The mirror hangs opposite the front door. Is it bad or good to install a mirror on the entrance doors to a room? People's opinions regarding the location of the mirror in front of the front door

Dear Ann,
Thank you for your wonderful help to people, your professionalism and thorough approach to teaching the Feng Shui knowledge system. All this evokes great respect and a desire to work with you.

I have one general question (without plans, calculations, photographs) - free and public - the front door of the apartment faces outside and opens outwards into the entrance to the left, if you look at it from the entrance. On the very entrance door inside the apartment there is a large, full-length built-in mirror. The door won't be re-hung anytime soon. What corrective measures can there be (since everywhere they recommend hanging the door so that it opens inward, while ours opens outward)? And it turns out that because of this, the internal mirror on the door also has a negative effect, since the first thing an entering person sees when opening the door towards himself is his full-length reflection on the door itself, swinging it outward, isn’t it? How to adjust these moments without redoing the entire door portal?

Thank you very much,
I wish you happiness, health and development.


Oksana, thank you for your kind words addressed to me.

Let's start with the fact that if there is a mirror hanging on the inside of the front door, then this is not at all the case that is usually negatively mentioned in books about Feng Shui. When you open your door, a full-length reflection does not appear in front of you - you can only see your reflection out of the corner of your eye when entering and leaving the apartment. On the one hand, this will not be as unexpectedly frightening as a full-length reflection of someone suddenly appearing opposite you - in the case when the mirror is positioned in such a way that, indeed, the first thing the person entering sees is their own reflection. But, on the other hand, any mirrors located on the passages are undesirable, since they still create this effect of the presence of someone else. When we are “cheerful and cheerful,” such factors are unlikely to have a negative impact on us, but if we are tired and feel unwell, then additional and not always obvious stimuli can turn out to be quite strong sources of stress. That is why it is advisable to place mirrors and other reflective surfaces in specially selected places.

If you do not like the presence of a mirror on the door or you feel some kind of adverse effect from this mirror, then the easiest correction option is to use stained glass film. At the same time, the larger the area of ​​the mirror that is covered with film, the better. If desired, the mirror can be completely painted with paints, thus creating a real stained glass window.

As for which door is more favorable - one opening inward or outward, this is decided in each case individually - depending on the Flying Stars, the favorable directions of the residents, the layout of the house inside and outside the front door.

(The answer was given as part of a free public service).

about the author

Feng Shui master Anna Kumacheva has been practicing Feng Shui for over 20 years. In 1999, her site became the first site about Feng Shui in Russian. Currently, Anna continues to give Feng Shui consultations both for residential premises (apartments, houses) and for any type of business (offices, shops, restaurants, beauty salons, medical centers, etc.).

A mirror is a very common interior element that visually enlarges the space. Often, this is very comfortable, because you can look at yourself before leaving the house without having to take off your shoes or dirty the floor in the room. But is it acceptable for a mirror to be located opposite the front door? This question will be answered thoroughly.

Of course, a mirror in the hallway is simply necessary. It will help you evaluate your appearance when leaving home, and also, according to popular wisdom, it will protect you from negativity if you forget something and are forced to return. In this case, look in the mirror and smile (in some versions of the sign you need to stick your tongue out at yourself) and trouble will pass you by.

The main difficulty in this case lies not in choosing a quality product, but in whether it is, in principle, possible to hang a mirror in the hallway.

According to today's famous feng shui trend, it is strictly forbidden to place mirrors in hallways. This ban is explained from an energy point of view.

There is also a very simple rational argument why you can’t hang reflective objects in the hallway - you simply risk being scared by your own reflection in the mirror, since at first glance it looks very similar to a stranger in the apartment.

But how to act in a situation where the mirror has been in your home next to the front door for a long time? Of course, the best thing to do would be to move the desired item to some other place. At worst, if the space in your apartment does not allow for global rearrangements, you can try attaching a mirror to the back door of the closet. When you need it, just open the closet and you can admire your reflection as much as you like.

Signs regarding the placement of a mirror in the hallway

For what reason is it prohibited to place mirrors at the entrance to the apartment? For a better understanding of this issue, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular signs and beliefs on this matter. Almost every nation offers its own interpretation of this issue.

