Skyrim: Dawnguard Walkthrough (Behind the Dawnguard). Passage of additional tasks of the Guardians of the Dawn in Dawnguard Completion of the task "Chasing the Echo"

After you complete the main story quest "Prophet", which resulted in you choosing the side of the Guardians of the Dawn, the passage of Dawnguard will offer you a whole handful of side quests from this faction.

The full list of these tasks is as follows: ancient technology, Strengthening the Lines, Cleansing Light, Hide and Seek, Monster Hunt, Jarl's Judgment, Lost Relic, Preemptive Strike and Rescue. Let's take a look at them one by one.

ancient technology

This quest can be obtained from Sorin Gerard in Fort Dawnguard. Our goal in this mission is to find ancient Dwemer schematics.

Strengthening the ranks

This side quest can be taken from Sorin Gerard, who seeks to gather as many comrades in arms as possible in the ranks of the Dawnguard, as the faction fears the threat from the vampires.

cleansing light

A simple quest - you need to talk with Ganmar, and then go to the vampire lair in order to eliminate the target there, for which the order was received.

hide and seek

This mission can be picked up from Sorin Gerard at Fort Dawnguard. After a dialogue with her, she, as in the "Ancient Technology" task, will send you to a randomly selected Dwemer ruins, or a bandit camp to collect a crossbow scheme.

Monster hunting

Ganmar asks to deal with the lair of vampires, after which he will send us to one of the big cities. To find out exactly where to look for the lair, chat with friends, ordinary passers-by, interview tavern visitors, do not forget about the possibility of persuasion or bribery.

Jarl's Justice

We will receive this task after a dialogue with Izran: the leader of the Dawnguard faction will ask us to visit the Jarl to inform him of the impending threat from the vampires.

Lost Relic

The quest becomes available in the Dawnguard walkthrough if you have completed the "Strengthening the Lines" quest. If you remember, in that task we had to free a character named Florenty.


All users of personal computers were looking forward to the release of the first full-fledged add-on for Skyrim called Dawnguard. In this article I will describe the passage of the storyline for the faction of the guards of the dawn.

To better understand how the storyline diverges into the light and dark sides, here is a small diagram:

Requirements to start the storyline: level 10 or higher.
Requirements for completing the storyline: the presence of an ancient scroll (obtained by the main passage of Skyrim)


ID: DLC1VQ01MiscObjective

The first thing after installing the DLC is the question of how to see all the additional content in all its splendor? The answer is simple, after your character reaches level 10, any Skyrim guard will have a dialogue about recruiting into the guards of the dawn, but if you are in the city, an orc named Durak (Durak) will come up to you and talk to you. We choose the answer with the desire to join the vampire slayers (Killind vampires? Where do I sign up?).

Following the marker (the best way to get there is from Riften) we come to a cleft in the mountain. Let's jump boldly. Following the path we get to the entrance to the castle. Next, we observe the scripted dialogue of two NPCs:

We speak with a character named Isran (Isran) and show a desire to join the Dawnguard (I "m here to join the Dawnguard). This is followed by a scene of conversation between Isran and Tolan (Tolan), after which the task "Guardian of the Dawn" ends.


We follow the cave, which is located near the sanctuary of Mehrunes Dagon and kill a bunch of vampires in it (attention! to follow the storyline of the Guardians of the Dawn, do not accidentally become infected with vampirism). Arriving at some altar:

press the button under the marker and a purple glow appears. Next, you need to move the braziers (Brazier) that are standing around so that they become engulfed in flames.

When everything is ready, a stone monolith (Stone Monolith) will open, upon activation of which a lady of beautiful appearance and ... long fangs will fall out of it. After talking to her, the task ends.

Bloodline (Bloodline)

As it turned out, the girl's name is Serana (Serana) and she asks to take her home. Well, let's not refuse. We choose from the crypt and along the way we study a new cry.

We move north and by boat we get to the castle Volkihar (Castle Volkihar) and go to the main gate. Seeing Serana, they immediately open the gate.

In the castle, Lord Harkon is waiting for us, who will offer you to become a vampire. We choose to refuse to accept this curse (I don "t want to become a vampire. I refuse your gift), because we want to cut vampires! Not very happy with this development of events, Harkon expels us from the castle (well, he doesn’t kill and thanks for that) On the way to the castle of the Guardians of the Dawn, we observe an attack on the castle by a detachment of vampires, in the amount of 3 pieces!After killing them, we talk with Isran and this task ends.

