A bright representative of the euphorbia family is Croton. All methods of reproduction of croton (codiaum) at home Codium flower how to care for reproduction

Delightful codiaum is a genus of evergreen herbaceous plants, belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. In its homeland (in East India, Malaysia, the Sunda and Moluccas) there are approximately 17 species, where the plant height reaches 2.5 meters.

General information

In codiaum, the leaves are leathery, have a different shape, there may be individuals with lobed, oblong-lanceolate, broadly ovate, twisted leaves. The color of the leaves also differs: depending on the type, age of the plant and the conditions in which it is located. The color of the leaves is green, yellow-green, red-brown, yellow-red with orange veins. In young plants, the leaves are lighter in color, over time they darken, acquiring a burgundy hue. Even in one plant, several shades can be observed at the same time.

Types, varieties of codiaum and photos

Of the 17 types of codiaum known in the scientific world, only the motley codiaum or its varieties are grown at home. The value lies in the beauty of its leaves, so the codiaum plant is widely used in interior design, often in winter gardens. This species is distinguished by the ability to change the color of the leaves in various conditions of existence. It was this quality that led to the emergence of many natural varieties, and breeders were able to create in large quantities both decorative varieties and hybrids, which sometimes differ significantly from each other in appearance and color and, without being a specialist, it is not always possible to guess that they belong to one kind.

The most popular varieties of codiaum:

  • Petra (green leaves with yellow veins);
  • Norma (green leaves with yellowish spots, red veins);
  • Excellent (leaves are green with yellow above and red-burgundy-yellow below);
  • GoldFinger (long narrow leaves);
  • Gold Sun and others.

Features of codiaum care

Comfortable temperature for codiaum 18-22 degrees

There is an opinion that the plant is quite picky and the codiaum requires special care at home - this is not entirely true. Codiaum needs bright light, but at the same time diffused, it cannot stand direct exposure to sunlight - burns may appear on the leaves from them. The best place for a codiaum would be a window facing east or west. The codiaum plant located on the north window may experience a lack of lighting in this case as well. the variegated color of the leaves is lost. Codiaums with variegated leaves require more light than green-leaved ones.

For good health, the plant needs the temperature to remain uniform: in summer 20-22 degrees and in winter it does not fall below 18. It is advisable to place the plant closer to the radiator in winter. At the same time, it is important for the plant to maintain high humidity. It is known that drafts are detrimental to codiaum, therefore it is advisable to protect the plant from them and not to take it out even in good weather to the balcony.

For codiaum, it is important that watering is regular and plentiful throughout the year. For irrigation, it is recommended to use soft settled water, water when the top layer of the substrate dries. Do not allow stagnant water to form in the pan. So that the soil in the pot does not turn sour, it must be small in size, then the roots will completely occupy the earthen clod. In this case, regular watering is required so that the earth ball does not dry out. Codiaum requires high humidity (70-80%). It is advisable to spray the plant daily with soft water and give it a bath in the shower at least once a month.

Top dressing of codiaum with fertilizers, both mineral and organic, should be carried out weekly from spring to autumn and monthly in winter, using a weak solution. The flowers of the codiaum are not at all as beautiful as the leaves: they are yellowish-white and inconspicuous. It is recommended to remove them so that they do not take away the strength of the plant. In order for the codiaum to form a beautiful crown, you need to regularly and correctly trim. The first pinching of the plant is done at a young age, when its height reaches 10-15 cm, then, as it grows, the shoot is cut off after 20 cm.

Transplantation and reproduction of codiaum

Codiaum can be propagated by cuttings and seeds

After buying a codiaum in a store, it is necessary to transplant it from a transport substrate. It is important to thoroughly clean the roots from the substrate. The size of the new pot should be slightly larger than the volume of the roots. Be sure to put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot.

So that the plant does not stop growing and does not begin to lose leaves, a codiaum transplant is required in a larger diameter pot. To do this, carefully, so as not to damage the earthen ball, the plant is transferred to another pot. The best time to transplant codiaum is spring. Young plants need to be replanted annually, and large overgrown plants - every 2-3 years. For codiaum, a substrate enriched with humus, pH 5.5, is suitable. You can independently prepare a mixture for planting, for this you will need in equal parts;

  • leafy earth;
  • sod land;
  • humus land;
  • peat;
  • sand.

It is advisable to add a few pieces of charcoal and be sure to have good drainage.

An unusually beautiful codiaum can be propagated in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Propagation by seeds is rarely used, the more popular method is propagation by cuttings. Cuttings are possible throughout the year, but the period of January-April is considered a more favorable time. Cut off the top of the shoots, often semi-lignified pieces of the shoot, into cuttings. In places where the cuttings are cut, milky juice is formed, so the cuttings must be washed in warm water before planting. Fresh cuts must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal powder. You can use a growth stimulant (heteroauxin).

The cuttings are planted in a substrate consisting of sand or a mixture of sand and peat soil. For cuttings, it is required to maintain a temperature of 24 degrees. Cuttings must be sprayed and the substrate kept moist. The rooting process lasts 1-1.5 months. Rooted cuttings can be planted in pots with a diameter of 7-8 cm. When a lump of earth is braided with roots, the plant needs to be transplanted into a pot of a larger diameter.

Some safety measures are required: codiaum juice is poisonous, vomiting and diarrhea may occur. If the juice of the plant comes into contact with the skin, contact dermatitis may develop. Therefore, it is important to strictly observe caution when working with codiaum, and after completing any work with the plant, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

Codium diseases, treatment and prevention

Codiaum is often affected by: spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects and thrips

  • leaves become pale yellow with whitish spots on the surface;
  • over time, the leaves begin to fall off;
  • if no action is taken, the plant dies.

The reason for the appearance of the tick- too dry air. Necessary:

  • increase the humidity in the room;
  • wash the leaves with a tobacco-soap solution;
  • rinse with warm water;
  • process with Fitoverm, Fufan, Derris.

If the codiaum is affected by the scab, then brown plaques appear on the stems, leaves of the plant. First the leaves dry up, then fall off. Treatment:

  • leaf treatment with tobacco-kerosene-soap solution (using a sponge);
  • washing the leaves with warm water;
  • treatment with Actellik solution (at the rate of 1 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water).

