Homemade generator from a screwdriver for acb. How to make a wind generator from a screwdriver

Along with those designed to generate energy on an industrial scale and capable of providing entire areas, there are small installations. They are used for homesteads or consumer groups. The value of such devices lies in the creation of an autonomously existing home, independent of resource supply companies.

In addition, there are regions where there is no possibility of connecting to the network and you have to get out of the situation on the spot using various power plants, most often diesel or gasoline. They require the availability of fuel, spare parts and other consumables, which makes the cost of energy quite high.

Use of private wind turbines also costs a lot of money. are very high, which sharply reduces the possibility of acquiring your own installation from rural residents. The solution to the problem is the independent manufacture of a windmill, which is much cheaper. Created from improvised materials at little cost, windmills often have better performance than devices purchased for a lot of money.

Before installing your own wind turbine, it is recommended to assemble in order to gain some skills and practical experience in starting the installation. The windmill will not be a valuable device in terms of providing energy, just like, but it will be able to illustrate a lot of important points. In addition, creating such a model together with children will help develop their love for technical creativity and wind energy.

Screwdriver wind generator

An old screwdriver with a failed battery can be an excellent raw material for the manufacture of a wind turbine. Such a device does not represent a great energy value, but as a visual aid or a working model it will fit perfectly. Most valuable is the fact that the design of the screwdriver has all the necessary elements to create the main assembly of the windmill, additional details are needed a little and they are quite affordable. Consider the order of assembly in stages:

Preparatory work

Before starting the assembly, you will need to prepare the necessary tools. Useful:

  • Screwdriver Set
  • pliers
  • soldering iron with solder
  • scissors
  • electric drill
  • fasteners (bolts with nuts, ladders, etc.)

In the process of manufacturing a windmill, other tools or devices may also be needed, since the creation of an installation is a creative process, craftsmen can visit various ideas that require appropriate technical support.

The electric motor and chuck are removed from the disassembled screwdriver along with the axle and gear. They are the main parts of the wind generator, they practically do not need structural changes. The only operation required at this stage consists of drilling several (usually four) holes in the gear. They will later serve as sockets for the bolts that fix the hub with the blades.

Rotor Assembly

The assembly process is simple. The motor axis is clamped into the cartridge, and a hub with blades is installed on the gear. In this regard, making a windmill from a screwdriver is a very simple operation. Mounting on a supporting structure looks somewhat more complicated. To do this, it is easiest to use a narrow board. At its end, the engine is installed with a clamp or stepladder.

This option is the simplest, but has a significant drawback - the entire installation is fixed at one point, which will soon cause loosening of the structure. You can solve the issue by installing a second mount between the cartridge and the gear that carries the impeller. Two attachment points will allow you to create a reliable design that is not afraid of loads.

Blade manufacturing

For blade manufacturing You will need a lightweight and fairly durable material. Usually strips of sheet aluminum or pieces of sewer polypropylene pipes are used. Aluminum blades need to be properly shaped and ensure that all dimensions match perfectly, which is not easy. The blades made of pipes have the correct configuration from the point of view of aerodynamics, but they will have to work hard on them. At the same time, it is easier to ensure the same shape when using a pipe.

The pipe section is cut in the longitudinal direction into four identical parts. Bolt holes are drilled on one side of the piece, the other side is cut to the shape of the blade. This operation is done with all blanks.

The hub is an ordinary round piece of sheet metal. Holes are drilled on it for attaching to the gear of the cartridge and for installing the blades. It is necessary to observe the alignment and correct centering of the part so that there is no runout during rotation.

Installing and starting a windmill

The assembled windmill is mounted on a high mast. The dimensions are arbitrary, since it will still not work to raise the installation too high. The main condition is to rise at least 3 m above the ground (higher if possible). For independent guidance to the wind, you will need create a tail stabilizer, which will orient the device to the stream. The tail is a plate of any sheet material, installed along the axis of rotation on the support bar.

The finished product is installed on a hill and tested for performance. The windmill is ready, you can make experiments and experiments.

