The elder scrolls 3 morrowind tips. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind guide and walkthrough


The map of Vvardenfell (that's how the damned Imperials call our Ridna Morrowind) is large and powerful, and wandering around it is a long and dangerous business. Especially for a young, green character. However, for the experienced too: some of the monsters grow in level with you. I don’t know about anyone else, but it rather annoys me with its obvious illogicality. Anyway.

Fortunately, you do not have to overcome all these roads on your own two feet. Transport companies Morrowind offers many cheap transportation services.

Flight pincers. The tick acts as Morrowind's main intercity transport, and a ticket for it costs a pittance. At the very beginning of the game, you will mainly use this particular public transport. AT major cities there is certainly a tick station. Small ones are optional.

ships. It is also fast and cheap, but ships, of course, go only to ports. True, among these ports there are fishing towns where no self-respecting tick will stomp even for double money.

Teleportation. For a nominal fee, members of the magic guild can use guild services to teleport to guild buildings in other cities. Where they are, of course.

But, of course, these funds are not delivered everywhere. Neither an elevator nor a helicopter will take you to the ancient ruins on a hike for an artifact. You will have to get there on your own two feet or with the help of magic. Somewhere even have to swim. In the sense - not on a boat, but on their own, turning over with their paws.

When traveling self-propelled, you will see a lot of interesting things that are not on the map in principle.

The biggest prey awaits you in the mines of glass, ebony (hmm. For normal people, ebony is ebony, but here it is dug ...), as well as in the lairs of Daedric demons. But, of course, the money is not so bad there, which means that the owners will try to make passive protoplasm out of you. Some, for this noble purpose, will even crawl out of their mine to deal with you preemptively.

The map is divided into segments, the boundaries of which are easy to see on your mini-map. When crossing them, the game loads the textures and models of the new territory. That is why, by the way, in the game you can not see anything through the window: the inside of the building is always a separate segment. The developers explain the opacity of the windows by the fact that, due to volcanic activity, the natives have to insert very thick glass...

On the way, keep track of the condition of your armor and weapons, do not forget to repair them in time - in stores or on your own. Don't fight with a blunted sword, tattered mail, or low stamina.

In cities, the traveler must be careful not to break the laws. Arrested for theft, murder, and so on, either pays a fine, or is imprisoned, where he quickly loses his hard-earned skills. From guard can fight back, but in the future your status in the city will be very doubtful.

Keep in mind that self-defense is not punishable. This means that you can tease the character (Taunt) so that he himself attacks you, and with a feeling of deep satisfaction, “protect yourself” from him.

It is interesting that when trying to sell the things stolen from him to the merchant, he identifies them and takes them away, but ... does not call the guards.

How to start the game

As you take your first steps in Morrowind, the game kindly tells you what to click on and where to look. However, let us briefly summarize useful hints.

The mouse pointer determines the direction of view (and movement). The movement itself is carried out using the keyboard: W- forward, A and S- left and right, respectively. The spacebar performs an action: use an item, inspect the contents of a chest, talk to a character, and so on.

Menu for saving, loading, exiting, etc. called by key Escape. Game menu - right-click. She also displays from this menu. The menu appears right on top of the game screen, and each part of it can be expanded, narrowed, moved, hidden (double-click on the menu title), left on the screen for the duration of the game (button at the top right of the menu), expanded to the maximum (double-click on the title while pressing key Shift).

To change equipment, you need to click on the desired item and, with the mouse button released, transfer it to the human figure. So this is non-standard. What a shame, the tutorial is just silent about this. In the equipment menu, you can switch filters for the type of equipment being viewed (for example, view only weapons).

The bars of health, mana and strength are at the bottom left, next to it is an active weapon, even more to the right is an active magic. Bottom right is a map.

J- magazine. In this game, it is difficult to do without a reminder - who and what instructed. But searching for information on it is not very convenient, since there is no structuring at all.

Key ‘. as usual, turns on the console. Team help allows you to view the list console commands. Among them are the ability to adjust video modes directly from the game, as well as several exotic commands like the path marking shown in the screenshot.

In the office, while you look around and deal with the interface, you will be asked to look into the barrel in the yard. There is a ring there; this ring is the key to the first of the optional tasks. Immediately upon entering the city of Seyda Nin, you will see a funny guy named Fargot, the owner of the ring, and you can give it to him. Further, see the chapter "Other tasks", task one.

The nearest store is also nearby, up the stairs.


All the necessary information can be obtained from oncoming characters. To do this, in a conversation with them, call keywords. In their replicas, they, in turn, name new keys. The effectiveness of communication directly depends on the skill of Eloquence.

The interface looks very simple: on the right - possible topics and ways of communication, on the left - a list of the character's lines. In fact, this is a simplified version even in comparison with the now popular choice of their phrases (as in Baldur's Gate or Arcanum): various incidents may arise there depending on the chosen tone, etc., but here the wording of the questions remains behind the scenes. You won't even know exactly how you asked your question.

Only in some cases will you be prompted to select a replica. Usually in response to a direct question.

Above the list of options is a bar that displays the ratio of the met to you (from 0 to 100).

There are more items on the same menu. If the interlocutor is selling something, there will be a “Barter” option. With him, everything is more or less clear. Pay attention to the ability to modify the price (buttons " + " and " - "). By using them, you activate (and train) the Trade skill. Don't be lazy to do it...

Another button - Persuade - allows you to try to use Eloquence to improve your attitude towards yourself. There are options: flatter (admire), threaten (intimidate), tease (taunt) or bribe (bribe, indicate how much money to offer). Keep in mind that in Morrowind, many citizens are so cultured and educated that they even read The Crow and the Fox in the original, and therefore rude flattery may not make the most favorable impression on them.

Among the topics of conversation, as a rule, there are “little advice” (little advice) and “little secret” (little secret). The former usually results in a piece of tutorial or information about local trade. The second is most often useless, but occasionally (especially with developed Eloquence) it gives out an additional task.

The battle

Even when expanded to full screen, the local map does not become intelligible.

No one in Morrowind can ignore the need for combat skills. There is no magician so “pure” that he would not need weapons and protection at all. Magic ends sooner or later, and then what? Shout "guard"?

To strike, press the left mouse button and release. The longer you hold it, the stronger the blow will be.

