Methods for purifying water and soil from pollutants. Methods for restoring contaminated soil - live page How to clean soil from pollution

Surely many of you, when peeling potatoes, have encountered such a phenomenon as a thin black winding thread passing through a potato tuber. Such a wormhole cannot be removed without cutting the tuber in half or into pieces, and it is easier to throw it away than to clean it. And the wireworm, the larva of the click beetle, causes such damage to potatoes.

They call it that because of its similarity in appearance to a piece of yellow wire. Due to its durable yellow-brown cover, it is quite difficult to crush the wireworm.

The click beetle is a beetle 15-16 mm long, brown, black, yellow in color with a metallic tint. When the beetle is turned upside down, it jumps up and makes a clicking sound, which is why it is called the click beetle.

Click beetles do not cause much harm to plants. Their larvae, wireworms, cause great harm. Their lifespan in the ground reaches 3.5 years. The roots of ornamental and cultivated plants serve as food. They make holes in root crops, reducing quality and marketability. The larvae are found in the ground at a depth of 10-12 cm, feed and pupate. After 15-20 days, young offspring appear and overwinter in the ground.

The emergence of beetles begins in spring and ends in early June. They lay eggs on the soil.

Wireworms damage potatoes, all root vegetables, roots of aster and lettuce seedlings.

The problem of wireworm pests in gardens is truly unpleasant and is comparable in scale to the problem of combating the resilient Colorado potato beetle.

It’s rare that a garden does not suffer from wireworms, except perhaps the one in which green manure is constantly planted - mustard, peas and phacelia, which repel the pest.

There are many other methods, but it is unlikely that any one remedy will help completely cope with the click beetle and its larvae; a whole range of measures must be carried out.

The most effective ways to combat wireworms

1. The following technique gives good results: a couple of weeks before planting potatoes, sow five to seven islands of barley or oats every 70 centimeters. When the seedlings appear, dig them up, select and destroy the pest (it is best to burn the oats).

2. Lime the soil. When planting root crops, spread lime over the surface or add it to the hole when planting. It is best to lime the soil with limestone (dolomite) flour. It is applied to the soil once every three to four years. When planting potatoes and tomatoes, add flour in advance, and add flour to cabbage immediately before planting.

3. Apply ammonium nitrate and naphthalene during digging. But remember that dolomite flour, as well as lime, cannot be mixed with ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea, superphosphate and manure.

4. Pour ground eggshells into the root holes.

5. Be sure to add wood ash to the holes (preferably a full scoop into each hole).

6. Soak potato tubers in onion broth before planting. This is both a means of combating wireworms and a means of preventing diseases.

7. Water the holes with a solution of potassium permanganate when planting root crops. 5 gr. Dilute potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water. Pour 0.5 liters of this solution into one well. The disadvantage of this method is that such processing cannot be carried out over large areas.

8. Pour a handful of mustard powder into the hole when planting root crops. The wireworm really doesn't like mustard.

9. Pour a pinch of salt into the hole when planting potatoes. ATTENTION: according to some gardeners, this method can reduce potato yields! The fact is that salt has a very aggressive effect on all plants. Even the most persistent weeds die from it. Therefore, you should use this method only after you have carried out such treatment on a very small area and make sure that there is no crop loss.

10. Before planting root crops, you can treat the seeds and holes according to the instructions with a solution of special insecticides (contact insecticides) or apply the preparations to each hole when planting. ATTENTION: when purchasing insecticides, take into account the fact that with repeated use of only one drug, pests, especially those with a short life cycle, develop resistance to them!

11. Treat the holes with herbal infusions:

  • Prepare the infusion of celandine in advance and leave for three days, leave the remaining solutions for at least 12 hours. Take 100 gr. raw materials, chop, add 10 liters of water.
  • nettle infusion: 500 gr. chopped herbs pour 10 liters of water.
  • dandelion infusion: 200 gr. chopped herbs pour 10 liters of water.
  • infusion of coltsfoot: 200 gr. chopped herbs pour 10 liters of water.

