Fun for adults on fire safety. Sports entertainment on fire safety in kindergarten "Firefighters are brave people

Abstract of entertainment on fire safety for children of the preparatory group "Caution, fire!"

Target :

Consolidation of children's knowledge about fire safety;

Strengthening the foundations of the security of one's own life.

Tasks :

1. Educational :

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of fire safety;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the causes of a fire;

To expand children's knowledge about the sources of danger in everyday life(gas stove, iron) ;

2. Developing:

To form children's ideas about situations that are dangerous for a person and how to behave in them;

To form the ability to seek help from adults;

Develop expressiveness of speech;

Develop physical qualities(speed, agility, coordination) ;

3. Educational :

Take responsibility for yourself and for the lives of your loved ones.

preliminary work :

Conversation with children about the causes of the fire;

The teacher's storytopic : "Fire friend or foe?"

Examining pictures about the profession of a firefighter;

learning poems,"fiery" proverbs and sayings;

Reading fictionliterature :

S. Marshak "Cat house"

L. Tolstoy "Fire Dogs"

B. Zhitkov "Fire" , "In the Smoke"

K. Chukovsky "Confusion"

S. Marshak "The Tale of an Unknown Hero"

Solving riddles about fire, ladies, fire;

Drawing on a theme"Protect the forest from fire!"

Didactic games"Flammable Items" , "The Fourth Extra" , Necessary items in case of fire.

Story - role-playing game"We are Firefighters!"

Article in the parent corner"Tell the kids about fire safety!"

Integration about. about.:

Socio-communicative development

cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Activities :





Equipment :

Mask "Fire", emblems "Lights" and "Sparks" , chips, fire helmets, 2 buckets, 2 benches, 4 hoops, 2 balls, 2 cones, a stick - a cord with a fire engine - 2 pcs.

move :

Vedas : Hello guys! Today we have gathered to talk about very important things. And what will be the main topic of our conversation, you have toguess :

He's ready to dine

You see - how many languages!

Quickly eats firewood in the oven, heating the bricks!

Don't touch him, he might bite...(the fire)

Vedas : And now Nastya will read a poem about fire.

1reb :

I am fire! I am a friend of the guys!

But when they mess with me

Then I become an enemy

And I burn everything around!

I am stronger than everyone in the world

I'm bolder than everyone in the world, I'm not afraid of anyone,

I won't bow to anyone!

Vedas : Fire is man's old friend. And a long time ago, man made fire. Fire is an assistant: with matches we light a gas stove, candles, fireplaces. It faithfully serves people in everyday life and at work. Fire can also be an enemy. You can not play pranks with matches and lighters. Also, improper use of electrical appliances can lead to big trouble. And today we will remember the fire safety rules, and I invite you to participate in games - competitions.

Vedas : So, I present the teams

1 team "Spark"

2 team "Sparkle"

Team greeting :

Team "Spark"

Motto : “Fire is a dangerous thing. He doesn't like jokes about himself." .

Team "Sparkle"

Motto : “With matches, games are always dangerous, from a small spark - a big trouble!” .

Vedas : I announce 1 contest "Question answer"

First, I ask the question to the “Spark” team, and then to the “Sparkle” team.

1. Number fire brigade? (01, 112)

2. If you see that the grass is burning (inform adults)

3. How can you put out burning clothes on a person? (can be covered thick cloth or a blanket, leaving your head open)

4. How can you put out a fire? (water, earth, fire extinguisher, sand, tarpaulin)

5. Why is the fire truck red? (red color is bright and resembles fire; so that she is visible on the road; To give way to her)

6. If the room is filled with thick smoke, what will you do? (cover your nose and mouth with a damp handkerchief or napkin and crawl towards the exit)

7. Why you should not open windows and doors in case of fire (a lot of air - more fire)

8. Why do people die during a fire? (from caustic and carbon monoxide smoke).

Vedas: Before we move on to the 2nd competition, Sasha E. will read a poem

We must fight fire

We are brave workers

With water we are partners

We really need all the people,

So who are we? firefighters

2 competition "01 - hurry to the rescue"

Take a bucket, jump “from bump to bump”, climb through the hoop from below “pour water - put out the fire” into another hoop and run back in a straight line, pass the bucket to the next participant.

Vedas: Well done?

Vedas : 3 competition - the game "Come on, guess it"

First, the team "Spark", then - "Sparkle"

1. An ember fell to the floor

Wooden floor lit

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And fill it with ... (water)

2. What is a cramped, cramped house?

One hundred sisters huddle in it

And any of the sisters

It can flare up like a fire.

