Haworthia: all about the care, planting and propagation of a plant at home. Haworthia propagation methods: how to transplant, what kind of soil and pot should be? Rooting a stem cutting

Under the scorching rays of the merciless African sun, the earth cracks and stones burst. It seems that the unbearable heat kills all living things around. But that was not the case: the sandy silence and the grayness of the rocky crevices enliven the colored stars of haworthia. Nature endowed this miniature plant with an amazing life force and taught to adapt even to the most severe circumstances. I wonder how an exotic beauty feels in the comfortable conditions of a city apartment, and how difficult is caring for haworthia? Let's try to figure it out.

What does a stranger look like?

In the arid desert regions of South Africa, where our exotic beauty comes from, only special plants - succulents - can survive. Their shape, color and structure are completely due to extreme conditions. environment. The perennial herbaceous representative of the asphodel family haworthia is no exception.

  • Her stem is short or completely absent - the short stature (up to 15 cm) of the plant reduces the evaporation area and saves moisture.
  • The swollen fleshy leaves, collected in rosettes, are covered with small protruding growths that act as gutters, guiding rain water to the root of the plant.
  • In some species, the leaves are covered with cilia, which protect the surface from sunburn and serve to collect condensation.
  • A branched horizontal root system allows you to collect moisture from the surface without going deep into the sand or rocky base.
  • Special pigments that protect against ultraviolet radiation give the representatives of this species various shades, from pale blue to red-brown.
  • The plant is protected from small animals by poisonous juice, but it does not pose a threat to humans.
  • Flowers are small and inconspicuous, located on a very long and thin peduncle.

Haworthia is grown for the beauty of the leaves, and the flowers, which are not of great decorative value, are usually cut off, protecting the strength of the plant.

An interesting fact is that during extreme heat or drought, havortia trigger a self-preservation mechanism, entering the so-called dormant period. When the roots begin to dry out, the plants almost completely go underground, leaving only "windows" on the surface - translucent areas on the leaves through which the light and heat necessary for photosynthesis enter.

plant species

The plant got its name thanks to the famous English botanist Adrian Haworth, who discovered the African beauty to the world in the 18th century. A lot of time has passed since then, about 150 new varieties have been discovered in nature and bred thanks to the efforts of breeders.

The most popular among lovers of indoor flowers are the following varieties of haworthia.

  • Striped (Haworthia fasciata)- the most frequent guest in our homes. Volumetric white dots covering the leaf plate create beautiful stripes. The socket is quite large for succulents - it reaches a size of 15 centimeters.
  • Pearl (Haworthia margaritifera)- its leaves are covered with large snow-white growths resembling pearls, and are surrounded by serious protection - rather dense, short spikes. Interestingly, the flower of the plant is not white, as usual, but with a delicate green tint.
  • Checkerboard (mosaic) (Haworthia reticulata)- thick convex leaves, bordered with small teeth and covered with a grid-like pattern, grow in a spiral, resembling a fantastic flower.
  • Marginata (Haworthia marginata)- is distinguished by an unusually beautiful rosette of leaves: unnaturally shiny, similar to plastic, they play with color, smoothly changing the light shade in the center to dark and very saturated at the edges.
  • Cobweb (Haworthia arachnoidea)- thin long cilia completely braid the leaf plate, making it look like a white fluffy pompom from a baby hat.
  • Dwarf (Haworthia pygmaea)- centimeter rough leaves are collected in a fancy round rosette.
  • Atrofuska (Haworthia atrofusca)- a plant of an exotic reddish hue, which becomes translucent in bright light.
  • Cooper (Haworthia Cooperi)- light round leaves with transparent veins-windows form a rosette. Long villi along the edge form a kind of dense fringe.

Striped haworthia is often confused with aloe. It can be distinguished by the absence of tendrils and the presence of a rough pattern on the outer side of the leaf plate, while the aloe leaf will be smooth on both sides.

Content at home

In the homeland of haworthia, in the African desert, during the day the air temperature reaches +70 0 С, and at night it can drop to +10 0 С and lower. The plant hides from the deadening sunlight in the shade of stones, crevices or under dry shrubs. Precipitation here is rare and scarce. Often, raindrops, without having time to fall on the ground, dry up in the air.