So, what do we learn about mirrors placed at the front door according to folk signs:

  • According to the art of Feng Shui, the basis of the biofield is Qi energy, which enters the home through open spaces by wind blows or carried by your personal energy. And when placing a mirror opposite the front door, the reflecting object will interfere with proper energy exchange, plus because of this, the balance between energy flows will be disrupted.
  • According to another sign, mirrors can repel positive energy; they cause it to be reflected back, as a result of which it cannot fully penetrate the home.
  • A reflective object becomes filled with bad energy over time. Feng Shui states that mirrors accumulate your negative emotions brought into your home.
  • A mirror, which is located opposite the entrance to the house, can attract unexpected guests to the home (which include ill-wishers, as well as various evil spirits), since it represents a kind of portal.
  • If placed opposite the front door, the mirror will draw out all the positive energy from the people living in the home, which often provokes poor health, causes depression, or simply provokes a negative mood.
  • Also, according to the art of Feng Shui, all mirrors located opposite the entrance to the house provoke a lack of financial resources. In addition, an object with a reflective surface will contribute to poor health and relieve home owners of good fortune, luck and good mood.

Of course, it is not possible to confirm or refute such signs from a scientific point of view. But we would not advise you to take risks, but it is better to listen to the recommendations of experts in the energy field. Then, thanks to the correctly placed objects in the house, you will charge yourself with positivity and will feel constant confidence in your own abilities.

Rules for how to safely place mirrors in your home

So, we have come to the conclusion that placing mirrors in front of the front door is prohibited. It's time to figure out how you need to place this reflective object if you want to use it to attract happiness and good luck, increasing the energy level of your home as a whole. To do this, you will need to listen to several useful recommendations:

  • Place the mirror on the side of the entrance to the house at a short distance so that you do not touch it when you enter the house. The most correct option would be to place a mirror on top of a chest of drawers or a shoe cabinet.
  • The larger the size of the mirror, the more pronounced the degree of its influence will be, and plus it will be easier for a person to see his own reflection in it. For this reason, it is recommended to make the entire wall glass, placing it in line with the front door. Sliding wardrobes equipped with mirrored doors are also suitable.

  • Also a good solution would be to purchase a floor-standing model. Does Feng Shui allow you to place such interior details near the entrance to your home? In general, this is possible, but the main thing is that there is indirect contact.
  • Remove from your home items that have survived various unfortunate events that are associated with some unpleasant situations. Objects tend to accumulate negativity, so it is best if you buy a new mirror.
  • It is allowed to hang mirrors on the front walls, but the main thing is that they are not directed towards the entrance.
  • There is a very clever way to neutralize the negativity from a mirror located next to the front door. To do this, it needs to be placed not directly, but at an angle, so that it at least slightly refracts energy flows and directs them into the interior of the home, and not vice versa.

Features of Feng Shui design

It is important not only how to correctly arrange objects according to the art of Feng Shui, but also how to correctly combine them with each other.

In a design without options, you should opt for dimensional products. With the help of large mirrors you will make the space visually wider, especially if you have, for example, a rather narrow corridor in your apartment.

Even knowing that mirrors cannot be placed in the hallway, opposite the entrance to the house, sometimes difficulties arise related to the layout of the room when you simply cannot hang it in some other place.

Then, in order to harmonize energy flows, according to the art of Feng Shui, it is permissible to attach a reflective object directly to the door. For this purpose, you can use special decorative inserts, with the help of which the mirror is attached to the canvas.

The feng shui trend involves the use of several more points that relate to the placement of a mirror at the front door. You need to listen to them if you are worried that all the objects in the house are located correctly.

  • The most important point is that under no circumstances should you have products with cracks or scratches in your home. They will spoil the visual appearance of the interior, and will also attract various unhappy events into the life of their owner.
  • Sharp angles are also prohibited; the most suitable shape is oval. To further protect the edges of the item, it is recommended to enclose mirrors in beautiful frames.
  • If possible, try to place paintings, flower arrangements or other equally pleasant and attractive details in front of the mirrors - thanks to them you will eliminate negativity and attract positive energy into your home. It is also necessary to carefully monitor cleanliness.

  • Flowers placed near the mirror will also attract positive energy into your home.
  • Also, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you yourself can charge a reflective object with positive emotions. To do this, you need to smile every time your gaze falls on your own reflection, you need to compliment yourself, and praise your person in every possible way. Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to scold in front of the mirror or experience various negative emotions. Otherwise, all the negative energy will accumulate in this object.

