Bugs in quests and their solutions. Mission Before the Storm Skyrim Alvor does not give the quest

Questgiver: No
Reward: No

Get to the fortress
Your task is to get to the imperial fortress. But first you need to hide from the dragon's attack. Turn around. In front of you you will see a tower, go there after Ralof, a rebel from the Stormcloaks. Go inside. Climb up, at this moment the dragon will break out part of the wall. Dodge the flames. Jump down through the hole that has formed to the balcony of the tavern. Climb down and run through the city to the fortress. You can follow Hadvar, the Imperial who read out the names of the condemned.

Enter the fortress with Hadvar or Ralof
You must choose who you go with. If you choose Hadwar, then you will fight the Stormcloaks in the fortress, if Ralof, you will fight the Imperials.

Escape from Helgen
Your main task is to escape from Helgen. The passage will depend on who you entered the fortress with. However, the result will be the same - you will leave Helgen. This choice will not affect the main story in any way. When you find yourself in the fortress, talk to Hadvar or Ralof. They will cut the fetters on your hands (for this you need to come close to the character).

***If you entered the fortress with Hadvar***
Find equipment
Look around. By the wall you will see a caretaker's chest, marked with a marker. Take away its contents.

Follow Hadvar. Kill all the rebels on the way and leave Helgen.

***If you entered the fortress with Ralof***
Search Gunyar's body
Examine the body of Gunyar (it lies nearby) and take armor and weapons from him. Wait for Ralof to look around the room. Kill the incoming Imperials and take the key from the commander's body.

Follow Ralof. Kill all the Imperials on the way and leave Helgen.

Additional tasks
You receive these tasks regardless of the chosen side. They are more instructive than principled.

Look for a potion in a keg
Take a look at the warehouse. You will see a barrel marked with a marker. Take the potion from it.

Try to open the cage lock
In the torture chamber you will find locked cells. Pick the locks with a pick.

Before the storm

Questgiver: Ralof or Hadvar
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Freedom!"
Reward: random armor

The passage of this quest depends on who you left Helgen with. But in any case, you need to get to Riverwood.

***If you left Helgen with Ralof***
Gerdur of Riverwood will help me get back on my feet. Gotta go there
Follow Ralof to Riverwood. There, talk to his sister Gerdur.

She will give you supplies and send you to Whiterun to the jarl.

***If you left Helgen with Hadvar***
Alvor from Riverwood will help me get back on my feet. Gotta go there
Follow Hadvar to Riverwood. There, talk to his uncle Alvor.

He will give you supplies and send you to Whiterun to the Jarl.

Talk to the Jarl of Whiterun
You get this task regardless of the chosen side. Go to Whiterun.

Make your way through the city to the Dragon's Reach. There, talk to Jarl Balgruuf about the dragon's attack.

windy peak

Questgiver: Jarl Balgruuf
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Before the Storm"
Reward: random enchanted armor

Talk to Farengar
Follow the Jarl to his court mage Faregar. He will ask you to bring him a dragon stone.

Pick up the dragon stone
Head to Windy Peak Ruins, northeast of Riverwood.

Once in the ruins, kill the bandits and go deeper. Already at the entrance, you will overhear the conversation of the bandits, which will open the non-plot quest "Golden Claw" for you.
Soon you will enter a hall with the following columns:

Rotate the columns so that the image matches the clues (snake, snake, whale):

Now press the lever and move on. Soon you will come to a hall with spiders. Kill the giant spider. At the end of the hall, you will find Arvel the rogue stuck in a web. You can free him or kill him, it doesn't matter, in any case, he will die soon. Take the golden claw from his body:

Soon you will reach Windy Peak - Sanctuary. There you will find a large corridor with a door like this:

To open this door, rotate the outer, middle and inner rings until the set of pictures matches what is shown on the golden claw (bear, butterfly, owl)

Then activate the keyhole and open the door. Blbnt further. Soon you will see a large hall with the Wall of Words.

Get close to the wall and learn the Word of Power. After that, a draugr overlord will emerge from the nearest sarcophagus. Kill him and take the dragon stone from him.

Take the Dragonstone to Farengar
Return to Whiterun to Farengar.

dragon in the sky

Questgiver: Farengar
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Wind Peak"
Reward: title of Thane of Whiterun, personal housecarl and ax of the domain of Whiterun

Talk to Jarl Balgruuf
Talk to the jarl. He will tell you about the dragon's attack on the watchtower and give you a reward for the previous task.