Dry air and soil is a familiar state for an exotic beauty. Therefore, at home, she does not change her preferences:

  • feels better in a warm room (the optimum temperature in summer is + 25-28 0 С);
  • not afraid of winter temperature drop to +10 0 С;
  • requires good light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight;
  • calmly dispenses with air humidification and spraying;
  • will be grateful for regular ventilation, but without drafts.

Place a haworthia pot on the east or south side of your apartment. In summer, it can be taken out to an open balcony, and in winter, when the state of rest comes, put in a well-lit, cool place. Blackness on the leaves is the first sign of freezing of the plant.

Watering rules and top dressing

How to care for a flower that is not adapted to being in conditions of high humidity? In order not to harm the plant, you should follow some simple rules.

  • In summer, water the flower once a week. Make sure the soil dries completely between waterings. Its condition can be checked with a probe or determined by the shade of the drainage through the holes in the bottom.
  • In winter, watering is reduced to twice a month.
  • Water in a thin stream, making sure that water does not enter the center of the leaf rosette to prevent rotting of the plant. For watering the smallest plants, a regular syringe is often used.
  • Use only settled soft water at room temperature. Due to hard water, a specific gray coating may appear on the lower leaves.
  • Excess moisture must be drained from the pan.

During the growing season, the plant needs top dressing. To do this, once a month it is worth fertilizing the soil with any means for cacti, adding it to the water for irrigation. In this case, the concentration indicated on the package must be halved. In the autumn-winter dormant period, the succulent does not need to be fed.

Reproduction methods

There are never too many miniature haworthias, especially if you are passionate about making decorative compositions. Therefore, many flower growers are engaged in plant propagation at home, especially since this is not at all difficult to do.

The first method of reproduction is with the help of side rosettes, which are called cuttings.

  1. Remove the mother plant from the soil.
  2. Carefully cut off the cuttings.
  3. The shoot with the root is immediately planted in moist soil.

The second way is to use sheet plates.

  1. We cut the sheet sharp knife or break it off with your hands, pulling it to the side.
  2. Sprinkle the cut with crushed activated carbon or wood ash.
  3. We leave the workpiece for 2-3 days to dry in a dry and well-ventilated area.
  4. Then we place it in wet sand until rooting, after which we transfer the sprout to the ground.

Roots will appear after 3-4 weeks. All this time it is impossible to water the leaf stalk.

You can buy haworthia seeds at any flower shop. But reproduction with their help is a very long and laborious process. Flower growers use it only to grow some rare and inaccessible type of houseplant.

Succulent transplant

With proper care, haworthia live for a very long time: from five to twenty years. Naturally, during this time you will have to transplant the plant several times:

  • For a young bush, this procedure should become annual, since it is during this period that the root system is actively growing.
  • Adult plants change the soil as it is depleted - once every two to three years.
  • An emergency haworthia transplant is carried out with signs of root rot.

Before transplanting, you need to do a little preparatory work.

  • Choose a pot for succulents, given the structure of the root system. It is better if it is a small ceramic container, shallow, but wide enough. Keep in mind that this flower feels better in somewhat cramped conditions.

Do not choose square containers - they create conditions for the roots to bend at a right angle, which leads to cracking and rotting.

  • Prepare the ground. You can use ready-made soil for cacti or succulents, or prepare the substrate yourself by mixing sod and leaf soil, peat, humus, sand. The mixture should be loose, permeable and dry quickly.

Now you can start transplanting the plant.

  1. At the bottom of the pot, it is imperative to lay drainage in the form of expanded clay, small pebbles or broken tiles.
  2. Sprinkle a thin layer of substrate on top.
  3. Remove the succulent from the old pot, shake off the old soil.
  4. Inspect the roots for rotting. Cut suspicious areas with a sharp blade.
  5. Place haworthia in a new container, sprinkle a layer of substrate on top without compacting it.
  6. Moisturize lightly.

A thin top layer of small pebbles will keep the lower leaves of the succulent from coming into contact with damp soil.

What should be of concern?

Hardened by the hot African sun, havortia rarely get sick. Changing the appearance of a flower, stopping its growth and even death most often causes improper care during flowering and dormancy.

  • If the leaves wither and soften, move the haworthia to a bright, but slightly shaded place.
  • They curl and darken at the tips - put the pot in a warm place and protect it from a draft.
  • Turn red or turn yellow - stop feeding. Excess fertilizer causes discoloration.
  • Darken or wrinkle - this is the first sign of a sunburn. Protect your succulent from direct sunlight.
  • Become watery, blacken and rot - stop watering for 2 weeks until the soil dries out.

