Do-it-yourself device for magnetotherapy. V. Kononenko

The action of drugs used in modern pharmacotherapy can have negative aspects, in particular, associated with drug intolerance. The development of principles that provide a therapeutic effect without the use of pharmacological agents has led to the development of new methods of treatment. One of them is magnetotherapy.

If the designs of such devices are published in amateur radio engineering literature, it would be naive to think that they cannot or will not be repeated by craftsman radio amateurs. Then the conclusion suggests itself that it is more expedient to give the data of these devices in order to try to tune them as close as possible to technical specifications industrial magnetotherapy devices…

Some technical data of industrial devices for magnetotherapy are given in Table. 1. They are needed at least for orientation in the huge amount of physical equipment that is produced in our country and abroad (4). Using them, you can, having a simple measuring base (oscilloscope, GSS, frequency meter) in an amateur radio laboratory, approximately adjust homemade products to the frequency and value (magnitude) of magnetic induction, the therapy of which is carried out using industrial devices. One such tuning method is described in (6).
Naturally, if a modern magnetometer is available or available to a radio amateur (the domestic industry produces at least a dozen items of such devices: IMP-05, MF-23IM, S.A40, P 3-70, etc.), calibration homemade device can be done much more accurately and quickly.

Equipment for magnetotherapy

Some of the devices listed in Table. 1, we considered, according to the criteria of complexity in manufacturing, including the use of special materials, with special spatial and electrical characteristics (frequency, field shape) as of little use, in our opinion, for manufacturing in amateur conditions. This is, for example, the device Intramag for urology, Cascade (low frequency pulses of a special form 0.8-2.5 Hz), devices Induktor-2G, -3U, -3LS with a frequency of 5000-6000 Hz, apparatus Avimp for exposure high-intensity magnetic field (0.3-1.2 T)- magnetic stimulation, Hummingbird - for exposure three-phase traveling and rotating magnetic field, Athos - for ophthalmology (with the possibility of completing photostimulating attachment Amblio), devices Gradient-1, Gradient-2 with extended operating modes and kit, Alimp-1 for exposure traveling magnetic field (8 pairs of solenoids + 2 devices on limbs), Pole-3 for exposure rotating magnetic field with the possibility of magnetophoresis, Pole-4, Pole-3U with a large set of inductors for various purposes ...
Depending on the desired nature of the electromagnetic field, the inductors are made ring or flat. The Italian apparatus "Magneto-1" (Magneto-1) has a flat inductor. The device "Magneto-4" (Magneto-4) has an annular inductor (solenoid), which has the ability to move along the longitudinal guides of the patient's table. If in magnetotherapy devices with ring inductors the effect of the field on the patient is non-contact, then in devices with flat inductors (with rare exceptions) it is contact. At the same time, electromagnetic fields are generated in devices with flat inductors, the magnetic induction of which is measured in tens of millitesla (mT), and in devices with ring inductors, magnetic induction, as a rule, is an order of magnitude less (5).

It is clear that it is almost impossible to “produce” such equipment in amateur conditions.

Most magnetotherapy devices are listed in the table to show those characteristics that are included (or not) in the concept "weak low-frequency magnetotherapy" and are most often used by amateur designers. Moreover, they were of interest to us only by two indicators - the range of change in the value of magnetic induction (including smoothly) and the frequency of the magnetic field. Actually, these characteristics are most often given in the descriptions of amateur devices and are offered by radio amateurs for repetition on a different, relatively simple, circuit basis. With the availability of a laboratory-measuring base, it is easiest for such devices to carry out verification. This assessment option is the most objective when constructing and selecting the characteristics of amateur magnetotherapy devices.