Ten liters of such a solution should be enough for at least twenty holes. Repeat this procedure two or three times every seven days.

12. Plant beans or beans in a hole or between potato plants. It is best to plant beans not at the time of planting potatoes, but later. The fact is that beans are a heat-loving plant, and potatoes are planted during a fairly cold period of the growing season. The beans may simply not germinate. ATTENTION: beans and beans cannot be replaced with peas, as these peas and potatoes are incompatible in the same planting!

13. Along the perimeter of the potato field, plant marigolds and calendula, which repel pests with their smells. If the plot is large, then flowers should be planted throughout the entire field.

14. Before planting root crops, do autumn (winter) sowing of green manure: mustard, peas, lupine and phacelia. Potato pests do not like the root secretions of these plants. In addition, green manure will significantly improve the quality of the soil, as it is an excellent organic fertilizer comparable in quality to manure.

15. Organize joint plantings of root crops with spring rapeseed and mustard, which, without waiting for flowering, are cut and embedded in the soil.

16. Plant lettuce among the main root crops. The wireworm loves to feed on the roots of this plant. When the lettuce begins to wilt, dig it up and collect the click beetle larvae around the roots.

17. Make baits from halves of raw potatoes and other root vegetables, placed in the soil to a depth of 5-10 cm near the plant you want to protect. Every 2-3 days, replace the potatoes with fresh ones, and destroy the pests that have accumulated on the old ones. To avoid losing buried potatoes, place them on pegs.

18. On your site, make small depressions in the soil and place half-rotted grass (hay or straw) left over from last year in them, moisten them with water and cover them with boards. Beetles happily crawl into such shelters in search of food, and in just a couple of days the grass will be full of them. Collect it and burn it. You can repeat this operation several times in the summer. ATTENTION: traps for click beetles are a very effective method, since the female lays about 200 eggs over the summer; By destroying one beetle, you can prevent the appearance of a huge number of its larvae - wireworms.

19. Control weeds in a timely manner, especially wheatgrass, which the wireworm loves most.

20. Immediately after harvesting potatoes, clear the field of all plant debris, including small tubers.

21. Carefully dig up the area in late autumn so that the larvae end up on the surface of the ground and freeze.

You can choose several methods that best suit you to combat wireworms and, with a little effort and the necessary patience, you will certainly defeat this malicious pest.

Have a rich harvest!

30. Patient D, 37 years old, after examination, the doctor diagnosed: chronic generalized periodontitis of severe severity with a depth of periodontal bone pockets of more than 4 mm, destruction of the interalveolar septa up to 2/3 of their height, mobility of teeth of II-III degree.

Which surgical method is most appropriate in this situation?

1) simple gingivectomy

2) radical gingivectomy

3) gingivotomy

4) osteogingivoplasty

5) curettage

Methods for cleaning soils from oil pollution.

Oil is an oily liquid that is a complex natural solution of organic compounds, mainly hydrocarbons. High molecular weight resinous asphaltene substances, as well as low molecular weight oxygen-, nitrogen- and sulfur-containing organic compounds are dissolved in hydrocarbons. In addition, some inorganic substances are also dissolved in oil: water, salts, hydrogen sulfide, compounds of metals and other elements.

The following classes of hydrocarbons are distinguished in the composition of oil:

aliphatic (methane);

cyclic saturated (naphthenic);

cyclic unsaturated (aromatic).

There are also mixed (hybrid) hydrocarbons: methane-naphthenic, naphthenic-aromatic.

Among the methane hydrocarbons in oil there are gaseous, liquid and solid. Gaseous (methane, ethane, butane, etc.) are dissolved in liquid hydrocarbons and are released when the pressure changes. Solid high-molecular hydrocarbons (paraffins) are also in a dissolved state. Their entry into the soil is especially dangerous, since, having a low pour point, paraffins firmly clog all the channels through which the exchange of substances occurs between the soil and the plant, the soil and the atmosphere.

