Wire grate for a fireplace. Fireplace grate (60 photos): forged fireplace grates, making decorative grates with your own hands

Installing a fireplace in your home is only half the battle. In order for the picture to be complete and the interior to be complete, the portal and the hearth must be decorated with a decorative lattice. This element will become a highlight of the interior, as well as protect the room from fire and hot coal. In addition to forged individual grilles of an unusual look, there are also ventilation products. They move air currents and increase heat transfer.


The grate for the fireplace performs various functions. Although the fireplace does not heat the room as well as other devices, but serves more for decoration, heat is still generated. Therefore, ventilation grilles are a mandatory attribute of any fireplace. They will increase heat dissipation. You can buy such a grill for the duct or make it yourself.

Lattices for fireplaces happen built-in and local. Outwardly, the lattices can look like anything: combine a variety of ornaments and patterns. Lattices will help keep the heat in the room and heat it better. This detail will save the chimney and duct from overheating, thereby extending the service life.

The protective function of the grate also lies in the fact that it does not allow foreign objects to enter the chimney and vice versa: it does not let soot and smoke into the room. For the firebox, you should choose a screen made of high-quality and durable material that clearly matches the size and overall design.

Good draft in a fireplace will be provided with grid-irons. They will support firewood and coal. The grate passes ash through the holes. This allows you to make a new bookmark and better heat the room. Grids are better to choose from cast iron. The design of such a lattice can be varied.


Thanks to the choice of a certain type of grille and proper installation, it is possible to create natural air movement in the room. Furnace grates have holes. The rate of heating of the room depends on their size. The larger their size, the faster warm air enters the room. So you can heat more space.

For chimneys on store shelves, you can find grates of various shapes. Initially, they were made rectangular, but now they are diamond-shaped, round, trapezoidal. In terms of functionality, there is no difference between such gratings. It's just a matter of taste.

As a result of operation, dirt forms on the duct and chimney of the fireplace. They can be cleaned through grates. They will also help to avoid overheating of internal structures.


Embedded grates are part of the design of the fireplace, which was thought out at the stage of construction of the entire heating system. The convection grid in the ventilation grille is specially designed to ensure that cold air from the room easily enters the fireplace, and hot air also simply returns. At the same time, soot and soot should not enter the room along with the heated air.

In an air fireplace, for better air movement in the box and heating the room, you can additionally use a fan. In this case, the design in its dimensions should be higher and wider than the standard one. The grid should not be used in this case. Fireplace grates for every taste and for any purpose are easy to find today in specialty stores.


The ventilation grille is necessarily included in the design of the fireplace. It can be in a convection box under the ceiling. This is where the hot air goes. The grate located below serves to draw air from the room. When choosing a grille for ventilation, it is necessary to take into account several nuances - the shape, holes, dimensions.

If the ventilation grille is too large, then the air will leave before it reaches the desired temperature. The material must be of high quality, withstand high temperatures. A plastic grill is not suitable, because it can melt from hot air. You will not find this in stores, but when making your own hands, this must be taken into account.

Separate lattices are local products. They are mounted on a support at a short distance from the hearth. The main task of this design is to protect the room from fire and flying hot particles.


In accordance with the style of the interior, you can choose a lattice of any shape. As an element of decor, it can be made of any metal and coated with varnish or paint that can withstand high temperatures. Such a screen is designed to serve as a decoration, so its aesthetic features come to the fore. All sorts of interlacing shapes and styles can be combined in such a product.


Metal gratings, intended only for interior decoration, may not have high refractory properties. In this case, air ducts and fireplace grates can be decorated with glass, stone, and gilding. If protection and safety are in the first place, then for the hearth it is necessary to use a forged grate made of high-quality material that is not susceptible to corrosion.

Ventilation grilles for fireplaces are usually:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • ceramic.

These are the most common materials in the manufacture of fireplace screens.

Preparation method

It is not so easy to make a beautiful and high-quality lattice with your own hands. It is quite difficult to find a high-quality coating for metal that can withstand high temperatures. And the lattice itself may not correspond to the drawn sketch.

