What safe heater to choose for a chicken coop. Heating a chicken coop in winter: heating methods and suitable types of electrical appliances Heating a chicken coop in winter

Heating a chicken coop in winter is an important undertaking. Creating thermal comfort is considered a mandatory condition when raising poultry and is determined not only by concern for the condition of each individual, but also dictated by purely economic considerations.

Necessity of heating

Creating a favorable temperature regime is directly related to the productivity of chickens and is a necessary key to successful farming. Even a slight decrease in temperature in the chicken coop, lasting for several days, can sharply “reduce” the egg production of the bird and significantly reduce the weight gain of broiler chickens. Warmth acts as a priority maintenance condition, along with feeding and the necessary supplements. In addition, in a cold room, the risk of colds increases sharply and a noticeable decrease in immunity occurs, and when the temperature drops below 5 degrees, the bird may even develop arthritis in the legs. Also, a sharp drop in temperature in the chicken coop can cause the formation of frost and increased humidity, which inevitably leads to the occurrence of infectious diseases in broilers and laying hens.

However, keeping poultry in conditions of low temperatures affects not only the health of chickens. In addition to the fact that egg production drops sharply, problems arise with hatching chickens. This is due to the fact that the embryos lack maternal warmth, resulting in a very large percentage of unhatched chicks dying. Due to the fact that the bird is forced to spend most of its calories not on gaining weight, but on heating its body, feed consumption almost doubles, which, along with a decrease in productivity, casts doubt on the feasibility of breeding chickens.

In winter, the optimal temperature in the chicken coop is 10-15 degrees Celsius. An increase or decrease in these values ​​disrupts the biological rhythms of chickens and negatively affects their general condition. To constantly monitor the temperature in the chicken coop, you should hang two thermometers. One of them should be placed near the front door, and the second should be placed closer to the ceiling near the upper perch.

When can you not heat?

To organize heating of a chicken coop, two methods are used - artificial and natural. Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses, differing from others in energy consumption, efficiency and the amount of money spent. So, for regions located in southern or temperate latitudes, the natural method is quite suitable. The main condition for using this method is the absence of a significant decrease in night temperatures and strong winds. If the temperature in an unheated room can be kept within 7 degrees, then the natural method is more rational and, when carrying out a number of heat-saving measures, can be safely used.

The first object to insulate a chicken coop is the floor. This is due to the fact that, thanks to the plumage, the bird’s body is not particularly sensitive to cold, and the only vulnerable point is the legs. That is why floor insulation must be done first. Before you begin laying the insulation, the floor surface must be sprinkled with powdered slaked lime at the rate of 1 kg/m2. The presence of lime will rid the chicken coop of fleas and ticks. Then the lime layer is covered with any heat-insulating material, which can be sawdust, fallen leaves or straw. The total layer thickness should be 25-30 cm.

The most effective means of natural heating of a room is manure. During the process of overheating, mullein releases a significant amount of heat, which is quite enough to “heat” the chicken coop during the winter. The only condition for using manure is the prohibition on removing old, already trampled mullein. In such cases, a layer of new fertilizer is placed on top, while preserving the previously laid manure.

It should be remembered that under no circumstances should extruded polystyrene be used to insulate the floor. This is due to the fact that the material has low throughput and is not able to remove excess moisture. Because of this, the room will become damp and unsuitable for keeping chickens. Concrete floors are covered with thermal insulation material and then covered with boards.

After insulating the floor, it is necessary to begin thermal insulation of the walls and ceiling. To do this, you need to plug all the cracks, not forgetting to form a small ventilation window. When building a chicken coop that is not equipped with artificial heating, double walls and a ceiling should be made. The cavities between the two surfaces are filled with foam plastic or mineral wool, and the thickness of the insulating layer must be at least 15 cm. A room constructed and insulated in this way will “work” on the principle of a thermos: the heat generated by chickens and manure will be retained for a long time, which will allow chickens can tolerate frosts down to 12 degrees. The final stage of insulating the chicken coop will be the insulation of windows and doors, which is carried out using polyethylene or thick fabric.

How to do without electricity?

