Cutter herb medicinal properties. Common cutter

Common cutter is a plant that has a relatively small area of ​​​​use in folk medicine. The main area of ​​its use is digestive disorders, low acidity of gastric juice, abdominal pain and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, in some cases, the cutter is used in the initial stages of uterine fibroids. The hemostatic properties of the cutter are useful for stopping external bleeding. In addition, the plant has a healing effect, thanks to which it can be used to accelerate the healing of various wounds, ulcers, bruises and other skin damage. Can be used as a diuretic.

Common cutter, grass (Falcaria vulgaris)

Common cutter is a perennial or biennial plant of the Apiaceae family. It has a bare cylindrical stem about half a meter high. The leaves, as a rule, are trifoliate, quite dense, the lower ones have a long petiole, the upper ones are almost sessile. White flowers are collected in corymbose paniculate inflorescences. The fruit of the cutter is an oblong-linear ribbed achene of yellowish or brown color. The plant blooms in summer; the fruits ripen only in the last month of summer, as well as in September.

The common cutter grows in Europe and Asia, including Russia. Also found in America and Africa. Prefers steppe areas, sometimes grows along roads, in meadows and fields.

Common cutter

The main area of ​​application of the cutter is cooking. Its fruits are used in baking, the leaves serve as a seasoning or as a separate vegetable dish. It has not found any use in official medicine, but the herb is used in folk medicine as a diuretic, wound-healing, hemostatic, and also gastric remedy.

The chemical composition of the plant has not been adequately studied, but it is known that alkaloids, vitamin C, carotene and essential oils are found in it.

You can buy common grass cutter in our online store “Green Shop” for treatment:

  • swelling

Recipes for preparing an ordinary cutter

1. Infusion of the cutter.

Taken orally for various gastrointestinal diseases: at pain, appetite disturbances And low acidity. You can also use it when uterine fibroids And swelling.

To prepare this drink you need 500 liters of freshly boiled water and 2 teaspoons of chopped cut herb. After mixing these ingredients, cover the container and put it in a warm place for 2 hours. After this time, you need to thoroughly strain the infusion and take it three times a day shortly before meals, 1 tablespoon.

2. Compresses.

Dry raw materials must be finely chopped, then poured with boiling water and wrapped in gauze. This compress is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin and remains for some time.

An ordinary cutter is contraindicated. Pregnant women, as well as persons with individual intolerance to this plant, should not take cutter-based products. Before your appointment, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

The only kind

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It grows in the steppes, in secluded meadows, along limestone outcrops, along roads, in meadows, like a weed in fields.

Biological description

Blooms in June-August. The fruits ripen in August-September.

Meaning and Application

The chemical composition has not been studied.

The fruits are sometimes used in baking instead of caraway seeds.

All parts of the plant have a spicy, pungent taste. IN Armenia not yet greened rosettes of leaves of spring shoots of the second year, which have a spicy taste, are used boiled as a spicy seasoning for meals or as a vegetable dish in boiled and pickled form.

A good pasture plant.



Ordinary cutter part of the family Cutter (Falkaria) family Umbrella (Apiaceae) order Umbelliferae (Apiales).

28 more families
(according to APG II system)
Ordinary cutter
order Umbelliferae genus Cutter
Department Flowering or Angiosperms family Umbrella
44 more orders of flowering plants
(according to APG II system)
about 25 more births

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  • Dudchenko L. G., Kozyakov A. S., Krivenko V. V. Spicy-aromatic and spicy-flavoring plants: Directory / Answer. ed. K. M. Sytnik. - TO. : Naukova Duma, 1989. - 304 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-12-000483-0.
  • Gubanov I. A., Kiseleva K. V., Novikov V. S., Tikhomirov V. N.. - M.: T-vo scientific publications KMK, Institute of Technological Research, 2003. - T. 2. Angiosperms (dicotyledonous: separate-petalled). - P. 665. - ISBN 5-87317-128-9.


