Making homemade darts. DIY miniature dart Make darts for darts at home

There are games that both children and adults are not averse to playing. One of them is darts - a relaxing activity at home and at work, in the apartment and in the yard. Over time, the previously purchased kit becomes defective, sometimes it is impossible to find the lost elements. In such a situation, the question arises how to make a do-it-yourself dart saving you the money and time it takes to go to the store.

In fact, the procedure for making this homemade product is quite simple. Everyone can find the necessary materials and tools within a few minutes. The creative process will not take more than half an hour.

Necessary materials

The first step is preparing materials. These include:

  • Dry branch of any tree species;
  • plastic bottle or cardboard;
  • Nail 30, gypsy needle or 3-4 cm steel wire with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 mm .;
  • Plaster, adhesive tape or insulating tape;
  • The tip of a ballpoint pen or a needle for inflating balls.


A simple tool to make do-it-yourself darts even a child can

  • wire cutters;
  • Scissors;
  • Sandpaper, file or other abrasive material or tool.

Stages of making a dart

Having prepared everything you need, you can get down to business. At the first step, we cut off a piece 8-10 centimeters long from the branch. We break the gypsy needle into 2 parts or bite off 3-4 cm of steel wire. This element will serve as the front sharp part of the dart. Alternatively, you can use a small nail (30 or 40 mm.), After biting off the hat with wire cutters.

From the needle for inflating balls, you need to break off the tip through which air is injected. This item is not needed. You need the part that screws into the pump when pumping.

Before, how to make a dart for darts completely, you can sharpen a wire or a nail. If a sewing needle (Gypsy) is used, this is not necessary. However, it is advisable to carry out this procedure at the final stage. The reason is that the likelihood of piercing fingers is less.

The next step is screwing the piece of iron into the wooden base. A nail, needle or wire must be inserted exactly in the middle of the end of the branch. The core of the tree is softer in this case, which makes this step fairly easy.

The inner diameter of the needle for balls is less than the diameter of the branch. It is necessary to remove a layer of wood in that part of the dart where the point is already inserted. Having adjusted the size to the required one, we put on the iron tip. It is important not to overdo it and not remove too much of the layer. The tip must be put on with effort, which significantly increases the strength of the product. Alternatively, you can use the plastic tip of a ballpoint pen, but it is better to opt for iron.

You need to proceed with extreme caution. In the back of the dart, cuts should be made to install the wings. It is preferable to use a knife with a thin blade. This ensures the integrity of the workpiece, preventing it from cracking in unwanted places.

We make two cuts in the form of a cross on the end of the wooden base. Their depth should not be more than 4 centimeters. Accuracy at this moment is the answer to the question how to make a homemade dart without damaging your fingers or breaking the workpiece prematurely.

The consequence of the cuts will be the expansion of the tail of the homemade product in diameter. With some effort, we tightly tighten the parted parts of the base by winding the patch. Similarly, apply the patch a little lower. Now you can remove the top winding. The cuts are almost invisible.

Many fans of experimenting with materials at hand impress with their masterpieces made from plastic bottles. In this case, such a container will also come in handy.

Using scissors, cut off a piece in the shape of a butterfly from the bottle. We divide it into two parts that need to be broken along the length, getting an angle of 90 degrees.

The use of such a material resistant to moisture and other influences is more acceptable than the use of cardboard, since how to make a dart at home, which will last longer, is possible in this case.

At the final stage, it is necessary to install the wings in the existing cuts. Pressing with force, you need to drown these elements all the way until they touch the patch. We sharpen the dart. The product is ready.

As a target, you can use any board with a sheet of paper fixed on it with a drawn target.

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Dart throwing is a great way to have fun for both kids and adults. You can hang a target and train in accuracy in an apartment, in an office, in a yard, in a nightclub. But ready-made game sets of this type go on sale, equipped with three, maximum five “shells”. In this case, there is always the possibility that the dart will be lost or broken. What to do in this case, run to the store? Not necessary. Everything can be done by yourself.