Don't mess with little sisters, thin (matches)

3. The insidious fire will win

The one who is called (fireman)

4. Hanging silent,

And you turn it over, hisses and foam flies (fire extinguisher)

5. Hot if suddenly

electric iron

What should you kids do? remove the plug from (socket)

6. If younger sisters

Lighting matches at home

What should you do

Immediately matches (select)

7. If suddenly a fire breaks out

You are obliged at the same moment

Call the fire brigade

About the fire (report)

8. If you want to walk

Jump no need to run away

Closing the door in the house

Did you turn everything off? (check)

Vedas: So , contest №4 for both teams. It's called "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

The host reads poetry, if the children do not do this, they are silent, and if they think that it is necessary to do just that, they saychorus : "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

1. Which of you, seeing the smoke, is gaining - 01

2. Which of you runs with a bucket, floods the Cat's house?

3. The table and wardrobe burned down at once, who dried clothes over gas?

4. Admit it, kids, who takes matches without asking?

5. Who explains to the neighbor's children in the yard that playing with fire ends with a fire for a reason?

6. Who set fire to the grass near the house, set fire to unnecessary rubbish?

7. Who stealthily in the corner burned a candle in the attic?

8. Who helps firefighters - does not break the rules, who is an example for all the guys?

Vedas: Announced5 contest “Who will name the “fiery” proverbs and sayings more?”

1. Be careful not to burn yourself.

2. There is no smoke without fire.

3. Don't mess with fire, you can burn.

4. Do not play, cat, with fire - you will burn your paw.

5. Fire is not water - it will embrace, you will not swim out.

6. Moscow caught fire from a spark.

7. The spark of the carcass before the fire, take the trouble away before the impact.

8. Fire and water will crush everything.

9. Do not put straw on the fire, do not set it on fire, it will not burn.

10. Fire is not water - belongings will not float.

11. A small spark - a great flame will give birth.

12. Fire is born from a spark.

13. In fire, iron is fusible.

14. What you paid for, you will be responsible for.

15. Caution is the mother of security.

16. Don't joke with fire, don't trust the wind.

Vedas : 6 competition on agility, speed and accuracy of movements.

"Penguin Run"

With the ball between your knees. Jump to the cone, take the ball in your hands and run back and pass the ball to the next player.

Vedas: 7 captains competition "Best fire truck driver"

On a signal, the players wind a stick - a cord tied to a fire truck.

Vedas: 8 competition "Fire Safety Rules"

Children from each team will recite poems about fire safety rules.

Vedas: To avoid fires,

Children need to know a lot

1 reb: If you are alone in the apartment

Be careful with fire

You better not touch the matches,

Your house won't burn down

2 reb: There is not always a friend

electric iron

Though he strokes the kids

And shirts and pants

But remember friends

That you can't play with him

3 reb: Very difficult brothers

Gas-electric stove.

Be careful with her

It could cause a fire

4 children: And in the country, near the stove,

Don't play with fire

The ember fell on the rug,

And then the whole house will burn

Competition No. 9 Now I want to play a game with you called Stomp and Clap. Condition of the game: if the children do the right thing - you clap your hands. If it's wrong, you stomp your feet.

I know now friends

That you can't play with fire!(children clapping)

Matches are burning merrily

I will play with them.(children stomp)

Kolya ran away for the house

There he plays with a fire.(children stomp)

He's dangerous, Lena knows

She no longer turns on the iron.(children clapping)

Tanya and Nina are playing

Gas is lit on the stove(children stomp)

Klim saw: the house was on fire,

Boy "01" is calling(children clapping)

Competition No. 10 “Save the doll” (Children crawl under the arc (through the smoke), take the doll and return back the same way.)

Competition No. 11 “Who will put out the fire faster” (Chairs are arranged in a circle, on which there is one fire extinguisher each (substitute item, for example, red skittles.) The number of chairs is one less than the participants in the game. Everyone runs in a circle to the music. At the end of the music everyone must have time to pick up a fire extinguisher.If you do not have time to complete this action, the number of chairs is eliminated and the participants are reduced until the winner is revealed (the one who takes possession of the fire extinguisher in order to extinguish the fire faster).

Vedas: Thank you guys! How much do you know!

Today you guys deftly and quickly coped with the tasks, answered in unison and helped each other. They were real firefighters - brave and brave. I treat you with a sweet prize.


Entertainment scenario according to fire safety rules “Caution, fire!” (for older children preschool age).

Karakozova Mlada Vebertovna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 14 of a general developmental type", Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi.

Description: material designed for children of preschool age. The script can be useful for teachers of older preschool children and parents. It is recommended to spend in the music room.

Integration of educational areas:"Socialization", "Communication", "Cognition", "Safety", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Music".

Target: to consolidate the foundations of the safety of one's own life.

- to form children's ideas about situations that are dangerous for a person and how to behave in them;
- expand children's knowledge about the sources of danger in everyday life (gas stove, iron);
- to form the ability to seek help from adults;

Preliminary work:
- talking with children about the causes of the fire;
- consideration of plot pictures on the topic: "Causes of the fire";
- looking at pictures about the profession of a firefighter;
- reading fiction: S. Ya. Marshak "Cat's House", "Fire", K. Chukovsky "Confusion", A. N. Tolstoy "Fire Dogs"; G. Lebedev "Fire truck"; B. Zhitkov "Fire";
- solving riddles about fire, smoke, fire; "fiery" proverbs and sayings;
- drawing of children on the theme: "I and fire", application "Fire", plasticine painting "Bonfire";
- theatrical game "Do not touch the matches, there is fire in the matches!";
- didactic game“Flammable objects”, “What is useful in case of fire?”;
- role-playing game "We are firefighters!";
- information stand for parents "Caution, fire!";
- consultation for parents "What children of senior preschool age should know about fire safety rules."