With a relatively low intensity of the magnetic field (strength 1.5/5 mT), a pronounced therapeutic effect can be obtained at low values ​​of magnetic induction. For example, at such values, the Alimp-1, Gradient-1, UMT-91, Magneto-1 devices work. The frequency of the magnetic field generated by them does not exceed 100 Hz. The device Polemig has the lowest frequency of 0.5 Hz. Almag-01 works at a different frequency (6.25 Hz). More often, a lower frequency is used, which is recommended to be increased with increased pain. If the pain does not subside, the frequency of generation is slowly increased.
Many devices use a frequency of 50 Hz. For example, the same recommended in (1) MAG-30, or one of the most common in domestic physiotherapy devices Pole-1, -2, -3 and their modifications. They use a pulsed magnetic field with a frequency of up to 50 Hz with a field intensity of 30 - 75 mT. As can be seen from the diagram (Fig. 3), such devices are extremely simple and may be of interest to radio amateur designers, because. the magnetic field to power the inductor can be obtained from industrial network alternating current or from a special generator of sinusoidal oscillations.


Such devices can be used on an outpatient basis.
It seems that at home, as recommended in (1), the weight, size and price characteristics of the devices will certainly play a role in choosing an apparatus (you can see). In addition, the power source is important - the Magnetoturbotron, Magnitor-AMP and UMT-91 devices are powered by a three-phase electrical network with a voltage of 380 V.
That is why, in our opinion, amateurs take up the creation of “their own” medical equipment and that is why the verification of equipment, which has already been mentioned, is needed.

Radio amateur designers, creating devices for magnetotherapy, are guided mainly by the following provisions:
1. In such amateur devices, already at a distance of 15 cm from it, the magnetic induction is comparable to the usual background of the Earth (0.05 mT) and “magnetization” of others does not occur.
2. The electrical safety of the patient and medical personnel is ensured by the design of the apparatus, which is usually powered by low-voltage batteries or accumulators. Here it is advisable to refer the reader to the requirements given on the forum of the Electronic Developers Site (section - documentation).
3. Simplicity of work with similar devices: during the procedure, the device does not require any adjustment and regulation. Actually, it can have only two control knobs - "Frequency" and "Intensity".
4. Pronounced therapeutic effect at low values ​​of magnetic induction. Hence the efficiency and justification of the use of such devices.
5. A small area of ​​influence (simplicity in the manufacture of inductors and their low material consumption).
6. Duration of remission reaches 1.5 years.
7. The devices have a sufficiently high operational reliability. For their manufacture, mass-produced radio components that are widely available are used.

From amateur devices, the device of E. Stakhov (3) with already set frequencies (7 ranges from 0.75 to 5.2 Hz) attracts attention. Here, as in other cases, using even amateur instrumentation, you can adjust the frequency in the specified ranges.


Low-frequency low-power amateur devices can be used to treat diseases of the spine, knee, hip joints, fractures, hypertension ... Only for osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine, the treatment time is almost halved compared to the medical method of treatment.
A few words about contraindications. These include:
circulatory failure II B - III stages;
systemic blood diseases;
the presence of foreign magnetic bodies (for example, pacemakers);
sharp infectious diseases;
hemorrhagic vasculitis and other pathological processes accompanied by increased bleeding.

Like the appointment of magnetic therapy procedures, the identification of contraindications is best attributed to the prerogative of the attending physiotherapist. A short and widespread list of contraindications hides behind almost every one of its provisions a list of syndromes and diseases, the diagnosis of which is the work of a specialist (for example, systemic blood diseases, or NC II - III, etc.).

It should be added that acute infectious diseases mean not only and not so much an infection that must be treated with antibiotics, but any exacerbation of any chronic disease, as well as manifestations of any (including non-infectious) acute (“fresh”) disease. It's just easier for the patient to compare (and explain) taking medications with an acute process and not to take magnetotherapy during this period.

Giving an integral assessment of the mechanisms of action various options magnetic field, it should be noted the action of an alternating and pulsed magnetic field through the generated by them electric currents. When implementing such an action on living systems, all levels of the organismic hierarchy are included.
In addition, attention should be paid to the differences in individual sensitivity and instability of the reactions of the body and its systems to a magnetic field. At the same time, a corrective effect on the functional systems of the body and a change in the direction of the phase of its reactions are recorded. It has been established that alternating and pulsed magnetic fields cause a more pronounced hygiogenetic effect than constant. In addition, it is distinguished by a threshold or resonant trace character. So, after single exposures, the body's reactions persist for 1-6 days, and after a course - 30-45 days (1).

In preparing the article, materials from the sites and were used. Links to specific materials - see the text of the article.