There are three types of strike: chopping (chop), cutting (slash) and stabbing (thrust). What kind of blow will be delivered is determined by the movement of the mouse: if it does not move or goes diagonally - chopping, if it goes horizontally - cutting, vertically - stabbing.

Of course, when choosing a strike, one must take into account both the type of enemy armor and the type of one's weapons. Don't cut with a spear and stab with a club... You can set the setting to automatically select the best type of attack, regardless of the movements of the mouse. But, in my opinion, this is unworthy of a real fighter.

The fight is affected by the reserve of forces. It is spent on actions and is knocked down by some attacks. If there is no strength left, you fall unconscious, with all the ensuing consequences.

The first thing to do, of course, is to get close to the enemy - especially if he pours arrows or magic on you. And it is better for this, firstly, to run all the time, and secondly, to run in a zigzag. (I just don’t advise running just like that: strength is expended.)

However, there is another move - in the battle against the magician; stand still, and just before the moment of casting the spell, move sharply to the side. Repeat until the adversary runs out of mana. Note that this method is much more efficient than just darting left and right: then it has time to calculate your movements. Option - jump out from behind an obstacle and run back; for the barrier all the same, the spell cannot be thrown.

If you are a shooter, the main advice is to keep the button pressed for longer. Bows and crossbows aren't very fast, and there's no point in saving draw time. And, if you rely on a bow in battle, train your dexterity to the limit!

If you rely on magic, you need to think over battle tactics individually for each opponent, especially on high levels. After all, you always risk being left without magical energy, and from different types your attacks can have different defenses.

In a serious battle, perhaps the surest start would be to summon a monster. True, he does not necessarily climb into battle; first you have to attack the enemy or be attacked by him. So, you still have to develop combat skills. In general, military magic works much more reliably in conjunction with weapons. It is very difficult to incinerate a strong opponent with only spells. But magic can only be used with free hands, and you have to switch quickly.


How to use magic? Where to get spells? Magic system The Elder Scrolls confuses many experienced players.

The spell can be purchased, or you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to know the appropriate magical effects and combine them in the appropriate menu. At the same time, the cost of the spell and the chance of its successful pronunciation will change in the upper right part of the screen. You have to pay money to make a spell. Additional controls allow you to adjust the duration, area of ​​effect and other parameters of the spell.

From the very beginning of the game, make a simple and harmless (this is important!) Spell that will do almost nothing; on it you will train magic, and at the same time you will understand the process of building a spell.

The size of your magical energy reserve directly depends on Intelligence, as well as race and zodiac sign. She recovers when she rests.

Please note that magic is not guaranteed to work. The more difficult the enchantment and the lower your skill in the corresponding school of magic, the higher the chance of the spell breaking.

Spell Making

You can buy a spell, or you can - with the help of a guild of magicians (see "Guilds") - create it yourself. To do this, there is a special menu in which the set of spell effects, duration, strength and area of ​​\u200b\u200baction are determined. All these parameters are used to calculate the final difficulty and cost of the spell. Thus, it is possible to balance the cost and power of a spell by cutting it down in some less important parameters, for example, to compose an enchantment with a powerful but short-lived effect for a reasonable cost.

(Actually, of course, the constructor of these spells does not change the logic of the game too much compared to the "classic" magic system: it's just setting up and combining spells. The only "high-quality" effect is "training" spells with extremely reduced parameters. Combining most effects doesn't make sense, so frankly I don't share my peers' enthusiasm for "creating your own spells".)

All spells, potions, scrolls and other magical items in the game somehow exploit magical effects from the same list. This list with my comments is given in the next section.

Nobody bothers to combine effects from different schools. However, using the spell will require skill in all disciplines involved.

Obviously, to create a spell, you must at least be able to use the corresponding effect. In order to learn this, it is enough to acquire at least one spell with its use.

A possible trick is a spell with zero duration. They are often used to train the respective school, although purists consider this to be a scam (and perhaps with good reason).


To give an object magical properties, you must first get and charge the soul gem (soul gem). The fact is that to enchant a thing, you need a soul that you put in this item ...

Thus, you will need a soul trap spell or a scroll of the same name - and a living creature. Cast a spell on him first, then kill him. This is the cruel method used to get magical things in Tamriel...

You can do the slander yourself, or you can - with the help of a specialist. In both cases, it is necessary to indicate the properties of the desired slander: what object we will enchant, what we will call it after that, what effect the spell will have, what strength, how to apply it. And, of course, whose soul will be invested there. Then pay for the process.

In all but the question of the soulstone, casting a hex is exactly like casting a spell.

You can recharge an item using all the same soul stones.

Please note that the quality of using a magic item also depends on the Hex skill.


With the help of alchemy, you can create a variety of potions. The effects of these potions, like all other magical items in the game, come down to a combination of items from the list given in the next chapter. The same skill manages the determination of the properties of discovered potions.

For practicing alchemy, it is desirable to have a mortar and pestle. It is also useful to have a retort, calciner and other devices: they improve the quality of the product. But, in principle, alchemical reagents can and simply be eaten, then they will also work (if knowledge in alchemy is high enough). The quality of the equipment is different and also has an impact on the result.

Alchemy perfectly replaces the types of magic inaccessible to warriors and thieves. Mages do not need it so much, but it also benefits.

Reagents for alchemy are taken from everywhere: bought, collected in the field from plants, or cut from a killed monster. Each reagent has its own primary effect. By hovering over it, you will recognize this effect - if your knowledge of alchemy is sufficient.

For example, the skin of an alit (an alite is such a monster) gives the effects of animal detection, telekinesis and poison resistance. If you use it in a potion and any other reagent that has telekinesis in the list of effects, you will receive a telekinesis potion. If you use it with another reagent that has poison resistance included in its properties, you will get a poison resistance potion. But : two the alit skins used in the potion will not give not only all three effects, but even one of them. One an instance of the skin has a chance to work in any of the ways available to it.

Soaring will give you no less inconvenience than mosquitoes in the taiga. They always move faster than you, and the walls are not their order.

Adding the third and subsequent ingredients will work in the same way: the potion will have all the effects that are present in two different mixture elements.

In some - very few - cases, the reagents do not produce the "correct" potion when mixed, but in most situations, the table in the next chapter will help you accurately calculate the effect of potions.

A table of reagent effects is provided at the end of the Magical Effects chapter.


Not the dumbest thing you can do in a game is join a guild. Or even several. The guild provides some services, gives tasks, and so on. The tasks of some guilds conflict with each other, but in general, no one bothers getting ranks in many guilds at once.