How to do wind generator with their own hands: useful tips

Wind energy resources in the Russian sector occupies an ambiguous position. The use of such devices is considered from 2 sides. With one homemade windmill is a good solution to save energy mechanically. This is facilitated by the endless plains, where there is a constant wind speed and sufficient possible energy is collected, which in the near future is converted into kinetic energy by means of a windmill. But in some regions of the vast country, the winds have a weak potential due to uneven and unhurried impact. In the northern regions, a third side is distinguished, where violent and unpredictable winds rage. Who the homeowner can keep in the household) weight windmill. Taking such a device is a precious pleasure, therefore it is better to make a wind generator for housework yourself. Let's decide: what specific type of windmill is suitable than simply and for what purposes is it chosen?

And it doesn’t matter if you choose a vertical, rotary wind turbine, in other words, a different type, the schematic device of the product has the following identical components:

  • Current generator in artisanal conditions (available option is used).
  • Blades (made of rigid material, incapable of corrosion and deformation during operation)
  • A tower hoist is required to raise the unit to a suitable level.
  • Optionally, additional auto batteries with an electrical control system are installed.

It is easier and cheaper to assemble wind turbines do it yourself with a rotor or an axial design on magnets. To choose the right one, we will study the device of each.

Windmill 1 - rotary type design

A homemade wind generator with a rotary turbine is made of 2, less often 4, blades. It features a lightweight design, which is why it is done without the help of others from improvised materials. Such a wind turbine for homework will not provide the required amount of electricity to a two-story suburban cottage. The power of the wind generator is enough to supply electricity to a small garden house. A windmill for a personal home is used to supply lighting to outbuildings adjacent to the household, house lights, lighting fixtures, household appliances: a breeze heater, a hairdryer, a refrigerator, and others.

Preparation of parts and consumables

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Depending on the term of the project, for what power the wind generator is calculated at home, an appropriate generator for the windmill is selected. Windmills will be considered independently with a capacity of up to 5 kW. It is easy to make a wind generator in artisanal conditions with a rotor. For this purpose, we will prepare the following materials:

Wind generator with their own hands out screwdriver

wind generator do it yourself .

12v generator from a screwdriver

In this video, we will start assembling a wind generator from a broken screwdriver. Our generator will turn out to be 12 volts.

  1. 12 volt car alternator. To create the device, an acid or helium battery from a car is used.
  2. Voltage regulator for converting alternating currents: 12 - 220 volts.

To make electric generators for 220 with your own hands, you need a standard set of installation tools: a grinder with discs, a marker, a screwdriver, a drill with drills, metal scissors, a set of spanners, gas keys No. 1,2,3, wire cutters, tape measure.

Progress of design work

To create a windmill design, the rotor is initially prepared. The next step is to modify the alternator pulley. A metal container is used as a rotor: a pan or a bucket. Using a tape measure and a marker, measure out four equal parts. Then we make holes at the ends of the lined lines, so that the division into component parts is easier. We cut the container with scissors for metal. In the absence of such, we do the same. From the obtained parts, we cut out the blades of the future rotor, but not completely cutting through the workpiece.

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It is not allowed to cut containers made of galvanized materials or products with thin tin walls, as the material overheats and deforms.

In order for a windmill from a car generator to work correctly, the rotor blades must match each other in size. As an option, create a generator from a starter with your own hands. Therefore, measurements require careful checks.

Now we are preparing the generator for the windmill do it yourself. First of all, we determine the direction of rotation of the pulley. To do this, reciprocating movements of the hand twist it to the left - to the right. By standard, it rotates clockwise, but there are exceptions to the rule. At the next stage, we connect the rotor part with the generator. Using a drill, we make even holes in the bottom of the tank and the generator pulley.

The holes must be symmetrical. Otherwise, there is a risk of imbalance in the movement of the rotor.

The edges of the blades are slightly bent to increase the speed of rotation from the wind. The larger the bending angle, the more efficiently the rotary unit perceives air flows. The rotor blades are made not only from the tank. Can you make wind turbine blades? do it yourself in the form of separate parts that are connected to a metal workpiece in the shape of a circle. In such models, it is easier to carry out repair work to restore individual impellers.