What materials and tools will be needed

In order to make a dart for darts with your own hands, getting started, you must first prepare the following consumables:
  • A straight branch of a tree, preferably elm;
  • insulating tape;
  • plastic bottle;
  • A bicycle spoke or a small nail, for example, 50 millimeters in length.
Ideal tools for:
  • Stationery scissors;
  • Pliers;
  • Any abrasive for sharpening.

In terms of time, the manufacturing process takes no more than 20 minutes.

Step-by-step instruction

At the first step, we cut off a fragment 8-10 centimeters long from the prepared branch, after which we remove the bark. The latter may not be done, but it is likely that as it dries, the dart will deform. Additionally, peeling of the bark can become a problem, and this will lead to a violation of the aerodynamic properties of the product and a deterioration in the degree of accuracy when throwing.

The next step is to wind the insulating tape around one edge of the wooden fragment, as well as in the middle.

Next, it is necessary, starting from the end, where there is no insulation, to make two perpendicular cuts up to 3 centimeters deep into the branch. The wings of the product will subsequently be inserted into them.

We turn to the manufacture of “plumage” from a piece of a plastic bottle prepared in advance. You need to cut out a couple of elements, giving them a shape, as in the picture below.

In the next step, we bend the wings in the middle, achieving an angle of 90 degrees.

Gently tapping, we immerse the knitting needle or nail into the wood. This is done from the side where the wound insulating tape is present.

Next step: insert the plumage elements. The following photo shows how to do this.

Now we wrap the tail edge of the dart with electrical tape. The wound tape will tightly pull the cut end, and the antennae on the plastic will not allow the “feathers” to pop out.

The last is sharpening the sting using the existing abrasive in the form of sandpaper, a bar, a file, a grinder or a machine.

In this way, you can make as many darts as you like without spending a penny.

Hello readers of the craft site. Today I invite you to remember how to make a do-it-yourself dart from a needle, matches, paper and thread. I'm pretty sure that every kid in his school days had such a contraption.

To begin with, we will acquire blanks for our homemade dart.

We will need:

  • Sheet of paper (medium thickness)
  • 4 matches
  • Needle (it is better to take a needle from a sewing machine - it is heavier and stronger)
  • thick thread
  • Glue (optional but I use)

Step by step instructions on how to make a dart.

  1. We make plumage. For the manufacture of plumage, we use a sheet of A4 paper. First, fold the sheet, as shown in the figure:

  2. Now we tear off a strip of paper (you can cut it off if you have scissors on hand)

  3. We bend the corner of the strip of paper:

  4. We fold the paper further. This is necessary for marking the plumage.

  5. We repeat similar actions, only we will bend in the other direction. Then we will tear off the square.

  6. It can be seen that only one diagonal is visible in the blank square. We bend the square so that we get the second diagonal. As a result, it has this shape:

    This is the blank for the plumage of our dart.

  7. Let's finish the plumage by bending the workpiece so that the plumage has triangular wings. In principle, the plumage for our homemade dart is ready. It all looks like this:

    Personally, I don't really like the triangular shape of the pen. It can be changed if, what is called, turn the workpiece inside out. Then you get plumage of this form:

    I think it's cuter that way. And you choose what you like yourself. An important point - you should not make too much plumage, as in this case it will only interfere with the normal flight of the dart.

  8. So, we figured out the plumage, let's move on to making a dart shaft. For its manufacture we will use four matches. We prepare matches for the manufacture of the shaft: it is necessary to remove sulfur from them, and sometimes cut them a little. This is individual. Now we are all set to assemble the dart with our own hands:

  9. We collect the dart and fix the shaft with a thread. We get a shaft consisting of four matches. It also performs a connecting function (holds the plumage and needle). Accordingly, the needle is located between the matches, as is the plumage. The shaft is wrapped with thread for fixation. You can additionally impregnate the thread with glue. After assembly, you get something like this craft:

    Another illustration is a dart stuck in the wall:

Remembering how to make a dart with your own hands, remember also that you need to handle it very carefully. In no case should dross be allowed in the direction of a person, because this can result in injections or, even worse, eye injury. Don't throw your homemade dart anywhere and don't give it to small children! With that, goodbye and goodbye and see you soon!