Don’t let bad omens scare you, because even if you place a mirror at the front door, by resorting to the simple rules of Feng Shui you can easily place it in the most optimal way so that your hallway becomes not just a stylish room, but also acts as a source of positivity for the entire home .

To complete the topic, watch an interesting thematic video:

A mirror is not just a piece of decor that no person can do without, it is a magical object known since ancient times.

If used correctly, mirrors can significantly improve your life, but if used incorrectly, they can harm you. What does the mirror opposite the front door promise us according to Feng Shui?

Mirror in the teachings of feng shui

The magic of the mirror surface lies in the fact that it is a connecting link between our physical world and the subtle world, invisible to the human eye. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a mirror is a conductor of positive Qi energy flowing into the house. Where it hangs determines where the streams of energy will go and how they will be distributed. Without good energy, a house “dies” - the people living in it constantly have problems in everyday life, in love, in terms of health and business. A properly selected mirror will help neutralize the influence of negative energies on our lives.


Let's talk a little about the shape of reflective surfaces. According to Feng Shui, it can be very diverse, therefore, choose the one that you like and is most in harmony with the interior of your home. In China, they believe in the magical power of the Bagua mirror, which was used as a protective talisman. It has a round reflective surface, enclosed in a special octagonal frame, with symbols printed on it.

Feng Shui mirror. Mirrors in the house according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui of mirrors: how to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui. Good Feng Shui for apartments and houses. Natalia Pravdina

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the door?

Mirror opposite the door/Secrets of mirrors

Feng Shui front door


Under no circumstances should the talisman be hung inside the home - its place is outside. The amulet is placed on the side of the house that is exposed to negative factors and requires correction. Such factors could be a noisy highway, a garbage dump, an intersection or a cemetery. Under no circumstances should the Bagua mirror be positioned so that it reflects buildings where people live or constantly work.


As for the size of mirrors, the teachings of Feng Shui welcome large mirror surfaces, where a person is reflected in full height. It is especially good to place such mirrors in the hallway. The surface is selected to suit the height of the tallest family member, taking into account the additional space above his head. This area “free” from human reflection promotes the spiritual, material and physical growth of family members.

According to the theory of Feng Shui, there is no need to use reflective surfaces that seem to “cut” the human body. They can cause health problems regarding the “cut off” parts of the body. And you certainly shouldn’t decorate the room with mirror tiles. The smaller it is, the more intensely it “breaks” the human reflection.

Properties of mirrors

The main property of any mirror surface is the doubling of everything that is reflected in it. Based on this, Feng Shui advises placing only what “pleases the eye” in front of mirrors. If your walls are torn or tiles are cracked, do not hang mirror surfaces opposite these places. Try to place them in such a way that they reflect a beautiful landscape, flowers or happy faces of people. You can place any talisman in front of a reflective surface, and it will double its power.

The mirror surface “remembers” and multiplies all your emotions. Therefore, do not look in the mirror when you are crying, angry or scared. Don't look at it when you're sick or when you don't like yourself. Come to him at the time of fun and joyful events in your life. Try on beautiful outfits that make you look good in front of it - let it “see” you only “in a good light.”

Mirror at the entrance

According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, positive Qi energy enters the house through the front door, and through it it can also leave. Seeping into the home, energy flows spread throughout all rooms, filling them. If any reflective surface hangs opposite the front door in the hallway, positive energy leaves the house before it has time to enter it. It is possible to live in such an apartment, but it is difficult - household members are constantly haunted by failures in all areas of life, even the air in such a home becomes heavy.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway should be placed on a wall that is at an angle of ninety degrees from the front door. It is desirable that it reflects other rooms. Flows of positive energy Qi, entering the room, are dispersed throughout the house with the help of a properly placed mirror surface. In front of the mirror in the hallway, you can hang symbols of wealth and prosperity, which will double.

It is better to choose a large mirror in the hallway, in which you can see yourself in full height. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, Qi energy should circulate freely in the room, so if your hallway is tiny, a mirror surface will help you. Place it so that it visually expands the room. If a long and narrow corridor stretches immediately from the entrance, then in this case you can lead along the mirror to its two opposite walls. At the same time, make sure that these mirrors are not opposite each other.

There are layouts that include placing a bathroom or toilet near the front door. According to Feng Shui, streams of positive Qi energy can leave the apartment, flowing out along with water into the sewer holes. To prevent this from happening, you can hang mirrors on the door of the toilet or bathroom, and they should hang outside. This simple technique will delay the flow of energy and redirect it to other places in the house.