Meet Airileth near the Western Watchtower
Follow Airileth to the Western Watchtower. Get closer to the tower. Soon the dragon will attack again.

Kill the dragon
It is better to kill a dragon using ranged weapons (magic or arrows), because he does not sit still

Examine the dragon's corpse
Get closer to the dragon. You will consume his soul. Take the scales and bones from the dragon's body, they can be sold or used to forge armor.

Return to Jarl Balgruuf
Return to Whiterun and go to the Jarl. He will tell you about the Greybeards and appoint you Thane. Now you have a personal housecarl (bodyguard) Lydia.

Additional task
Try out the scream
Go to the spells menu, shouts tab. Learn the "Unrelenting Force" shout. Apply it.

The path of the voice

Questgiver: Jarl Balgruuf
Conditions for receiving: complete the "Dragon in the Sky" quest
Reward: No

Talk to the Greybeards
Your task is to get to a place called High Hrothgar, located on top of the mountain Throat of the World. The easiest way to get there is from the village of Ivarstead, which is east of Riverwood. Travel to Ivarstead and climb the thousand steps to High Hrothgar.

Once in High Hrothgar, speak with Master Arngeir

Shout at Arngeir with "Unrelenting Force"

Talk to Arngeir
Speak with Arngeir. He will tell you to learn a new Word of Power from Master Einart

Learn from Einart the Word of Power
Approach Master Einart.

He will shout and the Word of Power will appear on the floor. Approach a word and you will learn it.

Demonstrate "Relentless Force"
Masters Borri, Einart and Wulfgar will summon phantoms. Attack them with an empowered Ruthless Force by holding down the Shout button for longer.

Learn Borri's Word of Power
Follow Master Borri into the courtyard. There he will shout, and the Word of Power will appear on the floor. Approach a word and you will learn it.

Demonstrate "Flash Dash"
Master Wulfgar will show you what to do. When it's your turn, wait for the gate to open and immediately cast Rush

Talk to Arngeir about further education
Arngeir will praise you and give you a new task.

Horn of Jurgen

Questgiver: master Arngeir
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "The Way of the Voice"
Reward: No

Acquire the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
Travel to the Ruins of Ustengrav, northeast of Morthal

In the depths of Ustegrev you will find a gate with three stones in front of it:

If you approach the stone, one of the bars will open, but for a short time. You need to quickly run up to all the stones (preferably in the order of 1-2-3, as noted in the picture) and immediately apply "Swift Dash".
Finally, you will reach the goal of your journey, but you will not find the horns. Read the note.

Meet the one who took the horn
Go to Riverwood. Rent a room in the attic in the Sleeping Giant tavern, to do this, talk to the owner of the tavern, Delphine. After renting a room, go there and wait. Soon Delphine will come in and give you the horn. At the same time, it starts side quest"A Blade in the Dark"

Return the horn to Arngeir
Return to High Hrothgar to Master Arngeir.

Learn Wulfgar's Word of Power
Go to Master Wulfgar. He will shout and a word of power will appear on the floor. Approach him and you will learn the word.

Accept the Greybeards' greeting
Stand in the center of the great hall and wait. The Greybeards will speak the language of dragons.

Blade in the dark

Questgiver: Delphine
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Horn of Jurgen"
Reward: No

Talk to Delphine
Travel to Riverwood and speak with Delphine at the Sleeping Giant Inn. She will tell you about the resurrection of dragons and your goal.

Find the dragon's burial site
Travel to Kynesgrove.

There you will meet a girl named Iddra, who will tell you that she saw a dragon on the mound. Go there. It's northeast of Keene Grove.

Kill the dragon Soloknir
Arriving at the kugan, you will see how the black dragon resurrects the dragon Soloknir. Kill him and consume the soul.

Talk to Delphine
Talk to Delphine. You learn that she is a member of the Order of Blades, and she suspects that the Thalmor is involved in the dragon business.

Diplomatic immunity

Questgiver: Dolphin
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "A Blade in the Dark"
Reward: No

Meet Delphine in Riverwood
Return to Riverwood and go to the Sleeping Giant Inn. Find Delphine there. If it doesn't, wait a while. Talk to Delphine.