To connect the generator, we take a container with manufactured blades and securely fasten it to the generator pulley with bots of M16 × 70 mm or a smaller diameter. Now the assembled structure is fully installed on the mast. We fix in accessible places with metal clamps. We mount electrical wiring and assemble a closed circuit. Each pin is connected to the corresponding connector. If necessary, pre-record the marking and color of each wire separately. We attach the wire to the mast with wire.

The ability to make a windmill from a used screwdriver has not only a theoretical, but also a practical basis, however, it is worth thinking about the end result.

The screwdrivers on sale today are quite powerful tools, its operating voltage when charging from an 18 volt battery, as a generator, can provide about 40-50 watts of power. Such power will allow you to light a couple of LED bulbs, this is when the wind blows, and if it's calm?

If we are talking about free time and recycling of trash, then it makes sense to deploy activities. If you need a working model, then a windmill made on the basis of an axial disk generator will generate more energy.

The process of turning a screwdriver into a home windmill is useful for the accumulation of general information in the field of physics, aerodynamics, electronics, which is also informative and interesting.


All that can come in handy is the rotor from the same screwdriver.

Other missing parts will have to be bought, these are neodymium magnets of suitable dimensions, various rectifiers, converters, inverters and charge controllers.

Or find, for example, a chain reducer to correlate the speed of rotation of the rotor and generator.

Something to get - bearings for the blades.

The result is a wind generator with a capacity of 30-40 watts at a wind speed of 5-7 m/s.

But that's not all, you need to make your own hands:

  • blades: from improvised materials, aluminum sheets 2-3 mm thick;
  • casing: protecting the overall structure from the weather;
  • wind generator tail: turns it in the direction of the wind;
  • pipe support mast: on which the wind generator is mounted.

No less responsible is the issue of manufacturing blades of a certain shape; for this, the problem of aerodynamics is solved.

To obtain useful working power, the blades of a windmill must be 1.5-3 meters long, and this requires a usable area. When attaching them to the generator with bolts, it is necessary to calculate the position of the fasteners very accurately in order to have a properly balanced, adjusted rotation of the blades.

Here a reasonable question arises whether a windmill made from improvised materials and a screwdriver is worth such labor and effort, especially since its payback tends to zero. If we compare the costs of making a windmill with our own hands and the cost of a ready-made standard configuration of a wind turbine (wind power plant), the second option is more preferable.

Preliminary preparation

When constructing a windmill with your own hands from improvised means, if the goal is to have a working, useful device in the household, and not a reminder of a rash desire to create something, it is necessary to calculate the dependence of the possible initial power of the installation on wind speed.

It should be taken into account that the wind power is directly proportional to the area of ​​the blown surface and the wind speed raised to the 3rd power. The simplest arithmetic will show that the received energy is sufficient only to charge a mobile phone.

Before proceeding with the process of manufacturing a device “so useful” in household use with your own means and with your own skillful hands, you should determine the characteristics of the accompanying parameters:

  • wind speed and its main seasonal directions;
  • the surrounding area;
  • type of wind generator;
  • social aspects.

When building a windmill from a screwdriver, it is advisable to choose a horizontal-axial type of wind generator, since the axis of rotation of a windmill of this type can work in any direction of the wind. The tail blade of this design balances and rotates the working head of the structure on the mast in the direction of the wind.

The power generated by a horizontal type wind generator is directly proportional to the height of its mast, since at a height of 6-10 meters the wind speed is greater than at lower levels. There is also a “but” here, such an installation cannot be located in close proximity to buildings. It is better to place it at a distance of about 300 m from the residential area, where there are no trees, but rather on a hill, in this case, problems begin with the maintenance of the windmill and its safety.


Like any mechanism, a wind generator, even if made by hand, needs some maintenance.

For example, in case of sharp gusts of squally wind, the installation should be equipped with a braking mechanism, bought in a store or also made by hand, in order to avoid structural damage.

Other protective measures are the mandatory grounding of the mast and the presence of switches so that you can approach the structure if necessary.

The harsh climatic conditions in winter cannot be discounted, since during this period the blades or pipes of the generator can freeze and cause an accident.