They say haworthia grows slowly because it devotes all its strength and energy to protecting the health and well-being of its owner. So let's be attentive to a small and selfless plant that delights and protects us with its exotic beauty.

Haworthia is a small plant related to succulents. In order for it to please with the bright color of the leaves and decorativeness, care for haworthia at home should be carried out in accordance with all the rules. The plant got its name by the name of the famous botanist E. Haworth, who studied it and classified it.

plant description

Haworthia is native to South Africa. About 100 varieties of the plant are now known. All of them have a high decorative effect and original appearance.

In many species of succulent, fleshy, dense leaves form rosettes on the surface of the soil, in some there is a short stem.

A feature of haworthia is the accumulation of moisture in the leaves. In nature, this property helps the plant survive periods of drought.

Some types of haworthia have white bulges on the surface of the leaf plates, giving the succulent a decorative effect. Haworthia flowers are small.

More often than others, you can find such varieties:

The most common species in floriculture is Haworthia striped. This is a stemless plant with dark green leaves, on which small white tubercles are located. Merging, they form original stripes. An adult plant can reach up to 0.2 m in diameter.

Haworthia is not poisonous. AT traditional medicine The plant is used as an antiseptic. A sheet cut in half for the fastest healing and disinfection can be applied to the wound.

Haworthia care at home

Haworthia is an ornamental leafy plant that grows well in bright, sunny areas. The most suitable for placing a flower pot are the western, eastern and southern windows. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid getting scorching rays on the leaves.

Undemanding to the conditions of keeping and caring for haworthia at home allows even beginner gardeners to grow succulents.

Temperature conditions of maintenance and watering

This southern plant does well in warm, sunny rooms. Since the succulent does not need much water, it is enough to moisten only the top layer of the earth.

In winter, haworthia is rarely watered - once a month. At the same time, other conditions are created with a lower temperature - up to + 12ºС. Whether it is possible to keep haworthia at home depends on the availability of sunny windows.

If the plant has been in partial shade for a long time, then accustoming it to sunlight should take place gradually, starting from several hours a day. This will avoid burning the leaves.

Soil preparation and containers

For a plant with a small root system, wide shallow flower pots are suitable, in which good drainage is organized.

Soil for haworthia is prepared as follows:

  1. Combine sod and deciduous land in equal proportions.
  2. Add fine gravel to 1/3 of the resulting volume. In the absence of gravel, it can be replaced with brick crushed into crumbs.

For planting plants can be purchased ready mix marked "for cacti" and add fine gravel to it.


Top dressing haworthia is needed from mid-spring to late summer. With the advent of autumn, fertilizer application is stopped. Fertilizers that are intended for are suitable for feeding the plant. But their concentration should be half as much as indicated in the instructions for use.

Fertilizer haworthia is better to "underfeed" than "overfeed".

When to transplant

With the growth of the plant, a Haworthia transplant will be needed. For young rosettes, it must be carried out annually, for adult plants - if necessary, about once every 3 or 2 years, when the previous capacity becomes small.

The size of the flower pot should match the size of the plant itself. When too large capacity moisture stagnation in the root system is possible, which is not desirable for a succulent.

Reproduction: which method to choose

All types of haworthia reproduce in several ways:

  • offspring;
  • sheet;
  • seeds.

Reproduction method

Features of the method


offspring In order to transplant a young plant, it is enough to release the roots of the “baby” and transplant the young plant into a new pot. This is the simplest propagation method, in which the new plant already has a separate root system and rosette of leaves.
leaf Reproduction of haworthia can be carried out by a leaf, which is separated from an adult bush. It is left to lie down for 2 days to dry the cut. After that, the leaf is planted in moist, loose soil. Do not water for 3-4 weeks. During this period, the leaf should have roots.
seeds This method of reproduction is laborious and time consuming. Too much time passes before the time when a new plant is formed. Another disadvantage is the low germination of seed.

The easiest way to propagate haworthia is to separate the "children", the most time-consuming and difficult is growing from seeds.

Pests and diseases

Haworthia cactus is very rarely affected by pests. It can be attacked by a mealybug, spider mite, aphid or scale insect. To eliminate the pest, it is enough to wash the leaves of the plant with a mild soapy solution. If such processing is not successful, a systemic poison is used.

Improper care can lead to plant diseases:

  • excessive watering;
  • keeping in the cold;
  • lack or, conversely, being under the scorching sun;
  • soil acidity.

Caring for haworthia at home is a simple process, accessible even to a novice florist. With proper maintenance, the plant will grow well and give new shoots.

Haworthia transplant and further care - video

Decorative haworthia - compact perennial originally from South Africa. The succulent prefers damp shady places. The name Haworthia is given in honor of the scientist Adrian Haworth, a plant researcher in Africa. Hard fleshy or narrow elongated leaves of a plant of various colors are collected in a basal rosette. The shape of the leaves of the succulent is from triangular to scaly. There are outgrowths-warts on the surface. The flowers are small, white-pink or greenish.

Photo of popular houseplant species - haworthia

There are varieties of haworthia:

  • hard-leaved;
  • herbaceous;
  • windowed.

with hard leaves

The shape of the haworthia foliage is a cone or triangle, the color of the succulent leaves is dark green, there are specks. In a group:

  • drawn haworthia;
  • striped haworthia;
  • havortiya sticky;
  • Haworthia Reinwardt;
  • haworthia pearl.

There are growths on each side of the succulent leaves. The color of the foliage of havortia retracted is dark green, the shape is elongated.

In the striped variety, the wart is only at the bottom of the leaf. The upper surface of the plate is smooth. Rough leaves of sticky haworthia are arranged in three rows. Bottom - scaphoid surface, top - depressed.

In total, more than a hundred varieties are known. The most popular types of haworthia: Reinwardt, pearl, striped.

In the photo - striped haworthia

The striped haworthia has no trunk. Thick narrow dark green leaves are collected in a dense rosette. White growths form pimples on the lower surface, the upper surface of the leaf is smooth. Small flowers are collected in a panicle. The plant looks like a small aloe.

The succulent grows up to 15 cm. There is no basal rosette. The pointed leaves are thick, triangular shape, bent inwards. Above - smooth, below - with dotted bright white growths. Inclusions disappear when there is a lack of light. The flowers are yellow-green, collected in a brush on a long peduncle.

The oval dense leaves of the succulent are pointed. On both sides - pearl large specks. There are thorns along the edges of the leaves. Greenish flowers are collected in brushes. Haworthia pearl lives from five to twenty years. The rosette dies after flowering. It is replaced by new children.


In the photo, haworthia is translucent

Triangular succulent leaves with cilia are collected in a stemless rosette. In a group:

  • haworthia arachnoid;
  • reticulated haworthia.

The rosette of a herbaceous variety is formed by small leaves. Foliage color is determined by the degree of illumination and watering. It varies from light green to deep dark, almost black. Rosette sizes - up to 5 cm.

Long cilia on the edges of the leaves of Haworthia arachnoid twine around the plant. Hence the name.

On the yellowish-green surface of the leaves of the mesh-shaped succulent, dark veins form and form a mesh pattern.


The flowers have translucent "windows" at the ends of the leaves. Succulents are half-submerged in the soil, the "windows" provide light to the internal parts of the plant.

The shape of the leaves is varied, the color is light green or brown. By properties, window haworthias resemble lithops.

The group includes:

  • haworthia scaphoid;
  • blunt haworthia;
  • chopped haworthia.

The leaves of the scaphoid haworthia are fleshy, bluish-green. Around the ends - transparent stripes.

New outlets are formed quickly. Flowering - several times a year. Flowers are miniature, whitish.

The bent translucent edges of the foliage of a blunt haworthia are turned back. Single rosettes are fleshy and hard.

Chopped haworthia grow vertically. On the surface - the tips of translucent leaves.

The plant loves light, but this plant does not need to be placed in direct sunlight.

At home, care is the same for all types of haworthias. Houseplant grows well and multiplies.

indoor plant lighting

Haworthia is located in a bright place, inaccessible to direct rays of the sun. Best Places for haworthia - western and eastern windows. When placed on the south side, shading is needed, and the lack of light on the north side causes a loss of brightness in the color of the leaves.

rest period

Winter is a period of rest. The plant is transferred to a cool place away from the heating system with sufficient lighting. At uncomfortable temperatures, the leaves darken and rot.

From the balcony or veranda, the pot is brought into the room for the night from the end of summer. With the beginning of autumn, the plant stays at home all the time.


Watering - moderate. From spring to autumn - no more than twice a week, in winter:

  • at a temperature of 10-12°C every 30 days;
  • at a temperature of 13-15°C once every 21 days;
  • at a temperature of 18-20 ° C every 14 days.

The surface of the soil of the succulent is slightly moistened: the top layer of the haworthia substrate should dry out by a third between waterings. Too much moisture can cause root rot.

Water should not get into the center of the bush, so that the rosette does not rot. In summer, water should not remain in the pan.


This plant is not whimsical in watering.

Humidity does not affect flower growth. Spraying is not required. In summer, a haworthia container is taken out to the balcony or garden.

top dressing

From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, the plant is fed. Use a weak solution of special fertilizers for succulents or for ornamental plants once a month. With an overabundance useful substances leaves change color.

How to transplant haworthia

Young havortia plants of any kind are transplanted and renewed every two to three years, when the pot is small. Adult specimens - once every two years. If the roots die off during the dormant period, it is necessary to transplant immediately.

What kind of pot is needed for a plant

Capacity is needed wide, low, shallow. In pots that are too large, havortia grows deep, not up. Too tight a pot is the reason for the shrinkage of young leaves.

At home, for the care of haworthia, the best pot is a plastic round one. The square roots bend and rot.

The soil

The soil is selected slightly alkaline or neutral

Good soil drainage is required. Earth - an equal amount of clay-soddy soil, sand and leafy soil. You can use pieces of lava and pumice, adding a little soil to them.

Succulents grow well in a mixture of clay, sand and beaten shell rock. The soil needs to be slightly alkaline or neutral. In acidic soil, the plant dies.

Well regulates the humidity in the pot brick chips. But its disintegration into small components worsens the structure of the substrate and harms the flower. It has to be replanted every year.

How to propagate haworthia

Best time for the reproduction of haworthia - spring. Breeding methods:

  • children: during transplantation, children who have taken root are planted in separate pots. A daughter rosette without roots is planted in a moist substrate until rooting.
  • seeds: it is more difficult to propagate haworthia by seeds. It takes a long time from planting to sprouts. This method is suitable for breeders and lovers of rare types of home flower.
  • leaves: you can cut or break a leaf from the mother bush. It is left to dry for two days, planted in loose earth, earth slightly moistened with water, or a sandy substrate. Do not water the plant for a month. During this time, the leaf gives roots. The seedling is not watered for three weeks. During this time, the first roots appear.

See interesting information about being at home.

Optimal growing temperature

The optimum temperature for a flower is 15-20 ° C in summer. In winter - 10-12°C. At lower temperatures, the plant dies.

Haworthia is quite easy to care for, but you need to know a few rules about which read to the right.

If haworthia is grown in composition with other plants, then it is placed at the base of larger ones.

The elongation of the leaves when caring for home haworthia, the friability and elongation of the outlet is a lack of light. The plant must be moved to the western or eastern window.

The leaves are elongated, the edges are bent, the growths are fading - the temperature is too high in winter. It is necessary to reduce the temperature to 10 ° C ..

During the dormant period, the ends of the leaves dry, curl along the edges - excess heat and dryness. It is necessary to protect the plant from hot air. Glass or placing the pot in a tray with wet pebbles will help.

The flower changes shape, stretches in length - a transplant and top dressing are needed. Be sure to separate the kids. When brown spots appear on the leaves, shade the plant.

An interesting property of haworthia is the need for light for 3-4 hours. Getting used to the sun begins in the spring gradually, in order to avoid burns.

The lower leaves are easily torn off, sluggish - the plant is flooded. It is necessary to stop watering until the plant is fully restored.

The color of the leaves has changed to pale, yellow, red - an excess of fertilizer. You can feed once a month. Top dressing with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content is unacceptable.

The foliage turns black and rots - the soil is too wet, the temperature and air are very low. The plant is urgently brought into the house.

Haworthia pests and features of caring for a houseplant during this period

Remember - outdoor haworthia can be affected by aphids

Haworthia is a perennial ornamental succulent plant. which came to us from South Africa. When grown in a house or apartment, it does not reach large sizes. It grows up to 10-15 cm, both in height and in diameter of the outlet.

In its natural environment, the plant lives in arid places on sandy, rocky or grassy slopes, under the shady protection of taller shrubs or trees. Having adapted to the conditions of a long drought, plants from this family can retain moisture in special tissues of the stem or leaves for a sufficiently long period.

