Construction of houses from a to z. How and from what it is cheapest to build a house: we compare materials and technologies

More and more people prefer living in their own home - in the suburbs, away from the bustle of the city. And although this choice is justified by the presence of undeniable advantages - relaxing in your own garden, playing outdoors with children, barbecues with friends and other joys of private home ownership, you initially have to go through pleasant, but still significant chores associated with building a house. Therefore, it is not surprising that the decision to start building a private home is an important stage in the life of any family.

It is completely unreasonable, when thinking about where to start building a house, for the zero cycle, many take the preparation of the construction site and laying the foundation. In practice, this is only the “tip of the iceberg”, because before the actual start of construction, a large amount of preparatory work will have to be done, on which the success of the entire enterprise largely depends. In addition to obtaining the necessary permits, each stage of construction needs to be worked out, which will help to avoid future problems, for example, with inconvenient stairs and a wetland.

Long way from decision to implementation Source

Preparatory stage of construction

At this stage, several important issues will have to be resolved: choose a place for construction, determine its budget, select a house project, obtain a building permit and select a contractor. All questions are of equal importance, everyone will have to pay enough attention.

Buying a plot

When choosing and buying land for a new home, they pay attention to both legal and practical nuances. The procedure is accompanied by the execution of many documents, so it is advisable to involve a trusted intermediary - a realtor or a lawyer.

It is impossible to decide how to properly build a house without a detailed inspection of the site where the work will be carried out, and ideally, everyone starts with finding land for construction. Since the comfort of future life directly depends on the location of the site, when choosing the latter, they are guided by several criteria:

  • Site features. Not only the area is taken into account, but also the relief. A site on a slope will require additional financial investments for planning and earthworks, the construction of retaining walls.

Difficult site dictates the rules for the location of the house Source

  • Documents of the owner (seller). It is necessary to verify their authenticity and correctness of filling (in the given sizes).
  • Location. The proximity to civilization, the quality of access roads, the availability of public transport stops, the environmental situation (located nearby hazardous industries) are taken into account. It is important to find out if there is a swamp, a sewage treatment plant or a garbage dump nearby.
  • Infrastructure. The presence of engineering communications is assessed (detailed information is best obtained from the management company).
  • Additional possible expenses. Perhaps there are dilapidated capital buildings on the site that are subject to demolition, or groundwater passes high, which means that an effective drainage system will have to be equipped.

This and other useful information can be obtained from the owners of neighboring land plots, as well as from the administration of the settlement.

Experienced, knowing how to properly build a private house, experts advise making a request to the relevant institutions about the possibility of connecting to existing engineering networks. Otherwise, an unexpected ban will become a serious problem.

Geodetic surveys provide a comprehensive assessment of the conditions of the territory for further construction Source

When the place for building a house is finally chosen, activities are carried out to facilitate the work:

  • Geological and geodetic surveys, topographic surveys of the area are being carried out. The result will be information about the composition of the soil and the depth of groundwater, which will help to adapt the foundation of a typical project to specific conditions. If there is ongoing construction on the ground, you will have to be tied to the existing foundation and, possibly, strengthen it.
  • After the purchase, the site is fenced.
  • In order not to pollute a large part of the land with construction waste, it is necessary to determine a place for storing garbage, mixing concrete, burning waste, as well as access to construction equipment.

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How to minimize losses when building a house on video:

On our site you can get acquainted with the most - in the filters you can choose to show projects from one or several construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

What to build a house from

The choice of suitable material is a topic for a separate detailed discussion. Any material, be it brick, wood, sandwich panels, foam or aerated concrete, has a set of individual properties. These qualities can manifest themselves both positively and negatively, depending on the context of use.

When choosing a material, local conditions (climate, relief) and economic arguments are decisive factors. The latter often conflict with the desire to make the house comfortable, reliable and environmentally friendly. It must be remembered that any house needs thoughtful insulation, a reliable roof and modern engineering support.

In general, block (from cellular concrete) and frame houses (including SIP panels) are being built cheaper and faster. The least time (1-2 days) will be spent on installing a modular house, but this is not the most budget option.

Construction costs

Such an understandable desire to save money does not justify itself when building a house, as it most often leads to increased costs in the future. The phased construction of a house involves a detailed preliminary calculation of the estimate; it is better to compile it together with the foreman.

Once the walls and roof have been erected, the cost of building engineering may seem unreasonably large, but it is not recommended to reduce them without good reason.

Construction costs can be reduced by choosing a ready-made project Source

Preparation of the project and its binding to the terrain

In many respects, a typical project is the most profitable option (when compared with self-building and an individual project). It allows you to immediately begin construction, without delaying the design work.

It would be best to buy from a firm or construction company with solid recommendations and guarantees. The version downloaded from the Internet can end up being more expensive. When choosing a project, the owners start from the conditions and way of their life, determining the important parameters of the future home:

  • Do you need a second floor? The cost of foundation and roofing work for a two-story house is less, in addition, you can increase the area for a flower garden or gazebo.
  • Roof shape.
  • The number of rooms and their area (depends on how many permanent residents and how often you plan to receive guests).
  • It is possible to build a house with a bath
  • The height of the premises (for residential floors - from 3 m).