- on the multimedia screen - a picture where a firefighter extinguishes a fire;
- a large box of matches (the box itself is made of a large box, and matches are made of thick sticks, at the end of which foam rubber is fixed, painted brown);
- magnetic board, pictures according to fire safety rules; magnets;
- matter red and of blue color, a model of a fire (made of foam rubber, painted with gouache);
- models of a house, a stove; 2 pipes, broom, sieve, lantern, barrel, bucket, ladle;
- children's costumes: a fire costume for a boy (two red sultans, bloomers and a red hat, an orange blouse); 2 costumes of chanterelles, butterflies, cats, cats, chickens, masks of 2 chickens, a whale, 2 ruffs, 2 frogs; a rooster, a piglet, a goat, a cap of two rooks;
- soft large cubes with letters (P, O, F, R, G, H, L, O, A);
- 2 children's irons, tables with thick cloth, doll clothes.

Event progress: Entertainment is held in the music hall, children of three older groups, educators and a music director participate. Participants of the entertainment sit in the auditorium (having spoken, sit down in their seats). In the middle of the music hall there are bonfire decorations. To the right of the fire is a house.

Presenter:- Hello guys! Today we have gathered to talk about very important things. And what will be the main topic of our conversation, you have to guess:

He's ready to dine
You see - how many languages!
He quickly eats firewood in the oven,
Heating the bricks!
Don't touch him with your hand
Can bite... (the fire).

The audio recording “Saber Dance” by A. Khachaturian sounds.

A boy in a costume of fire with sultans runs out into the middle of the music hall, dancing to the music around the fire.

I am fire! I am a friend of the guys!
But when they mess with me
Then I become an enemy
And I burn everything around!
I am stronger than everyone in the world
I'm bolder than everyone in the world
I'm not afraid of anyone
I won't bow to anyone!

Presenter: Fire is a longtime friend of man, with its help many useful things are done. Let's remember together where a person cannot do without fire? (When preparing dinner, during the work of blacksmiths, welders.) The life of ancient people largely depended on fire. In order to keep warm in their caves, they built a fire, burned pottery, which they then used for cooking. Many useful things are done with the use of fire in life modern man. But what, we now find out:

Children go out and read poetry:

And without a good fire
Can't miss a day!
He is reliable friends with us:
Drives the cold, drives the darkness,
He is a friendly flame
Raises like a flag!

Everyone needs a good fire
And for that he is honored!
What warms dinner for the guys,
Cuts steel and bakes bread!

Fire is hope in the cold!
Like a true friend
Rushing to the rescue:
And you will never freeze!

Presenter:- But it happens that fire can turn from a true friend into a merciless enemy and destroy in a matter of minutes what was created by many years of hard work. Let's see how it happens.

Children from the first senior group show an excerpt from the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak "Cat's House".

Mistress and Vasily,
Mustachioed old cat
Not soon carried out
Neighbors to the gate.
Word by word -
And again the conversation
And at home in front of the stove
The fire burned through the carpet.
One more moment -
And a light spark
pine logs,
Enveloped, wrapped.
climbed up the wallpaper,
Climbed up on the table
And scattered like a swarm
Golden-winged bees.
The cat Vasily returned,
And the cat follows him -
And suddenly they said:
- Fire! We are burning! We are burning!
With crackling, clicking and thunder,
There was a fire over the new house,
Looks around,
Waving red sleeve.
As the rooks saw
This is the flame from the tower
The cat's house is on fire!
The cat's house caught fire
Running chicken with a bucket
And behind her in full spirit,
A rooster runs with a broom,
Piglet - with a sieve
And a goat with a lantern.

Presenter:- That's how it happens. Therefore, one must be very careful with fire. Where does fire come from? (light with matches).

The presenter shows a large box of matches.

Here it is, this cramped house!
One hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
Can flare up like a fire!

Presenter:- Tell me, is it possible for children to take matches? (No). Why? (this is not a toy, it may cause a fire). Yes, that's right!
Presenter:- Let's see what happens if children play with matches.

Children from the second senior group act out a scene from K. Chukovsky's poem "Confusion".

And the chanterelles
They took the matches
Let's go to the blue sea
The blue sea was lit.
The sea is on fire
A whale ran out of the sea:
"Hey firefighters, run!
Help, help!"
Two chickens came running
Watered from a barrel.
Two ruffs sailed
Watered from a bucket.
The frogs came running
Watered from a tub.
Extinguish, extinguish - do not extinguish,
Filled - not flooded.
Here comes the butterfly
Waving wings,
The sea began to fade -
And it went out.

Matches - do not touch,
Matches are fire!

Presenter: Oh, someone is in a hurry to us!

An audio recording sounds: D. Shostakovich "Dance".

Children from the third senior group come out in bunny costumes.

Children:- A magpie flew to us, and said that the children here are talking about fire. We also want to tell something, mom told us. And we will tell you how to properly use a gas stove.