  • Welding. From wire or curved rods, a lattice is obtained as a result of welding. All elements are interconnected. With this method, you can try to make a lattice yourself.

  • Casting. A cast fireplace grate is usually made of cast iron. It is an integral part of the fireplace and combines decorative and practical functions. Casting is also widely used, as is welding. These are the most common manufacturing methods. Such products are much cheaper than forged ones.

  • Forging. Forged products are made in two ways. In the first case, the hot method is used. The metal is heated and processed. This method is used in the manufacture of a batch of products. For an individual order, cold processing is used, which allows you to freely create.

Forged models of grilles will not only ensure safety and last a long time, but will also please the eye. This is especially true for gratings made by hand. In this case, you can choose a model that exactly matches the style of the fireplace and the room itself.

Increasingly, fireplaces can be found in summer cottages and private houses. The history of this design and its appearance in Russia has been repeatedly rewritten and updated, which today it is difficult to say who really instilled a fashion for fireplaces in our country, but more and more owners of private houses want to equip them in their homes on their own or with the help of construction companies, but rarely did the decoration of the fireplace with their own hands. The fireplace allows you to relax and unwind while watching the mesmerizing dance of the flames. It can be as a capital structure, made according to all the rules of stove art, or a decorative piece that allows you to give the interior of the room completeness and solidity. But if you are thinking about installing a fireplace in your own home, do not forget about the decor of a false fireplace, which will allow it to fit into the room most fully and not be conspicuous by pretentiousness and inappropriateness.

  1. When finishing the fireplace, you can use old mirrors that will fit perfectly into almost any interior.
  2. You can make a decorative stone yourself, and decorate the fireplace with it. This type of decor will give the fireplace the appearance of a hearth folded, for example, from limestone.
  3. If the fireplace performs only the function of decoration, then for it you can make an antique-style grate or sheathe it with plasterboard.
  4. Another option for decorating a fireplace is to place chinaware and framed photographs above it.

You can continue to list the options for a long time and describe every action of a novice master to the smallest detail, but this is most likely a useless exercise because they will not work for every living space, and there are practically no universal options. Therefore, it is worth describing the most common and difficult to implement.

Fireplace decoration with stone

We will immediately make a reservation that we will not purchase the material, but we will manufacture it ourselves, which will save a significant amount. Fireplace decoration with stone can be of two types: (See also:)

  • decorative artificial stone is used;
  • natural stone is used.

Which option to use is up to the user, but describing the preparation process is worth both.

Use of natural stone

Let's start with the least labor-intensive natural stone decoration option, which will give the appearance of the fireplace a kinship with medieval castles. Before you start decorating, you need to determine what is required for this and prepare the material.

  1. The first thing to learn is that, despite the fact that the method is the least expensive, you will have to work hard. First you need to collect a large amount of natural stone of large and medium size, which will not be difficult if you have your own plot with a garden. As a rule, almost every spring, after processing the site, it is necessary to collect stones, and if the land has been exploited for several years, then a huge amount of them accumulates. If there is no own site, then you can drive to the nearest holiday village or village and purchase stones there.
  2. The second thing that will definitely be needed for further work is a tile cutter with a diamond wheel for stone and concrete and a drill with victorious drills.
  3. You also need to stock up on cement and anchor bolts.

The technology for decorating a living room with a fireplace using natural stone is simple and can be repeated by almost anyone:

  • large stones are divided into two parts using a tile cutter or an angle grinder; protective shields and goggles must be used during work;
  • then a flat cut is marked and a hole is drilled in it for the diameter of the anchor, do not make it too deep so as not to split the workpiece;
  • the anchor is fixed on a cement mortar or epoxy resin, and it is given time from 1 to 3 days to dry;
  • then they mark the wall on which the artificial stone will be fixed, with the same calculation that it lies close, but does not step on each other;
  • the bolts are screwed into the holes obtained, securely fixing the stone on the wall; additionally, the flat surface of the stone can be lubricated with tile adhesive for a more complete fixation;
  • after fixing the material, the joints are coated with cement, creating the appearance of real masonry.

The result is a beautiful decorative finish of the fireplace at no significant cost and made entirely by hand.