1. Therapeutic and preventive technologies for the preservation and restoration of children's health./Starokozhko L.E. et al.//Stavropol State Medical Academy, 2007. - S. 199-207.
2. Device for local magnetotherapy. Radio, No. 12 - 1995, p.58.
3. E. Stakhov. Magnetic field treatment device. Radio amateur, No. 7 - 1996.
4. Information and analytical bulletin Conus-medic, 31.10.2003. 710-720. Equipment for therapy and physiotherapy.
5. Site "" Equipment for therapy and physiotherapy (electrotherapy and radiation).
6. V.T. Polyakov. The magnetic field ... what if it affects ... Radio, No. 1 - 1998, p. 8-10.

A new apparatus for magnetic therapy, the MS-92M magnetic stimulator, created at the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukraine, is described. Descriptions of the functional and circuit diagrams device.

Currently, due to excessive use in various sectors of the national economy chemical substances Allergization and morbidity of the population has sharply increased. The use of a large number of chemotherapy drugs in modern medicine has exacerbated these phenomena. Therefore, there was a need to use drug-free therapies, among which therapy with low-frequency electric and magnetic fields occupies an important place.

The effects of magnetic fields lead to such therapeutic effects as anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgesic and stimulating tissue regeneration. In particular, the magnetic field treats vascular diseases, diseases nervous system, diseases of the joints and spine, injuries and their consequences, thermal damage, and also use magnetic field treatment in gynecology, dermatology, urology.

Currently, in the CIS countries, the Polus-1 apparatus, developed at VNIIMP, is being mass-produced. The device is designed for local therapeutic effects with a unidirectional low-frequency alternating magnetic field. "Pole-1" has three types of inductors: with U-shaped and straight cores and cavity inductor. Treatment is carried out using one or two interchangeable inductors installed transversely or longitudinally. Adjust the magnetic intensity in 4 steps. Magnetic field induction (MF) 25-35 mT. The MF quickly decays and is almost absent at a distance of 5-6 cm from the inductor. The device operates in continuous and intermittent modes.

Another device - "Polyus-101" is designed to influence the limbs with an alternating magnetic field. The inductors to it are made in the form of two solenoids. One of them induces an alternating magnetic field with a frequency of 700 Hz, the other with a frequency of 1000 Hz. The maximum induction in the center of the solenoid is 1.5 mT, at its inner walls -2.5 mT. At each subsequent stage, the induction increases by 25%.

R.P. Kikut and D.K. Millers have developed a device for magnetic therapy, which provides repeated exposure to a magnetic field on the human body with high precision spatial orientation and the possibility of monitoring the patient's condition during treatment.

In Japan, an apparatus for magnetotherapy "Magnitizer" was created. The intensity of the magnetic field generated by it is 50-80 mT. There are several models of the "Magnitizer": M-P1 is designed for two-electrode sessions; M-MX - mattress, consisting of three independent parts with two electrodes in each, an electric pillow and a manual portable electrode; the portable M-R device is used to contact electrodes with any part of the body and is intended for inpatient and outpatient conditions.

In Romania, magnetotherapy is carried out using the "Magnitodiaflux" apparatus, which is equipped with two inductors-solenoids with a diameter of 30 and 60 cm and provides an intermittent mode of magnetotherapy.

In Italy, the Ronsfort apparatus is operated, consisting of a program-controlled inductor, a couch for the patient, and a solenoid inductor moving along the couch. Magnetic field induction 2.8 mT.

In Ukraine, a sample of the apparatus "EYA" was created, generating a magnetic field from 2.5 to 10 mT. The installation "UMT-1" was developed to create a magnetic field of 5-30 mT and a frequency of 1-100 Hz; pulsed magnetic field generator "Alimp-1" and "3vezda-3", magnetic field induction 0.05-2.5 mT, pulse repetition rate 1-1000 Hz.

At the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics of the National Technical University of Ukraine KPI, a new apparatus for magnetic therapy, the MS-92M magnetostimulator, has been developed. It is intended for therapeutic effects on the human body with a constant and variable magnetic field with an induction of 5-30 mT. The device has two inductors with a working surface diameter of 36 mm.