Meet Malborn in Solitude
Go to Solitude, to the Laughing Rat Inn. Solitude can be reached by wagon and Whiterun. The tavern is located to the left of the city gates.

Speak to Wood Elf Malborn there

Give him the equipment you'll need at the embassy. I recommend stocking up on invisibility potions.

Meet Delphine at the stable
Go to the stables of Solitude (south of the city) and talk to Delphine there.

Delphine will give you fancy clothes for the reception. Dress her up and talk to her. Go to the reception.

Talk to Malborn
When you arrive at the embassy, ​​go inside. Ambassador Elenwen will meet you there.

Talk to her a little so as not to arouse suspicion. Then talk to Malborn. He will give you the things you left with him.

Distract everyone's attention and run away from the reception
Talk to guests. Among them you will find the Altmer Ondolemar. Talk to him about distracting guests. Follow Malborn.

Find information about the return of the dragons
There are two options for completing this task: sneak past the guards or kill everyone. To complete the mission quietly, enter stealth mode as soon as you part ways with Malborn. You will find yourself in the corridor, on the left will be opened door followed by the guards. Wait until they stop talking and sneak into this room (the guards will turn away for a few seconds) and quickly turn right and hide in a small storage room. When the guard moves away from the pantry, go further into the corridor and hide at the turn, as soon as the second guard comes out from around the corner, quickly slip to the door.
It's harder in the yard. You can also kill everyone or try to sneak, but this is difficult and, in my opinion, impossible without invisibility potions.
Sneak into the ambassador's quarters. There, quickly sneak to the chest and take the contents. Go down to the dungeons. There, in the chest, take another dossier. Read all dossiers.

Leave the Thalmor Embassy
In this place it is even more difficult, in order to escape from the basement of the embassy, ​​you need to open the hatch. The key to the hatch is with the guard. You must either masterfully steal the key, or kill everyone and escape. Thus, you almost certainly will not do without a fight. Get down into the hatch and through the cave leave the embassy.

Talk to Delphine
Return to Riverwood to the Sleeping Giant Inn and talk to Delphine. Don't forget to take your items from the chest.

Additional tasks

Pick up your things
When Malborn takes you to the embassy storage room, don't forget to pick up your special equipment from the chest (which you left for Malborn in Solitude).

A rat cornered

Questgiver: Dolphin
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Diplomatic Immunity"
Reward: No

Talk to Brynjolf
Travel to Riften. The easiest way is to use the carriage in the nearest large city (for example, Whiterun).

Find Brynjolf there, during the day he can be found in the market square. Talk to him. He will say that he will not say anything for free. You have the opportunity to convince him, or you can help him with the case.
If you failed to convince - see the passage of the quest "Random meeting"
If you convinced Brynjolf or helped him, he will tell you about the rat hole.

Find Esbern's hideout in the Rat Hole
Go to the Rat Hole and then to the Ragged Flagon Bar. Talk to Vekel the Warrior there.

He won’t say anything right away, you have to either convince him, or bribe him, or intimidate him. It all depends on your level of eloquence.

Find Esbern in the Rat Hole
Go to the Rat Hole - Vault, kill the Thalmor warriors there and go to the Rat Hole - Anthill. Find Esbern there. He won't open the door for you. Convince him of peaceful intentions.

Talk to Esbern
When Esbern opens the door for you, talk to him.

He will tell you about Alduin and ask you to take him to Delphine.

Alduin's Wall

Questgiver: Esbern
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "The Cornered Rat"
Reward: No

Escort Esbern to Riverwood
Leave the Rat Hole, getting rid of the Thalmor along the way. Head to Riverwood to the Sleeping Giant Tavern. When you arrive, follow Delphine.

Talk to Esbern
After going down to the basement, listen to the conversation between Esbern and Delphine.

Enter Sky Haven Temple
Delfina will tell you how to get to the place and offer to go together or meet there. Travel to Karthspire, east of Markarth.

Once there, kill all the outcasts in the camp and go into the cave. In the cave, you will soon come across columns:

Expand them like this (Esbern will tell you this):

Move on. You will enter a room with pressure plates. You can only step on the symbol of Dovakin. Walk along the plates to the column with the chain and turn off the trap.

Finally, you reach Sky Haven Temple. On the floor you will find a bloody seal. Activate it to open the way to Alduin's Wall.

Solve the mystery of Alduin's Wall
Having opened the passage, go inside the Temple to the Wall. Examine the wall with Esbern.