The artificial heating method requires the use of heating equipment, the choice of which depends on the external temperatures, the size of the room and the financial capabilities of the farmer. Electric, gas and solid fuel appliances are used to heat flocks and chicken coops. The simplest is the electric heating method, however, with frequent power outages or constant power surges in the network, it is better to abandon this heating method and use others.

Heat with gas

Gas heating comes in two types: convector and water. The water system works on the following principle: the heat generated during the combustion of gas heats the water in the heat exchanger to the desired temperature, after which the coolant, moving through the pipes and entering the radiators, heats the room. The essence of convector heating is that the device is devoid of pipes and has no connection with radiators; it heats up exclusively on its own, and externally resembles a large electric heater. Among the advantages of gas heating are the ability to quickly heat the chicken coop and high energy efficiency.

Disadvantages include the high cost of equipment and the need for constant human presence. In addition, when installing a gas boiler, permission from gas services and strict compliance of the building with fire safety standards will be required. It is advisable to use this type of boiler equipment in large poultry farming complexes, where constant monitoring of the device and its maintenance will be carried out.

Potbelly stove

Heating using metal stoves is the simplest and most affordable way to heat chicken coops. The potbelly stove has a simple design and does not require expensive maintenance or regular maintenance. The essence of how a potbelly stove works is quite simple: when solid fuel is burned, the metal walls of the stove become hot and begin to give off their heat to the room. The advantages of this method are low fuel cost, quick installation and ease of use.

The disadvantages include the need to comply with fire safety regulations, which obliges to carry out a set of measures aimed at preventing fire. Such measures include the construction of a fireproof pallet and the protection of nearby wooden walls from exposure to high temperatures. In addition, the use of a potbelly stove requires the constant presence of a person, which is due to the need to constantly add fuel. But the most significant disadvantage of heating with a potbelly stove is that it will not be possible to maintain a constant temperature in the room.

Diesel stove

Heating with diesel appliances is also used to heat chicken coops. Such installations are able to quickly warm up the air in the room and, unlike potbelly stoves, have a temperature regulator. This allows you to change the intensity of the flame and create the required temperature in the room. Diesel units are completely fireproof and environmentally friendly. The disadvantage of such systems is the high cost of diesel fuel, which most likely will not cover the profit received from the sale of chickens.


This type of oven is air-convection and is a good solution to the problem of heating chicken coops. The devices are characterized by high energy efficiency and can operate on any fuel. In addition, Buleryans, like all convection models, are quite economical and have high power. This allows them to be used for heating large-area chicken coops on farms and farms.

Water heating

The water heating method is considered the most efficient and fireproof. If the home is heated using a water heating boiler, then the ideal option would be to connect the chicken coop to the heating circuit of the residential building. To avoid heat loss when transporting coolant from the house to the chicken coop, it is better to build a room for keeping chickens close to the house. If buildings are located remotely, pipes running along the street should be insulated.

Electrical heating

Heating a chicken coop in winter using electrical appliances is the most expensive heating method. There are many types of electric heaters, and each farmer decides which one to choose independently, based on his own budget, the availability of alternative heat sources and the volume of the premises.

  • Ventilation heater ensures constant circulation of warm air and contributes to almost instantaneous heating of the room. In addition, the device has high efficiency, is completely fireproof and ensures uniform heating of the entire chicken coop. The disadvantages of air heaters include high cost, high energy consumption, dry air and high noise pollution.

To keep chickens year-round, you need an insulated poultry house. The presence of plumage allows birds to survive in low temperatures, but chickens will not lay eggs in cold weather.

Before choosing solutions for heating the chicken coop, you need to take care of insulating the walls and roof of the poultry house, otherwise all the heat will escape outside.

There should be no problems with this issue, since the construction market offers a sufficient amount of inexpensive thermal insulation materials - mineral wool, polystyrene foam, expanded polystyrene, foil insulation, sprayed polyurethane foam, etc. These materials are available and are excellent for insulating outbuildings.

The most practical and low-budget option for thermal insulation of a poultry house is the construction of a double wall from OSB boards with filling the internal space with any available insulation (a simple version of a “pie” wall).

When all the cracks in the chicken coop are closed, you can think about additional heating. Here, too, various options are possible.