The shape of the roof and the dimensions of the rooms are determined when choosing a project Source

  • The size of the living room, kitchen, utility rooms.
  • Number of bathrooms.
  • Additional premises: sauna, dressing rooms, garage.
  • Interior decoration (design project is being prepared).
  • Additional amenities (washbasin in the garage).

After agreeing on all the details, the project is tied to the terrain. During this stage, the optimal position of the building on the site is selected.

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The step-by-step process of building a house on video:

Building permit

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to coordinate them by obtaining permission. To build a house from scratch, you need to start by preparing documents, the list of which has some differences in different regions. The list can be specified in the administration.

Further, an act of inspection of the site and a construction passport of the facility are drawn up. In the sanitary-epidemiological and fire inspections, a development plan is coordinated, and in the fire department, in addition, electrical and gas schemes. After studying the agreed plan, the architecture committee issues a building passport.

Family friendly design Source:

The need for landscape design

The purpose of landscape planning is to turn the site into a territory that best meets the needs of the family. The arrangement, performed by specialists, will solve several problems:

  • Choose a place for the house, utility rooms, recreation areas, gardens and vegetable gardens. This takes into account the illumination, the composition of the soil, the shape of the site and the flow of groundwater.
  • Determine a place for laying engineering communications; if necessary, a place for a septic tank is designed.
  • Beat difficult terrain and possibly change it.
  • Provide soil drainage.
  • Choose the style of the site design and create a unique design.
  • Choose useful and ornamental plants suitable for growing in given conditions.

Purchase of materials

The composition and the required amount of materials are specified in the estimate. When choosing, building and finishing materials that have a manufacturer's certificate (quality assurance) are preferred. This will help to avoid future disappointments in roofing or exterior finishes that begin to rapidly lose their appearance after 2-3 seasons.

Improper storage can ruin even a brick Source

Usually most of the materials are harvested for the future. Construction is often delayed or temporarily suspended, for example, for the winter. In case of improper storage, the quality of materials may decrease, sometimes significantly (this applies not only to wooden structures, but also to bricks, building blocks, dry mixes).

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How to build a house and avoid typical mistakes, see the video:

How to choose a contractor

Many site owners prefer to rely on the recommendations of good friends and acquaintances who have personally encountered construction. This strategy can be expanded and strengthened with additional actions:

  • Exploring options. Conscientious construction firms are willing to provide their qualification certificates, references and portfolios of completed work.
  • The conclusion of the contract. It prescribes a list of works, deadlines for their implementation, payment and additional conditions at the request of the developer (a fine in case of non-compliance with the conditions, cleaning the territory from construction waste).
  • Materials. Their quality must be controlled, for which it is better to connect independent technical supervision, or at least check that the purchased materials comply with SNiPs.
  • The work of the technical supervision service. Service specialists can monitor compliance with building codes, which will help reduce costs. In addition, technical supervision can additionally check the contract, estimate and the company itself even before the start of construction.

Laying a solid foundation takes time

Building a house

Knowing where to start building a house on the site, you can think through the subsequent stages of building a private house and not worry about missed deadlines. Before starting work, it is necessary to provide access roads, water and electricity supply to the construction site. At this stage, the axes of the building have already been moved to the site in accordance with fire and sanitary standards. The construction of a private house goes through several stages.

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Is construction supervision worth ordering? This question is of interest to almost everyone who builds a house for himself, makes repairs, etc. Today we will look at how to control a construction company? What to pay attention to? Where can I find independent technical supervision and what is the essence of this service? We will also consider how much technical supervision will cost you and what are the advantages of this service?

earthworks, foundation

The place of entry of the water supply and the withdrawal of sewerage is outlined, trenches are dug for them, pipes are laid and insulated. The foundation is being laid. To do this, a foundation pit is dug, a crushed stone pillow is laid on the bottom, and formwork is installed. After the installation of the reinforcement, concrete is poured.

It takes 20 to 30 days for concrete to gain strength. This time can be devoted to the construction of a septic tank or well. Then the foundation walls are erected.

Frame assembly work Source

At this stage, walls are built and ceilings are mounted, then rafters are built and the roof is laid. The windows are inserted last and the garage doors and front door are installed.

Facade finishing and primary interior work

This includes exterior wall decoration, installation of a balcony and stairs (if provided by the project). Next, the internal insulation of the floor and walls is carried out, the primary finishing of the walls, the floors are mounted, and the ceiling is sheathed. At the same time, engineering networks (sewerage, water supply and electrical wiring) are being laid.

After that, the building can be insured as an object of construction in progress. Before finishing the walls, they install the air conditioning system and underfloor heating.