Throat of the World

Questgiver: Dolphin
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Alduin's Wall"
Reward: No

Talk to Arngeir
Travel to High Hortgar and speak with Master Arngeir. He will mock the blades and tell you to return to the path of wisdom. But in a minute he will change his mind and tell you about the "Dragonbreaker" cry. It can only be taught by Master Paarthurnax. Follow Master Arngeir, he will teach you the cry that will open the way to the top of the Throat of the World.

Learn the cry "Clear Sky"
Master Arngeir will shout three times and three words of power will appear on the floor. Study them.

Use the "Clear Sky" shout to clear the way
Use the cry "Clear Sky" on the protective barrier and it will dissipate, but only for a while.

Talk to Paarthurnax
Climb to the top of the Throat of the World. Destroy barriers by shouting "Clear Sky". When you reach the top, talk to Magister Paarthurnax.

Learn the Word of Power from Paarthurnax
Paarthurnax will yell at the wall and a word will appear on it. Approach the wall to learn the word.

Use the Breath of Fire shout against Paarthurnax
Shout at Paarthurnax with "Fire Breath"

Talk to Paarthurnax
Paarthurnax will tell you how Alduin was defeated and what needs to be done

ancient knowledge

Questgiver: Paarthurnax
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "The Throat of the World"
Reward: No

Find out where the Elder Scroll is or talk to Arngeir
Return to High Hrothgar and speak with Master Arngeir. He will advise you to talk to the mages at the College of Winterhold.
Travel to the College of Mages of Winterhold in the Arcaneum and speak with Urag Gro-Shub

If you are not yet a member of the College, then you will have to pass an entrance exam, otherwise you will not be allowed into the territory. For more information about this, see the quest "First Lessons" in the quest line of the College of Winterhold.
Urag will give you two books, read them. This will open the quest "Beyond the Ordinary".

Find an ancient scroll
Complete part of the quest "Beyond the Ordinary" and find an ancient scroll.

Curse of Alduin

Questgiver: No
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Ancient Knowledge"
Reward: No

Read the Ancient Scroll at the Temporal Rift
Travel to the top of the Throat of the World. There you will find a time gap:

Stand there and read the Elder Scroll. You will be transported to the past

Learn "Dragonbreaker" from the Ancient Nords
Once in the past, watch the battle. Soon you will study the cry and return back.

Defeat Alduin
Returning back, you will find Alduin. Attack him with the "Dragonbreaker" shout and finish him off while he's on the ground. You won't be able to kill him, but the quest will be completed.


Questgiver: Paarthurnax
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "The Curse of Alduin"
Reward: No

Talk to Paarthurnax or talk to Arngeir or talk to Esbern
In fact, "or" is not implied here. Once you defeat Alduin, Paarthurnax will speak to you himself. He will tell you about the purpose of the Dragon's Reach and send you to the Jarl of Whiterun.

Talk to the Jarl of Whiterun
Go to Dragonsreach to Jarl Balgruuf, talk to him. He will ask you to help him. This will start the quest "Endless Time"

Enlist Greybeard's help in peace talks
Complete the quest "Endless Time" (see below) to complete this stage

Prepare a trap for Odahviing
Travel to Dragonreach and speak with Jarl Balgruuf.

Summon Odahviing to Dragonreach
Go to the Dragon's Reach - Gallery and use the "Dragon's Call" shout there

Defeat and capture Odahviing
Odahviing will soon answer your call. Lure him into the middle of the gallery and the trap will slam

Interrogate Odahviing
Talk to Odahviing. He will tell you where to look for Alduin.

Endless time

Questgiver: Jarl Balgruuf
Conditions for receiving: start the quest "Fallen"
Reward: No

Talk to Arngeirn
Travel to High Hrogar to Master Arngeir. Talk to him about peace negotiations.

Talk to General Tullius
Go to Solitude in the Grim Castle. Find General Tullius there. Convince him to take part in the negotiations.

Speak to Ulfric Stormcloak
Travel to Windhelm. You can get there by taking a carriage from any big city.

Find Ulfric Stormcloak in the palace and convince him to take part in the negotiations.

Talk to Arngeirn
Return to High Hrogar to Master Arngeir.

Sit down
Go to the council chamber and take your seat.

