Rat for December. Eastern horoscope by year: what awaits the signs in December

Year of the Rat : 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1998

Good luck in 2019 will accompany those Rats who remain persistent and determined. Any undertaking will be successful, and the opening own business in the shortest possible time will begin to bring a decent income. And if profitable projects turn up, then you should not doubt and spare money: a timely investment of capital will pay off handsomely.

Rats should not forget about the need to update their image. Buying a good watch, suit and shoes will not only increase self-esteem, but also draw the attention of others. After all, they are greeted by clothes. And the taste of the Rat is impeccable, so you can go shopping without advisers.

The boar advises to take a closer look at the social circle and determine who helps to grow and earn money, and who is better to give a turn from the gate.

At the end of 2019, Piggy promises a surprise to the Rats - the long-awaited replenishment will appear in the families. But in order for this event to become truly happy, try to take care of repairs and a sufficient amount for “diapers” in advance.


It is better not to engage in extraneous matters at work: the boss will take this for laziness and disrespect for his person. If you're really bored, get creative with your responsibilities. Do not be afraid to offer new ideas - you will certainly be heard and supported.

Rats - leaders in 2019 may well change the world, you just need to start with yourself. Show subordinates by personal example how to work. Unemployed Rats are tedious to pay attention to the offer that will arrive at the end of January - perhaps this is exactly what you would like to do. If you are active enough, then no financial difficulties await you until the end of the year.


Work is work, but you should not forget about the family. Pay more attention to children, reconsider joint leisure. Invite your family to spend the weekend in an unusual way - they will be grateful for it. Do not skimp on compliments to your soulmate: this will make her wings grow!

Lonely Rats at the beginning of summer will meet an unusual person in many respects. Do not rush into the pool with your head. Maybe he's not who he claims to be. Wait until autumn.

A more serious relationship can begin just then.


Take good care of your health throughout the year.

Try not to be nervous, and if you can’t avoid stress, go to a psychologist or drink a course of sedatives.

Think of yourself, not what others will say. The key to good health is high physical activity. Make it a habit to go for a run or go to the gym every day. Prefer live communication to virtual communication - energy will increase from this.

Horoscope for 2019 for the Rat Woman

Women should do what will allow you to dive into the very core of the process and know all its ins and outs - this is what you need to feel safe and gain control over what is happening. Otherwise, suspicion, suspiciousness, nervousness will become aggravated. And all this can destroy your personal relationship with your loved one and partners. This year welcomes meaningfulness, seriousness and depth in any relationship! It is necessary to take care of health in order to be filled with energy for the exploits of the next year. The most resource periods: February, March, May, from August 19 to October 5 and December.

Horoscope for 2019 for Rat Man

Men can show uncertainty, doubt and hesitation in business, relationships and choice of goals. These "swings" will exhaust not only you, but also those around you. And this is completely natural, since your life will undergo a global audit throughout the year. But in the end, and in fact, everything will be rebuilt in the best, most environmentally friendly and most correct way for you. Don't rush things. Everything has its time. The second half of February, March, the second half of May, June and September are favorable for love.

Year of the Rat The horoscope goes by the dates: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020. The year of the Rat is the first in the 12-year lunar cycle of the Chinese zodiac.

We all want to know our future, which is why we read various horoscopes. But in order for everything to be accurate, you need to know in the year of whom you were born and who you are according to your zodiac sign.

Each year is named after an animal: a bull, a dog, a tiger, a monkey, a rabbit, a snake, a rat and others. There are many legends about this.

Of all the animals, the rat is very smart and, often, strives to achieve what was intended, while it easily adapts to the conditions, and turns any, even the most critical situation, in its direction.

The rat horoscope is accurate. Because people born this year adopt the character traits of this amazing animal.

Year of the Rat Sign Characteristics

Those born in the year of the rat are very self-confident. But do not think that they are not afraid of anything. They are just as nervous, worried, doubtful, they simply do not show their excitement and in any situation they are confident and calm. These people know how to charm. But at any moment their mood can change and they can easily scream, and, in general, their behavior can be quite aggressive. In a word, the character is very changeable and depends on the circumstances.

Life periods of the Rat

Many Rats have a happy childhood and a carefree youth. Youth will take its toll. Everything will turn out well. But the second half of life can be quite hectic. In adulthood, the Rat can lose a lot because of just one rash step or unrequited love. And in love, the temperamental Rat is ready for anything, even for self-sacrifice.

The third period in the life of the Rat can proceed in different ways. If a person was born in winter, then old age will be calm, and if in summer, then a long search for means of subsistence, attempts to avoid all sorts of traps set on their life path. Perhaps even getting into prison or a concentration camp, or an accident, premature death.

Rat stones: amethyst, garnet, diamond, malachite, jasper.

Plants: orchid.

Best time of day: 23:00 to 1:00 am.

Season: winter.

Colors: black, purple, white.

Positive qualities of the sign of the Rat

The rat is a fickle sign. Despite this, he has many positive traits character. Firstly, the sign is a rat and people under this sign are always in the spotlight and do not like silence. They are happy to attend noisy parties and make acquaintances. Secondly, purposeful people born this year. If they set a goal for themselves, then they will achieve it, no matter what. That is why people born under the Rat zodiac sign occupy a high position in society or have a good position.

They can show firmness or insist on their own, which means they will get the desired result. Thirdly, they are very stubborn. It is almost impossible to make them dance to someone else's tune. Most likely they will force the society to live by its own rules. Fourth, rats have a good instinct. In the process of life, people learn to use it and completely trust their own premonitions. Fifth, rats are good organizers. Sixth, people who were born in the year of the rat are very talented. They can and do absolutely everything. Seventh, money plays an important role for them. And most importantly, they know how to earn them. Eighth, they are good and loving parents. Their family comes first.

By Chinese horoscope, rats are considered the most intelligent, prudent and wise animals. It is believed that a person under this sign takes on all the qualities of a patron animal.

The Chinese value honesty above all else in the Rat. Indeed, the Rat always plays a fair game and stands up for justice - on the condition that she determines the rules of the game herself.