Laying floors in a private house Source

Conclusion - final arrangement

The stage includes the completion of interior decoration, the installation of a kitchen and sanitary equipment, and putting the territory in order. After the work is completed, the owner and the contractor sign a work acceptance certificate indicating a guarantee for the work performed. Further, the building must be registered with the GASN (State Architectural and Construction Supervision) and the State Register.

Building your own home is an exciting time in a family's life. The path from the approval of the architectural plan to the housewarming will be remembered for many years. These will definitely be pleasant memories if you choose the right construction company, whose specialists will help you with the right choice of site and project, plus they will draw up a well-thought-out construction plan.

bow men

Thank you. Glad you liked it. I'm not a genius at all. I did not come up with anything new and did not make any sensational discovery. I'm just building. I do what I like. Is it difficult to lay a brick or block? I think no. The main thing is to want to put it. And in what good physical shape do you stay if you don’t go after work to read the newspaper and watch TV or drink beer, but go to the construction site to work physically. Although I still find time for beer
So, I continue my report. I'll tell you about the lintels above the windows. We decided to pour them from concrete. The first formwork for the lintel was invented for a long time, but then when they realized what was going on, they quickly reinforced the lintels with fittings of the 10th, 12th in two rows. And in a 2-meter window opening, I put corners in concrete. Now if I did - no concrete lintels. I would put the corners and it would be much faster in time and much easier in complexity. It would have been warmer too. But at that time no one suggested.

But you can write a whole story about this dog. She lives for herself at a construction site, sometimes disappears but not for long, she still comes here. They named her Moska. She recently brought puppies under my boards. All males. So who needs to contact, otherwise I don’t know where to put them. If it were not for the wife who pities them, I would have taught them to swim in our river a long time ago. The thing is that this bitch of chickens steals from the neighbors and I recently found out about this. And I keep thinking why she doesn’t want to eat my bread and potatoes and why the puppies are so plump and round like koloboks. Here she is in the photo

In the course of the story, I will also throw off pictures of small puppies.
And now the armored belt. I went around the Internet, all the neighbors, pestered the familiar builders, forumhouse. ru also tortured and decided to do it anyway. See the photo and everything will become clear.

But I made a belt with such reinforcement so that it would not be just a belt, but with the prefix "armo". A year ago, I didn’t even hear such a clever word. Horror

By the way, at that time I also mastered the technology of welding. Not with my wife and not with my mother-in-law (I mastered this even earlier. yyyy) but the technology of iron welding. The welding machine had been lying in the attic for a long time, even the electrodes of 20 years ago were used
In the previous photo, there is a wooden formwork that was made only on the middle load-bearing wall because it is 20 cm thick. The brick there would take up the whole place in width.

That's what I understand used brick. New from the factory is still far from it. KAMAZ brought and threw off the dump truck. Of the 4.5 thousand bricks, maybe 50 pieces were broken in half.

A week later, the beams were laid. Thickness 12x16 cm. The ends of the beams were pitched, but the end was “left” untarred. Oh, with what problems we left him. The fact is that I pitched the butt too, and then they told me here on the forum that you can’t do that. I took the grinder into my hands and quickly went to cut the ends. They say the tree breathes upside down. I don't know if it's true or not, let him breathe.

I didn’t film the process of how we lifted them, because it’s not convenient to take a picture and raise the beams. She and almost all the other pictures don’t have me due to the fact that my father is not very friendly with a digital camera, and my wife is either a child or busy with work, there is no time to go to her construction site specifically to take a picture. But in vain ... It would be a lot of interesting to show you

It was decided to impregnate the beams with means of protecting the wood from insects and bacteria already at the top later, and of course the rafters immediately. Here is the brush and go

Father dilutes Borochron. This is the name of this tool

Meeting future neighbors. Cool, we have a family right next door and they have a child 2 months older than ours. And a young family also lives behind them: they have a daughter a year younger than our son. There will be someone to play with in the sandbox and sweat and when they grow up to fight for the girl next door

On this optimistic note, I will finish today ... Next will be the second floor, the roof, etc. I still have a lot to tell and show you
I describe everything in such a short way and if you are interested in something in detail, write, ask, point out errors. Let's learn together not to do them.

Many residents of megacities dream of a private house where you can feel like a full-fledged owner with your own private territory. A person who is accustomed to comfortable living conditions is afraid of building a house with his own hands. Do not be afraid of construction, it is important to figure out where the construction begins, what stages it consists of and how to arrange everything correctly.

Site selection and documents - how to choose and draw up correctly

Even a person who is far from construction understands where to start building his house - from the choice of a site. When choosing a site for the construction of a private house, the following factors should be considered:

  • Location. The greatest demand is for land located within the city or at a short distance of about 10-15 km.
  • Infrastructure: hospital (first-aid post), shops, school, kindergarten, cultural and entertainment centers, etc.
  • Availability and proximity of central communications: water and gas supply, sewerage, electricity, heating. The cost of connecting and conducting engineering networks depends on this.
  • Dimensions. The recommended ratio between the area of ​​the site and the house is 1:10. Accordingly, on a plot of 10 acres, you can build a house with an area of ​​100 sq.m.
  • Transport interchange. For car owners, the availability and quality of access roads is important. If there is no personal transport, then it is desirable that there is a public transport stop nearby.
  • The state of ecology. Nearby there should be no industrial facilities - sources of noise and pollution. It is desirable to have a reservoir and green spaces.
  • Geodetic conditions: type of soil, depth of groundwater, the presence of a slope of the earth. These data will be needed when choosing the type of foundation, building a well.

