to merge Nirn and its Coldhabor Oblivion into one living hell. You can earn experience points, loot rewards and achievements to help fight the dark powers of the Daedric by shutting down Daedric Dolmens when they become active.

Daedric Dolmens become active

Molag Bol sadistically delights in instilling fear, so you'll know right away when a Daedric Dolmen has become active in your area.

The Battle Servant of Molag Bol exclaims in a voice of thunder:

Let Coldhabor remake Nirn in his own image! God of Venture, we offer this sacrifice to you! Through the power of innocent blood, give us an anchor and let the two worlds become one! Bind this world with your chains! Draw it the way you see it!

Then you will hear the thunderous sounds accompanying the process of lowering the Dark Anchor into the Daedric Dolmen, at which time Molag Bol himself will say in the same thunderous voice:

I will take over this world, and eventually all the rest! The strong must always command the weak!

After that you can look at your map and see Dolmen symbol(it looks like a rotating star), as well as find out its exact location and how it was named; after that you can invite other players, meet with them in this place and destroy the Daedric forces!

Defeat Dark Anchors

Remember, excluding the Starter Islands, there are basically three Dolmens in one zone, for a total of fifteen per faction, and ten in Cyrodiil and Coldhabor. Representatives of all alliances are united in the confrontation with the Dolmens, this is necessary so that, regardless of their location, they can fight against the Dolmens of Daedric Molag Bol, fight the raids of enemies and sectarians.

When the Daedric Dolmen is activated, many Daedric guardians are spawned, and by killing them, you destroy the Anchor, since their souls are needed to stop each gear. For this you need to press use(use) - when this option appears - after that, each of the four gears of the Anchor will be deactivated.

Luckily, by destroying the support gears, you also regenerate your own resources. Ultimately, you will have to fight a strong Daedra, but this will only happen after you deactivate the fourth gear. When the gears are turned off, the Daedric Dolmen and the Dark Anchor are destroyed, only then can it be considered that you have closed this portal from Oblivion's Coldhabor.

The first theme: exploration of the world.


For many of you, one of the most exciting things to do in ESO is exploring the world of Tamriel. We've learned a lot of stories about amazing places you've been to, amazing discoveries and pieces of world history that you won't find in any other game. We were particularly attracted by two opinions.

The user is playing The Elder Scrolls since 1998; he started with The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall was his first PC game. He was happy when he found out that ESO gave the opportunity to return to the fully detailed world of Daggerfall (Daggerfall), and no less glad that he had a choice: either go a long way, starting with the Ebonheart Pact (Ebonheart Pact) and going through the history of the Nords (Nord), or just create your own character in the Daggerfall Covenant. “I chose the long way,” says Peter.

Why extend your trip? Because for Peter Franken, the most important thing is the journey. "I took my time in the game - I looked around every nook and cranny I could find - so it took me 11 months to get to Daggerfall," he said. “During these 11 months, I didn't learn anything about what Daggerfall is in ESO - I wanted it to be a surprise for me. I often visited this city as a child, and I wanted to know if I would love it now, when I became an adult.

Franken claims that this year was not in vain for him. “As soon as I stepped ashore, my jaw dropped to the floor,” he says. “He turned out exactly the way I imagined him. For 11 months I completed tasks, explored the world, fought, had fun, met people - and now, finally, I ended up in the city that I have dreamed of visiting all my life. And now I feel like the boy who first came to Daggerfall in 1998 again.

brotherly bonds

Yes, nostalgia is a powerful thing. However, in the case, she led to a different result - she brought him closer to his brother. Chevery began playing with his brother in the Ebonheart Pact. Together, the brothers passed Stonefalls, then went to explore the surroundings. “We looked at the map and saw that The Rift is just north of Stonefalls,” he says. “We are both fans of Skyrim, and especially the stories about The Rift, and so we decided to go to the city of Riften.”

Experienced players may have already figured out what is going on. “We walked along a familiar road and remembered the old good times in Skyrim - when suddenly around the corner we stumbled upon a huge bear, the level of which was higher than that of both of us combined. For the first time in several months spent in Elder Scrolls Online I was horrified. We have been walking for quite a long time, and the last way altar was left far behind.