The rat is a gambler and a gourmet. She does not want to limit herself in anything and at the same time constantly worries about her future and, although she lives intensively in the present, she always dreams of saving money in order to secure her old age.

Rat is an excellent critic. She will easily see minor flaws and will gladly talk about them.

The Rat can make a good living if he can suppress his eternal discontent and excessive taste for pleasure.

Negative qualities of the sign of the Rat

Despite the fact that the rat is a good sign according to the eastern horoscope, it also has disadvantages:

  • Distrustful. To become a true friend of such a person, you will have to go through a lot and go through a lot. But sometimes this is not enough. They believe and trust only themselves;
  • Aggressive. The sharp, unbalanced behavior of those born this year is found all the time. They can be evil and destroy everything in their path;
  • Greedy. Money is everything. Borrowing money from them is not worth it, they will torture you and you will have to return it;
  • Insidious. They always do everything for their own benefit. And to build intrigues and weave intrigues is their trick;
  • They love power and all their lives strive to become the main ones in any field of activity;
  • Romance is alien to rats according to the sign of the zodiac. They express their love differently. And teddy bears, rose petals and cute text messages in the morning are not for them.

These people are always attracted by everything beautiful and majestic. Their house should be the best, the car the most luxurious, clothes from good stores.

They are very superstitious. All fairy tales about vampires, goblin, witches are not just legends for them. Often, rats born in the year tend to leave the noisy city and settle where there is something unusual, to solve a lot of mysteries.

According to the horoscope, rat women are the best wives in the world and wonderful housewives. If they decide to devote themselves to the family, then it will always be clean, comfortable, prepared, everything has been washed and ironed, and the children and husband are dressed to the nines. Their house is full. It has everything: antique furniture, old paintings, rare carpets, and modern technology.

Almost all Rats are greedy for everything external, often for them the decoration is more important than the internal structure, they cannot resist a smart rogue, a flatterer, they take the ordinary for the exceptional. In addition, they like to lie when necessary, and often without any reason.

Children born in the year of the rat

Babies who were born in a given year are constantly interested in something, come up with something.

In childhood, those born this year are very quiet and calm. The peak of activity and manifestation of themselves in them begins in adulthood, when they graduate from school or university. This is the best time in their lives.

Although they are modest, kindergarten they quickly become leaders and gather a company next to them. If they are comfortable and cozy, they will definitely come up with something and draw everyone else into their adventure.

Parents should create comfortable conditions for such kids, then they will open up to the fullest. And if they feel uncomfortable, then the child will simply withdraw into himself and will soon hate the whole world.

Also, parents should not forbid their child to create. Baby rats love everything new and are happy to create a good atmosphere around them. If he wants to draw, then let him draw, and you need to help him with this. And do not forget to admire and praise.

Best birthday dates, months and times

The day, month, year and hour when a person is born affects the formation of his future destiny. For some, this time will be happy and the whole future life will pass under a good sign. And someone will fight all his life and look for a way out of difficult situations. Those who were born in the year of the rat according to the eastern calendar. They will also find their own unique destiny and live life in a special way.

It is believed that newborns who are born early in the morning and in the evening (from 5 to 7) are lucky. All their lives they will be lucky and all matters will be resolved very quickly.

Being born on the 4th, 9th, 13th, 25th and 30th is also considered a good sign. We can say that these children from birth pulled out a lucky ticket.

Astrologers believe that January, May, July, August and September are the best months to be born. But there is another opinion, summer rats are more successful than those who were born in winter period. It has to do with nature and the animal itself. In summer, these creatures have expanse: it is warm, there is a lot of food, and in winter it is bad. In order to somehow feed yourself and your brood, you constantly need to look for food and dodge.

The most suitable professions for rats

According to the Chinese horoscope, rats are very independent and independent people. They show their independence constantly. This is especially noticeable at work. Working in a large team, where you need to clearly follow the task and obey the boss, is unbearable for them. That is why it is impossible to meet a rat that has devoted its life to working in an office or offices.

Whatever the boss, rat people will always find a reason to speak unflatteringly about him. If they occupy a leading position in the team, they will do everything to ensure that all employees work. And those who shirk and do not understand anything in business will simply be fired.

Career is very important for them. They will never sit still. “Always forward and only forward” is their motto in life.

If a team has an employee born in a given year, then this team is doomed to constant intrigues and squabbles. These people will not be silent and will express everything directly in the eye.

Rats figure everything out in advance. They always have a ready plan according to which they act. Therefore, they achieve the desired result faster than others.

They are suitable for intellectual professions. Right choice specialty will allow them to reach heights and become successful people.

Do not forget that rat people are very creative personalities. They try to constantly come up with something new and interest everyone. Each process is pre-planned and recorded. If the rats have devoted themselves to creativity, then everything will work out for them and it will be truly beautiful. Soon colleagues will understand who the leader is.

Remember that cunning is their faithful companion. The surrounding people do not even notice that their "friends" - rats are deceiving them and using them.

Whatever profession these people choose, it should always bring money. They will work themselves and force others to work, just to earn as much as possible.

Often, they deliberately opt for professions that are profitable and help to make friends. These are professions such as:

  • Salesman;
  • Accountant;
  • Advocate;
  • Entrepreneur;
  • Critic;
  • Writer;
  • Politician;
  • Art critic;
  • Criminologist;
  • Doctor and others.

In a word, when choosing a business of life, they put money at the forefront. If you work, then for the sake of a career and a good financial reward.

Love and relationships

Rat people are pragmatic. But such a person knows how to love. To their soul mate, they are very tender and sensual. If the rats feel reciprocity, they open immediately. But if there is no reciprocity, then they begin to get angry, offended. There are times when unrequited lovers begin to take revenge.

They need to feel constantly fueled by new emotions. Routine and boredom quickly bothers them. They want something new, so often they have hobbies on the side. But rats burn out quickly.