When buying a plot, you should clarify the intended purpose: it must be indicated that the land is allocated for individual residential construction. It is also necessary to check the documents for the right of ownership, whether the land is supposed to be used for state needs, whether there is an arrest or litigation on the plot, whether the size of the plot matches those indicated in the cadastral passport, etc.

When the contract of sale is signed by a notary, it must be registered in the land registry. The next step is to get permits. In the presence of central networks, you need to issue permission to connect electricity, water supply, sewerage, gas to the house. After signing the contract with the network owners, technical conditions for connecting communications are issued.

You can start building a house only after obtaining a building permit, otherwise it can be demolished at any stage or a significant fine can be imposed.

To do this, you need to submit to the relevant authorities a package of necessary documents for permission to develop the project. Based on the specifications received from architecture and utilities, a project is being developed. Then it is submitted for approval, and only after that a building permit is issued.

How to calculate construction financing correctly?

The main question that arises before the developer is financing. It needs to be decided before the start of construction and project selection. It depends on the financial possibilities, what size and from what materials the house will be built. The cost per square meter of a large house will be less than that of a small house. For the cost of construction, it is important how the house will be built: independently or by a team of builders. Hired labor is expensive and accounts for 40% of the cost of construction.

There are several factors that affect the value of a home one way or the other and should be considered when budgeting. Increases cost:

  • development of an individual project;
  • the presence of a basement, balconies, loggias;
  • a large number of small rooms and rooms;
  • decorative elements, ledges and complex shape of the facade;
  • high ceilings;
  • unusual roof shape with a lot of angles.

The presence of a large number of windows, a rectangular or square house design with smooth external walls without a ledge and decor, a minimum number of internal walls, and an attic instead of a second floor can reduce the cost. As a project, you can take a ready-made standard project.

To correctly calculate the budget, you need to know all the stages of building a private house and the ratio of costs for each of them. The preparatory stage consists of paperwork, project development, provided that the site has already been purchased. Costs increase when choosing an individual project. The zero stage consists in digging a pit and building a foundation. The costs depend on the type of foundation and amount to 15-30% of the total cost. During conservation for the winter period, the foundation is covered.

The stage of building the box, which includes the construction of external and internal walls, the installation of the truss system and the roof, it is desirable to finish before the onset of cold weather. These works take 35% of the total budget. If there is a shortage of finance for the winter period, construction can be frozen. Up to 15% of expenses go to warming the house and installing doors and windows. The next 15% are the costs of engineering work: conducting and connecting communications, installing equipment and appliances, installing electrical wiring, heating, etc.

Approximately 20% of the total estimate is spent on interior finishing work. At this stage, everything depends on the materials used. In an insulated house with finishing, you can take your time and do it as much as possible, accumulating a sufficient amount to finish each room.

Phased construction makes it possible to build a house as finance accumulates, without spending the entire amount at the very beginning of construction.

The project is the basis for the rapid construction of a reliable home

To properly build a house, it is better to entrust the development of the project to specialists. You can create a project on your own, having special knowledge, otherwise you can make mistakes that will result in additional costs at the construction stage and may adversely affect the operation of the building in the future. Individual design is an expensive pleasure, so it is more profitable to purchase a ready-made standard project. The advantage of ready-made solutions is that they take into account all the errors that were revealed during construction.

At the design stage, the appearance of the house, the number of floors, the internal layout of the rooms, and the material of the structures are selected. A breakdown of the site is carried out with a plan for the location of future buildings. If a ready-made project is bought, then it is linked to the site.

The size of the house depends on the size of the plot and the number of people who will permanently live in it. Experts believe that 30 square meters is enough for a comfortable stay per family member. m. For 4 people, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house should be about 120 square meters. m.

Comfortable living conditions require compliance with certain rules. The house should have two zones: day (entrance hall, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathrooms) and night (bedrooms, bathrooms). The premises belonging to the day zone should be located closer to the exit, to the night one, either in the back of the house or on the second floor. The daily area should be spacious and comfortable to use. Its area for a family of 4 people should be at least 50 square meters. m.

Each family member should have their own bedroom. If there are 4 people in the family, then about 60 square meters should be allocated for the night zone. m. Depending on the number of people, the number of bathrooms is planned. Two bedrooms share one bath. Utility rooms and corridors should occupy from 10 to 20 square meters. m.

The best option for an inexpensive, cost-effective house to operate is a square one-story house with an area of ​​​​100 square meters. m. If you need a house of a larger area, but not by reducing the area of ​​​​the site, then the second floor is built. It is possible, in order to save money, to replace the second floor with an attic. On the second floor there are rooms that are not frequented, mostly bedrooms. If the groundwater level allows, you can build a basement and place part of the utility rooms in it.

At the design stage, building materials, technologies are selected, construction estimates are calculated. The estimate lists the construction and decoration of the house, the cost of materials and services, reflects all the costs associated with transportation, etc.

From what to build the walls of the house and by what technology?

The appearance of the house, reliability, cost and service life depend on the selected materials. Therefore, when choosing materials, a number of factors should be considered:

  1. 1. Length of stay. For year-round living, you should choose materials with good thermal insulation, high strength characteristics. For living in the summer season, you can use frame technology made of wood or SIP panels.
  2. 2. Financial opportunities. Materials differ not only in their technical characteristics, but in price. Brick, stone are expensive materials that require large financial investments. Houses made of cellular concrete are cheaper.
  3. 3. The weight of the building with the planned load. For brick and stone houses, a capital foundation is needed, which increases the cost of construction. For walls made of aerated concrete and foam concrete, a non-recessed strip foundation is sufficient. The weight of the building is affected by the material of the roof.
  4. 4. Convenience and speed of erection. Brick walls require more careful masonry. Walls of gas and foam concrete blocks are quickly erected due to their lightness and large size. Timber houses, thanks to tongue-and-groove technology, are also quickly built. When building from logs, you need to know the construction technology so that the house turns out to be reliable and warm. The construction of such a house takes a lot of time. The record holder for the speed of erection is monolithic construction, when the formwork of the required height is assembled for the walls and concrete is poured.
  5. 5. In terms of environmental performance, the wooden house takes the lead. It is built from profiled or rounded timber. Treated with protective chemicals against decay, mold, fungus and pests, the house will stand for many years. But this is an expensive type of construction. A frame house will be cheap, but it has a short service life.

The stage of creating a reliable foundation

The construction of the house begins with a breakdown of the site and land work. When creating a site plan, the location of the house, septic tank, outbuildings, wells is indicated. The backyard territory must be divided into zones: residential, recreation, garden. On the plan, you need to mark out where the flower beds will be located, walk paths, and park a car.

The site is cleared of shrubs, stumps. Frees up storage space for building materials. It is advisable to store building materials under a canopy. Land works include the installation of a septic tank, wells, digging a foundation pit or trenches for the foundation, laying a drainage, cleaning system, and underground utilities.

The place under the foundation is leveled. Usually the fruit-bearing layer is cut off and scattered on the beds. The type of foundation is selected taking into account the properties of the soil, the depth of groundwater, the presence of a basement, the total possible weight of the building with the maximum possible load.

For a small one-story house on solid soils, the most optimal would be a columnar or strip foundation. If the soils are floating, then a slab monolithic foundation should be used. It comes out expensive in cost, but it makes it possible to save on construction in general, as it can serve as a floor for the first floor. The heavier the building, the stronger the foundation must be. If the load is calculated incorrectly, cracks may appear on the walls, which will lead to the destruction of the building.

Depending on the type of foundation chosen, either trenches or a foundation pit are dug. The foundation should be poured immediately after the end of the earthworks, so that the earth does not crumble from the walls. At the bottom, a pillow about 20 cm thick is made of sand, crushed stone or gravel, it is well compacted. Then a wooden formwork is mounted in the trench and concrete mortar is poured. Reinforcement can be inserted into the structure to increase strength. The foundation must stand, the concrete gains strength within one to two months. The ideal option is if the foundation will stand idle for a year without load.

What will make the house safe and beautiful?

When the foundation is ready, you can start building walls. Between the walls and the foundation, waterproofing is arranged to prevent the penetration of moisture. For living to be comfortable, the walls must be durable, warm and breathable. If necessary, during the construction of walls, sound, steam and heat insulation is performed. These works are usually carried out from the outside of the building in order to save usable space inside the premises. Simultaneously with the walls, interior partitions and ceilings are arranged.

The erection of walls follows. First, the installation of the truss system is carried out. Then heat, hydro and vapor barrier is performed. Roofing material is laid on top of the crate. The roof not only protects from bad weather and mechanical damage, but also decorates the house, and this depends on the chosen material. The roof can be made of soft roofing materials, slate, ondulin, metal tiles, natural tiles. The choice depends on the budget and foundation. A heavy clay tile roof must be supported by a foundation.

When the frame of the house is ready, windows and doors are inserted, and then the facade and interior finishing work is carried out. The choice of materials for decoration depends on the tastes of the owner and financial capabilities. It is best to use natural materials for decoration, but they are expensive. Currently, many finishing materials have appeared that are analogues of natural ones, but at the same time are environmentally friendly and cheaper. Finishing work includes: ceiling installation, wall decoration, floor installation and installation of flooring.

Along with the finishing work, communications are carried out and connected, the necessary equipment is installed. All systems are tested. Upon completion of all work, furniture is installed and the internal improvement of the house is carried out.

The final stage of any construction is commissioning. To do this, you should contact the relevant authorities, which will create a commission of representatives of the regulatory authorities. To accept completed construction. After signing the act, a certificate of ownership is issued.

If the budget allows and there is knowledge regarding the main stages of building a house, you can start building a house. There are steps that you can do yourself. Some can only be performed by specialists, so it would be more correct to hire professionals. Phased construction makes it possible to build a house at the lowest cost.

Building your own home is an economical solution that suits people with extensive building experience. The disadvantage of this technique is a high risk of errors both during construction and connection of communications and decorative finishes. But there are also important advantages: savings on the final cost (sometimes up to 40-50%), and full tracking of work.

With proper preparation, and the presence of certain skills, when building a cottage with your own hands, you can save several hundred thousand rubles and, at the same time, build a full-fledged housing for permanent use. How to build a cottage with your own hands, what you can save on, in what order to do the work, and what mistakes to avoid, will be described below.

The order of work in self-construction

Proper step-by-step execution of work allows you to carry out repairs without unnecessary errors and haste. To reduce the likelihood of budget miscalculations, it is better to immediately develop an individual construction plan for yourself or use the example below.

1. Budget calculation

The minimum threshold for building a house is usually 400-500 thousand rubles, although the exact amount depends on its area, purpose, and seasonality of use.

If you need to build a small summer house one floor high, you can limit yourself to costs of 150-200 thousand. 400-500 thousand rubles is the minimum required to build a family home with insulation.

The future owner must decide how much money he can spend on the construction of the house, its interior and exterior departments, the purchase of furniture and plumbing. Based on these data, a project is already being drawn up, building materials are being selected.

2. Design

You can complete this step yourself. To facilitate the planning of the house, there are special online programs (both narrow-profile and universal, for example: 3Ds Max). If desired, the universal program can be mastered in 1-2 months, the simplified one - in a few days. Independent planning and design of the building is a significant savings item.

3. Selection of materials

The choice of necessary materials for the construction of a cottage depends on climatic conditions and the planned project. So, for example, it is better if the load-bearing floors are only along the outer contour of the building, because then it will be possible to save on internal floors. See below for information on how to reduce the cost of purchasing building materials.

4. Coordination of the project with the family and technical supervision

Technical supervision during the construction of a house is mandatory: it allows you to avoid legal violations, and also eliminates the risk of increased fire and explosion hazards.

5. Selection of contractors, construction team

In order to save money, you can complete all the stages of building a house with your own hands, but this, as a rule, leads to a decrease in the quality of the building, a decrease in its durability. Even an experienced builder will need help.

Builders should not be entrusted with all the work: the most difficult stages are laid on their shoulders (building a foundation, installing load-bearing floors).

Further, construction is carried out, then the summing up of communications, exterior decoration, installation of plumbing and interior decoration. The last stage is the installation of furniture. When finishing the premises, a certain order must also be observed: first the ceilings are plastered, then the walls are finished, and the floor is finished last.

How to reduce the cost of building a house?

Budget houses are often built from low-quality and short-lived materials. This is the main mistake of people building their own housing.

Savings must be smart: you can reduce costs without compromising the durability and strength of the building by choosing cheaper secondary elements.

Exterior and interior decoration

You can achieve a pleasant appearance for several tens of thousands of rubles. Instead of expensive panels, masonry, brick outside, you can use:

  • siding (20-50 thousand for an average house);
  • traditional plastering with a thickness of 3 mm with further painting;
  • simple treatment of wood with antifungal impregnation.

The cheapest option is the latter, but it is short-lived. The coating must be re-applied every 3-4 years, otherwise the wood will fade or rot. The aesthetic side of this finish leaves much to be desired.

The most popular option is siding. It allows you to hide the shortcomings of the main coating (for example, plywood, which is often used for budget construction). The disadvantages of finishing are a high risk of fire, low environmental friendliness, the risk of green plaque in humid regions. Siding needs to be cleaned, with strong winds and poor installation it can simply be torn off.

The best option is plastering. It is environmentally friendly, safe from the point of view of ignition. Plastered walls look smooth and attractive.

Another interesting solution is artificial stone. If they finish the lower plinth of the walls, framing the doors and windows, the building will even look luxurious.


Connecting to a public sewer (which is rarely available) is expensive. Therefore, when building private houses, owners most often equip autonomous sewers and septic tanks.

Conducting communications from all plumbing elements and, in particular, from the toilet is not necessary. Drainage of liquids used for washing dishes and personal hygiene can be done with simple ditches. Most summer cottages are surrounded by them around the perimeter. If they are not there, you can dig trenches yourself at no cost at all.

A septic tank is installed to collect waste from the toilet. Its price, taking into account installation, ranges from twenty to several hundred thousand rubles. For a small country building, the most budget option is also suitable.

number of storeys

The construction of multi-storey buildings is more expensive, since it requires the creation of expensive floors between floors. You can save money by increasing the area of ​​the first floor, rather than building the second.

Another feature of the floors: it is better to place the load-bearing elements along the outer contour of the building, since in this case the internal ones can be made non-bearing. This will greatly reduce the cost of the project.

Warming of individual parts of the house

If a small family lives in a cottage in the winter, and relatives come to visit it in the summer, it is not necessary to make insulated guest bedrooms. Instead, a large covered terrace with glazing or walls is often arranged. During the summer, the temperature is warm enough for guests to spend the night.

You can refuse insulation in the garage, utility rooms, in the dressing room (undesirable).

What is better to entrust contractors in construction?

If you try to reduce the cost of building the main parts of the building, the house will not last long and may even collapse. Below are things that you should never save on, and it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

Foundation, walls and roof

In the construction of budget houses and cottages, a shallow foundation is used. Some builders are trying to save money by using punched reinforcement. This leads to a decrease in the strength of the foundation, which is unacceptable. Reinforcement must be of high quality.

In the absence of experience in the use of concrete, it is better to entrust the work of pouring the foundation to professionals. Otherwise, additional costs for leveling the lower trim may be required.

As with the installation of the foundation, the installation of the roof and the installation of rafters, it is better to contact special construction companies. Then it will be possible not to worry about fire safety, that the house will sag or turn out to be skewed, that the roof will collapse during a snowfall, etc.

Summing up communications

The laying of the gas pipeline to the house, the connection of electrical networks, the wiring of the pipe must be carried out by professionals, since if installed incorrectly, the risk of emergencies is high. When supplying gas, technical supervision is mandatory, with which it will be necessary to coordinate the location of the column relative to other premises and household appliances.

Also, you should not save on gas by simply giving up on it. If, due to a tight budget, the house is cold and requires constant heating, it is more economical to use gas rather than electricity for this purpose.

How to insulate a house?

Any houses and cottages built for permanent residence require wall insulation. When it comes to an inexpensive dacha or cottage, we are often cited as an example of frame buildings, which are very popular in Europe and the USA. They are cheap, quickly built, materials can be bought in any market. However, in the conditions of our Russian climate, with temperature fluctuations up to -20 or even -30 degrees in winter, it is comfortable to live in such houses only in the warm season.

Houses made of brick and concrete require a minimum of insulating materials. With a large thickness of the walls, you can do without them altogether. What can not be said about other materials: plywood, SIP panels, wood, aerated concrete, etc.

Therefore, a significant expense item in the construction of a summer house or a house on your own is the purchase of insulation. It will cost at least 50 thousand rubles when buying polystyrene foam for a two-story house.

Most people who build their own houses prefer to build with wood and then insulate it cheaply with styrofoam. In the cold season, such a building must be constantly heated, which also leads to big expenses. What is cheaper - insulate the house in advance or, saving on materials, turn on the heating?

The summing up of the gas pipeline and the fee for connecting to it costs from fifty to several hundred thousand rubles. In houses built with brick or concrete walls, you can limit yourself to electric heaters, which are turned on only in especially cold weather. From the point of view of permanent residence in the northern latitudes of the country, it is more profitable to immediately make fundamental insulation. Then it will be possible to reduce or eliminate gas costs altogether.

For a house that is used only seasonally as a dacha, it is better to choose the first option: light insulation and gas heating. At the same time, gas should be supplied only if the owners periodically come to the building in winter: for holidays, vacations, etc. If the building is used only in summer, you can refuse to connect the gas and stop at a thin insulation. This is the most economical option.

More and more people want to build their own house. Surely you are one of them, once you have visited our site. The desire to cope on their own is commendable. But, nevertheless, we must give advice - specialists are people who have spent several years of their lives learning to build. And it is extremely easy for them to build a house of the required quality in the optimal time frame.

Specialists know all the details of the construction process, rules and sanitary standards, they will make sure that there are no problems in the future, they will give the necessary recommendations, and save time. That's why we do not recommend saving on attracting craftsmen from a successfully established company in the construction market of your city.

Regardless of who will carry out the construction process, you need to know what tasks will need to be solved before starting to pour the foundation. Let's talk about this now.

Buying a plot

So, it is necessary to buy a plot on which the house will be built and properly draw up a legal deal. I think it is not necessary to say that it should be located close to other existing residential buildings, because engineering networks will have to be carried out. And "drag" them from afar is unprofitable.

It is important to correctly correlate your financial capabilities, the size of the plot and the approximate size of the future home. The ratio of the area of ​​​​the house to the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot should be 1 to 10.

Remember that an area that is too large is difficult to care for, and a small area will not allow you to “expand” in the future.

However, even before buying land, you must hire specialists who will conduct a geological survey of the site and topographic survey of the area. They will take soil and water samples, conduct laboratory soil tests, advise on the type of foundation, and make geological sections of the site. All these efforts will be aimed at finding dangerous places that will bring many problems in the future.

Many experts advise to conduct a geological study at the time of site selection.

Also, before buying, you need to collect as much information about the site as possible. Chat with neighbors. They often say a lot of things. If the site was already owned before you, cadastral data about it can be taken from the administration.

Avoid areas:

  • Close to garbage dumps
  • Close to wastewater treatment plant
  • Close to swampy area
  • With the impossibility of access to construction equipment
  • Located far from social infrastructure


The second step is project preparation. You need to either download a ready-made one available on the Internet / buy from a construction company, or contact specialists to develop an individual one together with them.

It is not recommended to engage in designing a house on your own, as well as. Due to the lack of the necessary experience, you cannot predict all the mistakes in advance. And it will be too late to redo something at the moment when the foundation has been erected, part of the house has been built. Any adjustments made to the project directly on the construction site will inevitably entail an increase in the estimate and time.

A typical project is convenient in that you can quickly start construction, bypassing the design work.

You need to understand that the house is being built according to the conditions of your life. You must know exactly:

  • How many rooms do you want
  • Will there be a second floor
  • Number of permanent residents
  • What will be in the rooms
  • What area to make them
  • What size should the kitchen and living room be?
  • What budget do you have
  • Will you be able to make a surcharge, etc., if necessary

If, for example, you often invite guests, then it is better to make a spacious living room. If relatives periodically come to you, then there must be a separate room for them, etc. You must also decide on the material of construction, the shape of the house and roof, and the presence of additional buildings in the yard.

After taking into account all the features of your future residence, you need to contact the designer (you still need to find a good specialist). He will take into account all your requirements and wishes, your existing budget, develop a project, and also make the necessary adjustments.

Linking the project to the area

If the study of the site was carried out immediately, it remains only to carry out the removal of the project of the house in full size. This process is aimed at taking into account the influence of climatic factors, determining the most optimal position of the house on the site for comfortable living, and determining the boundaries of your territory.

Building permit (approval)

Why build a house without coordinating the process with local governments? After all, they can take it down. Obtaining a building permit will help avoid problems.

  1. Get permission to build a house. To do this, prepare a package of necessary documents: a passport, documents confirming that you are the owner of the site, a statement to the head of administration in which you ask for approval for the construction, a copy of the house project, a copy of the license of the company that developed the project for you. In each region of the country, the list of documents may differ, so visit the administration of your city and check all the data.
  2. Get a site inspection report. To do this, contact the geosurveillance department and provide them with a topographic survey plan, as well as an act of laying out the boundaries of the site and removing the axes of the building. If you continue the construction of a house abandoned by the previous owner, then you must provide documents for the land and a site plan
  3. Issue a construction passport of the object. To do this, prepare the necessary documents again: passport, land title, site plan, application for a building permit, a notarized copy of the license of the design company, an act of surveying the site
  4. Contact the sanitary and epidemiological and fire inspections in order to coordinate the development plan with them. Additionally, it is necessary to coordinate the energy and gas schemes with the fire inspection
  5. After permission has been received, you need to contact the architecture committee, submit an agreed plan there and receive a building passport

Or maybe you choose between a frame and a timber house? Then it will help you make your choice.

Choosing a construction company

The last stage of preparation for construction is the choice of a construction company (if you hire specialists). If you plan to do the construction yourself, then you can skip this item. Building a house with your own hands reduces costs by 15-30 percent. But sometimes it's better not to skimp on convenience.

Building a house

The construction of the house is carried out in five stages:

  1. Excavation
  2. Foundation laying
  3. Construction of walls and ceilings
  4. Roof truss installation
  5. Laying roofing material


Earthworks begin with leveling the site and digging a foundation pit for pouring the foundation. For this purpose, excavators and bulldozers are used. The bottom of the pit is cleared by hand. It is better to start pouring the foundation immediately after preparing the site. Otherwise, the earth may crumble, fill the bottom of the pit and have to clear it again, wasting time and money.

Foundation pouring

The site is ready - it's time to build the foundation. A layer of crushed stone, ten centimeters thick, is poured into the prepared pit, on top of which bitumen is poured. Next, formwork is made, a concrete foundation pad is arranged, and reinforcing elements are mounted.

Building foundation walls

When the concrete has hardened, the construction of the foundation walls begins. For this purpose, concrete blocks can be used.

Construction of walls and ceilings

Immediately after the construction of the foundation, they begin to build walls and install floors. This process is time-consuming and we will consider it in a separate article.

The final stage of building a house is the installation of a roof truss system and the laying of roofing material. When choosing a roofing material, you need to take into account such points as rain noise and fire safety. If the choice falls in favor, then during the rain you can sleep peacefully. Many articles have been written about other roofing materials on the pages of our online resource.

One of the most sealed roofing materials is. The coating is airtight, since the joints of the sheets are fastened by the seam method, that is, without nails, self-tapping screws and other devices.

And if you have already made a choice in favor of onduvilla, then you should familiarize yourself with the rules and sequence of onduvilla installation.

Or are you a supporter of tiles? Then we suggest reading an article about the installation of ceramic tiles. But keep in mind, its installation is a complex process.

As you can see, before you start building your own home, you need to solve a lot of problems that you now know about.

Video on how to start building a house