The portability and electrical safety of the device make it possible to treat patients not only in a hospital setting, but also in outpatient clinics and at home.

Important parameters of serial devices of this class are, in particular, the maximum value of the induction of the electromagnetic field, the energy consumed by the device, the efficiency, weight and overall dimensions, as well as the cost and sale price of products. This determines the conditions for the widespread introduction of devices in practical medicine and their competitiveness in the market of medical equipment.

Figure 1 shows the functional diagram of the MS-92M magneto-stimulator. It consists of a linearly changing voltage generator 1, a mode switch block 2, a master oscillator 3, a signal conditioning unit (SFS) 4, an amplification unit 5, inductors I and II (6 and 7), a control unit 8, a power supply 9.

After the power is turned on, the ramp voltage generator generates a periodic signal triangular shape with a repetition period of 20 s, which is fed to the input of the block of mode switches and then to the input of the master oscillator in the form of a generation frequency control signal. Depending on the position of the operation mode switches, the master oscillator outputs a fixed frequency F, variable frequencies 1-F or 90100 Hz. The output pulses from the master oscillator are fed to the signal conditioning unit (SFS), which is a PROM with ultraviolet erasure. 16 waveforms are digitally encoded in the FFS.

The digital codes from the PROM are fed to a digital-to-analog converter, at the output of which an analog signal of one period of output pulses approximated by a piecewise constant function is formed. The analog signal from the BFS output enters the amplification unit, which amplifies these signals in terms of power with a load on inductors I and II (blocks 6 and 7), which converts it into a magnetic field of a certain shape, frequency and induction.

The control unit allows you to visually monitor the operating parameters of the frequency and induction of the electromagnetic field, which are generated by the device in both channels. To set the duration of a particular procedure, the device is equipped with a timer.

The linearly changing voltage generator (Fig. 2) is built on the operational amplifier DA1. Resistor R2 can adjust the level of sawtooth voltage offset relative to zero potential, and variable resistor R7 - the repetition period.

The mode switching block is a set of voltage dividers that are switched on using switches F (fixed frequency mode), 1-F (floating adjustable frequency mode), 90-100 (floating unregulated frequency mode).

The master oscillator (Fig. 2) is built on the operational amplifier DA2. Depending on the position of the mode switches, the generator generates a frequency that corresponds at the output of the device to signals of the selected form with a fixed frequency F or variables 1-F, 90-100 Hz. Variable resistor R10 is used to adjust the desired frequency.

The signal conditioning unit (Fig. 2) consists of a digital-to-analogue converter (D10 inverter circuits, a set of precision resistors R19-R31), PROM (D9), binary counter (D8), trigger (D6.1), inverters (D4.2 , D4.3) and switches "1" - "4", "Pause".

Depending on the position of the switches "1" - "4", an address is formed that determines from which area of ​​the PROM memory a signal of the required shape is selected. In this case, the binary code from the counter D8 and the frequency from the master oscillator enter the PROM and determine the current address of the cells in which the ordinate codes of the read signal are recorded. The signal codes from the PROM output are converted to analog form by a digital-to-analog converter and fed to the amplification unit.

Pause switch, trigger D6.1 and inverters D4.2, D4.3 set the mode in which the output frequency of the desired waveform is halved, i.e. after each signal of the selected form, there is a pause lasting one signal period.

The amplification block (Fig. 2) consists of preamplifier(D11.1, D11.2) and two identical channels of output power amplifiers providing control of working inductors L1 and L2 (D11.3, V5, V6, V14, V15 and D11.4, V7, V8, V16, V17). The "Inversion" switch makes it possible to switch the polarity of the inductor L1 and provide in-phase or anti-phase mode with respect to the inductor L2. Using dual variable resistors R1.1, R1.2 and R2.1, R2.2, you can adjust the induction values ​​in each of the channels independently.

The control unit 8 (Fig. 2) includes a milliammeter RA, a transistor V13, a speaker, a switch "Channel 1", "Channel 2", "B", "F".

Switches "F" and "B" provide switching of controlled values ​​of frequency and induction of pulses of the electromagnetic field for each of the channels. The speaker is used for audible signaling of the device operation for the convenience of the operating personnel.