How to safely heat a chicken coop in winter using an artificial method

The source of heat in the poultry house during the winter cold period could theoretically be a wood stove. However, in practice, such artificial heating systems are rarely used due to the high cost of firewood and the inconvenience of using a stove.

Much more often, electric heaters are used to heat the poultry house - oil radiators, convectors and infrared emitter lamps.

Heating a container of water in winter with an IR lamp

The latter are most widespread because they are the most accessible and versatile sources of heat: they serve not only for heating, but also for lighting the poultry house. However, they do not burn oxygen like other electric heaters.

using IR lamps has many other advantages, among which are:

  • Low cost of equipment - one domestically produced lamp costs about 150 rubles;
  • Ease of installation, operation and replacement;
  • Economical consumption - one 250-watt lamp is enough to provide heat to 10-12 square meters of a chicken coop.

Since the IR lamp does not heat the air, but the objects underneath it, during operation it dries the litter, which is especially important in winter.

The market offers Russian and imported products (PHILIPS, OSRAM, etc.). The most popular among poultry farmers are the lamps of the IKZ, IKZS and IKZK series.

A domestically produced mirror infrared lamp IKZK 215-225V 250 watts (standard base E27) is ideal for heating a chicken coop.

It is available with transparent and red flasks. The former both shine and emit heat, the latter provide a minimum of light, converting almost all the energy consumed into heat. The service life of such a device is up to 5 thousand hours of operation at a price of 150-200 rubles.

Almost triple the price lamp Philips IR 250W RH 240V E27. Externally and in terms of its characteristics, it differs little from its Russian counterpart, but has an important advantage: the design of the lamps is reinforced thanks to the use of tempered glass.

Installation of an IR lamp for heating a chicken coop

Installing an infrared lamp is no different from installing a conventional lamp. Moreover, the IR lamp has the same base as a regular incandescent lamp. It can be screwed into any standard cartridge.

Example of calculation and selection infrared lamps for poultry houses:

Coop sizes: 3 x6m.

Installation: distance between lamps - 0.5 m. Installation is carried out in a checkerboard pattern.
Quantity: 2x1 = 2 lamps, total power 0.5 kW.

* This calculation is an estimate.

However, when placing the lamp in the house there are some points to consider:

  • The IR emitter should be placed in the center of the room so that heating is uniform;
  • It is necessary to exclude direct contact between birds and the lamp - for these purposes, the lamp is fenced with a metal mesh;
  • Avoid getting water on the lamp.


Is there a method to heat a chicken coop in winter without electricity?

Indeed, heating a chicken coop in winter without electricity is possible. Moreover, in villages they are still limited to so-called natural heating through the creation of thick, permanent bedding.

Everything is done very simply.

  1. First, the floors are sprinkled with slaked lime at the rate of 1 kg per square meter of the poultry house (this is necessary to prevent fleas and ticks).
  2. Shredded straw, peat moss or sawdust are poured on top in a layer of 5-8 centimeters.
  3. As the litter is trampled, you will need to add new material (without removing the droppings), periodically loosening the litter with a rake or pitchfork.

Due to natural composting processes, heat will be released from the litter - this is usually enough to maintain a comfortable temperature in the poultry house. In the spring, the resulting compost is removed and used as fertilizer.

Chickens are fairly unpretentious poultry, but cold, drafts and frosts are destructive for them. But how to heat a chicken coop in winter correctly and economically? In times of crisis, this issue is very important, especially if the breeder has more than a dozen birds.

For normal poultry breeding, the chicken coop must have an optimal temperature. Otherwise, chickens may develop respiratory or other illnesses. Of course, you can prepare them with a good deep litter of straw or sawdust, and also insulate the floor of the chicken coop. However, often these measures are not enough.

What and how is the best way to heat a chicken coop in winter?

To heat the chicken coop in winter, breeders resort to artificial or natural methods. The second option is, of course, less expensive. However, in areas with severe winters and frosts, natural measures to insulate and heat the poultry house may not be enough.

Various options can be used for heating, namely:

  • thermal gas guns;
  • infrared lamps;
  • potbelly stoves;
  • thermal convectors, radiators, air heaters (especially important for breeders who have a lot of laying hens);
  • heaters.

