Presentation of the diversity of arachnids and their role in nature. The variety of arachnids and their importance in nature and human life

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Class Arachnids

Class Arachnids Scorpion squad Spider squad Tick squad Salpug squad Harvest squad

Order Scorpions The body of a scorpion consists of a small cephalothorax and a long abdomen. The entire body of a scorpion is covered with a chitinous shell. 3-6 pairs of eyes are placed on the upper side of the cephalothorax.

Scorpion Squad

Solpuga detachment The body and limbs are covered with long hairs. When attacked, the phalanges emit a piercing squeak or chirp by rubbing the chelicerae against each other.

Solpuga Detachment

Order Haymen Have a segmented abdomen connected to the cephalothorax by a wide base Abdomen is short, consists of 9-10 tightly closed segments Leg segments: coxa, trochanter, femur, calyx, tibia, pretarsus and tarsus

Detachment Haymakers

Order Spiders Body consists of two parts: cephalothorax and mostly unsegmented abdomen Leg segments: coxa, trochanter, femur, calyx, tibia, pretarsus and tarsus Eyes: 8, 6 rarely 2

Squad Spiders

Detachment Ticks Body whole or divided into 2 parts Leg segments: coxa, trochanter, femur, knee, tibia and tarsus. They have 4 simple eyes

Squad Ticks

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

summary of the lesson "Class Arachnids. Features of the structure and life of arachnids"

Summary of the lesson "Class arachnids. Features of the structure and life of arachnids. The diversity and significance of arachnids in nature and human life" ...

Tasks are designed for group work on the topic "Class Crustaceans, Class Arachnids". Can be used as questions for conducting a quiz, consolidating knowledge or self-study ...

Synopsis of a lesson in biology "Class arachnids. General characteristics of arachnids. The diversity of arachnids and their importance in nature and human life"

The lesson was developed for the textbook by V.M. Konstantinov "Biology. Animals. Grade 7". The study of new material is accompanied by the use of ICT (viewing animations, video clips), independent work in the par...

Biology teacher MBOU secondary school 2 Belorechenk Krasnodar Territory Arefieva N.V.

slide 2

Class Arachnids:

1. Spider Squad

2. Detachment Pincers

3. Scorpion Squad

slide 3


  • Claw-shaped pedipalps
  • The posterior abdomen is segmented
  • At the end of the abdomen, a pair of poisonous glands with a sting
  • Lead a nocturnal lifestyle
  • slide 4

    25 types of scorpions are dangerous to humans

    The venom of the yellow fat-tailed scorpion (southern androkton) is almost as strong as that of the cobra: it contains neurotoxins (nerve poisons) that affect the nervous system of the victim. Small mammals die instantly. The poison is also deadly to humans.

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    The easiest way to determine the degree of poisonousness of a scorpion is to compare its claws and sting. The larger claws and relatively small sting a scorpion has, the less poisonous it will be.

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    Imperial scorpion

    Body length 25 cm, life expectancy 10 years

    Slide 8

    Scorpion female with offspring

  • Slide 9

    Squad Spiders

    • The body is divided into cephalothorax and non-segmented abdomen
    • Chelicerae have venom glands
    • There are spider warts on the abdomen
  • Slide 10

    Theraphosa Blond

    The biggest spider in the world. He is able to hunt toads, mice and even small snakes. On average, the body size is 8-9 cm, and the average span of the spider's limbs is about 25 cm. These giants live in the forests of Suriname, Venezuela and northern Brazil.

    slide 11

    Spider - tarantula

    • The bites of only a few species of tarantulas are really dangerous for humans. In most cases, the bite of even a large spider is no more painful than a wasp sting; The bite site may be slightly swollen and red.
    • After the spider attacks the victim, it injects a paralyzing poison into it, which dissolves all the internal organs of the prey, after which it eats the caught victim, sucking out the dissolved entrails from it.
    • Despite the name, birds are rarely included in the diet of tarantulas.
    • Tarantula spiders are bred at home.
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    • Tarantula is the common name for several species of large spiders belonging to the wolf spider family.
    • All tarantulas are poisonous, but this does not mean that they are especially dangerous to humans. For humans, a tarantula sting is the equivalent of a wasp sting, well, maybe a little stronger. Edema appears at the bite site, the poison causes pain and numbness, and the temperature often rises. Only a severe allergic reaction can lead to death.
  • slide 15

    In the Middle Ages, the only cure for illness after being bitten by a spider was a wild dance.

    tarantella. To pass the disease, it was necessary to dance to the point of complete exhaustion.

