Can one cockroach reproduce. Reproduction and life cycle of domestic cockroaches

In his apartment, any person comes into shock. Immediately there is panic and many questions. Chief among them: professional destruction parasites by a specialized service or self-excretion? Most people choose the second option. This is a struggle with the help of the air temperature in the room, and improvised chemicals, and everyone's favorite folk remedies. You can really get rid of bedbugs on your own once and for all, but for this you need to choose the right drug and use it strictly in accordance with the instructions. Having spent a considerable amount of money on drugs and not getting a result, many have to turn to exterminators. In the article we will consider what firms for the destruction of bedbugs in Moscow exist and by what methods they act on parasites, we will find out approximate cost their services.

If carried out independently, for example by raising or lowering the temperature, you should know that it is above 50°C or below 20°C. High rate you will not find a thermometer in our climate, but the freezing process will adversely affect the heating system. This method will add to your hassle, and savings are definitely out of the question. If there are very few bedbugs and they have just appeared, you can treat the bed with a household steamer or steam cleaner at the maximum steam temperature.

Not always effective and chemical exposure, as well as all kinds of herbs and oils. This is due to the fact that the bugs adapt to various means and not in all cases it is possible to treat the room with all the care inherent in professionals. Perhaps your neighbors have been trying for years to poison bloodsuckers with some particular spray to which they have developed immunity. It probably won't help you either. Specialized services use the most powerful chemistry, which has proven its effectiveness in practice. They vouch for its effect and give a guarantee.

Self-treatment of the premises can exacerbate the situation. So an incorrectly calculated dose of poison will not kill the bugs, but will give them the opportunity to earn immunity to the chemical. Some drugs and smells will simply scare them off for a short time. Pests multiply at a tremendous speed and a missed nest or one female will renew the bedbug population in your apartment in a matter of weeks and force you to repeat the entire procedure again or call professionals.

Where to apply?

Among all cities in Russia, Moscow occupies a leading position in the diversity of companies that destroy bedbugs. There are both large organizations with a good reputation, and amateur exterminators. Some take things seriously, studying latest approaches and means for eliminating bedbugs, assessing the scale of the disaster, the presence of allergic reactions in residents and other nuances. They work for the result, cherishing their reputation. Others use improvised means, not having the proper qualifications and experience, and in their arsenal there is only a garden spray bottle.

Definitely, this affects the quality of the services provided. But sometimes negligence can lead to poor health. An irresponsible exterminator can easily use chemicals that are harmful not only to insects, but to all residents of the house, including pets. Worthy companies use only certified insecticides and fix their full name in the contract for the provision of services.

The first step in this battle is to call the office of the pest control company. The customer should find out the details about the procedure itself, what preparation is needed for it on his part. Clarify such an important nuance as confidentiality. Neighbors are different, so as not to attract attention, employees can change clothes and prepare for the procedure already in the room, hiding from prying eyes. It is also necessary to ask about typical situations that, due to inexperience, you might not have taken into account. Feel free to ask questions, because not all of us have to deal with bed bugs on a daily basis.

In order for cooperation to be comfortable, you need to specify the conditions, namely: the full cost and the likelihood of additional costs (for example, when a specialist leaves the Moscow Ring Road or processing extra beds), the possibility of processing complex premises and the simultaneous destruction of several types of insects. It is worth cooperating with the company only if the client has heard confident exhaustive answers to his questions, received Additional information. If the manager answers uncertainly or avoids questions, does not give clear numbers and instructions, it is worth contacting another company.

It is better to be vigilant when choosing one or another contractor. The result of the procedure and your comfort depend on this. Agree, the appearance of bedbugs and so a certain stress associated with the cost of time and money. And I really want them to be eliminated as efficiently as possible, without unnecessary inconvenience and harm to the health of both residents and pets.

How to prepare for the arrival of the pest control team?

It is necessary to move the furniture, free the baseboards, remove the bed linen, pack the dishes and household items in bags, close the windows tightly. During processing, only one owner remains, having previously protected the respiratory tract with a respirator. Remember to remove pets from the apartment.

How much does qualified assistance cost?

Often the decisive factor is the cost of the procedure, but in Moscow prices do not differ much, so it is better to focus on the stability of the company and the recommendations of clients. The cost of processing the premises depends on the size of the apartment and the methods of destruction of insects, which we will discuss later in the article. If it is necessary to process one room, then the price will start approximately from 1500 rubles. Surcharge for each room is approximately 300-400 rubles. But the hot fog will cost from 4000 rubles.

If necessary, treat private houses, industrial premises, warehouses, cellars or garden plots, the amount for the work is negotiated separately and depends on the area of ​​damage and the distance from the company's office. The client can always clarify the possibility of a discount for pensioners, the disabled or additional payments under non-standard conditions for the provision of services.

Why is it worth contacting the pest control service?

In addition to qualifications and experience, the advantage of a specialist is that he uses methods that are not available in everyday life. These are special equipment and chemicals.

The most effective ways of processing the premises are:

  • hot and cold fog;
  • treatment chemicals;
  • barrier protection.

You must understand what you pay money for and what manipulations will be carried out in the room. We will tell you in detail about each method of professional fight against bedbugs.

Hot fog from bedbugs

This is the most efficient and effective method elimination of insects. The exterminator, proceeds to the procedure, armed with a generator. The equipment heats the special mixture up to 80 - 90 °C and ensures instant destruction of larvae, eggs and nests. As a result of the procedure, an insecticidal cloud is formed, which continues to work on the destruction of bedbugs for 6-8 hours. Then, after 4 hours, it is necessary to ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning. At the same time, leave the floors and baseboards intact, they should be washed after a few days. Feedback on this service is mostly positive.