Despite the fit of fear, Chevery was glad that his brother was nearby. “This is the first time in a game that we've become friends so quickly,” he laughs. “Every time I'm in the Rift, I think back to this trip that my brother and I made together. I will never forget this adventure."

Studying the past

Many also explore Tamriel in order to connect with the past - and with other players. For those who care about The Elder Scrolls' storyline, Tamriel is full of references to other games in the series. Jeremy Cera, Lead Material Designer at ESO, shared a few examples with us. "At the beginning of the Imperial City Prison, the player is taken through the same prison cells that started the tutorial in Oblivion," he says. "The path leads through places that are familiar to Oblivion fans - the prison, the sewers, and the ruins of Ayleid."

And that's not it. "The architecture of the White-Gold Tower is the same in ESO and Oblivion," says Cera. “Its zones are already familiar to those who have played Oblivion. We've taken particular care to recreate key moments such as the view of the Imperial City Prison when players enter the dungeon, and the view of the Green Emperor's Way when exiting the White-Gold Tower."

Some of the references are not so obvious - creative director Rich Lambert is well aware of this. “When creating locations and stories for ESO, we explored the history of the world in search of stories that could be developed,” he says. "ESO is set in the Second Age, so we're able to show things that players could only read about before." A perfect example is the Battle of Glenumbra Moors in Glenumbra, which is mentioned in several books in previous Elder Scrolls games. "We were able to turn these books into a series of quests for the player to participate in the events that are described in them."

Only forward

For intrepid explorers, ESO is more than just nostalgia. The world of Tamriel is constantly evolving, moving forward. Take, for example, the recent release of the Orsinium expansion, which already contains many amazing new adventures.

When Franken talks about being on the very high point city, his words are almost poetry. “The view was amazing. You look at Wrothgar and realize that you are so tiny in this huge world. You see mountains and forests, snow-covered hills and ice-covered rivers... Honestly, this is now my new favorite place in ESO.”

Chevery had a similar reaction. He described Orsinium as "mountains and beautiful views everywhere". During the exploration of the surroundings, a happy accident happened to him. “I fell through a hole in the bridge and found a book with the history of the world!”

Indeed, there are plenty of delightful surprises in the orc homeland. “Behind the statue of Malacath, there is a cool hiding place for crafts,” says Sera. - "And with the Unfinished Dolmen (Unfinished Dolmen) is connected amazing story in pictures".

But material designer Greg Roth likes Nyzchaleft Falls more. "Not only is there an exciting boss fight, but there are stunning views and a steep frozen waterfall behind the Dwemer ruins."

New lands

Of course, Orsinium is not the only incredibly beautiful place in Tamriel. But the game world is very large, and that's why we asked the developers to tell us about their favorite places.

Lambert showed us a place in the lands of the Aldmeri Dominion. “In Malabal Tor, very close to Jode’s Pocket, there is one place where you can see the bay and the ship that has been washed ashore,” he says. “When the sun stands in a certain way, the water simply shines, and then an atmosphere of complete peace is created there. There is a crafting station there, so players sometimes go there to make things. But sometimes it's nice to just stand there and enjoy the view."

Roth has a similar feeling from one point in Craglorn. “Near the Skyreach region, there is an artist who is in one beautiful place. If you talk to him, he admits that he likes to paint not portraits, but landscapes. And you understand why when you see what he is going to draw - especially at sunrise. It's a beautiful, peaceful place, and even a little tragic when you think about the civilization that once existed there."

But there's so much fun in ESO that we could talk about it all for days. There's something for everyone there, from hardcore gamers to "tourists" looking to take in the sights. Sera said it best: "Just choose a direction and go - and you will definitely stumble upon something interesting."

A specific feature of the MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online, in line with its offline predecessor, is the unique character leveling system. You can jump, run around the city in absolute safety, and still be able to level up certain abilities. Of course, each player can independently choose the path they like, whether it is the path of a warrior with a huge two-handed weapon or the path of a wise wizard. Some even try to upgrade absolutely all skills in TESO, but it takes too much time. Accordingly, you need to know how and where it is best to spend it in order to get the maximum benefit.