The use of artificial stone

To figure out where to start decorating a fireplace with artificial stone, first you need to learn how to make it at home. It turns out that everything is quite simple despite the high price of finished products in hardware stores:

  • formwork is made from wood to the size of the future decorative stone;
  • sand and crushed stone are poured into the bottom of the mold to give the stone some unevenness of the front side;
  • then gypsum is poured over the mixture and allowed to harden;
  • the resulting workpiece is taken out and so that the stone is not the same, they make a few more replacing the filling;
  • having received 5-6 different patterns of the front side of the decorative stone, they assemble the formwork for its manufacture, inserting plaster molds in the middle;
  • then a cement mortar is prepared from which a decorative stone will be made, cement and sifted sand are mixed 1 to 1;
  • pour the resulting solution into the formwork with molds and wait for drying;
  • the finished material is removed and covered from the front of the product with stain and varnish to give a rich color, due to the heterogeneity of the material, the painting will turn out to be uneven, which will give the stone a real look;
  • the finished stone, due to its low weight, is attached to the wall with building tile adhesive.

This method allows you to learn how to independently make an artificial stone with which you can make a fireplace decoration with your own hands, or decorate a kitchen with domestic premises.

Making a decorative lattice

From the point of view of the same fire inspection, a decorative fireplace is not a fireplace at all, since the fire in it is never kindled and it serves only to decorate the room in which it is installed, so making real forged grates for such structures that I don’t burn through is useless and costly . It is much easier to make it yourself from improvised tools and metal fittings.

To make a decorative fireplace grate you will need:

  • metal building fittings with a diameter of 5-7 mm;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • an anvil or a piece of a railway rail for shaping blanks;
  • construction side cutters that allow you to work with wire 2-4 mm;
  • steel wire for fastening the structure;
  • bronze paint to give the structure a respectable look.

Before starting the production of a decorative lattice, on a sheet of paper it is necessary to sketch the intended appearance of the product, which will ideally fit into the surroundings of the room. Then we cut the building reinforcement with a hacksaw into blanks of the required length. To give the workpieces the appearance of forged products, it is necessary to give them a smooth bend, which can be done using an anvil and a hammer. At the same time, you can rivet the ends of the blanks, in order to then give them such fashionable spear-shaped shapes in the old days. The very shape of the tip is given with the help of a file, which processes the already riveted part of the reinforcement. Then, in order for the grille to fully match the style, it is assembled using thick steel wire and side cutters. The finished structure will be somewhat "tender" until it is fixed in place, but after installation, its fortress is enough even to withstand a couple of good logs. The structure is fastened with anchor bolts to the wall, and then covered with paint. An unforgettable bright effect is achieved by using black paint to cover the grating itself, and bronze to highlight the tips of the cross bars and tie wire.

Installing a fireplace in your home is only half the battle. In order for the picture to be complete and the interior to be complete, the portal and the hearth must be decorated with a decorative lattice. This element will become a highlight of the interior, as well as protect the room from fire and hot coal. In addition to forged individual grilles of an unusual look, there are also ventilation products. They move air currents and increase heat transfer.

The grate for the fireplace performs various functions. Although the fireplace does not heat the room as well as other devices, but serves more for decoration, heat is still generated. Therefore, ventilation grilles are a mandatory attribute of any fireplace. They will increase heat dissipation. You can buy such a grill for the duct or make it yourself.

Lattices for fireplaces happen built-in and local. Outwardly, the lattices can look like anything: combine a variety of ornaments and patterns. Lattices will help keep the heat in the room and heat it better. This detail will save the chimney and duct from overheating, thereby extending the service life.

The protective function of the grate also lies in the fact that it does not allow foreign objects to enter the chimney and vice versa: it does not let soot and smoke into the room. For the firebox, you should choose a screen made of high-quality and durable material that clearly matches the size and overall design.

Good draft in a fireplace will be provided with grid-irons. They will support firewood and coal. The grate passes ash through the holes. This allows you to make a new bookmark and better heat the room. Grids are better to choose from cast iron. The design of such a lattice can be varied.


