Unusual "talents" and "active effects". Quests for permanent effects Dibella's Chosen Skyrim

Proud that your character has reached the maximum level in Skyrim? Then you will definitely want to read the list of 5 hidden powers in the game. They can be obtained after completing not the most famous quests in the game. Most of them give inventory items that provide buffs that last throughout the game

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Everything described below is available in the base game (although for one of the cases you need to Dragonborn DLC). All this is in both Skyrim and Skyrim: Limited Edition.

This is a passive ability that allows you to deal 10% more damage to enemies of the opposite sex. This talent is more useful for female characters, as there are more male characters in Skyrim. First you need to talk to the tramp Degein in Markarth. The player will receive a quest to steal a statue from the nearby Temple of Dibella.

The reason this ability is often overlooked is because you need to be caught during the quest. Only in this case, the associated quest is launched, which gives the “Chosen of Dibella”. Quite counterintuitive: getting caught on a quest that requires stealth on purpose! If one of the priestesses catches the player, they will be taken to Hamal, the head of the temple in Markarth. She will say: "You committed a misdemeanor" and "You must be punished." As you probably thought, this means that you will have to go on another quest ...

The quest is called "Heart of Dibella". It is necessary to help the family from Karthwasten in it. A man named Enmon says that his daughter Fiotra was kidnapped by the Forsworn. As always, you will have to play the role of a hero and save her from the Broken Tower.

After defeating Heatherheart, you need to free Fiotra from the cage. Then you should return to the temple of Dibella in Markarth and pray in front of the altar. Enjoy the new damage bonus!

After you have obtained this ability, don't forget to choose "Lover's Intuition" as a reward for completing the Black Book: Winds of Change quest. Due to this, the damage dealt to characters of the opposite sex will increase by 20% in total.

Sinderion's Surprise gives the player a 25% chance to create 2 identical potions. This is especially useful if the character specializes in Alchemy. Please note that if you have high level in Alchemy and you have the appropriate abilities, strong potions can be sold for a huge amount of money. Make a whole bunch of elixirs, and in the end you can even end up with twice as many potions.

The quest that you need to complete to get this ability is confusing, but by following some tips, you can simplify it. First you need to go straight to Blackreach. If you've never been there, it's best to follow the main quest. There you need to explore the laboratory of Sinderion, which is not so difficult to find if you enter Blackreach through Alftand (where the main quest directs). You need the first small building you see when you enter.

Read Sinderion's diary (it lies on his corpse) and learn that he hoped to study the scarlet root of Nirn. After that, Return to the Roots will start - a quest in which you need to get 30 Scarlet Nirn Roots. Given that Blackreach is difficult to move quickly, and the map doesn't provide clues, this can sound extremely difficult. As mentioned earlier, the following tips will help speed up the process of completing the task:

1. Play with SFX turned on and/or headphones

This type of plant is generally similar to the common nirn root. When the player comes close to the root, it will start to whistle or buzz. Keep your ears open. There is a good chance that you will hear the plant first and not see it.

2. Stay on the trail

It's easy to get lost while exploring the Blackreach, especially if you're looking for the Scarlet Nirnroot. It is best to stay on the path, or at least make sure that it is always in your field of vision. This way you don't have to go around in circles. Although the map isn't particularly useful in this area, it will show you where you've already been, so check the map if you need to.

While we complain about the difficulty of navigating Blackreach, it is one of the most beautiful locations in Skyrim. Glittering waterfalls spill into shimmering lakes; around the luminescent mushrooms is an eerie, mysterious glow that reflects off the walls and ceilings.

This aesthetic will play into our hands. On dark terrain, it is easier to see the radiance of the scarlet root. Don't forget: it usually grows near water. Maybe you should still move away from the path and plunge into the water. Swim to the shore of the lake and you will surely find 1-2 roots.
After collecting all 30 roots (great job!), go to the Sarethi farm, which is near Ivarstead. There you will meet Sinderion's colleague - Avruz. Give her the roots, and she will reward you with a coveted ability.

This talent is useful for any characters that rely on healing spells and potions. With it, such spells restore 10% more health. It is especially good to use this power together with the Flee from Death ability, due to which it will restore 10% more.

This ability is often overlooked, as the quest for which it is given must be stumbled upon. Cross the mountains between Dawnstar and Winterhold and you'll find the Rime Beacon perched on top of a snowy mountain.

As soon as you pass into the central room of the Frostbeacon, the quest “The Frost Abyss” will appear. Explore a surprisingly frightening location to discover the corpses of the family that lived here. You will have to venture into a network of caves that is infested with Falmer and Corus. As a result, you will have to fight the terrible Corus Reaper. If your character is low level, then this battle will not be up to you.

To defeat this monster, it is worth using a weapon that deals fire damage. Ranged weapons are best, as you don't have to approach the creature. This is also one of the rare battles where armor that is resistant to poison should be worn. The reaper's spit attack is deadly.

