Psychological consultation. Psychological help When you need the help of a psychotherapist

A psychotherapist is a doctor who treats mental illness with non-drug methods. It affects the psyche through the psyche of the patient. Recently, cases have increased mental disorders associated with anxiety and panic attacks. The number of psychosomatic pathologies is growing, where the help of a psychotherapist is indispensable.

When do you need the help of a psychotherapist?

You need the help of a psychotherapist if:
  • suffer from panic attacks, fears, depression;
  • experience pain associated with somatic diseases;
  • there is a drug or alcohol dependence;
  • disturbed by obsessive thoughts and actions;
  • broken relationships in the family, society;
  • diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, epilepsy (treatment is carried out jointly with a psychiatrist).
Since any disease has to some extent a connection with the psychological component, the consultation of a psychotherapist will speed up recovery. The help of a specialist will not be superfluous in the treatment of chronic diseases of the reproductive system, digestive tract, nervous system, heart and blood vessels.

What does a psychotherapist treat?

The goal of the psychotherapist is to identify intrapsychic conflicts. The specialist changes the behavioral principles of the patient to "adaptive", i.e. correct, normative, and forms a positive emotional experience.

The psychotherapist deals with the treatment of the following diseases:

  • emotional and personality disorders (anxiety, panic, depression);
  • communication disorders;
  • character violations;
  • neuroses;
  • dependencies;
  • schizophrenia;
  • bipolar disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • psychosomatic and somatic diseases.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of the patient's condition begins with a conversation, examination, observation of human behavior and experimental methods. After finding out the cause of the disease, the doctor uses one or a combination of the following methods to treat:
  • psychoanalysis;
  • hypnosis;
  • auto-training (self-hypnosis);
  • behavioral and humanistic therapy;
  • psychodrama (awareness of problems through stage performance);
  • rational psychotherapy (persuasion, bringing arguments);
  • body-oriented psychotherapy (impact on the psyche through the body, muscle relaxation);
  • NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming);
  • gestalt therapy (realization and completion of unmet needs);
  • integrative psychotherapy (synthesis of different systems of psychotherapy).
In the "SM-Clinic" appointments are conducted by qualified psychotherapists who are fluent in the latest methods psychotherapeutic help. Our specialists regularly improve their level of competence.

It is quite difficult to evaluate the result of psychotherapy sessions. A direct relationship has been established between the number of sessions and the patient's well-being. In a study of over 2,000 patients, 14% of patients showed improvement after the first session, 53% after 8 weekly sessions, 75% after 26 such sessions, and 83% after 52.

Indications for consultation

Consultation with a psychotherapist is necessary if the following conditions are present:
  • panic attacks;
  • stable disturbance of sleep and appetite;
  • neuroses, depression, nightmares;
  • difficulties in communicating with family, at work, with loved ones;
  • obsessive ideas, thoughts;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • unexplained aggression, irritability or apathy;
  • sudden changes in mood, behavior;
  • unexplained pain in the body.
Consultation with a psychotherapist will also be valuable if the patient has somatic (arthritis, anorexia, asthenia) or mental illness(schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc.).

How to determine that you need the help of a psychotherapist?

You need to consult a psychotherapist if:
  • your character has changed dramatically, you have become more withdrawn;
  • there was a stable fatigue, disbelief in one's own strength;
  • tormented by pain that you cannot explain;
  • mood changes for no apparent reason, strong emotional swings;
  • appeared insomnia, loss of appetite;
  • I want to harm myself, thoughts of suicide arise;
  • suffering from panic attacks.
At the SM-Clinic, a psychotherapist's appointment is conducted in a comfortable environment. The doctor individually approaches the treatment of each patient. To make an appointment for a consultation, call by phone and choose the time of the visit that is convenient for you.

The cost of seeing a psychotherapist

The cost of the consultation, as well as other interesting details of the reception can be found on the website or by phone. Contact our specialists and you will receive qualified assistance from the best doctors!

The human psyche is as real as his body. But if people seek to cure and eliminate somatic diseases and bodily discomfort, then the solution of mental problems is often postponed for an indefinite period. Alas, time does not always heal - in some cases it only drives the problem inside and aggravates it.

A psychotherapist helps a person get rid of psychological discomfort, from what depresses, takes away strength, and prevents them from living happily. It happens that the problem can be solved in just 3-4 sessions - and it's worth it, given affordable price receiving a psychotherapist. That is why more and more people are turning to such specialists today.

The cost of seeing a psychotherapist

When choosing a doctor, it is worth considering that now both people with a medical education and graduates of psychology departments who have undergone professional retraining work in this specialty. The price of a psychotherapist's appointment in Moscow may vary depending on the base received by the specialist, the clinic in which he conducts the appointment, as well as experience.