You can't leave the apartment.
Gas included to burn.
Otherwise, friends
You will have to regret it!

Not allowed over gas stove
Dry wet clothes!
You yourself know what
A great fire threatens the ignorant!

Presenter: Thanks, bunnies! You helped us a lot! And now I invite you all to play.

Game number 1."Who irons the laundry faster." 2 teams compete, 10 people per team (at the end of the game, remind the children to “turn off” the iron).

Game number 2."Guess the riddle and spell the answer."

Hissing and angry, afraid of water.
With a tongue - but not barking, without teeth, but biting! (the fire)

Who is dangerous to the whole district
On a hot day, in a crazy blizzard?
Who will leave us homeless
Without a coat in a harsh frost? (fire)

I helped put out the fire
Earned there... (burn)!
But my family is proud
Saved my neighbor's cat!

Game number 3. Name "Fiery" proverbs and sayings.

Game number 4. The game “Stomp, clap” (if you can perform the said action - clap, you can’t perform it - stomp).

I know now, my friends
That you can't play with fire! (clapping)

Matches are burning merrily
I will play with them. (stomp)

Kolya ran away for the house,
There he plays with a fire. (stomp)

He's dangerous, Lena knows
The iron no longer turns on. (clapping)

Tanya and Nina are playing
Gas is lit on the stove. (stomp)

Klim saw: the house was on fire,
Boy "01" is calling. (clapping)

Presenter:- Well done! And now let's remember everything we talked about today, talk about fire safety rules.

To avoid fires
Kids need to know a lot!

If you are alone in the apartment
Be careful with… (by fire)
You better not touch the matches,
Then yours will not burn... (house).

Not always a friend
Electric… (iron).
Though he strokes the kids
And shirts and pants
But remember friends
What to play with him ... (it is forbidden)!

Very brothers is not easy
Gas-electric stove.
Be careful with her
She's on fire... (available).

And in the country, near the stove,
Don't play with... (by fire).
The ember fell on the rug,
And then all will burn... (house).

With fire you have to be smart.
Learn it, fire, laws.
He should be your friend
Learn to be polite with... (fire)!

Presenter:- Thank you all! How much do you know!

Prepared by: Prokhorova A.Ya.

Fire safety entertainment scenario for children of senior preschool age "Young firefighters"

Educational area: cognitive activity, physical culture


systematization of previously acquired knowledge - about fire, the work of firefighters.


To form in children the concept of "fire safety".

To consolidate knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire, about fire safety rules.

Strengthen the health of children, develop physical qualities, arouse a desire to help people in trouble, cultivate a sense of compassion and responsibility.

Cultivate friendly relations with each other, pride in the people of this profession.

Teaching methods: visual, verbal, practical, game.

Equipment and material: a projector, a screen, a presentation "A little about firemen", a ball, chips, two tables, two telephones, two ropes, two empty buckets, two models of a "burning house", two tunnels, two hoops, two sets of rubber toys - little animals, two arcs, two benches, two toy fire extinguishers, two fireman's helmets, a "Junior fireman" certificate.

Entertainment progress:

Teacher: - Guys, you probably don’t even know why we have gathered today. Listen to the riddle and you will guess the topic of our conversation:

If smoke billows in clubs,

The flame is beating tongues

And fire everywhere, and heat.

This is a disaster ... .(fire).

Teacher: - Now I will tell you a fairy tale about fire:

"Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy."

Once upon a time there was Fire. He was very cheerful and hot. Fire walked wherever he wanted through forests, houses, trees. Fire did not spare anyone on its way and was the worst enemy of all living things. Why do you think?

Children: - He burned everything.

And then one day a Man met on his way and said: "Come on, Fire, let's measure our strength." Fire replies: "Yes, where are you, Man, to measure strength with me." And the man insisted on his own. Fire agreed. This is where their fight began. The man lured Fire to the river and jumped into the water. The Man grabbed the flames with his wet hand and wanted to put them out. Fire pleaded: "Do not extinguish me, Man, I will serve you faithfully." The Man took pity on him, forced him to serve himself. This is how Fire began to serve Man and became his friend.

Teacher: - Tell me, why does a person need fire?

Children: In order to cook food, keep warm, can light, light a candle, etc.

Teacher: And if fire is an enemy, then firemen will help us.

1 If the flame breaks out suddenly,

Do you have a reliable friend

Keep it handy!

flame choke,

Smoke tamer -

Your friend is a fire extinguisher.

2 For fun, for play

Don't pick up matches

Do not joke, my friend, with fire,

To not regret later.

3 Do not kindle a fire yourself

And don't let others.

Gas in the kitchen, is it a vacuum cleaner,

TV and iron

Let it include only an adult

Our trusted senior friend.

4 If trouble befell

What then shall we do?

Never get lost

Act smart!

If the phone is close

And you have it available

Need to dial 01

And call the firemen!

Teacher - Today we will hold a competition, and if you do well, you will be issued certificates of a young firefighter. First, guys, we will split into 2 teams (divided into 2 teams)

Warm up

The game is called "Catch - throw, immediately answer."

