Didactic material for reading the rebus method. Rebus method of learning to read

Lev Sternberg- an actor by education, for a long time he worked with children as a teacher of a developing direction. Currently preparing material for publication in Russia.

Every four-year-old child dreams of learning to read. Books, magazines, advertising, inscriptions on the streets and on TV, on candy wrappers and on packages with toys - written language surrounds the child everywhere, it is so desired and, alas, so incomprehensible! The kid enthusiastically responds to the adult's offer to learn to read, but! .. But then an "ambush" awaits him.
It turns out that before you read anything at all, you need to learn letters for a long, long time, learn the complex rules for their connection, study for many days, weeks, months, but you still can’t read! It’s good if the teacher is funny, he can play different games and knows how to tell funny story"from the life of letters." Reading does not get any better, but at least the lesson ceases to be boring to the point of yawning. Now, if it would be possible - once, and already learned! times and already read it! times, and even he understood the word he read! Baby dream!

It is this dream of the child that our Rebus method embodies. In a few minutes, learn to read, even without knowing the letters, with almost no study at all. Well, even read not whole stories, and not even sentences, but at least just individual words. Well, even if not with the help of letters, which are so difficult for a child, but for now only with the help of syllabic pictograms, as the ancient Sumerians read. Before reading stories, the child has to go through the whole long educational path - letters, then warehouses, then words, then phrases and sentences - all that other textbooks offer. But with our book, the kid will learn from the first lesson in reading the most interesting and important thing: TO UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF READ.

Practical foundations of the rebus method. There are only two rules.

"Rebus-method" is first of all a game, moreover, it is an oral game. In order to understand the sound principle of our game, it is necessary to perform all the tasks indicated by us out loud, loudly and rhythmically. Our child does not yet know letters, does not yet know how to read, and therefore is able to focus only on spoken words and sounds aloud.

Our game has only two rules. The first rule is how to isolate its first sound warehouse from the whole word (in the word MASK, not the first letter M and not the first syllable MAC, but the first warehouse MA). For a four-year-old child, this is not a problem, and after two or three minutes the baby masters our first rule. The second rule is how to single out their first warehouses from several whole words, loudly and rhythmically spoken aloud one after another, and understand the new resulting word.

From the very first minutes of the first lesson, children are fascinated by the amazing transformations of one word into another. The task of the teacher in these moments is to demonstrate the rules of the game and keep himself from unnecessary explanations. There is no need to explain to the child what a sound, syllable or sound warehouse is. No need to tell what and how many letters the warehouse is written. You don't even need to show pictures or objects. You just need to clearly and rhythmically, like poems, pronounce:

mask - MA
palm tree - PA
mouse - WE
bump - SH
cat - KO
a spoon - …

... - LO
ball - MJ
teapot - CHA
branch - BE
grid - …
pen - RU
Bug - ...

Children really like to play with names in this oral game:

Kolya - KO
Olya - Oh
Masha - MA
Dasha - YES
Petya - PE
Fedya - FE
Ira - I
Kira - KI, etc.

(names, of course, should be familiar to the child). Any adult can easily pick up two or three dozen suitable words. The only thing to consider: each word must necessarily begin with an accent, because unstressed vowels change their sound (katenok, bear).

I.V. Repnikova, Kurganinsk

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center kindergarten No. 36, Kurganinsk

municipal formation Kurganinsky district

Topic: « Game method of teaching reading

"Rebus - method" for children 4-7 years old "

Teacher speech therapist

Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

Repnikova I.V.


Introduction ________________________________________________ page 3

Part 1._________________________________________________ page 4

Part 2._________________________________________________ page 6

Appendix _________________________________________________ page 9



Lesson notes

Literature_________________________________________________ page 78


Currently, teachers, speech therapists, educators, parents are offered a large number of methods that help develop, educate and educate our children. It is difficult to give preference to any method: indeed, many of them competently, purposefully help the child develop, improve and just study well.

The proposed methodology contains games-exercises for the development of attention, memory and teaches children 4-7 years old to read.

The rebus method helps to solve one of the challenging tasks age development of children: the ability to combine individual sounds into syllables. Already in the third minute of the first lesson, a child of 4-5 years old has various puzzle words.

The methodology allows for both individual and subgroup classes in kindergartens and at home for parents.

Rebus is a game development method for teaching children to read.

Part 1.

When to start literacy education? This question inevitably arises before all parents in a restless series of other problems of family pedagogy, as well as before kindergarten teachers.

I have always faced the same question of how to easily, safely and cheerfully introduce a child to writing, how to make reading training fun for a child and instill a taste for independent reading and at the same time avoid standard mistakes in teaching literacy. The fact is that in reading and writing there are, as it were, two layers - theoretical and practical. The school is designed to introduce the child to the theory of writing and reading, to help the child comprehend the laws of written speech and use them consciously. The practical development of writing and reading is another, completely separate task, and it is best to solve it before school.

Based on the principles of literacy education developed by the wonderful child psychologist D.P. Elkonin, the game arrangement of which makes it possible to start teaching literacy with four-year-old children, if the child develops oral speech normally.

Working for many years with children who have a speech impairment, I realized that only in combination with a variety of gaming technologies, based on these principles, it is possible to achieve the greatest results in correcting the speech of preschoolers and preparing them for school.

Observations of children showed that the level of their development and interests is different, both in terms of age characteristics and of the same age.

It has been proven that knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one's own interest, emotions, does not become in memory - this is a dead weight. Talking with parents, I concluded that the most common mistake in this matter is that the child loves to listen when read to him, but refuses to learn to read on his own.