Thanks to the choice of a certain type of grille and proper installation, it is possible to create natural air movement in the room. Furnace grates have holes. The rate of heating of the room depends on their size. The larger their size, the faster warm air enters the room. So you can heat more space.

For chimneys on store shelves, you can find grates of various shapes. Initially, they were made rectangular, but now they are diamond-shaped, round, trapezoidal. In terms of functionality, there is no difference between such gratings. It's just a matter of taste.

As a result of operation, dirt forms on the duct and chimney of the fireplace. They can be cleaned through grates. They will also help to avoid overheating of internal structures.


Built-in grates are part of the design of the fireplace, which was thought out at the stage of construction of the entire heating system. The convection grid in the ventilation grille is specially designed to ensure that cold air from the room easily enters the fireplace, and hot air also simply returns. At the same time, soot and soot should not enter the room along with the heated air.

In an air fireplace, for better air movement in the box and heating the room, you can additionally use a fan. In this case, the design in its dimensions should be higher and wider than the standard one. The grid should not be used in this case. Fireplace grates for every taste and for any purpose are easy to find today in specialty stores.


The ventilation grille is necessarily included in the design of the fireplace. It can be in a convection box under the ceiling. This is where the hot air goes. The grate located below serves to draw air from the room. When choosing a grill for ventilation, it is necessary to take into account several nuances - the shape, holes, dimensions.

If the ventilation grille is too large, then the air will leave before it reaches the desired temperature. The material must be of high quality, withstand high temperatures. A plastic grill is not suitable, because it can melt from hot air. You will not find this in stores, but when making your own hands, this must be taken into account.

Separate lattices are local products. They are mounted on a support at a short distance from the hearth. The main task of this design is to protect the room from fire and flying hot particles.


In accordance with the style of the interior, you can choose a lattice of any shape. As an element of decor, it can be made of any metal and coated with varnish or paint that can withstand high temperatures. Such a screen is designed to serve as a decoration, so its aesthetic features come to the fore. All sorts of interlacing shapes and styles can be combined in such a product.


Metal gratings, intended only for interior decoration, may not have high refractory properties. In this case, air ducts and fireplace grates can be decorated with glass, stone, and gilding. If protection and safety are in the first place, then for the hearth it is necessary to use a forged grate made of high-quality material that is not susceptible to corrosion.

Ventilation grilles for fireplaces are usually:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • ceramic.

These are the most common materials in the manufacture of fireplace screens.

Preparation method

It is not so easy to make a beautiful and high-quality lattice with your own hands. It is quite difficult to find a high-quality coating for metal that can withstand high temperatures. And the lattice itself may not correspond to the drawn sketch.

  • Welding. From wire or curved rods, a lattice is obtained as a result of welding. All elements are interconnected. With this method, you can try to make a lattice yourself.

  • Casting. A cast fireplace grate is usually made of cast iron. It is an integral part of the fireplace and combines decorative and practical functions. Casting is also widely used, as is welding. These are the most common manufacturing methods. Such products are much cheaper than forged ones.

  • Forging. Forged products are made in two ways. In the first case, the hot method is used. The metal is heated and processed. This method is used in the manufacture of a batch of products. For an individual order, cold processing is used, which allows you to freely create.

Forged models of grilles will not only ensure safety and last a long time, but will also please the eye. This is especially true for gratings made by hand. In this case, you can choose a model that exactly matches the style of the fireplace and the room itself.

For the English style, a concise and simple solution is suitable. Art Nouveau or Rococo will require elegant ornamentation or curls. The symmetrical pattern on the grille will add grace and sophistication to the interior.

Manufacturing and installation

You can make a grate for a fireplace according to an individual order. Then this decorative element, made according to the original project, will reflect your taste preferences. It will be possible to weave a family coat of arms or initials into the ornament.

You can make a ventilation grill or any other one yourself. The main thing is to choose the material. Since we are talking about high temperatures, plastic cannot be used in work.

When installing the ventilation grille, clearly calculate the place and direction of all elements. To do this, you need to know exactly where the warm currents are moving. Ideally, they should move inside the room and only there. It is better to entrust the installation to a specialist.