  • (English): information on the website (Retrieved September 17, 2009)
  • : information on the website " Encyclopedia of life » ( EOL) (English) (Retrieved September 17, 2009)

Seeing on the other side the Cossacks (les Cosaques) and the spreading steppes (les Steppes), in the middle of which was Moscou la ville sainte, [Moscow, the holy city,] the capital of that similar Scythian state, where Alexander the Great went, - Napoleon, unexpectedly for everyone and contrary to both strategic and diplomatic considerations, he ordered an offensive, and the next day his troops began to cross the Neman.
On the 12th, early in the morning, he left the tent, pitched that day on the steep left bank of the Neman, and looked through the telescope at the streams of his troops emerging from the Vilkovyssky forest, spilling over three bridges built on the Neman. The troops knew about the presence of the emperor, looked for him with their eyes, and when they found a figure in a frock coat and hat separated from his retinue on the mountain in front of the tent, they threw their caps up and shouted: “Vive l" Empereur! [Long live the emperor!] - and alone others, without being exhausted, flowed out, everything flowed out of the huge forest that had hidden them hitherto and, upset, crossed three bridges to the other side.
– On fera du chemin cette fois ci. Oh! quand il s"en mele lui meme ca chauffe... Nom de Dieu... Le voila!.. Vive l"Empereur! Les voila donc les Steppes de l"Asie! Vilain pays tout de meme. Au revoir, Beauche; je te reserve le plus beau palais de Moscow. Au revoir! Bonne chance... L"as tu vu, l"Empereur? Vive l" Empereur!.. preur! Si on me fait gouverneur aux Indes, Gerard, je te fais ministre du Cachemire, c"est arrete. Vive l"Empereur! Vive! vive! vive! Les gredins de Cosaques, comme ils filent. Vive l"Empereur! Le voila! Le vois tu? Je l"ai vu deux fois comme jete vois. Le petit caporal... Je l"ai vu donner la croix a l"un des vieux... Vive l"Empereur!.. [Now let's go! Oh! as soon as he takes charge, things will boil. By God... Here he is... Hurray, Emperor! So here they are, the Asian steppes... However, a bad country. Goodbye, Bose. I will leave you the best palace in Moscow. Goodbye, I wish you success. Have you seen the emperor? Hurray! If I am made governor in India, I will make you minister of Kashmir... Hurray! Emperor Here he is! Do you see him? I saw him twice like you. Little corporal... I saw how he hung a cross on one of the old men... Hurray, emperor!] - said the voices of old and young people, of the most diverse characters and positions in society. All the faces of these people had one common expression of joy at the beginning of the long-awaited campaign and delight and devotion to the man in a gray frock coat standing on the mountain.
On June 13, Napoleon was given a small purebred Arabian horse, and he sat down and galloped to one of the bridges over the Neman, constantly deafened by enthusiastic cries, which he obviously endured only because it was impossible to forbid them to express their love for him with these cries; but these screams, accompanying him everywhere, weighed on him and distracted him from the military worries that had gripped him since the time he joined the army. He drove across one of the bridges swinging on boats to the other side, turned sharply to the left and galloped towards Kovno, preceded by enthusiastic Guards horse rangers who were transfixed with happiness, clearing the way for the troops galloping ahead of him. Arriving at the wide Viliya River, he stopped next to a Polish Uhlan regiment stationed on the bank.

The common cutter belongs to the celery family. Its habitats are dry meadows, hills, slopes, and roadsides. It is known on all continents except Antarctica. The plant reaches up to 45 cm in height. The stem of the cutter is highly branched, cylindrical, the leaves are trifoliate in shape with leathery lobes. The flowers are small and white. As a result of their flowering, a fruit is formed - a two-seeded seed of an oblong-linear shape with wide ribs. The cutter is popularly known by such names as sickle cutter, tumbleweed, and omega field.

Preparation and storage of the cutter

It is believed that during the flowering period the plant contains the greatest amount of useful substances. Therefore, its stems, leaves and flowers are collected in June-July. Dry the crushed medicinal raw material in a place inaccessible to sunlight. When drying in an electric dryer, it is necessary to strictly monitor the temperature so that it does not exceed 40-45 degrees. Store the dried cutter in paper bags in dry, well-ventilated areas. Subject to storage conditions, dry raw materials can be used for medicinal purposes for 2 years.

Use in everyday life

Freshly cut cutter is used as green fodder for domestic animals, and is sometimes found in meadow hay. It can also be used in cooking when preparing marinades or pickles. From the dried raw materials of the plant, various decoctions and infusions are prepared, which are used for medicinal purposes.

Composition and medicinal properties of the cutter

The cutter is rich in various useful substances. It has an antimicrobial, wound-healing, and also diuretic effect on the body. Such properties of products prepared on the basis of the cutter are observed due to the constituent components, including:

  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • protein;
  • essential oils;
  • alkaloids.

The chemical composition of the plant has not yet been studied much, but its effectiveness in some diseases has already been tested and proven.

Use of a cutter in folk medicine

Despite the fact that the plant has not been fully studied, herbalists have found and proven its effectiveness for certain diseases. Below are recipes that may be useful in various life situations. By strictly observing the dosage, you can achieve the desired result.

