How to paint a house without peeling. How to paint the outside of a wooden house for a long service life of the facade

Wood is a living material, so processes occur in it that are characteristic of all living organisms. Under the influence of time and unfavorable weather factors (rain, sun, temperature changes), wood begins to age, become sick and deteriorate. Various microorganisms and insects that settle in the tree and gradually destroy its structure, as well as mold and mildew that form in damp places, also contribute to this negative process. As a result, the wood loses its original appearance, and the house turns into an unsightly gray structure. Painting the gray walls of a wooden house can solve the problem. How to renew aged wood, and what paint is best to paint it with, that’s what we’ll talk about.

An old wooden structure, unlike a newly built house, has already experienced the negative influence of time, bad weather and other natural factors. Therefore, the building, as a rule, has a very unpleasant appearance: the wood is cracked and darkened, the logs are covered with a network of small cracks, and in some places mold and mildew are blooming. In general, all the signs of old age and decline are evident. The best way to update an old building is by painting.

The difficulty of painting the outside of an old wooden house with your own hands is that the paint that was used to paint the building has become unusable; it peels off in places, peels off and hangs in pieces. It is impossible to repaint a building in this condition without preliminary treatment.

If you immediately apply fresh paint on top of all this “beauty,” then nothing good will come of it. A new coating will not save the house from further destruction; on the contrary, applied to an untreated surface, it can provoke increased crumbling of the wood. Therefore, before painting the outside of an old wooden house, it is necessary to carefully prepare and renew the surface.

The first step is to inspect the entire structure. If the inspection reveals logs that are rotten and severely damaged by fungus, they will have to be replaced. If the wood has not yet been damaged, areas covered with mold can be preserved. In this case, moldy areas are treated with an antiseptic.

A darkened surface can be bleached using special bleaching compounds. For the same purposes, ordinary cheap white is suitable, which will provide the same effect as more expensive special means. Large and small cracks are sealed with acrylic-based putties for exterior use. If the surface is to be painted in the future, putty of any color is suitable; under the varnish coating it is better to use products that match the wood.

Main stages of preparatory work:

  1. Old peeling paint is cleaned off with a wire brush or spatula. You can also use chemicals designed to clean the surface. The mechanical method is faster, and the chemical method takes longer, but is more effective. After chemical treatment, the old log structure will look like new.
  2. Uneven and rough surfaces are sanded to good light wood. To do this, use a grinder with a special attachment. If there are any unevenness left on the wood after sanding, they are smoothed out with coarse sandpaper.
  3. Next, a primer is applied. To protect wood from the appearance of fungus and mold, it is better to paint it with a primer composition with antiseptic additives. It is advisable to use a primer that matches the color of the paint that will be used to paint the house.

To determine the best way to paint a wooden house, you need to get acquainted with the dyes that are suitable for painting the external walls of old wooden buildings.

There are several types of coloring compounds:

  1. Oil paints have very good penetrating ability and are perfectly absorbed by wood. They are also highly resistant to any weather conditions.
  2. Acrylate paints form an elastic coating on the surface that does not crack when wood shrinks during seasonal temperature fluctuations. The house will need to be repainted no earlier than ten years after the renovation.
  3. Coating antiseptics reliably protect wood from various adverse weather conditions, and also prevent the formation of mold and rot.

Painting an old house has its own nuances. For a wooden structure that has not been painted, you can use any of the compositions listed above. If you need to update a previously painted house, then there are rules. Painting the outside of a wooden house using old paint can only be done with the same coloring compound that was used to paint it previously. Oil dye can be applied on top of the oil paint; a structure painted with an acrylate composition is re-painted with the same compound.

A different type of paint can be applied to an old painted surface only if the previous dye is completely removed before repainting. If you bought a house that was already painted and don't know what kind of paint it was painted with, you can tear off a small piece of the old paint and roll it up. If the old coating easily rolls up, most likely the structure was painted with acrylate dye, but if the paint has crumbled, then you have an oil composition.

You can only paint dry wood, otherwise the paint will curl. Painting is best done in cloudy but not rainy weather. This is due to the fact that direct sunlight, when hitting a painted surface, contributes to the formation of stains.

Before applying the paint, it must be mixed thoroughly. For painting, it is better to choose a wide brush with natural or mixed bristles and dense padding. Work begins with the lower crowns of the frame, applying paint only in a horizontal direction to avoid smudges. To get an even and beautiful coating, you need to apply two or three layers. After repainting the house for the first time, you need to wait for the paint to dry completely, and only then proceed to the next layer.

Mistakes when doing work independently

A typical mistake when painting an old wooden structure is poor quality and improper preparation of the wood before applying the dye. Some unprofessional builders, wanting to quickly and cheaply repaint an old log house, perform only part of the necessary preparatory work, or even skip the preparation stage, which ultimately only increases costs. For example, when painting yourself, logs are often not sanded, as a result of which the antiseptic cannot penetrate deeply into the wood, which causes the fragility of the new coating.

When painting, it is very important to use the right tool and the appropriate paint composition, as well as strictly follow the paint application technology. It must be taken into account that the antiseptic used must be combined with the coloring composition. If the dye and primer are selected incorrectly, it is impossible to obtain the desired effect; in addition, such a coating will not last long.

Professional painting services

The right choice is to entrust the painting of your old wooden house to specialists who thoroughly know the technology and rules for performing the work. Experienced craftsmen of the Master Srubov company will carry out all the necessary work at a high professional level. We will determine the condition of the wood, thoroughly prepare the house for painting, and select the optimal paint composition in accordance with the individual characteristics of the wooden structure. We guarantee high quality painting and a long service life of the new coating. You can contact us using the coordinates in the section.

When the need arises to paint a new house made of logs or profiled timber, the first question that arises before its owner is: how to paint the outside of a wooden house? Today there are so many different materials advertised by their manufacturers that it is very difficult to independently determine which paint to choose for exterior painting. But everyone knows that the quality of painting and the durability of the coating largely depend on the chosen material. In the article you will get answers to the questions: what is the best way to paint the facade of a wooden house, how to choose paint, and at the same time you will learn how to properly paint a wooden house with your own hands so that it will delight you with its beauty for many years.

Wood is a special building material. Unlike dead brick and concrete, wood, even after considerable time has passed after felling, lives and breathes. Under the influence of various natural factors, unfavorable processes develop in it.

From excessive moisture, the tree begins to rot and mold; from direct rays of the sun, it burns out, loses its beautiful golden color and becomes gray. In addition, untreated wood is a breeding ground for the development of various microorganisms and insects.

Exterior painting of a wooden house has a protective function. Today, special impregnations and coloring compositions have been developed containing antiseptics and fungicides, which create an unsuitable environment for the life of microorganisms. Their use allows us to minimize the destructive effects of negative factors. Well, besides, painting is the best way to give your home personality and beauty.

What paint can you paint a wooden house?

The question of which paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house is far from idle. The choice of paint for the facade of a wooden house is a determining factor that determines how long the coating will last and how the wooden structure will look.

Paints for exterior painting must meet the following requirements:

  • provide protection of wood from atmospheric agents;
  • protect the structure from UV radiation;
  • have a high level of moisture resistance;
  • ensure color preservation for a long time.

There are several types of painting compositions that can be used to coat the external walls of a log house (including rounded logs), timber houses, and also to paint a frame house. To determine how to cover the outside of a timber house and understand what is better, impregnation or paint, to paint a wooden house so that it does not peel off and retains its original appearance for a long time, you need to get acquainted with the characteristics of each product.

  1. They have good resistance to atmospheric conditions.
  2. Protect wood from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. They create an elastic film on the surface that does not form cracks during wood shrinkage.
  4. They allow air to pass through and do not interfere with air exchange processes occurring in the wood.
  5. They dry very quickly, the specific time depends on the type and moisture content of the lumber.
  6. They form a durable coating that retains its original color and does not lose its aesthetic characteristics for 8-10 years.

