Bamboo happiness how to twist yourself. indoor bamboo

Dracaena sander or lucky bamboo (Lucky Bamboo) is a fairly common indoor plant. It is believed that indoor happiness bamboo is able to bring good luck and wealth to its owners.

Being a very hardy plant, bamboo can grow indoors for many years, growing up to 2-3 meters in size with proper care. At the same time, Sander's dracaena is very simple and easy to propagate at home from lateral and apical shoots, of which a large number is formed in dracaena.

So, we present you a step-by-step instruction with a photo on propagating happiness bamboo (Sander's dracaena) at home.

  • We choose healthy bamboo stems with shoots 10-15 cm long. Determining a healthy stem is very simple - it is green and hard. If the stem turns yellow, darkens or is soft to the touch, it is best not to use it for propagation. An example of healthy stems can be seen in the photo:
  • Next, we remove excess leaves from the stems. It is best to leave only a few top sheets on the shoot. This will allow the bamboo to put all the energy into root growth.
  • We cut off the process from the main stem. The easiest way is to cut it along the upper edge of the main bamboo stem (see photo). It should be noted that the cut off shoots must have at least one node (thickening on the trunk of the dracaena), from which the roots of the new plant will then grow.
  • We place the cut off shoots of the Sandera dracaena in a container of water so that they take new roots. This is usually not a quick process and can take two to three months. In this case, you should regularly change the water in the tank to avoid the death of the plant. In this case, the water should be as clean as possible (after the filter).
  • If you want new shoots to form on the old stem, then you need to cut it 1-2 cm below the cut shoot, but up to the first node on the stem. It is from this node that a new bamboo shoot is formed in 1-2 months.
  • To prevent rotting of the top of the cut stem of the dracaena, it is necessary to treat it with wax. For this, an ordinary wax candle is taken, a small piece of wax is melted on fire (it is best to do this in a tablespoon), and then the top of the plant is lowered into it. You should not keep it in wax for a long time, a couple of seconds is enough. After that, the top will be covered with a thin layer of wax, which will give it a good appearance, prevent it from drying out and getting various kinds of infections and bacteria into it.

Indoor bamboo is Sander's dracaena (Dracaena brauniic). Dracaena Sandera is a plant with a leafy or bare hollow stem, its shade is green or yellow-green. Naturally, the stem grows upright, but it can be twisted artificially, creating interesting compositions (spirals, lattices, etc.). The leaf blades are oblong, with pointed tips, deep green in color, arranged along the stem or collected at its top.

Subject to simple rules of care, decorative bamboo is able to grow indoors for a long time. It is necessary to provide an environment as close as possible to the natural habitat.

The decorative bamboo is unpretentious. An evergreen exotic plant will be a great addition to a home or office interior, it will help to withstand a Japanese-style room. Ornamental bamboo can be grown in substrate or water. Regardless of the method of growing dracaena Sandera will delight with decorative qualities. This gives ample opportunities in the choice of capacity, which allows you to complement the interior in an original way. The rapid growth rate makes it possible in a short time to create a cozy tropical corner or decorate the work area.

Ways to grow bamboo

There are three ways to grow bamboo at home:

  • In a flower pot with soil;
  • In a regular or transparent container with water (looks very impressive);
  • In a transparent container with hydrogel.

For growing in the ground you will need fairly wide and stable flower pots, as bamboo grows very quickly. As a soil, any universal mixture is suitable. You can take a substrate for growing decorative leafy crops, there is a special soil mixture for dracaena.

When grown in water most often choose a transparent container. The plant is fixed with decorative stones (they should first be boiled for disinfection). Water for cultivation and irrigation (when planting a plant in the soil) requires soft - rain, melt, filtered, settled for 1-2 days, tap water.

Hydrogel is a convenient modern material for growing plants. It retains moisture, protects the root system, becomes an unusual decorative detail. It is very easy to handle - minimal watering and periodic fertilization are required.

Depending on where bamboo is grown (soil, water or hydrogel), the care rules are slightly different. This will be discussed in more detail.

Conditions for growing bamboo dracaena sander


Bamboo of happiness, or Sander's dracaena, prefers bright diffused lighting, protect from direct sunlight. The best location are windows east or west. When placed on the south side, let the light through the tulle curtain.

If the lighting is insufficient, the growth rate will slow down, the bamboo will begin to shed its leaves.

Air temperature

The optimal temperature regime for yuambuka is the range of 18-25 ° C. The plant will normally tolerate summer heat within 30 ° C.

Air humidity

There are no special requirements for the level of air humidity. Periodically wipe the leaf plates with a damp soft cloth - the accumulated dust does not allow the leaves to "breathe". If the air in the room is too dry, resort to spraying from a fine spray.