Mirrors do not tolerate careless handling. If you want them to bring only good things into your life, try to adhere to some “rules of behavior”:

  1. If the mirror breaks, do not fall into despair, mentally drawing to yourself terrible pictures of all kinds of disasters. Carefully pick up the pieces and rinse them under running water, then wrap them in a dark cloth and throw them away. Running water can erase information from a mirror surface.
  2. The mirror must be kept clean and wiped regularly, or better yet, washed in running water. As you know, mirror surfaces “absorb” a person’s information and emotions, and they are not always positive.
  3. Mirror surfaces with stains or scratches should not be hung.
  4. Do not bring home antique mirrors, especially if they belonged to people with a “difficult fate.”
  5. You cannot look into mirror shards or a cracked mirror.
  6. Do not place more than three mirrors in one room.
  7. You can't hang mirrors opposite each other, so you can create a "corridor of mirrors" which can be quite dangerous.
  8. Mirror surfaces with patterns or engravings can distort information, which is undesirable.

The mirror opposite the front door is endowed with magical influence regarding the foundations of the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui. The practice of Feng Shui associated the properties of mirrors with powerful energy that can fill rooms with a positive charge.

Vital energy Qi: proper distribution of flows

According to Feng Shui

Feng Shui combines Qi energy with architecture and design, since the flow of this force is present everywhere, especially in houses and apartments, which must allow favorable energy to pass through, block bad energy, preventing it from stagnating in order to avoid illnesses and troubles.

Chi energy is a limitless force that has two sources:

  • Space (cosmic radiation, gravity, forces of nature, elements, weather);
  • Person (personality, aura, breathing).

They are closely intertwined, forming a strong, positive energy that gives life, peace and harmony. When Qi energy flows with smoothness and calmness, transformation from spiritual to material essence is possible: plains, rivers, clean air. With the unpredictable flow of energy (Sha-qi), angular mountains, steep cliffs, rapid and dangerous rivers are formed that do not give peace and harmony.
Feng Shui has a similar effect on humans. Each object brought into the house is endowed with factors that have their own impact on the correct distribution of energy flows. And a typical extraordinary piece of furniture, like a mirror, has always been endowed with a wide variety of prejudices and surrounded by many legends and mystical events.

Interaction of door structures and energy flow

One of the most important components of Feng Shui are doors, as they serve as gates for the penetration of magical Qi energy. You can enhance their effect by following these tips:

  1. It is worth removing all obstacles in front of the front door. The accumulation of Qi requires space. If there is not enough space, it is worth hanging a decorative lantern at the entrance, which will illuminate the path and show the way for the flow of Qi.
  2. When a flight of stairs is located opposite the doorway of the opening, whether it rises or falls, it is necessary to soften it and make a low threshold at the foot. The teaching says that the ladder is a strong conductor of energy, which can create a leak of Qi, or a dangerous influx of Sha Qi. A small threshold will soften this effect. Musical pendants will also help.
  3. It is recommended to constantly monitor the closed position of the door viewing device - the peephole on the front door.
  4. Do not allow door panels to malfunction or squeak. A squeaky door frame will certainly discourage the Qi power.

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You should not ignore the placement of doors, as well as their decorative aesthetic appearance. Incorrect placement of the opening can lead to suppression of the flow of Qi. The following door combinations can bring evil and bad luck to a private home and its inhabitants:

Placing three or more doors in end-to-end order (one after another) is the most dangerous combination.

Chinese bells

The effect is multiplied when one door is the entrance door and the other is the emergency door. In such cases, it is necessary to place some kind of obstacle in front of the middle door or place a screen. Hanging Chinese bells and flutes will somewhat soften and improve the situation.

Door triangle.

It’s also a dangerous combination that spins negative energy and pours it into all the residents of the house, provoking scandals and quarrels. The effect is deactivated by an air bell hung in the center of the energy vortex.

Passage opposite the window.

You should not use a typical design, since the Qi energy does not have time to linger and settle in the house. A thick curtain on the window opening can soften the magical effect.

Opposite the tip.

The tip can be any corner, architectural building, sharp protrusion. Placing a door in close proximity to a typical object poses serious problems for the owner of a private building. The angle symbolizes the indicator of the dark power of Sha-qi, which guides it and gives the target of defeat. There can be two solutions:

  • Remove or dull a protruding object, depriving it of its endowed negative force;
  • Disguise with fresh flowers, placing the plant directly in front of the point. In this way, you can cover yourself from the blows of Sha-qi.

