For beginners: instructions for growing champignons at home. Growing champignons at home for beginners (in the basement, in the country) I want to grow champignon mushrooms at home

Mushroom growing is a developing and demanded industry, thanks to which it is possible to establish the cultivation of not only “noble” porcini mushrooms, but also very healthy and tasty champignons.

Industrial cultivation of mushrooms is becoming more and more popular every year, and champignons are among the traditional crops in mushroom growing.

Industrial cultivation of mushrooms is becoming more and more popular every year, and champignons are among the traditional crops in mushroom growing. Today, such production in our country is based on developed technologies and already implemented processes.

As the practice of modern mushroom growing shows, fruiting bodies of this species can be grown in different ways, but the Dutch technology is preferred on an industrial scale. Particular attention is paid to the organization of space, and the room must meet all the requirements.

How to grow champignons at home (video)

Profitability of growing champignons for sale

The most profitable types of agricultural business include the cultivation of unpretentious and capable of year-round fruiting champignons. It should be noted that the initial investment in this case will be minimal. The advantages of growing fruiting bodies for sale are:

  • quick payback;
  • high yield;
  • constant, year-round income;
  • the possibility of making a profit not only in the countryside, but also in urban areas;
  • simple system of housekeeping;
  • the ability to use a simplified taxation system;
  • availability of raw materials;
  • ease of finding distribution channels.

A mini-farm can be organized in a cellar and an outbuilding. Fruit bodies can be grown in the basement of a residential building, where shelving is installed. The disadvantages include the need to use manual labor, since the automation of the process involves the acquisition of expensive equipment.

A mini-farm can be organized in a cellar and an outbuilding

How to start growing champignons at home

Cultivation of mushrooms at home is a rather time-consuming process. Fruit bodies actively grow and develop properly if they are provided with competent and complete care, including watering and fertilizing, optimal humidity and comfortable temperature conditions. In addition, it is necessary to competently approach the issue of choosing and acquiring mycelium, as well as a nutrient substrate.

Selection and acquisition of mycelium

Properly choose and purchase really high-quality, healthy and productive planting material is quite difficult, therefore it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • grain sterile mycelium, represented by a mycelium on boiled grain. Such a grain crop, before sowing mycelium, requires preliminary pasteurization. It is best to use rye grain, which provides sufficient and optimal nutrition for the mycelium at the initial stage. Grain mycelium is sold packaged in plastic bags equipped with a special gas exchange filter. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the uniform growth and the presence of an intense mushroom smell;
  • compost mycelium is a special compost mass on which fruiting bodies grew, that is, it is a carrier of mycelium.

The presence of even a slight greening on the surface of the mycelium indicates the presence of pathogens - mold fungi, and a sour smell is evidence of bacteriosis infection. At room temperature, inside a closed package, grain mycelium can be stored for a couple of weeks, and on a refrigerator shelf - up to three months.

Grain sterile mycelium, represented by a mycelium on boiled grain

How to make compost

The compost mass is made in layers. First, 100 kg of straw soaked in water is laid out, which is sprinkled with a powder mixture based on 2 kg of superphosphate, 5 kg of chalk, 8 kg of gypsum and 5 kg of urea. Then 100 kg of manure is laid, which is also sprinkled with powder. After laying four layers, the height of the resulting stack should be approximately one and a half meters.

Making racks for growing champignons in the basement

Shelving system can be ready-made, factory-made, or self-made, using metal, plastic or wood. It should be remembered that wooden structures must first be carefully treated with special antiseptics. Multi-tier racking systems solve the problem of lack of free space in the growing room.

How to grow mushroom mycelium at home (video)

Optimal conditions for growing champignons at home

The full cycle of ripening of the fruiting bodies of mushrooms lasts about twelve weeks, but about half the time is occupied by the preparation of the compost mass, and the second by growth and harvesting. Productivity is influenced by the creation of optimal conditions and a comfortable microclimate in the growing room.

Basement temperature

A culture for abundant fruiting requires the following temperature regime:

  • at the stage of planting the mycelium, the soil temperature is 19°C ± 2°C;
  • at the stage of planting the mycelium, the air temperature is 16°C ± 2°C;
  • at the stage of mycelium germination, the soil temperature is 12°С;
  • at the stage of mycelium germination, the air temperature is about 7°С;
  • at the fruiting stage, the soil temperature is 16°C ± 2°C;
  • at the fruiting stage, the air temperature is 13°C ± 2°C.

It should be remembered that even with a short-term increase in the temperature of the nutrient substrate to 21 ° C, a thin and long stem is formed, and the air temperature below 10 ° C causes a slowdown in the growth and development of fruiting bodies.

The full cycle of ripening of the fruiting bodies of mushrooms lasts about twelve weeks.


