Human papillomavirus in women treatment 31. What types of human papillomavirus can cause oncology? Diagnosis of human papillomavirus

HPV 31/33- qualitative detection of human papillomavirus of high oncogenic risk in the scraping of the urogenital tract, by the method of polymerase chain reaction with detection in the "real time" mode.

The PCR method with real-time detection of results allows you to determine the amount of DNA of clinically significant types of HPV in the sample.

Human papillomavirus (HPV)- widespread infection urinary tract, which can cause cervical cancer in women and squamous cell carcinoma in men.

Different types of HPV cause the development of:

  • cervical, vulval, vaginal dysplasia of the cervix;
  • preinvasive and invasive cancer of the cervix, cancer of the vagina and perianal region;
  • genital warts, urinary tract;
  • genital warts.
Ways of spread of infection
The main route of transmission of HPV is sexual, but cases of household transmission of the infection have been described. Women and men are infected with the same frequency. Approximately 70% of those examined, HPV is detected in both sexual partners. Possible intrauterine infection.

According to some researchers, the frequency of infection with the virus is directly proportional to the number of sexual partners: if there is one partner, HPV is detected in 17–20% of women, if there are 5 or more partners, in 70–80%.

Incubation period
The duration of the incubation period can last from 2 months to 2-10 years. HPV is characterized by a latent course of the disease, in which there are no clinical manifestations and no changes are detected during colposcopic, cytological and histological examination. In 30% of cases, the virus can be cleared within 6-12 months. Diagnosis of latent HPV infection is carried out only by PCR.

Clinical manifestations
HPV can affect the epithelium in different ways: promote the emergence of benign formations (papillomas, condylomas) or combine papillomavirus DNA with the cell gene, which leads to dysplasia and neoplasia, and later to cancer. The most common area of ​​cancer localization is the transition zone of the cervix into the cervical canal.

Clinical forms of papillomavirus infection are found in 40–60% of men who are sexual partners of infected women. The lesions in them are caused by the same types of HPV as in women. In 2/3 of cases, there are characteristic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Indications for research:

  • when detecting cytological changes in a smear for atypia, in a Pap smear;
  • with condylomas and other morphological changes in the genital tract;
  • when screening for cervical cancer (as an additional study);
  • when specifying the genotype of the human papillomavirus.
Before taking a urogenital scraping, it is recommended to refrain from urinating for 1.5–2 hours.

Scraping is not allowed on the days of menstruation. For two weeks, exclude the use of antibiotics, three days before taking - vaginal suppositories, tampons, spermicides. One day before the test, you should not have sexual intercourse. You can not douche on the eve of the examination. After ultrasound using a transvaginal probe, at least 48 hours must pass.

Interpretation of results
The format for issuing the result of HPV 31/33 type - detected / not detected.

Reasons for a positive result:

  • the presence of HPV 31 and 33 genotypes in the test material, which is associated with a high risk of developing cervical cancer and other neoplasms of the anogenital region.
Reasons for a negative result:
  • the absence of HPV 31 and 33 genotypes in the test material, which does not exclude the possibility of HPV infection of other genotypes.
What can influence the result?
  • A false negative result is possible if the material is taken and stored incorrectly, as well as if the virus content in the material is below the detectable level.
  • A false positive result is due to contamination of the material.
Important Notes
  • HPV infection does not always lead to cervical cancer.
  • Simultaneous infection with several HPV genotypes is possible.
  • The result of the analysis should be interpreted taking into account the conclusions of cytological and histological studies.

Many representatives of the weaker sex are wondering what kind of HPV type 31 is in women, what are its features and how dangerous it is. These are the questions we will try to answer for you. It's no secret that HPV is a potentially dangerous virus. Especially when it comes to strains of the virus of high oncogenicity.

First acquaintance with 31 HPV

Photo of the manifestation of HPV in women in the form of papillomas on the skin

If we talk about HPV type 31 in a woman, what is it, and what data should you know about it?

  • DNA studies of HPV type 31 showed that this strain belongs to the category of viruses of high oncogenicity;
  • The virus has a unique DNA composition that is not only transmitted sexually;
  • Papillomavirus type 31 is equally dangerous for women's and men's health;
  • HPV in women of this type does not manifest itself for a long time, what is its main insidiousness;
  • Although the main route of transmission of 31 HPV in women is sexual, it can also be "caught" in everyday life or through contact with a carrier, provided there is an open wound;
  • When this virus or HPV enters the human body, it begins the process of mutating healthy cells;
  • One of the worst consequences of infection with 31 strains of the HPV virus in women is the development of cervical cancer;
  • For men, this HPV genotype is at risk of genital cancer.

Risk factors

Photo of what HPV manifestations look like in women

It is no secret that people can live for many years without even suspecting the presence of the human papillomavirus in their body. This also applies to such a variety as the human papillomavirus type 31.

But with certain negative factors affecting the body, the risk of complications against the background of HPV increases significantly:

  • Sexual contact with an HPV carrier without the use of protective equipment;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Decreased immunity caused by exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • Constant exposure to high humidity;
  • The presence of bad habits;
  • Ignoring basic standards of personal hygiene.

Features of the manifestation of 31 HPV

HPV in women poses a much greater health risk than in men. However, 31 strains of HPV are equally dangerous for both sexes.

The result of the penetration of the papilloma virus into the body in combination with provoking factors is the growth of papillomas. These are benign neoplasms, timely diagnosis of which can prevent their transformation into malignant tumors.

If we talk about the human papillomavirus type 31, then its main form of manifestation is bowenoid papules. They are rashes in the genital area that usually affect the labia of women or the penis of men.

What are these papules?