Acrylic paints are quite expensive. Instead, you can use inexpensive acrylate dyes for a log house, which have similar characteristics. The difference between them is that in the first case the composition contains only concentrated compounds without any impurities. In the second, additives are used: acrylate-copolymer dispersions, which reduce the cost of paint.

  1. They are distinguished by a very high degree of resistance to precipitation.
  2. Provide reliable protection of wood from moisture penetration.
  3. They have excellent penetrating ability and are perfectly absorbed by wood.
  4. They form a beautiful glossy finish that will last about six years.

The only drawback that oil-based façade paint for a wooden house has is that it takes quite a long time to dry. The drying speed of this paint is about a day.

Antiseptics are a relatively new material. They have a liquid composition and have high penetrating ability. Antiseptics easily penetrate into the wood structure to a depth of 1 cm, providing its protection from various natural factors: humidity, rot, fungus, microbes.

Antiseptic compositions are divided into:

  1. Glazing. They form a transparent coating that preserves and enhances the beauty of natural wood.
  2. Toning. The wood is painted in the chosen color, while completely preserving the natural relief of the wood.

If you are interested in the question: how to paint the lining outside the house, or how to paint imitation timber, then for such materials it is best to use compositions that simultaneously protect the wood from the influence of running factors, and at the same time preserve its natural beauty. Such products are natural waxes, varnishes and stains.

  1. Wax is absorbed very well into wood and protects it from moisture and dirt. After waxing, the surface of the imitation timber will acquire a beautiful matte shine.
  2. Stain protects the surface from fungus and various pests, but this product alone is clearly not enough, such a coating will be short-lived. How to treat the outside of the lining after applying the stain? It is best to apply varnish on top, which will enhance the protective properties and extend the service life of the coating.
  3. Clear or colored varnishes are great for painting a house made of laminated veneer lumber. In both cases, the natural relief of natural wood will remain visible; colored varnish will only change its shade.

The main stages of preparing a wooden structure for painting

The technology for painting the outside of a wooden house includes several stages. If you want the paint to lay smoothly and beautifully, so that the coating turns out to be of high quality and durable, you must strictly adhere to the technology and consistently carry out all the preparatory work.

Two main factors affecting the quality of painting are weather conditions and wood moisture. It’s hard to say at what temperature you can paint the outside of a wooden house. The main thing is that the weather is dry and windless. Do not paint during or after rain, or in the scorching sun.

Wood moisture content during painting should be within 20%. And this begs the question: when to paint a house made of profiled timber after construction if lumber of natural moisture was purchased? There is only one option - we paint the timber only after it has completely dried.

Before painting the outside of a log house or before painting a log bathhouse, coat the ends of the logs with water-based paint or lime. It is advisable to do this immediately after the construction of the log house, even before sanding work, in order to prevent the logs from drying out. After sanding the house, the ends should also be painted at least 3-4 times.

Many home builders are interested in the question: how to paint the outside of a tall house with your own hands? To do this, you can take a stepladder or special sliding stairs. If the second floor and the gable of the house are located at a considerable height, you can build the scaffolding yourself, using strong and dry boards with a cross-section of at least 40 mm.

What is better to paint the outside of a wooden house with a brush or a spray gun? The paint applies more evenly when applied using a spray gun. However, if you do not have the skills to use a spray gun, it is better to paint with a wide natural or mixed brush with dense padding.

Mistakes when painting a house yourself

Many people who decide to paint a wooden house themselves are perplexed as to why the coating turned out unsightly, and after a short time it peeled off and they have to repaint it again. Some blame it all on low-quality dye, but even the best paint cannot produce a high-quality and beautiful paint job when non-professionals take on the job.

Home builders often make many mistakes:

  • due attention is not paid to home preparation,
  • Grinding is carried out incorrectly,
  • the painting process is disrupted,
  • the temperature regime is not maintained during operation,
  • wet lumber is painted,
  • materials that are incompatible with each other are selected.

All these errors affect the final result, which causes confusion.

Professional services from the company "Master Srubov"

Sooner or later, every owner of a summer house or country cottage thinks about how to paint the outside of a wooden house? Naturally, high-quality wood was used for its construction, but, nevertheless, it also requires additional protection from moisture: rain and snow. In addition, it is worth considering that this procedure will update the facade and make it more attractive.