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    First aid for a tarantula bite

    • Thoroughly wash the bite site large quantity soapy water.
    • Apply a tourniquet to the bitten limb and immobilize it as much as possible.
    • Apply cold to the bite.
    • Plentiful drinking is recommended. Then part of the poison will be excreted faster in the urine.
    • An adult can be given aspirin or acetaminophen. It is better to give paracetamol to children.
    • If possible, crush the tarantula, and smear the bite with blood. The fact is that his blood contains an antidote to his own poison.
    • If an allergic reaction occurs, it is better to take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.
  • Slide 18


    Karakurt bites cause a very severe poisoning in a person, which, if not treated in time, can end in death.

    Slide 19

    A person almost does not feel pain at the moment of being bitten by a karakurt, but after 10-15 minutes a sharp pain occurs, spreading from the bite site throughout the body. There is a sharp pain in the lower back, abdomen, chest, there is shallow breathing, dizziness, often vomiting, cramps in the arms and legs. The patient's face is distorted with pain and intense fear, tears flow from his eyes, he sweats profusely. There is a cyanosis of the upper body, a red rash appears on the skin; this state lasts 3-5 days.

    With timely treatment, recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks.

    In severe cases, without medical attention, death can occur in 1-2 days.

    Slide 20

    First aid for a bite of a karakurt:

    • During the first couple of minutes, the bite site of the karakurt should be burned with two or three matches. To do this, attach 3 matches with heads to the bite site and set them on fire with the 4th. When bitten, the upper layer of the skin is affected, so the flame of matches is enough to partially neutralize and destroy the poison.
    • Rubbing alcohol, enemas are useful.
    • The patient should drink warm tea or water. Give a little, because after the bite of a karakurt, urine output worsens.
    • Painkillers can be given to relieve pain
    • The best remedy for neutralizing the poison of karakurt is the Tashkent anti-karakurt serum. Therefore, the victim must be taken to the hospital as soon as possible!
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    Symptoms of scabies

    1 - skin itching, especially worse at night. 2 - whitish-grayish straight or curved lines 5-7 mm on the skin 3 - point or linear excoriations (combs). 4 - purulent-bloody crusts. 5 - Typical places of rash: interdigital areas of the hands, abdomen (especially around the navel), on the buttocks, mammary glands - where the skin is thinner.

    slide 24

    dust mites

    A dust mite is a synatropic organism, that is, “living with a person”, which loves heat and air humidity above 55%, the presence of a nutrient base in the form of dead human skin cells and wool pile of blankets, blankets, carpets, furniture upholstery. Places where dust accumulates are especially comfortable for dust mites: skirting boards, bookshelves, carpets, slippers, etc.

    Slide 25

    Types of allergies caused by mites

    • allergic rhinitis;
    • Bronchial asthma;
    • Respiratory allergies - with periodic inhalation of ticks and their excrement;
    • Atopic dermatitis;
    • Conjunctivitis;
    • Rhinoconjunctivitis;
    • Quincke's edema;
    • Acarodermatitis - with the bites of dust mites;
    • Deep acariasis - when ticks enter the gastrointestinal tract.
  • slide 26

    Traditional ways to deal with dust mites

    • frost (exposure to low temperatures);
    • sun (ultraviolet radiation);
    • regular wet cleaning with a 20% salt solution;
    • timely replacement of mattresses, blankets, pillows;
    • washing bed linen at a temperature not lower than 65°C;
    • storage of bed linen in a dry room;
    • a vacuum cleaner.
    • Modern methods of dealing with dust mites
    • special vacuum cleaners;
    • steam cleaners, air cleaners;
    • means for anti-tick treatment;
    • anti-allergic additives for laundry.
  • Slide 27

    ixodid ticks

    taiga tick

    The taiga tick is the main carrier of the virus tick-borne encephalitis, an extremely serious disease leading to lesions nervous system and often even to death.