Possible problems related to care and how to eliminate them:

  • leaves begin to lose their beautiful color with insufficient or excessive lighting;
  • burns form on the leaves if direct sunlight hits;
  • low air humidity leads to browning of the tips of the leaves;
  • the edges of the leaves turn brown if the room temperature is too low;
  • the lower leaves of the codiaum fall off if the room temperature drops;
  • the tips of the leaves turn brown if the plant is not watered enough or the air in the room is too dry;
  • the risk of pest damage increases if the air humidity is low;
  • the leaves of the codiaum fade if the temperature drops to 12 degrees and begin to fall off, staying at this temperature for a long time.

With proper care, the codiaum pleases with colorful leaves all year round. The plant will be grateful for the conditions created and the care shown for it. And finally, watch a video about codiaum-croton, this video contains both general information and some secrets and features for caring for it at home.

The leaves of the codiaum of various shapes (lobed, ribbon-like, twisting, laurel-shaped) amaze with their colors. Codiaum will perfectly decorate both your home and office. Flower growers appreciate this plant for the variety of shapes and coloring of the leaves.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Direct sunlight can burn the leaves of the plant, so it would be better to place the flowerpot on an east or west window. It should be noted that this is not a shade-loving flower, it loves diffused light.

Codiaum does not like drafts. The temperature regime is 20-26 degrees in summer, above 18 degrees in winter. At low temperatures, the leaves of the codiaum may darken and curl.

The plant loves humidity (70-80%). Spray regularly and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. For constant humidity, you can put a flower pot in another wider pot (fill it with peat with water or expanded clay with water. Above is a stand on which the flower pot is placed).

Fertilizer and watering the codiaum

There must be drainage at the bottom of the flower pot (water does not stagnate and the roots do not rot). It is necessary to water with separated warm water. Water when the soil is dry, but do not overdry.

For good vegetation, the plant is fertilized in the spring-summer period, for this, use regular fertilizers for home flowers. Top dressing lasts 2 weeks.

How to transplant codiaum?

Once a year, a young codiaum is transplanted, and an adult plant is transplanted as needed. Choose a large pot for transplanting, drainage is placed on the bottom (gravel, expanded clay, broken brick). Gently place the plant in a pot without damaging the roots, sprinkle with earth and lightly press the soil around the flower. Watering is required. Let the flower rest for a few days. Take the composition of the soil for transplantation - sand (1 part), peat (1 part), soddy land (1 part), humus (1 part), leafy ground (1 part). You can take the finished substrate in the store (deciduous plants).

Reproduction of codiaum

At home, codiaums do not bloom, so they do not propagate by seeds at home. It remains to propagate by cuttings.

The tops of the shoots or cuttings after pruning can be used to propagate codiaum (croton). Rinse the cuttings with water, and treat the cut with crushed coal (or a root stimulator). After 1.5 months, the cuttings take root. Monitor humidity (spray) and temperature (24°C and above). After the roots of the plant grow, it should be transplanted into a larger pot.

Croton (or codiaum) is a very bright, attractive plant, the beauty of which does not depend on flowering. The green-yellow, red or pink foliage is dense and seems very durable. If the croton is healthy, it will be so: a bright bush will delight you with a riot of colors all year round. However, this flower is a fussy one, if you don’t please it, the leaves will hang sadly. What should be the care at home for Croton, so that he is always cheerful and cheerful?

Description of croton, origin, features

The houseplant croton is also called codiaum, now these names are considered to be synonymous. But from a scientific point of view, the second will be more accurate. Crotons are a genus with over a thousand species of tropical shrubs and trees. Their closest relatives, they are part of the same Euphorbia family, the codiaums. According to the latest data, there are only 17 species of evergreens in this genus. And only one of them, codiaeum variegatum, (Codiaeum variegatum) is adapted to home conditions. It was his flower growers who used to call Croton.

Codiaum comes from the tropical forests of Southeast Asia (distributed in India, Malaysia, Indonesia) and the islands of Oceania and Australia. The climate in these parts is mild, the temperature does not fall below +25, the rains are plentiful, but short, and the soil is always slightly damp. Therefore, the plant fell in love with high humidity and very warm, even hot, air.

According to one version, the plant received the name croton from the ancient people who inhabited the Moluccas (Indonesia). According to another, the naturalist Carl Linnaeus gave him the name of the Italian city of Crotone, which in turn was named after the ancient Greek hero.

Croton (codiaum), like all representatives of the Euphorbia family, has milky juice. He poisonous to humans and animals. Croton "milk" can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and skin irritation. Therefore, you must follow safety rules: wear gloves at the beginning of work, and then wash your hands and tools. The plant should be out of the reach of small children and animals.

In their natural environment, crotons grow up to 3 meters or more. House plants are rarely higher than one and a half meters, and there are also compact forms up to 60 cm. As a rule, this is an upright bush with variegated leathery foliage. The shape of the leaf plate is distinguished by many options: an elongated or very narrow oval, an ellipse with a pointed or rounded end, two or three blades. Some varieties of Croton have spiral, wavy or intricately curved foliage. Her color is no less whimsical. On one plant you can see different shades of green, as well as yellow, red, pink and purple, burgundy painting. The pattern and brightness of the ornament drawn by nature depend on the conditions of the flower and age. The more light and the older the croton, the more interesting and richer the colors will be.

An adult croton with good care can bloom. But inflorescences cannot compete with variegated foliage. They resemble a brush and appear in the axils of the leaves, each with one to two dozen small whitish flowers. They are divided into male, consisting of stamens and similar pom-pom balls, and female - curved pistils. On the brush, flowers of only one sex, but they open at the same time. Flowering greatly weakens Croton, after which growth slows down for 3-4 months. Therefore, at home, flower stalks are usually removed.

Croton has never been considered an easy species to grow. It has always enjoyed a reputation as a capricious and demanding plant. This luxurious handsome man gets used to a new place for a long time, can get sick immediately after transplantation, requires a lot of light and high humidity all year round, does not tolerate cold and drafts.

Previously, such requirements were difficult to meet. But now flower growers have accumulated rich experience in growing whimsical croton and successfully apply it. Plants and modern appliances help to fulfill the vagaries. To make the air tropically damp, you can use an electric humidifier or indoor fountain. Short daylight hours will be lengthened by special lamps. But even with such technical support, Croton will not do without constant attention, he needs to regularly wipe the foliage, form a bush, protect it from temperature changes and pests. This plant is suitable for caring and caring flower growers.