Rats need constant movement, fun and noisy companies. And this means that there are conversations, gossip. Consequence - scandals at home. In such cases, they condemn their soul mate and blame the misunderstanding. Put up and explain everything as it is, they are in no hurry. Rat people are selfish. They will stand their ground but never admit their mistakes.

And if they are understood and agreed with them, then they give themselves completely and there are no questions about loyalty.

Disappointed in their soul mate, they leave forever and immediately start looking for a replacement.

If you fell in love with a rat, then forget about all the shortcomings of this person. Praise, admire, love and you will not regret it.

To achieve the location of a person born in the year of the rat, invite him to an unusual and mysterious place, present an old book.

If a rat fell in love with you, then this person will achieve his goal. When they fall in love for real, they become insane. The lover will do the impossible, but keep his soul mate.

Rats are wonderful lovers. They think not only about themselves, but also about their partner.

But if they decide to leave, then they can not be stopped. They will think everything over so that the partner and everyone around them will think that everyone is to blame, but not the rat-man.

Family life they are hidden from others. They solve all issues on their own and do not tolerate when they climb with advice.

Their parents are wonderful. Children love them and do everything they say. They have everything strictly according to plan. From the outside it may seem that everything is far from ideal for this family, and life is not well-established, then this opinion is erroneous.

Those rats who grew up in a dysfunctional family will do everything so that their children do not need anything. They will work day and night, but the family will be provided for.

Sex for rat people is an important aspect of relationships. They pay special attention to him. If something does not add up in this regard, then they experience very much and break down on others.

This person is easily addicted, so they can quickly leave one partner and start a relationship with another. But, despite this, they manage to be friends with the former.

Such they will not yet acquire a family and children. After that, those born in this year live at home.

Which of the five types of rat is yours

Eastern horoscope. The rat is wooden, fiery, earthen and metal. When is the year of the rat, you ask? She will honor people with her presence in 2020 and will be iron.

Those who were born or will be born in the year of the metal rat will be strong and not only in spirit, but also in body. The influence of metal on the character of a person is manifested in everything. These people love comfort, and they do everything with taste.

As for money, they feel it a mile away. They clearly know which business will be financially profitable and any investment pays off in full.

Their character is steel, and the tongue stings like a sting. These people can do anything and everything. They are not afraid of difficulties. Sometimes their actions contradict their words and common sense, but that's the whole point. Thanks to such actions, they can easily deceive the enemy and are at their best.

Metal Rat 1900, 1960

It is worth monitoring your health and not letting it drift. Any little thing needs to be treated immediately. Otherwise, everything can be too serious.

The color that accompanies success is white.

People born in the years of the Metal Rat are gifted with honesty and ambition. They are very hardworking and are able to make long-term efforts to achieve their goals. Metal Rats are famous for their excellent sense of style, which is supported by love and the ability to create comfort, as well as the ability to earn and spend money with taste. Metal Rats are extremely devoted to loved ones. This quality will be appreciated by their life partner, whom he will surround with care and attention, thanks to which Metal Rats most often have a strong and happy marriage. The negative side is excessive hardness and adherence to principles. Metal is an inflexible element and forces the Rat to make decisions that threaten to suppress creative thinking. These people need to develop compliance and openness, to compromise, especially since Water helps to soften the rigidity of Metal.

Water Rat: 1912, 1972

The year of the water rat has the following characteristic. Water has had a huge impact on people. They are just as playful and controversial.

Water rats are cold, unfeeling, calculating, bores and crybabies. They love and cherish only themselves. And if something happened, they will be the only ones affected. These people will tell everyone about it and make themselves sorry. Friends and relatives will constantly feel sorry for them and take care of them.

Water rats know how to resolve any conflict. They know their job well and do everything clearly.

People born in the years of the Water Rat are doubly endowed with the ability of diplomatic persuasion and have an intuitive premonition of future events. They are smart and erudite. The negative side is hypersensitivity and excessive interest in the freedom of choice of other people. These Rats need to become more sociable and periodically take the initiative.

In most cases, Water Rats are happily married if they connect their lives with the right person.

Wood Rat: 1924, 1984

Wooden rats are a dream. They combine the most best qualities that a person can have. This species can be considered ideal, both in appearance and in character. And, in general, these people can be called happy, because they are always lucky and in everything.

They are always dressed to the nines, they have perfect order in their house, they love everything expensive and live in complete harmony with those around them. This species can be called daffodils because they love themselves.

Wood rats are not afraid of any work. They can write poems and songs, or they can carry bags. But that doesn't make them worse.

People born in the year of the Wood Rat are artistic and love creativity, since Wood is a creative element. Also, these people are very self-confident and have an analytical mindset. Most often, Wood Rats are domestic people who have pleasant character traits, friendliness, quick wit and practicality. They are endowed with a rich imagination, a good sense of humor and a craving for short-distance travel. The downside - The tree can create too many variations, making everything difficult to control. In the eyes of others, the Wood Rat looks enterprising and proactive, but a little restless. It is this character trait that often prevents her from moving in the desired direction. These Rats need to develop self-control and not try to bite off more than they can swallow.

Fire Rat: 1936, 1996

Fire rats can't sit still. They constantly get into trouble and rush towards adventure. But these people are too aggressive and these attacks occur out of the blue.

Fire rats are hard personalities. They are ready to die to win.

People born in the years of the Fire Rat have determination, wisdom and a penchant for innovation. They also have irrepressible energy, a penchant for adventure, straightforwardness in words and deeds, and unparalleled initiative. These qualities help them to succeed very quickly. However, it happens that at the most crucial moment they can let everything take its course, show unheard-of frivolity and short-sightedness. The negative side is that they sometimes become too passionate and enthusiastic, which can lead to the destruction of everything that they have achieved. These Rats should try to control their sharp tongue and channel their energy in a positive direction.

Earth Rat 1948, 2008

The next species is the earth rat. These people think a lot. Everyday, boring life makes them depressed.