Oil with a predominance of methane hydrocarbons is of the methane type. Among its varieties, there are high-wax oil (paraffin content more than 6%), paraffinic (1.5-6.0%) and low-wax (less than 1.5%).

Naphthenic hydrocarbons are present in all types of oil, but oils with a predominance of this class of hydrocarbons are rare. Among aromatic hydrocarbons, low-molecular structures predominate (benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalenes). In minor quantities there are homologs of 3-6-ringed hydrocarbons (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - PAHs). In some types of petroleum, PAHs contain significant amounts of 3,4-benzo(a)pyrene and other carcinogenic hydrocarbons.

High-molecular aromatic structures, also containing oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen, are resins and asphaltenes. Resins are viscous substances, asphaltenes are solid. Both are dissolved in liquid hydrocarbons. The high content of resins and asphaltenes in oil determines an increase in its specific gravity and viscosity. Such oils are inactive, but can create a stable source of pollution in the soil.

During the economic activities of the structural divisions of the branches of JSC Russian Railways, the roadbed of the railway and adjacent territories, as well as the soil of production areas, is polluted with petroleum products. The reasons for this are their leakage from tanks at loading stations and during transportation due to malfunction of boilers and drainage devices, ingress of lubricants during refueling of wheel pair axle boxes at receiving and dispatching and outfitting points, ingress of oil during equipment and movement of locomotives and special rolling stock. composition, ingress of petroleum products into the territory of bases and storage facilities for fuels and lubricants. Contamination of soil and soil is possible in emergency situations during the transportation of dangerous goods.

To ensure the environmental safety of railway transport, new technologies are being developed to eliminate the possibility of environmental pollution, as well as equipment for cleaning contaminated soils and roadbeds

Inspection of sites of impact soil contamination with oil and petroleum products

Flows of oil and petroleum products in soils can be visible and hidden (intrasoil). Visible flows are outlined visually. In these cases, the source of pollution is determined without difficulty.

Hidden flows most often arise as a result of failures of pipelines passing at some depth from the surface of the earth. The appearance of hidden oil flows is detected by a sharp increase in the content of petroleum products in groundwater located close to the source of pollution, surface water (rivers, streams, canals, lakes, ponds). Intrasoil flows manifest themselves by seepage of oil on slopes, walls of ditches, and ditches. Hidden pollution can be detected by changes in vegetation cover: yellowing of herbaceous vegetation, drying of trees and shrubs.

To delineate the oil flow area and vertically and to determine the location of the spill, it is necessary to determine the landscape-geochemical position of the study area:

1) type of elementary landscape (autonomous - on a flat hill, transeluvial - on a slope; eluvial-accumulative - in small local depressions of the relief; transsuperaqual - the foot of a slope, floodplains of rivers; transaqual - rivers and other watercourses);

2) types of geochemical connections in local landscapes that determine the nature of the movement of matter: the ratio of lateral and vertical flows; forms of migration, the nature of geochemical and physical barriers that retain oil along the path of flow.

When determining the types of mating, the following are important:

a) depth of atmospheric water infiltration; b) depth of groundwater.

Based on the data listed in points I, II, a series of soil cuts (or hand wells) is laid. The number of sections depends on the complexity of the landscape geochemical situation and the oil flow.

Soil sections (wells) are combined into a system of profiles extending in the direction of movement of surface runoff from the site of the spill to the place of intermediate or final accumulation. The minimum number of profiles is 3, the minimum number of sections is 12 (3 on each profile and 3 background ones, one for each elementary landscape). If the problem cannot be reliably solved with a minimum number of cuts, the required number of additional cuts is provided.

Soil sections are divided into support sections and “pins” (test soil samples). Reference sections are laid near the spill site and on the main elements of the landscape-geochemical

profile. The purpose of studying such sections is to determine the depth of oil seepage, the presence of intrasoil flow, and the nature of the transformation of the soil profile.

The incision is approximately the following dimensions:

The width of the short wall is 0.8 m, the long wall is 1.5 m, the depth is 2.0 m (if groundwater is not opened at a shallower depth). The incision is positioned so that the short front wall is illuminated by the sun. The soil is thrown onto the long side walls: the upper horizons - in one direction, the lower ones - in the other. Sampling is carried out on the front wall and the soil is described using it. The wall is cleaned, a centimeter is descended along it, along which the sampling depths and boundaries of soil horizons are marked. Sampling begins from the lower horizons. A sample is taken with a size of 10 x 10 cm, and if the thickness of the horizon is less, then the entire thickness.

Samples are taken using a soil knife. After taking each sample, the knife is cleaned of oil products with a swab dipped in an organic solvent.

Before taking samples, a description of the landscape and soil horizons is carried out (color, moisture, structure, density, mechanical composition, new formations, inclusions, root system, carbonate content).

If identifying soil genetic horizons is difficult, samples must be taken every 20 cm, accompanied by a detailed description.

“Digs” for taking soil samples are removed to the depth of the lower front of the oil flow in the soil, which can usually be determined from the reference section.

Oil and petroleum products can move and remain for a long time at depths of 0.5-1.0 m or more under the relatively dense and slightly polluted upper horizons of the section. Therefore, the study of reference sections when monitoring soil contamination with oil and petroleum products is mandatory.

Due to the strong variation in the composition and properties of the soil, even within the profile, 5-8 samples are taken horizontally from the front side of the section to compile a mixed soil sample. Total weight of the mixed sample is 0.6-0.8 kg

Methods for cleaning soils from pollution can be divided into physical, chemical, physicochemical and biochemical.[...]

Physical methods involve removing the top layer of soil from contaminated areas to a landfill or specially designated areas. These should also include all options for washing the soil with the dissolution of pollutants in the washing liquid (water).[...]

Chemical methods include thermal methods, leaching processes, binding pollutants into complex compounds, etc. [...]

Thermal methods are used to remove organic substances and some non-ferrous metals, and chemical stabilization of soils. They are implemented in various options: heating in air, in vacuum, pyrolysis, etc.[...]

Heating in air is used for lands contaminated with oil, oils, gasoline, halogen-containing and other organic compounds. Heat treatment usually involves holding the material at 700-800°C with the combustion of hydrocarbons. The physicochemical properties of the soil change slightly. The biological activity of thermally treated soils is restored by adding compost and other minerals if necessary.[...]

Currently, stationary and mobile installations for heat treatment of soils in air clean up millions of tons of contaminated soil. In particular, the total annual productivity of installations from Nord (Germany) alone is 300 thousand tons with their unit capacity of 50-80 thousand tons. The storage capacity is equal to the total annual productivity of installations (Massive...).[...]

The vacuum mho-thermal method of soil remediation has been implemented in the USA in the form of a mobile unit. Soil contaminated with organic compounds is loaded into a concrete mixer-type vacuum drum mounted on a car chassis. Drum length 4.5 m, diameter 2.4 m, rotation speed 10-18 min. When heated, volatile organic compounds evaporate and are further liquefied in a condenser located on the car trailer. After cleaning the condensate into a filter, it is suitable for use for its intended purpose. The duration of the processing cycle for one load of soil is 45 minutes (Crosby). [...]

Thermal methods are implemented not only in special installations to which the soil to be cleaned is delivered, but can also be carried out directly on site. One such method involves vitrification of the soil. Electrodes are inserted into the latter and, passing a current, it is heated to high temperatures (2160°C). In this case, the soil melts, the organic matter is pyrolyzed, and the resulting gases are sent for purification. Subsequent cooling of the soil leads to its vitrification and binding into leaching-resistant forms of pollutants such as radionuclides and heavy metals (In situ...).[...]

Leaching as a chemical method of cleaning soils involves treating the soil with a 2% solution of hydrochloric acid at a pH of 2 for 10 minutes. The content of pollutants such as arsenic, cadmium, copper, nickel, zinc and lead is reduced by 86-98% (Acid...).

The summer season is coming to an end. It's time to think about how to make your site environmentally friendly. The process is slow, but the result will certainly please you. Read and find out what actions and gadgets will leave nothing but vitamins in your vegetables and fruits.

Determining the contamination of the site

So, you have firmly decided that your suburban area is not just a place of relaxation, but also a base for botanical experiments. But for some reason you don’t like the soil and water on it. It doesn’t matter whether you recently purchased a plot of land or want to tidy up the family dacha. In any case, detox is necessary.

As a result of not the most careful use, any area can suffer, but still, there are “risk zones” that should be treated with increased attention. So, you should play it safe and clean your dacha if:

  • Your site is located near the highway. Heavy metals like lead and petroleum waste in the ground and water are not the most favorable environment for flora.
  • Not far from the dacha there is an industrial enterprise. Even if the chimney does not smoke, by “fertilizing” the area with volatile waste, toxins can reach you through groundwater.
  • Your homestead is located next to agricultural land. Chemical fertilizers sprayed on an industrial scale will be brought either by the wind or the same groundwater.

The most reliable way to check whether your site is contaminated with heavy metals, phenol, mercury, and petroleum products is to take samples and submit them for research. As a result, you will receive detailed information about the condition of the soil and be able to decide whether you need to clean it up.

A comprehensive assessment in a private laboratory will cost approximately 18,000 rubles. By contacting local state agrochemical services, you can actually pay half as much. In St. Petersburg, soil monitoring is carried out by the Leningrad Interregional Veterinary Laboratory.

Please note: if you take samples yourself, then you need to deliver the soil for analysis no later than 5-6 hours, and during this time it is best to store the soil in the refrigerator if possible. The soil is collected with gloves on and using steel or aluminum tools. Detailed instructions can be found on laboratory websites, e.g.

Cleaning the soil

It is not recommended to clean soils yourself using “folk” remedies - it is better to call a team. Soil cleaning methods are divided into three types:

Chemical. Using special solutions of acid or alkali, heavy metals and other harmful compounds are removed from the earth. The effectiveness of this method is very high - 85-90%. It is difficult to clean a large volume of soil this way, but it is quite suitable for tidying up a small piece of land.

Physical. The easiest way is to remove the dirty top layer and replace it with a clean one. However, it can be difficult to find and bring a large amount of fertile land to the site. A thermal method can be an excellent solution to the problem. The installation on wheels comes to your site and, by heating up to 800 degrees, removes all unnecessary substances from the soil. Fertility can be restored by simply adding compost and mineral fertilizers.

Biological. The most environmentally friendly, cheapest and safest. Certain types of plants are planted on the site to extract harmful substances from the soil. This method will not eliminate serious problems, such as a spilled barrel of fuel oil, but it will cope well with minor contamination. But you will have to be patient. For better cleaning, it is better to carry out the procedure several times, and burn and dispose of the waste material away from the dacha.

Purifying water

Water gives life. But bad water can just as easily take away this life. What to do if the water in your area is not suitable for irrigation or technical use? Or is there a small pond at your dacha that has “bloomed” and started to smell bad? Let's try to figure it out.

If you make a kind of “hit parade” of harmful substances that poison country water, it will look something like this:

  • Petroleum products. Motor gasoline, inappropriately leaked oil or fuel oil for a heating boiler.
  • Residues of detergents and cosmetics. As a rule, they contain antibacterial components that destroy beneficial microorganisms.

  • Mineral fertilizers. The other side of the dacha “coin”. Beneficial substances added to the soil in excess do not dissolve in it, but accumulate in water, causing eutrophication - water blooming and a decrease in oxygen levels.

It is simply impossible to combat these troubles without special gadgets. A way out of the situation may be to install a universal filter. It will purify water from sulfur compounds, iron, heavy metals and other nasty things. Having passed through it, all dacha water will become at least suitable for safe watering and washing dishes. The cost of such a filter starts from 40 thousand rubles.

By the way, useful plants and microorganisms can become living “gadgets” for water purification. For example, green algae chlorella, which improves water clarity. Or eichornia (also known as “water hyacinth”), which remove petroleum products, phenols, insecticides and heavy metals from ponds. But the most successful fighter against eutrophication is the so-called “biopowder”. This is a whole squad of a dozen species of bacteria - “superheroes”, capable of ridding a reservoir of silt, bad odor and saturating it with oxygen in a few weeks.

Keeping the area clean

Well, the detoxification of your favorite suburban area has been successful. On safe soil, seedlings grow green, regularly watered with clean water. Unfortunately, the environmental situation makes us think that this dacha idyll will not last forever. Let's think about how to keep your six acres environmentally friendly for as long as possible.

If the area is clayey, take care of drainage by diluting the soil with peat, sand and humus. If it is sandy, do not forget to water it in a timely manner, and also add clay in portions, mixing it with the same humus and peat.

Saturate the soil not only with water, but also with air. The simplest device for this is an aerator. A sole or a roller with sharp pegs attached to the shoe will ensure stable access of oxygen to the roots of plants. The price of a foot roller is approximately 700 rubles, and a roller with a handle is about 2000.

Regulate the temperature of the earth. Not every plant likes warm soil. The advice is simple - if you want to warm the bed, sprinkle it with black soil. If you want to cool it down, cover it with straw.

Monitor soil acidity. The notorious pH 5.5 is ideal not only for humans, but also for plants. Acidic soils take a long time to dry out, beneficial bacteria do not live in them, and heavy metals accumulate. The best way to achieve balance is regular slaked lime.

And finally, remember that the soil must be “living”. If the above procedures are successful, the necessary organisms themselves will settle in a favorable environment. To check this, bury a piece of filter paper in the garden bed, and remove it after a month or a month and a half. If the paper is almost decayed, you are on the right track!

The invention relates to the field of agriculture. A method for cleaning soils from heavy metals involves growing phytomeliorant plants on contaminated soils and then removing them. Safflower is used as a phytomeliorant plant. Safflower seeds are sown in contaminated soil at a rate of 20-22 kg/ha, adult plants are brought to the end of flowering and the lower leaves begin to die, after which the phytomeliorant is completely removed from the soil. Complete absorption of heavy metal ions is ensured. 3 tables

The invention relates to agriculture and can be used when carrying out special measures to reduce the content of toxic concentrations of heavy metals in contaminated soil cenoses in order to restore or improve the agrochemical parameters necessary to obtain environmentally safe products.

Currently, domestic and foreign researchers are searching for hyperaccumulative plants, the properties of which make it possible to effectively extract heavy metals from contaminated soil.

Literary sources report that soil reclamation or cleaning them from contamination with the help of plants is a relatively new method (ten years old), ecological and progressive. It allows you to eliminate or limit the transfer of heavy metals along the chain from humans to soils and groundwater without harming the environment.

In analogue works, the authors show that for the purpose of phytoremediation of contaminated soils (cleaning with the help of plants), the following accumulative plants are used: broom, oilseed radish, amaranth and even wild plants.

The closest analogue to the invention in terms of the totality of the main essential features is a method for cleaning soils from heavy metals by growing phytomelant plants on contaminated soils with their subsequent complete removal from the soil (see RU 2282508, Class A01B 79/02, 00.27.2006).

The disadvantages of analogue work include the study of only one pollutant - cesium; the coefficient of biological accumulation of the pollutant for the crops used is not indicated; there is no clear concept of the harvesting period, since crops from different groups of technological requirements and developmental biology were used.

The objective of the invention is to improve the ecological state of natural and cultural biogeocenoses by reducing the content of toxic concentrations of heavy metals in the root layer of soil.

The technical result is a more complete absorption of heavy metal ions (lead, cadmium and copper) from the soil solution while creating optimal coverage of the contaminated area with safflower plants.