Guilds have skill and attribute requirements, upon reaching which you can get a certain guild rank. The tables are different, but the logic is the same: in order to advance through the ranks, you must reach a given level in two of the "core" attributes for the guild and in one or more skills from a long list.

Similar in many ways to the guilds are the Great Houses that rule Morrowind: Telvanni, Hlaalu, and Rendoran. But if joining a guild is more of a professional matter, then interaction with the Houses determines the political position of the hero. It is almost necessary to make your choice between them. These houses are directly related to the main professions: Telvanni - magicians, Hlaalu - merchants and thieves, Rendoran - warriors. So it's all boring.

Why contact a guild?

First, the guild offers training services. Believe me, it's not as expensive as it seems at first, and it's very useful: training in the guild saves bunch real time, wasted on the mechanical actions of character development. Secondly, in most guilds you can get hold of valuable equipment. Thirdly, you can always stay overnight in them. It's nice, you know, in this crazy world to have at least some place to call home! There are many other benefits, but the Mages Guild stands out from all the others.

Firstly, for those who are really seriously involved in magic, it provides the opportunity to create their own spells. How exactly - described above, in the chapter "Magic". Secondly, its transportation is one of the main ways to travel around Morrowind; what is important - no game time is spent on such a path, since magicians use teleportation to move. And, thirdly, the guild of magicians deals with slander on items. And without this it is difficult to do without any specialization. It is there, with the help of manipulations, similar to the creation of a spell, magical things are made from soul stones and ordinary, but high-quality things.

Here is a list of guilds in Morrowind:

Fighters Guild (Warriors Guild)

Basic Skills: Parry, Gunsmith, Heavy Armor, Impact Weapon, Long Blades, Axes

Key stats: Strength, Endurance

Mages Guild (Mages Guild)

Basic Skills: Hex, Destruction, Polymorph, Illusion, Mystic, Alchemy

Key stats: Intelligence, Will

Thieves Guild (Thieves Guild)

Basic Skills: Lockpicking, Stealth, Acrobatics, Light Armor, Short Blades, Marksmanship

Key Stats: Agility, Charm

Imperial Legion (Imperial Legion)

Basic Skills: Lockpicking, Stealth, Acrobatics, Long Blades, Spears, Athletics

Key stats: Stamina, Charm

Imperial Cult (Imperial Cult)

Basic Skills: Sorcery, Mysticism, Recovery, Unarmored Combat, Hacking, Trade, Impact Weapons

Key stats: Will, Charm

Tribunal Temple (People's Church)

Basic Skills: Sorcery, Mysticism, Recovery, Alchemy, Unarmored Combat, Impact Weapon

Key stats: Intelligence, Charm

Morag Tong (Morag Tong, Assassin's Guild)

Basic Skills: Illusion, Stealth, Acrobatics, Light Armor, Short Blades, Marksmanship

Key stats: Agility, Speed

magical effects

Described below all what magic is capable of in Tamriel. Effects, as already mentioned, are divided into schools.

Some of the effects can be grouped together: they are similar and differ only in one parameter. For example, damage to strength, damage to agility, damage to speed... In what follows, I will describe them under one heading (“Damage”), and in the text I will explain that this is not a single effect, but a group of options.


A very useful school for those who do not plan to rely on weapons, and, conversely, for those for whom magic is a deeply secondary tool. True, these categories of characters use it in different ways.

Summon Creature. A group with many options: summon a golden saint, an ancestral spirit, and so on. This is one of the most powerful magical abilities, but it costs accordingly, so it will not work to use it right and left. Challenges are an activity for experienced sorcerers.

However, in no case should you neglect it, even if your main occupation is not magic. Most importantly, the summoned creature can somehow compensate for your own weaknesses. After the expiration of the spell or the death of the creature, it naturally disappears along with the body, that is, it will not be possible to get prey from it.

Here is a complete list of the effects of this group: Summon Golden Saint, Spirit of the Ancestors, Flame, Frost, or Storm Atronach, Scamp, Walking Bones (Bonewalker), High Walking Bones, Bonelord, Clan Terror, Dremora, Daedroth, Skeleton -servant, winged twilight (winged twilight), hungry (hunger).

You can learn more about the properties of this cute living creature and undead in the chapter "Bestiary".

Command (Command). Temporarily takes control of the creature. Alas, for its price, this effect is not very useful, because either due to problems with artificial intelligence, or as intended, but the actions of the enchanted creature leave much to be desired. There are two options: a command to a humanoid or an animal.

Turn Undead. A cheap and nice undead dispersal that allows you to quickly penetrate where, according to your level, it’s still not supposed to penetrate. Most authorities do not recommend it, arguing that it is wiser to immediately destroy the undead, but I do not agree with them: this effect is very cheap.

Summon an item (Bound Item). You snatch a "demonic" item out of thin air that weighs nothing and improves your stats. In essence, this "little thing" is a Daedra, which has taken the desired form especially for you. Appreciate her services... It is for this opportunity that Sorcery is usually studied by warriors.

Known in variants: summoning a dagger, sword, mace, spear, axe, bow, cuirass, helmet, shield, mittens. If the mage has his own item of the same type, then he disappears for the duration of the spell, and after it ends arises again.

Carefully: Never cast spells of this type with a duration of 0, nor attempt to drop a Daedric item. At least for now Bethesda will not issue a corresponding patch.


Pretty much just for mages. It is pointless for a warrior to "play" with these spells, they duplicate normal attacks. Some sense for them is, perhaps, only vulnerability to conventional weapons and, perhaps, reducing the strength of the enemy.

Damage. This is also not one effect, but a whole group. Damage can be inflicted on health, magical energy, stamina, any of the attributes or skills. When the damage spell ends are not restored.

Decreases (Drain). The same, but temporarily.

What to choose here? It is clear that such wonderful features as damage to the Charisma or Trade skill should be forgotten, as nightmare. Only those effects that directly harm combat capabilities make sense: first of all, it is worth hitting Strength. Oddly enough, Health damage is relatively rarely used: the fact is that there are also elemental attacks that are usually more effective - except when the enemy is resistant to the elements.

The choice between damage and reduction is quite subtle and depends on your strength as a mage and as a warrior. If you plan to kill the enemy quickly, then reducing yourself will fully pay off: the enemy will not live to restore his characteristics. If you want to weaken it, because you do not trust your combat capabilities too much, then you need to choose a stronger type.