People born in the years of the Earth Rat have practicality, prudence, self-discipline and the ability to work hard. Their distinguishing feature is a highly developed sense of responsibility, conscientiousness. The negative side is that they can move too slowly, losing the initiative and slowing down the adoption of responsible decisions. Also, the disadvantages include unwillingness to give in to others, intractability and excessive ambition. These people need to use self-discipline to keep up with the schedule, giving more freedom to the imagination.

They have wonderful and strong families. They are listened to and respected by all household members. Unlike other types of rats, earth rats are the most generous. They give gifts to their loved ones and do everything possible to please their families.

They never forget about themselves. And, often, with their behavior and appearance, they try to attract the attention of society.

Rat Compatibility with Other Signs

Two rats quickly converge, but they cannot be friends for a long time. Because they see their flaws in each other. But if you reconcile with each other, then there is no stronger couple.

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People born in the year of the Rat, planning their lives, will be interested in knowing the horoscope for 2018 in order to prepare in advance for the ups and downs of fate.

They are attractive, even if they are ugly. Charm and sincerity, emotionality and intuition make others believe them, love and be fascinated by them.

In Rats, ambition and healthy passion never turn into recklessness. Romanticism and daydreaming are supported by common sense and subtle calculation.

The rat loves to be in a pack, knows how to attract and hold attention. But after publicity, she wants to retire to a cozy comfortable mink. The rat is honest, knows how to keep other people's secrets, at the same time telling about himself to the first person he meets. She will not be confused in an extreme situation. On the contrary, she will even remember what she has long forgotten, and will take the lead in her paws. Although he never craves power and does not know how to quiet life manage people.

Years of birth of the Rat

Horoscope for 2018 for the Fire Rat

Years of birth 1936 and 1996

Rats themselves are active and energetic creatures, and the element of fire makes you tireless. Earth Dog is on your side, and don't look at the fact that earth and fire are not very compatible. After all, the color of the mistress of the year is Yellow, like your flame. Fire Rats can achieve success without much effort - you can just look your business partners in the eye, and they will immediately drag their savings on golden trays. But why waste your hypnotic gift - you're professionals, so just get the job done and get the applause you deserve.

The Yellow Dog will not leave unattended the love sphere of the Fire Rats. Dream, love and run on romantic dates - not a single rival will come close (if he takes a chance, he will immediately fall head over heels in love and make you an offer). But if the Rats have already been lucky enough to find a mate, then do not get carried away with adultery - the Yellow Earth Dog does not like this very much. Flirt slowly, and do not allow yourself anything superfluous - light coquetry excites the blood no worse than a bright and sparkling romance. And most importantly, believe in good storks - cute little birds are crazy about Fire Rats, and have already sent messengers for reconnaissance.

This is where financial luck comes in handy for Rats, because astronomical sums are required for new family members. Some Rats will win the lottery endlessly (maybe it's time to issue tickets themselves?), and many Fire creatures will find an area where only your talents were lacking. And the most important thing that all Fire Rats should remember is, of course, your vaunted intuition - in the year of the Earth Dog, your instinct will be at its best. All deposits are profitable, all transactions are successful, and any contract signed by the Fire Rats will be very promising.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Water Rat

Year of birth 1972

Water Rats guys are creative and original - you will not miss a single chance that the hostess of 2018 will throw. All your ideas are good - it's time to bring them to life, that's all. But beware of nosy competitors - scammers are everywhere, and they can pretend to be nice and charming people (they are even among business partners). But it is difficult to lure Water Rats into a trap - in 2018 you will become surprisingly resourceful and inventive, because it is not in vain that all the bosses you know invite you for tea and write out an award for a beautiful smile.

Prankster Cupid in the year of the Yellow Dog is somewhere nearby - Water Rats can preen and go on the most important hunt in their lives: for the chosen one! The main thing is to hold the tail with a gun, and not lose heart in case of failure - some members of the opposite sex are simply shy, and that is the only reason they do not give instant consent to marriage. The stars will whisper in secret that the registry offices have long bought champagne specifically for the Water Rats - the drink was brought from abroad, so hurry up before other newlyweds find out about this topic and drink the divine wedding nectar.

Anything can happen in the financial sector, but fate has prepared only pleasant surprises for the Water Rats. The bills have been counted out, the jewels have been tidied up, and the securities are waiting for your arrival. Before you pick up the wealth, run into the store for a solid suit - let everyone gasp with envy (and free the trunk of the limousine from all nonsense so that there is where to put the oligarchic attributes). And do not forget to thank everyone who participated in your take-off - relatives in the apartment, friends in the car, and fans with a box of chocolates (the stars think that this will be enough).

Horoscope for 2018 for the Wood Rat

Years of birth 1924 and 1984

Wood Rats will become Dogs' favorites if they try a little. Well, what, mutual understanding with the hostess of the year you have almost perfect. The main thing is to talk less and act more - the Yellow Dog appreciates perseverance and perseverance (even in achieving a minor goal). The authorities respect the Wood Rats, and are even afraid - probably, the boss saw how you communicated with competitors, and still shudders at the memories. In general, a new position is just around the corner - Wooden creatures can read the horoscope and call friends to mark the promotion.

In the year of the Dog, Wood Rats will attract fans like a magnet - have you really found out the composition of magical spirits? Or is it all about your wit and cheerful smile? What's the difference - while numerous boyfriends are crowding in lines to sign up for a date with you, watch them from the side, maybe you will immediately recognize your soul mate. And do not delay, storks do not like to wait. The dog has already agreed with realtors - they have found a dozen cute three-room minks for you with a view of the park and the sea. But at first you can live with relatives - your chosen one will charm even a picky granny.