In an atmosphere supersaturated with water, champignons rot. The nutrient substrate moisture level of 50-55% promotes the development of filamentous mycelium without the formation of fruiting bodies, and at temperatures above 70%, the formation of mycelium is completely absent. Organic substrates are well heated at a moisture content of 70-75% of water, after which the amount of moisture drops to 50-55%. Such indicators are considered to be optimal. With excessive moisture in the substrate, fruiting bodies grow and develop very poorly.

Lighting Requirements

Lighting systems labeled LDC and LTBC have richer light in their spectrum and are very well suited for the development of mycelium. But they are ideal for installing RDL and DRLF lamps, which emit a red-blue light spectrum that is fully consistent with natural lighting. Also there are special phytolamps that work in blue-red radiation.

Lighting systems labeled LDC and LTBC are characterized by richer light in their spectrum, and are very well suited for the development of mycelium

Room ventilation

After laying the substrate, the amount of carbon dioxide in an insufficiently ventilated space is 0.6-0.8%. Mycelium growth is retarded by ammonia and carbon dioxide, as well as too warm and humid air. It is essential to remove carbon dioxide, and also supply the nutrient substrate with sufficient oxygen. The room for the cultivation of mushrooms must be provided with a good natural or artificial ventilation system.

Optimal room dimensions

The size of the cultivation room is not of fundamental importance, but a smaller area can accommodate fewer racks, mushroom blocks or containers. As a rule, no more than 200 kg are placed per square meter of free space. growing substrate. In the room, boxes are installed with dimensions of 100x50 cm or 120x60 cm with a height of 20-25 cm.

The room for the cultivation of mushrooms must be provided with a good natural or artificial ventilation system.

The technology of growing champignons at home

With self-cultivation at home, you need to properly prepare the nutrient substrate, form compost ridges, sow the mycelium and provide high-quality care for the mycelium.

Substrate preparation

It is best to use ready-made straw-dung substrates, which are flavored with special powdered nutrients. At first straw soaked for two days, after which manure is mixed in, and a week is given for fermentation, during which the nutrient mass is mixed from time to time. Hobting or applying a cover layer is carried out with a mixture based on five parts of peat, four parts of disinfected soil and one chalk.

Formation of compost ridges

When forming compost ridges need to remember that the substrate cannot be laid directly on open ground, therefore, it is allowed to use a dense polyethylene film or roofing felt as a litter. If a wall-mounted champignon is equipped, then it should be located exclusively on the north side of the building.

However, the cultivation of mushrooms in basements or cellars, as well as specially equipped natural caves, is optimal.

It is best to use ready-made straw-dung substrates, which are flavored with special powdered nutrients.

Planting mushroom mycelium

Mushroom or mycelium is planted at a soil temperature of 25-27 ° C. Approximately 250 g of sterile mycelium should be planted per square meter of mushroom area, which is divided into small pieces weighing 15-20 g each. Standard planting is done in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining a distance of a quarter of a meter.

Features of the care of the mycelium

Proper care of champignons involves competent regulation of temperature and humidity levels at different stages of development of fruiting bodies. At the stage of active fruiting, in the process of irrigation measures, champignons should be fed with a 0.5% solution of nitrogen-containing fertilizers, with a consumption of one and a half liters of nutrient composition for each square meter of champignons. Mushroom watering is required once every 2-5 days, spending about 1.5-2.5 liters per square meter.

Approximately 250 g of sterile mycelium should be planted per square meter of mushroom area

Fruiting and harvesting

Mushrooms come into fruiting after about two or three weeks, and productivity is maintained for six months, after which it is necessary to renew the ridges. The process of development of fruiting bodies takes ten days, but harvesting is required to be carried out daily or about every other day.

Collection is carried out before the onset of biological maturity. The hat should be round and unopened, and the plates should be covered with a film. Fruiting bodies are often formed by nests, therefore, when harvesting, they must be carefully twisted, sprinkling the pits that have appeared with moistened soil.

Possible problems when growing champignons in the basement

As a rule, problems in the cultivation of mushrooms arise only for novice mushroom growers, in case of violation of the cultivation technology and non-compliance with the rules for caring for mushrooms.

Lack of mycelium growth in the substrate

The mycelium slows down in growth and development, as a rule, when the substrate is excessively waterlogged, or the substrate is damaged by springtails. It is required to carefully examine the nutrient substrate, as well as reduce the frequency of irrigation activities.

Collection of champignons is carried out before the onset of biological maturity

Germination of other mushrooms

The reason is the poor heat treatment of the substrate, its improper preparation for sowing with mycelium, as well as the use of insufficiently high-quality mycelium. Detected foreign fungi must be periodically removed.

Formation of fruiting bodies with pedunculated expansion

The appearance in the process of fruiting of young mushrooms with a swollen stem and an incompletely developed hat, as well as the formation of almost completely shapeless fruiting bodies, is the result of infection of the mycelium with verticillium.