A dart is a throwing weapon. Acts as a reduced and lightweight, compared with spears for hand-to-hand and equestrian fighting. The length of the dart is 120-150 cm. In addition, the spear is balanced for ease of throwing. Also called arrows for playing darts.
What does a dart represent? This is a small throwing spear with a short shaft, three or four-sided. It was used in the Middle Ages.

photo. Triangular tip dart

Types of darts. What are darts

The main function of darts is throwing, which is the same for all peoples, but the names and shapes are different. Let's name all types of darts.

  • In Rus', these were the streets. The sulica had a very thin shaft. It was thrown at the enemy, and stabbed in close combat.
  • Among the Zulus it was the assegai.
  • In China, it was called Biao. Biao weighed only 100 grams, had a length of 12 cm, and a flight distance of up to 25 m.
  • In Asia, it is jerida or jirda.
  • Among the Greek warriors, the length of the dart reached 150 cm. It was an infantry weapon. Each warrior was armed with several darts and a shield.
  • Harpoon was used in all countries. A distinctive feature of the harpoon is the presence of special spikes on the tip.
  • The Indian dart is called narcha. Narcha had a specially sharpened tip. The edge of the narcha had a meter length, and the shaft was up to two.
  • There also existed a dart vitu. Its length was 1.5 m, and a strong rope was tied to the end.
  • The German framea was up to one and a half meters long.
  • In Italy, the dart was called the corseca. Its length was about a meter, and the tip had jagged points extending to the sides. Thus, he had a resemblance to a harpoon.

photo. Dyed Dart Feathers

To achieve maximum combat effectiveness, a variety of devices were used. It could be a rope or an atlatl. Often used a belt that allows you to throw a dart at a distance of up to 200 meters. Some darts had rings attached to attach the rope. A ribbon attached to the end of the dart allowed it to be thrown more accurately. Apparently, this became the prototype of the plumage on the tail of the modern dart.
Innovative darts were widely used in France during the Victorian era. They were used in amusement parks, exhibition pavilions, in different countries. They were also brought to England. There they were known as French darts. But the British had their own darts - darts. Most likely, they gave the name to the game. So we found out what darts are for darts. Darts are called short arrows for playing darts.

photo. Dart for playing darts

In our time, throwing darts has gained great popularity. This game is budgetary, and it can be made from improvised material.
In order to make darts for darts at home, with our own hands we will need:
big nail,
4 matches or toothpicks
a piece of cardboard 80 * 80 mm.
First, you need to bite off the hat on the nail with pliers. On a grinding machine, it can be sharpened a little so that it sticks better into the target.

Now let's get busy shank for dart. To do this, fold the cardboard in half, in both directions, in turn. And then we fold it so that we get the following design. The edges of the structure must be secured with tape.

The last step is to insert the resulting design between the toothpicks.

The dart for throwing darts is ready.

Dart syringe

Another type of darts that you can make yourself is a syringe dart. In order to make a dart for darts with your own hands, at home, we will need:

  • A syringe, or rather, a needle from a syringe,
  • three toothpicks,
  • A square piece of paper, 50 * 50 mm in size.

Let's start manufacturing. We take a needle, and into the hole for the syringe, insert all the toothpicks at once. The base of the do-it-yourself dart is ready. We make a tail. We bend the square of paper in half, first in one direction, and then in the transverse direction. Next, we make a design similar to an asterisk, with four rays. This asterisk is the shank. We place it between the toothpicks sticking out of the needle. The dart syringe is ready.