I was faced with the task that the child should not be passive, that his activity should touch his thoughts and arouse interest. Studying the inclinations of pupils, their interests, knowledge and skills, I look closely when the child follows my patterns with the greatest willingness and desire, and I note that children are most interested in playing together. Having made this conclusion, I try to use the concept of “playing activity of a preschooler” more widely. Activity means rules, patterns, means. When they are set by an adult (taking into account age characteristics, tastes and interests), the game becomes a form of cooperation, co-creation of a child and an adult, a form of learning that does not require additional incentives - threats “if you don’t want to study, you won’t go for a walk”, etc. or incentives for rewards “learn the letters I will buy a typewriter”, etc.

Constantly studying methodological literature, the experience of teachers, I have accumulated a lot of experience in working with children on the development of speech in a preschool institution. But I was especially interested in Zaitsev's pedagogical methods.

Acquainted with their methods of teaching reading, for several years I collected and invented didactic games, in which she combined interesting developments of these specialists and used them as separate teaching and correctional moments in correctional classes with children at the logopoint, as well as tasks for children and their parents to consolidate correct speech and learning to read.

Having worked out the material on the game method of the rebus method, she introduced the parents to this method by holding a meeting in the form of a game, where the parents were able to test these techniques on themselves (p. 63).

Together with the senior educator of preschool educational institution No. 36, Didurik I.G., we recorded a disk for working on the Rebus-method game method, which I use in my work with parents (in the form of homework for literacy) at will.

In my correctional work, I always remember that we are talking about a preschool child, an adult’s attempt to separate play and learning cannot be successful, and on the contrary, the widespread use of game teaching methods will ensure the success of your joint activities, make them exciting and desirable for the child.

Games - rebuses helped in the motivating force of the game plot. Children, while playing, learn to speak correctly and, without noticing themselves, learn the skills of reading and writing.

In order to achieve successful results, I tried to skillfully direct the child's activity to the analysis of educational material. At the same time, mental activity had to take place in the most natural form for their age, “playing by the rules”, and arbitrary learning to read and write would become the condition for understanding.

In the process of working with children using this gaming technology, I learned to respect the ignorance and misunderstanding of the child, tried to find their causes, and did not demand blind fulfillment of my requirements. In order to learn to read and write, a child needs to make two important discoveries: first to discover that speech is "built" from sounds, and then to discover the relationship between sound and letter.

Part 2.

The game technique of the rebus method contains games - exercises for the development of memory attention, helps to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds in corrective speech therapy classes, as an application of the rebus method, the technique of M. Zaitsev (“Cubes” of Zaitsev and grammar tables) is used.

The path of a preschooler to the correct speech lies through the games of rebuses in sounds and letters.

The rules of the game are not complicated, do not require training and are available to anyone.

The game developing method of teaching reading allows you to teach literacy to preschoolers:

First, the child reads.

Secondly, the child reads immediately.

Thirdly, the child reads himself.

This technique allows you to acquaint first with sounds, and then with letters, which allows you to more carefully work out the pre-letter sound stage of teaching literacy.

And finally, the child distinguishes everything read, which allows an adult to check the child without even participating in the reading process.

Each lesson is designed for 10-20 minutes, you can conduct both individual and group lessons. Can be used as separate exercise games in any class (kindergarten, at home)

Stages of sequential development of the Rebus method

I stage. Introduction to objects and their names.

II stage. Acquaintance with the principles of allocation of the first warehouse (syllable).

III stage. Reading puzzles from pictures.

IV stage. Composing words from pictures and letters, storage cards, syllable cards.

V stage. Development of reading and stressing skills.

VI stage. Writing letters according to a dotted pattern, dividing the warehouse (syllable) into separate sounds and letters.

VII stage. Learning grammar.

Lesson objectives:

  1. repeatedly interest the child in reading;
  2. development of attention and memory;
  3. development of correct speech;
  4. vocabulary enrichment;
  5. familiarity with the principle of highlighting the first syllable;
  6. mastery of sound analysis and synthesis;
  7. the small muscles of the fingers develop.

The main principle of the gaming technique is the "feedback" mechanism.

Information processing process:

a) several sound models are created in the mind at once (distinguishing stress, different reduction of sounds, different rhythms);

b) several associative images rise from the depths of memory;

c) there is a process of comparison (identification) of the raised images by the constructed models.

The same process occurs when a warehouse (syllable) is recognized. If a child sees two letters side by side, he must look for the sound of a warehouse (syllable) in his memory and compare it with the model. Therefore, first we get acquainted with warehouses (syllables) (pp. 10;11;12;13), and then we divide them into letters (pp. 21:23;24;30).

Games begin with a vocabulary about the rules. Without going into explanations, simply say the following lines aloud to your child (page 2). Read quickly, slightly intriguing, as if guessing riddles. In general, children most accurately respond to "hissing" sweets (syllables). To highlight warehouses (syllables), a table of pictures is used (p. 11). Then puzzles and tasks are sorted out orally

(p. 14; 15; 16), after which the children themselves read the puzzles, circle them with a pencil and connect them with a line with the corresponding pattern


These games combine 4 stages of work. Children get acquainted with objects and their names, distinguish the first warehouses (syllables) from words (pictures). They learn to compose words and then draw puzzles themselves.

At the fifth stage of work, children are already reading from pictures, but learning

setting the stress (p. 24;25). The puzzles of the task are becoming more saturated, it is necessary not only to read and emphasize, but also to circle, for example (a living object, etc.) (p. 41), many control tasks are used.