Video: the difficulties of growing codiaum

Indoor species and plant varieties

As indoor plants, they began to grow a single species - codiaum variegatum, as well as its varieties and hybrid varieties. But they represent such a wealth of shapes and colors that other species simply did not come in handy.

Varieties of codiaum variegatum:

  1. The narrow-leaved croton is equipped with long (about 20 cm) leaves, their width is not more than 1 cm. Yellow-gold strokes and specks are scattered over the green background.
  2. The adnexal croton is variegated and green. Its leaves, wide at the base, narrow in the middle into a kind of petiole, and then expand again, forming a small appendage leaf at the end.
  3. Curly codiaum (crispum) are long, narrow, twisted leaves. On the green - stripes, spots, veins or a grid of different shades of yellow. The brightest representative of the variety is Spirale with uniform coils of leaves.
  4. The lobed croton is distinguished by wide leaves, divided into three parts. The central lobe is much longer and wider than the lateral ones. Yellow veins adorn the bright green of the leaf.
  5. Flat-leaved (platyphyllum) codium - a plant with large (up to 30 cm long and 10 cm wide), oval leaves, their edges are slightly wavy.
  6. Oval-leaved (ovalifolium) with simple leaf plates in the form of an elongated oval with a rounded end, rich yellow marks are located along the veins.
  7. The tortoise variety (tortile) is distinguished by leaves that are wide at the petiole, which taper towards the tip. Against an olive-green background are red-yellow stripes along the central vein and chaotic golden spots.
  8. Genuine (genuinum) variety with whole oval leaves, covered with a pattern in the color of silver or gold with a reddish tint. There are forms with small and ribbon foliage.
  9. Codiaum variegatum decorated (pictum) - the original form for most hybrid varieties. This is a shrub with a straight stem (up to 1 meter tall), which is covered with dense and hard leaves. They are painted with a pattern of bright yellow, red, pink spots on a green field.

The most famous varieties and hybrids of codiaum variegatum pictum:

  1. Croton Petra is a branching stem with large leathery leaves. On the main green background, yellow veins, an edge and dots are drawn. The shape of the leaves is varied.
  2. Mrs. Ayston - a variety with wide, rounded leaves. Young plants have a cream pattern on them. With age, the color becomes more intense, acquiring pink, yellow or red. There are forms of blood red or very bright yellow shades.
  3. Excellence variety is easy to recognize by the leaves, similar in shape to oak. Young leaves, at the top of the plant, yellow-green. At the base of the trunk - burgundy.
  4. Koroton Mammy is distinguished by narrow, small leaves. The edges of them are slightly bent from the center. Coloring combines different shades of green, yellow, red and pink.
  5. The Zanzibar variety has long (about 40 cm) yellow-green leaves. They curve gracefully.
  6. Nervia - a variety with a colored crown of bright green, lemon yellow and pale pink leaves. They are serrated with a well-defined vein in the center.
  7. Croton Tamara is a very rare variety. Oval leaves of medium size, bicolor. On the main dark green background, light green and white spots are located closer to the edges.
  8. Disraeli is a cultivar with lobed leaves. From above they are green-yellow, from below the color of red brick.
  9. Codiaum Black Prince with flat and wide foliage. The coloration is very original: on a dark green, almost black, background - red, yellow or orange marks.

Varieties and varieties of the flower in the photo

In the Mrs. Aiston variety, the leaf plates are more evenly colored. Croton Mammy is a bright cap of narrow foliage. In the lobed variety, the leaf is divided into three parts. Long, narrow, twisted or strongly wavy leaves - this is Croton curly Nervia - a variety with slightly serrated leaves that form a lush crown The Zanzibar variety has long curved leaves Disraeli - lobed leaves that change color The genuine variety is distinguished by large leaves Black Prince - a variety with contrasting foliage in Croton Excellent foliage vaguely resembles oak Tortoiseshell variety with wide leaves and red veins Croton angustifolia with the longest leaves Croton Tamara is devoid of yellow - red shades Croton decorated - the ancestor of most hybrid varieties Croton appendage can be pure green and variegated, it is valued for its unusual shape Croton flat-leaved has the largest leaf plate of Peter - the most common variety Oval-leaved variety is usually yellow-green

What is croton variegatum mix

Often, specialized stores offer plants called codiaum (or croton) variegatum mix. This is not a variety, but an indication that the batch contains specimens of this variety. Their color depends on the conditions and age of the leaves. So the same plant can look different. And even experts sometimes find it difficult to accurately identify the variety of Croton.

Video: getting to know crotons (codiaums)

Conditions for croton (table)

Season Lighting Humidity Temperature
Spring Bright, diffused light. A small amount of direct sunlight is helpful. They will make the color brighter.
The best place for the location of the croton is the windowsills in the east or west, the south side, but at some distance from the window.
Shade from the hot midday sun
High, 70–80%.
Regularly (in the heat and with the heating turned on 2 times a day) spray the plant.
Wash the leaves.
Humidify the air around in all ways:
  1. Place the plant on a tray of damp pebbles or moss.
  2. Use a double pot - fill the distance between the walls of the inner and outer pots with peat or moss, keep it constantly moist.
  3. Place open containers of water nearby, a home fountain or an electric humidifier.
Moderate and slightly elevated. Optimal + 20-25 degrees.
In the warm season, you can take it out into the fresh air, but keep it away from drafts, significant temperature changes and cold winds.
Autumn Bright, scattered.
Light day must last at least 12 hours, otherwise the leaves will lose their variegated color. Provide artificial lighting.
Moderate, slightly reduced, + 18–20 degrees. Below +17 is invalid.
Do not place near heaters and cold window glass.
Maintain an even temperature, without fluctuations.

The purity of the leaves is the key to health

Croton is clean, he can get sick due to the fact that the leaves are covered with dust. Why is wet cleaning so important?

  1. Dust closes the pores on the leaves, and this makes it difficult to exchange air with the environment.
  2. The dusty film slows down the process of photosynthesis, the plant suffers from nutrient deficiencies.
  3. Dust can contain and accumulate harmful substances.
  4. Insect pests can hide under the dusty layer.

Therefore, at least once a week, take a soft, damp cloth and wipe the croton, admiring the colorful patterns. It is better in the morning, so that the plant dries out before night. To facilitate cleaning, pre-spray your handsome man.

For greater beauty, you can give the foliage a gloss. Polishing products are best taken in an aerosol can. Or try folk recipes. Polish the leaves with beer, a weak solution of vinegar or milk. Do not touch young leaves. And polish the adult carefully, do not press hard, so as not to cause injury.

Florarium and croton

Croton lovers say that the most difficult thing is to ensure high humidity. It is not always possible to create tropics in an apartment in which a fastidious plant feels good. Croton will like to live in a home greenhouse - florarium. It is easy to maintain the desired microclimate, including high humidity. Making an open florarium is easy. You will need a container with a door or an aquarium made of glass, transparent plastic.

  1. Fill the container with drainage material (pebbles + charcoal), a porous soil substrate with a high content of sand.
  2. Plant tropical plants with the same care and maintenance requirements.
  3. Moisten the plantings, cover with a lid or just glass, put in a warm and bright place.
  4. Floriana plants themselves create a favorable microclimate.
  5. From time to time, when condensation appears, ventilate the mini-jungle.
  6. Once every few months, give the plants a rain and clean the florarium: inspect the pets, remove damaged leaves, add a substrate if necessary.

The many-sided croton is an ideal plant for the florarium. To avoid problems with care, you can plant different varieties. Such a "kindergarten" will not be boring. Good neighbors for croton are ferns, arrowroot, fittonia, reo, selaginella. Do not plant succulents and cacti with them.

An indoor florarium is sometimes called a garden in a bottle. Its main difference from the open one is a container with a rather narrow neck, which closes tightly. After planting, the bottle garden is watered only once, and then clogged and not opened. Plants live in a closed ecosystem. An indoor florarium is not the best choice for Croton. It has too large leaves.

Is it possible to grow bonsai from codiaum

The patterned foliage of the croton will look great on a bonsai tree. This idea certainly overshadows flower growers. And such bonsai are grown. But with great difficulty and loss. Croton has several qualities that make it unsuitable for this:

  • too large and heavy leaves;
  • the plant does not tolerate transplantation well, and for bonsai it is an annual operation;
  • easily loses foliage with care errors;
  • a straight stem is difficult to form.

Landing and transplant

Croton is negative about transplantation. Therefore, young plants are transplanted, or rather transferred into a slightly larger (2–3 cm) pot, after a year, and adults after 2–3 years or less. During this procedure, try to preserve the integrity of the earthen coma as much as possible.

If the bush has grown significantly, and you do not want it to be larger, it is enough to change 5–6 cm of soil on top of the pot. Soil renewal is necessary when the old one has already turned white from salts or is too compacted.

Both ceramic and plastic pots are suitable for croton. But growing flowers will be better in plastic, so that it is easier to monitor the state of the root system. But mature adult crotons are more suitable for a ceramic container. It is heavy and stable, and this is important: because of the massive crown, the plant may fall. In addition, natural ceramics absorb salts that are unnecessary for croton.

Choose a pot that is approximately the same height and width. Pay attention to the drainage holes, they should be large. Before planting, if necessary, install a croton support.

Croton is accustomed to fertile, but porous and light soil. Sample compositions:

  • universal soil for indoor plants, you can add soil for orchids and charcoal;
  • on 3 parts of garden land, one and a half - peat and one sand;
  • a mixture of compost, leafy soil, peat and sand in equal proportions;
  • on 2 parts of leafy soil, one part of peat, half of humus and sand, cut sphagnum moss for airiness;
  • on two parts of leafy land, one part of humus, peat, sand.

About a quarter of the pot should be occupied by drainage. It will help remove excess moisture from the roots. Expanded clay, red brick crumb, polystyrene, vermiculite are suitable as drainage material. Be sure to sterilize the soil and drainage before planting, scald the pot with boiling water.

We transplant croton

Croton painfully endures the change of the pot. To help him, add a rooting preparation (Kornevin, Zircon, Epin, Ecogel) to the irrigation water once a week. It can be sprayed from a very fine sprayer with Epin's solution (2-3 drops per glass of water).


Most varieties of indoor croton have massive, dense leaves and a relatively thin stem. This disproportion is not noticeable at a young age. But over the years, the crown becomes richer, and the trunk does not have time to gain weight and bends under its weight. In order for the plant not to break, support is needed. For starters, sticks made of bamboo or other wood are suitable. You can buy a creeper support (a stick wrapped in coconut fiber) or make something from improvised materials.

How to choose a healthy plant

When choosing a croton in the store, pay attention to the color of the foliage. In a healthy plant, it is bright, the veins are especially expressively drawn. Look at the arrangement of the leaves. They look up at the top of the head or are almost parallel to the soil from the bottom of the trunk - this is the norm. Sadly hanging - a sign of illness. Carefully inspect the leaf plates: dents, dry spots, dots - possibly traces left by pests. Check the stem, if there are holes on it, this indicates that the croton is shedding leaves. Make sure the earthen ball is in good condition - not too dry or waterlogged. If you find alarming symptoms, it is better to refuse to purchase Croton.

Quarantine the newly bought croton for at least two weeks, let it adapt to the new home. And then just transplant. All transport soil must be removed if problems are found: rot, souring, pests. If there is nothing, save the roots, leaving the soil.

Video: flower transplant lesson

Croton care at home

When caring for a luxurious croton, consider its tropical tendencies: love of warmth and high humidity. And we must also remember that the bright pattern of the leaves must be supported by top dressing. And do not forget about the formation of the bush.

How to water and fertilize

Large leaves evaporate a lot of moisture. Therefore, Croton loves soft and slightly warm water, and abundant watering in spring and summer. It is only important to maintain balance and not flood the plant. Excess moisture leads to root rot. Water the croton during active growth, when the topsoil dries out by 1-2 cm.

Cut back on watering in the fall. And in winter, wait for the soil to stand dry for at least two days, and only then water. Stick to the rule: the cooler the air, the more modest watering. But do not allow the earthen coma to dry out. If the soil is completely dry, the croton will hang its leaves. You can return them to normal: dip the pot and spray the plant.

Croton is sensitive not only to the quality of water, but also to its temperature. It should be settled or filtered, slightly warmed up. Poured with cold water, croton can fall leafy.

In spring and summer, fertilize the motley handsome man with mineral top dressing twice a month. Pay attention to their composition. Potassium is most useful for the bright leaves of the plant. Nitrogen negatively affects their color. In winter, croton also needs food. But at this time, feed only once a month and reduce the dosage of the nutrient solution. Fertilize after watering to avoid damaging the roots.

Croton is useful, especially if he is capricious, growth stimulants (Epin, Zircon, Uniflor Growth). They are used no more than twice a month, you can spray with a solution or water.

Video: croton enjoys watering

Peace and winter illumination

Croton does not have a pronounced dormant period, it simply stops growth with the advent of cold weather and a decrease in daylight hours. The best temperature for wintering is + 18–20. Below - already disastrous for the gentle croton. And he already suffers without the sun. An artificial increase in daylight hours to 12-14 hours will help him to overwinter.

Under the lamps, Croton will grow variegated leaves in winter. Incandescent lamps are not suitable for illumination. The plant needs warm spectrum LED lamps, they give the maximum effect. Phytolamps, gas-discharge lamps or conventional fluorescent lamps are slightly worse.


In order for the croton to retain its attractive appearance for many years, it needs regular pruning, it is carried out in the spring, until the plant begins active growth. The upper shoots are shortened, forcing the development of lateral buds. For the first time, a young croton is pinched when its height is only 15-17 cm. Then every 20 cm. It is recommended to cut a plant with a height of 40 cm or more, the cut branches will become cuttings for propagation.

Remember to wear protective gloves before trimming the croton. The milky juice of the plant is poisonous, but it quickly heals the wounds. For greater safety, you can sprinkle them with sulfur or coal powder.

The haircut is also of a hygienic nature: remove dried branches eaten by pests. But Croton does not always understand the importance of the procedure and begins to act up. To cheer up and tone the plant, spray it, you can with a stimulant, and cover it with a bag. A mini-greenhouse will help the croton get used to the new shape.

Care errors and their elimination (table)

Manifestation Cause Solution
The tips of the leaves dry up and turn brown.Excessively dry air or soil.
  1. Spray croton regularly. Humidify the air by all available methods.
  2. Adjust the watering schedule.
The leaves have drooped and are falling.
  1. Temperature changes.
  2. Not enough watering. Or the water is too cold.
  3. Low temperature.
  1. Protect from drafts.
  2. Do not let the soil dry out, especially in summer.
  3. Make sure that the temperature does not fall below +17.
A white fluffy coating appeared on the leaves on top and on the stems.Deposition of salts from hard water.Remove stains with acidified water.
To avoid the problem, spray the plant with demineralized (boiled or filtered) water.
The leaves began to lose elasticity.Excess watering.Adjust watering schedule. Wait for the top layer of soil to dry out.
The leaves turn pale and green, the variegated color disappears. The stems are pulled out.Little light.Move the plant to a brighter spot. In autumn and winter, provide artificial lighting.
Brown spots appear on the leaves.Sunburn.Shade the plant on a hot afternoon.
The edges become brown and thin.Croton is cold.Ensure the temperature is not lower than +17, protect from drafts.
The spots on the leaves become faded, turn green.Too much nitrogen in the feed.Change your feed. Fertilize with a high potassium complex.

How to save a croton that has shed all its leaves

Croton, which has lost all the leaves, but retained a living trunk and roots, you can try to reanimate.

  1. Dilute Epin in warm water. Spray the plant generously.
  2. Put in a bag and tie.
  3. Remove at night in a warm place, if during the day - then in a shaded one.
  4. Remove the bag after 10-12 hours, put the pot in a warm, bright place, but without direct sun.
  5. Water as the soil dries out, very little. If there are no leaves, then moisture almost does not evaporate. There is a danger of waterlogging the soil.
  6. After that, the lateral kidneys should wake up.
  7. Recovery has not come - check the condition of the roots and trunk.
  8. If they are alive, repeat the procedure after 10-14 days.
  9. The barrel dries - resuscitation is unlikely to help.

Video: resuscitation of wilted croton by transplantation

Diseases and pests (table)

How to recognize? Who harms? What to do?
Brown plaques below on the foliage, along the veins.Shield defeat.Remove the pest manually. Then spray the croton with an insecticide (Actellik). Carry out the processing until the shield is completely destroyed.
Yellow spots on leaves. They wither and fall. Visible white webSpider mite damage.Remove leaves affected by the pest. Treat the plant with a systemic insecticide, phytofarm or derris. Spray more often. The tick does not like high humidity.
Leaves wilt, wither, die.Root rot damage.Remove the plant from the soil, remove the damage, treat the roots with a fungicide and activated charcoal. Then plant in new soil. Rot prevention: plant the plant in a sterilized substrate, do not allow waterlogging of the soil.


Croton is most often propagated by cuttings, less often by seeds or air layering.


It is carried out in the spring, usually after cutting the plant. Rooting will take place better in a heated greenhouse.

Some flower growers claim that croton can be propagated by leaves. They are buried in the soil and covered with a bag. The seedling is occasionally sprayed, watered, kept in partial shade. Roots will grow in 2-3 months. However, the experiment will fail if there is not at least one bud for the development of the shoot. Therefore, along with the leaf, it is imperative to cut off a piece of the stem.


Propagating croton by seeds is long and difficult. It should be noted that this method does not retain parental qualities, and the seeds quickly lose their germination. And you can’t do without a greenhouse with bottom heating.

Video: propagation of croton by air layering

Codiaum is represented by a large number of varieties, hybrids and varieties that differ in shoot height, unusual shape and variegated bright foliage.

The plant can be grown from stem or leaf cuttings. Most of the decorative varietal forms of the codiaum are quite finicky and need special conditions and careful care, otherwise the flower will shed its foliage. Also, pests, such as mealybugs, scale insects, etc., can settle on the plant.

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    What is Codiaum

    Codeum is a member of the Euphorbiaceae family and unites about 17 plant species, which are considered to be native to the lands of eastern India, Malaysia, Sunda and Moluccas.

    Under natural conditions, codiaums are represented by:

    • powerful (up to 5 m in height) trees with bare branches and bright foliage at the top;
    • high and low shrubs;
    • herbaceous forms.