Spots on the surface of the nutrient substrate

The appearance on the substrate of green, olive, yellowish or black spots that develop on the surface of the substrate or braid the fruiting bodies and have the appearance of a cobweb coating may indicate infection with mold fungi. Usually, mold is formed as a result of poor-quality or insufficient heat treatment process, as well as when using low-quality sowing mycelium.

How to make money on mushrooms at home on an industrial scale (video)

Mold fungi develop especially actively at a sufficiently high temperature regime, therefore it is very important to strictly observe sanitary and hygienic standards and perform very high-quality preparation of the nutrient substrate. In conditions of strong mold development, the compost needs to be cleaned by removing clods of moldy substrate and replacing them with disinfected planting mass.

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Champignons are considered the most common types of mushrooms, so there is no need to advertise them additionally. The product is widely used in cooking; first and second courses, canned snacks, salads are prepared on its basis. Due to their high protein content, champignons are an excellent source of protein. Experienced gardeners prefer to grow mushrooms on their own, but the procedure has a number of features. To fully comply with the technology, you must follow the step-by-step instructions. In our article we will tell you how to grow champignon mushrooms at home.

What you need to grow champignon at home

To grow champignons at home, you should take care of the presence of a cool room. For these purposes, a home basement, cellar is suitable.

To grow champignons at home, you will need:

  • basement or other darkened room;
  • fans to create good air circulation;
  • boxes made of plastic or wood (in extreme cases, bags are also suitable) for the substrate;
  • thermometer for measuring the temperature of the substrate and air;
  • hygrometer for monitoring air humidity.

Soil preparation for growing mushrooms at home

First of all, you need to prepare the soil, for which you will need:

  • straw - 100 kg;
  • chicken manure, cow or horse manure - 100 kg;
  • tomato or potato tops - 50 kg;
  • winter wheat grains - 50 kg;
  • urea, superphosphate - 2 kg;
  • gypsum or alabaster - 7 kg;
  • water - 300 l.

The straw must be thoroughly wetted and mixed with manure, laying them in layers, sprinkling with urea and superphosphate every 3-4 layers. All layers are well mixed and sprinkled with alabaster or plaster and chalk. When all layers are ready, they are thoroughly mixed several more times. This will turn out a stack 1.5 m high, which should be covered with a film and left for 2-3 weeks in the garden. This is the time of the so-called burning. The mixture heats up and smells rather unpleasant. Now you need to wait until the moment when the mixture stops emitting an unpleasant smell of ammonia.

The technology for growing champignons must be observed exactly, the quality of the prepared substrate and, of course, the future yield depends on it. Making a substrate is the most difficult process. It requires care and careful observance of proportions. It is important not to forget all the ingredients to constantly mix thoroughly and moisten well. Subject to the proportions, the output should be about 300 kg of finished soil, which is quite enough to prepare a mycelium up to 3 m2 in area.

Mycelium for growing mushrooms at home

Today it is not difficult to acquire mushroom mycelium. The pages on the network are full of advertisements for mycelium of various packaging and price categories. It is much more difficult to choose a really high-quality planting material. Sterile grain mycelium of champignons is a mycelium, the carrier of which is boiled and sterilized grain. Mushroom mycelium is usually produced on rye grain, which at the initial stage of development provides nutrition to the mycelium. Grain mycelium is sold in plastic bags with a gas exchange filter. A good viable grain mycelium is evenly overgrown (white) on all sides and has an intense mushroom smell. A slight greening indicates the presence of mold fungi, and a sour smell indicates infection with bacteriosis. At room temperature and in a closed package, grain mycelium is stored for 1-2 weeks, and in the refrigerator - up to 3 months. Before planting, the mycelium stored in the refrigerator must be kept at room temperature for a day without opening the package in order to adapt the mycelium before immersion in a warm substrate. Compost mycelium is the compost on which mushrooms grew and which is the carrier of the mycelium.

Choosing a place for growing champignons at home

Before choosing a place for a mushroom plantation, weigh all the pros and cons, decide where it will be more convenient for you to take care of the plantings without spending a lot of effort.

  • In containers - for a small amount of mushrooms, mainly for their own use.
  • In plastic bags - this method is universal, you can use bags in a small space and in large greenhouses.
  • On special racks (Dutch method) - used for production volumes, cultivation in order to profit from the sale of champignons.
  • On plots in open ground, a plot in a greenhouse, a designated area in outbuildings: sheds, cellars, vegetable stores, pantries.

Lighting for growing champignons at home

Unlike green onions and other plants, champignons do not need additional lighting. They can be perfectly grown in the dark. The light bulb should be screwed in only so that it is convenient to work in the cellar or basement.