Finances will not come first in the life of Wood Rats - there is enough money, so why think about them. The capital will work without you, just have time to take the money to the bank. You can also use some magic - try it, you won't regret it. Buy a beautiful red purse (they say it attracts banknotes for the owner), throw coins at the threshold, or hang a horseshoe over the door. Ways of the sea, the main thing is to believe in the effectiveness of witchcraft. To whom do the stars tell this, because the Wood Rats almost all have diplomas of sorcerers and wizards.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Earth Rat

Years of birth 1948 and 2008

Do you already know that the Earth Dog will be at the helm in 2018? So what are you worried about, because she will not leave the guys from her element, and will help all year. Earth Rats are known for their stubbornness, but in the year of the Yellow Dog, this quality will help in all endeavors. Rats will be especially successful in creativity - it's time to remember about childhood hobbies, dig out your drawings for fairy tales in the closet, and take them to the right people. There is nothing to be ashamed of - you are talents, and that says it all! For reliability, you can create a couple of new masterpieces, because ideas in your smart heads are born every minute.

With love in the life of Earth Rats, the situation is as follows - you finally pulled out a lucky ticket from Cupid's pack. Just do not forget to notify numerous fans about your imminent wedding, otherwise stubborn suitors will run after you all year and scare your soulmate with nightly serenades. In addition, more pleasant and vocal singers will appear in your apartment - the stars predict the appearance of heirs. Finally, Earth Rats will become parents, and they will understand that this is a real miracle. You can live for yourself when the kids grow up, but for now, try on the role of a teacher - it's very entertaining and fun.

Little kids are a huge expense, but what do you want? But, nothing, the Yellow Dog will help with finances. In 2018, you are guarded by a thoroughbred dog, and she knows about respectable and influential patrons. Just don't waste your money on unnecessary luxury items - well, why do you need a trendy leather chair if you like to sit in an ancient, shabby, but so cozy grandfather's sofa? It’s also better not to get involved in adventures with the Earth Rats, if you are already drawn to the risk, buy a lottery ticket - there really are winning tickets (trust the astrologers)!

Horoscope for 2018 for the Metal Rat

Year of birth 1960

Metal Rats are known for their honesty. And, of course, people are delighted with your perseverance. Who does the boss call in case of problems? Well, of course, Metal Rats, and the same situation will be in the year of the Earth Dog. Be close to the boss and he will appreciate your loyalty. But remember that a new position will bring not only a high salary and a crowd of subordinates - there will be almost no time left for personal life. Yes, and competitors will be drawn, if they are amiss. Add metal to your voice when you deal with rivals - yes, they will give you all the contracts, as soon as they understand that you are unhappy. Metal Rats need love more than most.

The dog will not disappoint you - she is already running around the world in search of suitable chosen ones. Yes, yes, the half will not be alone, and you will have to listen to your heart so as not to make a mistake. Fans will grieve, but you can’t please everyone - call your suitors to the wedding. Family Rats have a personal life full of miracles and adventures - the chosen one will understand the reason for the disagreement, and will overwhelm you with gentle compliments and romantic surprises. Sometimes get down from the pedestal to peel potatoes, or run to the store for dumplings - even with great love, lunch should be on schedule.

Everything is simple and clear with the financial situation - Metal Rats are favorites money luck. You cannot sit without work, and any of your activities causes delight and admiration of others. Wait for profitable deals, just negotiate the terms of payment right away - scammers will never be transferred, and even the Yellow Earth Dog is not afraid of these cunning guys. Maybe you should study to be a lawyer? You look, you will open your agency - and no one will deceive you, and you will row money with a silver shovel with a gilded handle.

Year 2018 for the Rat will be kind

The Year of the Yellow Dog will become kind and peaceful for everyone if the fate of the world is controlled by people born in the year of the Dog. The dog - the head of the family will do everything for the well-being and prosperity of his relatives. No one will get sick, children will study well and please their parents with success, adults will find new interesting activities.

The rat in this situation will only have to surrender to the will of the dog's success. Or, on the contrary, harness yourself to the cart of worries yourself, if the Dog is not at the helm. In any case, this year will be fruitful for her in creativity and creation. With joy and great desire or out of necessity, but the Rat will have to change the world and get more than just pleasure from it.

In 2018, the Rat will have major movements in space. She will want to expand her horizons, to see the world that she has long heard and dreamed of. It is good that the desires coincide with the possibilities.

Rat Man in 2018

A man born in the year of the Rat knows how to draw conclusions from the mistakes of others. In 2018, he will, doing almost nothing, enjoy the calm contemplation of how the boat is carried by the current in the right direction. He can, of course, row himself, adding speed. The main thing is not to go astray and not to row against the wave.

The Rat Man does not lose his mind when faced with danger. His courage is calculated, and his actions are logical. It is good that in the year of the Dog he will not have to test this in action, because the horoscope compiled for 2018 for the Rat-man does not portend crisis situations for him.

The male rat enjoys it for the first half of his life and sybaritizes as far as this life allows. Starting from middle age, the desire to do everything and prove something wakes up in him. For the former, 2018 will be remembered as the most calm and prosperous, and for the latter - as the most fruitful and eventful.

Rat Woman in 2018

This year, the Rat will want to completely change the wardrobe, hairstyle, image. She will want to rearrange the house, and this is the lesser of the "evils". “Mice-minks” will persuade relatives to make repairs or change the “mink”. In the cabinets, even on the mezzanines, perfect order will be put in place.

The thirst for change will not touch the relationship. On the contrary, energy and contagious love of life will unite the family even more, impress friends and add like-minded people.

But the Rat Woman is primarily a woman. With such a saturation of events, she simply needs to allocate time to relax alone. Otherwise, at the end of autumn, signs of chronic fatigue and depression may appear. In women born in the year of the Rat, the symptoms of these diseases are not clearly expressed, and this is doubly dangerous.

All horoscopes for 2018, compiled for the Rat-woman, are ambiguous. This is due to the fact that the characters and temperaments of winter and summer Rats are different. Women born in winter are more rational, therefore, one should not expect radical changes from them.

A rat-dog union is not viable. Therefore, the big victories, both in the service and in everyday life, among women this year will not be immediately appreciated. Do not be upset, triumph will come a little later. This is especially true for creative accomplishments.

Love horoscope for Rats for 2018

The love horoscope for 2018 for any Rat will be calm, without losses and without serious worries, without tragedies and without all-consuming passion. Love will just be. It can become a vital core or, conversely, a temporary, meaningless roof. But none of the Rats will perform feats for her sake and jump from the bridge.