Stomach pain

2 tsp crushed dry cutter grass, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for two hours. After straining, the cooled broth is ready for use: 1-2 tbsp. The resulting infusion is taken orally before meals.

In addition to reducing pain, a diuretic effect is observed.

Improved digestion

You can increase the motility of the stomach and intestines, as well as the activity of enzymes in the digestive system, using cutter juice. It is pressed from fresh raw materials. Take 1 tbsp. before meals.

Damage to the integrity of the skin

Wash fresh cutter leaves, chop them and pour boiling water over them, or steam dry ones. Wrap in a piece of gauze and apply to wounds. Secure with a bandage. You can replace the cutter leaves with fresh ones 2-3 times a day.

Microcracks, cuts and bruises will disappear instantly, you will be pleasantly surprised by the effect.

Uterine fibroma

1 tbsp. dried leaves or flowers of the cutter, pour 0.3 liters of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After this, the decoction can be filtered and taken orally: 100 g of aqueous herbal infusion is drunk three times a day between meals. The course of treatment lasts 21 days.

The drug is effective in the initial stage of the disease.

Contraindications for use

It is not recommended to start taking infusions or decoctions from the cutter yourself, since it belongs to poisonous plants. Before you start taking it, you should consult your doctor or herbalist. A specialist will help you choose an effective dose that will not lead to an undesirable result.

But still, if the safe dosage has been exceeded and signs of poisoning are observed (such as nausea, vomiting, weakness, headaches or dizziness), you should immediately consult a doctor. At the prehospital stage, assistance is provided in the form of gastric lavage and siphon enemas. After the procedures, you can drink some adsorbent, for example, activated carbon.

After an examination, the doctor prescribes symptomatic treatment. We should not forget that even taking herbs should be taken seriously. This way you can improve your health and maintain it for many years.

Other plant names:

omega field, tumbleweed, sickle cutter.

Brief description of an ordinary cutter:

Common cutter (omega field) is a biennial herbaceous plant 30–45 cm high, spherical in shape with a highly branched cylindrical stem. The leaves are trifoliate, with linear-lanceolate, leathery, finely serrated lobes.

The flowers are small, white, with a five-petalled corolla and a five-toothed calyx. There are five stamens, a pistil with two styles and a lower ovary. The flowers are collected in complex umbels. Wrappers of four to eight leaves. The fruit is an oblong two-seed with wide ribs. Blooms in June – July.

Places of growth:

It is found in many regions of Russia, except the North, more often in the steppe zone. Grows in meadows, dry slopes, hills, near roads and fields.

Cutter blank:

For medicinal purposes, the entire above-ground part (stems, leaves, flowers) is collected during flowering (June - July). Dry in the usual way.

Chemical composition of an ordinary cutter:

The chemical composition of the plant has been little studied. The cutter is known to contain alkaloids and essential oil.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of the common cutter (omega field).

Pharmacological properties of the common cutter:

The pharmacological properties of the cutter are determined by its chemical composition.

Preparations from the cutter are used as a wound-healing and diuretic.

Application of a cutter in medicine, treatment with a cutter:

For stomach pain and low acidity of gastric juice and as a diuretic, take an aqueous infusion of the herb in small doses.

Crushed leaves are applied to wounds to speed up their healing.

Dosage forms, route of administration and dosage of common cutter preparations:

Effective medicines and forms used in the treatment of many diseases are made from the grass (stems, leaves) and flowers of the cutter. Let's look at the main ones.

Infusion of common cutter herb:

Brew 1/2 liter of boiling water 2 tsp. dry herbs, leave, wrapped, 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals for stomach pain and low acidity of gastric juice, and also as a diuretic. For uterine fibroids in the initial stage, drink the infusion 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Common cutter leaves:

Apply crushed fresh (or steamed dry) cutter leaves to wounds to speed up healing.

Juice from the leaves of the common cutter:

Drink fresh juice from the leaves of the cutter, 1 tbsp. l. for 1 glass of boiled water.

Contraindications for an ordinary cutter:

Internal use of the common cutter, as a poisonous plant, requires caution.

In case of poisoning with cutter preparations, as well as a poisonous plant with an unknown chemical composition, a mandatory and emergency measure is gastric lavage with an aqueous suspension of activated carbon. In case of severe poisoning, on the first day the stomach is washed again, 2-3 times. Equally important is the early release of the intestines from toxic substances using high siphon enemas. Subsequent treatment is symptomatic.