But how to heat a chicken coop in winter without electricity to save money? Of course, in order for the chickens to be warm in winter, the breeder needs to eliminate all the cracks, leaving only a ventilation hole. It is recommended to insulate the windows and doors of the chicken coop with rags, and the ceiling with roofing felt or mineral wool. You can also line the walls with special insulation, which will make heating the chicken coop economical in winter.

For these purposes, foam or glass wool is used. This heating option is recommended in temperate climate areas. Where severe frosts are raging, you still cannot do without a heater.

If in winter the air temperature exceeds 12-13 degrees below zero, then the farmer will definitely have to resort to artificial heating, as well as actively insulate it. After all, chickens are not adapted to such temperature conditions. After watching the video, you can learn how to heat a chicken coop yourself in winter without incurring large financial losses.

We invite you to watch the video:

There is no need to think about additional heating if the climatic conditions in winter are relatively benign. Are you worried about how to heat your chicken coop in winter with your own hands? As you can see from the article, this is quite simple to do. You just need to properly insulate the structure of the chicken coop before the onset of cold weather and frosts. In many cases, you can even do without electricity. Continue reading on the website

In the harsh conditions of the Russian winter, livestock also have a hard time. Of course, a certain amount of heat generated by the animals themselves warms them, but at extremely low temperatures outside the window this is not enough. In order to preserve and increase your “property” until spring, you need to think about introducing modern farming methods. They will help you with this infrared lamps for heating animals.

The effect of using this type of lamps in agriculture has been scientifically proven. The effect on the growth of young animals, improvement of appetite and resistance of animals to diseases was especially noted. The design of the infrared lamp allows you to direct the flow of light and heat in the direction you need. The red-ruby color of the glass significantly reduces the visible flux of radiation (light). Infrared lamps for heating animals are made of high-strength glass. The lamp is small in size, which allows it to be installed in hard-to-reach places.

In the Elektropara online store you can buy infrared lamps to heat your animals in the cold winter. Price from 350 rubles.

with reflector for more directional action. Equipped with a standard E27 base, available in 250 and 375 Watts.

equipped with thick red glass, standard E27 base, 150-250 W are presented in the catalog.

Poultry (chickens, turkeys, geese) tolerate low temperatures of up to + 5-10 degrees quite well inside the chicken coop, where they can warm themselves with their own heat. However, when frost sets in, when it is below -20 degrees outside, the bird begins to freeze. Many people prefer to heat the chicken coop the old fashioned way - with potbelly stoves. This method is good if it is constantly monitored, because an open flame source is always a potential cause of fires.

In modern conditions, when agriculture actively uses innovative technologies, there are more economical and safer ways to retain heat. A special feature of this type of lamp is infrared rays, which heat not the air, but the surrounding objects, including the litter on which hens and chicks move. The soft matte light does not irritate the bird, which allows you to use the lamp even at night. The result is a maximum reduction in stress from cold weather conditions; chickens continue to lay eggs even in winter. Come spring, you'll be looking forward to a large brood of chicks!

16 Best Heaters for Home

With the onset of cold weather in our country, the heating season begins. People think about ways to heat rooms and choose the most optimal type of heater. The device can be purchased for different purposes:

  • for space heating,
  • to maintain a comfortable temperature in it,
  • as an additional source of heat when the main one is insufficient.
  • All heaters differ in type of design and method of operation. There are 4 of them in total:

    1. Oily. They are considered the most affordable and simplest in design. They are distinguished by their mobility, noiselessness, and environmental friendliness.
    2. Convector. Provides heating and air circulation. Takes up little space and is easy to use. But it is only suitable for small rooms and sometimes dries out the air.
    3. Thermal fan. It has an operating principle similar to a conventional fan. It is characterized by its small dimensions and quick heating of a small room. But there is a minus - it dries out the air.
    4. Infrared. They affect surrounding objects, which then give off heat. It does not dry out the air, is absolutely safe and evenly warms the room.

    Best Inexpensive Infrared Heaters

    An infrared heater is a device that consists of a steel body and a quartz tube, protected on top by a grille. An infrared heater heats everything that is next to it (furniture, walls and floors), and not the surrounding air. It is more suitable for heating small spaces. Its use is possible both in closed and open spaces.