How to feed

Fertilization is an important element of care when growing bamboo in water. Lack of top dressing will lead to yellowing of the stem or leaf blades. Apply complex mineral fertilizers along with replacement water or water for irrigation. It is enough to feed 1 time in 2-3 months.

Bamboo in water care at home

Bamboo in water is an easy and convenient way to grow. The aquatic environment contributes to a more active and harmonious growth, even at room conditions, bamboo varnishes can reach a height of 1-2 m. Change the water in the container once a week. If the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, the water has an unpleasant odor, change the liquid immediately, rinse the pebbles and pebbles thoroughly under warm running water. It is best to keep bamboo in melt water.

How to prepare melt water:

  • Fill a plastic container with water;
  • Put in the freezer for two days;
  • Defrost, use as directed.

Do not forget to add top dressing of complex mineral fertilizers, you can do this once a week, diluting with water 3-4 times more than the recommended dose.

Growing bamboo in a pot with soil

This method of growing somewhat simplifies care - you do not have to change the water weekly, monitor its condition. In itself, the constant presence of the root system in moisture is dangerous, because rotting is possible.

During the warm season, the plant will need timely and regular. The soil mixture should always be in a slightly damp state, do not allow the earthen coma to dry out. If you transferred bamboo from the aquatic environment to the soil, water abundantly, carefully monitor the condition of the plant until it finally takes root. The soil should be moist, but not waterlogged.

Watering in the autumn-winter period should be significantly reduced - the topsoil should dry out between waterings. Stagnation of water is strictly unacceptable. This will lead to the appearance of mold, rotting of the root system. For preventive purposes, when planting, take care of the presence of good drainage holes, lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the container.

Growing bamboo in a hydrogel

Care for a plant planted in a hydrogel should be approximately the same as when growing in a substrate. Only the hydrogel should not be watered as often as the soil. The top layer of hydrogel can dry out faster than the rest - just spray it with a fine mist sprayer or replace it with a fresh one. Reduce the concentration when fertilizing.

Do not place the composition in direct sunlight, as the hydrogel may become moldy.

Do not confuse hydrogel and hydroponics. By itself, the hydrogel is a neutral environment (neither stimulation for growth, nor nutritional value), which is its advantage and disadvantage at the same time.

Bamboo varnishes from seeds at home

Dracaena sandera reproduces by seeds, and if you managed to get them, it's time to get a lot of happiness bamboo seedlings.

  • To grow seedlings of sander dracaena, it is preferable to take leafy soil and mix it with sand, and lay a layer of drainage on the bottom of the container. So you will be sure that young plants will not be affected by rot.
  • Seeds are large enough to be planted one at a time in the cells of a seedling cassette, and then transferred to larger cups.

  • If there is not enough space on the windowsill, you can sow in a container for seedlings, and carefully plant the grown plants in separate cups, trying to hook them with a fork along with an earthen clod. When planting seeds in a container, keep a minimum distance between seedlings of 3-4 cm.
  • Seeding depth 0.5-1 cm.
  • After sowing, the soil is sprayed from a spray gun, the container is covered with cling film, a transparent lid or glass.
  • The required temperature for seed germination and seedling cultivation is 18-24°C.
  • Lighting requires bright diffused, long daylight hours. If growing in a north window or during the cold winter months, provide backlighting with grow lights to keep the plants from stretching out.

Bamboo lacquers grow very quickly, and after two months you will have full-fledged seedlings that can be planted in permanent pots using the transshipment method.

Propagation of bamboo varnishes by cuttings at home

Propagation by cuttings can be carried out throughout the year, but the most favorable time is spring.

  • Cut or break off a young shoot from the main plant, put it in water with a root formation stimulator for roots to appear.
  • After rooting in water, plant the cutting in suitable soil.
  • During the first 2-3 weeks, pay more attention to young plants: keep the air temperature within 22-25 ° C, water regularly, spray the leaves, surface loosening of the soil will contribute to successful rooting.

How to plant bamboo varnishes with cuttings in the ground, the video will tell:

Dracaena Sandera takes root perfectly, very rarely gets sick, and even a child can handle its reproduction at home. Moreover, the process is exciting, because with your own hands you can create a real amulet for your home, attracting happiness and good luck.

How to transplant bamboo at home video

Young plants (up to three years old) are transplanted annually. Each time, choose a more spacious container. Adult specimens can be transplanted 1 time in 3 years.

After transplantation, provide an adaptation period, which consists of more attentive care (described in the previous section).

Several stems planted in one container look very original at once. When growing in water, tie them with gold or red braid for convenience and additional decoration.

As a container, you can use not only classic containers and flower pots, but also glass vases, glasses, deep jugs, buckets. When the plant reaches a height of 50-80 cm, the container is placed on the floor in close proximity to the window.

How to trim bamboo at home

Strongly overgrown bamboo varnish becomes not very attractive, it is advisable to prune every spring. Remove long shoots from all sides, the central trunks can be shortened by half or even almost to ground level. To make the cut look neat, draw it immediately under the knot, use special scissors.