Ventilation for growing champignons at home

The cellar should be equipped with a ventilation system, since the compost on which mushrooms grow actively emits carbon dioxide during decomposition. And musty mushrooms do not tolerate. Carbon dioxide must be removed and fresh air supplied in its place. However, drafts should not be allowed. The ventilation pipes are covered with a fine-mesh mesh so that insects do not get inside.

If conventional supply and exhaust pipes are not enough for good ventilation of the cellar. You will have to take care of forced ventilation of the room. Additional fans can be used to organize air circulation over the boxes with champignons. If possible, it is worth installing additional air purification filters.

Temperature and humidity for growing champignons at home

To control these indicators, install a thermometer and a hygrometer in the mushroom growing room. You can increase the humidity by spraying the racks and the floor with a spray bottle. Reduce - due to ventilation. The temperature in the summer can be regulated with the help of ventilation, but if you plan to grow champignons all year round, take care of the additional heating of the cellar.

Sowing champignons at home

Before sowing, a mandatory heat treatment of the planting substrate is carried out, after which the work is carried out in compliance with the following order:

Ridges are poured from the cooled compost or wooden boxes are filled with it. The thickness of the soil layer is about 30 cm.

At a distance of 20–25 cm, planting holes 4–5 cm deep are formed in a checkerboard pattern, lifting the soil with a small peg.

Sowing material is introduced into each well - compost mycelium the size of a chicken egg or a handful of grain. Inoculation with grain mycelium can be carried out in a simpler way, scattering it over the surface of the soil and covering it with a thin layer of soil mixture (about 4–5 cm).

For the correct and rapid development of the mycelium, plantings need to provide competent and complete care.

Harvesting champignons at home

When growing champignons outdoors, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do this more than once a year, indoors - up to seven times! The whole process takes from one and a half to four months. Fruiting lasts two to three months. But champignons ripen unevenly. You need to collect mushrooms that have already formed a film that connects the leg to the edge of the cap.

Make sure that your crop does not stand still: if the plates have darkened and burst, they cannot be eaten, they become poisonous. And the fungus will collapse. Mushrooms are not cut with a knife, but twisted. The remaining holes should be covered with casing soil and lightly watered. The next "harvest" will take place in a week. But more than half of the total harvest falls on the first two or three harvests. With good care, mushrooms can produce up to five to twelve kilograms per square meter. Mushrooms are unpretentious, will grow in any case.

Of course, a big plus when growing mushrooms is that they do not require constant attention, weeding, lots of water and the specialty "agronomist". It is enough just to adhere to the conditions necessary for them, such as humidity and temperature, as well as to harvest on time.

Delicious and fragrant champignon is one of the most sought-after products in the kitchen. It is used to prepare various types of salads, appetizers and first courses. Such popularity of the mushroom causes interest in growing it at home. It is not necessary to engage in this process on a large scale. It is enough to show a little ingenuity and effort to enjoy organic mushrooms all year round and not spend money on buying them in expensive supermarkets.

You can grow champignon not only in a summer cottage, in a greenhouse or basement, but also in an ordinary city apartment. It is only necessary to strictly adhere to a certain cultivation technology.

We prepare the soil in order to grow champignons. Perhaps this is the most difficult stage of the process of growing at home. The basis of the substrate is compost, prepared from straw and horse manure, in a ratio of 2: 1, which are tightly laid in layers and watered abundantly. We saturate the finished compost with fertilizers (superphosphates) and urea at the rate of 1 kg per 250 kg of horse manure. It should be borne in mind that the composting process occurs with the release of pungent-smelling decay products, therefore, it is carried out in well-ventilated rooms. We plant the mycelium of the fungus at home. In the prepared substrate, the fermentation process should be completely completed, and the temperature should reach 25 C. The acquired compost mycelium is placed in small portions into the soil to a depth of 5 cm in a checkerboard pattern. Grain mycelium (namely, it is the most productive) can simply be scattered over the substrate and lightly covered with a small layer of soil.

We grow champignons at home. We water abundantly with a spray gun and maintain a constant temperature of 15-20 C. If the landing was made on open ground, do not forget to wrap the beds with paper, dark polyethylene, plywood.

We take care of the first shoots. To do this, after 2-3 weeks, we cover the overgrown mycelium with a small layer of special soil - a mixture of peat and chalk (9: 1). Be sure to monitor the absence of drafts.

Did you manage to grow mushrooms? Then we harvest! With proper indoor cultivation, this can be achieved up to seven times a year. From the first shoots to the last mushroom takes up to 4 months. Therefore, you can enjoy homemade mushrooms for a long time. Mushrooms are not cut, but twisted from the hole. Then, in a week, a young champignon will appear in place of the grown mushroom. Just keep in mind that you only need to collect mushrooms that have a connecting film between the cap and the leg. And do not try to take darkened or burst mushrooms. They can be poisonous! After harvesting the entire crop, the soil is removed, and the room is treated with a 4% bleach solution.