  • The neoplasm looks like a plaque, which slightly rises relative to healthy skin or mucous membrane;
  • The growth has a yellowish tint;
  • In women, papules are predominantly found on the outside of the labia. Less common on the walls of the vagina;
  • Gradually, the color of the neoplasms can change and vary from pinkish to yellow.

31 types of human papillomavirus in some cases manifests itself in the form of Bowen's disease. This is a characteristic phenomenon for men, when red rashes rise above healthy skin, release moisture and affect the penis. The disease requires long-term treatment, but in its absence, there is a significant risk of degeneration into cancer.

Possible consequences

All people should keep a close eye on the warts on their body. Particularly potentially dangerous are papillomas on the genitals. Timely diagnosis of HPV can prevent complications and protect a person from the undesirable consequences of papillomavirus.

If we talk about advanced situations with type 31 papillomavirus in women, then ignoring and lack of treatment can lead to the following consequences:

  • Cervical dysplasia (this is a precancerous condition that is not so easy to cure);
  • Tumors of the cervix;
  • Cancer of the labia;
  • Oral cancer;
  • Chronic dental ailments.

Part of the positive aspect of type 31 papillomavirus for women is the fact that the process of converting benign papillomas into malignant cancerous tumors takes 15-15 years. This makes it possible to detect the disease in a timely manner if you visit a doctor.

The sooner you can detect HPV of any potentially oncogenic type, such as 31 strains, the higher the chance of successful treatment.

How to deal with the problem

Proper treatment of HPV type 31 is a very important question, a qualified specialist will help you find the answer to it. In no case do not try to self-medicate papillomavirus. Especially when it comes to strains of the virus of high oncogenicity.

There are several main methods aimed at treating the problem of HPV and 31 strains in particular.

  1. Traditional medicine from HPV. It should not be taken as the only method of influence. Usually means traditional medicine used as an additional measure of influence in complex treatment. The main emphasis is on the use of drugs that stimulate the strengthening of immunity.
  2. Antiviral effect. The direction in the treatment of papillomavirus, where the main task is to eliminate the root cause, that is, the papillomavirus itself. Since HPV is considered an incurable disease, the essence of antiviral therapy is to suppress the activity of the virus as much as possible.
  3. Medical treatment. There are a number of cases when, in order to eliminate papillomas, it is necessary to direct efforts to combat the factors that provoked the activity of papillomavirus. Here we are talking about the treatment of chronic diseases, the normalization of the digestive system and even the treatment of psycho-emotional problems. Modern diagnostics will help determine their presence.
  4. Normalization of work immune system. Immunity acts as the main tool that allows you to fight papillomavirus, including such a potentially dangerous 31 strains of HPV. Against the background of internal and external factors, immunity fails. Therefore, the primary task is to return the immunity to the previous level of protection and increase the quality of the immune system's resistance to all kinds of irritants. Immunity is raised not only with the help of medicines, but also through proper nutrition, exercise and the elimination of bad habits from your life.
  5. Removal. When conservative methods do not help, or the situation goes beyond, when drug treatment is still relevant, you have to resort to removal. The safest and most effective methods for removing neoplasms caused by 31 strains of the human papillomavirus are laser coagulation and radio wave excision. Cryodestruction, that is, freezing with liquid nitrogen, is somewhat inferior to them. Often, when removing papillomas from the genitals, electrocoagulation is used, and in the most advanced cases, one has to resort to surgical excision with a scalpel.

Don't take 31 strains of HPV to extremes. It is much easier to prevent complications than to deal with them later.

HPV type 31: how it manifests itself, what degree of oncology, effective methods of treatment

One of the most oncogenic strains is HPV type 31. It has a unique genotype and DNA structure. You can get infected at any age, regardless of gender. Once in the body, the infection remains in it forever, periodically manifesting itself as various growths under the influence of certain factors. Treatment is reduced to suppressing the activity of papillomavirus, strengthening the body and preventing cancer.

A little about the strain of viral infection

Often people are interested in the question, HPV type 31 in women - what is it and how dangerous? Thanks to numerous scientific studies, it has been found that papillomavirus has more than 100 varieties that are dangerous and relatively safe for health. All strains were divided into those that have a high degree of oncogenicity, low or differ in that they provoke the growth of exclusively benign formations.

Human papillomavirus type 31 is included in the group of dangerous species. Introduced into the body, it can provoke an atypical growth of epithelial cells with their subsequent degeneration into cancerous ones.

For a long time after infection, the infection may not manifest itself, hiding securely in the human body. When activated, it can cause cancer of the cervix or penis.

The virus manifests itself as neoplasms on the genitals - internal or external, in the form of genital warts. They can only be detected during a preventive examination or testing for HPV. The sooner a person detects an infection and treats it, the more likely it is to maintain health and life.

Causes of infection and manifestations of the virus

HPV type 31 in men rarely manifests itself in the form of formations on the skin of the genital organs. More often, the infection is in a latent form, and a person, without suspecting it, becomes a carrier of the virus. If warts have appeared, it can be assumed that in addition to HPV, the man has other dangerous sexually transmitted diseases. In women, the virus manifests itself more often, risking degenerate into cancer.

There are several ways of transmitting oncogenic papillomavirus - sexual contact (regardless of the use of a barrier contraceptive), the perinatal route and the use of personal belongings of the virus carrier. An infection on the skin can appear against the background of various factors:

  • sex with different partners;
  • chronic ailments;
  • wrong way of life;
  • intoxication caused by the frequent use of alcohol or the use of drugs;
  • stressful situations;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • existing sexually transmitted diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • generic activity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • hypothermia, unfavorable living conditions.

All these factors will contribute to the manifestation of papillomavirus and its exacerbation. In the absence of proper timely treatment, the virus will manifest itself constantly, worsening the quality of life and causing serious harm to health.

How does papillomavirus infection manifest itself?

How to recognize HPV type 31 in women - what is it? If you heard m expert opinion If you need to monitor any changes in the body, contacting a doctor when alarming symptoms appear, then you have a professional you can trust.

It is not difficult to suspect the presence of a virus by the following signs and symptoms:

  1. the appearance of characteristic growths on the skin of the genital organs. They may be filiform or cauliflower-shaped;
  2. being damaged during sexual intercourse, the formations will begin to bleed, which will be manifested by secretions with blood impurities. Additionally, a person will feel burning, itching, discomfort;
  3. pain in the lower abdomen may occur;
  4. often in women the menstrual cycle goes astray, erosion appears;
  5. discharge from bad smell for HPV are not characteristic, they appear only against the background of the addition of another infection.

In addition to the genital area, the infection can cause formations in the mouth, in the larynx. In men, growths are often localized inside the anus.

The risk group for infection includes people from 15 to 65 years of age who are sexually active, as well as pregnant women, children, women during menopause. In the presence of immunodeficiency, the risk of oncology in the presence of HPV type 31 increases.

Effective treatment of papillomavirus infection type 31

When identifying HPV type 31 in women and men, treatment a complex one will be selected, taking into account age, general health and other factors.

As a therapy, select:

  1. medicines - with their help strengthen the immune system and suppress the activity of the virus. To do this, prescribe immunomodulators, immunostimulants and antiviral agents ( Panavir, Acyclovir). They will need to be taken in a long course, first for treatment, and then as a prevention of relapses;
  2. drugs to eliminate diseases that occur in a chronic form.

Therapy with folk remedies is used as an additional to traditional treatment. To do this, prescribe the use of medicinal decoctions and tinctures that help strengthen the body's defenses and relieve inflammation. Some drugs can be used externally, applying them in the form of lotions or tampons to the site of the lesion. Well helps in this case, sea buckthorn oil, aloe, honey, calendula.

Conservative therapy is often combined with non-invasive techniques for removing growths. The skin is cleansed of formations using laser therapy, freezing with liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation, radio wave therapy. These procedures for proper conduct not dangerous - they will help get rid of genital warts by removing them along with particles of the virus. After the damaged area of ​​the skin is replaced by healthy, without traces and scars.

If the formations are large, there are many of them, then surgical excision is used. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. Subsequently, a person will have a period of rehabilitation, with the possible use of medicines (antibiotics, for example). After that, several times a year, a woman and a man with HPV type 31 will be recommended to undergo an examination, including examination and testing.

HPV type 31: what to do, how to treat?

HPV type 31 is a virus with a high oncogenicity index. Its location is in the deep layers of the skin, namely in the basal cells of the membrane. HPV can cause growths on the genitals and in the inguinal zone, as well as increase the risk of precancerous or cancerous diseases.

Structure of HPV type 31

HPV type 31 is characterized by an exceptional DNA structure and its own genotype. Most often, HPV is found on the internal and external genital organs, as well as on the mucous membranes and skin. The danger lies in the fact that in males and females, the virus is activated only when immunity is reduced, and before that it can be asymptomatic in the human body for a long period of time.

It happens like this:

The DNA of the virus is introduced into a normal cell and lives there for several years, and with a decrease in immunity, it begins to show its effect, forming a large number of infected cells.

Life cycle of HPV type 31

A short period of time, the virus can exist in the external environment, but its main life cycle takes place inside the cells of the body.

How is HPV 31 transmitted?

The route of transmission of the virus from person to person, most often occurs during sexual intercourse. There is evidence that even a condom does not protect one hundred percent from infection (the virus has such small particles). In addition, at risk are infants who can become infected from the mother during labor (their manifestation is papillomas in the larynx). And also infection can occur in everyday life, for example, through a healthy person touching a sick person through small skin defects.

Summing up all this, there are several risk factors for HPV type 31 infection:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier of the virus;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduced immunity;
  • visiting swimming pools, saunas;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.


If we take into account the fact that the virus basically does not express itself, then any symptoms in a virus carrier are a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

These symptoms may include:

  • papillomas and condylomas on the genitals of the fairer sex;
  • papules and plaques of a specific type in the stronger sex;

Due to the fact that a woman's body is more vulnerable to adverse factors, they more often experience an increase in the 31 strain virus. In addition, the pathological process begins to express itself earlier. If you do not go to the doctor and do not undergo therapy, external signs of pathology (in the form of papillomas, condylomas, plaques and papules) will increase the affected area and may degenerate into malignant neoplasms.

HPV 31 in women

Since the fairer sex is more prone to genital cancer than the stronger sex, for them the appearance of any symptoms that indicate the presence of a virus in the body is very serious. Penetrating into the body, it will exist there for a very long time until the pathological process begins.

In the weaker sex, the following signs of pathology may appear:

  • papillomas;
  • warts;
  • bleeding after intercourse;
  • groundless pain in the lower abdomen;
  • selection of a particular type.

Particular attention should be paid to pain after intercourse, this symptom must be voiced by the attending gynecologist.

HPV 31 during pregnancy

If a woman has been diagnosed with HPV 31 strains, before becoming pregnant, she must visit a gynecologist without fail and undergo a cytological examination. The doctor can only allow pregnancy if the test results are normal. It is necessary to undergo mandatory treatment before pregnancy, if the study reveals that pathological changes have already occurred in the cervix. In both cases, mandatory monitoring of indicators will be required. HPV therapy in case of pregnancy is carried out only if the examination reveals negative modifications in the cervix.

To increase the resistance of the expectant mother's body to infections, she must be prescribed immunomodulatory medications.

The main danger in gestational time intervals will be infection of the baby during labor (if the virus has infected the genitals). But exact data on the source of intrauterine infection of the newborn is not yet available. As well as the information that the infection happened through the birth canal itself, and not the placenta or in the postpartum period.