Negotiate a truce
Help the Empire and the Stormcloaks come to a truce. In principle, your decisions will not affect anything, they will only cause minor political reshuffles in some cities of Skyrim. At the end of the negotiations, Delphine will come up to you and demand to kill Paarthurnax, otherwise she will not help you, which will open the "Paarthurnax" task for you.

House of the World Eater

Questgiver: odaving
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "Fallen"
Reward: No

Free Odahviing
From a conversation with Odahviing, you will learn that without wings you will not get to Alduin. You'll have to let him go so he can carry you there. Climb up to the guard and order to open the trap.

Talk to Odahviing
Wait for Odahviing to reach the balcony and talk to him. He will take you to Alduin.

Reach Alduin's Portal to Sovngarde
Upon arrival, go to the ruins. There you will soon find a hall with columns:

Expand column No. 1 according to the hint: so that the snake on the column looks at the snake on the hint

Also expand column No. 3 according to the hint: so that the whale on the column looks at the whale on the hint

The middle pillar (#2) determines which gate to open: Eagle Gate or Serpent Gate

It is pointless to open the gates of the eagle, because the path further is littered. Rotate column 2 so that the snake image is facing the lever. Now click on the lever. The serpent gate will open.
Move on. You will find yourself in another hall with columns. The clue to the first column is behind the large column in the center of the hall:

Hints for columns 2 and 3 are above the columns themselves:

So turn the columns so that the first column has an image of a snake, on the second - an eagle, on the third - a whale. Now push the lever in the center of the hall and the drawbridge will lower.
Come to the Temple. Soon you will find yourself in a wide corridor with a door.

Kill the Draugr Grand Warlord and take the Diamond Claw from him. Enter the menu and look at the claw.

Rotate the elements of the door to create a sequence of images like on a claw (fox, butterfly, dragon):

Now activate the keyhole and the door will open.
Move on. Soon you will go outside. On the roof, you will encounter the dragon priest Nakrin, who is blocking the way to Sovngarde.

Kill him and take the staff and mask from the body. You will need the mask to complete the "Masks of the Dragon Priests" quest. Insert the staff into the dragon seal. The gates to Sovngarde will open.


Questgiver: No
Conditions for receiving: complete the quest "House of the World Eater"
Reward: Ability to summon Odahviing with "Dragon's Call"

Find a way to defeat Alduin
Once in Sovngarde, follow the road ahead. Soon you will meet a Stormcloak soldier who will tell you about Shor's Hall. Agree to accompany him there.

Gain access to the Hall of Valor
Walk forward along the road until you reach a bridge. There, talk to Tsun and ask to be allowed into the Hall. He will say that you need to test your military skills. Fight him. The battle will end as soon as Tsun loses half of his health.

Talk to the Heroes of Sovngarde
Now you can enter the Hall. Go and talk to Ysgramor there.

He will say that three heroes are ready to help you.

Help the heroes of Sovngarde dispel Alduin's fog
Leave Shore's Hall. The heroes will stop behind the bridge. Help them dispel the fog. To do this, use the cry "Clear Sky". Alduin will create fog again. Shout again. Once again, Alduin will restore the fog. Shout for the last time.

Defeat Alduin
Now you need to kill Alduin. Use the "Dragonbreaker" shout on him. He will land, then everything is clear.

Talk to Tsun to return to Skyrim. You will return to the top of the Throat of the World. You will see many dragons there. Paarthurnax will talk to you if you haven't killed him, and Odahviing. Odahviing will allow you to summon him. This concludes the main plot of Skyrim.

At the blacksmith's house, you need to talk with members of his family on all topics of interest to our hero and get information about the imminent dragon attack on Whiterun - Big City nearby.
It seems that the dragon that burned Helgen will not stop there and the villagers are worried that on the way to Whiterun, which will be the dragon's next target, she may be hit by hot hand. The next task is to report the news about the dragon to the city, to which our hero immediately goes.
You need to ask the jarl to send guards to help the village, as it seriously fears for the lives of all its inhabitants. After receiving the quest, we can freely wander around the village and complete a couple of side quests, earn some coins or trade. You can work at a sawmill or help the locals solve their little problems. Although, the merchant has one very tempting quest - the Golden Claw, a valuable item that he really needs, was stolen from him. You can take this task and complete it a little later, because according to the story quest, in any case, we will get this same Golden Claw. As soon as all things are left behind, you can take a horse or go on your own to the capital of this area. Guided by the road, the beacon on the compass and pointers, it will be quite easy even for a beginner. Along the way, you can meet many interesting personalities and learn more about the world in which our hero found himself.