New Order (A New Order)

ID: DLC1HunterBaseIntro

We are required to recruit two new Van Helsings to the castle. Let's start. The first, by the name of Gunmar, will not come to the castle until you kill the she-bear that is in the cave before our eyes. Complexity here can only be delivered by a troll that has settled near a she-bear. We talk with Gumnar and he goes to the castle.

The second recruit will be a girl named Sorine Jurard. She flatly refuses to go to the castle if you do not have a pumped persuasion or if she does not have a "Dwemer Gyro". Luckily, Serana's lost bag of gyroscopes lies near the river.

We give her one piece and she is already a member of the order.

Returning from the task, we find ourselves closed in the castle where we are being tested for vampirism. If you are not infected, then the gate will drop, after which we go to Isran (turn left and up the stairs). End of task.


ID: DLC1VQ03Hunter

We are required to follow Isran, who will lead us to Seran (I already thought I would have to kill her) and after talking with them we will be sent to find out about a certain priest. We go to the College of Winterhold to the librarian Urag gro-Shubu and find out where to find the priest (I need to find a Moth Priest), he will send us to the Dragon Bridge. Arriving there, we lose the task marker, but any resident of the city or guard quickly rescues us. We ask if they saw a priest here (Know anything about a Moth Priest visiting Dragon Bridge?) and we are told that he was here, but had already crossed the bridge to the south.

We take out a note from the vampire and after reading it we go along the marker into the cave. We clean it up. From the marked corpse we take out the quest stone and insert it into the hole on the parapet.

The energy barrier is falling and you have to beat the old man! After talking with him, after his sides were dented with our sword / mace / ax / fireball / (insert as necessary) we send him to the castle, and then we move out there ourselves. After the dialogue in the castle, the old man reads the ancient scroll and the Prophet quest ends.

Chasing Echoes

It is required to talk with Serana and from the dialogue we learn that the entrance to one of the Oblivion planes is hidden where she would not look. We offer her an option with the Volkihar Castle (In Castle Volkihar?) and hit the road.

We should not meddle in the main entrance of the castle, we will go to the left.

In the castle we go through the corridors, unlock the doors, lower the bridges with levers and in the end, going out to Fresh air, we come across a moon clock (it's like a sun clock, only a moon clock). They look like this.

To make them work, you need to find the missing sections:

After repairing the mechanism, we go down to the basement. We pass along the way, taking all the opponents into Oblivion.

Mechanism from the lattice behind the gargoyle.


How unexpected!

Passing by a room with a bunch of gargoyles, do not forget to take a beautiful vampire armor.

Find a couple of differences:

Arriving at this location with circles in the middle of the room:

I advise you not to touch anything until it is indicated in the task (there are bugs with the task) and just in case, save.

After a long speech by Serana, she asks us to find her mother's diary.

We read, pick up, give to Serana (I "ve found your mother" s notes). After which she asks to find three things in the room to open the portal.

Next, put it all in a marked goblet and say to Serana. She drips her blood into it, the portal opens, but we can't get in. Serana tells us that either a vampire can enter there, or one who leaves a part of his soul in this world.

Eh, since we Guardians of the Dawn choose the option of splitting the soul in a conversation with Serana (Soul trap me. I won "t feel right as a vampire), and then we say that we are ready (I" m ready). The separation is painless:

and we can go through the portal. End of task.

Beyond Death

After passing through the portal, we find ourselves in one of the oblivion planes, where those souls that are absorbed into the stones are stored. A feature of this area is its own, unique landscape. There are cracks in the ground, activating them fills one of the soul gems in the player's inventory.

First of all, we go to the marker, along the way meeting wandering souls and local undead.

Arriving at the place we will meet Serana's mother - Valerica.

On her tip, we go to kill three guardians. Nothing complicated with this, the markers will indicate where they are.

Returning to Valerika, we find that the barrier separating us has disappeared and she takes us outside the gate.

Where a dragon appears to be defeated.

And then we move on to the next task.

Seeking Disclosure

One of the scrolls for this quest is obtained through the previous quest, and the other during the passage of the main storyline.