It is advisable to use the cuttings obtained after pruning for rooting. If, after pruning, young shoots cannot break through for a long time, make cuts to help them hatch.

Cut off yellowed leaves and stems. Let the juice dry a little, then sprinkle the cut with charcoal crumbs or grease with soft wax.

How to twist bamboo at home

Many people want not only to grow bamboo at home, but to give its trunk an unusual shape. The most common option is the spiral type of curl. This will require patience and special care:

  1. When planting, place the young stalk horizontally, temporarily (when buds form) cover completely with something opaque, making a small hole for light to penetrate. The sprout will tend to the light source, and in order to curl it, you will need to rotate the plant or structure itself. The most suitable design option is a cardboard box. With this method, only one spiral can be curled per year.
  2. Place the cutting horizontally in the water - the plant will grow rapidly to rise to the top. Rotate the plant when the direction of the trunk changes slightly. The disadvantage is that the plant may begin to put out roots, and the growth of shoots will slow down.
  3. The sprouts are carefully wound onto the rod, fixing the stems with wire. As the stems grow stronger, they will become strong - remove the entire structure, and leave the trunk in this position.

Difficulties in growing bamboo indoors

When growing bamboo, a number of problems are possible:

Leaves and trunk turn yellow

This happens for a number of reasons: lack of moisture, watering with poor-quality water, elevated air temperature in the room, excess fertilizer, sunburn, being in a draft; when grown in water - untimely replacement of the liquid. First of all, determine and eliminate the cause. Remove the affected leaves, cut the trunk below the yellowing zone (it will not recover).

Bamboo grows very slowly

This is due to a lack of nutrients (especially when grown in water). Another reason is dim lighting. Maintain the correct feeding regimen and take care of good lighting.

Leaf blades become sluggish and twisted

The reasons are hypothermia (keeping at too low an air temperature) or drafts.

Why do black spots appear on bamboo leaves?

This signals a fungal infection. To save the plant, you will need to spray with a fungicide.

Bamboo at Home and Feng Shui

Growing bamboo at home brings not only aesthetic pleasure, but also attracts good energy. In the art of Feng Shui, bamboo is considered a symbol of happiness, prosperity, good luck.

Of great importance is the number of stems in the pyramid of happiness:

  • Three - attracting happiness and good emotions to the house; To enhance energy, it is recommended to place a three-toed toad next to the plant;
  • Five - attracting money to the house;
  • Seven - symbolize health;
  • Twenty-one - such a bunch will help fulfill all desires.

It is also important to place the plant correctly:

  • The southeastern part of the house - to preserve the health of the household and attract cash flows;
  • South side - success in business (study, work, business);
  • East - finding peace and harmony in the family.

Dracaena Sandarian, bamboo of happiness, spiral, Dracaena Sander - these are just a few names of an extremely beautiful and original houseplant, which, by the way, apart from its appearance, has nothing to do with real bamboo. It is an elegant decor element of modern luxury boutiques and restaurants. According to Feng Shui, happiness bamboo brings prosperity and good luck, so this plant is a welcome guest both in shopping malls and in apartments and houses.

Dracaena sandariana: a brief description

Bamboo of happiness is an evergreen plant with a straight tall stem and narrow long leaves. It got its name from the British, so it is often sold in flower shops under the brand name Lucky Bamboo.

Sander's dracaena bears a striking resemblance to real bamboo. But this is only in appearance. In fact, the plant is smaller than bamboo, and its stems are not as lignified and greener.

Features of keeping lucky bamboo at home

Bamboo of happiness is an unpretentious plant, therefore it is popular with many flower growers. But, like any flower, Sandarian dracaena has its own individual characteristics of keeping at home.

Firstly, the plant, especially in the summer, needs abundant watering.

Secondly, happiness bamboo prefers diffused light. He does not need to organize special lighting, and the direct rays of the sun can provoke the occurrence of burns of his leaves.

Thirdly, it is undesirable to spray the plant; it is enough to wipe its leaves from dust with a damp cloth.

Fourthly, Sandera does not tolerate drafts well. The most favorable temperature for its normal growth is the range from +18 to +25 degrees Celsius. But it should be remembered that lucky bamboo is a heat-loving plant, so it is still necessary to provide it with the necessary temperature indicators. At temperatures below the specified range, Dracaena Sander may die.

Dracaena Sandariana: landing conditions

There are several ways to plant "lucky bamboo":

  • in a container filled with clean water;
  • in a pot with earth;
  • in a container with hydrogel.

The first method is the easiest method of growing a plant. For this, only two things are needed: a container and filtered water.

With this method of growing Sander dracaena, it is especially important not to forget to change the water regularly and on time. The liquid level should not be more than 1-2 cm higher than the roots of the plant. Otherwise, they may rot. In addition, it is desirable to feed the plant with useful minerals. This contributes to the excellent growth of "happy bamboo", prevents premature yellowing of its leaves.

The original method of growing Sander's dracaena is the use of a special hydrogel for this purpose. It is characterized by the ability to absorb water in significant quantities and at high speed. This is very beneficial, for example, when for some reason the soil dries up, the hydrogel gives the absorbed moisture to the plant.

Apply several types of this decorative soil - transparent, green and iridescent, to grow bamboo of happiness. The photo of the latest version of the hydrogel and Sandera looks amazing in it. Looking at such a masterpiece, customers in the store simply fall in love with this plant and purchase it with pleasure to create an exquisite decor in their home.

The most common, but certainly the best method is to grow "lucky bamboo" in a pot of earth. The soil must be rubbed with sand, and drainage from expanded clay or pebbles should be made at the bottom of the tank.

Features of transplanting dracaena Sandarian

Reproduction of dracaena Sandarian. Growing problems

"Bamboo varnishes" propagates in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

The seeds of the plant must be soaked in water until they germinate in March. Seedlings are planted in the soil, which consists of four parts: soil (2 parts) and sand (1 part), and drainage is also mandatory (1 part). Spray daily with a spray bottle. When shoots appear, it is necessary to create a greenhouse effect for them: cover with polyethylene, organize additional lighting and optimal temperature conditions. To avoid rotting of young shoots, it is recommended to ventilate the "greenhouse" at least three times a day.

To propagate the Sandarian dracaena with cuttings, it is necessary to pinch off a small shoot from it. It is placed in water until the roots appear. Then the plant is planted in water, according to the previous algorithm.

  • too low temperature leads to curling of dracaena leaves and brown edges;
  • bright lighting contributes to the appearance of dry light spots on the leaves;
  • the result of insufficient watering or systematic cold drafts are brown edges and tips, spots on the leaves.

"Bamboo of happiness": how to care?

Dracaena sander does not cause much trouble when leaving. You just need to remember a few important rules:

  • abundant watering in summer, moderate - in winter;
  • periodic feeding of the plant;
  • for irrigation use settled, filtered water with a temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius;
  • diffused lighting for comfortable growth;
  • optimum temperature for plant maintenance: minimum +18, maximum +25 degrees Celsius.

"Bamboo of happiness": how to spin it yourself?

It is the curved leafless trunk that distinguishes this dracaena from other plants of its kind. "Bamboo happiness" with such an original appearance, of course, is obtained only artificially. How to spin it yourself? This does not pose any particular difficulty.

  • First option. A young growing shoot must be placed in a tube, which is in a curved position, and wrapped around the stem. Thus, the desired configuration is given to the escape. Over time, it is released from the tube, and it retains its shape perfectly. During growth, it releases new shoots, and also overgrows with leaves, and in the future it grows like an ordinary upright "happiness bamboo".
  • Second option. Young shoots need to be bent, then wrapped around the stem and fastened with wire. After compaction of the sprouts, the fixation can be removed.

Dracaena sandariana: a talisman for the home

According to Feng Shui, having this plant in your home or office, you can attract prosperity and good luck. There is a specially designed combination of the number of stems so that Dracaena Sander brings only happiness and success.

In the "bamboo varnishes" pyramid, three stems contribute to the reign of only positive emotions and joy in the house.

Financial flows will attract, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, a configuration of five stems of a plant.

If a person needs good health, it is advisable for him to buy seven twisted stems.

Prosperity and well-being will give twenty-one stems of bamboo happiness.

To enhance the effect, feng shui experts advise tying the plant with a golden or red ribbon and planting it in a pot with the image of an animal that brings good luck (frog, dragon, panda or elephant).

The beneficial energy of Sander's dracaena will be enhanced with the help of an image of a dog that needs to be hung on a plant.

It should be remembered that any combination of the number of "bamboo lacquer" stems brings happiness, with the exception of the number 4. It should be avoided so as not to bring misfortune and suffering into the house.

Dracaena sandariana is a stunning elegant addition to creating an original decor for any room. Compliance with all of the above recommendations contributes to the excellent growth of this evergreen plant.

Indoor bamboo has nothing to do with the one that grows in the wild. Their differences are visible to the naked eye. Wild bamboo is considered grass, but despite this, it can reach a height of up to 40 meters. At home, a miniature plant is grown, which belongs to the genus Dracaena and is called Sander Dracaena or Dragon Tree.

General information

Bamboo is a plant with a bare stem, which only has a few branches with leaves on top. The trunk of a bamboo can be either straight or curved in the form of a spiral. Most often, the home variety of bamboo has a green tint, but there are also species with golden foliage and stems.

The Chinese believe that bamboo brings good luck and material well-being. If you adhere to the philosophy of Feng Shui, then this plant should definitely appear in your house, as it will not only bring prosperity, but also diversify your flower collection with exoticism and beauty.

Types and varieties of bamboo

Bamboo Indoor - is a miniature plant with a smooth or spiral bare trunk with shoots and leaf plates at the top. Bamboo leaves are hard and glossy. They have an elongated lanceolate shape and a light green tint. At home, the plant rarely blooms, but if this happens, it throws out a long arrow with white, pleasantly smelling inflorescences. Flower stalks appear in mid-summer.

- is an evergreen semi-shrub perennial with a bare trunk, on top of which leafy shoots grow. Leaf plates are hard and dense, having a rich green tint. The plant rarely blooms. Flowering time is in mid-summer.

- Bamboo of this species in the wild grows up to 20 meters. The thick, nodular constriction stem has a bright yellow hue with green stripes and rich green glossy, elastic leaf plates. This plant rarely blooms. There are no seeds. It is propagated by bush division.

- the natural habitat of the plant Nepal and the Himalayas. Bamboo of this species grows in the form of a shrub, consisting of individual stems of the plant. This variety can grow up to 40 meters in length and has a thick, flexible and slightly knotted stem. Leaf plates are hard, glossy dark green. In nature, the plant blooms extremely rarely and often dies after that.

This type of indoor plant can grow up to 300 centimeters in length. It has thick, knotted dark green stems with thin twigs and lush, green, glossy foliage. Bamboo does not bloom indoors, but it has excellent decorative properties.

This variety is known as giant bamboo. This plant is very popular in the USA. The stems of the bamboo are dark green in color, with a slight knotting. They are elastic and can reach a height of up to 40 meters. Bamboo branches are short with lush, green, glossy leaf plates. The plant blooms extremely rarely, as flowering greatly depletes it and leads to death.

- the natural habitat of this plant is tropical Asia and the Philippines. This type of bamboo can be compared with blackthorn. It can grow both as a shrub and as single individuals. Bamboo stems are thin gray-green. They have branches with dark green foliage and small spines. Prickly bamboo does not bloom or bear fruit.

- grows in Indochina, Tibet and Iraq. Its stems are used to make paper. Bamboo stems are bright green when young, but after a few years they become light gray and knotty. The trunk is covered with sparse thin branches with green foliage, which thicken closer to the top of the trunk. In rare cases, bamboo throws out a flower arrow, which is covered with white, pleasantly smelling inflorescences. However, most often, flowering leads to the depletion of the plant and its possible death.

- the plant grows in Bangladesh and Australia. In height, bamboo reaches from 8 to 15 meters. The trunk of an evergreen plant is almost naked, knotty, of a rich green hue. A large number of shoots are formed closer to the top. They are covered with hard, sharp, green leafy plates. Only mature plants bloom, after which they often die.

Bamboo room care at home

It is not difficult to grow bamboo at home, the main thing is to follow a number of rules and then you will be able to grow a healthy and beautiful plant that will become a real gem of your flower collection.

Sander dracaena can be grown both in soil and in water. For bamboo, wide, slightly flattened pots, similar to bowls, are suitable. The plant should be properly fertilized, watered and removed yellow leaf plates, if these rules are not followed, it may die.

Bamboo is a very photophilous crop. Light affects not only its growth and development, but also the color of the leaves and the height of the stems. Despite the fact that the dracaena loves light, it should be protected from direct sunlight to avoid burns.

However, the lack of light also negatively affects the plant, it becomes dull and slows down growth. Bamboo, deprived of solar energy, begins to reach for the sun, its stems become crooked, unattractive, and the leaves become faded and turn yellow.

Dracaena Sander requires a moderate temperature regime. The plant does not like drafts. For its normal growth, the temperature should range from 18 to 30 degrees. Temperature indicators should not be deviated from the norm, otherwise the bamboo may get sick.

Humidity, as well as temperature, should be moderate. In the hot season, it should be 50%, and in the cold 35%. To ensure comfortable conditions, a humidifier should be placed next to the dracaena, and the leaf plates should also be sprayed with a sprayer. If the plant lacks moisture, its trunks will begin to crack and the dracaena will dry out.

Dracaena is a member of the Agave family. It is grown when caring for at home without any problems, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. You can find all the necessary recommendations in this article.

Growing bamboo in water or soil

As mentioned above, the plant can be grown both in water and in the ground.

When growing dracaena in the ground, you should pay attention to the planting pot, since the size and height of the bamboo will depend on how freely the root system grows in the container.

Since the plant is usually planted in small pots, bamboo stems do not grow tall and are thin and less knotty than tall bamboo. In order to achieve miniaturization at all, the dracaena should be replanted every three years, completely changing the soil.

The soil for the plant must be breathable with good drainage. Watering the dracaena in the ground should be moderate, but you should not overmoisten, as this will lead to rotting of the root system and death of the plant.

You can also grow bamboo in water or hydrogel. But in this case, it should not be planted in an ordinary pot, but in something like a large test tube or a glass vase. To plant the plant in water, the roots should be washed and inspected for damage. Then the plant must be moved to a glass container and carefully filled with pre-boiled pebbles.

When using a hydrogel, the plant must be placed in a container for its further growth, pour the hydrogel into it and pour distilled water into it. It is best to choose a gel with small granules, as it will not allow the root system to become bare and it will not dry out.

Caring for dracaena in a hydrogel is simple. It is enough to add settled water to the container every few weeks and feed the plant every six months.

watering bamboo

Dracaena needs regular watering, but it will depend on where the plant is grown. If it grows in water, then the liquid must necessarily cover the roots. The water in the bamboo container should be changed to distilled water every week.

It is necessary to water the bamboo in the ground once every three days, and spraying should also be carried out with the same time interval. Even if the top layer of the earth is dry, then you should not increase watering, you must adhere to the specified interval so as not to cause rotting of the root system.

soil for bamboo

Dracaena sander will grow much better in soil than in water. This feature is due to the fact that bamboo does not really like it when the root system is in liquid for a long time, and water lingers in the ground for a short time.

You can pick up any soil mixture for growing bamboo, the main thing is that it be loose and pass water and air well. In a flower shop, you can ask the seller to choose the right soil or make it from washed sand and 1/3 peat moss.

In general, any well-draining soil with an acidity between 5.5 and 6.5 pH will do. After planting the plant, the earth should be lightly pressed to remove air and water.

Bamboo transplant

Transplantation should be carried out in the spring every year. If the grower grows large varieties of plants, then they need to be transplanted every three years. It is very important to choose the right pot for transplanting. The root system should not come into contact with its walls, there should be a distance of 5 to 7 centimeters between them. During transplantation, not only the container should be changed, but also the soil mixture, due to the fact that it loses its nutritional properties in a year.

When the dracaena is four years old, the frequency of transplantation should be reduced to 1 time in three years. The earth mixture for bamboo should consist of either loam and humus, or moss and washed sand. Drainage is also a very important parameter during transplantation, it should be placed at the bottom of the pot with a layer of 3 centimeters.

After transplantation, the plant acclimatizes for a month and a half, after which it begins to develop as usual.

fertilizer for bamboo

Sander dracaena should be fed with both mineral and organic fertilizers. It is best to buy dressing in a flower shop designed for dracaena, it is ideal for bamboo, as it will be saturated with the substances it needs.

In autumn and winter, top dressing should be reduced to 1 time. In the warm season, it is necessary to feed bamboo once a month.

bamboo blossom

The plant blooms once in its life. Since almost all the forces of the dracaena go to this process, most often it dies after that. However, it should be noted that indoor bamboo blooms extremely rarely. If this happens, then the grower notices an arrow, on which white inflorescences with a very pleasant aroma appear over time.

Observations have shown that most often flowering occurs in the summer. If the bamboo still bloomed, but the grower does not want the plant to die, the flower arrow should be carefully removed, and the cut should be treated with charcoal.

pruning bamboo

Bamboo tolerates pruning well, so the grower can shape it however they want. However, pruning-shaping should be carried out only when the plant takes root and is completely healthy.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • First, dry and excess stems located at ground level are removed.
  • Then the stems are fixed at a certain height and cut off above the branching point. This must be done so that the stem stops growing upwards.
  • In the end, to give the plant a decorative look, you need to remove the extra shoots.

If the grower wants the plant to grow vertically, he should regularly thin out the branches. Dracaena Sander can be either straight-barreled or have a spiral-shaped trunk, everything here will depend on the type of bamboo.

Bamboo care in winter

With the onset of winter, bamboo enters a dormant period, which means that the care of the plant changes slightly. This applies to watering, it should be carried out every five days, combining the introduction of moisture with spraying.

The temperature in winter should not fall below +18, and humidity - below 35%. You should also organize additional lighting for the dracaena by purchasing a phytolamp for it. At the end of the winter period, bamboo care returns to normal.

Bamboo from seeds at home

Dracaena Sander is propagated by seed, cuttings and apical shoots. It is extremely difficult to propagate bamboo with the help of apical shoots, especially if the grower does not have experience in this. The same applies to the seed method.

It is possible to grow a plant from seeds in the open field; it is almost impossible to propagate cultivated varieties at room conditions. The chances of germination are extremely small. In addition, sowing seeds, the appearance of sprouts and caring for them is a laborious and very lengthy process. Therefore, flower growers prefer to use bamboo propagation using cuttings. This method is the easiest and most affordable.

Propagation of bamboo cuttings at home

Dracaena should be propagated by cuttings in the spring. For planting, it is necessary to use young twigs that appear on a plant that has reached adulthood. Planting material should be separated from the stem and planted in the ground so that it takes root.

The soil mixture for rooting should be the same as for planting. Since bamboo grows very quickly, the roots will appear after a month. The cutting pot should be spacious and medium in height, as after a while it will be completely filled with the roots of the planting material.

To make propagation easier, it is often combined with a transplant of adult bamboo, which is carried out once a year. The growing season is not only a favorable time for transplanting, but also for cuttings. Also, do not forget that after transplanting the cuttings into the ground, they should be carefully looked after in order to avoid problems with the growth and development of young plants in the future.

Diseases and pests

Bamboo can get sick only if it is not properly cared for. If dark spots begin to appear on the leaf plates of the plant , then most likely, the dracaena began to develop a disease of fungal etiology, which was caused by waterlogging of the soil. To cope with it, it is necessary to treat the plant with a special fungicide, reduce watering and ventilate the room more often.

With the slow development of the plant and yellowing of the stem or leaves nutritional deficiencies may be suspected. In this case, bamboo can be helped by proper and dosed feeding with special fertilizer, which can be purchased at a flower shop.

If the grower noticed that the dracaena leaf plates began to crumble, darken and become soft , this means the plant is kept at the wrong temperature. The normal temperature for growth and development is 18-30 degrees.

Also, the plant can be threatened by pests represented by aphids and spider mites. If the grower noticed cobwebs or stickiness of leaf plates , he should carefully examine the dracaena for the presence of these insects. If they are found, it is necessary to remove the damaged leaves and spray the plant with Aktara insecticide according to the instructions on the package.

Proper care of bamboo will completely eliminate the appearance of pests and diseases listed above.

Why indoor bamboo turns yellow

Dracaena Sandera is an evergreen plant that periodically sheds foliage. First, the leaf plates turn yellow, and then fall off and this is absolutely normal. Most of the leaves fall in the spring. However, the natural feature of the plant does not always lead to leaf fall.

Yellowing of foliage in bamboo can occur as a result of:

  • Nutrient deficiencies in soil or water;
  • Excessive fertilization;
  • Lack of moisture and light;
  • lack of drainage;
  • Wrong temperature conditions;
  • Low air humidity;
  • Skvoznyakov;
  • Watering with unsettled water.

If no violations were made in caring for the plant, then yellowing is the preparation of bamboo for dropping old foliage, which will soon be replaced by new one.

Bamboo in the house - signs and superstitions

Bamboo is highly valued in China due to a number of its magical properties. According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, the plant brings to the house where luck, financial well-being and health grow.

In order for the dracaena sander to “work”, it should be placed in the southeastern part of the dwelling. However, if there is little light there, then it is necessary to additionally illuminate the bamboo with the help of a phytolamp, otherwise it may simply die. If the florist wants to attract love into his life, he should place bamboo in the bedroom, if he wants to confidently walk up the career ladder, the dracaena should be placed in the office.

From the number of bamboo stems, its influence on a particular area of ​​human life also depends. A plant with three stems brings good luck in all endeavors. Bamboo with 5 stems can improve personal life, and dracaena with 7 stems will make its owner healthy and successful. If the grower wants to improve all aspects of life, he should get a dracaena with 21 stems.

To enhance the magical properties of bamboo, it must be supplemented with a three-legged frog with a coin in its mouth or a special Chinese vase, which depicts the sacred animals of the Land of the Rising Sun. The frog should be placed in close proximity to the plant, but only low, otherwise it will “work” in the opposite direction, bringing failure and poverty.


Growing bamboo is not difficult, the main thing is to create the right microclimate for it and provide proper care. Then the dracaena will not only attract good luck to its owner's house, but will also become an element of an unusual living decor that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Indoor bamboo - green shoot virtually no sheet mass. It does not change the green color, as it is a resident of the tropics, but the degree of intensity depends on the conditions of the flower and care. This is a fairly fast-growing plant that needs to be restrained in time by cutting it off.

In order for a plant to actively grow and develop, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary conditions for its vital activity.

Lighting and temperature

plant lighting should be bright, but without direct sunlight, which can burn its foliage. Therefore, east or west windows are ideal.

Since this is a plant of the tropics, it is quite thermophilic and therefore it will feel good in the fresh air in a sparse shade. Summer temperature should be in the range of 25-27 degrees Celsius.

When the temperature rises above 35 degrees, it is better to bring it to a cool room. Since the roots at this temperature cease to absorb moisture, and the flower falls into stagnation.

In winter, the temperature should not fall below 17 degrees Celsius.

It is important to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 27 degrees Celsius in summer.

Humidity and watering

Watering should be balanced, but it all depends on how the flower is cultivated:

  • In the ground.

If the plant is planted in the ground, then in the summer it requires abundant watering. In winter, at low temperatures, it is watered only when the soil dries out to half the pot. If, for some reason, the air temperature in the room has become below 17 degrees Celsius, then watering is temporarily stopped.

If the plant is grown in water, then it is changed once a week all year round, and with an increase in temperature it should be changed every four days.

Bamboo should be watered only with melt water. It is not difficult to cook it at home by first freezing the settled water, and then thawing it and heating it naturally to 14 degrees Celsius.

Soil and top dressing

Bamboo prefers nutritious and loose soil rich in various minerals. Purchased soil for Dracaena is suitable. It can be purchased at specialized flower shops.

It is important that the soil has a high content of phosphorus and nitrogen. Therefore, if you select top dressing, then fertilizers for Dracaena are more suitable, because it is for

Bamboo is practically not produced. The frequency of fertilizing in the autumn-winter period is once in autumn and once in winter. In the summer they are held quite often once every two weeks. With insufficient nutrition, the plant sheds its leaf mass.

Do not remove fallen leaves from the pot - Bamboo will clearly be against it.


When choosing a pot, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it roots in the ground are horizontal rather than go deep. In this case, it is better to purchase a pot for growth.

After inspecting the new pot, you need to make sure that it has drainage holes through which excess water will drain. Expanded clay, a small layer of earth are poured at the bottom of the pot and Bamboo stems are placed in a bunch or one by one. Then the earth is filled up to the required level around. After transplanting, it is worth shedding the soil well where the plant is planted.

The first three years Bamboo is transplanted annually.

How to cut and pinch

Pruning is needed, as it has a very fast growth. If it is not pinned or cut in time, it will look like a rather long fishing rod.

When cutting off part of the top, lateral shoots immediately appear, which can be left to propagate the massive green top or put on rooting.

Diseases and pests (diagnosis and treatment)

Plants get sick so rarely that the disease can be noticed if you don’t take care of it at all.

  • Yellowing of leaf plates- it is worth adding minerals to water for irrigation;
  • Darkening sheet plates at the same time they lose their elasticity and become lethargic - most likely Bamboo is cold and should be rearranged to a warmer place;
  • black spots on the trunk and leaf plates - infection with soot fungus due to too humid content plus lack of fresh air. It is worth treating with any fungicide and adjusting watering;
  • The tip dries up leaf - if it is winter time, then the flower is cold. If summer, then too dry and hot.
  • Spider mite - it is red and dark weaves webs between the leaves and feeds on the sap of the plant. It can be withdrawn using Actara.
  • Mealybugs - they are easy to spot if you look at the axils of the leaves. There will be clusters like white cotton wool. To get rid of this pest, they are collected with a cotton swab, and then the plant treated with insecticide - Aktellik.


Flowering has not been fully studied. It is believed that he blooms once every 100 years and then dies. There were cases when flowering begins in a bamboo grove, which lasts up to 10 years, and then the whole grove dies. Now, in order to be safe in the botanical gardens, one variety of Bamboo is planted.

Growing a plant

This rather unspoiled plant does not require much care. It can be cultivated in two ways:

  1. Growing in soil.
  2. Growing in water.

But no matter what method is chosen by the florist, Growing this delicate herb at home is very easy..

in the ground

In order to cultivate Bamboo in the ground, it is worth deciding first of all on the choice of soil. Therefore, by visiting a flower shop, you can buy soil for Dracaena or any other soil with a high content of nitrogen in it. The container is chosen wide with holes for draining water. Expanded clay is necessary for drainage.

Having acquired everything you need, we plant according to all the recommended rules. Further care consists in timely watering and top dressing.

Very often in offices you can see Bamboo living in beautiful water containers. Care with this cultivation is a constant change of water. This is done once a week, or if the weather is very hot, then once every four days. Mineral supplements are added simply to the water.

The water that will serve as a substitute should be at room temperature and settled during the day.

This plant has always been grown for its rich, fast-growing greens.

What is the difference between "Happy Bamboo" and "Lucky Spiral" types

These are not two separate species, Bamboo of happiness grows straight up, and the Lucky spiral is intricately twisted stems. Their care is exactly the same, as it is one type of grass called Bamboo.

Feng Shui Importance of Bamboo in the Home

This plant brings health and longevity. Depending on this, the number of sticks growing in one container is selected. The Chinese not only plant bamboo at home, but also embroider pictures with its image. The Chinese garden near the house provides for the planting of several varieties of Bamboo, because swaying in the wind, each one sounds in its own way.

For the sake of well-being in the family, you can not only plant bamboo in your home, but also embroider panels to decorate your home.

Bamboo at home is it good or bad

Many signs indicate that this is rather a useful flower because its content in the house significantly improves family well-being and health. But we must ensure that children and animals do not reach the foliage, as they contain cyanogenic glycoside, a toxic substance that is killed after the plant is thermally treated.

This magnificent plant should find a place for itself in the house, as it brings a lot of positive energy. Cultivation of it comes down to timely watering and replacing the water in the container in which it is grown.