Gradually, “pictures - warehouses” are introduced and reading from the pictures takes place with the replacement of one of them with a warehouse (p. 23), work is carried out jointly with the word (vocabulary work). After the child has learned to read picture-words, as well as pictures with warehouses, you can start reading the text, first from pictures, and then with the help of pictures and warehouses. Despite the fact that the child reads the words, reading the text causes some difficulties for him. Help your child understand the meaning of the text. Put the accent

(p. 30). Parallel to 5 stages, 6:7 stages are also used. This is writing letters according to a dotted pattern, dividing into sounds and letters (p. 50).

Grammar is studied using Zaitsev tables and cubes

(p. 60).

In correctional work I use three tasks for sounds (p. 46)

Children really like to compose puzzles, pictures and even texts themselves (pp. 34; 35).

This is a very good homework assignment for parents. You can also fix the sound that the child worked on in class, for example (come up with a rebus picture for the sound “C” and clearly pronounce the word in the game

"1-2-3-4-5", etc.).

These speech trainings are useful not only for preschoolers with speech disorders, but also for children who speak without errors as a preventive measure. These games help children to become more attentive, teach them to reason, analyze and compare, develop cognitive activity.

And how light and joyful it becomes in my soul when I see the eyes of a child glowing with joy, who succeeded in everything.

There are many different methods, games, exercises for teaching reading. A rebus is a riddle in which a word is encrypted, encrypted using pictures, letters, signs. Puzzles is a game that will also help you acquire this useful skill - reading.

Rebus method for teaching reading

"Rebus method" is, first of all, a game, and an oral game. In order to understand the sound principle of our game, it is necessary to perform all the tasks indicated by us out loud, loudly and rhythmically. Our child does not yet know letters, does not yet know how to read, and therefore is able to focus only on spoken words and sounds aloud.

Our game has only two rules. The first rule is how to isolate its first sound warehouse from the whole word (in the word MASK, not the first letter M and not the first syllable MAC, but the first warehouse MA). For a four-year-old child, this is not a problem, and after two or three minutes the baby masters our first rule. The second rule is how to single out their first warehouses from several whole words, loudly and rhythmically spoken aloud one after another, and understand the new resulting word.

In a few minutes, learn to read, even without knowing the letters, with almost no study at all. Well, let them read not whole stories, and not even sentences, but at least just individual words. Well, even if not with the help of letters, which are so difficult for a child, but for now only with the help of syllabic pictograms, as the ancient Sumerians read. Before reading stories, the child has to go through the whole long educational path - letters, then warehouses, then words, then phrases and sentences - everything that other textbooks offer. But with our book, the kid from the first lesson will learn the most interesting and important thing in reading: to understand the meaning of what he read.

The game uses two main principles. The first involves highlighting the first syllable in the spoken word. The word is pronounced syllable by syllable, clearly and loudly. Where the emphasis is placed, children of four years of age understand. It is necessary to give several such example words for a good assimilation of reading technique.

About reading

Then you need to use the second principle. This principle gave the name to the whole method - "rebus".

Several words must be pronounced in a certain order so that the endings of one word and the beginning of another, that is, the first and last syllables of adjacent words, form a third, new word. The kid should listen carefully to what you said and be able to highlight the words that he hears. Further, when the first stages of mastering this technique are completed, you can start reading poems to your baby.

Choose topics that are interesting to him. For example, about animals, toys. With this method of learning, it is not necessary to clearly show what syllables the word is divided into, what parts it consists of. Simply auditory perception makes it possible to catch new spoken words. You do not even need to show pictures and drawings.

Experiment, your child will definitely please you with his first and subsequent successes.

See on this site

Article on the topic: "Rebus method for teaching reading"

Reading by warehouses; Letters; Copybook; Books; English; Articles; speech therapy; Memory; Music; Drawing; Check; Attention; Imagination; Teaching preschoolers to read; Preparing children for school;


Rebuses are a game in which words, phrases or whole statements are encrypted using drawings combined with letters and signs. The name is derived from the Latin rebus - (thing, object).

Rule 1. The objects and living beings depicted in the drawings are most often (with rare exceptions) read as words in the nominative case and the singular. Sometimes the desired object in the picture is indicated by an arrow.

Rule 2. If the picture is drawn upside down, read the word backwards. For example, a cat is drawn upside down - we read TOK.

Rule 3. Commas after the picture indicate how many letters to remove from the end of the word denoting what is shown in the picture. For example, a goat is drawn with two commas after it - we read KO.

Rule 4. Inverted commas before the picture indicate how many letters to remove at the beginning of the word denoting what is shown in the picture. For example, an elephant is drawn with a comma in front of the picture - we read LON.

Rule 5. Numbers may appear above or below the picture. Each digit is the number of a letter in the word: 1 is the first letter of the word, 2 is the second letter, 3 is the third, and so on.

This is how easy it is to teach a child to read!

A certain set of numbers below or above the picture says that you need to take only these letters and read them in the indicated order. A crossed-out number means that the given letter should be omitted. For example, a horse is drawn and the numbers 2.1 are below it - we read OK. When combining the examples in rules 3, 4 and 5, we get the hidden word COLUMNS.

Rule 6. The equal sign between letters means replacing a certain letter (or combination of letters) of a word with another letter (or combination of letters). The equal sign can be replaced with an arrow. The action of replacement is also indicated in a third way - the letters that are replaced are crossed out, and substituting ones are written above them. For example, a mole is drawn, and next to it are the crossed out letters RO and the letter I on top - we read KIT.