There is no need to talk about the lubrication of the rubbing parts of the windmill, since the wind generator itself is already a source of albeit small, but noise, and the additional rattle and creak of other parts of the installation can cause frustration not only for neighbors, but also for family members of a homegrown designer who, by his own hands made discomfort to himself and his loved ones.


Taking the opportunity to create a device with your own hands to use practically free, otherwise God-given energy, especially if you are far from civilization or just want to save money, is very commendable, but economic justification begins when the wind speed is at least 4 m / s.

I would like to ask the homegrown Kulibins whether it would be better to buy a typical wind turbine for almost the same money. Such an installation is assembled in 2-3 hours, generates electricity at a wind speed of 1-2 m/s and has a payback period of 5-7 years.

How to get priceless electricity literally out of thin air? Very simple, for this you only need an old screwdriver (maybe broken) and some rubbish from the workshop.

This will be the simplest model of a wind generator. No special skills or knowledge are required. The hardest part is drilling the holes in the gear. But more on that later, but now a bit of theory to clearly understand how everything works.

Principle of operation

The point is to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

The flow of wind rotates the blades of the wind generator. The blades rotate the rotor, that is, the screwdriver's motor. The rotor generates electricity. That, in fact, is all.


Starting formula: P=0.6⋅S⋅V³

Working formula: P=(0.6⋅S⋅V³⋅0.4⋅0.8-20%)/2

S - sweeping area or circle of blades. Calculated by a separate formula: S=πr² (r - radius, π - Pi number, 3.14)

V is the wind speed. It is measured with a special device - an anemometer. .It is also possible.

The starting formula shows the power of the wind flow. However, even a factory wind generator cannot convert all this power into electricity. A self-made wind generator from a screwdriver, assembled with your own hands, is very far from this value.

Where does the energy go?

Blades sawn in a garage by eye can only take 40% of the power of the wind flow.

These 40% go to the generator. But it can only process 80% of them. The figure depends on the efficiency of your particular engine.

About 20% more will be lost on the wiring and battery.

And already the final figure must be divided by another 2. This is the only way to get a pessimistic answer, but close to the voltmeter readings.

In an example, it looks like this.

  1. The blade is 97 cm. From the end of the blade to the center of the propeller is 3 cm. Hence, the sweeping area is calculated as - 3.14 ⋅ 1² = 3.14 m².
  2. The wind speed is, say, 10 m/s.
  3. Starting power - 0.6⋅3.14⋅10³=1884 W.
  4. From this figure, we leave only 40%, which will be captured by the screw - 1884⋅0.4=753.6 W.
  5. And from this we leave only 80%, which the engine will learn - 753.6⋅0.8 = 602.88 W.
  6. From here, another minus 20% - 602.88-120.576=482.304 W.
  7. And the final cuts are 482.304/2=241.152.
  8. Total: 0.6⋅3.14⋅10³⋅0.4⋅0.8-20%=482/2=241.

So it turns out an honest figure that you can count on.

Of course, you can perfectly calculate the angle of the blades, wire it right, solder the controller and compensate for the losses. But this article is about how to assemble a wind generator without problems with your own hands from a screwdriver engine. To feel your power over nature and understand how it works in principle.

If you want to make a more powerful wind generator, then it's better to forget about a screwdriver and find one. In the meantime, we work with what we have.

Work plan


The highlight of the program is a screwdriver. We need a chuck and a screwdriver motor. The rest of the parts are not needed yet.

We cut the blades from PVC pipes or something else. Suitable: aluminum sheet, thick plastic or plastic barrels. The main thing is that the blades are strong and light. About a meter long. If you wish, you can tinker with the form. Copy the proportions from the factory wind turbine. Then the blades will absorb more air and spin even without a strong wind. But in general, you can do it by eye, if only they were spinning.

We cut out the plate for their fastening. The plate should come out strong. Material: steel sheet, milling disc or piece of wood. It greatly affects the balance, so do it back to back. There should be room for the blades to be securely fastened, but nothing more than that.

We drill holes in the plate and gear. Determine the number of holes yourself. At least two holes for each blade on the edge of the plate and three in the center, the same number in the gear.

We make a housing according to the diameter of the bearings for the clutch. Bottle caps, jars, tubes, whatever. The housing is optional, it is only needed to protect the rotor from dust.