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    First aid for a tick bite

    • Lubricate the sucked tick with fat (vaseline, cream, sunflower oil)
    • Wait 12-20 minutes
    • With a thread loop or tweezers, carefully pull out the tick, shaking it from side to side
    • Try not to destroy the tick
    • Burn the removed tick or pour boiling water over it.
    • Treat the bite site with alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, etc.
    • It is forbidden: to crush the tick, because. can be infected with a virus contained in its internal organs
  • Slide 29

    Agricultural pests

    flour mite

    Flour mites are very small arthropods, barely visible to the naked eye, almost transparent; feed on grain dust and damaged grain. A grain of musty smell struck by them. The abundance of flour mites makes grain and grain products unsuitable for food, reduces the germination of seeds.

    slide 30

    Spider mites

  • Slide 31

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    Common signs of arachnids: 1-lack of antennae, 2-four pairs of walking legs, 3-tracheal or pulmonary breathing, 4-permanent perioral appendages - upper tentacles and leg tentacles. 5-On the cephalothorax are located from 12-6 pairs of simple eyes, mouthparts and limbs (walking legs). The most common are spiders and mites.

    slide 4

    slide 5

    The body of the spider is divided into two parts: the cephalothorax, consisting of a durable material - chitin, and the abdomen. The stalk connects these two sections (small tube, constriction) Spider anatomy: (1) four pairs of legs (2) cephalothorax (3) opisthosoma (abdomen)

    slide 6

    SPIDER GLANDS Spider warts are the organs of spiders located on the abdomen. They are mobile paired outgrowths (from one to four pairs), often with a jointed structure. The main function of arachnoid warts is the formation of arachnoid fiber: as a rule, ducts of arachnoid glands open on their tops. By chemical nature, it is a protein that is similar in composition to insect silk. Representatives of a number of groups of arachnids (spiders, scorpions, some ticks) are able to secrete the web. Options for using the web: creating egg cocoons, spermatophores, trapping nets and shelters for a while or adverse conditions

    Slide 7

    Slide 8

    Scorpions The body of a scorpion consists of a small cephalothorax or a long abdomen. The entire body of a scorpion is covered with a chitinous shell. Sizes from 13mm to 20cm. There are 750 species, 50 of which are poisonous. Five pairs of limbs are attached to the cephalothorax on the ventral side of the body, of which the two front pairs play the role of jaw organs, while the remaining three pairs serve for locomotion. The first pair of limbs - chelicerae - is located above the mouth opening and in its position corresponds to the first pair of antennae. Chelicerae look like small 3-segmented pairs of claws and serve to grind food. The limbs of the second pair - pedipalps - consist of six segments. The last two form large pincers, with the help of which the scorpion captures prey.

    Slide 9

    PLIERS The length of the pliers is usually 0.2-0.4 mm, very rarely it can reach 3 mm. The body is whole or divided into two parts that do not correspond to the cephalothorax and abdomen of spiders,. There are usually 6 pairs of appendages, of which the 4 posterior pairs in most adults are legs (the larvae are usually six-legged). Leg segments: coxa, trochanter, femur, knee, tibia and tarsus. The tarsus (terminal segment) is usually armed with claws and stalked suckers.

    In internal structure spider, highlight the features that distinguish it from cancer. Why are spider and crayfish classified as the same type?

    Determine the systematic position of the cross-spider.

    Kingdom Multicellular

    Type e Class Arthropods

    Order Arachnids

    Genus Spiders Species Spiders


    The variety of arachnids and their importance in nature and human life. General characteristics of arachnids.


    The oldest inhabitants of sushi

    found from deserts to Antarctica. Count 60

    thousands of species of arachnids. dust mite

    The class includes 9 units. The most numerous and widespread are spiders, scorpions and ticks.

    black scorpion

    Latin name for spider

    figurative comes from the Greek word "arachne" or "spider". There is a myth about

    the weaver Arachne, who was turned into a spider by Athena.

    tarantula spider


    This order includes about 35 thousand species. Representatives of the detachment live from the

    tyn and rainforest

    to the islands of Antarctica.

    Survive on high

    mountains (up to 7 km), in the cave

    rah. Can several

    weeks to go without

    jumping spider

    Predators. For hunting

    use the poison

    Body length can reach 28cm

    enter with the help of

    (giant tarantula). It's covered

    lustey (limbs). Poison

    sensitive hairs that

    not only paralyzes

    ryh most of all on the toe tentacles

    sacrifice, but also

    tsakh (limbs), and consists of the head

    digestive juice,

    chest and undivided abdomen

    that's why spiders eat

    only liquid food.

    crush (limbs).

    Silver spider

    lung breathing, the spider has adapted to life in the water

    Body covered with hairs , which capture a portion air. The air is silver under water - this is what determines

    the name of the spider.

    The life of spiders is connected with the web.




    Male on-

    Spiders pa-


    build everything

    walks by himself


    spiders. Ve-


    ut mink,

    wu (powti-




    to protect

    nye and over-

    envelopstrong, light and

    silk and 4 times -

    beautiful fabric underneath

    nylon. In it, connect

    titled "Tissues

    squirrels 2 different

    eastern sea.

    types - solid and

    Polynesians used


    web as thread for

    sewing and weaving fish tackle.

    From one spider you can get up to several hundred meters of web. However, the production of silk from the web runs into the problem of breeding spiders in captivity.


    Amazing in their own way

    the shape of the animal.

    Sizes range from 0.01 mm to 1 mm. The body is fused. No eyes. They live in all environments. They use a variety of food sources, so they have oral apparatus different types . Ixodid ticks are able to starve up to 7 years. The most numerous group of arachnids (48,000 species).

    herbivorous mites

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    Main didactic goal: creation of conditions for understanding and comprehending new educational information.


    • Educational: repeat the features of the structure and life of arachnids, as the first terrestrial animals, and the features of the complication of organization in connection with landfall, to form knowledge about the diversity and significance of arachnids in nature and human life;
    • Educational: continue to form the ecological culture of students and personal hygiene skills; to form the cognitive interest of students; the desire to independently seek knowledge; develop creative thinking; to cultivate a tolerant attitude towards arachnids, as representatives of life on Earth;
    • Educational: develop students' attention and observation; logical thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, continue the formation of skills to work with additional sources of information, highlight the main thing, generalize, draw conclusions.

    Core technologies: personal-activity training; technology for the development of critical thinking; methods of problem-dialogical learning (leading or inducing dialogue); technology of formation of communicative actions; active reflective activity; ICT.





    • value attitude to the ability to recognize arachnids in nature,
    • awareness of the importance of this skill for the formation of an ecological worldview;
    • value attitude to joint cognitive activity
    Cognitive and regulatory universal learning activities:
    • goal-setting at the level of accepting a practical task and setting a learning task;
    • concept modeling;
    • the ability to structure knowledge (building an algorithm)
    • the student will learn to work with the textbook, workbook and didactic materials;
    • biological dictionaries and reference books for finding definitions of biological terms;
    • use Internet search engines.

    Communicative universal learning activities:

    • the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;
    • the ability to manage the partner's behavior - control, correction, evaluation of the partner's actions;
    • the student will have the opportunity to learn how to develop a message plan and presentation of a topic using different sources of information;
    • prepare messages based on a summary of textbook information and additional sources
    A basic level of according to the standard and the program, students should know:
    • basic concepts related to the structure of arthropods;
    • the structure and basics of the life of representatives of arachnids;
    • general characteristics arachnids;
    • the main orders of arachnids;
    • the prevalence and role of arachnids in nature and human life.
    • According to the standard and the program, students should be able to:
    • give a general description of arachnids; explain the structure of arachnids;
    • give examples of the prevalence of arachnids;
    • explain the role of arachnids in nature and human life.

    Enhanced Level:

    • make a taxonomy of arachnids;
    • characterize the role of arachnids in biocenoses.

    Equipment: media projector, computer, interactive whiteboard, presentation for the lesson, collections of arachnids.


    I. Organizational moment

    Greeting, message of the topic and tasks of the lesson.

    II. Testing knowledge, skills and abilities.

    III. Learning new material

    1. Student's message. What does the science of Arachnology study?

    The Latin name for arachnids comes from the Greek ?????? "spider" (there is a legend about Arachne, which the goddess Athena turned into a spider).