The timer includes a trigger D6.2, a binary counter D3, a decimal counter with a decoder at the output D5, three inverters (D4.1, D4.2, D4.3), "Start" and "Procedure time" switches.

Switch "Start" trigger D6.2 is set to log. "0", allowing counters D3, D5 to work. The signal from the output of the generator, built on the element DA1, is fed to the input of the binary counter D3. As a result, every 2.5 minutes, a positive drop is supplied to the counter with a decoder D5 through the inverter D4.1, and the log "T" level is set at the first output of the counter D5 after 5 minutes, and the log "0" levels are set at the other outputs. the subsequent positive drop at the counting input shifts the level of log "1" to the next output, and in its place the level of log "0" is set. This continues until a positive drop from one of the outputs of the counter comes through the switch "Procedure time "to the counting input of the trigger D6.2, which switches to the state of the log. "1". Thus, the operation of the counters D3, D5 is blocked, and they are set to their initial zero state.

Inductors L1 and L2 (blocks 6 and 7, Fig. 2) are remote coils that are connected through a connector to the outputs of power amplifiers and provide an electromagnetic field induction from 0 to 30 mT.

The complex of technical and clinical tests carried out in the physiotherapy departments of various clinics allows us to conclude that the magnetostimulator is highly effective in the treatment of a wide class of diseases. Absence side effects and contraindications to the use of magnetic therapy in clinical practice, the low cost of operating the apparatus, the absence of consumables, a high degree of electrical safety, the absence of direct contact with the patient's body and, therefore, the exclusion of the possibility of transferring infections determine the broad prospects for the development of this area of ​​physiotherapy.


1. Samosyuk I.Z., Fisenko L.I., Chukhraev N.V., Uzhov S.A., Shimko G.E. Electropuncture diagnostics. Issue. 1.- K.: JSC Ukrprofzdravnitsa, 1997.-206s.

2. Application of artificial magnetic fields in experimental and clinical medicine. Part 1. Mechanisms of influence and responses of a living organism.: Reviews of electronic technology. Microwave electronics / Yu.M. Raigorodsky, V.F. Goryainov, Yu.A. Kudrin and others - M .: Central Research Institute of Electronics, 1987. Issue 4 (1249).

3. Samosyuk I.Z., Chukhraev N.V., Shimkov G.E., Bitson A.V. Therapy with electromagnetic waves of the millimeter range. Issue. 1.2.-K.: NMC Medical innovative technologies, 1999 .- 216s.

The human body itself also produces electrical signals that control our well-being. Violation of electrical connections in the body causes disease. On the principle of restoration of connections in the human body, the whole teaching of ancient Chinese medicine is based on the impact on biologically active points(zhen-jiu therapy). Modern the medicine and the development of electronics added to this teaching various reflexology methods. This is a laser magnetic, light, sound and many other types of therapy. Most of them directed locally (locally) affect the painful areas of the body.

Magnetotherapy(treatment by exposure to magnetic waves) proved to be most effective in the treatment of joints - in diseases such as polyarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis. Here we will look at how you can make a device for magnetic exposure yourself.

Scheme of the device for magnetotherapy

Proposed device generates low power magnetic field pulses. The scheme of the device is given in fig. 1. The device consists of three functional blocks - a generator, a shaper and a current amplifier. The generator is assembled according to the multivibrator circuit on the elements DD1.1, DD1.2. The short pulse shaper consists of a differentiating chain C2, R4 and elements DD1.3, DD1.4. The current amplifier is assembled on transistors VT1, VT2 operating in the key mode. Diode VD1 is necessary to protect transistors from breakdown by self-induction currents. The LED can be taken of the AL307 type or any other, by reducing the value of the resistor R7 to 2 k. But with such a replacement, the current consumption will increase.