Olga, Moscow

My husband, seeing the panic that gripped me, called the brigade immediately, the guys from Stop Klop arrived on the same day, treated the room with hot fog. True, I had to spend the night in a hotel. But the next day the bedbugs seemed nightmare. I didn't see them again.

Cold fog from bedbugs

Anna, Moscow region

Valentin, Krasnogorsk district

In general, I am a man with hands and do all the housework on my own, but after my vacation I found a whole horde of bedbugs on the second floor of my house and decided not to engage in “self-treatment”. I called the employees of the Geradez company. They did a good job, I never saw the bloodsuckers again. But I had to pay extra for the remoteness from the Moscow Ring Road and the non-standard size of the room. Of course, such moments must be warned in advance.

barrier protection

The essence of this method is to irrigate the walls with preparations containing repellents. This prevents bedbugs, cockroaches and even mosquitoes from migrating through windows, balconies and wall spaces. But this method is suitable as a preventive measure or as part of comprehensive measures for the destruction of insects. Because there may already be nests or eggs of pests in the room. Large companies often offer such a procedure in the form of a bonus to consolidate the result.

Angelina, Moscow

Honestly, I don’t know how effective such protection works, we made it in combination with the hot fog treatment procedure. But I want to believe that it is she who has been protecting us from negligent neighbors and their bedbugs for a long time.

Let's look at the most popular bed bug removal companies, what are the advantages and differences.

Geradez disinfection center in Moscow - reviews

Employees of the Geradez Station will advise you at any time of the day, on weekends and holidays. The company respects its clients and maintains the confidentiality of the work. The price list starts from 1400 rubles, and the warranty is 1 year! A team of exterminators leaves the Moscow Ring Road (distance up to 50 km). The surcharge will approximately be from 20 r / km. Address: Moscow, Pakgauznoe highway, 7, office 10. Customer reviews confirm the professionalism of the company.

Leonid, Moscow

Last year I called a disinfector from Gerodez to pickle bedbugs in the room. The specialist arrived the next day, processed, issued a receipt and a guarantee. A year has passed, the bugs did not appear anymore.

Mos-eco Service - customer reviews

The company is well-known and on everyone's lips. A big plus is that you can call the master around the clock. An individual approach, highly qualified employees, innovative technologies and preparations will help you get rid of bedbugs quickly and efficiently. Such masters can do both city apartments and restaurants, cafes, hotels, industrial premises. The office is located at the address: Moscow, Polyarnaya street, house 7 building 2.

Ekaterina, Moscow

We ordered an eco service from Mos for hot fog treatment + barrier protection. Processed perfectly, the water was removed from the entire floor. But the effect is maximum. For six months we tried to get rid of the bedbugs ourselves, but it did not work. This company has helped us out. The cost of processing with a discount turned out to be 2700 rubles. for one.

Moscow City SES - reviews

When undesirable neighbors in the form of bedbugs are found, a sanitary and epidemiological station comes to mind, briefly SES. This is the right direction of thought, but there are nuances. It is an organization dedicated to controlling the natural spread of insects and maintaining sanitary norms on a large scale. Unlike private companies, SES employees will not disinfest one apartment. An exception is if your housing was among several apartments that are the focus of the spread of bedbugs and the situation has become global.

It is not always possible to call the master at home, but only if a collective complaint has been received from residents of an apartment building or hostel. It will be necessary to carry out bureaucratic procedures, to collect signatures. But in this case, in the event of an emergency infection, employees will not only process available apartments, but may also insist on forced processing of adjacent premises. This can be very helpful if your negligent neighbors breed bedbugs, but refuse to admit it. After processing, SES carefully monitors that insects do not reappear.

Galina, Moscow

We have a decent house and all the neighbors are adequate, where the bugs came from in several apartments - we have no idea. We cooperated and called the SES. The employees assessed the situation and processed not only our apartments, but also several neighboring ones, as well as the entrance. They just saved us.

Company Disinfector - Klop Stop - reviews

The company has many years of experience in the fight against bedbugs and other insects - 8 years on the market. The master will promptly arrive at the call. As a rule, no longer than 3 hours. Be sure to provide all the documents and certificates and after an hour of work will save you from unwanted neighbors. You can safely count on meeting deadlines. Company address: Moscow, 1st Krasnogvardeisky proezd, house 9, office 4.

Liana, Moscow

Faced with bedbugs, you had to read a lot of information, where each service carries out the fight against bedbugs with a guarantee of the best method. To make a choice, you first need to know what treatments for bedbugs exist and how they differ. There are three technologies for the extermination of bedbugs: standard, basic and complex (VIP) processing. Each of them has distinctive features in terms of the quality and quantity of drugs used, which accordingly affects the price.

CAREFULLY! Companies that imply joint use of pump irrigation, cold and hot fog by complex processing are SCAMMERS!

Using a conventional sprayer, cold and hot mist at the same time is just cheatingbed bug extermination pricesand makes no logical sense. With all three types of irrigation, one solution is used, then what is the point of applying the same composition three times from different equipment? Companies offering such services create an appearance of hard work and save on the use of additional drugs. After all, it is not the bullet guns themselves that destroy bedbugs, but high-quality products used in a complex in the form of cocktails. You don’t have to call such companies, but if someone offers you such complex processing from bedbugs by phone or upon arrival, then you will be aware and can safely refuse the services.