The exotic look attracts the attention of many amateur flower growers to haworthia. Distinguishes this flower from others indoor plants unusual shape and texture of the leaves. The leaves forming the basal rosette are hard and fleshy, as well as narrow, elongated, pointed in shape.

They are rough to the touch, have small growths. The main color of the leaves depends on the specific species, ranging from light green to dark green. The number of haworthia species is in the hundreds, and today more and more new ones are being opened, and unusual varieties are being cultivated.

Many connoisseurs collect specimens that differ in appearance and create collections of indescribable beauty.

ATTENTION: The growth rate of haworthias is moderate. This is due to the climate of their natural habitat. Due to the strong summer heat in natural conditions, they can even fall into stognosis and not grow at all.

This feature pleases gardeners with the fact that haworthia does not require private transplants. As a rule, the pot is changed no more than once a year in increments of one size up.

Watch the video about varieties:

Home care for haworthia

Another reason for the popularity of haworthias is their unpretentiousness.. They are able to adapt to different conditions content. Even if you are a novice florist, and you simply do not have enough time to fully care for the plants, but there is a desire to become the owner of several plants, haworthia is ideal for you.

By following a few simple rules, you will cope with its content. However, within the framework of this article, we propose to consider the most suitable care for these succulents so that they delight you with their beauty and healthy appearance.

Haworthia needs care at home. As with all houseplants, there are several basic parameters for it.:

  • temperature;
  • watering;
  • pruning.

Subject to all conditions, the havortia will grow and possibly even bloom.

Temperature regime

Recall that haworthia came to us from South Africa. In a city apartment, a sunny window sill is perfect for her., but with slight shading. It is best to place them on the west or east side.

For proper care houses of northern windows are best avoided in order to preserve the unusual decorative look plants. The air temperature in the room should be moderate. Equally important for haworthias is the daily and seasonal temperature difference.

So, during the day the temperature should be about 22-27 degrees, and at night it can drop to 18-20. In winter, it is generally better to keep it at 10-12 degrees, but 17-18 degrees are also not fatal. The minimum allowable temperature in the conditions where Haworthia grows is 5 degrees.

IMPORTANT: High humidity is not needed, on the contrary, at high humidity and low temperature, the trunk at the root may rot. Ventilate the rooms where the flower is located in the summer and even in winter time- necessarily.


Proper care includes proper watering, which should be moderate. In the autumn-spring time, mail should be moistened no more than 1-2 times in 7 days. In winter, you should adhere to the following regimen:

  • at a temperature of 10-12°C every 30 days;
  • at a temperature of 13-15°C once every 21 days;
  • at a temperature of 18-20 ° C every 14 days.

The surface of the soil is moistened slightly: the top layer of soil around the haworthia should dry out by a third between waterings. Too much moisture can cause root rot.

There should be no water in the center of the bush so that the rosette does not rot. In the summer, do not leave the input in the pot tray, so as not to destroy the roots of the plant.


Pruning haworthia at home is carried out if necessary, very carefully and carefully, solely for decorative purposes: to give the desired shape.

Top dressing and fertilizers

Like any plant, havoria requires additional feeding for full growth. Fertilizer is applied in the period from spring to autumn 1-2 times a month, top dressing is not recommended in winter. As an additional food for haworthias, specialized fertilizers for cacti and succulents are suitable.

If you go out so that your beauty grows faster, then you can use fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. But nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided. They can lead to stretching of the leaves, then the flower will cease to be compact and lose its attractiveness.

Watch a video about caring for Haworthia at home:

A photo

Check out the photo of haworthia with proper care at home:

Diseases and pests

Haworthia is extremely rarely exposed to diseases and attacks of various pests.. The disease that most often appears when growing an African guest is root rot, due to a violation of the irrigation regime. The appearance of the plant will signal problems with the roots to you. The leaves will become sluggish, may fall off and turn pale.

If we talk about pests, then most often succulents are attacked by mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, scale insects.


Miniature succulent - haworthia can easily adapt to the conditions of detention in a city apartment. So that the plant continues to delight you with its exotic beauty and juicy color just follow a few basic care tips:

  1. Haworthia prefers moderate daytime temperatures between 18 and 25 degrees. However, it is extremely important to ensure seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations. Constant ventilation of the premises should also become a habit.
  2. The ideal place is a sunny window sill with a slight dimming. The main thing is not to place the pot on the north side, this plant may not like it and it will lose its attractiveness.
  3. Watering is moderate.
  4. Pruning of haworthias is done in extreme cases and, as a rule, to give the desired shape.
  5. Fertilize the flower with special fertilizers for succulents and cacti in liquid and granular form. Top dressing is done 1-2 times a month in the spring-autumn period. The increased content of potassium and phosphorus will accelerate growth.
  6. Succulents are rarely subject to diseases and pests. However, when attacked, for example, spider mite or scale insects, you should use the usual preparations according to the instructions.