    A popular model of ceiling heater is Almac IK11. The heating power is 1000 W, and the maximum service area is 20 sq.m. A special feature of this infrared heater is its ceiling mounting. Attached to the ceiling, thereby saving space in the room. Ceiling installation is also safer and is good for use in children's rooms. The only disadvantage of the ceiling location of the heater is that it primarily heats the objects closest to itself, respectively, the person’s head receives more heat than the legs.

    Pros: Easy installation, fast heating, quiet

    Cons: no wall brackets

    2 Polaris PKSH 0508H

    Country: USA (manufactured in China)

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    The next model in the rating, Polaris PKSH 0508H, has a carbon type IR heater. The essence of such devices is that they do not consist of tungsten filament, but of carbon fiber. The thermal conductivity of such fiber is higher than that of metal spirals. Other advantages of carbon heaters:

  • speed of heating and cooling
  • long service life,
  • energy saving,
  • does not dry out the air.
  • There are, however, some disadvantages. Heaters of this type are very fragile, and their price is much higher.

    For convenience, Polaris PKSH 0508H has a carrying handle, a timer, and a switch with an indicator light. If it falls or overheats, it turns off automatically. A special sensor built into the device monitors the temperature in the room: after sufficient heating, the heater turns off, and when cooled, turns on again.

    Pros: heats up quickly, does not dry out the air

    Cons: no spare heating elements

    Which heater is better?

    There are several types of heaters: infrared, convector, oil radiators, thermal fans. The main criteria when choosing a heater are its safety, ease of use, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. To choose the best heater for your space, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of each type of device.


    Review of 12 types of the best quartz heaters

    Quartz heaters are not a well-known new product on the market, but are still gaining popularity. The design of the models is compact; they can be placed under the window.

    Due to fire safety, heaters can be left on for a long time, even while you are away from the apartment or house.

    The best gas quartz heater

    Gas quartz heater DELTA D-87GE more economical than their electric counterparts. Its maximum power is 4200 W. These are very good indicators, allowing you to heat the air in a room up to 30 m2.

    The price is affordable, the model heats up in a few minutes, and does not dry out the air. When the device is tipped over, it turns off automatically.

  • Compact, attractive appearance.
  • Efficient heating.
  • No noise.
  • You can regulate the heating using a thermostat.
  • Power 4200 W.
  • Instant heating.
  • Three power modes.
  • Rollover cut-off sensor.
  • Does not dry out the air in the house.
  • Very economical when connected to the gas mains.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Wheels are easy to move.
  • Piezo ignition.
  • Economical gas consumption on which the unit operates.
  • Combustion products contain a minimal amount of carbon dioxide.
  • If the oxygen level is insufficient, the ODS safety device is activated.
    • Requires either ventilation or removal of combustion products to the street through a special outlet.
    • A gas source is required.
    • The best quartz heater for a summer house

      Scarlett sc-ir250d02– the best heater for a summer house. The compact and lightweight device quickly heats the air in the room. The price is quite reasonable. On the other hand, the model has excellent technical characteristics.

      By purchasing it, the user will receive a heater that saves up to 50 percent of electricity compared to similar devices. The quartz element with reflector quickly distributes heat over a distance of up to 3 meters.

      The model is completely safe and is equipped with a protective grille. If accidentally tipped over, the device turns off. Scarlett sc-ir250d02 can be used in open spaces, during picnics and country gatherings.

      There is a very comfortable handle for carrying, and the cord can be stored in a special compartment on the body of the device.

    • Energy efficiency.
    • Power 900 W.
    • Quiet operation.
    • No combustion products.
    • The air in the heated room is not dried.
    • Lightweight and compact.
    • Affordable price.
    • Easy to use.
    • 2 operating modes.
    • Overheat protection.
    • Some people don't like too bright lights, which can make it difficult to sleep at night.
    • The best quartz heater for home

      AEG IWQ 120– the best model in terms of price/efficiency ratio. The heaters of this company are famous for their decent quality and reliability. The device can be used to heat a room of 12 m2. The case is protected from moisture and turns off when overheated.

      The AEG IWQ 120 quartz heater heats floors and walls, which helps to increase the temperature in an apartment or house. It warms open spaces well - balconies, terraces, loggias, etc.