Additional forged details next to the fireplace will help decorate the openwork metal grate. It can be a poker, a basket, tongs, even a chair can stand on cast-iron legs. A stencil on a fireplace can also act as a decor. With it, a stone fireplace can be turned into a brick one. You can stick various monograms, patterns, monograms on the fireplace.

It is customary to decorate ventilation grilles with heat-resistant paint with the addition of metals. You can choose gold, nickel, copper, brass elements. The grid should be selected from ceramics.


An interesting find for those who have a fireplace at home (well, or a fireplace is just planned, which happens more often).

This thing is expensive, and accessories for it too. All these beautiful forged things. Nevertheless, you can do many elements with your own hands.

Here, for example, is a grate for a fireplace. It is needed to protect against ash and sparks flying in all directions. In nature, when a fire is lit, no one, of course, pays attention to this. And at home it's a bit uncomfortable. Well, so as not to order a forged grille, you can get by with a homemade one. Pretty pretty, too, if you put a little effort into it. Well, an additional plus is the unique design of the fireplace.

You will need a chain with small links. You can also use a metal corner for the frame. And you can do without a frame. The end result is something like this.

Or here's the frame version.

Fireplace grate in the making.

There is nothing special to explain here, the main value is in the idea. The essence of the invention is clear from the picture. The grate protects against most sparks, while at the same time heat freely penetrates from the fireplace into the room. If you want absolute protection from sparks and ash, you can put tempered glass doors. And you can do without them. By the way, here, instead of chains, a chain-link mesh is used in general.

Imagine the cozy warmth of a home with a fireplace. It is difficult for the inhabitants of city apartments to imagine such a hearth, but making a false fireplace with your own hands is quite realistic. Use a few ready-made ideas where artificial fire looks organically in an industrial interior, and do not forget to take into account the subtleties of its arrangement.

Varieties of decorative products

Imitation of a fireplace in an apartment is an original way out of a situation in which there is no load on the load-bearing wall. Homeowners in high-rise buildings can make several types of structures with their own hands:

  • fake fireplaces, designed as full-fledged hearths. The flame effect is created by a special bio-burner;
  • corner fireplace, which is a portal protruding from the wall. The firebox is decorated with real firewood or miniature candles;
  • a symbolic fireplace, like a picture on the wall. They use textured materials, cut out details from wallpaper with a stone print.

The imitation of a fireplace in the interior is justified by the fact that there is no need to radically reconstruct the room. The owners can choose the design of the product according to their taste.

Attractive advantages of hearths

Have you decided to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands? Check out its benefits:

  • simple design;
  • saving time and money for construction;
  • the ability to choose a fireplace as the main accent of the room;
  • easy dismantling and transfer to another room;
  • ease of arrangement even in small houses;
  • safety for others due to the absence of a heating element.

The possibilities of a false fireplace in the interior are endless, so in its arrangement, rely on your decorating experience - choose from a variety of finishing materials with incredible textures.

We select the style of the fireplace

A beautiful do-it-yourself fireplace imitation takes the most unexpected forms. Its design does not limit anything but the imagination of the owners. Product configuration will complement any interior solution:

  • portals for fireplaces stylized in the spirit of the Middle Ages are finished with their own hands using artificial stones. It will emphasize the comfort of a bedroom or a small living room;
  • owners of large rooms will like the volumetric design of a false fireplace, decorated with logs, family photos or flower arrangements;
  • for a home with a high-tech design, a do-it-yourself fireplace is successful - an element of furniture, in the form of a bookshelf;
  • white portals with exquisite stucco are organic in the bedroom. Consider how to make a decorative fireplace in the classic or empire style. The space will acquire an exquisite aristocracy;
  • romantics will be attracted by candles in the fireplace. Place them in a firebox or on a fireplace shelf, giving harmony to the composition. An ensemble of candles in candelabra with several tiers will look spectacular.

Having chosen the style of the product, consider in which room it is better to place the “home” made by yourself.

Ideas for stove installation

Consider free space. In an oversized living room, you can create a corner version of the stove with your own hands. The depth of the structure is selected according to the wishes of the owners. The arrangement of a false fireplace in the office will make a respectable Victorian gentleman out of a resident of a city apartment and emphasize his financial self-sufficiency.
For children's rooms, a fireplace with a frame that needs drywall will be appropriate. In a compartment with increased depth, place a cozy blanket with pillows or shelves for storing toys.
If you don’t want to show the firebox in the living room, decorate it with a glass screen painted with stained glass paints. So the imitation stove will have the maximum resemblance to the real one.

We are developing a project

When thinking about how to make an imitation of a fireplace, start with design. The work has a phased nature, because the attractiveness of your design depends on the correctness of the algorithm. Do the following:

  1. Make a drawing on paper, having studied the ready-made diagrams and options for installing the product in a particular room.
  2. Create a layout by reducing the proportions several times. Use small foam blocks and PVA glue.
  3. Make changes to the model, adapting it to the design of the room.
  4. For ease of construction, apply the contours of the portal to the wall, drawing the base, firebox, mantelpiece and sides.

Having completed the markup, proceed to the purchase of tools and materials, taking into account the fact that for each building material there will be a different set of fasteners or tools.

Material options for creating a fireplace

The construction of an artificial fireplace can be made from any materials bought in a store or found in home bins - drywall, plywood, polyurethane, bricks of an old wooden set or chipboard.

Drywall constructions

To make a drywall fireplace, pay attention to the constructive construction of the corner model. A decorative plasterboard fireplace will be the main focus of the space, will not take up space and will create an atmosphere of home. To implement your plan, purchase the following materials:

  • metal profiles (13 pieces);
  • moisture-resistant drywall (3 sheets 9.5 mm thick);
  • tiles for finishing and grouting;
  • 200 self-tapping screws;
  • LED strip;
  • decorative grille.

How to make a drywall fireplace with your own hands? Start by calculating the dimensions - the product must mask the radiator. It is best to conduct communications through the lower opening of the structure. Further work is carried out according to the step-by-step instructions for creating a drywall fireplace with your own hands:

  1. Cut metal profiles according to the drawing. Use scissors to cut metal.
  2. Proceed to the formation of a frame for your fireplace from dense drywall. Connect the resulting elements with self-tapping screws.
  3. Think of a foundation. An acceptable option is an MDF board, to which a metal frame is fixed with screws.
  4. Form the walls of the fireplace from the purchased drywall. Cut the sheets with a clerical knife and try it on the frame. Cut off the protruding edges.
  5. Fasten the material to the profiles with self-tapping screws - you will have a drywall fireplace portal. Drill holes on the surface to allow heat to move away from the radiator.
  6. Decorate the firebox by creating a niche inside the product. Double walls with insulation will look massive and respectable.
  7. Wiring will create the effect of a burning fire. Route the wires through three points - on the facade and above the mantelpiece. Illumination is carried out using LED strip.
  8. Perform finishing work by fixing ceramic facade tiles with special glue.

A false plasterboard fireplace will take up no more than 1.6 m2, so a small apartment will remain uncluttered.

"Home" from plywood

Plywood constructions will help mask the flaws of the room - old batteries or wall irregularities. Start building your oven by developing a blueprint and layout, as well as purchasing materials - 9mm thick plywood sheets, 5x5cm bars and self-tapping screws. You can build an elegant fireplace in an apartment by adhering to the technology of work, especially since the step-by-step instructions for doing it yourself are similar to organizing a drywall fireplace:

  1. Make a frame according to the markup. For it, use natural wood - bars.
  2. Apply detail stencils to plywood sheets. Form a fire box using plywood and bars, screw it from the inside with self-tapping screws.
  3. Decorate the inside of the firebox with decorative material with a brick print. Having chosen plastic, work with a furniture stapler.
  4. Decorate the fireplace portal by fixing the wooden material with glue.
  5. Use a thick board as a shelf.
  6. Polyurethane floor plinths will be needed as a decor for the base and cornice. Stick them on the mounting foam and are reinforced with self-tapping screws.
  7. Mask the joints with putty mixture or liquid nails.
  8. Sand the surface and apply 2 coats of acrylic paint.

