Quests for children in the museum is an example. How to prepare and conduct a museum quest

From 5 years
Cost: 1,500 rubles. from a group (up to 15 people) + tickets to the Museum (200 rubles per student), 1 accompanying person free of charge; Subscription for 3 classes - 3600 rubles. + Museum tickets
Everything by appointment

In the museum you can participate in excursion-quest around the halls of the "Museum Keepers", in the process answering interesting questions and completing tasks on the life and work of the artist, scientist and thinker Nicholas Roerich. On the game “Beyond the mountains, beyond the seas there is a wonderful country…” you can go in search of a country that is not on the map, but about which there are so many legends. As part of project "Country of Culture" children can build their own country and come up with its laws. And in "The India of Svyatoslav Roerich"- get acquainted with the customs of this country and participate in a master class in Indian dances.

"Cosmo Quest" at the Multimedia Art Museum
From 5 years
Cost: 500 rubles.
Until September 11, on Saturdays (except September 3)

As part of the Russian Space exhibition, the museum is holding a quest for children. You can not only see the famous descent vehicle "Vostok" Yu.A. Gagarin, models of an iron airship, rockets and a trumpet "for listening to the music of the spheres" made by Tsiolkovsky. In an exciting excursion game, children complete tasks, getting into the world of space and stars. Each work in the exhibition keeps a secret or an encrypted code, by solving which, you can find out the secrets of the Universe. In the final part of the quest, the children build a spaceship.

Historical quest "Curse of Tsaritsyno"

From 12 years old with parents, from 14 years old alone
Cost: 2 700 rubles. for a group of up to 5 people, tablets are issued free of charge (on deposit)
Daily, by appointment

In Tsaritsyno Park you can take part in adventure quest on a tablet computer. The plot of the game is based on a real historical event - the construction of a luxurious palace in the village of Tsaritsyno, which Catherine II first entrusted to the court architect Bazhenov, and then demolished to the ground. The tablet has everything you need for an investigation: old diaries with entries, photographs, maps and secret signs. Also, before the game, the participants are shown a film that tells about the historical mystery.
The game lasts 2-3 hours, it has a host. A tablet with the game can be obtained at the main entrance to the Kolomenskoye park.

Quests and games in Kolomenskoye
From 5 years
Cost: from 300 rubles. per person
Tuesday - Sunday (each program has its own schedule), 10:00-17:00

In the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, you can study history in an exciting game format by choosing one of the many game programs. For example, during travel games "In search of royal wisdom" participants will walk around the male part of the Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and unravel the saying, encrypted in museum exhibits, invented by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Museum Quest "Lost Treasures" will help to independently learn the history of Kolomenskoye, having studied the history of the grand ducal and royal sovereign's court. BUT fantasy quest "Tsar John's scepter" will help unravel the history of the 19th century: the Russian historian Professor Tikhomirov became interested in the strange fate of the scepter of Ivan the Terrible and, apparently, found out not only its location, but also revealed another secret associated with it. The professor died tragically, but the diaries left after him with strange notes, drawings, maps will help the participants repeat the path of the professor and uncover the secret of the scepter of Ivan the Terrible.
There are also quests in Lublino and Izmailovo.

Quests and games in the Museum of Moscow

The associations of the Museum of Moscow have several options for quest leisure.

AT Museum of Archeology of Moscow you can participate in the role-playing game program "Playing in the past". It has different games. In Game "I'm an archaeologist!" you can actually get acquainted with the science of archeology, learn how archaeological excavations are carried out and what you need to take with you on an expedition, take part in impromptu excavations. AT game "I am a mammoth hunter!"- get acquainted with the conditions of life in the Stone Age and learn how to make fire. There are also games “I am a craftsman!”, “I am a merchant!”.
From 5 years
Cost: from 350 rubles / per person, subscriptions: from 1,200 rubles / 4 lessons
According to the schedule - from September to November, registration is required

So, dear parents))) You need to prepare a little)))

  1. Print out the text and pictures (you can read the quest, add additional tasks or remove unnecessary ones, divide it into two parts for two walks, and so on. The main thing is that you feel comfortable using it).
  2. Buy or fold paper envelopes (they can even match the colors of the museum rooms (pink, green, orange, etc.)
  3. Lay out all the parts of the quest so that you can understand what and where is located. You can read the text without cutting it into fragments... But it's so interesting to receive new letters and open them!))
  4. In the text you will see the phrase "hidden under the window." This means that part of the text needs to be covered with a piece of paper, like a curtain. For example, fix the paper with a stapler or tape.
  5. Take paper and colored pencils or crayons with you, as well as a solid base on which you can lay drawing paper (this can be a folder or a hard notebook)
  6. Make a surprise for the participants of the quest, which you can give at the end of the game. For example, high-quality brushes, paints, crayons, pencils, watercolor paper - everything that can be useful for young artists.
  7. In a good mood, head to the National Museum of Art, get your tickets and start your exploration!