Having obtained both scrolls, we talk with the monk.

This completes the task.

Unseen Visions

Important: In this quest, you will need an Elder Scroll Dragon, which is obtained from the main story of the game (see quest "Beyond the Ordinary")

The monk who was supposed to read our scrolls is blind! Now you need to perform the moth ritual.

To do this, we go to the cave under the sign, where we take a scraper, use it on a tree and start running after the moths. It is not necessary to catch them, it is only required that they fly after you. To do this, we run around the cave in search of 7 groups of moths.

When they are collected, we go into the light and read the scroll.

We speak with the companion and the task is completed.

Touching the Sky

So, we stock up on everything necessary for a long journey and set off on a mission, it will take a long time to climb dark caves.

So in the first cave we need to jump into the water and go with the flow, it will lead to the right place. In general, the cave is quite straightforward, we look at the location map and go where we have not been before. After a long journey, we meet a snow elf named Gelebor! The only representative in his right mind and with sighted eyes.

Talking with him, we learn that he is not the last snow elf, but he really wants to become one and gives the task to kill his own brother. Well, it is not possible to continue the race, so one more member of the endangered race, one less - it does not matter.

The representative of the red book opens a portal for us and we are given the task to collect 5 water samples from different sources.

There is a lot of running around, a lot of Falmer, the dragon is also not alone, but there should not be any difficulties in finding locations.

In the end, we come to a huge castle, into the bowl of which we need to pour the collected water. We go to the opened location and meet the brother sitting on the throne.

He does not want to give up just like that, so he revives the frozen Falmer and Korus whom we have to kill. Next, the fight takes place with the snow elf himself:

after defeating which, Gelebor will give us Auriel's Bow.

End of task.

Kindred Judgment

The final task of the Guardians of the Dawn! We talk with Serana, and then with Isran in the castle, where he, rejoicing at the discovery of the bow by us, will gather all the soldiers and make a fiery speech.

Having dealt with them, we run to the castle, where a battle is burning, in which it would be good not to hurt our own.

And the last to fight with Harkon. There is no need to give him the bow, because the battle will take place in any case.

He is a nimble opponent, summons skeletons and gargoyles, sometimes pupates, becoming invulnerable to everything except Auriel's bow.

By killing him, we get ... honor and respect from all the Guardians of the Dawn. Congratulations.

The Dawnguard is an ancient organization of vampire hunters. For many years dawn guard fought with vampires in particular with the Vorkihal clan, but for inexplicable reasons, she fell into disrepair.

Many years later, several skilled warriors decide to restore the ancient organization, and you can personally participate in its development and the fight against vampires.

Below will be presented the whole process of passing the guardians of the dawn Skyrim, starting from the introduction and ending with the last mission.

Beginning of the passage

It is worth noting that for the appearance of the guardians of the dawn and the Vampire clan, download the official add-on Dawnguard.

After that, gain level 10 and, at best, go through the main storyline, as during the missions you will need an ancient scroll.

After reaching level 10, go to Riften and look for the orc Dorak, who recruiting for the Dawnguard. After talking with Dorak, you will have a new marker on the map, following which you will come to a hidden cave leading to Fort Dawnguard.

Along the way, you will meet another who wants to join the guards, named Irwin.

Walk through the cave with Irvine until you see a huge castle that is Dawnguard HQ.

Further, after passing through the checkpoint, you will enter the castle, where you need to talk with Isran to join the organization. After an introduction and a little training with a crossbow, you Get your first mission from the Dawnguard titled "Awakening".

Completing the quest "Awakening"

During a conversation with leader of the Dawnguard Isran you will receive a task, which is to check the Crypt of the Night Void.

According to Isran, there are many vampires in the Crypt who are looking for some important artifact there.

When you get to the crypt by the marker, you will encounter a large number of opponents, in particular vampires and their hounds. In the crypt you will see the body of the sentinel Tolan, who was able to kill several vampires before his death.

Not getting what they need, they kill the sentinel, you won’t be able to save him.

In the end, you will reach the hall, in the center of which you need to correctly move the braziers. To do this, move the braziers along the line until they light up. When all the braziers are ignited, a sarcophagus will appear in the center, from which a new character named Serana will emerge.