      The infrared component of the device is converted into thermal energy only upon contact with any object, which significantly saves energy, heating is performed with increased energy efficiency.

    • High heating efficiency.
    • Waterproof housing.
    • Automatic shutdown when overheated or accidentally tipped over.
    • Complete absence of noise during operation.
    • Does not dry out the air in the room.
    • Clicking noises during operation (this is how automatic shutdown works).
    • Small area of ​​heated space.
    • The best quartz heater over the door

      Noirot Royat 2 1200 quite expensive, but this is justified by excellent economy and operational efficiency. The device begins to heat immediately after it is turned on; it has a reliable wall mount.

      There is a rotation angle of 30. A very high-quality device with a moisture protection function.

    • Moisture protection.
    • Three levels of power adjustment.
    • Reliability.
    • Absolute noiselessness (the bird will not be frightened by extraneous sounds).
    • Special wall mounting.
    • Simple mechanical control.
    • The only downside is the high price of the device.

      The best tube quartz heater

      Quartz heater Ballu BIH-L– the best lamp device in this series. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor areas.

      It zones the surfaces it is exposed to, creating a pleasant and comfortable warmth. The reflector of the unit is equipped with special fins that ensure uniform heating over the entire area.

      The device has a built-in thermostat that allows you to maintain the desired temperature in the house and prevents overheating.

      The device can be mounted on a wall using special brackets or placed on a tripod; installation is done without special tools, since the model has special screws. The controls are extremely simple, mechanical.

    • Reliable heating element.
    • Quite a large heating area.
    • Complete absence of noise.
    • Moisture protection of the case.
    • Reasonable price.
    • There is no power change indicator (there is only an “on/off” button).

    The best monolithic quartz heater

    Monolithic quartz unit MKTEN-0.5/220– the best option for apartments and cottages. It is a complete slab made using special technology.

    Heat transfer in it occurs according to the principle of a “hot brick”, which, when cooled, gives off heat. Heating in an apartment and in a country house according to this principle will not only qualitatively solve the problem of heating the room, but will also significantly reduce the cost of it.

  • Convenience and ease of assembly.
  • Durability of the structure.
  • Complete security. There are no voltage surges in the network during operation of the device.
  • High work efficiency.
  • Cost-effectiveness and energy saving.
  • The case may crack from impacts, which, however, does not affect the operation of the device.
  • Best Wall Mounted Quartz Heater

    NeoClima SHAFT-2.0 Will perfectly heat a room of 20 square meters. Using special brackets, you can install it on the wall, and a tripod will help you place it on the floor.

    The model has an ergonomic design and standard parameters that allow it to be used in different rooms. The degree of protection of the device is very high.

    A good wall heater that instantly raises the temperature in a fairly large space and replaces two convectors of similar power. The steel case is super reliable, the device is worth the money spent on it.

  • Fast heating with not very high energy consumption.
  • Doesn't burn air.
  • Does not burn dust, there is no burning smell.
  • High efficiency, reliability and durability.
  • Best Ceiling Quartz Heater

    Quartz ceiling heater MO-EL Sharklite 718 features increased operational reliability. It has a special housing and a special lamp mount, so it can withstand an energy shock of 2 J.

    It is also protected by manufacturers according to IP55 class. This gives it water and dust protection.

    The device has an elegant and bright design. In addition, it heats the space very effectively.

    The device has performed well in cafes, country houses, verandas, clubs, offices, and shops. The device can be installed both indoors and outdoors.

    Its power is enough for an area of ​​10 m2. The Sharklite series, to which this unit belongs, is distinguished by its durability, resistance to shock and ultraviolet rays.

    It combines advanced technology and stylish design. The models are very easy to mount on the ceiling and use.

  • Using a heater, you can quickly organize comfortable heating.
  • Sufficient operating area of ​​the model (up to 10 m2).
  • Ergonomic Italian design.
  • Impact protection.
  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Easy to install.
  • Manufactured in the European Union.
  • Can be installed both indoors and outdoors.
  • One halogen lamp has a service life of up to 5 thousand hours.
  • Instant heating.
  • Uniform heat distribution.
  • No sounds.
  • Various installation methods (on the wall, on the ceiling, on the floor).
  • The best quartz heater with thermostat

    Stiebel Eltron IW 180 can accumulate radiated heat. It works for some time, and then releases the accumulated energy into the space of an apartment or house for a long time. This makes the device highly efficient and economical.