When avoiding sharp corners, it is worth taking a closer look at the mirror you purchase. It is worth selecting mirror surfaces of a soft shape and a fairly large size, so that the reflection of a person looking in the mirror is complete.

Opening opposite the toilet.

You should not use a typical arrangement, since positive energy when entering the room will immediately disappear, bringing nothing to the home.
Tips that are recommended to be followed:

Related article: High-quality corner connection of profiled timber

Cardinal directions

  • It is worth keeping the door leaf of the opening covering structure in a constantly closed position - this will partially block the exit of Qi.
  • It is recommended to hang a mirror on the door leaf of the toilet door; it will return positive energy back into the house.

The color of the door should directly depend on the location of the leaf itself. Since the cardinal directions to which it faces must be fueled by the correct colors and decor. Having made your plans for life, you can place and decorate the doors according to Feng Shui.
The table below shows the basic descriptions of the properties of doorways facing different cardinal directions. In addition, the correct paint colors and decorative elements (finishing materials, designs) were selected:

Cardinal directions

Sphere of influence

Elemental elements

Blue, black


Training, knowledge

Beige, yellow

Malaya Zemlya

Health, development

A big tree



Purple, green

small tree

Fame, reputation


Love, romance

Beige, yellow, pink


Children, creativity

White, silver, gold

Small metal


Help, strength, strength

White, silver, gold,

Big metal

Position of mirrors relative to doorways

Mirror located in the hallway

The ability to use mirrors in the art of Feng Shui seems to be a great success. So a typical object is endowed with the power to reflect and attract Qi energy. Incorrect placement can lead to the most serious consequences. The Chinese have long been aware of the hidden and dangerous power of mirrors, and attached special importance to them.
Often mirrors are placed in the hallway, considering the typical location to be quite convenient in relation to several target directions:

  • Hanging mirrors in the hallway of an apartment visually increases the space. The reflection of small hallways, inherent in the layout of multi-story buildings, in mirrors gives a visual expansion of a small area.
  • An additional reason for the placement of large mirror surfaces in a small hallway corridor is the ability of the surfaces to reflect both natural and artificial light, which makes the area lighter and therefore larger.
  • Of course, the use of mirror surfaces in the hallway at the exit of their apartment also has a direct function. So, before leaving the house, everyone wants to see their own reflection, making sure they look decent before going out into the world. The mirror opposite the door, as many people think, seems to see off the inhabitants.

A mirror is a distinctive part of any interior. Without it, we cannot imagine modern busy life. We approach him several times every day. With its help, you can visually enlarge and transform the space of a small hallway, and evaluate the appearance before going outside.

It's hard to imagine what we would look like without this wonderful creation.

Some individuals believe that it can be installed in any place you like, even at the exit from the house. But superstitious people are not sure- is it possible to hang ? There are many folk signs, superstitions, and disputes about this. The article discusses all the nuances of the current issue!

Read it to the end and use the knowledge gained in your own practice.

According to modern science, the product clears space of negativity and changes life situations. The accessory can be placed inside or outside the building. Chinese practice talks about the correct placement of mirrors and does not allow people to install.

It is believed that this is a poor predictor of one’s financial situation.

Difficulties in the family, failures, and serious quarrels appear. Debts and fatigue take on a never-ending quality. It also has a bad effect on the flow of qi energy. After all, happiness built over the years, the health of household members, and positive mood disappear. All due to an incorrectly installed household attribute looking at the exit.

All family valuables leave the room through the door opening.

Of course, you can’t do without a mirror. It is at the same time an assistant and a double of the people reflected in it. A piece of the soul remains in the mysterious accessory, and feng shui can confirm this fact. And why not install a mirror opposite the closet, hanger, shoe cabinet, or on the opposite side of the front door.

It can be hung at a 90 degree angle so that the door does not have a direct reflection in it.

Grandmother's signs

Numerous folk beliefs associated with a mirror at the door also make us perk up. They differ and indicate that it has important features:

  • Protects against damage, repels serious illnesses, prevents the invasion of negative energy into the room and, conversely, attracts evil people;
  • Attracts wealth, happiness, luck, love;
  • Entering a house, one can involuntarily see in the reflection a familiar deceased person, but perhaps this is a rich imagination “playing around”;
  • Not only grandmothers, but also young mothers forbid small children to look in.