So, as in other online games, with the killing of mobs or after completing quests, we get experience points. The game has some variety in the reward, and each participant in the process can count on:

  • Standard experience points (used for pumping endurance, strength, health, and so on);
  • Skill points (used to raise a specific skill);
  • "Heavenly Shards" (given only when performing special assignments).
  • Every newcomer entering the world of Tamriel for the first time should know that the characters on your account have a common champion system. That is, if you pump any hero to the maximum level, all subsequent characters will also have access to the “champion”. This is very convenient, since such a system allows each player to upgrade personal heroes for themselves, who will perform a specific role (only “tank” or only “heal”).

    Fast leveling in "The Elder Scrolls Online": important tips

    For fast and successful leveling of the character, you will need:

  • Know the actual places (spots) where experience is gained as quickly as possible;
  • Get special things that give bonuses to the experience gained;
  • Have in your backpack items that increase the experience gained (scrolls, elixir of Psijic Ambrosia).
  • As for things, anyone can craft them. On the early stages you will have to farm gold from local fauna in order to buy necessary materials, or, if you have sufficient resources, you can immediately purchase equipment from merchants.

    After we have acquired the “clothes” and ingredients to increase the experience, it is necessary to choose a location suitable for leveling in TESO. If you have only one character, then the most important aspect is to gradually follow through. storyline, as you can not only learn the basics of the game, but also determine the optimal skill branch for yourself over time.

    If we are not talking about the first character and you already have a pumped “champion”, then the following locations will be the most optimal spots for pumping:

  • Stonefalls (near Vivec`s Antlers Wayshrine) - there is a large concentration of monsters that can be destroyed with powerful spells. This is the most best solution, if you plan to pump a magician;
  • Deshaan - the location has a circular shape, so it will not be difficult for you to constantly run along a certain trajectory, collecting and destroying groups of bloodthirsty creatures;
  • Shadowfen - the spot is located next to a small camp surrounded by reptiles and unfriendly bipeds (leveling may seem more difficult due to mobs with magical abilities);
  • Alik Desert - there are two places suitable for pumping the character at once (on the beach by the sea, where bloodthirsty zombies hid).
  • In general, some of the above locations are well-known and some are less popular with players, so you can choose whether to sacrifice convenience when farming for the sake of lack of competition. Sometimes in the easiest but most popular places you will not be able to keep up with other characters, so it is recommended to choose spots with the least activity.

    Pumping on Dolmens

    There is another high-quality way to level up in TESO, which will allow you to quickly get to level 50 and increase the “champion”. And this way is to join forces with other players killing monsters in special locations.

    To do this, write the command "+ dolmen" in the game chat, after which you will automatically receive an invitation to the group. After the introduction, you will see where on this moment there are participants of the event, and now you can go to them for joint pumping.

    Having arrived at the place, you can start destroying monsters or simply get into afk mode, if suddenly there is a need for this. At the same time, experience will still “drip” for you, but you must remember that you can be thrown out of the game for a long absence, so it is recommended to return every few minutes to press a couple of buttons.

    That's all you need to know about fast leveling for every resident of Tamriel. Good luck on the battlefield!

    In 2E 582, Molag Bal launched an invasion against Nirn, his goal being to unite Nirn with his plan, which became known as the \Planemeld\Confluence of Planes. Molag Bal wanted to do this by using the many dark anchors or dolmens scattered across Tamriel (and possibly elsewhere too) to physically drag Nirn into the Coldharbour plane. It was only through the heroic actions of a famous hero that Molag Bal's plans were thwarted and everyone in Nirn was saved from the unenviable fate of becoming soulless slaves. Although there is no record of these events in history, the ruins themselves survive. Adventurers to this day report that many of them are guarded by Daedra, others by the undead, and some by unnatural abominations.
    This mod aims to bring some ESO lore to Skyrim by adding 12 inactive dolmens to Skyrim, all in relatively remote areas. For the most part, these are just stones, but some of them have enemies, so you can use them to acquire some hard-to-find Daedric ingredients. Explore Skyrim and you'll find them soon enough. Don't be lazy, explore the world and soon you will find them!


    Skyrim Special Edition or higher.
    DO NOT extract the contents of the BSA archive to the Data folder. This may crash your game. Skyrim is designed to be downloaded by BSA along with its ESM/ESP file. If you strongly go against this advice, you won't get any support for the problems you create as a result of it.


    Installation - Wrye Bash Bain
    Unzip the archive into a folder skyrim mods\bash installer and then install as usual. Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab.

    Installation - manually
    Place the Dolmen Ruins.esp and Ruins.bsa files in the Data folder. Enable the mod using any file manager.


    Due to the way Skyrim is played, especially when adding scripts, it is highly recommended that you do not attempt to remove mods from your active game. Any mod that is more than a texture replacement can leave permanent changes that can cause the game to crash.
    To uninstall the mod: delete Dolmen Ruins.esp and Dolmen Ruins.bsa from the Data folder, then restart your game as usual.

    The Morrowind expansion for The Elder Scrolls Online adds a huge new location to explore that is sure to bring nostalgia to fans of the series, and a new character class, the Warden. The large island of Vvardenfell hides many secrets and mysteries, including an incredibly complex social system that differs markedly from the social systems of other peoples of Tamriel.

    When you start playing the expansion, you will probably want to start completing its main quests as soon as possible, but for this your character must have the appropriate level. If you haven't reached the desired level yet, then be sure to check out our tips for quickly earning a lot of experience points (XP) for the Guardian class hero (however, this guide will work for other classes as well). So you can quickly raise your level and take on the passage of any missions.

    Guide to farming experience points in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind

    There are many ways to earn XP in the game, but we are going to list the best (fastest) among them so that you can complete your main goal of reaching the maximum level as soon as possible.

    The Skyreach Catacombs

    Even if you haven't made it to Morrowind yet, there's a great way to level up a Guardian in the vanilla game world. In principle, this method will allow any Guardian to reach the maximum level in just a few hours.

    To start leveling, head to Craglorn (contested zone) and teleport to the Skyreach Wayshrine to access the Skyreach Catacombs dungeon, which is one of the best dungeons for farming XP. Use the chat to find the right group, or pay a guide to take you through the catacombs and level up for cash. At the moment, players are asking from 1 to 5 thousand gold coins for this service.

    If it's not your first character, then you can earn Champion Points, which will help you complete the above dungeon alone.

    For farming experience points in Sky's Reach, you don't have to worry about boss fights. In the open area, you can find a loop - it is in both the northern and southern rooms. Do not get involved in the battle with the main villains, just go around the halls with them and destroy ordinary opponents. Walk in a circle, exit the dungeon, then re-enter and again engage in combat with the revived enemies.

    Whether you are in a group, a lone wolf, or hired as a guide's assistant, this method will allow you to fight with large quantity enemies in the shortest possible time. As a result, you will earn a huge amount of experience and quickly upgrade your hero.

    Boost your XP with Skill Points

    Skill points are the secret power of your Guardian. By unlocking passive skills, you can increase your strength and make it much easier to get new levels. Passives stack on top of each other and slowly unleash your power. As a result, you will be able to get skill points without increasing your level.

    Dungeon crawling is the most in a simple way to earn skill points. You will receive them for defeating bosses, completing story quests, and completing Dolmen Dark Anchors.

    You can also get skill points for finding skyshards (they will be issued every time you find 3 shards).

    Gather around the Dolmens

    Note: You don't need a good build, special equipment, or even high level to gain experience points when participating in world events related to Dolmens.

    Dolmen markers appear on all maps in The Elder Scrolls Online and should be familiar to all players. They are also called Dark Anchors. Periodically, world events occur, leading to the appearance of a huge number of enemies in one place. If you are a beginner, then determining the imminent start of a world event is quite simple. You should look around: if you see a large group of users waiting for something, then the influx of mobs will begin very soon.

    Most likely, you will immediately receive an invitation from some squad of players. Enter it - it should not be too big, otherwise you will receive too few experience points. Once in a group, go to the Dolmens - teleport to the nearest relocation stone and follow the plan. Often, after joining a squad, your teammates will immediately lead you to the next Dolmen event.

    Quests, quests and more quests

    If this is your first trip to the vast world of TES Online, then the best way Earning experience points is completing story quests, talking to characters in each city, and joining a Guild, where you will be given even more suitable work.

    Completing the main storyline will give you quite a few benefits - you will find waypoints to fast travel, and quests will take you to all the main locations of your faction. In addition, after completing the last quest, you will be able to open the starting cities of other factions, having the opportunity to fully explore the game world.

    Main quests spawn about every 5 levels and start with "The Hideout" - completing these quests gives a significant influx of experience points and they are well balanced for a single player game.