At the entrance to the museum, read the first note: “Hello, Dear friend! We are glad to see you in the real Temple of Art! They say that in the museum you need to walk slowly, observing silence, carefully examining the exhibits and not touching anything ... Yes! And there is! But no one canceled the Game! And... you guessed it, it's already started! So, open the first letter with tasks and complete them all in turn.

Letter number 1.

Look around. In front of you is a large staircase surrounded by columns. Looks solemn, doesn't it? The fact is that the columns are the oldest way to show the greatness and special purpose of the building. Remember, for example, the ancient Greek and Roman temples... Therefore, hold your breath and slowly climb the stairs to the left wing of the museum. Enter the Rose Room and find paintings that also show columns."

Below is the signature: open this window(A sheet of paper covering the following text is attached):

“In this hall you see works of Russian art of the 18th and early 19th centuries. What are the names of the paintings you managed to find? (“Russian Artists in Rome in 1942”, “Rome. Ruins of the Forum”)

Let us tell you that all these Russian artists ended up in Rome for a reason! Even under the Russian Tsar PeterI a tradition arose to send young artists to study in Italy. There they painted, created sculptures, inspired by beautiful views, buildings, people. By the way, Italian masters came to Russian lands no less rarely: they painted, built, played music! What a cultural exchange!

Now, look around again. How many portraits are looking at you! No wonder the entire 18th century is called the century of the portrait! Consider the costumes of the characters in the pictures. Note that many of them have orders hanging around their necks and chests. Count how many orders you can find? Be careful, they can hide!

Attached below is a small box under which is the answer - 17 and it is written: Open letter number 2.

Letter number 2.

Among the paintings you can see sculptures and busts (sculptural portraits). Find the bust of the poet who wrote these lines: "Three girls under the window were spinning late in the evening ..."

This is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It was with these lines that he began his "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". Do you know that Pushkin wrote about everything in the world? Even about robbers! Yes, yes, if you look through his volumes of poems, then on one of the pages you can find a small poem "The Brothers Robbers".

In the pink hall, among the noble people, one ... robber wormed his way! Where is he?

Go to the next room, where the bandit's finger is pointing.

Find a picture that depicts three princesses. These princesses are not from Pushkin's fairy tales. Open this window and find out more about them."

(under the box - the following text)

“These three princesses are not simple - they are indeed from Russian folk tale"Underground kingdoms", but the artist Vasnetsov endowed them with special features. Before you - Gold, Gems and Coal. Who do you think where? But, in fact, these are real princesses of the underworld, without these minerals it is difficult to imagine modern life!

A little lower you will see another fabulous picture of Vasnetsov "Carpet plane". Get on it and fly to the next room! And then open the letter number 3.

Letter number 3.

“Now you are in the Orange Hall, on the walls of which you can see pictures reflecting the life of Christians, questions of the Christian faith. Find the painting you like the most. Tell me what attracted you to it?

Then open the window below!

“The Lilac Hall is waiting for you! Please note that there are many sketches and sketches (preparatory sketches for a future work).

Choose any picture you like and try to draw a sketch from it. Draw something that you found interesting and important.

Then go to the next room - Blue and open Letter No. 4 there.

Letter number 4.

Find another fabulous picture. Artist Vrubel depicted an illustration for the fairy tale "Sadko". Notice how dark this picture is. As if a pitch-black night hung over us. Can you see what Sadko is doing?

Then open this window.

(under the box the following text).

In the Blue Hall you will find another musician. A hint for you will be a fragment of the picture.

Letter number 5.

“So the Halls dedicated to Russian art have ended. Now let's go to the New Building of the Museum. There you will find a lot of interesting things! You need to return to the Orange Hall, and go through the Central Door. Then go to the Arch and turn left.

in front of youCollection of Icons and Sacred Paintings - works on religious themes.

Find these exhibits!

(Illustrations of wooden works of art are printed, including a wooden gate with evangelists).