The cost of consulting a psychotherapist with a medical education may be somewhat higher, but it is recommended to give preference to just such specialists, because. they consider a person as a complex - as a combination of mind and body. This allows them to work at two levels at once and carry out complex treatment, if necessary, together with other specialists. Whereas doctors who have not received such an education may look at the problem too narrowly.

In the medical centers "" only qualified specialists with medical education, who have undergone additional training and have serious experience in dealing with various complaints, are accepted.

The price of a psychotherapist's appointment may vary depending on the reason for the appeal and the method of work chosen by the specialist. At the same time, the cost of initial and repeated admission does not differ.

In the medical centers "" addiction treatment, symbol drama therapy, hypnotherapy, family and individual psychotherapy are carried out. You can check the price at the reception or by phone. In addition, if you wish, you can have a consultation or examination with a psychiatrist, for example, to obtain information.

  • search and resolution of problems, conflicts that caused the formation of dependence;
  • formation of motivation for coding, getting rid of addiction;
  • work at the stage of rehabilitation for the prevention of breakdowns, relapses.

Types of impact:

  • sedative: aimed at stabilizing the psychological state, mitigating, weakening emotional reactions to traumatic events, manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome, changing the environment and lifestyle;
  • corrective: before coding or the start of detoxification, the patient is helped to realize the disease, to adequately assess the severity of dependence. Corrective action is the first step towards the formation of motivation;
  • stimulating: helps to restore social activity, normalizes lifestyle, develops motivation to fight addiction.

Therapy can be directive or non-directive. In the first case, the therapist takes a leading position, encourages, motivates the patient, forms an action plan for him, new attitudes, etc. With a non-directive approach, the psychotherapist plays the role of a "guide", while the person independently makes decisions regarding coding, rehabilitation, restoration of social activity, etc.

Options for psychotherapeutic treatment at the NarkoDoc clinic:

  • individual sessions. The psychotherapist works with one patient, several sessions-conversations are held. We recommend these sessions early stages, in preparation for coding, to form motivation;
  • . It is used at the stage of rehabilitation, it is possible to use it during detoxification before coding. Sessions are held for a group of patients, due to which each of them receives more emotional support: from the doctor and from people who are faced with the same problems;
  • family therapy. The work is carried out with the patient and his relatives, helps to resolve emerging conflicts, improve mutual understanding, form relationships that help overcome addiction.

The Moscow Service for Psychological Assistance to the Population (MSPPN) today provides Muscovites with the widest range of psychological services.

Residents of Moscow can receive free psychological assistance within a calendar year. Every Muscovite has access to:

  • 5 psychological consultations;
  • 2 sessions psychological diagnostics;
  • 3 training programs;
  • 2 consultations of a psychotherapist;
  • 8 sessions of psychological rehabilitation;
  • 2 consultations of a rehabilitation psychologist (primary and final).

All free services can be used by Muscovites with temporary (from six months) or permanent registration, as well as full-time students of Moscow universities and citizens working in Moscow.

In addition, married residents can also receive family counseling, provided that the marriage is officially registered. Couples who are not married but have common children can also apply to the psychological service. At the same time, one of the partners must have a permanent Moscow registration or a permanent place of work.

“Our specialists are ready to help any person who finds himself in a difficult life situation. We do it for free, confidentially and on a high level. professional level, — says the director of the MSPPN Nina Petrochenko. – We have created such a system of work with the population that allows us to individually approach each person and select the most effective method psychological help".

Any resident of Moscow can get qualified help from a psychologist both in person and remotely- it all depends on the desire of the client.

Citizens who would like talk to an expert in person, can visit the nearest branch of the service (they are located in all districts of the capital). In order to come for a consultation, you need to call the administrator of the selected department and agree on a meeting time.

For those who are used to spending more time on the Internet, prefer to communicate in absentia or simply do not have time to visit a psychologist, remote consultation through audio and video communication, by e-mail, or even on the UISP psychological support forum.

You can also discuss your problems and difficult life situations with a psychologist. telephone emergency psychological help. To do this, dial a simple three-digit number 051 . It is easy to remember and dial from a landline phone. To call from a mobile phone, you need to add the area code to the number 8 (495) 051 . Psychological services will be provided absolutely free of charge, however, remember that the telecom operator will charge a fee for the call.

In addition to consultations, in the Moscow psychological assistance service, residents of the capital can receive psychological rehabilitation course. A complex of modern relaxation and anti-stress techniques perfectly helps to restore psychological and physiological health, cope with anxiety and fears, normalize sleep and mental state.

For those who want to understand themselves, experts will conduct psychological diagnostic sessions that will allow you to assess your strengths and weak sides, choose best way psychological help.

In addition, Muscovites can get acquainted with scientific news and topical issues. in the journal "Psychology for Life". Service specialists share their recommendations with readers in this publication, as well as on the ISPU YouTube channel and on social networks.

Press Service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow