Wellness vacation. Treatment of drug addiction abroad Rehabilitation centers for drug addicts abroad

Drug addiction is a chronic disease in which a person experiences an irresistible craving for psychoactive substances - drugs. Drugs are substances that cause a state of euphoria, and with regular use - hard dependence.

There are drugs of natural origin (marijuana, opium, hashish) and synthetic, produced by chemical means. Drugs are sometimes classified as drugs of the psychotropic group.

In a state of drug intoxication, a person experiences a feeling of lightness and comfort, gets rid of mental pain. At the same time, he loses a sense of reality and control over himself. After some time of systematic use, addiction and physical dependence sets in: the drug addict no longer uses the drug for the sake of "high", but because of the fear of "breaking" - a painful, painful state of the body, manifested by unpleasant sensations in the muscles and joints, insomnia, depression, palpitations , cramps in the limbs, etc.

Since the body's sensitivity to drugs gradually decreases, the addict is forced to increase the dose, use stronger drugs. The patient loses intelligence, loses control over life. Drugs are by their nature poisons for the body, they affect all organs and tissues of a person. This is the reason why drug addicts rarely live to adulthood.

Drug addiction treatment is carried out in specialized clinics and is possible only if the patient wishes.

Drug addiction treatment abroad

Drug addiction treatment is carried out in a stationary institution, it is important to protect the patient from contact with others who can supply him with narcotic drugs.

The procedure for getting rid of drug addiction includes three stages: detoxification, basic treatment, and actions aimed at preventing relapse situations. Treatment is with medications and psychological tricks moreover, each patient should be approached individually. At the first stage of treatment, the patient is deprived of drugs, such a reception can be sudden, fast or slow, doctors are guided by the state of health of the addict and his "experience".

Detoxification involves the adaptation of the body to "life without drugs", the restoration of the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. For these purposes, vitamin therapy is used, phosphorus preparations are introduced, quite often, in order to partially relieve the symptoms of “withdrawal” and calm the patient, tranquilizers and antidepressants are used.

The main stage of treatment involves the use psychological methods, including hypnosis, during which the doctor convinces the patient at the subconscious level that drugs are not necessary for him. Often the main phase of drug addiction treatment abroad involves a combination of psychotherapy and medication.

Relapse prevention is a process that lasts at least five years after the initial phase of treatment.

Where to treat addiction?

Drug addiction treatment abroad is possible in many foreign clinics presented on our website (see the menu on the left side of the page). This, for example, can be such clinics as:

Paracelsus Medical Center– one of the most famous clinics in Belarus working in the field of narcology and social rehabilitation. The purpose of the Medical Center is to provide high-quality and effective medical care to people suffering from various types dependencies.

Rehabilitation center "Monar o.s."- perhaps one of the best centers that were created for the convenience of local residents, as well as our compatriots (the staff speaks Russian). The main focus of the center is the treatment and support of patients with drug addiction.

Bhavana International Addiction Treatment Center is a specialized center providing patients suffering from drug addiction, alcoholism and other bad habits, a complete medical detoxification of the body, and also contributes to the psychological and social recovery of the patient.

Küsnacht Practice Clinic– specialized medical institution, involved in the treatment of addictions (alcohol, drugs, gambling) and mental disorders. The clinic is famous for its unique methods of working with patients. The treatment program is usually designed for 1-3 months.

McLean Psychiatric Hospital is considered a world leader in the diagnosis and treatment of various mental illness. The main directions are the treatment of depression, Alzheimer's disease, dissociative disorders, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, etc.

Maharishi Ayurveda Clinic is the only private clinic in Germany that has a state license for the use of Ayurvedic methods. The clinic is located in the German spa resort of Bad Ems. Specialists guarantee the safety and quality of treatment for patients of the clinic.

Clinic "Nika-Israel"- a modern medical center, which provides comprehensive assistance and support to people with alcohol and drug addiction. This is one of the largest drug treatment centers abroad, which is available to Russian-speaking patients.

Psychiatric complex Shaar-Menashe is the largest government agency. One of the most modern in Israel, dealing with the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with mental disorders. There is a department of mixed pathology for the treatment of drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a very serious and complex disease. Its complexity lies in the fact that long-term use of drugs completely destroys a person: all internal organs suffer, cerebral circulation is disturbed, the condition of blood vessels worsens, all personal qualities are completely suppressed. In a word, a person is degrading in all spheres of his life support, both physical and psychological, moral, social. Consequently, the treatment of drug addiction is a complex and lengthy process, requiring considerable efforts of doctors and the addict himself.

But all efforts can come to naught if at some point the addict shows weakness. Everyone understands that in the first stages of treatment, the addict will have to show maximum endurance, stamina, self-control. Even awareness of one's illness does not guarantee its cure without the manifestation of these qualities. Because the addicted mind understands the perniciousness of his habit, but the body requires the usual “dose”. And here the main thing is not to give up, not to succumb to the persuasion of former friends that "once you can."

An excellent solution in this situation is the treatment of drug addiction abroad. And it's not just about the latest techniques and the most best conditions stay. In a foreign country, the addict finds himself in much-needed isolation for the period of treatment. The chance of meeting your friends, finding opportunities to purchase drugs, is practically zero. In addition, abroad a person finds himself in a completely different environment, in a different environment of communication, which in a positive way affects his mental state. Here he is not afraid to see the condemning looks of neighbors or former colleagues, to hear accusatory speeches addressed to him.

The cost of medical services

As for the financial side of the issue, the treatment of drug addiction abroad in many cases can be even cheaper than in your own city. Our rehabilitation center cooperates with the most famous foreign centers for the treatment of drug addiction. Contact us and we will help your loved one get rid of drug addiction forever and start a new life.

Service Price
Alcoholism treatment1300 rub./day
Comprehensive treatment for alcohol addictionfrom 35000 one month
Treatment of alcoholism VIP-class (VIP services)from 2300 rub. in a day
Rehabilitation of alcoholicsfrom 35000 rub. per month
Hypnosis treatment12000 rub.
Conclusion from drinking3000 rub.
Dropper at home3000 rub.
Services of a narcologist3000 rub.
Compulsory treatment for alcoholism (Motivational team)from 10000 rub.
Treatment of alcoholism in a hospitalfrom 2500 rub.
Alcoholism codingfrom 5000 rub.
Clinic for the treatment of alcoholismfrom 1300 rub./day
Sewing in TORPEDO13000 rub.
Sewing in ESPERAL13000 rub.
Ubod (Detoxification)25000 rub.

Drug addiction treatment abroad is very popular among patients who come to Israel specifically to get rid of addiction. It is here that they find the optimal conditions for treatment.

Drug addiction is a disease

Drug addiction is a dangerous and insidious disease that made itself felt back in the 20th century. A person hooked on drugs loses control over their behavior, desires and life in general. There is complete degradation, both moral and physical. The only thing that matters to the addict is finding drugs and using them. Everything else: study, work, family, friends and realization in society - fade into the background.

The recent statistics are not very encouraging. The general availability of narcotic drugs in the world has clearly influenced the increase in the number of drug addicts. There is also a threat to health for relatives and friends of a drug addict, because living with him in the same territory, there is a possibility of contracting AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, which usually affect all drug addicts.

To get rid of drug addiction, you need a comprehensive. The very first and main step towards recovery is the desire of the addict to be cured. Awareness of the problem and the desire to become a full and free person is 50% of success in the treatment process.

Stages of addiction and drug addiction

Drug addiction refers to a disease that occurs in several stages.

This disease is characterized by certain syndromes:

  • first stage - a person's protective function and fear of drugs disappear. The drug addict does not control the dosage of the narcotic substance, so deaths as a result of an overdose are not uncommon. The first intake of narcotic substances is accompanied by vomiting, nausea and dizziness, but gradually these symptoms disappear;
  • second phase - there is a psychological attachment to drugs. The mood of a person and his behavior depend on the presence or absence of drugs;
  • third stage - there is a physical addiction to drugs, blocking other normal feelings of a person (thirst, hunger, sexual attraction). The addict is unable to be a parent, work and strive for career growth. Children of drug addicts most often have genetic diseases or severe forms of other diseases.

Signs of addiction in children

Despite widespread information about the dangers of drugs, the number of dependent people is increasing every year. The problem of drug addiction among teenagers today is very acute. A few years ago, a 16-year-old drug addict was considered a rarity; today, a third of drug addicts who seek medical help are teenagers.

Modern culture (cinema, music, art, etc.) forms in the minds of young men and women the idea that "high" is an integral part of success in life and self-improvement. In the understanding of many teenagers, material well-being is determined not only by the presence of an expensive phone, visiting popular entertainment venues, brand of car, but also the possibility of acquiring the next dose of a "prestigious" drug.

Addiction, like a disease, is difficult to recognize. Parents should be attentive to their children, especially when you notice in your child:

All these signs are also characteristic of an ordinary teenager who does not have a drug addiction. Parents should be vigilant in order to recognize and identify the symptoms of drug addiction in their child in time.

New Opportunities for Drug Addiction Treatment Abroad

To overcome the destructive addiction, advanced ideas and author's programs are used. Experienced specialists are involved in the work, and people who have overcome once drug addiction often work as instructors. Among all the centers, the Renaissance clinic deserves special attention.

This is practically the only drug addiction treatment center that uses an integrated approach to solve an urgent problem. After admission to the department, the patient undergoes diagnostics, including an examination by such specialists as: a psychologist, a therapist, a psychiatrist-narcologist. Treatment abroad involves the preparation of a personalized program, which necessarily takes into account the patient's condition and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Addiction treatment centers in Israel offer the placement of a patient in an inpatient department for the initial stage. In "Renaissance" the total treatment period can last from one month to a year. On the initial stage the patient undergoes the necessary diagnostics, which includes examination by specialists, additional examination in case of detection of any diseases and detoxification of the body.

Before rehabilitation, the patient is re-diagnosed. Treatment involves daily therapy and work with instructors. Therapy can be done individually or in a group. If the patient prefers group sessions, the popular 12-step technique is used, divided into three stages. If the classes are conducted individually, a psychotherapist works with the patient according to his own psychotherapeutic method.

Abuse treatment centers abroad also use measures such as visiting a group of anonymous addicts, providing alternative treatment, fitness, yoga or other sports at the request of the patient. Special trainings are constantly held, relaxation and physiotherapy are widely used. In addition, a diet is recommended.

Narcological clinic "Renaissance" does not prohibit its patients from visiting religious places and cultural activities. This approach allows the patient to return interest in life as quickly as possible and reduce cravings for addiction. Narcological clinics often offer former patients to continue therapy after the end of treatment in order to quickly enter real life.

Features of drug addiction treatment in Israel

Israeli medicine has reached a high level and continues to develop in almost all areas, including narcology.

It is worth highlighting the main advantages of drug addiction treatment abroad:

  • confidentiality - First of all, there is a minimal chance of meeting acquaintances who will talk about the patient's addiction. In Israel, medical secrecy is strictly observed, therefore, the patient may not be afraid of disclosing secret information;
  • A complex approach , widely used in specialized, allows you to effectively solve this problem. Today, drug addiction treatment in Israel is carried out by patients with rare pathologies and severe health disorders. Addiction to narcotic substances provokes the development of a complex of concomitant diseases that must be treated simultaneously with a bad habit;
  • innovative developments – drug addiction treatment in Israel is performed using effective author's methods. A group of specialists takes part in the treatment, working according to a personalized program for each individual patient. Despite the contemptuous attitude towards drug addicts in the countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS, Israel guarantees high level service. It has long been understood here that a drug addict has practically no power over his habit. Therefore, the staff treat their patients with tact.