Under the “Gates”, in addition to information, an indication is given:

“In the hands of the evangelists, you see the Pages of the Gospel, sacred writings. Evangelists are people who wrote down what they saw and heard about Jesus Christ, his life, deeds, miracles, death and ascension. We know the gospel Matthew, Brand, LukeandJohn. Find among the exhibits an old book depicting the Evangelist Luke.

Saints, martyrs, apostles were often depicted in paintings, book illustrations, and sculptures.

Probably, you are already interested in the wooden sculptures standing in the Hall. Please note that some of them are painted, gilded, decorated with intricate carvings. And some have broken parts and even burned sides! Yes, the tree is short-lived. However, like paintings (by the way, many icons are painted on wooden bases), like books. That is why it is so important to reliably protect them and store them carefully. This is what the Museum does.

Open in Arksmall envelope».

The envelope contains a jigsaw puzzle of the painting by Wenceslaus Peter "Birds" (cut the printed illustration into several parts). And a note.

"Assemble the puzzle. You can find this picture in the museum not only on the wall. Look into another archway, or ask the museum curator where the cubes with pictures are located. You will be able to fold from the cubes and the painting by Wenceslaus Peter "Birds".

And then find this painting in the Hall of Western European Art. This place is very close!

Last Letter No. 6

“Now you and I are going on our last journey, to the eastern countries. So - in front of you is the Hall of Oriental Art.

Find the following items:

  1. In India, there is a "Feast of Pitchers", which takes place once every 12 years. Yes, some holidays are so rare... According to an old legend, the festival is based on the story of the struggle of gods and demons for a jug of immortality nectar. Find an Indian jug!
  2. What is the name of traditional clothing in Japan? Find her!
  3. China is famous for its dragon legends! By the way, the Chinese dragon is very kind and helps people! That is why they try to portray him as often as possible. So in our Hall you will find more than one Dragon! Where are they?
  4. Eastern countries differ from our country in many ways, including in the traditions of writing. Do you know what calligraphy is? This is the art of beautiful writing. Special brushes are used to write calligraphic characters. Sometimes - such a text turns into a real work of art. Look for tassels at Korea booth!

Our route is complete! May you have your Artist's Brush with which you can paint your own paintings!!! Come to our museum and discover new experiences! Bye Bye!

Anastasia Loshkareva
Quest game "Museum Keepers"

Quest game

« Museum Keepers»

Members: children of senior preschool age.

Membership Requirements: handkerchiefs are tied on the participants different colors

Program content:

NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development

To expand children's knowledge of the fine arts, to develop the artistic perception of works of fine art, to exercise the ability to perform exercises in accordance with the tasks, the development of creative activity.

OO "Speech development"

Improve speech as a means of communication

OO "Physical development"

Develop interest in activity in independent motor activity

OO "Cognitive Development"

development of cognitive activity; develop observation, attention, logical thinking.

OO "Socio-communicative"

to develop the communicative qualities of children, the rallying of the children's team, to form the ability to work in a team, the upbringing of an emotionally positive attitude towards nature.

Types of children's activities: motor; game; communicative; pictorial; cognitive research

Plot quest:

Guys today we have to visit interesting place, we will go on an excursion to our unusual museum. Guys, have you been museums where do the paintings hang? Let's imagine that we are in museum where paintings by various artists hang. And who are these artists? That's right, guys, this is a person who draws pictures. The artist is like a magician, a magician who in his paintings admires the beauty of nature, he depicts the magnificence of the expanses of fields, meadows, lakes and rivers, can show beauty in a drawing. blooming garden or the majesty of a mighty oak, various animals, people, the sea, etc.

The children enter museum.

caregiver: Oh. Guys, there's been a problem. All paintings from museum disappeared somewhere(watch video).What to do? We need help getting back in painting museum. And the Girl - Brush will help us with this, curator of museum paintings. And in order for us to return them, we need to complete all the tasks. After each correctly completed task, you will receive a painting and return it to museum.

Roles: Tassel Girl (museum keeper)

Rules of the game: If the team of participants does not cope with the test, the whole team receives a penalty puff in the form of an artist's palette, which depicts "exercise", it must be completed - only after that you can move on.

Location: music hall

Material and equipment: a video of how an evil witch steals cratins from museum, handkerchiefs of different colors; costume Picture Keepers, Costume Girls - Tassels; audio equipment; palettes (with additional task for the team, envelopes with hints, envelopes with puzzles, reproductions of paintings, glue, a crossword puzzle, a map, a prize with sweets.

Preparatory work: reading fiction; solving puzzles and puzzles, looking at reproductions.

move quest games:

Watching a video.