There is a possibility that during natural labor, the baby may swallow a small amount of infected fluid, and therefore there is a possibility of papillomatosis of the larynx. The consequences are very serious, as this can cause disability or suffocation of the newborn. The child's treatment is surgical. But this does not exclude the possibility of repeated exacerbations, although it decreases with age.

HPV 31 in men

The mechanism of infection in men is the same as in women - the virus enters the body during unprotected copulation through microtrauma of the penis.

The beginning of the activation of the pathological process is evidenced by the lasting different time intervals, cell dysplasia.

Outwardly, neoplasms will be observed on the frenulum of the penis, rarely on his body, head or near the urethra.

In the latter case, pain during urination will not go unnoticed.

HPV type 31. What's this? Treatment, how to live and what to do?

Papillomavirus affects about 90% of all mankind. Some of its varieties pose a particular health hazard. For example, HPV type 31 has an increased level of oncogenicity, which means that in this case, there is a high probability of the degeneration of papilloma cells into malignant tumors. In order to protect yourself from dangerous diseases, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time and undergo adequate treatment.

Strain features

The human papillomavirus is highly contagious. Most people infected with it do not know about it, as HPV may not manifest itself in any way. Men and women feel completely healthy until the virus starts to reactivate.

Unpleasant can be called the fact that the infection remains forever in the body. Having become infected once, a person is a carrier of the virus for life. But this does not mean that the patient will suffer the consequences of the disease. If the immune system is strong enough, the virus is suppressed by the body.

Of great importance is the age of the infected. Young people with strong immune systems have a much higher chance of fighting off the infection. In older patients, HPV 31 may become chronic and the risk of papillomas increases.

In the event of the appearance of negative factors or disruption of the immune system, the disease begins to progress. The virus, located in the epithelium, develops and causes the growth of papilloma cells. Multiple growths form on the skin and mucous membranes.

DNA from HPV 31 and other types attach to healthy cells and cause them to mutate. As a result, atypical formations are formed, which can degenerate into oncogenic ones. Modern medicine cannot completely cure papillomavirus. But, with adequate therapy, it is successfully deactivated.

In order to diagnose the appearance of HPV 31 in time, you need to undergo an examination for the presence of papilloma cells. Then the risk of cancer will be minimized.

How is it transmitted

HPV is very tenacious, it is in an active state for a long time in a humid environment. It is easy to get infected in places such as saunas, swimming pools, fitness clubs, etc. Therefore, visiting them, you must carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Type 31 virus infection occurs in several ways:

  • during sexual contact;
  • household way;
  • at the birth of a child.

Sexual intercourse is the main mode of transmission between people. The vast majority of patients became infected in this way. HPV DNA is found in all body fluids. Therefore, even with protected intercourse, the virus can still be transmitted from partner to partner.

Less often, infection occurs through household contacts. You can get infected through a handshake, using other people's things, writing materials, etc. Especially quickly the virus is introduced into the body in the presence of open wounds on the body.

Papillomavirus is transmitted from mother to child at birth. If at this moment it is activated, it is dangerous for the newborn. He may develop pathologies of various organs.

How does it manifest

Variety hpv 31 type is dangerous for both men and women. When the disease is activated, papillomas appear in the genital area, causing pain or discomfort.

In women, growths cover the following areas of the body:

  • inner surface of the cervix;
  • labia;
  • areas around the urinary canal;
  • surface of the vagina.

Growths differ from papillomas of other types. They look like rashes of a yellowish tint, slightly rising above the surface of the skin. Defective formations are multiple in nature, spreading to entire sections of organs.

Other symptoms include discomfort inside the vagina and pain during intercourse.

In men, papilloma rash can occur:

  • on the head and foreskin of the penis;
  • near the scrotum;
  • near the anus.

The rash looks like reddish blisters. Inside they are filled with liquid. A papular rash may be accompanied by an unpleasant, foul-smelling discharge. These symptoms can bring severe discomfort to the patient.

HPV Diagnosis 31

A study on the virus of this strain is prescribed by a gynecologist or oncologist. A woman may be ordered to undergo diagnostic procedures if cervical cancer is suspected. An examination is also prescribed for hpv genotyping.

Diagnosis is carried out in two ways - PCR and digestion test. With their help, not only the presence of infection in the body is determined, but also the genotype of the strain is detected. Research allows you to get accurate characteristics of the type of papillomavirus.

The first method stands for polymerase chain reaction. In this study, nucleic acid fragments are repeatedly enlarged with the help of enzymes. This method with one hundred percent accuracy indicates that the virus belongs to a specific genotype.

For CPR, you can take any body fluids (urine, blood, semen). Finding papillomavirus infection in the inactive phase does not affect the result of the analysis. The presence and type of virus is detected in any case.

The second method, which is also called the hybrid capture method, is also very accurate. This study is able to identify the type of HPV and the number of atypical objects in the material taken. Women take a smear from the cervical canal (cervix) for analysis. In men, cellular material is taken from the inner surface of the urethra.

If the result is positive, other tests may be performed. These include biopsy and colposcopy. In women, a diagnostic examination with a colposcope allows you to examine in detail the surface of the cervix. During a biopsy, tissues are taken from a specific area of ​​the body for histological examination.

The test result can be positive or negative. There are also such concepts as a false positive test or false negative.

If the body reacted positively to the CPR analysis or digestion test, this means that type 31 papillomavirus was detected in the test material. If negative, there are no genotypes of this species, but a person may be infected with HPV of other varieties.

False-negative readings are sometimes obtained due to improper storage of samples taken. The same result can be obtained due to a violation of the material sampling technology. A false positive test is observed due to the mixing of the test liquid with third-party elements (accidental contamination of the sample taken).

What to do

It must be remembered that the diagnosis of HPV in this group does not mean the presence of oncology. With this diagnosis, you can live and work normally. Infection with papillomavirus does not lead to cancer in all cases. The patient is required to take responsibility for their health and undergo appropriate treatment on time.

After undergoing therapy, you need to maintain the immune system and try to strengthen it. To do this, you need to eat right, do physical exercise eliminate bad habits. It is very important to follow the doctor's instructions to secure a positive result of treatment. It is recommended to be screened for virus activity once a year.


Doctors acknowledge that this stage development of medicine, it is impossible to cure papillomavirus forever. Therapeutic actions can only remove the symptoms of the disease and reduce the activity of HPV. The disease needs to be treated complex methods. For this apply:

  • antiviral drugs (Cycloferon, Isoprinosine, etc.);
  • drugs of the antitumor group (Vinblastine, Poddofilin);

  • immunomodulating agents (their action is aimed at restoring the protective functions of the body);
  • vitamin complexes;
  • folk remedies (infusions, decoctions of medicinal herbs).

In especially difficult cases, surgical methods of getting rid of growths can be used. They are used in neglected situations, when atypical cells have grown greatly and have begun to degenerate into oncological formations.

Papillomas can be removed in the following ways:

  • electrocoagulation (exposure to electric current);
  • radio wave surgery;
  • laser burning;
  • excision with a scalpel.

Cryodestruction for type 31 viruses is not used. Also, agents with a necrotizing effect are not used to remove papillomas of this group.

The doctor may recommend the use folk methods treatment as an additional measure of exposure to the virus. The use of medicinal plants has a positive effect on the state of the body, namely, it increases tone and strengthens the immune system.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) in different forms present in the human body. It has more than 100 types, divided by the degree of oncogenicity - the ability to cause cancer. HPV type 31 is considered a high-risk strain, along with types 16 and 33. 31 strain poses a great danger to both sexes, however, it manifests its effect in different ways. In many ways, the activity of the virus depends on the immunity of a person and his lifestyle.

HPV refers to not one type of virus, but several combined families that provoke the appearance of papillomas, condylomas and warts. Papillomavirus DNA enters the human body and remains in the cells, where it may not manifest itself for a long time. In this case, the virus cannot exist outside the body of the carrier for a long time. All of it life cycle takes place exclusively within the cell.

Neoplasms resulting from the action of the virus are considered benign. However, over time, their number and size can increase, and the papillomas themselves can turn into malignant tumors.

Most often, the external manifestations of HPV can be observed precisely on the skin, less often on the mucous membranes and in the genital area. This is due to the fact that the virus is localized in the basal layer, which is responsible for the renewal and change of the skin.

When a virus infects a cell, the immunity of a healthy person suppresses its activity, so the patient may not know about his infection for a long time. but there are factors that provoke a weakening of the immune system, as a result of which HPV begins to manifest itself. These include:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • frequent stress;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • existing infections;
  • the state of pregnancy and the process of childbirth for women;
  • diseases of the stomach or intestines;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking.
  • The presence of a chronic disease in a person.

All these reasons can overlap each other, undermining the immune system from the inside. Then the virus begins to act actively, creating an increasing number of infected cells.

Transfer Methods

Most often, papillomavirus is transmitted through unprotected intercourse. This route of transmission is especially characteristic of strains classified as medium and, which includes 31 types. For species less dangerous in terms of the development of oncological diseases, other methods of infection are characteristic.

Exactly sexual contact accounts for up to 90% of all transmission routes highly oncogenic strains. This happens if contraception is chosen incorrectly or is not available at all. However, it is important to understand that even a condom is not able to completely protect this infection. At the same time, cases are known when the virus is transmitted during oral sex and affects the throat, provoking cancer of the tonsils.

A less common mode of transmission is infection during childbirth. This can happen if the expectant mother was infected with the virus during pregnancy. When a child passes through the birth canal, he can become infected not only with the strain of the virus that the mother is sick with. Newborns are characterized by papillomatosis of the larynx - the appearance of papillomas in the larynx.

There is also a contact-household method of infection, which is more typical for low-oncogenic types of HPV. The transmission of the virus occurs through close contact with the patient's skin. Viral DNA enters the body through microcracks in the skin.


At the first stages, when the disease proceeds in a latent form, it is impossible to notice the signs of papillomavirus action. This requires special laboratory tests that can detect HPV even in a latent form on initial stage.

Papillomas live in colonies

External symptoms appear after the virus has begun to multiply in the body. Therefore, when they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The main symptoms include:

  • the formation of genital warts and papillomas;
  • plaques and papules on the genitals of men.
  • discomfort in the genital area;
  • the appearance of a large amount of discharge in the absence of inflammation;
  • the occurrence of painful spasms during sexual intercourse;
  • bleeding after intercourse.

It is believed that the female body is more at risk of developing type 31 virus. This is due to the fact that women are more likely to find themselves in situations in which immunity is sharply reduced. For example, the period of pregnancy, which is considered one of the most vulnerable stages of life.

HPV type 31 in women

31 strains of HPV are especially dangerous for women, as it belongs to the group of viruses that cause cervical cancer. More than 95% of patients with this type of cancer were infected with various types of papillomavirus. However, HPV type 31 is still not as dangerous as strains 16 and 18.

Pointed papillomas

For women, the appearance of genital warts is characteristic. They are usually localized in the cervix, on both sides of the vagina, the urethra, or on the anus. Outwardly, they have a papillary structure and are held on a small stalk. They are characterized by narrowing towards the end and irregular outlines. Warts are fed by capillaries and small vessels. They are also able to inflame and hurt due to external traumatic effects.