We look at the range of paints

Of course, you can’t go to the store to buy paint and varnish material without preparation. Here the buyer will be faced with a wide range, where each type of paint has its own characteristics and advantages, which is important to take into account.


This category should be called the most common and accessible, since such paints have an acceptable cost. It can be noted that there is another positive characteristic: thanks to deep penetration, the dried layer will be resistant to various changes in weather conditions. However, there are also several disadvantages:

  • fast fading;
  • the frequency of repainting is on average 5 years;
  • It takes several hours to dry (in case of windy weather, all the dust will be on the walls of the house).

The frequency of renewal of the paint layer is affected by precipitation, the amount of ultraviolet radiation and the quality of the dye.


An innovative material that is suitable for painting both inside and outside the house. In addition, various materials can be painted: metal, brick and wood. Please note that even a dried coat of paint will not prevent air circulation between the house and the street, unlike other paints and varnishes. The durability of the painted layer is about 8 years.

Another one of the latest developments from manufacturers. The paint is developed on an alkyd-acrylic base, which gives one of the highest stability indicators. The layer will have to be updated no earlier than after 10 years. The protective layer can reliably protect the wood from atmospheric agents and insects.

To choose the right paint and varnish material, you need to be guided by one simple rule: if you want to protect walls made of expensive wood, it is better to give preference to varnishes that can preserve the appearance of the structure. Common types of wood common in the region can be painted with any type of paint.

Choosing the right color and shade

In addition to a large assortment of types of paints, owners of a wooden house face another dilemma: which color to choose? It can be either one color or a combination of several. It is also possible to design with patterns, drawings and graphics. Naturally, to answer this question, it is enough to follow your taste preferences, and also take into account the area that surrounds the house.

Nevertheless, experts recommend taking into account a few tips regarding the correct choice of color so that the resulting facade has an attractive appearance. So, if your wooden house is located in the southern latitude, then you should paint it in cool shades:

  • blue;
  • violet;
  • white.

If we are talking about northern latitude, then it is better to choose warm colors:

  • yellow;
  • red;
  • green;
  • orange.

Thanks to the artificial creation of contrast with the surrounding environment, the house will be harmoniously highlighted against the general background. A gray color will give a strict and business style, but you should not choose a shade that is too dark. To preserve the natural color of the wood, you can consider options such as light yellow, light and dark brown. They will add more richness.

A correctly selected color for painting will allow a wooden house to harmoniously fit into the area or stand out effectively in the general plan.

Preparatory work

One of the important stages of high-quality painting of a wooden house is the preparation of the walls. If you don’t know how to beautifully paint the facade of your dacha, then you need to familiarize yourself with the fairly simple recommendations given below.

Before painting the wood, it must be properly prepared, otherwise over the next few months the paint layer will peel off and begin to fall off. First of all, you should get rid of dust and other types of contaminants. To do this, you can walk over the entire surface with water supplied from a hose under pressure. If there are contaminants in the form of mold or fungal infections, they need to be treated with specialized compounds. Also, resin may form in some areas, which is removed with a regular spatula and a special varnish is applied on top.

Once the surface is completely prepared for painting, it is recommended to let the wood rest for 7-10 days.

When the question of what is the best way to paint wood has been completely resolved and the walls have been prepared, you can begin the actual painting. To paint the outside of the house, you do not need to have any special knowledge or skills. The whole procedure is quite simple, so you can do it yourself. The main thing is the strict implementation of the dyeing technology and adherence to several rules:

  1. Before starting the process, the entire facade must be treated with a deep penetration primer, and also wait until the layer is completely dry.
  2. You can apply the paint in any convenient way: spray, roller or brush.
  3. Before applying the next layer, you need to make sure that the previous one is completely dry. The surface should not be even slightly damp.
  4. For uniform application, use a wide brush or construction sprayer.
  5. Paint and antiseptics are applied longitudinally to the fibers.