The electromagnet has a winding resistance of at least 20 ohms. The electromagnet coil is wound on a frame with an inner diameter of 10 mm and an outer 20 mm wire PEV-2 0.22. You can take a spool ready from threads, but always wooden. Winding until the frame is filled. The last winding layer, together with soldered flexible wires about 50 cm long, is wrapped with electrical tape. A magnetic circuit is inserted into the hole of the coil - a core made of mild steel, for example, steel 3. As a core for a coil taken from threads, an M10 bolt without a head is screwed in well. The device is assembled in a suitable box, where the frequency regulator, LED, battery type (Krona) are installed. The wire from the magnet is connected to the device with a stereo connector, which simultaneously functions as a power switch. At the first turn on, the change in the frequency of switching on the LED is controlled when the frequency regulator is rotated. The operation of the magnet can be checked if you bring it to the screen of a color TV - this is safe. Shadows should appear on the screen in sync with the LED flashes.

Attention! It is forbidden to use the device for people who have electromechanical pacemakers!

During the operation of the device, the magnet is brought to the painful joint with a magnetic circuit and slow circular movements are made. Exposure time up to 30 minutes. The frequency of the generator is set to the minimum, controlling them by the flashes of the LED. If the pain does not subside, the frequency of generation is slowly increased. At the same time, it must be remembered that a high frequency is designed to break down salt deposits, so the pain may increase for a while.

This device can be used in the treatment of fractures and wound healing, as well as toothache.

Another application of this device is the treatment of seeds before planting. A magnet is placed on the seed box for 30 seconds, the pulse frequency is minimal. Long-term seed treatment practice has shown good seedling vitality, increased disease resistance and larger fruits. Although in the first phase, until the true leaf, the plant is delayed in growth, in the subsequent it overtakes the "untreated" seedlings. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it when processing with a magnet.

Source: Device for local magnetotherapy. - Radio, 1995, 12, p. 58.

These devices ("Ekran", UHF-30, UHF-80) were produced with state subsidies, and in the conditions of the market they turned out to be commercially untenable. They also had an operational drawback - their inductive emitters gave the same electrical heating as capacitive ones.

As you know, there are two types of ideal emitters - electric and magnetic dipoles. The first one consists of two conductors, to which a voltage is applied, which creates an electric field. The second is a current-carrying conductor around which a magnetic field is created. Real emitters are very close to the first and very far from the second. Conductors have a finite resistance, on which the voltage drops, creating an electric field that is strongly absorbed by living tissues. The resistance of electrical losses weakens the current in the conductor and, accordingly, the magnetic component of the field. Therefore, it is possible to obtain magnetic heating (magnetothermy) only with low-resistance, high-quality and tuned in resonance with the generator frequency emitter frames. This condition is not met in the listed HF devices, since they use a multi-loop circuit, and in the general case, the output circuit (coil) is not tuned to resonance with the generator - the presence of the patient and his movements upset the circuit.

Meanwhile, magnetothermy has its advantages. If, with a potential electric field linear currents arise in the body, from which the skin, fat, bones and brain are heated most of all, having high resistance in a series circuit, then the magnetic field creates eddy currents in the physiological fluid around insulating particles (for example, cell membranes). The blood and blood-filled tissues are heated to the maximum. In addition, the magnetic field does not change its shape in the body and penetrates into it, as into air. Inflamed, edematous and tumor tissues are heated in a magnetic field to the greatest extent, which achieves selective safe treatment. Overheating of healthy tissue is impossible, because. The body regulates temperature by increasing blood flow to carry heat away. Capillaries open, most of which are closed at rest. In this case, the drug introduced into the blood irrigates the tissues better and becomes more effective (for example, antibiotics). Therefore, magnetothermia is used as an additional enhancer of drug therapy.

I offer a device for magnetothermy, designed for individual use. It is simple, has small dimensions, but is not adapted for continuous clinical work (it overheats).

Fig.1. Scheme of the apparatus for magnetic therapy

Schema elements. L1 - emitter-frame, combined with the generator circuit. L2, L3 - high-frequency chokes. VL1.1, VL1.2 - half of the generator lamp GU-29. R1, R2 - bias resistors, R3 - ballast resistor in the screen grid circuit. VD1 - a zener diode that quenches the voltage on the screen grid of a cold lamp. VD2, VD3 - rectifier diodes (any 1000V and current 2...3A). C1, C2 - filter capacitors. T1 - filament transformer 220 / 12.6 V (1.25 A).