This is such an even, stable, good love, thanks to which wonderful strong families are created, healthy, well-mannered children grow up, and a man and a woman live for a long, long time, surrounded by loving grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and die on the same day.

In sex, the Rat woman will be, as always, temperamental, the man, as always, was able. There will be excellent relations between partners throughout the year. Even the break will happen peacefully, without resentment and reproaches, and the former lovers will remain friends.

The qualities inherent in the Rat: energy, sociability and seductiveness - as always, will cause increased attention of the opposite sex. But it is in 2018 that the only person, the second half, with whom the Rat will live a long happy life, will meet. The main thing is to recognize it.

Money horoscope

The unprofitable 2017 will end, and spending will not decrease. But they will no longer exceed profit. That is, the Rat in 2018 will either learn to earn more, or find a source of income (dig up a treasure, win the lottery, enter into a profitable marriage), or she will have a reassessment of values. After all, sometimes the first born son becomes the biggest life capital. Money will be earned easily and spent interestingly. The rat, although it is adventurous, but, thanks to common sense and logic, never does stupid things: it doesn’t spend everything, tries to save at least crumbs for a “rainy day” and rarely takes loans. In 2018, her egg capsule will be replenished. It is better to put gold in it, as it is a symbol of the Yellow Dog. Businesses started earlier will go uphill, new risky ones will bring losses. The year of the devoted Yellow Dog does not like adventures. He likes solid, stable, time-tested cases.

Tip: Do not support or invest in dubious projects, do not rush into risky money scams, do not gamble, do not borrow at interest. Invest only in the old proven business.

Career horoscope

It's time to reap the fruits of the last difficult year. The Rat did a good job, overcame many obstacles, proved to be an excellent leader, a wise organizer. It's time to relax, go to the sea, to the mountains, with friends for a picnic. And in general, "not by bread alone." Business during this time will not fall apart, the authority will not fade.

Rest is simply necessary before new achievements. In the meantime, you need to trust the flow, only occasionally checking the course on the compass. It takes you where you need to go. The whole year will please with a stable profit, not fabulous, but enough to compensate for the costs.

The Rat Woman will spend almost all of her "subcutaneous" money on updating her image, and this will help in moving up the career ladder. Maybe not this year, but next year for sure.

Tip: Don't be discouraged if you get laid off or have to quit. Moreover, do not worry if you go to maternity leave. All these are milestones of the right path, they will lead to success.

Health Horoscope for 2018

Everyone knows the saying "Healed like a dog"? The Year of the Dog 2018 will lick many past sores to the Rat and try not to bring new ones. It doesn't take much to do this:

  • do not risk yourself and loved ones;
  • do not recycle;
  • let yourself go on vacation;
  • do not worry about trifles; do not abuse!

Flu and colds this year will not often and severely torment the body. Chronic diseases will not want to worsen, and if the above rules are followed, then new ones will not appear. You may have to visit the dentist several times. The winter months will be especially hazardous to health.

The Rat has many internal reserves. A person born under this sign can quickly heal himself if, along with taking the medicines prescribed by a doctor, with his inner confidence, self-hypnosis, he makes the immune system work.

Horoscope for the Rat for 2018 by months


Your life will be full of worries, but almost all of them will be pleasant. Comes exclusively good time to strengthen partnerships. This applies to both business partnership as well as family union. People with whom you will often encounter on various issues will be friendly towards you. You may be offered interesting work, and it will take a lot of effort to get up to speed and cope with new tasks. But in the end, you will be able to succeed.


It will be lively and interesting. You have to quickly navigate the situation and make decisions instantly. You will be contact and interesting in communication and will be able to make many new acquaintances that will change your life for the better. On a personal level, everything is great. Unexpected trips await you vivid impressions and memorable events. Married people may have new responsibilities, because of which they will have to seriously adjust their personal plans. But you can do it brilliantly.


You will be capable of clear and consistent actions aimed at achieving your goals. This applies to any cases and issues that are relevant to you on this stage. Your actions in the professional field will be especially successful. Strive to gain knowledge that will help you succeed in life. Do not neglect any information. Relationships in the family will be stable. Plan joint activities with loved ones. Go on an exciting journey if possible.


The Yellow Dog will throw various puzzles at you throughout the month, and you certainly won’t have to rest on your laurels. Do not try to dictate your conditions to fate and make claims. Try to be in harmony with the world, use any good moment to put your plans into practice, enlisting the support and sympathy of the right people. In relationships with others and, of course, with a loved one, you can rely on intuition. But at the same time, the stars advise not to neglect the clues of logic and common sense.


You will be very practical and purposeful and will demonstrate your best business qualities. Your desire to bring perfect order to the space around you will increase: at work and at home. Thoughts about money and material wealth will constantly spin in your head, and you will devote a lot of time to replenishing the budget. If you are concerned about improving your living conditions, you will have the opportunity to take mortgage. However, first you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.


An interesting and somewhat unusual month is coming, full of unexpected and very pleasant gifts of fortune. This is a great time for professional activities, career growth and settlement financial matters. Try to keep everything under personal control. Before making important decisions, it is advisable to consult with loved ones, but always make the final decision yourself. As for matters of the heart, no serious trials await you here. A person who appears on the horizon in the year of the Dog can become your destiny.


New perspectives will open before you. Work will bring you satisfaction and contribute to good health. You can count on serious support from friends and partners. Marital relations are stabilized and strengthened. To resolve controversial issues, it is necessary to discuss them more often in the family circle. Economic and household issues will be successfully resolved. However, the second half of the year best time for risky financial transactions and the purchase of goods on credit.


Waiting for you career favorable progress in important areas of life. You will need to be ready for this and not miss the opportunities provided. An important condition for effective interaction with business partners is respect for their opinions and interests. But financially, the month can be uneven. In order not to worsen your financial situation, do not lend money and do not act as a guarantor for loan obligations, even if good friends ask you to do so.