Of the non-specific symptoms, there is pain in the lower abdomen, which occurs for no reason. There may also be discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

HPV type 31 during pregnancy

Women who are planning a pregnancy must undergo an examination. If HPV is detected during it, the doctor will definitely prescribe treatment. Papillomavirus can also be treated during pregnancy, but if warts and papillomas are present, their removal is contraindicated. In this case, only immunostimulating drugs are prescribed to increase the natural immunity of a woman. Due to this, the concentration of the virus in the body decreases, which reduces the risk of infection of the child during childbirth.

HPV type 31 in men

This strain of the virus is capable of provoking the occurrence of bowenoid papulosis in men. It is characterized by rashes that range in color from red to purple. Plaques subsequently appear from the spots gray color. Their size is 3-3.5 cm. As a rule, at first they do not cause inconvenience, but over time, itching and pain may appear on contact with the plaques.

Also, neoplasms of genital warts are localized in men on the glans penis, frenulum, scrotum, urethra. This causes pain when urinating. Without appropriate treatment, growths can degenerate into malignant neoplasms.


Despite the fact that the 31 strain of the virus is not the most aggressive of all highly oncogenic types, it is also capable of provoking the development of cancerous tumors. This type of virus contributes to the development of the following diseases:

  1. Dysplasia (neoplasia) of the cervix. This condition is considered precancerous and shows that there are a lot of altered cells in a woman's body. Dysplasia is called the precancerous stage, since the cells have not yet degenerated into malignant ones, but at the time of diagnosis, the risk of this is extremely high. From the moment of HPV infection to the development of neoplasia, it can take from 1 to 5 years.
  2. Cervical cancer. One of the most common types of cancer affecting the female reproductive system. In the first stages, the symptoms of oncology are practically not noticeable. When the disease passes to stage 3-4, bleeding begins, pain in the sacrum and in the lower abdomen, which manifests itself both at rest and during sexual contact.
  3. Penile carcinoma. This type of cancer is considered uncommon and is more common in men over 60 years of age. The lesion most often occurs on the head of the penis, less often on foreskin. At the same time, erosions, ulcers, plaques appear on the skin area. Over time, the pathology grows, becomes denser to the touch, blood and fetid discharge appear.
  4. Anal carcinoma. Cancer of the anus can develop as a result of warts that appear on the anus. It is characterized by such signs as the appearance of blood during bowel movements, the sensation of a foreign body in the anus, itching, pain during bowel movements, impaired stool. In general, it is quite rare.

Thus, HPV type 31 affects people regardless of gender and is capable of provoking different types oncology.


Until the papillomavirus enters the active phase, it is impossible to notice its manifestations. However, there are special diagnostic methods that allow you to determine HPV infection even at an early stage. These include:

The main method of diagnosis today is PCR. It is she who allows you to see not only the fact of infection with the virus, but also to see its concentration in the body. The rest of the methods are considered auxiliary.

Results for HPV 31

PCR results are divided into 3 categories depending on the degree of cancer. Thus, the number of pathogens, Lg, detected per 100,000 cells is measured.

Lg index< 3 свидетельствует о небольшой концентрации вируса и считается нормой. При таком значении количество вирусных клеток малозначимо или отсутствует вовсе, что говорит об отсутствии развития ВПЧ.

The indicator, where Lg 3-5, indicates the average concentration of the virus in the body. Its value is not critical, but this is already enough to provoke the appearance of precancerous conditions.

Lg > 5 is considered high level danger, indicating the imminent development of dysplasia.

Diagnosis after therapy should be carried out no earlier than 2-3 months later, then the result will be accurate. If the patient takes PCR immediately after treatment, the indicator may even be slightly higher than the previous one, which can mislead a person.


Since it is impossible to diagnose HPV at the initial stage without appropriate tests, it is necessary to constantly carry out preventive examinations. They will help to suspect the presence of the disease and send the patient in time for diagnosis. In the treatment of papillomavirus, it is important not to waste time. If at the first stages it is enough to take immunomodulatory drugs, then in the future it will be necessary to remove the consequences of the virus.

The human papillomavirus has more than 100 types, but only 30 of them are pathogenic. It can cause skin warts, warts, cancer of the cervix and anogenital region, as well as tumors of the mucous membranes of the mouth, respiratory tract and lungs. The greatest oncogenic risk is borne by papillomavirus type 31 in women.

Features of the virus

All papillomaviruses are divided into 5 groups, designated by the letters of the Greek alphabet. HPV 31 genotype is a small DNA-containing virus. Like all carcinogenic papillomaviruses, it belongs to the genus alpha. The remaining 4 groups are also found on the skin and mucous membranes, except for the genitals.

The genome of the virus is surrounded by a shell - capsid, which contains specific proteins. They determine the type of pathogen and the mechanism of its reproduction, and hence the ability to infect certain cells. The type of HPV oncogenicity depends on the activity of fragments of the protein chain. With high activity, the virus can lead to cancer in a fairly short time.

HPV type 31 in women and men can lead to pathologies of varying severity:

  • cervical dysplasia,
  • neoplasia of varying degrees,
  • uterine cancer,
  • anal carcinoma,
  • penis cancer,
  • Bowen's disease and bowenoid papulosis,
  • papillomatosis of the larynx,
  • oral cancer.

The combination with chronic diseases aggravates the course of oncological pathology and leads to complications.

Reasons for development

HPV infection is necessary for the development of pathological processes. Infection usually occurs through sexual contact. The source may be a human carrier who is unaware of the infection. A condom is not a barrier to the virus. The latex from which it is made has micropores. They are impervious to liquid and spermatozoa. But the size of the virus is so small that they are able to pass through these holes.

The presence of genital warts or papillomas in a sexual partner increases the chances of infection. The virus from their surface upon contact can indulge in a healthy person. Unconventional sexual intercourse can also lead to infection.

The household route of infection is less common. This happens in everyday life, while using one toothbrush, with kisses. The chances increase if there are microtraumas of the oral mucosa, wounds in other areas.

After the penetration of the virus, the clinical picture of the infection does not develop immediately. If the body's immune response is sufficient, then HPV is integrated into the genetic material of epithelial cells and remains there in a latent form. When the body is no longer able to contain the development of infection, viral proteins are activated that rebuild the cell's metabolism to produce new viral particles.

Reduced immunity can occur for various reasons:

  • acute and chronic urinary tract infections,
  • frequent colds,
  • stress and physical fatigue
  • strict diets based on the exclusion of many types of food from the diet,
  • overheating and hypothermia,
  • chronic diseases of internal organs,
  • abuse of nicotine and alcohol,
  • long-term treatment with antibiotics,
  • endocrine diseases,
  • pregnancy.

When immunity is suppressed, cells affected by the virus actively divide with the formation of condylomas in the genital area.

Features of HPV depending on gender

Women are more susceptible to the infection. After infection, the activity of the pathogen can manifest itself in the form of flat warts. These are benign neoplasms from the squamous epithelium of healthy tissues.

Detection of genital warts or papillomas in the intimate area is a direct indication for an in-depth examination of a woman. Often skin manifestations are the first signs of active progression of the disease. If you ignore these symptoms, then the disease goes into a severe stage.

Oncopathology at the initial stage may not have pronounced signs. With progression, at stages 2-3, the disease cannot be overlooked. Symptoms of a developed tumor in women are as follows:

  • bloody issues from the genital tract, which appear on their own and after intercourse,
  • pain during sex
  • discomfort in the vagina
  • bad smell.

HPV type 31 appears in men in the same way as in women. The pathogen penetrates through microtraumas of the skin during intercourse. The result of infection is dysplasia. It manifests itself on the glans penis, frenulum, coronal sulcus. Sometimes growths of the epithelium are observed near or inside the urethra. This is accompanied by severe pain during urination.

Necessary diagnostic measures

The disease requires mandatory diagnosis. Determining the type of pathogen will allow you to find out the likelihood of a transition to cancer and make a prognosis for a woman.

An infection can be suspected only after a medical examination. If there are condylomas of the genital area, then be sure to inspect the neck in the mirrors. Detection of changes is an occasion to conduct an in-depth examination. Be sure to take a smear from the vagina for oncocytology. The cervix is ​​examined with a colposcope. During the examination, special tests are made that allow you to differentiate the type of pathological process.

If necessary, a biopsy is performed at this time. A small piece of tissue is plucked with a special tool and sent for laboratory testing.

A woman is offered to be tested for HIV, HPV, urea- and mycoplasma, chlamydia, genital herpes. These studies are carried out by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It allows you to detect the genome of a virus or other pathological cell. The technique is necessary to identify the virus and its proteins, which help to establish the genotype of the pathogen.

The latest development is Digene-test. This technique allows you to accurately determine the genotype of the virus and the viral load - the number of pathogen particles that are in the sample.

Ways to cope with pathology

Treatment approaches depend on the stage of detection. If the papillomavirus type 31 manifests itself in women in the form of genital warts, then this condition requires therapeutic measures. Neoplasms are removed by any accessible way:

  • cryotherapy,
  • laser therapy,
  • radio wave removal.

Tactics for detecting cervical erosion depends on the results of the biopsy. If no signs of atypia are found in the focus, then treatment can be carried out by the same method as for genital warts. When dysplasia is detected, the action depends on its degree. Pronounced pathological changes are subject to surgical removal.

Cervical cancer is a serious disease that is found both in women during menopause and at a young age. It is necessary to treat pathology only in a complex way, combining:

  • operation,
  • chemotherapy,
  • radiotherapy.

This approach will allow you to get rid of cancer and achieve stable remission.

Supplement antiviral treatment with drugs that affect the pathogen and immunity. These can be suppositories with interferon (Viferon), immunomodulators (Likopid).

Traditional medicine methods in HPV therapy can only be used as ancillary after consultation with a doctor. There is no evidence level for prescriptions, and the severity of side effects can be significant. Safe methods are sitz baths with chamomile, calendula, which will help reduce the severity of inflammatory reactions.

Preventive measures

Prevention of infection with papillomavirus is as follows:

Be sure to observe personal hygiene. This will serve as a prevention not only of HPV, but also of other diseases.

A viral infection remains in a latent state in an organism with pronounced immunity. To maintain protective forces, you need to eat properly and balanced, observe physical activity. The mode of work and rest should be normalized. With long gatherings at night, hormonal balance is disturbed, immunity is reduced. Chronic and infectious pathologies undermine the state of the immune system. Timely treatment will allow you to maintain health for a long time.

To have an idea about the disease, it is important to know the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Type 31 is characterized by a high susceptibility of patients to the development of cancer. As soon as infection occurs, the virus actively multiplies in a minimum period of time, due to pathological disorders in healthy human cells. In the tissues of the patient, pathological changes begin to occur, as the human DNA undergoes changes.

HPV type 31 is dangerous because when infected, the infection does not manifest itself for a long time. The virus needs conditions to start an active process of reproduction. This can even take years. Therefore, it is often only during a visit to the gynecologist that women are diagnosed with cancerous tumors.

IMPORTANT: Women are required to undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist if there are infected people in the family or among relatives.

Symptoms in women

When infected with HPV type 31, women develop genital warts. They are characterized by small sizes. They protrude slightly above the tissues and most often have either light pink or yellowish hues.

Several months after infection, the patient does not show any symptoms. And only after a while a woman can detect the following signs that indicate the presence of HPV type 31 in the body.

  1. If during sexual intercourse with a partner a woman feels pain or discomfort, there is a high probability of infection with the type 31 virus. All these unpleasant sensations can be associated with the appearance of papillomas on the mucosa.
  2. There may be a small discharge of blood during intimacy.
  3. A woman may feel unpleasant discomfort or pain in the vagina.
  4. There may be a whitish or slightly yellow discharge from the vagina.

Typical manifestation of infection

A gynecologist can detect the presence of formations when examining a patient. Papillomas can be located on the cervix, on the walls of the vaginal mucosa, at the opening of the urethra. To provoke the development of the virus can:

  • the patient has dysplasia;
  • growths or tumors in this area;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the genital area.

If the patient has a hormonal failure, exacerbation of gynecological diseases, there is a high probability of developing cancer.

Papillomas look like yellowish and light pink plaques. Their presence on the external genitalia should be a signal to visit a gynecologist or oncologist.

Causes of papillomavirus infection

Symptoms in women with HPV are quite blurred at the onset of infection. Therefore, the patient does not always consult a doctor in a timely manner. In 97% of cases, infection occurs through sexual intercourse with an infected person. The virus is so small that it can be transmitted during sex, even when using a condom.

Phases of infection

For HPV type 31, the following phases of infection are characteristic:

  1. The first stage is infection with the virus. The patient does not feel any symptoms. There is also no cell mutation. For the development of the virus at this stage, favorable conditions are necessary, which will provoke reproduction.
  2. Papillomavirus begins to multiply rapidly. Small formations appear due to the introduction of HPV into the DNA of healthy cells.
  3. A woman develops dysplasia, as the DNA of the virus begins to capture the DNA of the patient's cells.
  4. There is a degeneration of benign papillomas into malignant tumors. Due to various mutations, a woman develops cervical cancer.

Risks and the threat of pathologies: how to live on

HPV type 31 is a life-threatening disease, which has a high oncogenic risk.

With untimely treatment, almost every woman after 30 years of age is diagnosed with cervical cancer.

Also, this type of HPV can provoke the following diseases:

  • the appearance of malignant tumors in the vagina;
  • the appearance of dysplasia;
  • condylomatosis;
  • cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.

The main danger is that for several years the patients do not have any symptoms. Therefore, very often they go to the doctor when papillomas degenerate into malignant tumors. Not only the upper layers of the skin are affected, but also the deep layers of the epithelium. A very aggressive infection of healthy cells and uncontrolled reproduction of the virus begins. If the patient's immunity is weakened, the transformation of cells occurs at a rapid pace.

Only an HPV test can diagnose the disease in the early stages. Therefore, women who have or have ever had papillomas should regularly be tested or visit a gynecologist.

Diagnosis of human papillomavirus

To avoid the degeneration of benign formations into malignant ones, it is necessary not only to visit a gynecologist 2 times a year, but also to carry out special events that will allow diagnosing the presence of an infection.

  1. PCR. The doctor takes a small amount of tissue from the patient to examine it for the presence of the virus. A solution is added to the test material for diagnosis, which will allow copying the DNA of the virus. As a result, you can compare the indicators with a specially selected database in order to timely identify dysplasia in an infected person.
  2. Pap smear. A gynecologist takes a smear from a woman for a cytological examination. The laboratory assistant conducts a Papanicolaou analysis, with which you can immediately determine whether the patient has cancer cells. The analysis gives reliable indications even at the earliest stages of infection.
  3. Biopsy. A small amount of tissue is taken from the patient and examined under a microscope.
  4. Colposcopy. It is prescribed if there is a suspicion of cancer. Doctors examine the tissue of the body or the root of the papilloma. With a negative result, a woman predisposed to the formation of papillomas is prescribed to be diagnosed every 3 years.

What to do during treatment?

Only the doctor selects the treatment regimen.

Treatment is divided into several stages. This is the prescription of medications by a doctor and the removal of papillomas using special techniques.

  • Assign laser removal, in which the growth is affected using a laser beam. With this procedure, the tumor is excised without further recurrence of the disease.
  • With radio wave therapy, the growth is removed using a radio knife. The procedure is painless, after it there are no scars at the site of formations.
  • Removal can be carried out by cryodistruction. Liquid nitrogen is used here, which freezes the papilloma, and it eventually falls off on its own. The disadvantage of the method is the appearance of new papillomas in the future.
  • You can also use the electrocoagulation method, in which growths are removed using high-frequency current. The procedure lasts 3-5 minutes. Next, you need to treat the wound for 1-2 weeks. With this method, scars and scars may appear.

In addition to removal, the doctor must prescribe a complex of drugs. To weaken the effect of the virus on the body and stop the reproduction of pathogenic cells, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs:

  1. Isoprinosine;
  2. Kondilin;
  3. Podophyllin.

It is very important to increase the protective functions of the body. For this, immunomodulators are prescribed:

  1. Cycloferon;
  2. Amiksin;
  3. Alpha interferon.

Disease prevention

To avoid cancer, which provokes HPV type 31, it is necessary to carry out prevention. From the age of 10, girls are given special vaccinations. This will avoid infection and in 97% of cases reduce the risk of cervical cancer in the future.

Vaccination takes place in three stages. After the first vaccination, the procedure is repeated after 2-3 months. And then once again spend an injection on the expiration of 3 months.

IMPORTANT: Vaccination can only be given to women up to 30 years of age.

It is also important to observe the following rules:

  1. Have a permanent sexual partner.
  2. Use a condom when having sex.
  3. If there is an infected person in the family, it is forbidden to use his personal belongings.
  4. Avoid colds.
  5. Treat chronic diseases of the reproductive system.
  6. Increase immunity by drinking a course of vitamins.
  7. Observe personal hygiene.

Women need to remember that papillomas can degenerate into cancerous tumors. Therefore, it is very important to visit a gynecologist or dermatologist at the first signs of infection.