Girl - Tassel: My young friends! In our the museum is in trouble. All the pictures have disappeared, these are all the tricks of the Evil Witch, she does not want the pictures to please us. In order for the paintings to return to our museum we need to complete tasks at different stations. Let's help museum curator?

Children: Yes.

Children are offered a colorful map with the image of the path and the names of the stations.

Children go to the station "Collect"

tassel girl: The first task to complete is to assemble the puzzles. Quickly assemble the puzzles and turn them into a picture.

Children receive an envelope with a cut picture. After the painting has been assembled, it is handed over to keeper.

next station "Guess"

Tassel girl: the second task is to name the artist and the title of the proposed painting. Look at the picture and name the picture.

Children receive an envelope with a task containing a picture. You need to remember the artist and the name. After completing the task museum keeper puts the picture in place.

Station "Colorful"

Tassel girl: The artist painted autumn, spread the colors on the palette. You look at the paints and collect the picture.

On the easel is a painting depicting an autumn landscape. In a palette envelope with different combination colors. According to the combination of colors you need to choose the right palette. After completing the task, the children receive a picture for museum and hand it over to the keeper.

Station "Still life"

Tassel girl: If you see a cup of coffee on the table in the picture, or a fruit drink in a large glass, or a rose in crystal, or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake, or all items at once, know that this is a still life.

From the proposed objects standing on the table, the children make up a still life. Receive a picture and transmit keeper.

next station "Colorful"

Girl - brush: You look at the paints and point the palette.

With the help of a palette, paint, and a brush, children are invited to bring additional colors using arithmetic examples:

yellow + red = orange

yellow + blue = green

blue + red = burgundy

After receiving the painting, return it to museum.

Station "Surprise".

Watching a video where an evil witch hides a surprise.

Tassel girl: And we challenge boredom

Just because

Live in the world without surprises

Impossible for anyone.

May good luck, failure,

Let the flights up and down

Only this way, and not otherwise

Only in this way, and not otherwise.

Long live surprise!

Surprise, surprise!

Long live surprise!

Surprise, surprise!

Long live surprise!

How do you go on the map -

You will immediately come to the prize.

Children use the hint from the video to find a surprise (a book with reproductions of paintings by Russian artists and a sweet surprise)

Girl - brush: Thank you my friends for helping to return the paintings to museum!

Please take a look at the suggested color combinations.

Take a close look at what items the artist should use to paint a still life.

Be careful when working with paint.

Be careful, there is a clue in the movie.

Synopsis of the museum-quest "Secrets of museum objects".

Target: familiarization of students through the organization of excursion-game activities.


1) recall the objects of Russian folk life that existed in the old days;

2) to develop the need for self-realization and the communicative qualities of the child through play activities;

3) develop memory, logical thinking, imagination.


Reproductive (visual-verbal): display of exhibits, teacher's story, preschoolers;

Game: aimed at developing a culture of relationships, memory, logical thinking, and imagination among students.

Equipment: all exhibits of the museum, laptop, visual material.

Leading: Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all. Today we will visit the museum "Russian hut" and take part in the museum quest. Quest is a game in which you need to think carefully, look for clues and solve various tasks and puzzles.

The theme of our game is "Secrets of Museum Objects"

You and I have already been to the Russian Hut Museum, and I gave you a tour about antiquities. Now I will explain the rules. If you complete the task correctly, you will receive a letter from which you will need to compose keyword. After completing all the tasks and making up a word, you will find an item in which treasures are hidden in the form of a sweet prize.

2 minutes

1 task. Now we are with you and check if you remember what each item serves. If you correctly tell about all the items, you will get the first clue. I will show you various household items of a Russian hut, and you answer what it serves for.

Rubel - served for washing and ironing clothes.

Bake - served as a means of heating, cooking, and old people and small children slept on it.

Grip - with the help of a fork, a woman pulled a hot cast iron out of the oven, no matter what to burn her hands. Well done guys, all the items were named correctly, you get the first letterFROM 5 minutes

2 task. Now our task is to solve riddles about antiquities. Ready? Our first riddle:

It's like a round bowl

He is filthy not clean

Where is the coal in the oven

Cook porridge ... (cast iron)

Next to the stove is a matchmaker

Evil and horned grip!

He grabs everything from the oven,

Yes, he rather puts it on the table ... (Grip)

Black horse, galloping into the fire ... (Poker)

Grandfather carried water in the morning

Two buckets each time

Hanging on the shoulders

Holds buckets ... (Yoke)

Now back, then forward, walking - the steamer is wandering. If you stop - grief! The sea will make a hole ... (iron)

He walks up the hill

Collects dust and debris ... (broom)

Don't forget these shoes

Have worn it for a long time though.