Can you play with matches?

How about lighting firecrackers?

Hiding under the bed in case of fire?

Throw an unextinguished fire in the forest?

Burn dry grass?

Gas without adults to ignite?

Turn on electrical appliances?

Call firefighters in case of fire?

Teacher - And so, a firefighter must be smart, so the first task is to solve riddles. The team that solves the most riddles will receive a token.

An ember fell on the floor:

The wooden floor lit up

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And fill it with ... (water).

Ate little sisters

Lighting matches at home

What should you do?

Those matches right away ... (take away).

Hissing and angry, afraid of water,

With tongue, not barking

No teeth, but bites. (Fire)

What happens if the birds

Do you light matches at home? (Fire)

Flying midge - wasp leg

She sat on a stack, ate all the hay ... (match)

Everyone eats, does not eat

Does he drink and die? (Fire)

Teacher: The next task is to quickly and correctly answer the questions. The team that responded large quantity questions, get a chip.

What should you do when you see fire? (Call 01)

Why is fire the enemy? (May cause a fire)

Why can't you light sparklers and play with crackers near the Christmas tree? (Christmas tree can catch fire)

What is the danger of a fire, besides fire? (Causes explosion, air pollution).

Teacher: And now it's time to find out which of you is strong and courageous.

The task "Call firefighters"

Each team member needs to run to the phone, dial "01" and say: "Fire"

Quest "Extinguish the fire"

A rope is stretched on the floor to the target. Participants with a bucket walk along the rope with an added step, “pour water” out of the bucket and run back, passing the baton.

The task "Let's save the animals from the fire"

Crawl through the tunnel, pass the hoop and take the toy from the pedestal (rescue) and back.

Quest "Fire Extinguisher"

Obstacle course: crawl under the arcs, run along the bench with a fire extinguisher in your hands. Run and put out the fire with the sound "P-Sh-Sh-Sh"

We all put in the effort

And we put out the fire.

It was hard, hard

But skill and dexterity

Saved us from disaster.

Children are issued a certificate "Junior firefighter"

Entertainment Scenario

according to the rules of fire safety in the senior group

"How Dunno was preparing for firefighters".

Target: consolidate and deepen children's knowledge of fire safety. To form a conscious and responsible attitude to fire safety rules. To expand the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for action in extreme situations.


Social and communicative development:

1. Expand the knowledge of children about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the fire service. Clarify knowledge about the work of firefighters, the rules of behavior in case of fire.

2. To consolidate the knowledge that, if necessary, adults call "101"

Cognitive development:

1. Continue to expand the idea of ​​​​people of different professions - a fireman.

Physical development:

1. Develop psychophysical qualities: strength, agility, speed, endurance and flexibility.

2. Strengthen the skills of performing sports exercises.

3. 3. Consolidate the ability to give your name, surname, age, home address, phone number.

Venue: Sports Hall.

Event progress:


Firefighting - For tough guys.

Firefighting - Rescue of people,

Firefighting - Courage and honor,

Firefighting - So it was, so it is.

Today we have an unusual meeting, it is dedicated to our glorious firefighters. Among the firefighters there are many heroes who have accomplished feats in the fight against fire! Firefighters are entrusted with protecting the land, the forest, and the house. Today you will demonstrate your courage, strength, agility, speed and, of course, friendship and prove your readiness to join the ranks of the "Young Firefighters".

1 child:

Warm in the fire and winter!

Look around guys

2 child:

Don't get sick of the fire!

3 child:

Know that in anger he is angry

Spare nothing

And the house is all around!

4 child:

And up to the sky,

Spread to the forest.

Dying in the fire

Even people sometimes

Always remember this!

Music sounds

Dunno runs in to the music from m. / f. "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends"

UNKNOWN: Stop! Stop, brothers! I've been forgotten!

LEADING: Guys, but this is Dunno! Hello Dunno!

UNKNOWN: Hello! So fast, so fast. I almost lost myself along the way!

HOST: Yes, a little more, and you would be late. You were in a hurry to the competition "Young firefighters"?

DON'T KNOW: Yes, I don't even know. I just saw that the guys had gathered, so I decided that they would play something interesting again. And I love to play!

HOST: Actually, we will compete in strength, agility and knowledge of fire safety. Well, let's play, of course, too. Really guys? Children's answers.

UNKNOWN: There you go! I'm telling you, something interesting came up! By the way, I also know something about this fire danger of yours. I have such a girlfriend appeared here - Match. Oh, she is an inventor! So many games!

LEADING: Yes, yes, yes! A match, you mean? And what games did she teach you to play?

DON'T KNOW: How to make fires, how to blow up firecrackers, set fire to matches, burn leaves. You can't remember everything.

LEADING: And you don’t need everything. This, Dunno, is called fire hazard. And your girlfriend is very dangerous. Guys, can I play with matches?


UNKNOWN: And why?

HOST: But the guys will now tell you why.

CHILD: Don't light a fire. And don't let your friends.

The smallest spark. Not far from the fire.

'cause you're up for the game

Do not take matches in your hands!

UNKNOWN: But why?