After killing Korus the reaper, pick up the remains of the Khabd. Climb back, up, and open the door to the top of the lighthouse. Place the remains of the Chabd on the pyre. For this you will receive "Sailor's Rest".

Dragon Bones and Scales only ranks so high on the list because of how often dragons are found in Skyrim. Due to this effect, dragons deal 25% less melee damage, helping to deal with bites and tail strikes. This will help a lot if you are going to fight legendary dragons. By the way, this power also reduces the chance that the dragon will eat your character. This can happen if the armor rating is relatively low.

The reason that such a small number of users are aware of so useful effect, consists in a series of quests attached to it. It begins with "Kill Paarthurnax". Yes, you heard right: in order to obtain the effect, you will have to destroy your beloved ancient dragon. And that's not all - just the beginning. After Paarthurnax has been killed, travel to Sky Haven Temple to become one of the Blades.

Now you need to complete the quest "Revival of the Blades". These are brilliant (repeated) missions where you recruit new followers of the Blades and slay dragons. At some point, Delphine will tell you to talk to Esbern about Dragon Hunt. This is a simple quest in which, along with other Blades, you will need to fight a random dragon. Esbern will ask you to take a bone and scales from the creature's corpse. Upon your return, talk to Esbern about Dragon Studies.

Give him the bones and scales and you will be rewarded with Esbern's potion. After drinking it, you will receive a permanent effect “Dragon Bones and Scales”.

These powers take the 1st place in the list, as there are 5 hidden abilities at once. One of the main quests in the Dragonborn DLC is The Fate of the Skaal. During it, Storn reveals that the new Word of Power can be learned at Siring Outpost. The cry is called "The Word of Power". It can be used to break stones corrupted by Miraak's influence in Solstheim. The Fate of the Skaal quest ends when the Shout is used on the Wind Stone, which is located near the Skaal village to the north. The lurker that you have to fight after that can distract your attention so much that you don't notice one cool property.

After cleaning the stone, you should approach it and activate it. If you touch the Wind Stone, you will receive the ability - "North Wind". In the Purification of Stones quest, 4 more stones can be purified, each of which will give the player a new talent when activated.

All powers are listed below.

  • North wind” (Wind Stone): Can summon a cold wind that deals 20 damage per second. Since it is a cold spell, it also affects the opponent's stamina. Especially useful in close combat, only if you are not fighting against the Nords. If this reminds you of the spell of the School of Destruction “Snowstorm”, then in fact it is one and the same. This talent does not cost mana, and there is no long animation when using it! Suitable for any build.
  • The bones of the earth” (Earth Stone): This talent allows the caster to ignore 80% of damage. Please note that this is not armor, so nothing will be added to its characteristics. However, it can work in conjunction with armor: you ignore 80% of physical damage, and then armor durability comes into play. True, this power does not apply to magical damage. It is better to use it when you are attacked with weapons, sharp fangs or terrible claws. Reminds me of the School of Alteration spell “Dragon Hide”? This is the same. And again: the talent does not spend mana, and there is no long animation.
  • Waters of life” (Water Stone): This talent is wonderful, it heals you and all nearby players for 200 health. It will come in handy if you are working with other characters or are involved in a major battle. Strength will also help if you have a lack of healing potions.
  • Roots of power(Tree Stone): This is another very useful power. All spells cost 75% less mana for a full minute. This means that you can use stronger spells more than usual without relying on additional equipment. If you have, for example, Robe of the Archmage, all spells will now cost 90% less mana! Put on a ring or amulet and your power is unlimited for 60 seconds. This is enough to turn the tide of the battle.
  • Summon Werebear” (Beast Stone): This is my favorite effect. It allows you to summon a werebear for 60 seconds. It works just like any other summoning spell: you need to choose a place nearby, cast the spell, and the summoned creature will appear nearby. Again, this is an effect, not a spell, so no mana is wasted! Did I mention that this is a real werewolf bear??? This creature can easily send enemies flying and tear them to pieces. Summon it when your opponents outnumber you, and watch the outcome of the battle go over to your side, laughing like a maniac. Good times.
  • solar flare” (Sun Stone): This talent creates a fiery explosion around you. It deals 100 damage to enemies. Those opponents that are closest to you will suffer the most. Yes, it's the same as the Destruction spell "Firestorm". We still like this power.

It is worth noting that all these forces work not only in Solstheim, but throughout Skyrim. This means that a werebear can be summoned even in the Thieves Guild, even in High Hrothgar. If you do, please send a video.

And the last thing about these forces. These are not ordinary abilities that are getting weaker every day. All stone effects are one-time. After use, they will disappear. Fortunately, not forever: you can get them again by reactivating the stone. True, for this you need to go through the whole of Solstheim again.

We hope that from this list you have learned about quests and content that you did not know about before. Now you know what to prioritize in your next game!