Children will fit in

They will leave at the stove ... (bast shoes)

There are fat men, barrels shine,

Hisses, boils, orders everyone to drink tea ... (samovar)

They did a good job with this. You receive the second letter.At

5 minutes

And now we pass into the next room, where tasks and puzzles are more difficult.

3 task. The pieces of the puzzle are laid out on the table in front of you, you must put the pieces together into a single picture with the whole team. As a hint, this picture has already been assembled on the monitor and you can look at the screen how to correctly assemble the puzzle. You can start the task.H 7 minutes

4 task. Guys, now you need to select household items that are in our museum on this card and tick them off. And, items that are superfluous need to be crossed out. D 3 minutes

5 task. There are cards with a maze in front of you, you need to bring the Kuzya brownie to the letter with a pencil, if you choose the path correctly, you can exit the maze and get another letter for the keyword.At 5 minutes

6 task. Two dolls, a boy and a girl, lie in front of you, and costume items lie around different peoples peace. Your task is to dress the dolls in Russian folk costumes.They did great. Now you know what Russian folk clothes looked like.To 3 minutes.

Collect the word from the received letters. If it will be very difficult for you, then I will give you one more hint.

Grandma has an old lady

A very little secret:

Dresses, books and toys,

Curtains, rattles,

Doll and bicycle -

She hides everything

So that the grandson could not get.

There is a grandmother in the country

Wretched old…

(Answer: Chest)

Can you guess the correct wordBOXwith which I congratulate you. Let's go to our chest and open its lid. Look there lies a sweet prize. You can treat yourself to these sweet candies.

So, let's summarize, today we have learned to work in a group and completed many tasks: we remembered the antiquities that I told you about on our first excursion, we learned to identify objects of Russian life from a variety of pictures and solved puzzles.

Reflection: So our museum quest has come to the end, and I suggest you evaluate our game. In front of you is a stand with the face of the sun, but it lacks rays. Now we will stick them with you. In front of you are palms of different colors. If you really liked it, stick your palm on this poster yellow color if it was hard palm blue color, and if you didn’t like it at all, then your palm orange color. Look at our sun, it all consists of your yellow palms.

Thank you guys for such a good rating and your good mood. I will be glad to see you again in our museum. See you again.5 minutes

Developed by a teacher additional education

MBUDO Center for extracurricular activities

Mitrofanova Ekaterina Nikolaevna

(K2Splitter) An open system for creating personalized museum games and quests. Allows museum workers to independently create and publish game and quest scenarios for visitors. Can be used both inside the museum building and on the street. The system includes an administrative module for editing and creating new game scenarios and a group of mobile applications providing a user interface to the game. The application contains links to examples of mobile and web applications for various groups of tourists. Local History Game Museum Secrets Game id=org.suai.karmus6 Museum quest Online game "Points of interest on the map" Online game "One word"

(K2Splitter) An open system for creating personalized museum games and quests. Allows museum workers to independently create and publish game and quest scenarios for visitors. Can be used both inside the museum building and on the street. The system includes an administrative module for editing and creating new game scenarios and a group of mobile applications that provide a user interface with the game. The application contains links to examples of mobile and web applications for various groups of tourists. Local History Game Museum Secrets Game id=org.suai.karmus6 Museum quest Online game "Points of interest on the map" Online game "One word"

Out of 100 with 0 ratings

An open system for creating personalized museum games and quests. Allows museum workers to independently create and publish game and quest scenarios for visitors. Can be used both inside the museum building and on the street. The system includes an administrative module for editing and creating new game scenarios and a group of mobile applications that provide a user interface with the game. The application contains links to examples of mobile and web applications for various groups of tourists.

Game "Local orienteering"

Game "Secrets of Museum Items"

Online game "Sights on the map"

Author's team:
Alexandrov Alexey Vitalievich - service design. Balandin Sergey Igorevich - service architecture development. Balandina Ekaterina Alekseevna - programming. Vasiliev Andrey Mikhailovich - programming. Zharinov Roman Feliksovich - programming. Morozov Alexey Borisovich - idea, scenarios "In a word" and "Sights on the map". Petrova Natalya Yuryevna - idea, scenarios for museum games "The Secret of Museum Items" and "Museum Quest". Paramonov Ilya Vyacheslavovich - programming. Trifonova Yulia Viktorovna - visual design of the service.

Year of release of the program: 2014