In general, champignons are unpretentious and will grow with any care. This instruction is only for those who want not only to grow champignons at home, but also to get a big harvest (up to 12 kg per sq.m.).

Growing champignons at home has become today not only an exotic hobby, but also a popular way to earn extra money. The interest of private producers in such a business is explained by high demand and the lack of large investments. To obtain stable yields, you should study the features of home growing champignons and provide them with the appropriate conditions.

The best varieties for growing

Modern selection provides the market with new varieties of champignons. Today there are already about 50 varieties. Hybrid varieties differ from wild-growing varieties in higher yields and good adaptation to artificial conditions.

The nutritional value of all champignons, home-grown, is approximately the same. Small differences between varieties are observed in the intensity of fruiting, care features and appearance: color, size.

To grow homemade champignons for commercial purposes, they choose high-yielding and unpretentious varieties in care:

  1. Houser A15. A high-yielding young hybrid, the most popular among farmers in America and Europe. It is distinguished by a large cap, dense pulp, not prone to the formation of scales. The strain is suitable for growing on different composts.
  2. Somycel 608 and 512. Strains popular in Europe. They give many waves of harvest and are distinguished by the stability of fruiting. Mushrooms of medium size, require strict adherence to growing conditions.
  3. Sylvan 130 . An all-purpose hybrid of American selection that can be grown in home nurseries in beds, in bags, on trays or on shelves. The variety is characterized by fast germination and high fertility. Suitable for conservation.

To study home-grown culture, novice mushroom growers can use the purchased mycelium of ordinary white champignon.

How to grow mushrooms at home

Mushrooms are grown in dachas, in greenhouses, special champignons are built, but some home premises can also be adapted for such production. The main thing is to provide the landings with the necessary humidity, temperature, be sure to provide ventilation. Most often, all the requirements correspond to the basement or cellar.

There are several ways to place home plantings:

  • on racks - when the soil is poured directly onto the shelves with sides;
  • in separate boxes that can be installed arbitrarily;
  • beds piled on the floor in the basement;
  • in bags of various capacities.

With any method, the cultivation of champignons is subject to the same rules, including the principles of preparation, laying the substrate and observing the parameters necessary for the culture.

Indoor lighting

An advantageous fact when growing homemade champignons is their ability to develop almost in the dark. Light is needed only for work and does not affect productivity in any way.

Direct sunlight is undesirable for champignons. When growing in rooms with large windows or on home balconies, the glass needs to be darkened or curtained.


Access to fresh air is one of the main rules for growing champignon mushrooms at home. Without proper ventilation, fruits do not germinate well, get sick, pests and mold can appear in home compost. During growth, champignons emit a lot of carbon dioxide, its stagnation leads to deformation of the body, the legs of the mushrooms are extended.

When growing at home, all ventilation vents should be covered with fine meshes. So it is possible to protect plantings from insects and reduce the risk of drafts, which are detrimental to champignons.

With large domestic cultivation volumes, the air supply is arranged more carefully: with fans above each box, cleaning and filtering systems.

Temperature and Humidity

The technology of growing champignons involves several temperature regimes at a consistently high humidity - not lower than 65%. Moreover, it is desirable not to water the substrate excessively, and the humidity of the air can be brought up to 90%.

The best home harvests are obtained when it is possible to regulate the temperature in accordance with the development phase of the mushrooms. So, when the mycelium matures, +25 ° С will be required, and for growing the body of the fungus - about +14 ° С.

If the ability to regulate the temperature is limited, you should place the mushrooms in a room where it is constantly from +16 to +20 ° C.

Room division

Growing champignons at home requires following two fundamentally different stages: the incubation period and the forcing period of the fungus body.

Large basements or special buildings are conveniently divided into two zones. In one of them, mycelium will mature in special compost at a temperature of +20 to +25 °C.

The second part will be occupied by containers with mushrooms. Homemade champignons quickly grow a fleshy body at low temperatures - from +14 to +18 ° C, which depends on the characteristics of the variety.

The presence of two zones can guarantee a year-round supply of crops. It is only necessary to move boxes or bags from one part to another in time.

Room disinfection

Methods of preventive treatment:

  1. Whitewash with copper sulfate in the ratio: 2 kg of lime + 100 g of copper sulfate, diluted in 10 liters of water.
  2. Irrigation with bleach solution: 400 g disinfectant per 10 liters of water.
  3. Treatment of all surfaces with formalin (4%) using a spray gun.
  4. Fumigation of the room with sulfuric smoke using a smoke bomb.

Attention! All household disinfection work is carried out in a protective mask, gloves and overalls.