Soarers are everywhere. And some of them are still spreading the infection...

Elemental Attack (Fire / Frost / Shock Damage). These three magical attacks are the primary means of arcane slaying an enemy. You need to be able to use all three, since monsters are often resistant to one or two of these attacks. The most penetrating of these attacks is electric (shock), but the rest should not be underestimated.

Poison. No need to explain what it is. He would have been very good if it had not become fashionable among monsters to develop resistance to him. Too many opponents will simply laugh at your Borgia manners. Not our choice.

Vulnerability (Weakness). Reduces the victim's resistance to certain types of attacks. Among these effects, there are, in my opinion, simply idiotic ones - like reducing resistance to corprus disease or to ordinary diseases (a separate bonus is for someone who explains how to infect an enemy with them!), But there are also very useful ones, first of all - vulnerability to conventional weapons. This effect is a favorite toy of conjuring warriors. In my opinion, instead of being vulnerable to certain types of magic, it's easier to have a more diverse set of spells, but some of my acquaintances praise the effectiveness of the bundle: vulnerability to, say, fire and a fire attack in one spell. Don't know. To be honest, I didn't like it.

Destruction (Disintegrate). Deals powerful damage to weapons or armor (these are two different effects).

It is not used as an offensive weapon. nobody. I am unable to understand what made the authors to program this miracle. However, it does have one use that has a connotation of cheating: it hurts own armor, then to train the Gunsmith skill. It's not much fun, but more fast way I don't know how to practice this skill.



Almost everyone takes this school, since it is simply necessary to recover from various attacks. Otherwise, you will have to load up to the eyeballs with spell-replacing potions.

Healing (Cure). The effects of this group remove unwanted conditions, such as: paralysis, poison, disease, pestilence (blight), corprus. Why are needed, I think, it is clear without comment. It's pretty hard to get by without them.

Return (Restore). This group restores damaged (see previous section) attributes, skills, and secondary stats. Undoubtedly a necessary thing, since spells that permanently reduce characteristics are more than enough.

Strengthening (Fortify). Effects in this group enhance attributes or secondary stats. They allow at the same time to exceed the limit available to the character. The spells in this group are quite effective, especially strengthening strength. They are often used in the kit before a serious fight. Standing apart is the strengthening of the attack, which increases the chances of hitting, but it is just rather frivolous.

Remove Curse. There is a heated discussion on the Web about the question: where the hell can you find a curse in order to be able to remove it with such a spell? So far, no reliable way to acquire a curse has been found. Perhaps in the code around this effect there was a comment “Remove this fucking thing”, but they forgot to do it.

Resist. Another large group of effects: they increase resistance to all sorts of poisons, diseases, elements, and even ordinary (but not charmed and not silver) weapons. As a rule, they are used before a serious fight.


My favorite school. Flexible and efficient. Even Sun Tzu said that a battle prevented is better than won... However, for warriors its applicability is relatively small, illusions are the lot of magicians and thieves.

Invisibility Veterans role playing they won't believe if I tell them that no one the monster in the game cannot see the invisible! However, this is exactly the case. You can go anywhere with invisibility. True, any active action removes it. But invisibility costs quite a bit.

Important: She not completely replaces Stealth skill. With urban theft, the skill is more reliable.

Chameleon (Chameleon). Insanely expensive - and deservedly so! - effect: invisibility plus the ability to act freely without breaking the spell. In reality, this can only be used at high levels, but when you grow up to them, then repeatedly praise yourself for a good choice.

Light (Sanctuary). Also a high-level and very powerful effect. Potentially complete (!) invulnerability to any physical attack. Even a partial effect is far superior to all the resilience options from the Restoration school.

Paralysis. And this, in turn, is one of the best arcane combat techniques. A paralyzed monster does not run, does not chase, does not fight, and it is very easy to hit him. But even better than casting this spell is putting it into a weapon!

Blinding. Almost the same, but weaker and cheaper. I did not like it too much: it is too easy to escape from it.

Light (Light). Is it worth it to shine yourself with magic? Don't know.

Night vision (Night Eye). I like this effect much more than the previous one, but with one “but”: it works so “honestly” that the bright light begins to blind the eyes when the spell is in effect.

Charm (Charm). This is not a combat opportunity. Charm makes the target feel better about you. A sort of replacement for Eloquence. I prefer skill, but options are possible.

Silence. If this effect were not so expensive, it would become one of my favorites. But the price leaves much to be desired. Silence neutralizes the victim's magic (in whole or in part).

Noise (Sound). A cheap substitute for Silence. Like many cheap substitutes, of little use. Unless Silence is too difficult for you.

Calmness (Calm). This and all subsequent spells of the school have two versions - for an animal and for a humanoid. Undead and Daedra are immune to them.

Battle spell murderous strength. The enemy does not attack, and you can beat him with impunity. different from paralysis. only the fact that the enemy can move and dodge blows. Sometimes the creature remains friendly to you even after the spell ends.

Frenzy. Replacement for teasing (Taunt). It has one meaningful use: to make someone attack you in order to kill him without the risk of getting into trouble with the law.

Demoralize. Similar to turning undead: causes the target to flee. But the illusionist has invisibility in reserve, and he does not need additional means of passing dungeons without a fight. In general, I think this effect is rather meaningless.

Inspiration (Rally). Removes fear from the target. Yes Yes exactly. The inspiration of the animal is especially inspiring. This is another effect that makes you think: where did the developers let their brains go when they invented such nonsense?


This mainly includes travel spells. In battle, this school of magic will not help you, but the rest of the time ... In general, it is better not to refuse it to anyone.

Levitate. Without flying, one cannot get into many places (especially in the Telvanni domain: this sorcerous house despises those born to crawl!). Flyers can save a lot of time flying over mountains. In general, any player Might & Magic knows that flight is one of the highest priorities in the study of magic.

Walking on water (Water Walking). A very nice way to overcome water obstacles: in this case, you will not be attacked by sea creatures. Something, but there is plenty of water in this game ...

Fast swimming (Swift Swim). Few people seriously use it as a spell, but many cast it on some item of clothing. The advantage may not be great, but it is useful.

Breathing under water (Water Breathing). A must for underwater travel.

Slow fall (Slow Fall). Reduces the effects of a fall. Not a fountain, but useful at the beginning of the game.