Moreover - a weapon that can not only be made from improvised means, but also to hit a target at a distance. Of course, the best thing to do is to do it, but it's hard to do it in the wild.

Therefore, it is best to remember the weapons of our ancestors, I bring to your attention an excerpt from a survival book about homemade darts. These are not the darts used to play darts, but real military weapons that are easy to make on your own.

The dart is designed to hit the "target" at a distance and throw from the hand. Over the millennia of the development of Human civilization, many varieties of ultra-light, throwing spears have been invented and tested on hunting and in wars.

For a survivalist, the real result is important, and the sooner and simpler, the better. Therefore, from the whole variety of varieties of darts, we will choose one of the simplest and surprisingly well-aimed options.

For example, let's cut a woody, straight twig: willow, walnut, maple, mountain ash, bird cherry ... 120-140 centimeters long and with a butt of one and a half to two centimeters thick. It is not necessary to sand the twig.

Which of you can throw this twig 50-60 meters with your hand? And how many craftsmen are there who will fall into the old stump with a bundle of this twig at a distance of thirty meters? Most likely, there will be few craftsmen, but using a little trick, you can easily throw this twig at a distance of more than a hundred meters, and at a distance of 20 meters, getting into that stump the first time will no longer be a problem.

To do this, you need a lace from berets or another suitable rope, about the same thickness and length (about a meter).

The center of the picture shows how to attach the string to the twig. The knot at the end of the lace through the coil is clamped by the same lace, and if the lace is kept in tension, then a fairly strong fastening is obtained.

A little higher, it is shown how, having wound part of the lace around the index finger, hold a twig to be thrown in the hand.

The dart is thrown with such speed and force with the help of a cord that it seems as if it had been shot from a good bow. However, a bow for such shooting does not need to be made. But for now, even if you have a real string and a real twig in your hands, it's still a theory. Practice will come with time and with a strong desire, probably very quickly.

And now a little more theory. In order for a dart to fly well, its center of gravity should be about a quarter of the length of the entire dart from the tip (the butt, the heaviest part...).

There are two options for throws, for range and for accuracy. When throwing at a distance, it is advisable to hold the dart so that the rear part slightly outweighs. After all, you have to throw at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizon. And if they throw for accuracy and not far, then you need to slightly outweigh the bow. Otherwise, you will have to spend extra effort to keep the dart in the right position during the throw. It seems like a trifle, but it will definitely affect the final result.

There are more nuances. On a real hunt, the "target" can be both above and below. Here, too, it is necessary to take into account, if possible, the decomposition of forces and weight. Pre-training experience is essential. Now let's talk about the easiest way to throw a dart horizontally or from the height of your height at a target on the ground, like in a shooting range.

Especially for the uniform throwing of darts (twigs) in a shooting gallery, it is recommended to mark on the darts the place where the knot is attached (with a cut and shallow notch) and the place where the dart is captured with fingers (usually with a thin, “rough” winding).

On a real hunt, see for yourself if you need special notes. Everything to your taste.

By the way, with a twig 120 (cm) long and with a butt of one and a half centimeters thick, you can kill an adult goose or capercaillie without a tip, with a blow of the butt. There can be no doubt at all about the fatal defeat of a neighbor's chicken, wild duck or pheasant (where they are found). And if you equip such a twig, already a dart, with a travel tip, then with such a dart you can safely hunt roe deer and young boars.

With darts, you can also hunt aquatic creatures such as pike, carp and catfish. For short hunting, the simplest versions of darts and tips for them are made. Below is a variant of a spear dart with a wooden tip.

For a more even flight, the tip of the twig is equipped with a feather stabilizer, like on arrows. You can make classic plumage from split wing feathers or tie a bunch of tail feathers. In reality, on a dart, they simply do not cut off the tail of the twig. The dart is longer, but easier to manufacture.

Chapter from the book "The Basics of Survival", Anatoly Shishkin, 2012