    It can also be rotated at an angle of up to 40. And the housing with enhanced moisture protection is indispensable in damp rooms and when it rains outside.

    Radiation of heat only leads to heating of objects caught in its zone. Therefore, it is possible to heat local areas in open areas even in the presence of wind. In half a minute the required power is achieved.

  • Large area of ​​heated room.
  • Normal price.
  • Not very convenient to mount to the wall.
  • Best quartz heater with sand

    Quartz heater TeploPlit made from environmentally friendly materials: quartz sand, ground marble and white clay. It works on the principle of a cooling brick.

    The heating element is completely insulated within the structure, which only enhances its safety, durability and heating efficiency.

    The devices are available in a white plate version, which can be easily repainted to the desired color. It does not have sharp corners or edges, does not heat up too much and is therefore completely safe; it can be safely installed in a child’s room.

  • Attractive appearance.
  • Highly efficient work.
  • The heating area is 8 m2.
  • Complete safety of the device.
  • Silence.
  • Compactness.
  • Low price.
  • Not a very strong monolithic panel, prone to cracking.
  • Small heating area.
  • The best energy saving quartz heater

    Principle of operation EXO simple Heated quartz sand slowly releases the accumulated heat. The model is a monolithic slab made from a special solution with quartz sand as its base.

    The heating element is located inside this monolith, which makes its operation safe and durable.

    It takes about 20 minutes for the device to reach its operating temperature, and then it begins to give off heat to surrounding objects when turned off.

    High electrical and fire safety is guaranteed by the device itself. The heating element is firmly enclosed in a monolithic block, the maximum temperature of which is 95 C.

    This eliminates the possibility of fire and electric shock.

  • Does not dry out the air.
  • High electrical and fire safety.
  • Durability and reliability are ensured by the simple design of the device.
  • Reasonable price.
  • Doesn't burn oxygen.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • High energy saving readings.
  • High purity quartz sand.
  • There are practically no downsides. The only drawback is the cracking of the monolith.

    The best bathroom heater

    EWT Strato IR 106 S warms all surfaces (bath, walls, ceiling, floors). It is not the air that is heated, but all the objects in the bathroom. Therefore, there is no air movement, no oxygen combustion, and the humidity level remains unchanged.

    Fasteners make it easy and simple to hang the structure.

    This is a very convenient quartz device from a well-known manufacturer. The excellent quality of its components, increased service life, protection against overheating and high moisture protection make this device indispensable for rooms such as a bath.

  • Excellent power of 2000 watts.
  • Moisture-proof housing.
  • Two year warranty from the manufacturer.
  • Ergonomic and laconic design.
  • Laying hens are bred not for their natural beauty, but for the sake of producing eggs. The egg production rate depends on the adequacy of feeding and the characteristics of the breed or cross. In order for chickens to lay eggs fully throughout the year, you need to think in advance about how to heat the chicken coop in winter.

    Whether chickens will lay eggs in winter depends 40% on the heat in the room where they are kept. In mild climates, there should be a minimum comfortable temperature of +7 degrees, which can be ensured by insulating the walls and ceiling and creating a warm bedding. For areas with severe winters, these measures will not be enough. What negative consequences await those who did not provide for heating the chicken coop in winter? We have already found out that chickens hardly lay eggs in the cold. In addition, this leads to increased feed consumption. In an effort to insulate themselves, laying hens accumulate excess fat, become lethargic and inactive. This reduces the egg production of chickens by 30% and in 5% of cases can lead to death from sudden rupture of the liver and internal bleeding.

    When birds become hypothermic, their need for oxygen decreases, which leads to respiratory and infectious diseases and intestinal function is disrupted. Therefore, heating the poultry house in winter for most regions of our country is a mandatory condition for keeping chickens.

    Video “Using an infrared heater”

    From the video you will learn how to use infrared heaters for a chicken coop.