Completing the quest "Blood Ties"

The awakened Serana turns out to be a vampire from the ancient Volkihar clan, as well as the daughter of their head, Lord Harkon. After talking with her, you agree to take Serana to her home castle Volkihar.

Getting to it will not be difficult, just go to the northern part of Skyrim and get on the boat, which will lead to the castle.

Upon entering the castle, you will meet with the head of the Harkon clan, who offers to become a powerful vampire as a reward for his help.

If you go over to the Volkihar side, then the whole storyline will change, and you will become a vampire and part-time enemy guardians of the dawn.

To complete missions for the guards, simply refuse the offer and return to the base without any pursuit.

When you get to the fort, you will see that a group of three vampires unsuccessfully tried to capture the base of the guards of the dawn.

You can get the next task after talking with Isran.

Completing the mission "The New Order"

Now you need to find two new recruits for the guards of the dawn.

The first one is called Gunmar and he will go with you only after you kill the she-bear in the nearby cave.

Upon returning to the fort, you will be checked for the presence of vampirism. If you are not a vampire, then you can easily pass the test and get the next task.

Completing the mission "Prophet"

This time you will go with Isran to Serana.

According to Serana, she herself wants the death of her father, but for this you need to find all the scrolls that her mother knows about. After talking with her, you are instructed to find a certain priest, information about which Urag gro-Shubu has in the College of Winterhold.

Following the path, we come across a broken wagon and a vampire who has a note. Next, we clean the nearest cave from vampires and find the quest stone. To get to the priest, place the found stone on the parapet.

Thus, having reached the old man and talked with him, go together to the base, where he can read the ancient scroll.

Completing the quest "Chasing the Echo"

After reading the scroll, Serana will ask you where her mother could hide, to which you must answer "Castle Volkihar", since that is where Harkon will not look for her.

At the end, you will reach a room with a gate to Oblivion. After finding her mother's diary, you decide to go to Oblivion. To do this, you need to collect three items in the room and decide whether to become a vampire or leave a part of the soul.

As you are the true Guardian of the Dawn then you need to choose the second option, after which you will be transported to the other world.

Completing the mission "Beyond Death"

In the other world, you will find a lot of interesting things in addition to the main task.

Oblivion is significantly different from the landscape of the regular game, the sky is purple there, and the souls of the dead walk the earth.

To find Serana's mother, simply follow the marker that will lead you to her. As a result of ancient magic, Serana's mother is behind the gate and in order to open it, you need to defeat three guardians.

After following the instructions, we unite with Serana's mother and enter a huge room where a dragon will attack you.

As a result of victory, the dragon will ask for mercy and release, after which you will receive an additional shout with the ability to summon him in Skyrim. In the end, Serana's mother gives us one of the ancient scrolls and returns to the real world.

Completing the Quest "In Search of Disclosure"

It is on this task that many gamers stop, because here you need to get another ancient scroll. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that you need to go through the main storyline, thanks to which you will get what you want.

Therefore, at this place you will have to stop your adventures with vampires and return to the duties of a Dovakin.

Completing the quest "Unseen Visions"

Having obtained the necessary scrolls, Dawnguard face a new problem. The monk who was supposed to read the scrolls has become blind, and in order to help him do this, you must perform the moth ritual.

Completing the quest "Touching the Sky"

Now your goal will be to find the king of the Falmer, who has Auriel's bow capable of killing Lord Harkon. Stock up on a lot of potions, arrows, and other resources before doing this quest, as you'll be exploring long caverns.

After walking a rather long distance, we meet one of the last snow elves named Gelebor.

To get Auriel's bow from him, you need to poison his brother by collecting five water samples from various sources.

After that, we return to Gelebor and get the bow of Auriel we need.

Completing the task "Family Court"

In the last task, you, Serana, Isran and the whole army of the guards of the Dawn You are advancing on Castle Volkihard. A whole army of vampires, hounds and revived gargoyles will come forward to defend the castle.

In a difficult battle, you reach Harkon himself and use your bow to kill him.

Eventually Dawnguard mainline will be completed, and you will become an honorary member of this organization.

Other skyrim quests:

Now you know full walkthrough skyrim dawn guards. But the quests do not end there, because vampires still roam Skyrim, although not with such force.

Therefore, you will repeatedly receive tasks from the guards of the dawn to save the inhabitants or clean up the lair of vampires.