Rule 7. Letters can be depicted inside other letters, above other letters, under and behind them. In such cases, it is necessary to understand in what spatial relationships the depicted letters consist. For example, inside the letter O, the letters LK are drawn - we read WOLF (although you can also read it as LKVO). The letters AR are written on top, OK on the bottom - we read GIFT (you could also read OKPODAR, NADOKAR, ARNADOK - but here you have to choose what suits the meaning). The letters YES are written in front, and CHA is written in the back - we read TASK.

Rule 8. Letters can be depicted on the surface of other letters. For example, a large letter H is shown, and small I are scattered across it - we read PONY (although you can also read it as IPON, NISI or IZIN). Rule 9. The techniques listed above can be combined with each other.
Recent tasks of the forum:

A short and funny puzzle

guess the word

Unscramble the word

Solve the puzzle to find out the encrypted word

What word is encrypted in this rebus?


Solve the rebus - find out the famous saying 🙂


Riddle rebus

First you need to decipher the riddle (read from left to right first the top line, then the middle one, then the bottom one). And then solve this riddle.


Try to read the saying hidden in this rebus.

You can immediately go to the description of the methodology, but here, first, I'll start with a special story. We know that skilki zusil is necessary in order to teach the little one to read. We buy real tears with alphabets, we joke with funny books from funny verses about letters, we dare to entrust the education to the primary computers from China.

That often everything is marno - to inspire us and let us zatsikaviti sina chi daughter in letters, for warehouse reading which is not enough. Varto is less likely to write a simple word, like a baby you start to stray. It appears that the warehouse is read differently, as the letters of the alphabet sound. From i go, scho unpretentious "Misha" child reads like "eat-and-sha-a."

I had it myself

Vchu sina: ""B" and "A" - tse "BA", "M" and "A" - tse "MA". Then what would it be like to write "L" and "A"? "Lee-A!" - vindicate the child. I try to guess how they taught me. Oh, voice and voice! Razbiraemo їх, stray, dehto weep, but still we will live. Chomus does not help. I guess that it was not easy for me to read the traditional method myself. I’ll choke on those who have more patience and flexibility, or else I’ll just drop the sample until the shortest hours.

It’s easier to get a child into an early development course, hire a special teacher, and then endure until school. And yet, at school, on the basis of speech, they change the technique of reading ... And why is it really so easy?

What's the secret?

It’s really possible to trust teachers, it’s not easy to know a good one, but save your nerves and spare your money and time to go to school and jokes. What will you not sacrifice for the sake of the child. Well, the truth is, the training can be stretched out for a long time, and the technique will appear ineffective or become shkidlivy. As an example, the method of developing phonemic hearing was adopted at the beginning of the school, for new studies, it is possible to reduce the creativity of the child, more, it is more natural for children sound hearing. Report about it.

Sleep with a little one: “how does the word“ mask ”become?”. And you will feel quite reasonable: “ma!”. We can certainly intrude, and repeat it later and blood in the childhood “mmmmm”, but what if we have additional difficulties in our child?

They know practically all European children without blame. The deyakі are small in case of this building, I can easily understand the logic of the grown-ups. Ale, a great number of children are satisfied with the impossibility to read, so called legacy. According to statistics, in Ukraine legasthenics are 3% of the total number of all students, in Germany 6%, in England, France and America - over 8% - practically skin-twelve children.

And yet it’s easy for a child to read. In Japan, de leather letter sign designates not a phoneme, but a sound, legasteniya vіdsutnya. Until then, after the Swedish volodinnya, native writing Japanese children can easily understand the intellectual nature of European letters. The floorings are easy and quick to describe the stench of English, for example, writing.

Varto is not to be respected by children for their natural spontaneity of words and sounds. About below.

That year spared me. I drank on the Russian "Rebus-method" in the measure and zamovy my own initial zoshit. Everything was good, but with the little ones they spoke Ukrainian and strayed a little bit. Here I want to snake an enchanting stick, the correspondence of the author is thoughtful, the Dovga Osіnno-Zimov robot Iz adaptation techniques, the urahuvanes of the conditional specials, the “ivs” the vocabulary for the skeletons of the male. charms. So chi іnakshe, the first version of the bula is ready, and navesnі syn vyvchisya read. The squad was in captivity.

"Rebus method" - tse usna gra

Abi to understand the sound principle of our voice, follow all the instructions to sing out loud, loudly and rhythmically (like a video clip on the top of the page). The child is not yet able to read and does not know the letters, and then it is better to focus only on the sounds of the voice and the words.

We have only two rules:

1. The word mi bemo is less than yogo cob - the first sound warehouse.

Zayvimi will report explanations. Everything should be done, boldly and rhythmically, nibi virshiki, demonstrate small sprats of appliqués:

Mask - MA
Wafer - VA
Koshyk - KO
Spoon - LO
Listya - LI
Leika - ...

Here you can stop for a short while, asking for a child to be slaughtered. Ale call not a trace, and we continue:

… LI
Remin - RE
Kelikh - ...
Eye - Oh
Zha - ...

You can play with words, or you can with names:

Vanya - VA
Tanya - TA
Sonya - CO
Tonya - TO.
Igor - I
Ulya - U

Five times of merry training have passed and training is ready until another rule:

2. From dekіlkoh slіv in a bunch and rhythmically voiced one by one, we see less of them on the cob - first fold - and hear it, like a new word we have come up with.

So, without explanation, we read the verse:

Mask mask - MA-MA
Cat, spoon - KO-LO
Cactus hat - KA-SHA
Mask-hat - MA-…
Waffle-hare - VA-…
Bunny cat - ...