We tightly clamp the motor shaft into the clamping chuck and check that the motor axis is spinning.

We fasten the blades to the plate, and the plate to the gear, preferably with bolts. If you made a shape according to the drawings, then pay more attention to the place of attachment. This greatly affects the balance of the screw and can reduce all the effort spent on the correct form to zero.

Insert the body.

To make the whole structure look more solid, you can pull it with clamps to a wooden bar.

In principle, everything is ready. Before us is a wind generator from a screwdriver. It remains to install and connect.


The stronger the wind blows, the more energy is produced, and the wind blows at a higher altitude. Therefore, the higher the better. Already at a height of 5 meters, gusts of wind will be sufficient, but if you have a ten-meter matcha lying around, it would be just fine. Of the possible options: a bare tree, the roof of a house or a PVC pipe driven into the ground.

Connection to electrical appliances

Two wires are already leaving the motor winding: plus and minus. Something as simple as a light bulb can be connected directly to them. The main thing is to observe the polarity.

For more complex equipment, the power must be constant. To smooth out the drops, you need a battery and a controller. They are already in the screwdriver, so we just restore the native chain. From the engine, long wires go to the controller, and the controller is connected to the battery. And already from the battery you can connect to the technique.

How to use this wind generator

To charge your phone or tablet. While dangerous, power surges can break your charger or burn your phone.

For LED lighting. Enough for 15 of these bulbs.

For garlands. Everyone has a storm, and you have a holiday.

And other little things: flashlights, light bulbs, signs, fans…

Worth doing or not?

Now you know how to assemble a simple wind generator from a screwdriver with your own hands. In stormy weather, it will give out 200-240 watts. From an economic point of view, such a windmill will justify itself only if all the spare parts were given for free or were lying around in the garage that no one needed.

But we all understand that it's not about money, but about creating something yourself. Extract energy from nothing with the help of old trash. Isn't that a miracle?

After that, you will probably want to, which will provide light to the whole house. It's more complicated, but you already know the basic principle, so go for it.

A screwdriver is widely used in various fields of activity to work with fasteners of various types: self-tapping screws, screws, bolts with nuts, furniture confirmations, screws and others. Also, with the help of this power tool, holes are rolled in different materials, for example, in various metals, in lumber, in concrete. At the same time, the functionality of the operated model is determined by the value of its power and torque, the presence of a shock function.

From a screwdriver, you can make a variety of equipment and tools for domestic use at home. In addition to the power tool itself, in many cases, additional parts and materials will be required for rework. But home-made devices will still cost less than factory counterparts, allowing you to automate and make manual labor more efficient.

The entire range of screwdrivers is divided into network and battery models. Both types of products work due to electrical energy, which drives the electric motor. Only the electric motor itself for network devices is designed for an alternating voltage of 220 V, and for battery equipment for a constant voltage of different sizes, for example, 12 V, 14.4 V. These design features, together with the technical characteristics, largely determine which homemade products from a screwdriver can be assembled .

Electricity is one of the main types of energy used by mankind. Due to electricity, household appliances, industrial equipment, machine tools, and power tools function. The work is carried out at the same time by electric motors of various designs and power, which are powered by alternating or direct currents. For this reason, the following technical devices can be assembled on the basis of a screwdriver or from its individual parts:

  • garden shredder of grass and branches;
  • trimmer (electric scythe);
  • camping manual generator;
  • engraver (mini-drill, dremel, drill);
  • wind generator;
  • lawn mower;
  • grinder;
  • mini-machines: drilling, grinding, thicknessing, turning, sawing, sharpening;
  • tool for knitting reinforcement;
  • gate opening drive;
  • vehicles for children: ATV, bicycle, scooter;
  • a small ice drill, a hole drill, a construction or kitchen mixer.

The powerful impact type model can also be converted into a concrete rammer with a special attachment.

The implementation of each option takes different time and requires additional (insignificant) costs, or does without them at all.