After any type of treatment, the room needs to be ventilated until the smell of chemicals disappears and all surfaces are completely dry.

Substrate preparation

Creating a high-quality soil mixture for forcing champignons at home is half the battle. Therefore, if there is a shortage of time or materials for making compost, it should be purchased from a trusted supplier. Farmers who grow champignons often lay the substrate with a large supply, and sell the rest.

The preparation of a fertile composition is accompanied by an elevated temperature and a rapid release of harmful gases with an unpleasant odor. All work is done outdoors.

The best homemade champignons are grown on horse manure formulations. Other types of organic matter reduce yields by 25%. You will also need cereal straw (oatmeal, rye). The ratio of plant residues to manure is maintained as 1:3.

For 100 kg of the mixture, additives are prepared:

  • urea - 2 kg;
  • superphosphate - 2 kg;
  • chalk and plaster in the amount of about 10 kg.

The straw is pre-soaked and the compost is started according to the scheme.

Layers of straw are watered abundantly, sprinkling with additives. After laying, you need to wait about a month for the mixture to “burn out” and make compost. Every week, the bookmark is mixed with a pitchfork. The readiness of the compost is indicated by the absence of an ammonia smell, a decrease in the temperature of the bookmark, and the uniformity of the humus. The substrate for growing mushrooms is pasteurized at temperatures above 70 ° C, this will destroy infections and pests.

Comment! For home plantings of champignons, the soil is laid in a layer of at least 25 cm. To prepare a plot of 1 square meter for growing. m, it will take up to 40 kg of finished compost.

Introduction of mycelium

On sale, mycelium (seed) of champignons can be of two types:

  1. Compost - stored up to 12 months at 0 °C. Material consumption per 1 sq. m - 500 g.
  2. Grain - more productive, easy to plant. Up to 350 g is taken for the same area for sowing. Shelf life in the refrigerator is 6 months.

Important! High-quality mycelium for growing homemade champignons is homogeneous, white, without color inclusions, springy when pressed.

The matured compost is laid out in boxes, forms, or racks with a layer of about 30 cm. Sowing in warm compost (about 25 ° C) gives the best results. Germination of mycelium at home actively occurs at a temperature of 20 to 28 ° C. An increase or decrease in these indicators provokes the death of planting material.

If grain mycelium is used for cultivation, it is simply sown on the surface and covered with another layer of substrate (up to 5 cm). When a compost type of mycelium is used, it should be broken into small sections and each deepened 4–5 cm deep into the soil mixture. The distance between landing sites is maintained at least 20 cm.

To maintain the required humidity, the substrate is sprayed or covered with containers with a wet cloth or paper.

Distillation of fruiting bodies

The incubation period for growing champignons lasts 12 days. The compost is covered with thin threads of mycelium, which now permeates the entire soil layer. With any method of growing champignons at home, at the end of this period, the temperature should be reduced. Now you need to maintain from +12 to +16 ° С.

For the appearance of mushrooms, another layer of earth is required. Covering soil for forcing homemade champignons may consist of soddy soil with the addition of peat, sand, limestone. The main requirement for the soil is sterility and lightness of the composition. The required layer is 3 cm.

Mushroom fruiting bodies are grown in the upper layer. The first house mushrooms will appear in 30-50 days, depending on the characteristics of the strain and the conditions created.

During the growth of champignons, the room should be regularly ventilated and the humidity of the substrate should be maintained at the level of 60–65%. The air must be more humid than the soil.


One home bookmark can bring up to 8 waves of harvest and bear fruit for more than a year. The most abundant are the 3 initial growing periods.

Mushrooms are harvested at the stage when the lower part of the cap is covered with a film and completely covers the brown plates. Domestic mushrooms are not cut, but, turning slightly, are carefully removed from the soil. The resulting pit is covered with a substrate for further fruiting. On once infected soil, re-growing champignons is unacceptable.

Advice! It is unacceptable to leave the remains of champignons on the soil surface. Their decay provokes diseases, attracts pests.

How to store champignons at home

Fresh champignons, even chilled, do not last long. Their tender flesh quickly deteriorates under the film, dries up in the open. You can extend the home storage period by packing the mushrooms in paper bags and placing them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This will keep them fresh for up to 5 days.

After a week in the refrigerator, the mushrooms become unusable, even if they look fresh. For long-term storage at home, it is better to use freezing.

When growing mushrooms for sale, one should take into account their fragility and agree on supplies in advance.

Disease control

Mushrooms are very sensitive to bacterial, viral, fungal infections of the soil. Infection of plantings during home cultivation most often occurs from low-quality compost. Mycelium or an insufficiently prepared room may be infected.

A strong, uninfected mycelium, subject to the rules of ventilation, moisture, temperature, can suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. If affected fruits or mold spots are found on the ground, diseased fruits can be removed from the surface, and the soil should be thickly sprinkled with salt. But, most likely, the entire container will have to be taken out of the nursery, and the substrate thrown away.

Mushrooms are grown at home to obtain a pure product that does not contain pesticides and poisons. Therefore, the main way to combat diseases and pests is to maintain cleanliness, disinfection of all equipment, and timely sanitization of the premises.

How to grow champignons in an apartment

Without a dacha, cellar or garage, you can grow champignons right in your apartment. Having calculated the correct planting time, homemade mushrooms can be cultivated on the balcony. They will need to be protected from sunlight and maintain the necessary humidity by covering the containers with wet paper.

The easiest way to grow champignons at home is to plant them according to all the above rules in small but deep plastic trays. When choosing containers, they are guided by the availability of free space and the ability to maintain the necessary microclimate.

Growing champignons at home is possible in small plastic bags, which makes them easy to carry and dispose of when infected with diseases. Select packs of sufficient depth to comply with landing rules.

Some mushroom lovers set aside large areas in the apartment for planting mushrooms. It should be remembered that the cultivation of such domestic crops requires isolation from residential premises. For mushrooms in large quantities, basements or special buildings are better suited. It is required to grow champignons in specific conditions, and spores, gas, smells emitted by plantings do not contribute to comfortable living.


Growing champignons at home is not an easy but exciting activity that requires patience and skill. Once having gone through all the necessary stages, having received a harvest, you can evaluate the cost and profitability of such an enterprise. Many beginners, starting with the cultivation of domestic mushrooms in small volumes, become the owners of entire mushroom farms, turning their hobby into a profitable business.

How to grow champignons at home: choosing a room for a mycelium + how to prepare a substrate + where to lay compost + after how many days the mushroom bears fruit + how to grow champignons in stages at home + is it possible to grow mushrooms in bags + investing in a champignon growing business.

There are many culinary recipes in which the presence of mushrooms is simply necessary. Mushrooms are eaten marinated, fried, boiled, in salads, main dishes and hot dinners.

With such a demand, selling this product can be a good business idea, so today we will share with you the secret of how to grow champignons at home, while spending a minimum of personal money savings.

How to grow champignons at home and what kind of room is suitable for mycelium?

In nature, the champignon mushroom grows everywhere - a field, a meadow, a forest, a garden, a kitchen garden, etc. If you want, then you will need to prepare a special room for this.

The basement is most suitable, especially if the floor is earthen. You can try to grow products in a garage, shed or greenhouse, but it will be risky.

The main requirement for the room is ventilation, as well as disinfection. The fungus quickly absorbs all microbes, fungal infections, etc. As a result, you risk poisoning yourself and your consumers.

How is the proper disinfection of a room for growing mushrooms:

  1. If you have chosen a basement, barn or garage for your mushroom growing, it is advisable to whitewash the walls and ceiling. Add copper sulfate to whitewash.

    Whitewash should be prepared for use with the addition of the following components:

    • 2-3 kg of slaked lime;
    • 1 bucket of water (10 liters);
    • 100 grams of copper sulfate.
  2. Remember to wear a respiratory mask while disinfecting the room.

  3. Another option for disinfecting a room is to dilute 350 grams of bleach in 1 bucket of water (10 liters). The walls are treated by irrigation.
  4. If possible, treat the basement with a sulfur checker. After such a strong disinfection, you will have to thoroughly ventilate the room.

Now let's talk about the ventilation of the room where the mushrooms will grow. The basement should always be supplied with fresh air, but at the same time exclude the formation of drafts. Ventilation pipes must be with a filter that will prevent insects from entering the basement.

If you are planning a whole production in order to be able to grow large batches of champignons, then install production fans that will stand above each rack. Try to install an air purifier with a replaceable filter.

The mushroom picker is obliged to constantly monitor the humidity in the room and the air temperature. This will help equipment such as a thermometer and hygrometer. If champignons grow even in winter, then you will also have to purchase a fireplace for heating the basement.

The humidity of the room should be within 70-85%, and the temperature in Celsius - from +12 to +20 maximum, depending on the ripening period of the mushrooms.

The only thing that mushrooms definitely do not need is light. They will breed even in the dark.

Approximate item of expenses in the preparation of the premises:

Item of expensesQuantityAmount (rub.)
TOTAL: 10 560 rubles
1. Fan for production room
1 5 000
2. Thermo-hygrometer
1 1 000
4. Chlorine
1 pack60
5. Air purifier
1 4 500

1) We prepare the right substrate for growing champignons at home.

Now we will tell you how to properly prepare the substrate at home.

The ideal ratio at which champignons will produce is “one to three” - most of the horse manure and a third of the straw.

Instead of horse manure, chicken manure or cow manure is sometimes used. Replacing such an important component can lead to a deterioration in yield, it is better not to risk it.