In the same way, you can make a corner raised fireplace, which is easy to dismantle if necessary. Decorate the firebox with logs, sea pebbles, candles or LED strip, and create a bar on the mantelpiece. The grid is easy to create from aluminum or copper wire. Insert it into a PVC tube and paint it gold. Fasten the product to the frame with copper wire.

polyurethane product

When planning how to make a raised fireplace, refer to a simple and lightweight material - polyurethane. The structure can fit in a room with different dimensions, and it takes a minimum of time to install it. Purchase the following materials:

  • body made of polyurethane;
  • special glue;
  • putty mixture;
  • finishing materials for the furnace compartment.

When planning to make changes in the interior, perform a polyurethane raised fireplace step by step:

  1. Choose a place to place the structure - near the side wall. So it will not create the effect of piling up furniture.
  2. Prepare the wiring for the electrical outlet.
  3. For the frame, use wooden planks or a metal profile, and a plasterboard portal will give the fireplace additional strength.
  4. Attach parts made of artificial material with special glue.
  5. Decorate gaps with putty. If necessary, install a steam generator, but care must be taken here so that the material does not melt.

The product is decorated with your own hands in the same way as a plasterboard false fireplace - by applying paint with shades of patina, gold with a dry sponge. A light touch of antique will fit into the classic or Victorian style of the room.

How to beat stone and chipboard?

A do-it-yourself portal for a fireplace made of chipboard is suitable for owners who want to save time on decorating an apartment. The master class for making the structure is simple:

  1. Prepare the sketches that you will work on.
  2. Cut the chipboard plates according to the drawings.
  3. Assemble the resulting "constructor" using self-tapping screws.
  4. Finish the cladding with foam, laminate or tile bars, fixing them with glue.

Instead of chipboard, you can use chipboard - so the cost of arranging an imitation hearth is significantly reduced.
Apartment owners who want to give the stove the most natural look should work with stone. You will need facing or decorative materials. The main condition for construction is the calculation of the load. There is no place for decoration here, because hand-made stone portals for fireplaces will emphasize the uniqueness of an ethnic interior or a loft or country interior.

Use of old furniture

You can update the atmosphere and at the same time make the room attractive with the help of a sideboard, wardrobe or chest of drawers made of wood. In addition to old pieces of furniture, you will need plywood sheets, a grinder, a jigsaw, a screwdriver, acrylic paint, LED strips and finishing materials.
We turn to the design of fireplace portals with our own hands:

  1. Doors are removed from the sideboard or cabinet.
  2. Wooden bars are screwed to the remaining upper element, plywood sheets are fixed on them with self-tapping screws.
  3. A hole in the firebox or blower is cut out of the door.
  4. The pedestal will be one of the wide cabinet doors.
  5. The paintwork is removed from the surface with a grinder.
  6. The surface is primed and leveled, then putty is applied, dried.
  7. Wooden elements are sanded and painted with acrylic compounds.
  8. The firebox is decorated with a strip of LEDs laid on large pebbles.

The resulting fireplace is decorated with artificial stones, bricks or stucco.

How to simulate a fire in the hearth?

Simulating a fire in a fireplace with an LED strip is the simplest way that even owners without the skills of a professional electrician can do. There are several more options to achieve the burning effect:

  • LCD photo frame where a burning flame will be visualized. Get a gadget that plays GIFs. It remains to download the picture with fire;
  • the effect of fire in the fireplace with your own hands is achieved using candles of different heights. A fireplace with candles must be done carefully so that it does not damage wooden or plasterboard structures;
  • do-it-yourself mirrors installed in a false plasterboard fireplace will give the room an aura of mystical mystery;
  • the budget idea is to make a portal for the fireplace with your own hands, and stick a film with the image of fire on the firebox area.

When planning how to make a portal for a fireplace, emphasizing the respectability and financial position of the owners, think over the finish. Artificial stone, painted tiles, textured bas-reliefs will make the design expressive. For doors - choose transparent or tinted plexiglass, and a metal grill can be forged to order.
The arrangement of a false fireplace will be a worthy decor for a city apartment, because only in a self-made hearth the aesthetic tastes of the owners, their interior preferences and design skills are embodied.