Closure (Lock). Locks doors and chests. Science knows only one use for it: lockpicking training.

Opening (Open). The opposite effect - unlocks the lock. Much better than the previous one. However, serious locks in the game require its use with 100% efficiency.

Jump Strengthening acrobatic skills. However, its use is fraught with problems: see the chapter "Fighting the program". If not for the holes in the code, it would be much nicer.

Shield. Skill group: a normal shield reflects attacks with a weapon, elemental shields - attacks of the corresponding element. Similar to Resilience spells from the Restoration school. Useless.

Cargo (Burden). By design, this enchantment should overload the target, so that it will barely move. In fact, nothing like this happens, because the monsters carry very little load. A spell with this effect is not worth the paper it's written on.

Feather. Reduces the weight of your cargo.

All decent people use strength strengthening (Restoration school) instead. Few people really neglect this school. And the effect of strengthening strength, including the ability to carry a larger load, is by no means exhausted by this.


No character type can boldly reject the school of mysticism. Her spells seem to have little to do with each other, but many of them are not just necessary, but irreplaceable.

Soul Trap. With this effect, soul stones are obtained: they conjure it on a creature before killing it, and get its power at their disposal for slander. Another way to get the soul stone does not exist, so you will definitely need this effect.

Telekinesis. Allows you to take or open something from a distance. The only real users of this effect are pickpockets.

Dispelling spells (Dispel). Removes magical effects from the target. Makes sense, but rarely used. Sometimes it is combined with some kind of strengthening or healing effect. Diseases, poisons, permanent effects from magical items are not removed by these enchantments.

Mark. Marks a place for subsequent teleportation. If you do not want to spend half your life wandering, I recommend that you definitely get this effect.

Return (Recall). Teleports the character to a previously marked point. Regarding usefulness - see above.

Divine Intervention. Teleports you to the nearest Imperial cult chapel. A means to escape from the battlefield, and not only; in conjunction with the previous spell, it allows you to travel for free already between two key points.

Almsivi Intervention. The same, but transfers to the local temple.

Both at dawn and at night the guards are in place. But their eyesight wins back honestly.

Detection A group of effects that finds something and represents it on the mini-map. Options: detection of living beings, keys, magic items. It would be good for everyone if the mini-map of Morrowind were not so disgustingly inconvenient.

Spell Absorption. Very expensive, but necessary combat capability. The spell targeted at you does not deal damage, but is absorbed and adds to your magical energy. At low levels, it is of little use, but at high levels it is truly priceless.

Absorption. The rest of the effects in the "absorb" group will drag points of attributes or secondary characteristics from the target to you. A sort of combination of damage and strengthening. Acquired attribute points disappear over time, but secondary stats do not. A great item, especially useful when applied to a weapon. A sword that absorbs power is a terrible thing.

Reflection of magic (Reflect). Another protection against magic: a spell aimed at you does not hit you, but the one who cast it. Almost as useful as absorb, though many creatures are resistant to their own spells.

Effects of alchemical substances

Here are all the properties of the 69 reagents I discovered that I was able to recover. Perhaps this list is incomplete, but, in any case, close to it.

For ease of orientation in this table, I will give the names of the substances in the original language.


Alit hide. Animal detection, telekinesis, poison resistance.

Ampoule pod. Animal detection, walking on water.

Ash salts. Treatment of a pestilence.

Ash yam. Strengthening intelligence, detecting keys, strengthening strength, resistance to common diseases.

Bitter green petals. Invisibility, intelligence restoration.

When it comes to sunrises, Morrowind really has no equal.

black anther. Resistant to fire, light.

Black lichen. Cold resistance, poison cure.

Bloat. Animal detection, intelligence strengthening, will strengthening.

Bonemeal. Telekinesis.

Bungler's bane. Breaking the spell.

Chokeweed. Restoration of stamina, treatment of common diseases.

Coda flower. Levitation.

Comberry. Magic recovery, magic reflection, fire shield.

Corkbulb root. Restoration of health, strengthening of luck, treatment of paralysis.

Corprus weepings. Restoration of health, strengthening of good luck.

crab meat. Luck recovery, stamina recovery, shock resistance, lightning shield.

Daedra skin. Strengthening strength, curing common diseases, swimming fast.

Daedra's heart. Recovery of magic, strengthening of endurance, night vision.

Diamond. Reflection of magic, detection of keys.

Dreugh wax. Restoration of strength, strengthening of strength.

ectoplasm. Strengthening dexterity.

Emerald. Restoring health, strengthening magic.

fire petal. Fire resistance, magic absorption.

fire salts. Shield of fire, strengthening agility.

Frost salts. Shield of cold, restore magic.

Ghoul heart. Poison treatment.

Gold canet. Restoration of strength.

Gravedust. Treatment of common diseases, restoration of stamina.

green lichen. Strengthening charm, treatment of common diseases.

Guar hide. Restoration of charm, strengthening of endurance.

Hackle lo leaf. Restoring luck, breathing water.

Heather. Feather, charm restoration.

Hound meat. Detection of magical items, restoration of stamina.

Hypha facia. Detection of magical items.

Kagouti hide. Strengthening speed, resistance to common diseases.

Kresh fiber. Strengthening charm.

Kwama cuttle. Breathing water, resistant to poison.

Large kwama egg. Shield of cold, restoration of stamina, strengthening health.

Luminous russula. Breathing water.

Marshmerrow. Restoration of health, discovery of magical items.

moon sugar. Dispelling spells, fortifying speed.

Muck. Treatment of common diseases, discovery of clues.

Netch leather. Treatment of paralysis, strengthening endurance, strengthening intelligence.

Pearl. Resist normal diseases, dispel spells, water breath.

racer plumes. Levitation.

Rat meat. Poison treatment, poison resistance.

raw ebony. Speed ​​recovery, poison cure, cold shield.

raw glass. Shield of fire.

red lichen. Treatment of common diseases.

Resin. Health regeneration, speed regeneration, resistance to common diseases.

Roobrush. Treatment of poison, strengthening speed.

ruby. Feather.

Saltrice. Restoring stamina, strengthening magic, restoring health.

scales. Fast swimming, walking on water.

Scamp skin. Restoration of strength, treatment of paralysis, restoration of charm.

scathecrow. Treatment of poison, restoration of will.

Scribe jelly. Recovery of will, strengthening of will, restoration of stamina, treatment of poison.