5 child:

Let the box of matches be small

But much can do evil.

She kindles a fire

Everything will turn into a nightmare!

From just one small match.

All your things will burn!

UNKNOWN: That's it! What am I to do now?

HOST: Stay with us and you will learn a lot. And at the same time compete with the guys in dexterity.


Victory is on the shoulder of the brave,

Waiting for that great success

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will go into battle one for all.

6 child:

We are gathered here today

To show skill.

Learn to be a firefighter

And don't start a fire.

Host: Teams, greet each other! (Children say hello)

Dunno: Tell me, what should firefighters be like?

Children (possible answers): ... brave, brave, strong, resourceful, quick-witted, dexterous ...

Dunno: What do you need to do to become a fireman?

Children (possible answers): play sports, be able to listen, be kind, know a lot of tricks to save people, ...

Host: Now we know what firefighters should be like. And our next competition is called:

1 competition - "The strongest team" - Tug of war.

(competition in progress)

Music sounds

Presenter: Tili - bom, tili - bom,

Oh, save, help, put out the house as soon as possible.

Stranger: What to do? How can we be? How can we put out the fire?


If suddenly there was a problem,

If there is strong smoke,

Don't get lost and never be afraid -

Dial "01" by phone!

Leading:2 competition - "Call firefighters"

Guys, we need to urgently call the fire department. To do this, quickly reach the phone, pick up the phone, dial "101", loudly and clearly state your last name and home address.


If a fire extinguisher is called, the children raise their hands and clap. If a means is called that cannot be used to extinguish a fire, they stomp their feet.

Dunno: Chur, I will hold this contest!

Host: Can you do it?

Stranger: Of course I can!

Dunno offers children options for answering the question: “How can you put out a fire? ".

Dunno: matches, pies, paper, pancakes, torn galoshes, water, sand, earth, fire extinguisher.

Leading: And so the guys, and Dunno how do we put out the fire? (Fire extinguisher)

And our next contest is called4 "Pass the fire extinguisher"

At the command of the leader, each child from the team runs with plastic bottle(fire extinguisher) to the object to be extinguished, runs around it (extinguishes, puts the “fire extinguisher” next to the second player, etc. in turn. As soon as the “fire extinguisher” touches the ground, the next team member runs. The team that quickly extinguishes will win fire.

Dunno: An ember fell on the floor

The wooden floor is on fire.

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And fill it with water!

Host: Let's help put out the fire on our own.

5. Competition - "Extinguish the fire"

Children stand in a column one after another, they are given a rope - a “fire hose” - in their hands. On command, the children, holding onto the rope, run one after another in a “snake” between objects, then “extinguish the fire” - they run around the fire model and come back.

Moderator: Well done, guys, did a great job. And so that no one else forgets the rule that matches are not toys for children, we will put up a warning sign. (Puts a warning sign "Matches are not toys for children")

The host scatters sparks with riddles.

Dunno: Guys, look, we put out the fire, but there are sparks from the fire, let's put them out.


1. Hisses and gets angry,
And he is afraid of water. (the fire)

2. Girls, brown hats, doze in the house.

3. Hanging - silent, and turn it over - hisses, and the foam flies.
(fire extinguisher)

4. Suddenly heated up
electric iron,
What should you do, kids?
Remove plug from...

5. An ember fell on the floor,
The wooden floor lit up
Don't look, don't wait, don't stand
And pour it...

6. In a canvas jacket and helmet,
Forgetting about chain mail armor,
Decisively and without fear
The knight throws himself into the fire.

Host: Well done guys!

Dunno: If trouble happened in the forest,

Come help guys here!

Leading: Because of a match, a whole forest can catch fire, and all animals can be in big trouble. Save the animals!

7 competition - "Rescue Service" (pass animals in chains)

Host: Dunno, you're just smart! And how do you know all this, because a couple of minutes ago you said that they put out the fire with pies?

Dunno: So I just checked the guys if they knew, but in fact I know a lot about fire safety and firefighters. For example, I read in a book yesterday that earlier, when there was no telephone by which one could report a fire, firemen were on duty day and night on a high tower - it was called a fire tower. From its height, the whole city was visible, because the houses were one-story and if a fire or smoke was seen somewhere, the firefighters hurried to the place of the fire. The fire is now reported by phone. Who knows how to call the fire department?

(Children answer: "01!")

Host: All of you today were strong and dexterous, showed knowledge and ingenuity.

Leading: You guys remember what we will tell you now.

Do not pick up matches, we beg you very, very much.

Yes, the fire is kind, it helps here and there,

Dinner will make hot and give us warmth.

Dunno: But in children's hands the fire is disobedient,

And that's why you don't touch crumbs, matches,

You won't have time to blink, as a fire breaks out,

Don't mess with fire, or it will be a nightmare!

Host: Hairdryer, computer, gas in the kitchen,

TV and iron

Let it include only an adult -

Our reliable senior friend!

With this our meeting came to an end. We hope you remember all the rules and follow them!

All together: See you guys!

Dunno: And now it's time for me to return to my friends. But in memory of our meeting, I want to give you ... Let's see what my fire truck is filled with in honor of our holiday?