Rice. 2, Fig3. Schemes of emitters of the magnetic therapy apparatus

Short insulated braids (3 and 4) serve as plates for the feedback capacitors. The other lining is the cable core. But this is not only its function. The linings also shield the ends of the core, due to which the inductive resistance of the ends is minimal, and their equivalent diameter is equal to the diameter of the braid. This eliminates the feeder that introduces losses.
An unloaded oscillatory circuit made of a cable has a quality factor of several hundred, and a loaded by the patient - about 50. The resonant frequency of the emitter in a single-circuit circuit always coincides with the frequency of the generator and determines it, therefore the circuit provides almost pure magnetic heating.

The cable termination scheme is shown in Fig. 2a. The length of the blank is 95 cm. At the ends of the segment, the vein is exposed (sections 1.13). In sections 2.12, the outer insulation and braiding were removed, while the inner insulation was retained. Segments 3, 11 - untouched sections of the cable. They are followed by breaks in the braid (sections 4, 10), but the braid here is cut only from the side of the ends of the cable, and its bare ends are wound into sections 5, 9 over the outer insulation. At the same time, the veins of the braid are untwisted. The braid is also torn strictly in the middle of the cable segment (section 7). The places where the braid is removed are insulated with rings from the removed external insulation, and in sections 4, 7, 10 these rings are cut along the generatrix. Over the rings, the places of braid breaks are wrapped with adhesive tape. A piece of a corrugated plastic tube 0 20 mm long, 7 ... 8 cm long, is put on the middle gap 7. The ends of the tube are wound with PVC tape. The ends of the cable are folded into a frame, and the places with unfolded braids (5, 9) are wrapped with bare wire and soldered, as shown in Fig. 26. After cutting the segment, a piece of insulation is removed on the surface of sections 3, 11 to solder the conductors from the grids of the lamps.

High-frequency chokes L2, L3 are made on cable sections with outer insulation and braid removed, i.e. the frame is internal insulation with a preserved core. A coil to coil of MGTF-0.12 wire or another with heat-resistant insulation, 2.2 m long, is wound on this frame. The ends of the winding are fastened with rubber rings. A lobe is made from the end of the core for fastening, a throttle.

The circuit is mounted in an oblong case of two metal covers with holes for ventilation and two end caps made of caprolon, plexiglass or wood. The ends of the frame pass through one plug, and the power cord through the other. The layout of the elements in the case is shown in Fig.3. Elements can be fastened with screws and brackets or with the help of glue gun. All current-carrying circuits of the circuit must be well insulated from the case!

The device’s performance is checked using an electric lamp with a power of 100 ... 150 W (220 V) connected to two or three turns of a cable (a braid is used) 0 20 cm. When the indicator approaches the frame of the device, the lamp should light up with full heat. In this case, there is a maximum glow at a distance of 3 ... 5 cm, corresponding to the optimal load of the generator.
Working with the device is reduced to combining the field of the frame, which has the form of a sphere resting on the frame, with the area of ​​pathology. The round frame acts to a depth of approximately 10 cm, i.e. it is good to treat inflammations such as bronchitis, nephritis, arthritis. For greater localization, the frame can be narrowed, and for otolaryngology, for example, it is advantageous to bend it like a poker. At the same time, while holding the body of the device vertically, the part of the frame closest to the body is brought under the chin close to the neck, and the bent part covers the face at the level of the nose. In this position, the nasopharynx and ears are treated. Relief occurs immediately after a session lasting 10-15 minutes. For other diseases, the session is longer - 20 ... 30 minutes. In the acute form of inflammation, sessions can be repeated after a few hours, in chronic inflammation - every day or every other day. The course of magnetothermy consists of several sessions. The exception is fractures and arthritis, when the effective number of sessions is more than 10.

Magnetothermia can be used in all cases where physiotherapy is indicated. Ten years of experience using this method by dozens of doctors on thousands of patients has not revealed any side effects, but it is still recommended to consult a doctor before using it.

Magnetotherapy is a type of physical impact on a person by low-frequency constant or pulsed magnetic fields. It has been established that it increases the permeability of our cell membranes, accelerates redox reactions, enhances the activity of enzymes and activates local blood circulation. Magnetic fields relieve pain and inflammation, reduce swelling in tissues, reduce the activity of the blood coagulation process, stimulate regenerative processes in tissues (especially bone and cartilage) and improve their nutrition.

Magnetotherapy is successfully gaining momentum of application. And although it is not universally recognized as a medical method of therapy (for example, in the United States), in Russia it is officially recognized and is used in public clinics and private practice. The effectiveness of the method has been confirmed by many clinical trials, although scientists still have work to do.

Magnetotherapy is used for the following diseases:

Rheumatoid arthritis in mild to moderate severity;
. osteoarthritis;
. osteochondrosis;
. psoriatic arthropathy;
. slowly healing fractures, wounds and trophic ulcers;
. chronic venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis;
. consequences of burns;
. allergic and itchy skin dermatoses;
. female chronic inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
. IHD (initial degree of angina pectoris);
. hypertension stage I and II;
. atherosclerosis;
. neurosis and insomnia;
. subacute and chronic inflammation eye;
. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer both during remission and during the period of exacerbation and gastritis, inflammation and biliary dyskinesia, chronic and subacute pancreatitis, chronic hepatitis and prolonged treatment of acute hepatitis, non-ulcerative colitis, pain after gastric resection) ;
. ENT diseases: vasomotor and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, chronic pharyngitis and otitis media, laryngitis, tracheitis;
. bronchopulmonary diseases: prolonged acute pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, not hormone-dependent bronchial asthma, tuberculosis in an inactive form;
. dentistry: periodontal disease, gingivitis, sores on the oral mucosa, acute arthritis of the temporomandibular joint, fracture of the lower jaw, wounds after surgery and trauma;
. chronic and subacute diseases genitourinary system: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis, impotence;
. postoperative and traumatic pain.

Currently, there are many devices and devices for magnetotherapy on the market: ALIMP-1, AMO-ATOS, MAG-30, ALMAG and others. Their main drawback is the cost, which varies from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles. In the conditions of Russian reality, for many suffering people these are prohibitive figures.

Therefore, I propose a scheme for a device for magnetotherapy, code-named Hottabych, made on an inexpensive and affordable element base worth about several hundred rubles. This device can be assembled by any even a novice master with his own hands. The maximum strength of the magnetic field is such that it attracts metal objects at a distance of 9-10 cm, therefore, this device should be used from the minimum values, gradually increasing the value of the magnetic field until the pain syndrome is relieved, focusing on the frequency and voltage of the LED, if it is important for someone more accurate value, you can set the arrow or digital indicator.

It has been noticed that a frequency of several hertz is the most effective (in the proposed device it is modulated by the mains frequency), but in principle, it is individual for each person individually. Coil L1 is taken from a starter of the second magnitude ~ 220v with an open magnetic core and is filled with epoxy compound for safety, it is connected to the device with a flexible cable 1.5 squares in double insulation. The device is compact, but if someone does not like the high output voltage, then you can replace the transformer with a more powerful one (100 W) with an output voltage of 24 volts and power L1, naturally with a nominal value of 24 volts, from the KBSP2510 bridge connected to this winding. dimensions and the weight will increase a lot.

I cannot fail to mention the contraindications for the use of physiotherapeutic methods, including magnetic therapy: violations of blood clotting; problems with hematopoiesis; acute stage of thrombosis; severe cardiovascular diseases: myocardial infarction, heart failure, angina pectoris, aneurysm of the heart, blood vessels; arrhythmia; the use of a pacemaker by a patient; disruption of the central nervous system; increased excitability; mental disorders; malignant tumors; tuberculosis; low blood pressure; pregnancy; up to one and a half years of age.

The magnetotherapy apparatus, the scheme of which I presented here, brought noticeable relief to my relatives in the already unbearable pain in the joints. We resorted to his help, since the effect of the procedures in the clinic is lost on the way to them and walking along the floors, and for some reason the procedures themselves became paid. Unfortunately, the principle of help yourself is becoming more and more relevant in our country, and if the proposed device helps you, then I will be very happy about it.

The production of medical equipment is a licensed activity. As you understand, I do not have such a license and the use of the device presented in my diagram is carried out at your own peril and risk, although taking into account contraindications and our Russian reality (ecology, stress, food, indifference of doctors ....... ) it won't do more damage.