Assembling a manual camping electric generator and a homemade wind generator

It will not be difficult to make a home-made generator from battery models of the tool, which will produce electricity when the attached handle is rotated by hand. Such a device is useful in field conditions. To make a dynamo, you do not need to radically modify the product. Everything you need to create a camping generator is already in the design of the device, only minor improvements will be needed.

With the help of the created equipment, it will be possible to charge 6 or 12 V batteries.

Suitable for power tools with operating voltage from 18V and above. Modification is carried out in the following way:

  • disassemble the electric screwdriver;
  • carefully solder the electronic board;
  • instead of batteries, they put a diode bridge that is suitable in terms of parameters (dimensions, technical characteristics) inside the battery case;

  • make a comfortable handle with a handle;
  • the end without a handle is fixed in the cartridge.

The final design after the done manipulations will look something like in the photo below.

The diode bridge is necessary so that the handle of the generator can be turned in any direction. Instead of a handle, you can insert a nozzle with blades. Then you get a simple wind generator.

Wind power generator, are also made in a different way, in the form of a weather vane. In this case, the following is done with the battery device:

  • disassemble the screwdriver;
  • take out the electric motor by disconnecting its contacts;
  • remove the cartridge with the gearbox (rotary part);

  • the shaft of the electric motor is inserted into the cartridge, clamping it;
  • a round metal plate about 1 mm thick is bolted to the gear of the gearbox, which will serve as the basis for fixing the blades made, for example, from plastic pipes;
  • a clamp with a clamp is put on the shaft between the cartridge and the gear;

  • cut out a rectangular base from plywood or thin metal;
  • using a clamp with a clamp, an engine with a cartridge is attached to it, having drilled holes for fastening in the right places;

  • make a casing to protect the wind generator (from precipitation, dust and other unforeseen influences), for example, from under a coffee can;
  • insert the base with the engine and cartridge inside, fixing the elements with glue, and the cover with sealant;

  • make blades by attaching them to the round plate of the unit;
  • make a weather vane;
  • an assembled generator is mounted on one of its ends;

  • connect the wiring to the motor outputs;
  • check the output voltage with a multimeter by rotating the blades by hand.

There are many options for wind generators. Even the entire screwdriver is attached to the support, providing it with a nozzle with blades.

Alteration of a screwdriver into a grinder

If the angle grinder is broken or it is not available at all, then it can be temporarily replaced with a cordless or corded electric screwdriver. However, there are various remodeling options. The easiest way is to use ready-made or homemade nozzles or adapters. An example of an adapter is shown in the photo below. One of its ends is fixed in the cartridge, and a disk clings to the other.

Another option that allows you to convert a drill driver into a grinder is to use a special type of nozzle, equipped with a gearbox. When implementing the method, the power tool is dismantled, its gearbox is dismantled, and a nozzle is installed instead. After the transformations, you get a tool similar in appearance to an angle grinder.

It should be taken into account that such a special nozzle is expensive, and the modification work requires a lot of time.

Homemade nozzles are made from studs of suitable diameter, nuts and washers. They are used even with cordless electric screwdrivers.

The efficiency of homemade products is much lower than that of factory grinders. This is due to the large difference in the speed of rotation of the nozzles: about 3000 rpm for a screwdriver versus about 11,000 rpm for an angle grinder. A small amount of power, together with a low speed, significantly limit the functionality of the device made.

Made devices should be used only in emergency situations. Because of reverse possibilities on the tool being reworked, it is necessary to monitor the direction of rotation of the disk so as not to be injured.

Converting a screwdriver into a trimmer or lawn mower

To make an electric scythe with your own hands, you will need the following parts and materials:

  • a piece of plastic pipe about 2 m long;
  • soldering iron with soldering kit;
  • fasteners: self-tapping screws, bolts with nuts;
  • 45 degree plastic corner;
  • pipe cap;
  • 12 V motor from an electric screwdriver and a battery from it;
  • the wire;
  • adapter from 40 to 50 mm for plastic pipes;
  • power button;
  • plastic bucket;
  • contact clips (crocodiles) - 2 pcs;
  • blades from stationery knives.

The work uses a pipe and a corner to it with a diameter of 40 mm.

The conversion process is carried out as follows:

  • having disassembled the electric screwdriver, they take out the motor;
  • attach it to the plug, having previously marked and drilled mounting holes in it;

  • attach the electric motor with 2 screws;

  • solder the leads to the motor;

  • install an electric motor, pushing its wiring in the pipe;

  • mark the location of the future switch with a marker on the tube;

  • drill a hole;

  • connect to the wiring switch, mount it;

  • contact clamps are attached to the ends of the outgoing wires for quick connection to the battery;

  • a battery holder is made from an adapter;

  • connect the drive, connect the adapter to the tube;

  • make knives from blades;

  • using a conventional terminal clamp, the nozzle is connected to the motor shaft;

  • a protective cover is made from a plastic bucket;

  • glue the part to the pipe;

  • check the functionality of the structure.

The created device will allow you to mow only the grass cover with soft stems. There are many different options for lawn mowers based on network models of drill drivers. The photos below show two homemade.

First, a base is created from metal, plywood or other materials, to which the wheels are then attached, as well as the control knob. Clamps or to the rack fix the electric screwdriver. A cutting nozzle is inserted into the cartridge. To protect the legs from flying grass, a casing is attached to the back of the base. Power is made through a button or directly from the network.

To assemble a sufficiently functional lawn mower, you need to take a drill driver from 0.5 kW with a power.

A cordless or corded model of an electric screwdriver can be turned into an engraver, which is also called a dremel, a drill, a mini drill, a straight grinder. It's easy enough for this buy a nozzle in the store and grind any bit under it.

A homemade cartridge will allow you to use a variety of equipment designed for dremels.

The following video demonstrates the process of creating an engraver with a flexible shaft.

Making a garden shredder

A garden shredder for grass and thin twigs (less than 1 cm thick) can be made on the basis of a corded drill/driver.

Create an aggregate like this:

  • choose a suitable container, for example, zinc decoction;
  • in the center of the bottom, a hole is drilled for the shaft, on which a knife or several blades will be fixed;
  • make a wooden or metal frame to install the container or put it on the edge of the table;
  • a drill-driver is attached to the frame or bottom of the boil-out, which is equipped with knives;
  • mount the on / off button;
  • make a slot in the side of the container - cut out a rectangle in front of the bottom 10 by 20 cm;
  • a sleeve is made of tin for ejection of crushed plants;
  • attach it to the container;
  • check the performance of the unit.

Knives are easiest to make from hacksaw blades. You need to install them sharpening down. In this case, you can make several options for blades for different herbs. If you make a nozzle in the form of knives for a drill-driver, then you can simply chop the grass in a bucket or other suitable container.

Screwdriver machines

Craftsmen made many different-purpose machines from a screwdriver. They are quite capable of handling everyday tasks.

If you need to work professionally, then more serious equipment is indispensable.

One of the options for how to remake a drill driver into the drilling machine shown in the video below.

The way to create the simplest lathe shown in the video below.

Also, on the basis of a drill-driver, it is possible to assemble the simplest milling and grinding machines which is shown in the following videos.

Other non-standard ways to use the tool

Non-standard use of a screwdriver is not limited to the options considered. The video below shows how to use this power tool as a ATV drive and for opening doors (gates), for drilling ice, as a mixer. The video also contains other non-traditional options.

Using a case with a battery, you can make a good flashlight. The whole assembly process LED lamp shows the video below.

How to adapt a screwdriver motor to make electric bike shown in the videos below.

Another option for a motorized bike contains a video below.

With a hook inserted into a screwdriver chuck, you can knit armature during the construction of various facilities. The following video demonstrates how this is done.

By connecting the tool to the auger of a manual meat grinder, you can automate the process of twisting vegetables and meat.

It should be borne in mind that homemade products of this kind are often very limited in load. But if they do not get practical use, then entertainment is guaranteed.

This unconventional use of a screwdriver is not limited. Craftsmen constantly put forward new ideas, while their practical implementation takes place. Other specialists adapt home-made devices to their own needs, while receiving various modifications of home-made equipment. You can also come up with something on your own, showing technical knowledge and imagination, giving free rein to imagination and creativity. The main thing to remember: when starting to manufacture various devices, it is necessary to take into account that the created mechanisms are safe.