Scribble jerky. Fast swimming, strengthening the reserve of forces, restoration of the reserve of forces.

Scuttle. Recovery of stamina, strengthening of stamina, feather, telekinesis.

Shalk resin. Strengthening health, strengthening speed.

Sload soap. Fortify agility, shield of fire.

Spore pod. Key detection.

stoneflower petals. Strengthening magic, strengthening charm.

Trama root. Levitation.

vampire dust. Strengthening health, absorbing magic.

Violet corprinus. Walking on water.

Void salts. Absorption of magic.

Willow anther. Cure Paralysis, Cure Common Diseases, Cold Shield.

Wickwheat. Health recovery.

Struggling with the program

These bugs annoy me, Postumus,

Even more than those that crawl around the kitchen...


I had a friend, a sweet, pretty girl. Programmer. Somehow she spoke about the previous part of the series, Daggerfall, more or less like this:

- And I would have kissed the developers of Daggerfall! And then I would put him in a trash can and a volume of Knut on the forehead, on the forehead! And she would say: “Teach, bastards, materiel! And then come up with a brilliant game - you can, but you program like shoemakers!

And her face reflected a complex range of feelings ...

The game The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall it was not for nothing that she received the proud nickname “Baggerfall” among the people. The battle between bugs and virtues of the program did not stop. The game seemed to be mocking the unfortunate user: it crashed everywhere, created corrupted save files, drove into a dead end, spawned and destroyed objects... In a word, come up with any software glitch - and be sure you will find it in Daggerfall. In forty-two places, and in three of them - in a particularly perverted form.

Oh you who haven't played it: imagine what it was a game, if even under such conditions she did not leave hard drives for years?!

Why am I, what do you think? And besides, in the glorious Tamriel, things with programmers, although they have changed for the better since those ancient times, but no, no, and the bestial grin of an impudent, fat bug will flash through the elegant landscapes of Morrowind. At the same time, due to the fact that we live in Russia and some of the readers will almost certainly get acquainted with the game before the release of the official version of the pirated copies, acquired by pirated vivisection are added to the congenital blunders. And then - when the game is translated, localization glitches will appear ...

Typical glitches and how to deal with them

Problems of interaction with equipment

If you have not installed the latest hardware drivers on your computer, especially video cards, get ready for the game to crash. If set, it will still fly out.

The Software RealTime Shadow option must be set to Off, at least for Windows XP, otherwise the program freezes the entire computer at times.

Shadows... no, you can hardly do anything about it, just watch them from time to time. The shadow may not have, for example, a head or clothes. Looks very fun. And not uncommon - shadows from creatures located on the floor above.

Avoid using the mouse wheel: the intimate subtleties of processing this action in the program lead very often to the fact that the wheel, released long ago, continues to spin for another five minutes from the point of view of the program.


One of the most common bugs is getting (you and other characters) stuck in furnishings. If you are not stuck, then this is the personal grief of the corresponding monster, but you will have to get out. In the literal sense of the word, that is, to spin, twitch and jump. This is where Acrobatics can come in handy...

Worse, sometimes when jumping, you can fall through the floor. It is treated only by loading a saved game, as far as I know. Also avoid over-leveling Acrobatics, otherwise you will regularly fly through the ceiling - partially. The first problems occur at skill 50, systematic - at 70.

An oddity in the same category: monsters with wide animations, as well as archers, have a "blind spot" where, due to a problem with model docking, they cannot hit you at all. But they are trying.

When practicing alchemy, in no case do not press Enter: for reasons unknown to science, the game quickly crashes into the system from this.

The game has "broken" items, when put on which the game falls out. It is better not only not to wear such things, but not even to sell them; sometimes this leads to irreversible consequences. Items summoned by a spell cannot be dropped (also, you should not cast a summon item spell with zero duration).

From time to time exit the game and enter again. This will reduce the chance of the file being broken while saving the game on write. And the number of game crashes will also fall. And less likely to go missing items.

An invisible monster can be "actually" visible, it's just that the texture was not loaded to it. Log out of the game and log back in...

If you want to drink several potions, exit inventory mode after each dose, otherwise it is likely that only one bottle will work.

A bug that, in essence, is a hole for crooks: things with pluses to characteristics gradually “grow”, and if they are removed, the characteristic looks like it has received damage (drained). So, it can be ... right, cured. And continue to live with an undeserved plus. And then, putting the thing back, get another one...

You cannot change the name of a self-created class. Although the documentation states that it is possible.

The patch just came out. I have not yet checked which of the bugs they are treated and to what extent. But I'm ready to put the calf against the egg, that this patch is far from the last one.

Program settings

In addition to glitches, the problem is unthinkably high system requirements and confusing game settings. I will note in brackets: I have not yet been able to find a computer on which the game is at maximum settings generally would not slow down.

So let's dig into the settings. They live in two places: in the Options menu and in the Morrowind.ini file. Attention: this is not the same settings! And sometimes they work ... very unexpectedly. So maybe they should have been discussed in the chapter on bugs...

Let's start with an interesting item in the ini file: DontThreadLoad (0 by default). This setting determines whether textures will be loaded in real time. 0 means yes. And in fact, it can be translated as: “my computer is so cool that I don’t give a damn about FPS.” For this “loading in real time” eats up an unthinkable amount of resources, and besides, it crashes; there is an opinion that it is because of her that the characters sometimes lose body parts. Set to 1: a message about loading textures will now appear, but everything that needs to be loaded will be loaded and will not take resources from the engine during the rendering process.

First of all, this setting will help those who have a decent enough video card, but with memory or processor speed, things are so-so. With this option, I managed to achieve - I will not say acceptable, but not infuriating game speed on the Celeron 333 processor.

Another oddity is the famous MaxFPS setting. By default, it is 240. This, of course, is nice, but a car capable of such a thing has not yet been born, and if it was born, it did not fit into the sale. Encouraging the megalomania of your computer, you achieve only a suboptimal allocation of resources. Reduce to something more real. 60, for example.

In addition, there are many more ways to improve the number of frames by cutting back on graphical capabilities. For example, disabling Pixel Shading. It hurts and hurts, but sometimes you have to ...

On the Web, you can find an opinion that changing the resolution does not affect the speed of the game. This, of course, is nonsense. The hypothesis has been refuted in practice. Moreover, this setting (located not in the configuration file, but in the Options menu), as well as LightAttenuation (UseConstant=1), also unloads the processor, not the video card, in the first place.