Think two words! Vtrimaymo vіrazu three!

Waffle Robot Cat - KO-RO-VA
Cat-robot-drink - ...
Cactus-leaf-drip - ...
Dim-tiger-drip - ...

We can see three! W chotirma will be more foldable, їх in memory it is important to remember the sixes:

Piven-cancer-month-dah - ...
Bow-cancer-bow-thread - ...
Angel-drink-drink-sieve - ...
Bow-tank-belt-apple - ...

Important. Children forget words, stray, try to guess. Signs of marriage concentration of respect are given, unfazed to become angry. It would be possible to learn about the development of these abilities and continue training. That oblishmo tse and help with pictures. The stink of the servant to be held by the zor's support:

From the appearance of dawn images, the process of correct reading begins. Mine is not yet readable by letters, but it is already readable! Skilki tse taken from us? Ten invested.

No, not all

The new method of transferring zaynyattya with a dekіlkoh tizhnіv, and for someone and betting months. Tse is fine. To close everything, my son's was like once two months. The transition from reading by pictures to reading by letters is easy to do in the upcoming lessons:

Why is the "Rebus Method" classy?

  • The child is learning fast. First results already at the same time. What to boast about, what to praise for. Navchannya does not require transcendental hourly hours, and the little one will definitely lose an hour to run around on the streets and run around at home.
  • Shvidky break from "Bi-A" to "BA".“Misha” - tse “mi - sha”, and not “eat - and - she - a”. You don't need to swipe your nerves for rich explanations.

    "Rebus - method"

    At the process of gri, everything appears by itself. Nerves are healthy. Yours and your little one.

  • The child is as independent as possible. Daughter Chi Xing can play alone with the computer, and you have an hour for yourself. Truthfully, play at once more cheerfully and more effectively. Garniy privіd pobuti dvokh, at once experiencing the radio of mitі znannya. And on your own, your child is a riddle to our friends and relatives. It's important to remember.
  • Perceptive to the skin. Nothing needs to be explained. The role of the teacher in "Rebus-methodі" is reduced to simple activities. Daily explanations, annual preparatory stages. No need to work for the education of roses, only for the protection of children. The stench is quite choked up by the very process of reading and this process is appropriate for them.
    Commentary by the author of the technique Lev Shternberg.

    When teaching children to read for help to the "Rebus-method", children do not need to give at least a few theoretical explanations. Slid just show the children pictures and name their sounds. With this, it’s not obligatory to divide sounds (for example, “MA”, “MU”, “MYA”, “MU”) into letters / phonemes, from which stinks are formed (“M”, “A”, “U”, “I ", "YU"). It is not necessary to explain the difference between sounds, letters and warehouses. You don't need to talk about voices and voices. You do not need to classify as hard or soft, as twinkle or deaf. Mustaches of understanding and knowledge of the world do not help children or memorize letters, or understand the mechanics of reading. I saw that in some lands people started not to make sounds into voices and voices, into softness and firmness, but they turn to read, moreover, it’s faster and better, like in Europe. I have learned the whole theory of the child later. When you learn to read.

  • Dosvid rokiv. The Ukrainian "Rebus-method" is already a few years old, but the technique itself was born a decade ago. The author of the technique of "discovering" її on generations of children, and for the help of German localization successfully taught not only ditlakhiv, but also non-literate migrants.
  • Develops hearing, listening to rhythm, concentration of respect and movement. When the fathers are busy, they will indicate the progress of their children's young learners. Mourning in two, you urge the child to speak more clearly. More than once it is guessed that the child’s name is easy to pick up by ear, without remorse, those other words in the same letters. Guessing puzzles for you, there to beat, chi to understand її, try to be recognizable.
  • Folding has been foreseen. The tension grows step by step, the child does not overstress, just as soon as you add a trifle, the greater screed of folding, and also the cicada. And you do not need to report zusil, trying to zatsikaviti її thunder.
  • Thoughtful course. The gift lessons of the basic course "I'm starting to read" are a sufficient basis for learning the basics of reading. The basic course is supplemented by the expanded course "I read!" and to avenge everything in order to read the folded and folded words. Having risen at once and regularly borrowed, already in the region of 2 breasts your child can easily read the words in kshtalt "milk", "road" chi "banana".
  • Recommendations of professionals. The author of the methodology enlisted the commendations of professional teachers. Teachers of speech pathologists are preparing various visnovkas for Ukrainian localization. For an hour, a part of the new students came to the site for the sake of the breeders, the readers of the younger classes, and just their friends.
    And the axis is one of the expert visnovkiv.

    From expert reviews for the sake of the committee on the development of St. Petersburg:

    Propionated materials are a well-organized compilation methodology in the gaming and logical design area on the basis of the traditional development of learning skills and the teaching of reading for children of the preschool age. The value of the technique is especially valuable in integration and directness on the development of different skills and abilities of a child: components of logical and associative thinking, spontaneity, creativity, creativity, phonemic-phonetic hearing. In the methodology of teaching and the senior rank of vikoristani elements of psycho-linguistic synthesis and the development of age linguistics and psychology of language development. It is possible to establish the methodology in different forms: as an individual, optional and independent training in groups and subgroups, as well as for individualization of training through repetition and through various variations of the initial material.

    Without a doubt, the method of cikava for practice has been promoted, and it can be used as part of a preschool program as a supplementary method for the development of language and learning to read. Creates respect for creative and ecological ideas, pedagogically comprehended the idea and specifically oriented the position of the author.