    With all the diversity of life forms, they have a number of common features:

    1. 1. Shoots rich in milky juice.
    2. 2. Petiolate leathery leaves of various shapes and variegated colors.
    3. 3. Codiaums are dioecious plants: male flowers develop on one specimen, female flowers on the other. They are characterized by rare flowering, accompanied by the formation of small light flowers.

    Codiaums (Codiaeum) are often called Crotons (Croton), believing that these are the names of one genus or plant. But this opinion is wrong.

    Codeum and Croton are two different genera that are part of the same family (Euphoriaceae). Of all the existing variety of types of codiaums, only one is cultivated - motley, or variegatum.

    Cyperus - features of care and reproduction

    Codium motley

    Codium variegated in European countries is widely known under the name "croton" (Plant).

    This is a rather tall (from 50 to 150 cm) plant with lignified shoots and large (up to 30 cm) dense leaves of various shapes with well-defined and bright veins.

    Depending on the conditions of existence (lighting, air temperature, soil composition) and the age of the plants, the leaves may have a different color. The palette includes all shades of green, yellow, orange, red and maroon, up to black, there are also patterns of stripes, strokes, spots and veins.

    Examples of different shapes and colors of codiaum leaves

    Seed setting is possible only in the case of artificial pollination, for this you need to have two plants of different sexes.

    There is an opinion that after flowering, the codiaum dies off. This is wrong. In the case of a healthy and strong plant, flowering is a natural process, indicating that it is comfortable.


    In nature, the motley codeum is represented by various forms and varieties. Their description:

    1. 1. Genuine variety combines plants with flat, lanceolate or elliptical leaves with a pointed tip and base. The upper part of the leaf is covered with a golden or silver pattern of veins.
    2. 2. Codiaums with flat, entire and oblong-oval leaves with a rounded blunt apex and base are assigned to the oval-leaved variety. Their leaf blades are colored with bright golden yellow hues.
    3. 3. Decorated include codiaums with flat, entire and oblong-oval upper leaves. The lower, or "second", leaves are narrow and elongated. Their veins are shaded with golden hues.
    4. 4. The lapel-leaved variety got its name for the unusual shape of the leaf blades. They are flat, wide, almost oval, with outwardly curved edges.
    5. 5. Codiaums with deltoid or heart-shaped foliage at the base, an elongated or linear and slightly pointed apex and slight spiralization are a tortoiseshell species. Their foliage is distinguished by pronounced variegation: a reddish central vein runs along an olive-green background, along it is a golden stripe. The entire surface of the leaf blade is strewn with irregularly shaped spots of yellow hues. On the same plant, golden and reddish leaves can be present at the same time.
    6. 6. Three-lobed codiaums with a tripartite, wedge-shaped or deltoid base with leaves of various colors are ranked. The central and lateral golden veins are crossed out with spots of the same color or golden stripes.
    7. 7. Wrapped variety combines plants with variegated broadly lanceolate, elongated and wrapped inwards, towards the stem, foliage. With this structure of the leaves, the crown takes on a spherical shape.

    Representatives of some varieties of motley codiaum


    In addition to varieties, scientists have identified several forms of codiaums.

    The group of narrow-leaved codiaums combines plants with narrow (width 0.5-1.0 cm) long (15-20 cm) linear leaves, painted in green tones with a scattering of golden spots and stripes along the central vein.

    The adnexal form combines plants with original leaves. Broadly ovate or lanceolate-ovate leaf blades narrowed towards the apex to a constriction resembling a leaf petiole. After narrowing, they again expand into a lobe of somewhat smaller dimensions in comparison with the lower one. The foliage is colored in shades of green, but there are also variegated forms.

    Interesting representatives of the curly form (cultivar Spirale), which got its name because of the spirally twisted long and narrow leaves. They are divided into:

    • linear-lanceolate leaves with a mesh pattern of golden veins on a green background;
    • spiral curly with a golden midrib;
    • lanceolate, arising from the stem at an acute (30-45°) angle with a rounded apex and an indefinite golden stripe along the central vein;
    • longitudinally lanceolate, spirally twisted leaves with a scattering of golden spots on a green background.

    Lobe-shaped codiaums are very popular with flower growers. They have green, with yellow stripes, large (length up to 22 cm, width - 7-10 cm) three-lobed leaves with an elongated central part and short side, separated by a deep notch.


    Each variety or form of the codiaum is represented by numerous varieties that differ in the height of the shoots, the color of the leaf blades and some features of the growing season.

    The following are especially popular with flower growers:

    • Peter;
    • Excelent;
    • Mrs Aiston;
    • Mammy;
    • Sunny Star.

    Codiaum Petra

    Codiaum Petra is a tall (at room conditions - 1-1.5 m) plant with branched shoots and large petiolate, dense and smooth leaves with smooth edges.

    Leaf blades are diverse in shape and color:

    • can be oval and roundly elongated, pointed and with a blunt apex;
    • painted in shades of green with a yellowish edging, a scattering of specks, spots and veins of golden yellow tones.

    Young (upper) leaves are dominated by yellow and green. As they grow, reddish blotches appear.

    For the picturesque view of the crown and unpretentiousness, this variety is popular among indoor flower growers.


    Codiaum Excelent, or Magnificent. Its lush crown is formed by densely arranged large petiolate leaves, shaped like oak leaves.

    Young leaves of the exelent are painted in shades of green and golden yellow with pronounced veins. As they grow, they gradually change color to reddish, yellow and orange. The plant looks very impressive.

    This variety of codiaum is distinguished by high demands on the conditions of detention.

    Mrs. Aiston

    The variety is distinguished by wide oval or oval-lanceolate, slightly shortened leaves with a clearly defined central vein, a smooth edge and a somewhat pointed tip.

    Juveniles have a cream pattern. Growing up, they acquire pink and reddish hues. There are two varieties of Mrs. Aiston: with dark red, almost black and yellow leaves.


    Kodiaum Mammi is a low (35-50 cm) variety with smaller and narrower, in comparison with other hybrids, foliage of an unusual shape. Leaf blades have a slightly wavy appearance due to the fold along the central vein.

    Mammy has a picturesque coloring. On one plant, speckled leaves of green, yellow and red shades can be present at the same time. The lower ones are painted, as a rule, in other tones.

    Sunny Star

    Sunny Star (Sunny Star) is easily recognizable by the special lemon-yellow color of elongated, oval-lanceolate leaves with a pronounced yellow central vein. Lemon-yellow shades towards the base and top gradually change to green. This color gives the plant a special charm.

    A feature of the growing season of Sunny Star is a rare (not every year) and short (1 week) flowering.


    When sold in flower shops, groups of unsold plants often remain. In this case, the entire batch is sold as a mix or mixture, which includes flowers of various varieties, shapes and varieties.

    The concept of "mix" also refers to a mixture of various colors of plants within a variety, which is very typical for codiaums.

    Reproduction of codiaum

    Codiaums reproduce by seeds and vegetatively. The first method is practiced very rarely due to:

    • difficulties in obtaining seeds: the plant rarely bears fruit at home, and the sale of codiaum seeds is a rarity;
    • long and laborious process of growing a plant.

    Vegetative propagation of codiaum is carried out using stem or leaf cuttings.


    Codiaums can be cut at any time of the year, but this process is more effective in the spring (April).

    As cuttings use:

    • semi-lignified tops of shoots about 10 cm long with a few (minimum 1-2) leaves;
    • leaves cut from mature specimens.

    After taking the cuttings, the sections on the mother plant are sprinkled with crushed coal. Cuttings before rooting process:

    • put in a container with warm water or washed under its stream until the milky juice is completely stopped;
    • dry;
    • sections are treated with a root former (heteroauxin) or phytohormones, leaf blades are tied, forming a tube out of them.

    Rooting methods

    Rooting of cuttings is carried out in water or in a moist substrate. For the successful formation of roots, cuttings create greenhouse conditions:

    • air temperature around 25 °C;
    • high (from 70%) humidity;
    • good lighting, excluding direct sunlight.

    Water and soil used for rooting should also be warm. Liquid - 2-3 degrees warmer than air, soil - about 30 ° C.

    Rooting in water

    Distilled water at room temperature is poured into a small glass container and an activated charcoal tablet is placed. The lower part of the cuttings is immersed in a liquid, which is added as it is spent.

    Wash the container once a week. The base of the cutting is wrapped in a damp cloth or cloth for this time. Under favorable conditions, the roots will appear in 1.5-2 months.

    It looks like a codiaum petiole rooted in water

    Rooting in the substrate

    A light soil is used as a substrate, consisting of a mixture of:

    • sand and peat, taken in equal quantities;
    • sphagnum, sand, leaf earth (1:0.5:2).

    The soil is placed in small containers, the size of which is selected taking into account the number of rooted cuttings. Moisten the soil before rooting.

    The tips of the cuttings are placed in small depressions, compacting the soil around them. The container is covered with a transparent "cap" to create greenhouse conditions. Too large leaves are cut off by 1/3.

    Rooted leaf cutting of codiaum

    Caring for the cuttings consists in regular spraying of the leaves and moistening the soil. After 1-1.5 months, new leaves will appear. This indicates successful rooting. Young plants are planted in small (7-9 cm) individual containers.

    Home care

    Codiaum is a capricious plant. At the slightest error in the content, it “lowers”, and then drops, the leaves. But with a quick resumption of care, the leaves will rise or grow. Therefore, it is especially important to properly care for this plant.

    This applies primarily to young, actively growing flower forms. Adult codiaums are “quieter”, traditional care is enough for them: watering and fertilizing.

    When caring for a plant, it should be remembered that its juice is poisonous, so it is better to carry out all care work with gloves, and at the end of them, wash your hands thoroughly.

    Conditions for keeping the codiaum

    For good growth and development of the codiaum, it is important to follow the rules of illumination, temperature and air humidity.

    Codiaum, unlike most tropical plants, does not need to organize mandatory winter dormancy in coolness.

  • sudden temperature changes.

If the plant is kept cool for a long time (13-18 ° C):

  • leaves fade and lose color brightness;
  • the edges of the leaf blades turn brown;
  • the lower leaves fall off.

The plant does not tolerate hypothermia of the soil, so in winter it is removed from the windowsills and placed closer to the heat source.

Air humidity

For codiaum, high (70-80%) air humidity is important. First of all, daily, and in winter and hot summers, repeated spraying of leaves or a warm shower once a month is necessary. This procedure is also good for the purpose of hygiene.

The lack of air humidity is diagnosed by the drying of the tips of the leaves and their shedding.


Codiaum requires regular watering. Its frequency is determined by the drying of the upper (1-1.5 cm) soil layer and is adjusted depending on the conditions of detention in a particular season:

  • During the period of active growth, in spring and summer, water often and plentifully, avoiding stagnation of water in the pot and pan.
  • In winter, at temperatures of 18-20 ° C and without illumination, watering is reduced, preventing the earthen clod from completely drying out.

Humidification is carried out with settled water at room temperature during the day.

top dressing

Codiaum develops well only in fertile soil, so it needs top dressing.

In spring and autumn, fertilizers are applied weekly, in winter - once a month, alternating the use of mineral and organic additives at a concentration reduced by two from that recommended in the instructions.


The beauty of the codiaum is in its crown, which must be shaped: regularly and correctly pinch or cut. The first pruning is carried out when the plant reaches a height of 15 cm, removing the top of the shoot, on which the growth points are located. In the future, the shoots are cut as they grow, every 20 cm.

In the absence of pruning, they stretch and gradually become bare, freeing themselves from the lower leaves. Only the top remains leafy.

Some flower growers cut the codiaum inflorescences, believing that they weaken the plant. But this is only true for already weakened specimens.


The codiaum grows quite quickly, so young plants are transplanted annually. Adult forms - every 2 or 3 years, each time choosing a larger pot.

The transplant is carried out by the transshipment method, trying to save the entire earthen room:

  1. 1. A good layer of drainage is placed at the bottom of the new container.
  2. 2. Soil is poured onto the drainage (a mixture of leafy and soddy soil with humus, peat and sand, taken in equal amounts), adding a few pieces of charcoal or activated tablets.
  3. 3. An earthen clod is placed in the container, filling the remaining voids with the substrate.
  4. 4. After transplantation, the plant is watered abundantly and placed in the shade for 2-3 days.

Caring for the codiaum is simple, but mandatory. Any violations in its observance lead to a general weakening of the plant and, as a result, the risk of damage by pests and the occurrence of diseases.

Pests and diseases

Diseases are not characteristic of codiaum, however, if the conditions of detention are not observed, the plant may look bad. This is expressed in a slowdown in growth, the appearance of dark spots on the leaves, the drying of their tips, the lowering and falling of the leaves.

Juicy shoots and large leaves of the plant attract pests - sucking insects that can cause significant harm to the plant:

Pest Signs of defeat Control measures
spider miteThe appearance of the web, the drying of the leaves and their further fall
  • increase in air humidity;
  • treatment of leaves and shoots with soapy water (1 tablespoon of laundry soap in a grater per 1 liter of water);
  • with a mild result - treatment of the plant with chemicals: Fitoverm, Fufanon, Derris
MealybugThe appearance of cotton-like clusters in the form of lumps in the axils of the leaves, sometimes on the branches and leaf surface
  • removal of cotton-like accumulations with a cotton swab and wiping the foliage with a sponge dipped in a soap-oil solution: per 1 liter of water, st. l. laundry soap, grated and 1/2 tbsp. l. burdock or vegetable oil;
  • repeated (4 times with an interval of 1-1.5 weeks) treatment with Actara
ShchitovkaSmall brown plaques on stems and leaves. Drying and subsequent fall of leaves
  • washing leaf blades and shoots with soapy water;
  • treatment with Actellic solution: 1 ml per 1 liter of water

Young - annually, adults - when measles fill the pot 22-25 Maintain a moist earthen ball Often Bright scattered light The juice is poisonous


The plant needs bright diffused light. Croton is able to withstand even direct sunlight.

Moreover, the brightness of the color of the leaves depends on the intensity.

Sufficient lighting is especially important in winter., because it is this factor that leads to leaf fall.

So that the plant does not lose its decorative appearance, it is necessary to rearrange it on the most illuminated southern window sill. In winter, you should also increase the daylight hours for this flower. Good results are obtained by illuminating the croton with special electric lamps.

Codiaum is thermophilic and does not like sudden changes in temperature. The flower reacts to such drops by dropping leaves.

The optimum temperature for the content of codiaum is considered to be 22-25 ° C. The flower does not survive well when the temperature drops below 18 ° C.

The flower requires a stable temperature throughout the year. In winter, it cannot be reduced, as this can lead to a loss of leaf mass, which is very difficult to restore.

Even if the apartment is cold in winter, you can not install a pot with a plant near the radiators. The radiator will create uneven heat, which can lead to yellowing and leaf fall. Place the flower in the part of the room where the temperature will be the most stable. You should also beware of cold drafts.


Regular watering is a prerequisite for successful plant growth. Croton does not like drying out or waterlogging of the substrate.

It is necessary to keep the earthen ball moist, but not wet. At low temperatures, watering should be significantly reduced to avoid root rot.

Codiaum loves high humidity. It is especially important to monitor this indicator in winter, when central heating radiators dry out the air, and in summer, when the temperature is much higher than optimal.

Codiaum responds well to frequent spraying and warm showers.

In order not to overmoisten the soil in which the flower grows, it should be watered only after the surface of the earth in the pot has dried. Croton is a capricious plant. The wrong watering regime can lead not only to the disease, but also to its death.

Water for irrigation should be soft. It is good to use rainwater for this, and in winter - snow water. Watering with hard water will immediately affect the appearance of the plant. Its leaves may begin to turn yellow, spot or fall off.

For irrigation use only warm water. It should be 2-3ºС warmer than the surrounding air. Watering with cold water is very harmful and promotes the development of root rot. It is necessary to defend the water before watering for 2-3 days.

The soil

For planting, you can buy a ready-made soil mixture for decorative leafy plants or make it yourself from equal parts:

  • Leaf ground:
  • sod land;
  • Peat;
  • Sand.

Top dressing of codiaum is carried out during the period of active growth 2 times a week. To do this, you can use fertilizers for decorative leafy plants.

The soil for the codiaum should be fertile, but easily permeable to water. To do this, coarse sand is used as a baking powder. You can replace it with other components: perlite or vermiculite.

The plant grows best on slightly acidic soils. Peat is needed to acidify the substrate. When using purchased soil mixtures, you need to make sure that peat is included in their composition.

Trimming / Support / Garter

Best during the year.

Codiaum tends to grow a central stem, so to get a compact spherical bush, you should periodically pinch the apical bud.

Single-barrel codiaums can be cut at a height of 15 cm to make them branch.

Pruning of adult plants is carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation, or to obtain planting material.

During the spring pruning of an adult branched bush, dry and weak branches must be removed. Also, with a lack of light in winter, the shoots of the plant can stretch. All stretched ugly branches are cut by 2/3. Strong and very long shoots should also be cut in half or 1/3.

A properly formed codiaum bush looks like a small lush tree. He does not need support and a garter.


Poisonous milky juice scares away not everyone. Plants are often damaged by spider mites, thrips, scale insects and mealybugs.

Leaf color makes it difficult to detect pests, and notice them only when yellow spots appear on the leaves.

A good prevention of the appearance of pests can be regular leaf care, spraying, maintaining high humidity and periodic inspection of plants.

Diseases, as a rule, are caused by a violation in care.


Any care mistake, first of all, is reflected in the condition of the leaves, which begin to dry out and fall off.

Periodic loss of codiaum leaves should not cause concern, especially if the number of new leaves exceeds the number of fallen ones.

With active leaf fall and bare stems, you need to pay attention to one of the possible errors:

  • The earthen lump is overdried;
  • The earth is wet and does not have time to dry a little between waterings;
  • Draft;
  • Temperature difference;
  • Too dry air.


Consider how the codiaum reproduces. can be carried out by seeds and cuttings. The seed method is suitable for adult flowering specimens on which seeds are tied and ripen.

Seed germination drops very quickly, so seedlings can only be obtained from freshly harvested seeds. They should be sown superficially, as they need light to germinate.

With this method of propagation, it is impossible to predict what young plants will look like, but among them there may be very unusual specimens.

The easiest way to propagate the codiaum is to root the apical cuttings.

To do this, cut off the top 10-15 cm long, shorten the leaves or fold the tube and place the cutting in a greenhouse for rooting.

Roots are best formed at high humidity and soil temperature of 25-30 ° C, after treatment with rooting stimulants. Rooting in water is also possible.