People! Who's got a problem in Blood and Honor" because of " cleansing revenge"does not start there is a solution! I do not know exactly who the author is, I stole it from the thread from the contact. If someone has not read it yet, then I hope this helps someone.
"Number 1 method: (Should work on all versions of the PC game,
including official and pirated, in 99% of cases)

We return to Driftshade - Shelter, we go in the front door.
It is advisable to leave your companion at home beforehand if you
Of course, bring this along. Once logged in, open the console
(Default, fixed and unchanging key "~", or "ё")
We write: prid 0006a99c (There is a possibility that your console
speaks only a powerful language, in which case we write: zkshv 0006f99s - he
will understand). We see how the inscription "(0006f99s) appears in the middle of the screen,
now we just write, in the same place (in the console), resurrect, or again,
for the mighty: kuygkkuse. We leave the shelter. Now there are two options
launch the next mission (i.e. "Cleansing Revenge"). Option one:
We return to Whiterun, find Vilkas, etc. Option two: (Which we
by the way, we will choose, because we are very tired of looking for a solution, which we are already exhausted
and we want to end this mission as soon as possible) Open the console and write:
setstage c05 0. After a few seconds, an armed
Vilkas to the teeth (If he doesn’t appear, then we wait a little more, endure something while waiting
we already know how to smile) When Vilkas rushed in, you can safely break into the shelter.
We go through the shelter ... through the dungeon ... in general, as the road leads, there is only one
way. We go up to the shelter again, stomp a little more and in the room, in front of the door with
bolt, the leader of the "Silver Hand" will be waiting for us, we extinguish it ruthlessly
(Vilkas most likely will not participate in the battle, but will simply stagger for
On your heels - this is normal). After a glorious victory, we collect "fragments" from the table -
Everything, gentlemen! It remains to return to Whiterun and continue your saga of the valiant

Number 2 method: (In case you still managed to get into that same 1% nt,
where the first method didn't work...)

We return to Driftshade - Shelter, do not go into the front door. We open
console and write: resetinterior driftshadesanctuary01, after which we write:
resetinterior driftshadesanctuary02. Now you need to go to the shelter (Here, most likely
the game will crash for you, if so, then try Number 1 Method again, because. here we catch
nothing ...) If the game does not crash and you safely enter the shelter, then do not stand there
linger, boldly shoot back into the cold. We open our already beloved and
familiar, console and write: setstage c05 00. And here, according to the old scheme - we wait
Vilkas, we go in, wet, pick up, come back.

That seems to be all. I hope that the information will be useful and will help you all."

Walkthrough 5266
19 November 2011 0:13

Gives a task: Ralof or Hadvar

Terrain: Riverwood, Whiterun

Reward: Gifts from Hadvar or Ralof

After you have spoken to Gerdur, sister Ralof and the owner of the sawmill, or Alvor, a blacksmith from the same city, you will need to go to Whiterun. You will have to get there on your own two feet. You may also meet members along the way. Guild Companions and if you help them defeat the giant, then they will offer you a place in their guild. One way or another - our path leads us to the jarl whiterun. However, before entering the city, a guard will stop you. According to him, the entrance to the city is closed due to the increased frequency of dragon attacks, and now no one is allowed into the city - only for official reasons. We explain to the guard what the matter is and that the city is in danger and the path to the city is open to us.

Now we go to the Jarl's palace - the Dragon Limit. To do this, you need to go through two levels of the city. When you enter the palace, you will be met by Jarl's housecarl, Airilet who needs to be told about what happened in Helgene and of course the dragon. She will immediately direct you to the jarl. Now you need to talk to him. After the conversation, the jarl decides that you need to send help to riverwood and the task will be completed.

-1) (_uWnd.alert("You have already rated this article!","Error",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));$("#rating_os").css("cursor", "help").attr("title","You have already rated this content");$("#rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");) else (_uWnd.alert("Thank you for rating !","You did your job",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));var rating = parseInt($("#rating_p").html());rating = rating + 1;$ ("#rating_p").html(rating);$("#rating_os").css("cursor","help").attr("title","You have already rated this post");$("# rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");)));"> I like 16
  • Previous quest: To freedom
  • Next quest: Windy Peak
  • Reward: Promotion by storyline, getting to know the people of Riverwood
  • ID: MQ102
  • Brief walkthrough

    1. Talk to Alvor or Gerdur in Riverwood
    2. Talk to the Jarl of Whiterun

    Complete walkthrough

    You should go to Riverwood alone, or accompanied by a companion - Hadvar or Ralof, depending on the choice made in the previous quest. Along the way, you will encounter several wolves.