Now a lot of children get involved in the methodology. Bagato who has already finished and is reading a long time ago. Vіdtodі, vrakhovuuchi dosvіd batkіv vpusknіvіv, I zrobiv chimalo perfect.

In order to take gift access to the course “I’m starting to read” folded behind the “Rebus method”, register go to the other side by entering your name and e-mail. Your special password will be sent to your e-mail to access the free lessons, and your child will get better at once.

The main goals of teaching languages ​​in an educational institution is the formation of communicative, linguistic, sociocultural competencies. Communicative competence is formed in the process of mastering the skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, the ability to answer questions, and conduct a dialogue. The development of reading skills is carried out in conjunction with the development of other types of speech activity.

Students with intellectual disabilities

The mental and speech development of a child are closely related, but at the same time, the development of speech and cognitive activity is characterized by certain features in children with intellectual disabilities.

The development of reading skills includes several successive stages:

  • Words are read as syllabic structures are studied.
  • The most difficult moment in mastering the skill of reading is the merging of sounds in a word.
  • First, syllables-words (au-wa), reverse syllables (am, mind), then direct open syllables (ma, mu) are read.

"Rebus method"

In order to fully implement the principle of this method, it is necessary to perform all these tasks aloud, loudly and clearly.

Method rules:

The first rule is how to isolate its first sound warehouse from the whole word (in the word spoon, not the first letter l and not the first syllable of lies, but the first warehouse lo).

You just need to clearly and rhythmically, like poems, pronounce:


It should be noted that in all the words that are offered to the child, the stress must certainly fall on the first syllable. This greatly facilitates the child's task and eliminates confusion with vowels, which in unstressed syllables are often pronounced differently than they are written.

As practice shows, children really like to play with names:

The second rule is how to single out their first warehouses from several whole words, loudly and rhythmically spoken aloud one after another, and understand the new resulting word.

We start playing with two words at the same time:


DOVE, FISH- GO ... RY ...

At this stage, we already notice that children with special needs for psychophysical development often begin to make mistakes, forgetting the original words, lose the sequence of sounds, and try to “guess” the final word.

Let's use visibility:


Please note that items must be named from left to right. Often the child needs help at first by pointing at the pictures with a finger.

It turns out that the child, looking at the sequence of symbols, pronounces the words encoded in them. This is how the development of syllabic structures occurs.

Gradually, there is no need to pronounce the full names of the items depicted in the pictures - it is enough to confine ourselves to warehouses alone:

It is these simple actions of the teacher that help children quickly learn to read. The "Rebus method" captivates the reading process itself and practice shows that children like this process. It should be noted that the “rebus method” is also both a good training and accurate testing exercise.

In the course of a problem-oriented analysis of the initial and final results reading skill, it can be argued that the "rebus method" gives a quick and positive result.

Text: Tatyana Zhidkova

Zaitsev's cubes, Doman's cards, Voskobovich's "Skladushki" and many other developmental techniques offer parents to help in teaching children critical process- reading. Some recommend starting classes immediately after discharge from the hospital, others advise to wait a little and wait for the first conscious word from the baby, and still others generally discourage teaching children before school.

Today we will introduce you to a few more simple techniques, which were told to Letidor by their author and creator - teacher, actor, chess player Lev Shternberg. And even if you have already decided on the answer when it is worth starting to teach your child to read, you will find useful recommendations for learning.

Talking slogan is an online game, the principle of which is extremely simple: in the game field there are buttons on which syllables are written. When the child presses the button, the computer sounds the selected syllable in the recorded voice. So, adding syllables in the correct sequence, the child hears the words, but the computer pronounces them without stress. The task of the kid: to understand the meaning of the word he heard and correctly correlate it with the desired picture.

Lev Shternberg: “This technique clearly and rationally teaches the mechanics of syllabic reading, and at the same time leads the child to recognize whole words. Slogophone practically combines syllabic reading (warehouses according to Zaitsev) and global reading (whole words according to Doman). And the fact that the computer voices all the buttons that are pressed makes the child completely independent from the adult. Children, as a rule, very quickly and without any explanation figure out what and where to click to play this game. But this, provided that the child is already able to hold the mouse, and can also recognize the word spoken in warehouses by ear. Usually these skills in babies appear by the age of three.

Rebus method
This is an oral game where the child learns to read words on his own without even knowing the letters.

The rules of the game are also very simple. An adult calls a word familiar to the child, the baby must repeat only the beginning of this word. For example, in the word "cat" - "KO", and in the word "spoon" - "LO". It is important to select for the game only those words that begin with stress. Otherwise, the sound of the first syllable changes, for example, we will hear the word “kitten” as “kitty”, and “bag” as “bear”. At the next stage, we offer the baby two words in a row, of which he still pronounces only the beginning: mask-mask - MA-MA, teapot shoes - TU-CHA.

If the number of words is increased to 3-4, we get a mask-leaf-pillowcase - MA-LI-NA, a mask-cone-pillowcase - MA-SHI-NA, a cook-bear-house-fish - PO-MI-DO-RA .

Here, in order to facilitate the task, you can offer the child a visual support in the form of images of objects. In fact, this is a rebus that is easily solved according to a given rule. A four-year-old child copes with the task in a few minutes.

Lev Sternberg: “The rebus method is based on the fact that children perceive the beginning of a word, for example, MA in the word “machine”, as one indivisible sound, and logically expect that this sound is written with one letter. (After all, children still do not know that adults have agreed to designate one sound with two letters. It is two letters instead of one that are a difficulty for the child.) You can say that I came up with new letters - MA, LO, DU - for children it’s like one “letter ”, equivalent to the sound heard, well, adults know that this is a syllable. To make it easy for a child to guess which “letter” is encrypted here, I depicted the simplest pictures-tips.