The main rule is that the substrate should only be prepared outdoors or in a place that has good ventilation. During the ripening process, which lasts 3 weeks, poisonous gas (ammonia and carbon dioxide) will be released. They are harmful to health, so this process is best done outdoors.

Let's take a look at the steps of how to prepare the substrate at home:

DayType of workDescription
1 dayWe soak the strawWe take a large container and soak the straw.
It will take 200-300 liters
water per 100 kg of straw.
2 dayStackingWe lay layers of straw and manure (100 kg)
in turn. There should be 6 layers in total. Between layers
straw and manure need to be added
urea (2 kg) and water.
7-8 dayInterruption #1Add gypsum (8 kg) and water, and after that
12-13 dayInterruption #2Add water, superphosphate (2 kg) and chalk (5 kg).
16-17 dayInterruption #3Check if water needs to be added.
20-21 daysInterruption #4Again we check if water is needed. At
add liquid as needed and
mix everything.
Day 22LayingWe prepare boxes, racks or bags for
compost packaging.

Note that the smoldering temperature of the substrate rises to 70-80 degrees above Celsius. As a result, we will get 300 kilograms of compost, which is approximately 3 square meters of area for planting and growing champignons at home.

How to recognize quality compost? It should not stick to the hands, but at the same time it is moist and leaves no traces of dirt.

If during the preparation of the soil for champignons you added more water than expected, then lay out the substrate and dry it a little. Make sure that the moisture does not fall below the required level. The optimal indicator is 60%.

You can buy a ready-made briquette of soil with seeded mycelium in order to grow mushrooms at home. Its price is from 250 rubles per 10 kg. That is, for 300 kg you will have to pay 45,000 rubles.

It will be much cheaper to personally look for everything you need, it will not be difficult if you live in a rural area. In addition, important items such as straw and manure can be given to you for free or for a small fee.

2) We prepare the basis for laying compost.

Depending on the conditions in which you will grow champignons, laying the soil will have its own characteristics.

Option for preparation and arrangement of compost:

  1. If you are going to plant champignons directly on the cellar floor, then fill the compost with a layer of 70 centimeters. Be sure to form beds.
  2. The second option is to prepare shelving with sides. Fill the soil with a layer of 45 cm.
  3. You can grow a mushroom directly in wooden or metal boxes. Make a layer of soil 25 cm, and stack boxes (box capacity - 4 buckets) stacked on top of each other.
  4. How to grow champignon mushrooms at home outdoors? You can also do this outdoors or in a greenhouse. In this case, the compost is laid out directly on the ground, the layer is 30 cm. Landing in the soil is early spring. Be sure to make a canopy to protect the champignon from precipitation.

In any case, the compost must be laid well and tightly, its surface must be even.

Detailed instructions on how to grow champignons at home

Now we proceed to the point how to grow champignons at home. Before that, let's consider how the planting of the mycelium itself occurs, the so-called. fungal germs.

Step-by-step description of planting mycelium at home:

How to grow champignons at home in bags?

A polymer bag will help increase the yield of champignons at home. It is used instead of fitted racks and drawers. This technique is now recognized and in demand in many countries around the world.

  1. Purchase a plastic film and make a bag yourself. It should fit from 25 to 35 kilograms of compost.
  2. In the cellar, the bags must be placed parallel to each other or in a checkerboard pattern, i.e. there must be space between them.
  3. The height of the bags and their width can be different. The main thing is that it is convenient for you to work with them, and it was not crowded in the basement.

The film is not expensive - 50 m2 will cost about 100 rubles.

If problems arise and one of the bags becomes infected, then it must be thrown away. If you use racks, then in order to disinfect the mycelium, you will have to throw out the entire shelf and re-make the substrate.

Technology of cultivation of champignon mushrooms.

How to grow mushrooms yourself?
Business at home.

Business idea - growing mushrooms at home?

It will take about 60 thousand rubles to grow champignons at home, provided that we buy ready-made compost in briquettes. If you do everything yourself, then the maximum expense item is 12 thousand rubles.

Do not forget that electricity consumption will increase due to the constantly on ventilation. Along with this, the numbers in utility bills.

What can you say about revenue? From one square meter, you can collect up to 10 kilograms of champignons, from 3, respectively, 30 kg.

Even if we take into account that champignons will produce only 5 waves, we will collect about 150 kilograms of the product in the end. The price of a raw mushroom on the market is about 120 rubles per kilogram. If they can be preserved and sold, then you can put a price of 200 rubles per 1 liter of champignons.

Even a small harvest can bring a stable profit of 30 thousand rubles. If you grow champignons at home all year round, then the income will grow, while the costs of such a business are minimal. This allows us to conclude that the mushroom business has great potential.

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