South African beauty - haworthia can be bred at home with very little effort. A healthy adult will certainly become a real decoration of the house. And the variety of species and varieties makes it possible to find "your" haworthia or to make an original collection from several copies.

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Young plants - annually, adults - once every 2-3 years Summer 18-25, winter 10-15 In spring, summer 1-2 times a week, in winter - once every 2 weeks No need East and West window sills Need a rest period in winter


Light-loving haworthia should be placed on windowsills facing east or west.

On the southern windows, shading will be required, since the bright rays of the sun can cause burns and drying of the leaves.

On the north side, the flower will not have enough light, and the bright color of the leaves may fade. Bright, diffused lighting is important to provide the plant in winter.

In the warm season, haworthia can be taken out to the balcony or garden. It is important to ensure that bright sunlight does not fall on it.

AT summer time a suitable temperature for haworthia would be 18-25 degrees. In winter, the temperature of the content should be reduced to 10-15 degrees, which is associated with the dormant period of the succulent. The temperature should not be lowered below, as the leaves may begin to turn black and rot.

It is important to regularly ventilate the room where the haworthia is located.- this will positively affect its development and growth.

In summer, the plant can withstand more high temperature. It perfectly tolerates heat of 30ºС and even higher, subject to regular watering and the absence of direct sunlight. Moreover, in the hot summer you should not at all “fill in” the haworthia. You just need to exclude the prolonged drying of a clod of earth in a pot.

For some flower growers, haworthia grows well even without a cool winter. But in the cold period, you need to remove the plant from the radiators and practically do not water it in order to exclude the winter vegetation.


In spring and summer, haworthia needs regular but moderate watering - 1-2 times a week. It is important that the topsoil is completely dry before the next moistening.

Too much watering can adversely affect haworthia- her lower leaves begin to wither, and then die off.

When watering a flower, you need to make sure that water does not get into the center of the outlet. Otherwise, the root system may rot.

In winter, watering is reduced and carried out once every 2 weeks.(after complete drying of the soil). Before watering the haworthia, the water must be allowed to reach room temperature.

Haworthia does not need spraying - this does not affect its development and growth. Conversely, excess moisture on the plant can cause rotting of the leaves and roots.

Haworthia is not picky about humidity. Feels good in a room with dry air. However, in winter it is better to place the flower away from heating appliances. At the same time, the air in the room is slightly humidified. This can be done by placing water containers in the room.

It is important that the earth passes water well and dries quickly. In this case, it is necessary that it be slightly alkaline or neutral. For haworthia, a ready-made substrate for cacti and succulents is suitable. bought in the store.

Another way is to prepare the mixture yourself.

In this case, you can choose one of the options:

  • Leaf and sod land, sand - in a ratio of 2: 2: 1;
  • Leafy, clay-soddy soil, sand - in equal proportions.

It is advised to add a little brick chips to the haworthia mixture, which regulates soil moisture.

Instead of sand, you can use another baking powder. Nice results gives the addition of perlite or vermiculite to the soil mixture.

It is good to add 1-2 handfuls of well-ground charcoal . This component protects root system plants from decay, inhibits the development of pathogenic fungi.

When planting a plant, it is necessary to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot. It is best to use small expanded clay or broken bricks for this purpose.


Top dressing of haworthia is carried out from May to August once a month. For this purpose, ready-made mineral fertilizers for succulents or decorative leafy plants are used.

The concentration of fertilizer for haworthia should be 2 times weaker than indicated on the package. With an excess of minerals in the plant, the leaves may begin to turn yellow or redden.

This plant is adapted to life on depleted soils. Therefore, he needs minimal feeding. When caring for a haworthia, it is better to underfeed it than to overfeed it. Organic fertilizers for these flowers are not used.

Fertilizers, even diluted with water, are applied only to moist soil. Haworthia is fed only after the soil is well saturated with moisture, so as not to damage or burn the roots. Therefore, top dressing is carried out only a few hours after the main watering of the plant.


