Preposition after in Russian. What are the prepositions in Russian? Prepositions of place, time and non-derivatives

A preposition is considered a service part of speech (serves to link words, cannot form a sentence on its own), which indicates the relationship or dependence of a noun, numeral, pronoun on standing nearby words. Here are examples of prepositions: on, in, y, by, to, from, because of, under, about, from, for and others.

Classification of prepositions

We found out what a preposition is, now let's see how prepositions are divided into categories according to structure and origin.

By structure

  • Simple suggestions. In the composition they have only one word: in, on, to, y.
  • Complex suggestions. These are two simple prepositions that are connected by a hyphen and together form a new preposition: because of, from under.
  • Compound prepositions. They consist of two words: in connection, despite, in contrast to.


  • Non-derivative prepositions. These are prepositions that are not formed from other parts of speech. These include over, through, at, with, to and others.
  • Derivative prepositions arose later and were formed as a result of the transition of one part of speech to another, for example: about, starting with, due to, with the help of, in view of, near.

Derivative prepositions are divided into:

  • verbal (despite, thanks), they are formed from gerunds;
  • denominative prepositions are the former prepositional case form of nouns: in the role, by, at the expense, by means of, during, with the help of, on condition, as far as;
  • adverbial - meaning spatial connections: in depth, in front, near; temporary connections: the day before, later; quantitative relations: above, besides.

How to distinguish an adverb from an adverbial preposition

If after incomprehensible word there is a noun or pronoun, then you have a preposition. For example, in the sentence: "I was watching TV, and a cat was lying next to me," the word "near" is a preposition.

If there is no noun or pronoun after the word, then it is an adverb. For example, in the sentence: "I ate sour cream, and the cat sat near and looked with a begging look," the word "near" is an adverb.


By origin, prepositions are divided into two groups: primary and secondary (derivatives). The primary ones include the oldest prepositions, the origin of which cannot be established (without, in (in, in), from (od), for, to, with (co, co, zo, iso), for, through, between, on, over ( necessary, necessary), o (about), under, by, with, about, through).

The secondary ones include prepositions that are correlated with the meaningful parts of speech from which they originate, that is: a) vіdіmenі - end, edge, circle, circle, circle, as a result, before, during, by, at the expense of, about, in the industry, with the aim of, in the interests of, at the head, in case etc.; b) verbal - including, excluding, despite, despite; c) vіdprislіvnikovі - around, around, contrary to, along, after, around, past; around, around, near, near, above, after, near, next to, in front of, along, on the eve of, aside.

According to the morphological structure, prepositions are divided into simple, complex and compound. Simple prepositions include all primary prepositions (without, from, by, in, from, to, for, for, on, with, under, through, between). Compound prepositions are formed from two or more simple ones. (because of, from under, more, under, between, between, ahead, in the middle, for the sake of, between). Compound prepositions are made up of an adjective and a noun (in the case, in case, to the address, in favor of, in honor, in the interests of, with the exception of, in the form of, with the help of, in contrast to, in connection with, in view of) or adverbs and prepositions (next to, according to, regardless of, along with, not far from, to the right of, like, on a par with, along with).


Unions are service words with the help of which homogeneous members of a sentence and parts are connected complex sentence: Shva and literature is for us "the memory of the people, its immortal genetic code, it is the collective conscience of society, immortalized in the word(Yu. Shovkoplyas); Not both "need to be a great connoisseur to feel the depth of mother's song(V. Skuratovsky).

Connecting homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence, unions only express the semantic relations between them and do not act as members of the sentence. They should not have a self-expressed lexical meaning.


Unions are heterogeneous in origin and are divided into two groups: 1) non-derivative (primary); 2) derivatives (secondary). Non-derivatives include unions that do not correlate with other parts of speech (a, but, and (and), or): I believe in a miracle! The time will come - and free and equal people will stand up and fulfill their dreams all in an instant(A. Oles); The bird cherry swirled with foam of color, and the elderberry caught that odorous foam, raising its white palms up (O. Donchenko). The secondary ones include conjunctions that were formed from other parts of speech, in particular, a combination of pronouns or adverbs with prepositions or particles (if - how + what; if - how + would; however - about + that): You are a well of the soul, and there was no life if I didn’t go to the village once or twice a month (A. Demidenko); If I were always turbulent about myself, I would have been numb for a long time from loneliness(D. Pavlychko),

According to the morphological structure, unions are divided into simple, complex and compound. Simple unions are not divided into separate parts, they include: a, and (d), and, therefore, or.

Compound unions are morphologically divided into parts, they include: but, however, or, if, if, so that, as if, allegedly, sort of like, unmistakably.

Compound conjunctions consist of two or more words: because, because, so that, in order to, in spite of the fact that, as soon as, as soon as, that in vain.

According to the method of use, conjunctions are divided into single, repeating pairs.

Single unions that unite homogeneous members or parts of complex sentences are not repeated with them: There is no Ukraine without willow and viburnum (Folk Art); A long time ago, the war shriveled up, leaving obelisks and barrows... Under hostile bullets, veterans paid in full for the silence (D. Lutsenko).

Repeating conjunctions are used for each homogeneous member of a sentence or before each part of a complex sentence: The native village smells of silence expanse of meadows and skies, and songs of groves, and fields where the sun shines on the forehead (A. Demidenko).

Pair unions consist of two parts, which are distributed between the members of the proposal or its parts. Unions are paired Not only..., Not only ... but also, how ... so and, not only ... but also, how not ... so, anyway. .. but if... that in which. .. topics: Primer - it is not only letters, but also the language with its fragrance and beauty (D. Cherednichenko); The tales of O. Oles attract the reader not only with their fascinating plots, but also with high artistry and poetry.(A. Feschak).

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A preposition is a functional part of speech. It plays an important role in establishing connections between words. But prepositions are not capable of constructing sentences on their own. To understand what a preposition is in Russian, you need to consider its functions and features.

Why Suggestions Are Necessary

A distinctive feature of prepositions is that they denote the dependent position of nouns, pronouns and numerals from the words next to them in a certain case. The preposition makes concrete the meaning of the case form:

  • I look in V newspaper - the preposition "in" specifies the meaning of the place, in this case it is the direction inward
  • put on newspaper pencil - the preposition "in" concretizes the spatial meaning
  • hid under newspaper pen - the preposition "under" indicates the meaning of the place

So, the main role prepositions is to indicate the various relationships of certain words to a specific case form.

If we delve into the essence and understand what a preposition means, we can conclude that prepositions express relationships between objects:

  • object and action
  • Object and sign
  • Relationship between two different objects

Simple and compound prepositions

Prepositions are classified according to structure and origin.

According to the structure, prepositions are divided into two types:

  • Simple suggestions. They contain one word. For example, the prepositions "in", "on", "under", "from", "y", "to" are considered simple.

Examples of using simple prepositions in a sentence:

  1. I watched V window and smiled
  2. The girl got up on chair and sang
  3. I looked under stool

  • Compound prepositions. They include several words. For example, the prepositions "in connection", "in contrast to", "despite" are called compound.

Examples of the use of compound prepositions:

  1. Unlike me
  2. Despite good grades
  3. In connection with bad weather

Derivative and non-derivative prepositions

According to their origin, prepositions are usually divided into two types:

  • Non-derivative prepositions. They are not formed from parts of speech, for example, "above", "in", "through", "to", "y"
  • Derivative prepositions. They appeared in our speech due to the successful transition from the category of other parts of speech. Depending on what part of speech the preposition originated from, they are divided into types:
  1. Verbal. Formed from verbs by turning them into prepositions (despite, including, counting, thanks). By origin, verbal prepositions are forms of gerunds
  2. Denominated. These are prepositions that are the prepositional case form of nouns. This category includes the prepositions “by”, “during”, “due to”, “as far as”, “about”. These prepositions have lost their semantic connection with the nouns from which they originated.
  3. Adverbs. Formed from adverbs.

Often students make a gross mistake, taking such a preposition for an adverb. There is a simple rule according to which, if after the words “around”, “on the eve”, “near” and the like there is a noun or pronoun, then we have a preposition. For example, consider the adverbial preposition "the day before":

  • the day before holidays, he decided to take up his studies

In this case, “the day before” is a preposition, since there is a noun nearby. In addition, it is impossible to ask a question about this word.

  • I've been to the doctor the day before

We see that in this sentence “on the eve” is an adverb. From the verb "was" you can ask a question (when?) to this word. Therefore, we can conclude that "on the eve" is independent part speech, not a suggestion.

Despite the fact that prepositions belong to the service parts of speech, they are very important for the Russian language, as they establish connections between words.

Good afternoon, dear student! Today I would like to pay attention to such a simple, but difficult topic for foreigners as pretexts. There are a lot of prepositions in Russian, and each of them belongs to a certain group. We need prepositions to connect words in a sentence, in order to point to a specific place, time, space, reason or purpose.

Today we will consider the prepositions that we use with the interrogative words "where", "where", "from where"

With the interrogative word "where" in Russian, 2 prepositions "on" and "in" are usually used, how to figure out when to use one of these prepositions? Usually speaking about space, which implies that you need to be in it, inside, we use "in", but if we are talking about space and we mean something vast, wide, on the surface, usually not closed, then we use "on", let's look at examples:

Where do you work? I work in a large office. Where do you work? I work in a big office

Where do you live? We live in a small apartment. Where do you live? We live in a small flat/appartment

Where was the concert? It took place at a large stadium in Moscow Where was the concert? It has been held in a big stadium

Where kids play? They play in the playground near the house. Where the children play? They play on the playground near the house.

In these examples, the words "apartment" and "office" are closed spaces, so we use the preposition "at" in speech. And the words "stadium" and "ground" are open places, on the surface of which people usually spend some time and usually not so long, so we use the preposition "on".

With the interrogative word "where" we also use the prepositions "in" or "on", but in this case the noun that comes after the preposition should be in the accusative case, for example:

Where are you going tonight with Anton? We're going to a new cafe. Where are you going tonight with Anton? We are going to visit a new cafe.

Where did grandma go? She went to the street Where is granny? She went to the street

In these examples, the same principle of "closed" or "open" space is used, but if with the word "where" after the preposition there is a noun in the prepositional case, then in the case of the question "where", we use nouns in the accusative case:

Went to the street (in Accusative case)
In a new cafe (in Accusative case)

In the case of the interrogative word "from where", in Russian we usually use the prepositions "from" and "from"

To correctly be able to figure out which of these prepositions to use, remember this rule:

If we are talking about direction: where is it going? And then in the answer we use the preposition "to", then the interrogative word "from where" will mean the opposite direction: go / return from where? Accordingly, in speech we must use the preposition "of":

Where did she go? To Samara Where did she go? She went to Samara
Where did she come from? From Samara [Atkuda ana priekhala? Iz Samary] Where did she come from? From Samara

Remember that schematically these examples look like this: "in" - "out"

If the question is: Where did he go? The answer will contain the preposition "on", then with the question word "from where": Where did he come from? We must use the preposition "with". For example:

Where did he go so early? He went to work. Where did he go so early? He went to work

Where did he come from so late? From work Where did he come so late? From work.

Schematically, these examples can be expressed as follows: "on" - "with"

Remember the words with which the preposition "from" is used:

From study room
From the restaurant
From the theater
[Iz gorada] From the city

Words used with "s":

From work
From the North
From the square

Remember that the word "stadium" with the preposition "c" and the interrogative word "where" is not used, the letter "o" is added to the preposition:

Where are people coming from? From the stadium W ere did this people come? From the stadium.

From other words in phrases and sentences. Prepositions, like all functional words, cannot be used independently, they always refer to some noun (or a word used in the function of a noun). Due to their syntactic non-independence, prepositions never act as members of a sentence. They serve control as a kind of subordination, being associated with the control component of the phrase.

This part of speech was formed due to other lexical and grammatical categories. This is largely due to the heterogeneity of prepositions. During the XIX-XX centuries, there is a continuous replenishment of the composition of derivative prepositions. Prepositions that express the most abstract meanings - objective, causal, target, etc. develop most interestingly. The growing role of journalistic and scientific speech in the Russian language of the 19th century is reflected in the development of new prepositions.

Some prepositions, mostly derivatives, combine a number of meanings. Yes, suggestions. for, under, from, from, into, on combine causal, spatial and temporal meanings. Pretext through, expressing spatial ( through the mountains) and temporary ( through the centuries) relationship, colloquially found when expressing causal relationships ( through you I lost my family). Other prepositions combine causal meanings with goal meanings, for example for, by.

Classification by origin and structure

  • Non-derivative (the oldest prepositions) - in, without, before, from, to, on, by, o, from, before, with, through, with, at, for, over, about, under, about, for.
  • Derivative prepositions were formed at a later time from the words of other parts of speech and subdivided into:
    • adverbial - near, deep into, along, near, about, around, in front of, after and etc.;
    • denominated - by, in the role of, depending on, by, about, about, in view of, on occasion, during and etc.;
    • verbal (they were mostly formed from gerunds rather than verbs proper) - thanks, despite, later and others.

Structure classification

  • Simple (consisting of one word): in, from, to, at, over, on, before, at and etc.
  • complex (consist of two simple, connected by a hyphen): from under, from behind, over and etc.
  • compound (consisting of several words): in spite of, in spite of, due to and etc.

Classification by use with cases of nouns (valence)

  • with one case
  • with two cases
  • with three cases

Relationship Classification

As the researchers note, in the modern Russian language the range of meanings of prepositions, the sphere of relations expressed by them, is expanding and deepening. So, prepositions do not change and are not members of the sentence, but they express different relationships:

  • spatial - around, among, on and etc.;
  • temporary - during, in continuation and etc.;
  • causal - in view of , due to , because of , due to and etc.;
  • target - For and etc.;
  • object - and etc.;
  • comparative
  • defining
  • concessions
  • accompanying

see also


  • English preposition: "who is he friends with?" (Comparison of Russian and English preposition)


  • Baranov M.T. Russian language grade 7. - Enlightenment, 2011. - 224 p. - 50,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-09-024813-6

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


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    1. PREPOSITION, a; m. Reason for what l., a fictitious reason. Find, find p. Blagovidny p. P. for a quarrel. P. to leave. Come up with a p. to leave. Reject under any pretext. ◁ Under the pretext of what. in sign pretext. As a result, because of Refuse to…… encyclopedic Dictionary

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