Rolls out a toy fire truck with sweet prizes (or medals with the inscription JUNIOR FIREMAN) on it.

Poems for children:

Everyone knows that a man does not live even a day without fire.

Warm in the fire and winter!

Look around guys

Fire is our everyday friend!

    But when we're careless with fire,

He becomes a terrible enemy

Fire is a friend of man, but don't touch it in vain.

If you indulge, then troubles cannot be avoided.

Don't get sick of the fire!

    Know that in anger he is angry

Spare nothing

A garden, a grain field, your house can destroy.

And the house is all around!

    And up to the sky,

Spread to the forest.

Dying in the fire

Even people sometimes

Always remember this!

    Let the box of matches be small

But much can do evil.

She kindles a fire

Everything will turn into a nightmare!

From just one small match.

All your things will burn!

    We are gathered here today

To show skill.

Learn to be a firefighter

And don't start a fire.

Homework: Come up with a speech - a greeting for the teams to each group !!!

Fire safety entertainment for children aged 5-7 with a presentation

"Masha and the Bear - fire safety"

Target: Expand and systematize children's knowledge of fire safety.


1. Consolidate children's knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire.

2. Consolidate children's knowledge about dangerous situations, causes
the occurrence of a fire and the rules of conduct in case of fire;

3.Fix fire safety rules.

4. Learn to dial the number 01 on the telephone, talk with the fire department on duty;

5.Expand vocabulary children on the topic of fire safety;

Preliminary work: Conversation on the topic "Fire safety", looking at illustrations about the causes of a fire, on fire safety; memorization of fire safety rules, poems about a fire engine.

Equipment: an interactive board for showing a presentation, a telephone, a fire extinguisher, a toy - a fire truck, matches, a picture of a fire, a red balloon, split pictures on the topic, cards depicting flammable objects, an audio recording from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", a signal from a fire truck, costumes of Masha and Bear-fireman.

Vocabulary: fire truck, fire extinguisher, fire hose, pump.

Lesson progress:

An audio recording from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" sounds.

Educator: Guys, do you know where this music comes from?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Today our guest is Masha from the cartoon.

Masha: Very good day! Guys, Mishka asked me a riddle, but I can’t guess, can you help?

I fry, steam and bake,
I can be in everyone's house.
People for many, many years
I bring warmth and light.
I'll burn - don't touch me.
I am called ... (Fire).

Masha:- Guys, how can you make fire?

Children: Matches, lighters.

Masha: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Why do we need fire?

Children: To keep warm, cook food, burn garbage, etc.

Educator: I think it smells like smoke. Did you guys feel it? Look, there's smoke. Is there a fire there? What do we need to do?

Children: Call the fire department on the phone.

Masha: That's right, you need to urgently call the fire department. We approach the phone.

We are dialing a number! Guys, what's the number? (Slide 3).

Children: 01

Masha: I'll play with the phone! (Slide 4)

Educator: Guys, is it possible to call 01 for nothing?

Children: You can’t, because if the fire truck goes to a fake call, then it will be late for a real call and burn down the house.

Masha:(Slide 5) I'm dialing a number. And now ... What should I do, guys, tell me?

Children: Be sure to include the address so that the firefighters know where to go.

The teacher invites the child to dial the number and say into the phone: “Come, we have a fire, the Yolochka kindergarten, the Sun group. Gagarin street, 36.

The siren of a fire truck is heard (audio recording).

Masha: Egegey! Look out! Fire engine! Give Way!

Fireman Bear arrives on a fire truck (a toy fire truck) and puts out the fire.

The teacher draws attention to the fire engine.

Educator: Look what an unusual car (shows a toy fire truck). Who guessed what it's called?

Children: Fire engine.

Educator: Why do you think it's called that?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, from the word "fire" it is called a fire engine, and the people who put out the fire are firefighters.

Educator: Why is the fire truck red? And how does the fire truck go, fast or slow? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, think and tell me, is it possible to use a fire truck for other needs? Why?

(Slide 6) The teacher summarizes the children's answers: “A fire truck is a special-purpose vehicle. It is always red in color so that it can be seen from afar. Red is the color of fire. The fire truck is going fast to put out the fire and save people.”

Educator: When the car is driving on the road, you can not only see it, but also hear the siren. Why do you think it sounds so loud? (Fire truck signal—audio recording).

Children's answers.

Educator: It is correct that other vehicles hear the horn and give way to the fire truck. Guys, who knows the poem about the fire truck?

The car is red
There is a siren, a bright light.
Always ready in it;
Hoses, ladder, water!

If there's a fire somewhere
And fire is dangerous heat -
They give way to her!
Everyone knows this rule.

Heroic Reckoning
The service is difficult!
Their phone number is "01"
Every citizen knows.

Educator: Mishka, what do you have in the fire truck?

The fireman bear shows the objects and invites the children to repeat:

Fire Bear:(Slide 7) This is a fire extinguisher that contains special foam. (Slide 8) I also have special hoses called “sleeves”. (Slide 9) The pump pumps water into the hoses. If the fire is on a high floor, then a folding ladder helps to get inside the burning house and save people (Slide 10).