In winter, haworthia needs a dormant period.

Winter is a time of rest for haworthia. Therefore, during this period, it should be kept in cool conditions away from batteries. However, the flower must receive enough light.

Often haworthia feels great with very rare watering. And if it is watered regularly, it rots or even dies. It is important to remember that this succulent is adapted to exist in dry areas. It withstands even the complete drying of the soil in flower pot. Therefore, it is much better to underfill than to overfill.

The plant requires intense diffused lighting.. With a lack of light, it stretches and loses its decorative effect. In summer, the direct sun can fall on the leaves of the plant only in the morning.

The lack of light in winter in our latitudes has a bad effect on appearance this plant. Therefore, at this time it can be kept on the south windows to provide maximum natural light. In winter, you should not be afraid of direct sunlight - they will not burn the plant.


Consider how to care for haworthia during illnesses, although this plant is rarely affected or diseased.

With excessive watering or water getting into the middle of the outlet, root rot can begin. In this case, the socket is cut off and rooted again. It is important to regulate watering.

Of the pests, a scale insect or a mealybug can attack a haworthia.

To combat them, insecticides are used: Actellik or Aktar.

If water gets into the center of the outlet, stem rot can develop. This fungal disease is very dangerous. When the top point of growth rots, the flower stops growing and developing, it may even die.

To combat the disease, it is necessary to remove water from the center of the outlet. You also need to monitor the humidity in the room so that it is not too high. Usually, after the removal of water, putrefactive processes stop, the flower resumes growth after a while.

But even if the growing point cannot recover, the plant should not be thrown away. It will give lateral offspring, from which you can then grow adult specimens.


With improper care and inappropriate conditions of detention, the following problems may arise:


The best time for this is spring. The main methods of propagation of haworthia are propagation by lateral shoots and leaf cuttings.

Haworthias often have daughter rosettes that are easily cut off with a knife.. If such an escape has its own roots, it is immediately planted in a separate pot. If there are no roots, the “baby” is dried for 3-4 days, and then sits in the sand for rooting. This method of reproduction is the easiest and fastest.

When propagating haworthia with a leaf, the leaf is carefully broken off from the mother plant. Then the stalk is dried for 2-4 days and planted in the sand.

3-4 weeks after planting, the stalk is not watered, but only lightly sprinkle the ground until the roots appear. Do not cover the container to prevent rotting.


Haworthia transplantation is done as needed when the pot becomes too cramped.

Young plants need to be transplanted annually, adults - once every 2-3 years. Haworthia transplantation is best done in early spring..

AT big pot succulent is not needed. It should be wide rather than deep. A good drainage layer is a guarantee good growth because it does not allow water to stagnate.

When transplanting haworthia, it is taken out of the old pot. In a new pot, the drainage hole is closed with a shard, a drainage layer is laid on top. A transplant pot is chosen 1 cm wider than the previous one.

You can transplant a flower by transshipment and with partial replacement of the soil.

During transshipment, it is removed from the old pot along with a clod of earth and installed in a new pot. Then, fresh earth is poured on the sides of the earthen coma.

With a partial replacement of the soil, the flower is removed from the pot and the old soil is shaken off the roots. After that, he is planted in a new land. After transplantation, haworthia is not watered for 2-3 days.

Description of the plant and species

Haworthia is a small compact succulent that grows wild in South Africa. Most species are stemless or have a shortened stem. The plant forms a basal rosette of succulent fleshy leaves.

Its leaves are long, tapering towards the end. Their thickness at the base is 1-3 cm, and their length is 7-20 cm. In many species, they are hard to the touch, covered with white raised dots and grooves.

When flowering, it throws out a long peduncle with an inflorescence at the end. Haworthia flowers are white, unattractive.

Of the more than 150 species of haworthia, about 20 of the most compact varieties are grown in room culture. The most popular indoor plant species are:

  • Haworthia striped - a species with narrow leaves covered with white convex stripes;
  • Haworthia pearl - has white convex dots on the leaves;
  • Haworthia scaphoid - a species with fleshy half-transparent leaves of a light green hue;
  • Haworthia sinuous - a variety whose stem grows up to 12-17 cm in height, the leaves are triangular, short;
  • Haworthia mosaic - a very small species, with an unusual pattern on the leaves.


We recommend that you watch a useful video on the topic of the article:

Now you know everything about caring for haworthia at home, as well as about the reproduction and transplantation of a flower.