There are several quests in Skyrim, by completing which we get permanent effects. I decided to write about a few of them.

1) The quest is called "From the Depths". It can be taken in the port of Riften from an Argonian named From the Deepest. She will ask you to take a certain Dwemer dictionary back to the ruins.
For passing this quest You gain the permanent "Dwemer Knowledge" buff, which increases Dwemer Armor Class by 25% and your Blacksmithing skill grows 15% faster.

2) Murder in Frost Lighthouse. It’s even difficult to call it a quest, since it is NOT displayed in the quest log, but an inscription pops up about what needs to be done. Even after the passage does not remain recorded in the passed. This quest can be started by going to the Frost Beacon. It is located almost exactly in the middle between Dawnstar and Winterhold, or a little bit southwest of Hob's Cave. In this quest, we have to find out the cause of death of the owners of the lighthouse. Throughout the lighthouse, diaries of the townsfolk are scattered from which you can read a very touching story.
For completing this quest, you will receive a permanent effect "Sailor's Rest", which increases the effectiveness of healing spells by 10%.

3) Stones of Barenziah, you can find out how to get this quest by clicking on the link to the quest on our website.
For completing this quest, you get a bonus in the form of a perk for finding expensive stones in chests.

4) scarlet roots nirna, you can find out how to get this quest by clicking on the link for the passage of the quest on our website.
For completing this quest, you will receive the permanent effect "Sinderion's Surprise", which allows you to create a second of the same potion at a time with a 25% chance.

5) Serving Mara - the Goddess of love. This quest is probably the most peaceful in all of Skyrim. To start the quest, just talk to one of the priests in the temple of Mara in Riften. They will assign you to help 3 lovers.
For completing this quest, you will receive a permanent effect "Mara's Chosen", which increases your magic resistance by 15. (WARNING!!! This may only have happened to me, but if you play as a Breton (ku) this effect can REPLACE your native magic resistance by 25%)

6) Serving Dibella - Goddess of beauty. To start this quest, you need to talk to the beggar in Markarth, he will ask you to steal the figurine of Dibella from the temple, but don't be in such a hurry, the quest can be completed in two ways. The first for real thieves))) steal the figurine and give it back, but then you will not get that treasured permanent effect. The second way is to catch the eye of the servants, or if you are a professional thief or assassin, to be intentionally noticed, then the very part of the quest that we need will begin. In this part of the quest, they will tell us that we once made our way here and we should have been killed, but we will be more useful alive, and they will entrust the task.
For completing this quest, you will receive the permanent effect "Dibella's Chosen", which increases the damage you deal to the opposite sex.

We leave for Markarth.

We go to the temple of Dibella.

Senna meets us there and informs us that the temple is closed to visitors.

There are two options at this location:

When we get to the inner sanctuary, we go to Hamal.

She accuses us of interrupting their ritual, then, under the pretense of atonement, sends us to look for the Prophetess of Dibella.

On the marker we go to Kartwasten. If you have never been to Karthwasten, beware of the Forsworn on the way to Karthwasten.

We talk with the locals, they point to a man named Enmon. We go to him on the marker, we speak with him.

Don't hesitate to take it with you! He is weak in itself, and if he dies, the result is unpredictable, so we leave him in the village. Heading to the Broken Tower location:

The location belongs to the Outcasts, and Outcasts are not street bandits. The guys are not weak by nature, but the leader - Outcast Heatherheart is very strong: at a high level of difficulty, he is very tenacious, which becomes a problem.

Location map:

It is easy to get lost in this location, so I explain: our goal is to climb upper floors so look for stairs up.

On one of the stairs there will be a trap in the form of falling stones, which can, if not kill, then annoy decently.

When we climbed to the very top, there will be a small transition from one tower to another. When we go through the next door, be prepared to fight Outcast Briarheart.

Note that there is a lightning rune on the floor. If you step, make it easier for the enemy. Outcast is very strong and tenacious. Shoots magic. Be careful.

As soon as they killed him, we remove the key from the corpse:

We open the prison door and talk to Fiotra, who is sitting inside. We explain everything to her, after which she agrees to go with us:

We return to Markarth to the Temple of Dibella.

We speak with Hamal. She says we can get Dibella's blessing.

We rise to the outer sanctuary, we approach the well, which is located in the center of the sanctuary.

We drink from it.

We get a unique and very unusual blessing "Dibella's Chosen One", which allows you to deal additional damage to opponents of the opposite sex:


To avoid confusion, I advise you to take the guiding task from Degaine:

He asks to steal the statue of Dibella from the inner sanctuary. Then the temple of Dibella will be marked with a marker and it will become easier to find, but in this case you will have to sneak past the nuns and steal the statue:

After that, also quietly get out of there, give Degein the statue and get your share of 500 septims.

If you are caught by Hamal during this quest, she will take the statue of Dibella and force you to complete the Heart of Dibella quest, but Degain's quest will fail.