Despite the fact that the work is carried out outdoors, it is necessary to protect your respiratory organs from pungent and harmful odors. Use respirators and try to stay downwind.

As you can see, painting a house is not a very labor-intensive task. It will be enough to choose the appropriate type and shade of paint, as well as fully comply with the dyeing technology, so that the result pleases the owner. When it comes to painting the facade of an old wooden building, on which a layer of paint has already been applied, an important rule must be taken into account: repainting should be carried out exclusively with the same type of paint that was used for the first time. If you do not know what the house was painted with, then you should independently determine the type of coating, since each paint, in the process of aging, fading in the sun, is visually different from the exact same one that was just purchased.


About the mistakes that can occur when painting a wooden house, in the video:

If a dacha or house in a village is not permanent housing, but only a haven for vacations and rare weekends, then there is no point in covering it with siding. The best and, importantly, economical option in this case is to paint the old house with your own hands, and the work is not difficult and the money is intact. Of course, you will have to spend money, but not much.

What you need to paint a house

To paint an old house we will need:
  • paint (preferably alkyd enamel)
  • brushes (wide and narrow)
  • putty knife
  • sandpaper
  • metal brush
  • tape (construction)

Where to start painting a house

Like all repair work, you need to start with calculating the material. You need to measure the area of ​​the part of the house that is to be painted. It should correspond to the area of ​​the walls minus the area of ​​existing windows and doors.

Then calculate the required amount of paint for this. This is quite easy to do. All cans always indicate the average paint consumption per square meter, which should be multiplied by the area of ​​the measured wall of the house. What happened is multiplied by two, since to obtain a good quality coating you should apply at least two layers of paint.

How to paint the outside of an old wooden house

What paint to buy and what color to paint the house? For painting an old wooden house, oil paint or alkyd enamel is best. It is still preferable to purchase alkyd enamel; although it is more expensive than oil paint, it has a longer service life of the paint layer, up to six years, while oil paint has up to three years.

As for the color scheme for painting your house, then as they say, “there are no comrades according to taste and color.” You can paint a wooden house any color you like. You can paint the outside of the house either one color or combine two or more colors.

How to paint a house correctly - let's get to work!

The first stage is preparatory, perhaps the dirtiest and not very pleasant, but necessary. When preparing the surface of the walls before painting, you need to check and replace, if necessary, fragments of the old cladding that have become unusable.

Then, using a metal brush, carefully remove the old paint and clean the walls from peeling and dust. Window frames and trim, as well as doorways, should be sanded. Then construction tape and wrapping paper (or, alternatively, old newspapers) will come in handy, with which you can protect the window glass from paint getting on it.

How to renovate an old house - let's start painting

Before painting the house, it would be a good idea to treat the surface with a primer; the paint will lie smoother, and the consumption will be less. After you have thoroughly mixed the paint in the jar, you should immediately apply it to the surface of the wall, moving from top to bottom, using a wide brush. This is done in order to rub the flowing paint, preventing the formation of drips.

When applying the first layer, it is advisable to use paint of a thinner consistency, which penetrates faster and fills minor damage and cracks. After just a couple of days, the surface of the walls can be repainted.

And the final touch is to tidy up and update the cornices, door and window frames. These parts need to be painted with a narrow hair brush, having previously cleaned them of dirt and dust. It is better to choose paint in lighter tones than the main color, or even in a contrasting color. When finished, remove paper and tape from the windows.

How to paint an old wooden house video

It is not enough to simply build a beautiful wooden house. In order for it to serve for many years without losing its original appearance, the facade must be properly processed. You can, of course, order material that professionals will process with special means at the factory. However, the cost of such wood will be very high. In addition, even such building materials will have to be treated with a protective coating after some time. That is why the question: “What paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house?” always relevant. Oil, alkyd, acrylic... You can get lost in the wide range. In order not to regret choosing paint for the exterior of a wooden house in a few years, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Advantages of painting a façade

Wood is a beautiful and durable material, but easily susceptible to negative influences from the outside. Enemy number one is moisture. Its impact not only worsens the appearance, but also causes the formation of cracks and even fungus. Therefore, when choosing which paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house, you should prefer the one that has good water-repellent qualities. The tree is also negatively affected by wind, sun, very high and low temperatures. These factors have the greatest impact on houses that are located in open spaces and near water bodies. Looking at the photo of what paint to paint the outside of a wooden house, you can see how external influences can disfigure an unprotected wooden surface.