The "Rebus method" is distinguished by its creative beginning: in each word there is a certain trick, a riddle that needs to be solved. And when a child recognizes a word, then for him this is a small victory in this game, and not just learning to read.

Kids not only solve puzzles, but also learn to think them out loud to someone else. That's when you can say that the game is mastered. By the way, many parents also play this game with no less enthusiasm than their children.

How to understand that the child is ready to learn

Until the age of three or four, children do not understand that a word can be divided into some parts, and that a word can be made up of some parts. The word FLY for a baby is one thing, and the word MU-HA is quite another. And in terms of age speech development this is normal. It is in Russian that you can play around with words: slow down, speed up, divide into parts, pronounce them this way and that - the meaning of the words does not change. If adults in the child's family diversify their speech with such speech beauties, then the child is able to discover quite early that it turns out that one can speak in different ways. But in other languages, for example, in Chinese, English or German, any lengthening of the sound leads to a change in meaning, that is, to the formation of a completely different word. And if the same child is settled somewhere in England, then by the age of 3-4 he will come to a completely different conclusion that words cannot be divided into parts. And even at 8 years old, he will not be ready for the very idea that whole words are made up of separate sound pieces.

Readiness for learning depends on how varied speech the baby hears, whether they read in the family or kindergarten poems aloud, do they sing songs, indulge in the rhythm of speech? If all this is not there, then the child may not be ready to learn to read until the school itself.

Adult participation in learning

Previously, learning to read almost entirely depended on the presence of an adult, on his perseverance and patience. In the method of Glenn Doman, for example, the child is not even asked about his desire to learn - the baby is simply shown cardboard with printed words, and these words are said aloud. In principle, this role of a teacher could also be played by a TV if it could grab a creeping baby by the scruff of the neck or promise candy in exchange for a couple of minutes of attention. In the method of Nikolai Zaitsev, for the first few months (or even several years, if you start studying with a very small child), an adult is also obliged to voice syllables on cubes at the first sign of a child’s boredom.

In the Rebus method and the Slogophone, the situation is quite different. Here, the child only needs an adult for the first two minutes to explain the simplest rules. Everything else the child then does himself. In addition, the techniques of the Rebus method and the Slogophone are so simple that after a few lessons the children themselves are able to explain these games to each other.

Difference from hare cubes

Slogophone-speaking and Rebus-method, as well as Zaitsev's cubes, are based on working with sound warehouses. Zaitsev has all warehouses written on the faces of the cube, i.e. six warehouses are depicted on one die, and this is a whole combination, which is much more difficult to manipulate than one individual element. Therefore, I believe that buttons with one warehouse are much more convenient for a child than cubes (If the syllables are written on cardboard cards, it is also difficult to figure it out when there are a lot of cards). I pressed the button - the computer announced it. Moreover, you can press at least a thousand times, the computer will pronounce the desired syllable the same number of times, unlike an adult, it will not get tired and not get angry.

Children like to press the buttons randomly, it amuses them. But if the sequence is correct, then separate words are obtained. And this is not only fun but also learning.

Doman's cards - execution cannot be pardoned

Memorizing whole written words is an important skill for developing speed reading skills. Cards with whole words, which are in the Doman method, form speed reading, I also use them in my games. However, despite the fact that I have a good attitude towards Doman's cards, I have a very bad attitude towards the idea of ​​Doman. Now I will explain why.

His idea is not to read whole words. To memorize words in their entirety in the West has been taught to children since time immemorial. This practice was used in parallel with the so-called spelling (among the British) and with the buchstab (among the Germans) - that is, with the technique of naming a word by spell: for example, "Bauer = Bobby, Anna, Ursula, Eva, Robert". For such pronunciation of a word, it is necessary first of all to know how the whole word is spelled, and in Western European methods, spelling is always preceded by reading whole words. That is, reading whole words has always been used in the West, and Glenn Doman has nothing to do with it.

Doman's innovation was that he proposed to teach the child to read not from the school bench, but literally from the first days of life. Based on the fact that in infancy, any information is remembered more productively than at an older age, there is no need for the baby to pointlessly stare at an empty ceiling, let him remember the written words better. Doman suggested writing the words on the cards in a bright red font, because the newborn does not yet distinguish between other colors. But at the same time, the red color informs the baby about the danger, his pulse slows down, breathing quickens. And it is precisely this state of stress that Doman considers the best incentive for the child to memorize incomprehensible squiggles and words spoken by someone at that moment.

Glenn Doman was a military neurosurgeon by profession, not a psychiatrist or psychologist. And all this method of early impact on the child for Doman was only part of his scientific work, in which he argued that in people with a traumatized brain, it is quite possible to compensate and restore some mental functions if they are affected by “spare” (Doman called them “hidden”) mental capabilities. So Glenn Doman restored the ability to read in people with injuries of the left hemisphere of the brain. However, I think, what does it have to do with small children, in whom nothing is damaged and for whom nature has determined the gradual, stage-by-stage inclusion of brain structures? Abstract graphic signs, as well as all phonemic-letter European writing, are the highest degree of conventions comprehended by the left hemisphere of the brain. In a child up to about 6-8 years old, the brain connections necessary for such activity have not yet matured, the connection between the hemispheres through the corpus callosum has not yet been fully formed. And for this immature brain, Doman imprints whole written words into memory - not as combinations of letters, but as an indivisible image. Why is this for a baby who still has no idea what these terrible red squiggles mean and what these oral words uttered by adults mean? I can assume that such an impact on the child's natural reflexes can later turn into many different didactoneurosis.