There will be many worries both at work and in personal life. However, thanks to the ability to mobilize, you can easily cope with all matters. The desire for everything new, interesting, that can surprise and delight will increase. You will feel a strong need to communicate. The list of contacts will expand noticeably, replenished with new useful acquaintances. And the received positive emotions in the best way will affect your well-being and fill the body with new forces.


In the professional field, you will need active and decisive action. The more people you bring in to bring your plans to life, the better. Family life will not change much. It is unlikely that you will be able to soar in the clouds. Circumstances will force you to come down to earth and think about how to improve living conditions, make the house more comfortable. Be sure to plan a trip with your soul mate, it will strengthen your relationship, revive your feelings. Judging by the location of the stars, nothing will threaten your health.


Your life will be full of worries, but almost all of them will be pleasant. For typical representatives of the sign, an exceptionally good time will come to strengthen partnerships. This applies to both business partnerships and family unions. People with whom you will often encounter on various issues will be friendly towards you. You may be offered an interesting job, and it will take a lot of effort to get up to speed and cope with new tasks. But in the end, you will be able to succeed.


You have to quickly navigate the situation and make decisions instantly. You will be contact and interesting in communication and will be able to make many new acquaintances that will change your life for the better. On a personal level, everything is great. Unexpected trips, vivid impressions and memorable events await you. Married people may have new responsibilities that will require them to seriously adjust their personal plans. But you can do it brilliantly.

Peacefulness, goodwill, optimism and a focus on success will easily open even firmly locked doors in business affairs and relieve unnecessary anxiety in your personal life.

December 2017 tips for lion

Color: pastel
Talisman: candle
Lucky: 4, 12, 26, 31
Dangerous: 6, 19, 20, 24
Motto: "The universe supports my decisions."

Lion mood in December 2017

The circumstances of December will require the ability to find mutual language with people of different status and position. Do not look at appearance and clothes, but appreciate an extraordinary mind and spiritual depth. This will help you in all endeavors. In relationships with loved ones, do not pull the blanket over yourself, be objective and fair.

For supporting good health avoid any extremes. Great physical and nervous stress is fraught with headaches and weakened immunity. Any cosmetic procedures and even just daily personal care will have a positive effect on well-being. But avoid unverified means.

Lion work in December 2017

The time has not yet come for active steps in terms of career growth and promotion. It is better to direct your efforts to establishing useful connections, work on your image, plan for the future. Control your emotional outbursts. It is important to think positively and not doubt yourself. In no case do not burn bridges and do not quit on your own. In difficult work situations, do not take all the fire on yourself - consult with colleagues and superiors.

But the circumstances in the financial sector will please. The stars promise great luck in money. And not necessarily from work. There is a high probability of unexpected cash receipts from patrons or receiving a gift in the form of a large amount from relatives.

Lion Love in December 2017

For family Leos, there is a serious warning. Your desire for independence can adversely affect relationships with loved ones and loved ones. They can take demonstrative non-participation in household chores as a personal insult, and they will go into open conflict. And if you do not change your behavior, you risk being left alone with your independence. So do not skimp on feelings, try to anticipate the desires of your soul mates, give them gifts with or even without it.

Unfortunately, the stars did not prepare fateful meetings for lonely people. And yet you will not be left without the attention of the opposite sex. Enjoy non-binding communication, appreciate good relationship to yourself and do not repel anyone with arrogance. In addition, in the last days of December, the soul will be filled with romantic forebodings. Probably not groundless.

According to the Chinese Book of Changes for December, you got a symbol It's already over. He announces the completion of the next life stage. Something new and unknown is ahead, but you need to prepare for it. Delay with undertakings, look around, rest and gain strength. Remember that you don't enter the same river twice. Resist the temptation to repeat your past successes, let go of the past, and then all your desires will come true.

Map Six of Pentacles portends you to receive a well-deserved award, prize or gift. If someone owes you a large amount of money, then there is a high probability that the debt will be returned. Although circumstances may turn out so that one of your friends will need financial or moral support. Be generous, share your income and enjoy the process.

Behavior style: patronizing, benevolent.

Personal qualities: generosity and gratitude.

Talisman people: mentors, investors, benefactors.

Mudra of the month for the lion for December 2017

Regular execution of mudra dragon temple has a calming effect, promotes the concentration of energy and thoughts.

Bend the middle fingers of both hands and press them to the palms. In pairs, straighten and connect the little fingers, ring, index and thumbs of both hands, and ring and index fingers are located above the bent middle fingers, and the thumbs are bent outward. The index and ring fingers symbolically depict the roof of the temple, the thumbs represent the head of the dragon, and the little fingers represent its tail.

People born in the year of the Rat, planning their lives, will be interested in knowing the horoscope for 2018 in order to prepare in advance for the ups and downs of fate.

They are attractive, even if they are ugly. Charm and sincerity, emotionality and intuition make others believe them, love and be fascinated by them.

In Rats, ambition and healthy passion never turn into recklessness. Romanticism and daydreaming are supported by common sense and subtle calculation. The rat loves to be in a pack, knows how to attract and hold attention. But after publicity, she wants to retire to a cozy comfortable mink.

The rat is honest, knows how to keep other people's secrets, at the same time telling about himself to the first person he meets. She will not be confused in an extreme situation. On the contrary, she will even remember what she has long forgotten, and will take the lead in her paws. Although he never craves power and does not know how to manage people in an ordinary calm life.

Year 2018 for the Rat will be kind

The Year of the Yellow Dog will become kind and peaceful for everyone if the fate of the world is controlled by people born in the year of the Dog. The dog - the head of the family will do everything for the well-being and prosperity of his relatives. No one will get sick, children will study well and please their parents with success, adults will find new interesting activities.

The rat in this situation will only have to surrender to the will of the dog's success. Or, on the contrary, harness yourself to the cart of worries yourself, if the Dog is not at the helm. In any case, this year will be fruitful for her in creativity and creation. With joy and great desire or out of necessity, but the Rat will have to change the world and get more than just pleasure from it.