It is up to the apartment owners to decide whether to install reflective objects opposite the door or not.

But it’s better not to experience all sorts of difficulties on your own and listen to the opinion of Feng Shui experts. If everything is done correctly, then household members will not only preserve existing relationships, but also strengthen them with the help of an additional charge of energy, self-confidence, and a cheerful mood.

Some believe that a mirror located in front of the entrance attracts uninvited guests.

Think about safety!

Feng Shui presented us with positive and negative opinions, and the people- various signs.

How to lure favorable energy into your home without harming your health?

To do this, there are important rules that must be followed when placing the product at the front door:

  • Z It is better to place the mirror on the side of the exit;

    It is best to place the mirror on the side of the door, at some distance, so as not to touch it when entering.

  • P Buy ready-made furniture sets for your home;

    You can purchase a wardrobe with mirrored doors

  • P buy a tall mirror so that the person’s reflection is full-length

    The larger the mirror, the stronger its effect, and it is also more convenient to look at your reflection in it.

  • B It will work great if you put a wardrobe with a mirror in the hallway in line with the doorway;

    You can also glaze the entire wall in line with the entrance.

  • E If the mirror has experienced some terrible event or is chipped, then urgently update the piece of furniture;

    Since the mirror will hold these memories, it is best to buy a new product.

  • N You should not hang the mirror in a visible place. Catching the reflection in the house's sloppy appearance, a person begins to think badly about himself, lower his self-esteem, wasting some of his energy on this;

    A mirror above the chest of drawers is the best option for placing a mirror in the hallway.

  • Z think about a dressing room in which the mirror is mounted on the inside of the door;

    Try attaching a mirror to the back door of a cabinet; all you have to do is open it to see your reflection.

  • N Do not place two attributes opposite each other, you will get an endless corridor, it attracts trouble into the house. And infinity is irresistible;

    You can hang a mirror on the front wall, but so that it does not look at the entrance.

  • AND Keep in mind when bringing furniture or long ski poles into the house, a mirror may accidentally break, and kids don’t “slow down” when they run home;

    A large mirror can visually expand the space of a small hallway, especially if it has a narrow corridor layout.

  • F Yeng Shui advises choosing a mirror so that it visually transforms the corridor;

    This product model will allow you to improve lighting.

  • N Do not hang the canvas at the end of the hallway, because it can easily be damaged by hitting it with a bag or backpack.

    The absence of a figured frame makes it possible to use this option in a room of any style.

Is there a mirror surface hanging by the front door? Make sure she doesn't "look" at the exit. Install it at an angle so that the reflected currents are directed into the house. Practice has proven that if a mirror is located opposite the front door, then the person entering may be frightened by his own reflection.

Therefore, before installing it in the corridor, think through all the little things. After all, health and family happiness are more important.

From an aesthetic point of view

What do you see behind your back when hanging? If peeling paint, a garbage disposal, or indecent graffiti on the walls come into view, then a good mood and a piece of positive energy will instantly leave you even before your foot crosses the threshold of the hallway. But if a person likes a decent staircase, then why not watch yourself against its background.

The mirror accumulates negativity, so you need to approach it in a great mood, with a smile on your face, in full dress.

Mirror surfaces in the interior

Even the smallest hallway can be made beautiful.

A large hallway mirror has an advantage, especially when it comes to wall mirrors.

Here are some interesting tips on this topic:

  • Use a floor mirror, it is convenient and creates a bright accent;
  • Huge wall-length canvases transform typical windowless rooms;
  • If there is not enough zest, then pay attention to the mirror of an unusual shape, without numerous sharp corners;
  • Buy a frame with non-standard shades and original texture.

The variety of models will surprise you, so always consider style.

A correctly and tastefully selected mirror, installed in the right place, will not only diversify the home environment, but will also attract a lot of positive energy, improve the well-being of the family, and repel enemies and envious people.

Don’t forget to polish the mirror until it’s dazzlingly shiny and perfectly clean!

It can be used to make a wonderful amulet for all family members. A lot depends on the reliable fastening of the accessory. It prevents a unique part of the interior from falling.

Live among the “correct” beauty and then comfort and balance of your inner state will not leave you even through the mirror!

VIDEO: Choosing a mirror for the hallway.

Mirrors in the interior of the hallway - 50 photo ideas: