How and with what to paint the outside of a wooden house. What paint to paint the outside of a wooden house

Wood is a living material, so over time it begins to age and loses its original beautiful appearance. There are many reasons for aging: ultraviolet radiation from the sun, precipitation and temperature fluctuations.

In addition, the building is constantly affected by biological threats: the wood can suffer from rot and mold, it is destroyed by wood-boring beetles, blueweed and other pests. To update the appearance of a building, you can paint an old house using modern materials.

What products can be used for old wood?

There can be quite a lot of answers to the question of how to paint an old log house: it is important not only to create a new decorative coating, but also to protect the wood from further destruction by various threats. In this regard, painting an old log house means providing a multi-layer treatment using several types of products. To fully protect your home you will need:

  • Antiseptics. These are deep penetration products (up to 7 mm) that allow you to protect your home from rot, mold and other biological threats.

For an old house, they are simply necessary, as they allow you to restore the tree by removing pockets of infection. The choice of antiseptics is quite wide; you can purchase European or Russian products.

  • Wood bleaches. They are needed only if the logs have become very dark over time and have completely lost their appearance.

There are also quite a lot of such funds; as an example, we can name “Senezh Effo”. They are expensive, so professional bleaches can be replaced with regular “Whiteness” - a chlorine-containing composition can also give good results.

  • Facade putties are necessary in order to completely close cracks in logs. Wood tends to crack when it dries out or during shrinkage, and if the cracks are not closed in time, this can lead to a decrease in the strength of the log and its load-bearing capacity. Putty will help cover the affected area.
  • Preparing old wood for painting ends with the application of a façade primer. This substance also penetrates deeply into the wood structure, leveling the surface. If you pre-treat the wood with a primer, the paint will go on smoother and you will need much less materials for painting.

When deciding how to paint the outside of an old house, it is better to avoid glazing compounds unless complete pre-treatment with bleach is intended. Translucent paints will only emphasize the dark color of the old wood, which will not add beauty to the house at all. It is better to spare no expense in completely restoring the external appearance of the building.

Types of paints for exterior home treatment

What paint to paint an old house? After pre-treatment, the building will be ready for final painting, for which you need to choose the right composition. For the exterior treatment of a wooden building, the following types of paint compositions can be used:

  • Oil paints. This is a traditional option that is becoming less and less common these days. They are quite durable; the paint layer will last for at least 6 years without major changes, since they penetrate deeply into the wood.

But they have a number of disadvantages: oil-based paint takes a very long time to dry, and the specific smell makes working with it very unpleasant. In addition, it is very difficult to apply evenly: most often, unsightly streaks remain on the wood.

  • Acrylic paints are the most modern popular option. They form an even layer with a pleasant shine; such paints will make the wood truly alive.

At the same time, it will be very convenient to work with them, the coating dries quickly, and in the future it will not get dirty. Acrylic paints can be considered the most profitable solution today.

  • Alkyd paints are another popular solution. They are made on the basis of alkyd resins: the finished coating will have a water-repellent film, so the wood will be reliably protected from moisture. Moreover, such paints are also inexpensive, which makes them a very profitable solution.

Is it possible not to remove old paint?

A common situation: the old paint layer is cracked, but it will take too long to remove it. The question arises, how and with what to paint the outside of the house using old paint, and whether it is worth doing.

In this case, preliminary work will be required to remove the peeling paint with a spatula, followed by sanding. Only after this will it be possible to proceed to full painting.

How to paint a wooden house using old paint? The best option is to use the same composition as the one that has already been used. If the walls of the house were covered with oil paint, you need to choose a similar solution, then the new layer will lie much smoother.

If there is no paint on any part of the wall, it is better to pre-prime the surface with a suitable composition. You can use acrylic penetrating primer; drying oil is used to prepare the surface for oil paint.

Proper surface preparation and painting will restore your old home's beauty and make it look beautiful again. Full processing will extend its service life and protect it from any threats.

Painting a house isn't just about creating a proper exterior. Properly performed painting work will allow you to protect your home from the harmful effects of wind, water and other harmful weather conditions. In addition to the necessary time and money invested in your home, you will need to do the job carefully using the best materials. This will extend the period of time before the house needs painting again. Even though you have a long job ahead of you, take a look at the tips below on how to paint your house. Just start with Step 1.


Part 1

Preparing the house for painting

    Choose the right time of year. It is extremely important to consider the time of year when you are going to paint your house, as very cold (below 4 degrees Celsius) or very hot conditions are not acceptable when painting.

    • Therefore, the best time to paint your house is late spring or early fall. You should also check the weather forecast to ensure rain doesn't ruin your plans.
  1. Clean the surface of the house. If you're lucky, the only preparation for painting will be cleaning the surface of the house. Use a hose to scrub away dirt from the walls, then go over the surface of the house with a wire brush (also use warm, soapy water).

    • Or use a power washer to remove dirt and old paint. Just be careful not to set the jet too strong so as not to damage the surface of the house.
    • Remember to wash the house from top to bottom and give the surface enough time to dry before painting.
  2. Remove old paint. If there is old, peeling paint left on the house, you will need to remove it from the surface before painting. You'll want to eliminate any loose, blistering, or flaking pieces of paint.

    • Removing the old paint will allow the new paint to adhere sufficiently to the surface of the house.
    • Use a wire brush or putty knife to scrape the old paint off the surface of the house, then use a sander (or sandpaper wrapped around a piece of wood) to smooth out any rough edges.
    • If there are large chunks of old paint left on the surface of your home, you will need a paint stripper to melt it and remove it from the wall.
  3. Make the necessary repairs. Before you start painting, you need to inspect the house and check for any damage and repair it if necessary. This may seem like a lot of work, but it will ensure that your home looks great after the painting job.

    Find out how much paint you will need. It's a good idea to think about how much paint you'll need. before start of work. This way you will avoid a situation where the paint runs out and half of the house is not yet painted.

    • To calculate how much paint you will need, find out what the perimeter of the house is and its height (excluding the roof) and multiply these parameters.
    • Divide this number by the square footage indicated on the paint can you plan to use. This will give you an idea of ​​how many gallons of paint you will need. However, it is better to prepare the paint with a reserve.
    • To calculate the amount of paint needed to paint a roof, calculate its width and height, multiply these figures and divide by 2. This will give you the area of ​​your roof in square meters, after which you can include this figure in calculating the amount of paint.
    • Keep in mind that some surfaces, such as shingles, masonry and plaster, may require 10-15% more paint than smooth, flat walls of the same area.
    • The method of applying paint affects the amount of material spent - using a sprayer, you spend twice as much paint as when painting with a brush or roller.
  4. Start priming the surface. In some cases, you will need to apply a coat of primer to the surface of the house before you begin painting. The primer provides a suitable base for the paint and will help it last longer, plus it will additionally protect the surface of the house from harmful environmental influences.

    • You will need to apply primer to certain damaged areas, especially if during the prep work you found areas of raw wood, bare metal, or if you removed too much old paint and damaged the surface.
    • You'll also need to use a primer if you're painting new boards or if you want to change the color of your home.
    • The type of primer depends on the type of paint you are going to use. If you are using latex paint, you will need a latex primer. If you're using thinned paint, you'll need a thinned primer, and if you're using metal paint, you'll need a metal primer.
  5. Choose a paint. Choose a high-quality exterior paint, such as 100 percent acrylic latex. This paint has a better color, dries faster and lasts longer.

    Mix the paint. If you bought several cans of paint, you will need to mix them in one large container.

    • This must be done because different batches of paint may differ slightly from each other, even if it seems to you that they are absolutely identical. By mixing them, you will definitely get one color.
    • However, it's best not to throw away paint cans. This way, if you have any paint left after finishing the job, you can pour it into jars and seal it.
    • At this point, you'll need to put a protective film around your home to prevent paint from getting onto your walkways or lawn.

    Part 2

    House painting
    1. Choose your paint application method. Ultimately, whether you use a brush, roller or sprayer to paint is a matter of taste. Each method has its own advantages - using a brush you will achieve maximum control over the painting process, a roller will provide efficiency, and using a sprayer will help you cover a larger surface.

      • Using the brush: Many people who are painting their home for the first time prefer to use a brush, as it forces you to be more meticulous and allows you to control the process every step of the way. How to do it: Dip the brush into the paint until the bristles are half submerged. Touch the brush in several places on the wall, keeping a horizontal line. Move the brush back and forth to fill any unpainted areas and distribute the paint evenly across the surface.
      • Roller usage: If using a roller, roll it over the paint until all sides are evenly painted, then apply the paint to the wall surface in a criss-crossing motion. Afterwards, return to the area you started and paint over it, moving the roller up and down to fill in the empty spaces.
      • Sprayer usage: To use a sprayer, first load the paint into it. Hold it straight, 30 cm away from the wall. Move the sprayer back and forth, starting the movement first and then squeezing the trigger, this will prevent extreme areas of paint from appearing. Ensure that the next layer overlaps the previous one by 20 cm.
      • Using the spray + roller technique: The spray + roller technique ensures high painting speed and uniform distribution of paint over the surface, but this will require the participation of two people. The first person quickly applies the paint with a spray, while the other person distributes it evenly with a roller.
    2. Siding painting. Paint all the siding on your home before you tackle the trim. This makes your work easier and speeds up the whole process, since you don’t have to change colors. When you paint siding (or any material that covers most of the surface of your home), there are a few rules to follow:

    3. Apply a second coat. Once the recommended amount of time has passed for the surface to dry completely, you should apply a second coat - if time and budget allow.

      • The second coat is less of a paint job and more of a protective layer for your home. It will provide an impeccable appearance and safety to your home.
      • If you've chosen the most vibrant color for your home, a second coat is all the more necessary - it will really bring the look of your home to life.
      • spray gun
      • glasses and mask
      • When using a paint sprayer, wear safety glasses and a mask to protect yourself from harmful paint fumes. Make sure windows, doors and any other surfaces you don't plan to paint are covered so you don't accidentally paint them. Remove any vehicles from the painting area. Make sure there is no wind and notify your neighbors when you plan to paint the house.
      • You'll need a ladder to paint a multi-story home or the top of a wall in a single-story home.

If a dacha or house in a village is not permanent housing, but only a haven for vacations and rare weekends, then there is no point in covering it with siding. The best and, importantly, economical option in this case is to paint the old house with your own hands, and the work is not difficult and the money is intact. Of course, you will have to spend money, but not much.

What you need to paint a house

To paint an old house we will need:
  • paint (preferably alkyd enamel)
  • brushes (wide and narrow)
  • putty knife
  • sandpaper
  • metal brush
  • tape (construction)

Where to start painting a house

Like all repair work, you need to start with calculating the material. You need to measure the area of ​​the part of the house that is to be painted. It should correspond to the area of ​​the walls minus the area of ​​existing windows and doors.

Then calculate the required amount of paint for this. This is quite easy to do. All cans always indicate the average paint consumption per square meter, which should be multiplied by the area of ​​the measured wall of the house. What happened is multiplied by two, since to obtain a good quality coating you should apply at least two layers of paint.

How to paint the outside of an old wooden house

What paint to buy and what color to paint the house? For painting an old wooden house, oil paint or alkyd enamel is best. It is still preferable to purchase alkyd enamel; although it is more expensive than oil paint, it has a longer service life of the paint layer, up to six years, while oil paint has up to three years.

As for the color scheme for painting your house, then as they say, “there are no comrades according to taste and color.” You can paint a wooden house any color you like. You can paint the outside of the house either one color or combine two or more colors.

How to paint a house correctly - let's get to work!

The first stage is preparatory, perhaps the dirtiest and not very pleasant, but necessary. When preparing the surface of the walls before painting, you need to check and replace, if necessary, fragments of the old cladding that have become unusable.

Then, using a metal brush, carefully remove the old paint and clean the walls from peeling and dust. Window frames and trim, as well as doorways, should be sanded. Then construction tape and wrapping paper (or, alternatively, old newspapers) will come in handy, with which you can protect the window glass from paint getting on it.

How to renovate an old house - let's start painting

Before painting the house, it would be a good idea to treat the surface with a primer; the paint will lie smoother, and the consumption will be less. After you have thoroughly mixed the paint in the jar, you should immediately apply it to the surface of the wall, moving from top to bottom, using a wide brush. This is done in order to rub the flowing paint, preventing the formation of drips.

When applying the first layer, it is advisable to use paint of a thinner consistency, which penetrates faster and fills minor damage and cracks. After just a couple of days, the surface of the walls can be repainted.

And the final touch is to tidy up and update the cornices, door and window frames. These parts need to be painted with a narrow hair brush, having previously cleaned them of dirt and dust. It is better to choose paint in lighter tones than the main color, or even in a contrasting color. When finished, remove paper and tape from the windows.

How to paint an old wooden house video

If the surface of the external walls is free of depressions, cracks and other defects, but there is a need to update the façade of the house, then painting is a suitable option.

This will change the appearance of the native nest and add brightness to the area. In addition, this finishing method will help protect the supporting structure from premature destruction.

To decorate the walls outside, not only paint is used. There are other ways to update the facade. In the process of choosing a finish, they are guided by the condition of the supporting structure, the service life, the ease of performing the work, and even the technical characteristics of the materials.

  1. Painting allows you to quickly, inexpensively, and do it yourself to update the façade of your home. At the same time, the service life of the finish is not long and depends on the type of paint chosen. The paint hides small defects on the facade. Protects walls from external negative factors.
  2. Siding – this option is a little more expensive than the previous one, but also not very expensive. The installation process is simple, and the average person can do it on their own by reading a few installation guides. The finish is not durable and is damaged by impacts. The facade is completely hidden under the material. Service life is about 20 years.
  3. A block house is suitable for cladding an old wooden house that has lost its attractiveness. The material looks like an imitation of a rounded log, so it perfectly matches the texture of wood. Installation of such cladding is complex and anyone can do it on their own. It costs more than siding, but will last significantly without updating the protective layer.
  4. Brickwork is a very complex method of finishing a facade. An additional foundation is made as a base, and only a professional worker can make the decorative wall smooth and beautiful. The cost of repair work is high, but the facade will last without changes for more than 50 years.
  5. Porcelain tiles or other ceramic tiles. It will be difficult to cope with this type of house cladding on your own. It is better to use the services of specialists. The facade will last more than 50 years and will reliably protect the main structure from any influences. Of course, you will have to pay a lot for such pleasure.

When choosing a finish, pay attention to the weight of the structure. If the house is old and lacks strength, it is better to go with a lighter option.

What paints are used for exterior facade painting?

Manufacturers of paints and varnishes offer a wide selection of not only colors, but also compositions. Therefore, before making a purchase, carefully study the label or ask a consultant to choose an option suitable for a specific reason. Please pay attention to the following points:

  • price;
  • type of previous decoration of the house;
  • climatic conditions in which the structure was erected;
  • what material is the base made of?


This option is suitable for a wooden house that was recently built. Antiseptics not only protect wood from bacteria and other microorganisms, but also create a barrier to negative factors. There are 2 types of antiseptics on store shelves:

  1. Glazing is a transparent mass that covers the wood, but does not hide the color and texture.
  2. Topcoats - the composition contains pigment, so the color of natural wood is not visible, but the texture is completely preserved.

Antiseptic impregnations are chosen for buildings made of expensive wood species that have a unique pattern. The product penetrates deeply into the wood and protects the base well.

Important! Antiseptics can only be used on fresh material that has not previously been coated with paint.

For impregnations to perform their functions, it is worth making 2-3 layers. Be sure to repeat the application after 2 years, so the wood will retain its attractiveness for a long time.

Acrylic or acrylate paints

One modern option. Manufacturers create white or transparent ones, to which they add pigments and create the desired shade. When purchasing acrylic paint, a dye from the same manufacturer is selected. Different compositions, when mixed, will give an unexpected result in the form of:

  • Bubbles on the painted base.
  • Color changes.
  • Longer drying period.

Then the owner needs to repaint the facade, which leads to unnecessary costs. Each paint supplier offers a wide selection of pigments, so there is no need to take risks.

The water-based composition of acrylic materials includes:

  1. acrylic resin or polymer thereof;
  2. rubbers;
  3. antiseptic;
  4. fungicide.

Thanks to this composition, the paint has the following properties:

  • Easy to apply to any substrate, including wood.
  • Does not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Safe for people and nature.
  • Does not ignite.
  • Large selection of shades.

In addition to the positive aspects, there is also a negative one. This is a high cost compared to other paints and varnishes.

Alkyd paints

This option has long been known and everyone has encountered it at least once. Since the material has been on the market for a long time, it has earned trust due to the following qualities:

  1. The paint is easy to apply and adheres well.
  2. Withstands ambient temperatures down to -30 degrees Celsius.
  3. Create a good barrier to moisture.
  4. Withstands wood movement when heating and cooling.
  5. Low cost.

There are also several disadvantages:

  • Short service life.
  • Unpleasant odor during application, which disappears after drying.
  • Flammability.
  • Suitable for painting only dry wood, since a thick layer does not allow vapor to pass through.

Oil paints

They are made from drying oil or natural oil. Although the composition is easy to apply and creates a durable film on the surface, there are a number of unpleasant aspects:

  1. Drying time.
  2. Short service life.
  3. Difficult to apply.

Therefore, oil paints are gradually disappearing from the shelves of construction stores.

How to paint an old wooden facade using old paint

Before you start painting over old paint, you should determine:

  • Condition of the base. If the layer remains intact without cracks or chips, you can cover it with a new layer of paint. Be sure to determine what the house was previously treated with. If cracks do exist, the base must be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Type of paint. Acrylic paint cracks along the wood fibers, while oil paint forms a mesh. If a piece of paint can be rolled into a tube, it’s alkyd.

The base with cracks and peelings should be thoroughly cleaned of the old coating, otherwise the new layer will not lie smoothly and will not look neat. A clean base is covered with any type of paint.

It would be good if the walls of the house were covered with antiseptic. In this case, they select the same antiseptic and work on the façade again. If you decide to repaint the house, you will have to completely remove the antiseptic layer down to the wood.

How to paint the exterior walls of a new wooden building

For a new wooden building, any of the options listed above are suitable, that is:

  1. antiseptic;
  2. acrylic;
  3. alkyd.

It is better to avoid oil paint since it lasts very little, and there is not a large selection of colors. Antiseptics are suitable for expensive wood floors, but in other cases choose acrylic or alkyd paint.

Be sure to choose the right weather conditions. You should not paint the facade in windy or rainy weather; also protect the walls from the sun. Please note that the wood must be dry.

How much paint do you need for walls?

It is advisable to immediately buy the required amount of paint for the entire facade. After all, even from the same manufacturer, shades from different batches under the same name may differ. How to determine how much paint is needed? To do this, do the following:

  • Calculate the area of ​​all walls that the owner plans to cover with the original paint color. To do this, the length of the wall is multiplied by the height. If there is a window or door on the wall, their area is subtracted from the area of ​​the wall. Such actions are performed for each side of the house.
  • The paint packaging indicates the material consumption per 1 m2. By comparing the values, the required volume is obtained. If it’s difficult to figure out the calculations on your own, provide the measurements to a consultant in the store and ask for help.

But be careful, the paint is applied in 2-3 layers. In addition, it is better to take it with a reserve than to run for an additional can later.

When choosing shades, focus on your taste, and also take into account the following points:

  1. Availability of green spaces and landscape decor. The chosen colors should be in harmony with the surrounding environment.
  2. Illumination of the area. The same color looks different on the sunny and shaded sides of the facade. In addition, on a sunny wall, a dark color will fade faster.
  3. Roof and foundation color.
  4. The style in which the house was built.
  5. Do not use more than 3 shades or colors. One, the main one, can be light or dark, and the other two will highlight either window or door slopes.

Color selection is carried out using computer programs; by the way, some paint manufacturers offer such a service on their websites. All you have to do is upload a photo of your home and decorate it with your chosen colors.

Preparing the facade for painting

In order for the paint and varnish material to lay down beautifully and create the necessary protective film, the base is carefully prepared:

  • Remove all structures that will interfere with painting.
  • Seal up the holes.
  • Wash away dust, dirt, oil stains.
  • Remove areas damaged by mold or mildew.
  • Traces of rust are also removed.
  • Dry the cleaned façade completely.

After this, it is determined whether there are large irregularities. When the paint dries, imperfections will immediately appear, so level the surface with plaster. A wooden house made of logs should not be plastered from the outside before applying paint.

At the same time, you should not make the surface too smooth, otherwise the finishing material will flow off.

Priming of external walls

When the facade is dry, begin applying primer. This composition will help protect walls from mold and mildew if it contains antiseptics, and will increase the adhesion of the surface to the painting material. Another advantage of this coating is the reduction in the consumption of decorative coating.

The primer is selected from the same manufacturer as the paint. For some paints and varnishes, it is not necessary to prime the wall, so first read the instructions given by the manufacturer, and then buy all the necessary components.

How long does it take for paint to dry?

All manufacturers indicate on the packaging how long it takes for the first layer to dry, when it is better to apply the second, and after what time the treated surface becomes durable. This is another reason to carefully re-read the instructions.

According to statistics, the average time for complete drying of facade paints is 24 hours, but the second layer can be applied without waiting for complete setting. Of course, the manufacturer also gives his recommendations.

How to apply paint?

The following painting tools are used to paint the facade:

  1. Wide brush - suitable for a beginner. It paints well on textured surfaces, such as brick or a wall made of rounded logs. If you do not work carefully, the paint will splatter. In addition, it increases the consumption of materials.
  2. Roller – convenient for smooth or slightly rough surfaces. The work is done quickly, and the paint is applied in a thin layer, which reduces consumption.
  3. A spray gun is a device with a compressor that can be used to paint any type of substrate with good results. To work with such a device you need to have practical skills and choose the right paint. A composition that is too viscous will clog the sprayer and the spray gun will be damaged.

Some people also use improvised devices, for example, a household spray bottle or a vacuum cleaner with the appropriate set.

Work algorithm

There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to follow a few recommendations:

  • Choose the right weather conditions. This is calm, cloudy weather with an ambient temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius.
  • The surface is carefully prepared.
  • The paint is stirred until all components are mixed. Especially if pigment was added.
  • First, paint a very small area to determine whether the resulting shade is suitable. After drying, the color will lighten a little.
  • If it is decided to use 2 colors on the façade, the first step is to mark clear boundaries. To do this, apply wide masking tape.
  • Apply the first coat of paint.
  • First, hard-to-reach places, corners, window and door openings are treated.
  • Then the main area is covered.
  • After some time, apply a second layer.

Applying texture paint

To update the facade, texture paint is also used. With its help, they create an original and interesting design that makes the building stand out from the general picture of buildings, even in the private sector.

The application method is slightly different from regular paint. In this case, you will need a spatula and a tool for creating texture (roller, trowel, sponge, stencil or improvised materials).

They do everything as follows:

  1. Prepare the base.
  2. Apply primer.
  3. Wait for the soil to dry completely.
  4. Cover 1 m2 of wall with texture paint using a spatula.
  5. While the material has not hardened, a drawing is made. Depending on the tool, you can create any texture, even stonework.
  6. Treat the entire wall in small sections.

How to store paints?

Paint and varnish materials must be stored in their original packaging. The lid is tightly closed. Be sure to protect containers from direct sunlight, and the room temperature should not go beyond +5 to +25 degrees. Sometimes the paint flakes off, but if the expiration date has not expired, it is enough to mix well and can be applied to the facade.

The process of painting a facade is quite simple, so a person who does not understand anything about renovation can handle it. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions provided by the paint manufacturer. To gain confidence, watch a few videos on the Internet.