    Greek legend

    In those distant times, Arachne lived in Lydia - the daughter of the purple dyer Idmin. She was famous for the fact that she had no equal in the art of weaving patterned fabrics and weaving carpets. Soon Arachne imagined herself equal to the gods, equal to the sun (slide number 2)

    Hey Pallas...
    I predict, and what was said will soon come true,
    Soon I will weave a carpet, which was not in the world,
    And your skill cannot be compared with mine, O Athena,
    I have no equal, neither on the sinful Earth, nor in the cloudless heights,
    There is only one craftswoman in this world, and that is Arachne!

    Arachne wove cloth no worse than Athena. But she, in punishment for the audacity to compete with the gods, did not recognize her merits and punished Arachne for pride and vanity.

    Damn you, you spin a web for a century,
    Be the ugly Arachne that people
    They will persecute and persecute always and forever
    They will be afraid of you, and crush, and tear the web.
    And your skill, of which you were so proud,
    May it remain with you in consolation forever with you:
    You will sit in the corner and weave a web forever.

    Therefore, the science of spiders - Arachnology. Today, experts who are well versed in the diversity of these animals speak at the lesson.
    The class "Arachnids" includes over 70 thousand species of animals living in areas with a humid climate. In arid areas, they live mainly in the soil or litter, where air humidity is high. Arachnids are the first terrestrial arthropods to conquer land. The Arachnida class includes several orders, among which the most famous are Scorpions, Spiders, Ticks and Haymakers (Slide No. 3)
    The guys prepared messages with presentations about the classes of arachnids.

    Speaker plan:

    1. Features of the structure and life.
    2. Variety.
    3. Presence of representatives in the Kemerovo region.
    4. The role of animals in nature.
    4. Significance for a person.

    According to the same plan, the rest of the students enter brief information in a notebook.
    The sequence of speeches is determined by the teacher. It is important to keep track of time so as not to go beyond the lesson and limit the performance of the guys.

    2. Performances by groups of students with a presentation(Annex 2 )

    Spider Squad. Information about the characteristics of the representatives of the detachment is told by the first student. (Slide number 4)

    The next student explains why and how spiders build a web. (Slide number 5) Then there are messages about the diversity of the representatives of the detachment. (Slides №№6,7) haymakers- the second detachment of arachnids studied in the lesson. (Slide number 8)

    Scorpion Squad.(Slides ##9, 10)

    Squad Ticks.(Slides №№11,12)

    Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis and methods for removing ticks (Slides No. 13,14)

    IV. Anchoring

    Each student is invited to name one of the features of the structure, life activity or variety of arachnids. The guys answer "in a chain." The main rule of such fixing is not to break the chain.

    expedient at the stage of consolidation spend quiz. At this stage, the guys who did not prepare the presentation can prove themselves. ( Appendix 3 )

    To fix the material, you can use problem questions:

    1) Arachnids are animals that have mastered land in the course of evolution, thanks to which adaptations they occupy different environments of life;
    2) What are the diverse groups of these animals?
    3) Why is there a small number of arachnid species in Siberia, where we live?

    V. Reflection

    What difficulties did you encounter while studying the material?
    – How did you deal with them?

    Summarizing. Grading.

    VI. Homework.(Slide number 19)

    Repeat the features of the external and internal structure of arachnids.
    Study the text of the textbook "The diversity and role of arachnids in nature and human life"

    Used Books:

    1. Dudkina O.P. Biology. Detailed thematic planning according to the program of N.I. Sonina, A.A. Pleshakova, V.B. Zakharov grades 6–11. - Volgograd. "Teacher", 2011.
    2. Paldyaeva G.M. Biology. Work programs. 5-9 grades. - M .: "Drofa", 2013.
    3. Sementsova V.N. Biology. Technological maps of lessons. Grade 7. Methodical manual - St. Petersburg "Parity", 2003.
    4. Sonin N.I., V.B. Zakharov Textbook-navigator Biology. variety of living organisms. Part 1 Prokaryotes. Mushrooms. Plants. Viruses 7th class. - M .: "Drofa", 2009.