Count to 10 - know how your ten fingers

Many techniques try to teach a child to count within the first ten, that is, within 10, perform arithmetic operations, add and subtract numbers. And I believe that it is basically impossible to perform arithmetic operations within the first ten.

Within the top ten, only:

a) sequentially count objects one after another;
b) guess the answer, often making mistakes;
c) know the correct answer by heart.

Neither the first, nor the second, nor the third is, in principle, an arithmetic calculation in its process. Calculation is when a person decomposes a complex example into simple operations, then performs each of the operations in the form of naming the correct answer by heart, and then connects the entire chain of answers into a finite number. "Three plus two equals five" - ​​this is not a chain of operations, it's just an answer by heart. Having formulated this as a “grain” of the methodology, I developed a simple system, very logical and small, how to lead a child from sequential recalculation to knowing the correct answers by heart. For example, let's take finger counting. If the baby is able to say "I'm five years old" and at the same time show a spread palm -

- this does not mean at all that he understands the meaning of the number 5. Show him five fingers in a different combination, for example, three on one hand and two on the other, and ask again: "Five?"

The child will most likely shake his head negatively, say "No, that's five!" and again show memorized five.

It becomes clear that the child is not yet at all ready to understand abstract numbers, and that it is too early to offer him written digital tasks 3 + 2 and even 1 + 1.

I note that almost all bunnies and squirrels in modern textbooks are suitable only for sequential counting and do not give the child the opportunity to count and add objects at once in small groups. Therefore, the child cannot get used to the wording "Three and two will be five" in any way, he only learns "One-two-three, and another four-five."

For this reason, I use other objects for sequential recalculation, visually strict and compact, for example, two-color pyramids:

A pyramid of ten circles (Pythagoras drew attention to this harmonious geometric combination) gives the child the opportunity to grasp and instantly understand all the constituent numbers with one glance - only a little habit is needed. Children learn by heart that five is "three and two", or "two, two and one", or "one and four". If the task is to find eight red circles in the pyramid, then the child will not count, but will immediately point to the blue twos, because “eight is ten without two” - the child must memorize.

No uniqueness

There is not a single unique element in my methods, all this has already been encountered in world history: and syllabic pictographic reading, and counting on the fingers, and counting on the pyramids. For me, it turned out to be a great success that before I got into pedagogy, I had a decent amount of knowledge in game theory. I am an actor by education, and besides, I am a good chess player, that is, I know a lot about the game and how different games are built. Therefore, the content of reading and counting, familiar to me from the history of mankind, I was able to combine in the form of games already familiar to me. I built both reading and mathematics in a single game key, and although these seem to be different methods, the principles and techniques turned out to be very similar in them.

How it all started

While still a student of the acting department, I became interested in developing pedagogy. Even then, at all-Union seminars, where I taught school teachers acting technique and game technology, for the first time heard the lectures of Nikolai Zaitsev. What he said and did was very consonant with my pedagogical views at that time. Therefore, I can safely say that I am a student and follower of Nikolai Zaitsev. But, in my opinion, there are gaps in Zaitsev's methods. He probably left a chance for me to make up for them.

intensive practical work with children, which later became the basis of my methods, began in Mogilev, where I moved from St. Petersburg in 1995. In the kindergarten where I worked, the first group of children studied before breakfast, then before lunch there were 4-5 more groups. Then in another kindergarten, where I spent 3 more classes. So 8 lessons a day for three years. I had a great opportunity try, check, correct, improve, refine the methodology.

In addition, there was another incentive to work. In those years, in Belarus, the population had no money, no work, and sometimes food. Therefore, in order for parents to pay for classes, you had to be very convincing. Then I suggested to parents not to pay for education if in two months their baby did not learn to read. Strong incentive for development correct methodology, agree?

In 1998, I returned to St. Petersburg to present the Rebus Method to the Education Committee. The methodology was met with a bang, and as a result, 18 schools wanted to purchase my teaching aids for each first grader. In the summer I was already preparing the circulation for printing, but in August the ruble collapsed. And my family and I had to urgently leave for Germany. The money that in July could have printed many thousands of textbooks was barely enough at the end of August to buy a couple of train tickets.

In Germany, I worked mainly with adults: I taught reading to Iraqis, Afghans, Africans, and even the Germans themselves. And at the same time he continued to improve the technique. At first I thought that in order to master reading well, it is necessary to have a well-developed speech, but experience has shown otherwise. I spoke German with an accent, but at the same time I famously taught migrants to read, who did not speak German at all. German, and even more famously taught the Germans themselves. It was here that it became clear that teaching the technique of reading has nothing to do with the general cultural development of either the student or the teacher. You just need to know the right methods of training, and then it goes by itself. I lived in Germany for 11 years, and in autumn 2009 I returned back to Russia

First of all, I recommend that parents do not start learning to read before the age of 4-5. A five-year-old child is able to easily learn in a month everything that a three-year-old child will learn in two years. It must always be remembered that no child likes to do what he is not bad at. And if a child learns to read for a long time and does not enjoy reading, then he runs the risk of falling out of love with reading even before he fully masters it. The faster the stage of “reading through a stump-deck” is completed, the more the child will love reading. In large children, this stage of learning goes much faster than in toddlers. Secondly, of course, I will advise parents to teach their child to play Slogophone-speaking and the Rebus method. These are not only easy and high-quality methods of teaching reading, but also funny games that children really like.