    Heating without electricity

    Since ancient times, any premises were heated with potbelly stoves and stoves made of brick. This is perhaps the most inexpensive heating method, especially when wood or coal is not a problem. When choosing this type of heating, you need to take into account its increased fire hazard, especially for rooms built of wood. Therefore, stoves and potbelly stoves are installed on a concrete foundation located away from wooden walls, a separate chimney is installed and the hot surfaces are isolated from the chickens so that they do not accidentally burn their legs or singe their feathers.
    You can build such heating with your own hands, and this is its advantage, but it is not suitable for everyone, given how often you will have to add firewood and make sure that an accidental spark does not ignite the straw bedding and cause a fire.

    A diesel stove is less fire hazardous. The fuel is not diesel or kerosene. But it cannot be used in rooms with poor ventilation. At the beginning and end of work, smoke enters the air, and during use, an unpleasant odor is released along with the heat.

    The absolute leader in this category is the Buleryan pyrolysis oven. Its efficiency is significantly higher than that of the previously considered furnaces. On one tab it works for 8 hours. The saving also lies in the fact that all kinds of waste can be used as fuel - sawdust, branches, shavings. Buleryan's body does not heat up and the air is not poisoned by combustion products.

    Using infrared lamps

    The presence of electricity expands the possibilities of heating the chicken coop. You can heat a poultry house with an oil heater and a fan heater, a convector or a heater, but it is unlikely to pay off. Heaters must be installed away from perches and nests.

    An interesting solution to the heating problem is the use of an infrared lamp, which is an inexpensive alternative to an infrared heater for heating small rooms. This is a halogen lamp with a tungsten filament, which is placed in a flask with a mixture of argon and nitrogen. Its distinctive feature is that it heats not air, but objects that retain heat for a long time.

    The second function of this lamp is lighting; 10% of the power is spent on it, the remaining 90% goes to heating surrounding objects. Soft light in the red range of the spectrum has a calming effect on the chicken. Infrared lamps reduce high humidity, destroy pathogens, increase the digestibility of feed and strengthen the immunity of chicken coop inhabitants. One 250 W lamp is enough to illuminate and heat a room of 12 m2. To do this, you need to fix the platform with a standard ceramic (plastic can melt from high temperature) cartridge E 27 on the ceiling.

    The lamp must be equipped with a protective guard that will ensure the safety of the lamp and the safety of birds in the event of cracking and destruction of the bulb or its falling out of the socket, which can occur in conditions of high humidity. If you install a thermostat with a sensor along with the lamp, you can save energy by setting the lamp to maintain the required 10-12 degrees of heat. Installing a simple timer will also allow you to turn it on and off without human intervention, tying these actions to a specific time.
    Lamps are available in a large number of models. Some of them seem to be built into a lamp with a mirror surface, which allows you to heat the required area of ​​the room. There are moisture-resistant models, and there are also those whose bulbs are made of unbreakable materials. The cost of purchasing such a lamp is quite small. Installation consists of screwing the light bulb into the socket, which is not at all difficult.

    DIY heating

    Insulating the walls, ceiling and floor can often be enough to ensure that the temperature in the chicken coop in winter is not only comfortable for living, but also for laying eggs. As insulation for walls, you can use polystyrene foam, mineral wool and the low-budget, but very effective old-fashioned method of using a mixture of clay, sand and sawdust or straw as wall plaster. To insulate the ceiling, you can use cardboard by disassembling the boxes, which you will be happy to give away at your nearest store.

    Natural heating of the room will be provided by a warm, well-arranged warm deep bedding. It saves resources with any type of artificial heating. The processes of decomposition of litter are accompanied by the release of heat, reaching 32 degrees and above.

    You usually have to clean the chicken coop 1-2 times a year - in spring and early autumn. It is easiest to clean a concrete floor, but it is colder than a wooden one, which, in turn, has another significant drawback - fragility.

    The most inexpensive floor - earthen - absorbs moisture well, but does not trap mice and does not retain heat well. It cannot be properly cleaned. Regardless of the material, the floor must be cleaned and dried. Then 1 kg of slaked lime is sprinkled on each m2, after which the first 10-centimeter layer of litter is laid, which is gradually added as it gets dirty. Sometimes it needs to be loosened.

    Video “Alternative heating of a chicken coop”

    From the video you will learn how to heat a poultry house without using fuel and classic heaters.