1 2 All

For newbies.

As for me the best weapon in Morrowind, a gnome crossbow. It is easy to get it by arriving in Tel Branora (from Vivek by ship) and killing a bunch of opposition-minded citizens not far from the port, led by an aunt in a blue robe. The local authorities will not object, on the contrary, one of the main tower comrades freely walking around will reward 1000 drakes for this massacre. The conspirators themselves are weak, with luck they can even be made a hero of the 1st level. One of them will have a gnome crossbow.

The hit of this crossbow is 30-30, which is better than the 2-50 of the summoned and 2-40 artifact bows. Lack of scatter means reliability and confidence. In addition, it is more pleasant to shoot from a crossbow in the game, its animation does not block the target.

Of course, this is two times less than the coolest artifact swords, axes and hammers. But small arms have a lot of tactical advantages. Being at a distance from shooting magic, you can easily dodge - it slowly fly, and those who run to the shooter to fight in hand-to-hand combat, as a rule, do not even have time to run. For example, the standard scenario of a battle with a golden saint (one of the coolest monsters): runs - shot - shuddered, runs again - shot - fell to his knees, got up - shot - shuddered, ..., runs - shot - fell and did not get up.

If the enemy is cooler, then you can shoot him by flying over him, or by jumping onto a neighboring building, or by standing behind an obstacle like a bush, a rope railing, a table, etc. A high stealth skill for melee weapons is only the first critical hit. The shooter, on the other hand, can simply hide in the middle of the battle and, standing in the center of the hall, calmly looking at the target with clear, clear eyes, shoot it, and at that time the target will rush around the room in a panic. :)


The easiest and most useful way in all respects to become wealthy is alchemy. Arriving in Balmora and receiving money from Kassades, go to the Mages Guild, buy an apprentice mortar from Azira and move to the Sadrith Mora Mages Guild. One floor down in the sanctuary of the imperial cult will be an ingredient vendor in a brown monastic tunic. He has endless salted rice and swamp reeds for sale. Both are cheap and light. When mixed, a health increase potion is obtained. Pumping technology - buy ingredients from a monk, make potions from them, sell these potions to him, repeat. The more chemicals, the more the alchemy skill rises, the fewer ingredients go into marriage and the better, more expensive the potion. Very soon, if almost immediately, the process reaches self-sufficiency, and then it begins to bring huge income.

For infinite products, there is a way to avoid buying multiple times a little each time by increasing the amount of refurbishment from the vendor to a more manageable level. For example, if you want to increase volumes from 10 to 20 per purchase, then you just need to sell 10 such products to this seller once, and from that moment on, the seller’s number will be restored to 20. If you then sell another 30, then this number will increase to 50 etc.

In this way - bought, chemisted, sold - the entire leveling of alchemy to 100 takes about half an hour of real time, while a bunch of unsold potions for many thousands of drakes remain nearby, which can then be sold to anyone who wants to buy them. For example, immediately after the full buildup of alchemy, or a little earlier, when there is a tangible overabundance of unsold potions (the monk will simply not be able to buy them), you can return through the guild of magicians to Balmora, go to the White Harbor to Nalkiria and buy the grandmaster's mortar from her. Then the quality and cost of produced potions will increase by 3 times.

At the Sadriit Mora Mages Guild, the Ingredients Vendor has Infinite Rider Feathers and Trama Root, which when mixed together yield a Potion of Levitation. The ingredients themselves are quite expensive, but in terms of the cost of the potions exchanged for them, they are mere trifles. So we buy as many as we need. 5 dozen to start, I think it will be enough :). They weigh a little, 0.1 each, i.e. all together 2 times smaller than some kind of imperial steel pauldron. And more benefits.

The strength of the levitation potion determines the flight speed, which is always low, and if you drink 2 potions in a row, the speed does not increase anymore, because the second levitation potion begins to act only after the first one expires. This drawback of the potion can be easily avoided. To do this, you need to add a second effect to the potion so that the time of their exposure does not coincide, for example, the effect of restoring health. To the feather of the rider and the root of the trama is added wikwit (endless can be found in the balmora temple) and salted rice. The resulting potion not only gives levitation but also heals, while it weighs just as little and still costs nothing. But most importantly, if you drink several of these potions in a row, the effect of the levitation of the potions is summed up, and the flight becomes comfortable.

Another way to improve the quality of potions is to increase intelligence potions. In the same Imperial cult shrine below the Mages Guild in Sadrith Mora, there is a second attendant, but in a red tunic. He has an ashy yam and a fat spork. The potion obtained from them increases the intellect of our hero. The effects of these potions always stack. After drinking 20 such drinks in a row, the hero temporarily becomes much smarter, and at this time the quality of the drinks produced by him is also greatly improved. So you can get a levitation potion of more than 100 points. But you can not stop there, but make even more powerful potions to increase intelligence and apply them. And then even more powerful. Etc. If you get carried away, you can bring the intellect to several hundred thousand, then the strength of the potions prepared by such a very smart hero will be measured in many thousands of points, and their duration will be many days. A terrible thing, this alchemy :). Cool, but I don’t advise drinking this, the engine will sausage not like a child.

The beginning of active actions will be rather passive. In fact, we continue to build ties and strengthen our position. To do this, let's try to do several things at once.

First, we receive from Kai the task to communicate with Hasphat Anabolis from the Fighters Guild...


In addition, you can immediately begin a set of activities to acquire a wonderful sword (next page), but it's better to start a little later. However, it's up to you.)

On the way to Hasfat, we pester all passers-by on the subject of “the latest gossip”. Until we get an entry in the diary that the legionnaire Llarius Varro from Fort Moonmoth is subtly looking for a "special errand mercenary". This is our second address for conversation in the near future.

We communicate with Hasfat, we get the task of refurbishing the Dwemer ruins near Fort Lunar Butterfly. We go to the Fort (along the way, Christmas trees!), We receive from Llarius the task of finding and destroying a group of bad comrades in Balmora. Asking passionately about everything, at the same time we get the second task - to destroy the Nordling bandit near the village of Hla-Oud. Remember, this will come in handy very soon. At the exit from the room, we approach the leader of the Lunar Butterfly Fort, the Nord Radd the Hardhearted, and untwist him to the information that recruitment to the Legion is made in Gnisis. Rudd is reluctant to communicate, you need to talk to him with compliments and do not forget about the Ring of the Thief.