Educator: When people forget about the careful handling of fire, it becomes deadly. Fire is not an accident, but the result of misbehavior. Therefore, it is necessary that each person be careful when handling fire, be careful.


Educator: Now we will play the game "If there is a fire."

Children stand in a circle. The teacher has a red balloon in his hands. The player must quickly say the last word of the poetic line and pass the ball to another.

Educator: One two three four

Who has a fire Child: In the apartment. (ball pass)

Educator: Smoke rose suddenly

Who hasn't turned off Baby: Iron (Ball transfer)

Educator: The red light fled

Who with matches Child: Played (Passing the ball)

Educator: The flame jumped into the grass

Who burned at the house Child: Foliage. (ball pass)

Educator: Who threw into the fire at the same time

Strangers Child: Objects. (ball pass)

Educator: Every citizen remembers

This number is Child: Zero One (Ball pass)

Educator: I saw smoke - do not yawn

And firefighters Child: Call!

The bear-firefighter inspects the place and finds out the cause of the fire.

Fire Bear: Masha, did you play with matches?

Masha:(Slide 11)

Fire Bear: All children should know that matches are not a toy for children!

Masha: I wanted to turn on the gas and make jam for you (Slide 12).

Fire Bear: Children without adults should not turn on the gas! There might be a fire!

Masha: So this is what caused the fire!

Masha: Now I'll hide, you won't find me! Who did not hide, I'm not to blame!

Fire Bear:(Slide 13) Remember! It is impossible to hide in case of fire, it is life-threatening.

Masha: Aha! Remembered.

Fire Bear:(Slide 14) The iron was left on and left. Did you turn on the iron? (referring to children).

Children: Not!

Fire Bear: Who?

Educator: It was probably the Goat who was ironing the clothes, then went into the forest and forgot to put the iron away. And the kids - mischievous people included!

Fire Bear: Don't you know that children cannot turn on the iron, and all other electrical appliances without the permission of their parents!

Masha: So this is what caused the fire!

Masha: Guys, is it possible to burn a fire in the forest? (Slide 15). I remember how Mishka helped put out a fire in the forest. I'm so combative!

Fire Bear: You can’t burn a fire in the forest, remember guys!

Masha: BUT! Here's another reason for the fire!

Fire Bear: All children should know that it is forbidden to make fires, set fire to garbage or dry grass on the street, in the forest, in the park (Slide 16).

Masha: Bear, do you remember how we celebrated New Year and our Christmas tree almost burned down (Slide 17).

Fire Bear: All children should know that sparklers, candles and crackers are not toys for children!

Masha: And it would be so much fun!

Fire Bear:(Slide 18) All children should know that fireworks and firecrackers are toys for adults only!

Educator: I suggest you remember the fire safety rules (Slide 19):

Do not take or play with matches and lighters;

Do not approach the gas stove;

It is forbidden to burn a fire in the forest;

Do not turn on the iron and other electrical appliances for children;

Bengal lights, candles and crackers, fireworks and

firecrackers are not toys for children;

In case of fire, call - 01.

Educator: I offer you a game

Who smelled the smell of burning,

Reporting a fire?

"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Who doesn't light fires

And others do not allow?

"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Who is from a little sister

discreetly hide the matches?

"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Which one of you is naughty with fire

Morning, evening and afternoon?

No, not us!

Educator: Now let's play the game "Guess"

What is a cramped, cramped house?

One hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

Can flare up like a fire!

Do not joke with sisters - thin ... (matches).

The house is a glass bubble

And the fire lives in it.

During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,

A bright flame will light up (a light bulb).

Curls, twists,

(smoke) rushes into the sky.

Hanging - silent, and turn over - hisses.

And foam flies (fire extinguisher).

Hiss and get angry

Afraid of water.

With tongue, not barking

No teeth, but bites.

He eats everything - he does not eat,

And drinks - dies? (the fire)

An ember fell on the floor

Wooden floor lit

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And fill it (with water).

Masha: And now we are moving a little and we will play the game "Fire - Water".

The leader is chosen at will, either by counting or in another way. When the host says loudly: "Fire" - everyone starts to squat, when he says: "Water" - everyone starts to jump. The leader tries to confuse the players, sometimes repeating the same word in a row, while changing intonation, making movements corresponding to another word.

Fire Bear: And now we will check how you distinguish between objects that pose a fire hazard and simply dangerous objects.

The game is called "Flammable Items"».

Children are given cards that depict flammable objects and simply dangerous objects. For example: matches, candle, iron, knife, sparklers, stove, saw. It is necessary to remove the card with the image of an object that does not pose a threat to a fire.

Educator: Masha and the Bear say goodbye to us.

Masha: It's time for us guys to leave, and you follow the fire safety rules so that the fire truck never comes to the kindergarten. Guys, remember that you can’t play with fire (Slide 20).

Fire Bear: All children should know that whoever is not careful with fire, a fire is possible! Remember that a fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish. Goodbye!

Educator and children: Goodbye! See you soon!