    Upon arriving in Riverwood, the player character should seek out Alvor, the local blacksmith, if Hadvar was chosen as a companion during the flight from Helgen, or Gerdur if Ralof was chosen as a companion. They will offer a reward for helping their relative. Then, on their advice, you should visit the Jarl of Whiterun, in the Dragon's Reach.

    After crossing the bridge, you should move north until you see Whiterun. The guard at the gate will report that the city is closed. Any of the proposed answers will allow you to get into the city. Head to Dragon's Reach and speak with the Jarl.


    • While the Golden Claw quest is active, you can't talk to Alvor.


    • In some cases, when talking with Gerdur, there will be no topic about dragons, which will not allow you to continue with the main task.
    One way to solve this problem is to start trading with Alvor. After looking through his inventory, he will say, "There is something you can do for me, and the people of Whiterun..." He then mentions to inform the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon, after which the quest will continue. The same can happen in the case of a conversation with Alvor - among the topics of conversation with him there will be no point about the dragon and the main quest cannot be completed.
    • If Hadvar appears in Riverwood before the player character, Alvor may be inside his house instead of outside. In this case, it is likely that it will not be possible to inform him about the dragon. To solve this problem, you should go directly to the jarl and tell him about the dragon attack on Helgen, thereby completing the quest.

    Quest stages

    Before the Storm (MQ102)
    The final Journal entries
    Hadvar advises me to go to the nearby town of Riverwood. His uncle is a blacksmith there, he can help me. or

    Ralof advises me to go to the nearby town of Riverwood. His sister owns a sawmill there, she can help me.
    (Stage): Talk to in Riverwood

    Hadvar thinks we'd better go to the nearby town of Riverwood. His uncle is a blacksmith there, he can help us. or

    Ralof thinks we'd better go to the nearby town of Riverwood. His sister owns a sawmill there, she can help us.
    (Stage): (Optional) Go to Riverwood with


    Ralof's sister, Gerdur, asked me to report the dragon's attack on Helgen to the Jarl of Whiterun so that the Jarl would send soldiers to guard Riverwood.
    (Stage): Talk to the Jarl of Whiterun


    Here I am in Whiterun. I need to tell the jarl about the dragon's attack on Helgen.


    The Jarl of Whiterun is now aware of the dragon's attack on Helgen.

    160 Hadvar's uncle Alvor asked me to report the dragon attack on Helgen to the Jarl of Whiterun so that the Jarl could send soldiers to guard Riverwood. I managed to deliver the message to Jarl Balgruuf in Whiterun, and he rewarded me for my help. or

    Ralof's sister, Gerdur, asked me to report the dragon's attack on Helgen to the Jarl of Whiterun so that the Jarl would send soldiers to guard Riverwood. I managed to deliver the message to Jarl Balgruuf in Whiterun, and he rewarded me for my help. or
    The Jarl of Whiterun is now aware of the dragon's attack on Helgen and has rewarded me for my efforts.

    • The following empty quest steps were not listed in the table: 0, 1, 2, 5, 12, 14, 15, 17, 22, 23, 25, 26, 50, 60, 75, 80, 82, 85, 90, 150, 200
    • Any text in angle brackets (for example, ) is a parameter set by the Radiant Quest engine that will be set to a value when the quest is received.
    • Not all of these entries may appear in the game log: which entries appear and which do not - depends on how the task is performed.
    • Stages are not always listed in order of completion. This tends to happen with tasks that have multiple possible outcomes, or where certain tasks can be performed in an arbitrary order.
    • If the entry is marked as " Completion of the task", this means that the job is removed from the active list, but new stage entries for this job may continue to be added to the log.
    • When playing on a personal computer, you can use the console to advance through the task by entering the command setstage MQ102 stage into it, where stage is the number of the stage you want to go to. However, it is not possible to proceed to uncompleted (i.e., skipped) quest stages. However, using the resetquest MQ102 console command, you can reset the quest stage.