In 2018, the Rat will have major movements in space. She will want to expand her horizons, to see the world that she has long heard and dreamed of. It is good that the desires coincide with the possibilities.

Rat Man in 2018

A man born in the year of the Rat knows how to draw conclusions from the mistakes of others. In 2018, he will, doing almost nothing, enjoy the calm contemplation of how the boat is carried by the current in the right direction. He can, of course, row himself, adding speed. The main thing is not to go astray and not to row against the wave.

The Rat Man does not lose his mind when faced with danger. His courage is calculated, and his actions are logical. It is good that in the year of the Dog he will not have to test this in action, because the horoscope compiled for 2018 for the Rat-man does not portend crisis situations for him.

The male rat enjoys it for the first half of his life and sybaritizes as far as this life allows. Starting from middle age, the desire to do everything and prove something wakes up in him. For the former, 2018 will be remembered as the most calm and prosperous, and for the latter - as the most fruitful and eventful.

Rat Woman in 2018

This year, the Rat will want to completely change the wardrobe, hairstyle, image. She will want to rearrange the house, and this is the lesser of the "evils". “Mice-minks” will persuade relatives to make repairs or change the “mink”. In the cabinets, even on the mezzanines, perfect order will be put in place.

The thirst for change will not touch the relationship. On the contrary, energy and contagious love of life will unite the family even more, impress friends and add like-minded people.

But the Rat Woman is primarily a woman. With such a saturation of events, she simply needs to allocate time to relax alone. Otherwise, at the end of autumn, signs of chronic fatigue and depression may appear. In women born in the year of the Rat, the symptoms of these diseases are not clearly expressed, and this is doubly dangerous.

All horoscopes for 2018, compiled for the Rat-woman, are ambiguous. This is due to the fact that the characters and temperaments of winter and summer Rats are different. Women born in winter are more rational, therefore, one should not expect radical changes from them.

A rat-dog union is not viable. Therefore, the big victories, both in the service and in everyday life, among women this year will not be immediately appreciated. Do not be upset, triumph will come a little later. This is especially true for creative accomplishments.

Love horoscope for Rats for 2018

The love horoscope for 2018 for any Rat will be calm, without losses and without serious worries, without tragedies and without all-consuming passion. Love will just be. It can become a vital core or, conversely, a temporary, meaningless roof. But none of the Rats will perform feats for her sake and jump from the bridge.

This is such an even, stable, good love, thanks to which wonderful strong families are created, healthy, well-mannered children grow up, and a man and a woman live for a long, long time, surrounded by loving grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and die on the same day.

In sex, the Rat woman will be, as always, temperamental, the man, as always, was able. There will be excellent relations between partners throughout the year. Even the break will happen peacefully, without resentment and reproaches, and the former lovers will remain friends.

The qualities inherent in the Rat: energy, sociability and seductiveness - as always, will cause increased attention of the opposite sex. But it is in 2018 that the only person, the second half, with whom the Rat will live a long happy life, will meet. The main thing is to recognize it.

Money horoscope

The unprofitable 2017 will end, and spending will not decrease. But they will no longer exceed profit. That is, the Rat in 2018 will either learn to earn more, or find a source of income (dig up a treasure, win the lottery, enter into a profitable marriage), or she will have a reassessment of values. After all, sometimes the first born son becomes the biggest life capital.

Money will be earned easily and spent interestingly. The rat, although it is adventurous, but, thanks to common sense and logic, never does stupid things: it doesn’t spend everything, tries to save at least crumbs for a “rainy day” and rarely takes loans. In 2018, her egg capsule will be replenished. It is better to put gold in it, as it is a symbol of the Yellow Dog.

Businesses started earlier will go uphill, new risky ones will bring losses. The year of the devoted Yellow Dog does not like adventures. He likes solid, stable, time-tested cases.

Tip: Do not support or invest in dubious projects, do not rush into risky money scams, do not gamble, do not borrow at interest. Invest only in the old proven business.

Career horoscope

It's time to reap the fruits of the last difficult year. The Rat did a good job, overcame many obstacles, proved to be an excellent leader, a wise organizer. It's time to relax, go to the sea, to the mountains, with friends for a picnic. And in general, "not by bread alone." Business during this time will not fall apart, the authority will not fade.

Rest is simply necessary before new achievements. In the meantime, you need to trust the flow, only occasionally checking the course on the compass. It takes you where you need to go. The whole year will please with a stable profit, not fabulous, but enough to compensate for the costs.

The Rat Woman will spend almost all of her "subcutaneous" money on updating her image, and this will help in moving up the career ladder. Maybe not this year, but next year for sure.

Tip: Don't be discouraged if you get laid off or have to quit. Especially don't worry if you go on maternity leave. All these are milestones of the right path, they will lead to success.

Health Horoscope for 2018

Everyone knows the saying "Healed like a dog"? The Year of the Dog 2018 will lick many past sores to the Rat and try not to bring new ones. It doesn't take much to do this:

  • do not risk yourself and loved ones;
  • do not recycle;
  • let yourself go on vacation;
  • do not worry about trifles;
  • do not abuse!

Flu and colds this year will not often and severely torment the body. Chronic diseases will not want to worsen, and if the above rules are followed, then new ones will not appear. You may have to visit the dentist several times. The winter months will be especially hazardous to health.

The Rat has many internal reserves. A person born under this sign can quickly heal himself if, along with taking the medicines prescribed by a doctor, with his inner confidence, self-hypnosis, he makes the immune system work.

In the year of the Rat (Mouse) were born:

  • Pope John Paul II;
  • Prince Charles;
  • Andrew Lloyd Webber;
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart;
  • Emile Zola;
  • Franz Joseph Haydn;
  • Jules Verne;
  • Louis Armstrong;
  • Yves Saint Laurent;
  • William Shakespeare;
  • Lev Tolstoy;
  • Mikhail Isakovsky;
  • Valery Kharlamov;
  • Mikhail Zadornov;
  • Dmitry Kharatyan.