Bark beetles can seriously damage the internal structure of building materials. The larvae of these small pests can eat tunnels several meters long inside a tree! They are dangerous because after construction they may not cause trouble for several years, so the owner will not even suspect that his home is in danger. You shouldn’t hesitate after building your home - you need to quickly decide what paint to choose for the facade of a wooden house and protect the building.

Soviet oil paints, which were used to cover houses all over the place, only looked attractive at first. After several years, the coating faded, cracked, moisture penetrated the material, and pests appeared. When deciding which paint to choose for the facade of a wooden house, it is worth taking into account the experience of previous generations.

However, it is also not worth making hasty conclusions. Modern manufacturers have improved the composition of the paint, so it retains its original properties much longer. The main thing is when choosing what paint to paint the outside of a wooden house, do not follow the lead of marketers and do not buy a cheap fake. It is worth choosing a more expensive, but high-quality and proven option.

Some consider a significant disadvantage of oil paint to be that it dries slowly - a day or even longer. At the same time, this is a guarantee that the paint will absorb well and last a long time. Also, over time, a high-quality coating, although it will not crack, will lose its original shade - the inevitable influence of the sun and ultraviolet radiation. If the color is initially light, then the fading will be almost invisible.

Alkyd paints

Nowadays, solvent-based alkyd paints are widely used for exterior treatment. They successfully resist humidity (after the paint dries, a thin film appears that has water-repellent properties), temperature changes and exposure to sunlight. They are inexpensive, which is why they have been popular for many years. If your house is located where the thermometer often drops below -30, then when thinking about what paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house, opt for alkyd - it is not affected by even such low temperatures.

Alkyd paints are designated by numbers depending on the purpose of use. Paint for exterior use is designated by index 1, and it is best to buy it. If you are thinking about what paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house, and you know that the coating will be exposed to water for some reason, you can take a product with index 4. To apply the paint, you need a regular brush or roller. The surface must be cleaned before application; if there are very large gaps, it must be puttied. The alkyd coating dries quite quickly - up to 12 hours.

Acrylic paints

This variety is very popular in European countries. It is environmentally friendly, as it is based on water. The coating is used for both interior and exterior work. It has a light texture, so it does not “clog” into the wood. Thanks to this, the building material ages more slowly. The paint also prevents moisture absorption. Evaluating the photo of what paint to paint the outside of a wooden house, you can see how bright the shades are offered by the manufacturer.

You can apply acrylic paint in any way: roller, brush or spray. If not the first layer of paint is applied, the only requirement is to clean the surface from dust. There is no need to clean off the old coating. On average, acrylic paint does not lose its appearance for 8 years. Therefore, when weighing which paint is best to paint the outside of a wooden house, it makes sense to prefer acrylic coating, even if it is not cheap.

A new word in construction is an acrylate-alkyd antiseptic. Combining the advantages of alkyd and acrylic paints, it is able to restore even an old, faded wooden surface. Their main advantage is durability (more than ten years).

Correctly paint the facade

Preparation is an important stage. It involves cleaning the surface from dust and dirt using a regular cloth or brush. It is also necessary to get rid of resin, mold, and mildew using special chemicals. The metal elements that are present on the facade must be primed so that the paint for a wooden house lies evenly on the outside.

Next, you need to decide on the type of coverage. In addition to assessing the qualities of each coating, it is worth looking at a photo of what paint to paint the outside of a wooden house in order to have a general idea of ​​the final result.

Despite all the positive qualities of paint, you must first apply a protective antiseptic to protect the wood from fungus and mold. The paint is applied in several layers for the best effect, and the previous one must be completely dry before applying a new one. In order for paint to paint the outside of a wooden house to apply without flaws, the surface must be completely dry.