After that, we run to the Dwemer ruins. I won't go into details, it's simple. Moreover, this campaign convinces us that Eprst is in good combat shape, and easily copes with weak and poorly armed opponents. We raise skills, grow in level, collect goods for sale and, by the way, find diamond for habasi(if you didn't take them on the way from Seyda-Nin to Balmora). Saved money and got the job done. In the end, we pick up the Dwemer puzzle and return to Hasfat.

“Just in case - 1”, the Dwemer puzzle is HERE - “Just in case - 2” - maybe Xif does not know that on the floor of the room where we find the Dwemer puzzle, there are Dwemer coins lying around. They pull a little thing for fifty dollars, and a skunk, that is, a scamp, buys them. And now we need money, very much, we will have to spend thousands of dollars very soon - we will buy the Golden Mark sword. But this is a little later. This is how the coins are scattered -

So. We plundered the Dwemer ruins and returned to Balmora. We give the cube to Hasfat, report to Kai about the completion of the task, and he immediately directs us to the aunt-orc Sharn gra-Muzgob from the Guild of Mages. (May I not write their names? You will break your fingers ...). We are instructed to bring the skull of Llevul Andrano from this tomb -

This is a non-standard route, usually they get to Pelagiad through a suspension bridge near the mine, but, firstly, it’s faster, and secondly, this way we won’t meet the pilgrim aunt, whom we will have to accompany at a snail’s pace. We quickly figure out that there is a stone's throw away - Fields of Kummu, where we need to donate musk and mark a visit to one of the seven Pilgrimage points - the first task of the Temple. Musk is sold by Nalkyrie. All the junk that the orchess gave us in the Guild of Mages can be safely sold - our sword (from Seyda-Nin, our first purchase in the game) is enchanted, and copes well with the undead. We still didn’t have enough to wave a dagger ...

Before leaving Balmora, do not forget to bring a diamond Sweet-voiced Habasi. The cat promotes us in the Thieves Guild and asks us to bring the key to the Nerano estate. You can take your time with this task - when we kill " bad people”, we will take this key calmly and without hassle from one of the corpses. This time. And we don't have the necessary skills to upgrade with Thieves yet. This is two. So “tarapidza nada no”. We still have time to make a thieving career.

That's it. You can go towards Pelagiada. You don’t just have to cross the river on the bridge, go out through the gate, as the right ones. We'll climb over the slope right behind the South Wall Inn, and cut a big corner. Remember this route, it will come in handy. After all, we quickly pass the game, we need to appreciate every minute! 😉 Here is this hillside -

Then everything is simple - we check in at the triolith Fields Kummu, pull out the skull from the tomb, return to Balmora, give the skull and report to Kai. One little thing - along the way, a pretty Breton woman asks us to find one pepper in Pelagiada (this is a matter of seconds) and give him a glove. Pepper sends a note to Morrie, love wins, and we are advised to visit a certain Emuzette Brakwes in Tel Arun for friendship. No need to count on something, this is an ordinary dynamo - Emuzette Brakwes will thank us for our help and give us a health restoration potion. But you still need to help the girl, not at every step in this game we come across cute Bretons.

The fights in the tomb will not be the easiest - we will need a health restoration spell, a regeneration ring, and a potion. But you can improve the equipment a little (but a little) and raise the level. After this tomb, Yoprst already looks like this -

Kai gives us a task in Vivec, but going there just for the sake of three dialogues is stupid. Therefore, we will postpone this task, and we ourselves will be engaged in the production of a wonderful sword named “Golden Mark”.

Since then, time has passed, and the editors of TGM became interested in how things are now with an ambitious mod? In short: wonderful.


May this year The Elder Scrolls 3 turns 17 years old. The game still lives in the hearts of fans who return to the vastness of Vvardenfell again and again. However, it is technically outdated. Yes, stability Morrowind on newer computer systems leaves much to be desired. And the further, the worse. Solving problems with the stability of the game is problematic due to the closed source code of the engine, so the project appeared OpenMW - free modern open source engine that re-implements and extends features gamebryo.

Ideas that used to be very difficult to implement, finally got a good implementation. One of these ideas was the multiplayer mode. Teams TES3MP and OpenMW have worked closely with each other in recent years, exchanging experience and helping to implement complex ideas. The result of their long-term cooperation was the recent (February 2019) announcement: the teams are joining forces, TES3MP, which has been a separate modification all this time, will become one of the main features of the new OpenMW engine. The date of the final merger is not yet known. , but it is likely that work on the integration will begin shortly after the release OpenMW 1.0.0.

You will meet similar heroes in the open spaces of multiplayer Morrowind more than once

Morrowind Multiplayer

The current version of the project is 0.7-alpha, which, according to the developers, is "very playable". If you look at the list of changes that is published with each new version the project is already in a very stable phase. There are still minor issues, such as the lack of synchronization of part of the scripts, due to which NPCs only react to the player on whose client their AI is running. Also all active effects character are reset when exiting the game. The developers are actively working on fixing such trifles. Most of the game moments that affect a comfortable game in the company work stably.

Build a fortress out of pillows, what could be better?

How to install Morrowind Multiplayer

To start a journey with other players through the expanses of Vvardenfell:

  1. Download tes3mp for the desired system from this one and extract it to any folder.
  2. Run openmw-wizard.exefrom the tes3mp folder and specify the path to Morrowind.esm.
  3. Run openmw-launcher.exeand select your extensions and plugins under Data Files. This step is not necessary if you already have OpenMW installed and running, because tes3mp will just use the same settings as it does.By default, the servers only require you to use Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon.
  4. Press start button fromopenmw-launcher.exe or run tes3mp-browser.exe,to launch the server browser.You can also start your own server usingtes3mp-server.exe,and then connect to it after refreshing the browser.
  5. In the server browser, double-click the desired server and check its details, and then try to connect to it.

If your plugin list matches the server plugins, the game will load and you will need to enter your name.If your name has never been used on this server, you will be prompted to register it and enter a password

And then what?

The project lives and thrives, the developers plan to develop it even faster. In the meantime, we invite you to return to this world, only this time in good company. And what could be a better excuse than a copy Morrowind, which can be obtained by anyone in honor of the 25th anniversary of the series The Elder Scrolls?

was with you , the material was prepared specifically for TGM - Tesall Game Magazine.