In essence, the task is achieved by cultivating safflower on contaminated soils, seeds are sown at the rate of 60-80 plants per m2 (20-22 kg/ha), followed by bringing and complete removal of plants to the end of flowering and the beginning of the death of the lower leaves.

The proposed seeding rate ensures full coverage of the plant's root system by volume of contaminated soil. At a lower seeding rate, the coverage is not complete, and at a higher rate, the productivity of the above-ground mass and, as a consequence, the overall removal of heavy metals by safflower plants sharply decreases.

Example of concrete implementation

The experiments were carried out on the territory of the treatment facilities of Istra.

The spring sowing of plants was carried out manually, followed by planting with a rake.

Soil samples were taken before sowing and immediately after harvesting safflower.

Harvesting was carried out by bringing the development of plants to the end of flowering and the beginning of the death of the lower leaves.

The results obtained during the experiment under field conditions convincingly prove that safflower can be classified as a plant that is a hyperaccumulator of heavy metals.

It is interesting to note that, as a rule, when grown on contaminated soils, even in hyperaccumulants, the content of metals such as lead, cadmium and copper in plant samples in the aboveground part does not exceed 1.2; 0.5-1 and 10-12 mg/kg dry weight, respectively (Table 1).

Based on the presented results and data on the content of heavy metals (mobile form) in the soil, the coefficient of biological accumulation (absorption) was calculated (Table 2).

As is known, if in plants, even in terms of above-ground mass, the coefficient of biological accumulation of toxicants is greater than one, then this species can be classified as hyperaccumulative; in the example under consideration, a high CBN TA was also achieved in the root part of experimental plants.

Analysis of plant bioproductivity during the flowering phase did not reveal any toxic effects of contaminated soil on the growth and development of safflower - the average dry weight of stems was 557 g, roots - 143 g cm 2, respectively. Sowing of seeds is carried out manually at the rate of 60-80 plants per 1 square meter. m.

With dense sowing, over 80 plants/m2, a decrease in the productivity of the above-ground mass was noted on average by 16%, the plants were stunted, the safflower root system had less mass, apparently, when the crops are compacted, allelopathy manifests itself in safflower plants - mutual inhibition of growth and development .

The results of testing safflower when used as a phytomeliorant convincingly prove the high efficiency of the accumulating ability of plants to reduce the content of heavy metals in the root layer of the soil.

The cleaning method includes the following measures:

Preparing the soil for sowing;

Sowing phytomeliorant at the rate of 60-80 plants/m2 (20-22 kg/ha), seeding depth 4-5 cm;

The development of safflower plants is brought to the end of flowering and the beginning of the death of the lower leaves, then they are completely removed from the contaminated soil.

The proposed method can significantly increase the efficiency of phytosanitation, and when establishing copyright, it provides the basis for the development of specifications for various phytoremediation schemes for contaminated areas.

Information sources

1. Baran S., Kzhyvy E. Phytoremediation of soils contaminated with lead and cadmium using broom / Influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on socioecosystems, 2003. No. 2. - P.39-44.

3. Zhadko S.V., Daineko N.M. Accumulation of heavy metals in tree species on the streets of Gomel. // Izv. Gomel. State University, 2003. No. 5. - P.77-80.

4. Kudryashova V.I. Accumulation of HMs by wild plants. - Saransk - 2003 - P. 10, 18, 50, 78.

5. Rakotosson Voahirana. Les metaux lourds et la phytorenediation: l "etat de l" art. // Eau, ind., nuisances. 2003. No. 260. - P.45-48.

A method of cleaning soils from heavy metals by growing plants - phytomeliorants on contaminated soils with their subsequent removal, and safflower is used as a plant - phytomeliorant, safflower seeds are sown in contaminated soil at the rate of 20-22 kg/ha, adult plants are brought to the end of flowering phase and the beginning of the death of the lower leaves, after which the phytomeliorant is completely removed from the soil.