Treatment of drug addiction abroad at the Renaissance clinic

The specialized clinic "Renaissance" was created by a group of immigrants from Eastern Europe and the CIS to treat immigrants who faced the problem of alcoholism. The opening of the clinic took place 40 years ago. Over the past 13 years, drug addiction treatment has been successfully carried out here. Medical tourists arriving from Russia are surprised to find that the clinic staff is fluent in Russian, therefore, there is no language barrier in communication.

Classes are supervised by professional instructors, many of whom were also drug addicts in the past and were able to get rid of their addiction. Therefore, they are well versed in the behavior and condition of patients. Depending on the diagnosis, concomitant diseases are treated, a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures, and dietary nutrition are used.

Despite being in a hospital, it cannot be said that the patient is completely out of touch with life. People undergoing treatment in Israel at the Renaissance Narcological Center can visit cultural monuments and holy places. Naturally, the use of drugs is undesirable, since such behavior will completely destroy the positive result of the treatment. If the patient "breaks loose", the whole program will have to be started over again.

The Renaissance Clinic provides the possibility of either drug addiction with the greatest possible comfort. Patients live in 1 - 2-bed rooms, with television. They are not allowed to use the phone. Usually, treatment lasts from several days to 3 months. However, in extreme cases, treatment can last up to a year.

During the period of stay in the clinic, the patient receives consultations with such specialists as:

  • clinical psychologist,
  • addiction psychiatrist,
  • neurologist,
  • art therapist,
  • therapist,
  • Social worker.

Since the clinic prefers not to work with coding and application chemical substances to eliminate alcoholism or drug addiction, the patient is constantly supervised.

It should be noted that the patient will not be able to part with cravings for drugs or alcohol-containing drinks on his own. Only specialized drug treatment clinics are able to solve the problem by relieving the patient of addiction.

Find out prices for drug addiction treatment abroad

Drug addiction in the center "Renaissance" is quite accessible, since the state has long regulated the pricing system. In addition, the clinic participates in scientific medical research and develops its own programs aimed at getting rid of addiction to narcotic substances. Like any medical center in Israel, "Renaissance" is equipped with modern equipment and uses innovative pharmacological preparations in the treatment, which allow detoxifying the body in a short time.

How is the treatment of drug addiction in Moscow in the Renaissance center

Narcological clinic Renaissance in Moscow provides a number of additional services at the request of the patient or his relatives.

The Renaissance Narcological Clinic conducts, starting from the results of the diagnosis. Therefore, the clinic has its own laboratory and the latest diagnostic equipment. At the request of the client, a laboratory study of blood samples can be performed, as well as a complete preventive examination, including consultation with specialized specialists.

In addition to the standard set of procedures, which includes mild methods of painless detoxification, a personalized program, daily group therapy sessions, the patient can receive an individual instructor and undergo psychological training separately from the group.

Such additional and alternative methods treatments like:

  • yoga classes,
  • relaxation training,
  • compiling a dietary menu,
  • dosed physical activity,
  • physiotherapy procedures,
  • fitness,
  • group trips to the sea on weekends, accompanied by an instructor.

If addiction treatment is needed abroad, best solution will be a trip to Israel, to the Renaissance drug treatment center, where they learned to cope with drug and alcohol addiction perfectly.

Drug addiction treatment abroad is carried out with great efficiency due to the constant monitoring of the patient's condition by medical personnel. For example, for a seriously ill patient, 24-hour personal care is available. At the request of the patient, treatment can be individual or carried out in a group.

Having overcome the main stages of treatment, it becomes an important task for a person not to “break loose”. Unfortunately, in our society there are many situations that push a person to "return to a world without problems." That is why our clinic has rehabilitation centers both in Russia and in Europe, namely in Spain.

Why do we need centers abroad? What is the effectiveness of rehabilitation in Spain

First of all, this is of course a change of scenery, a feeling of relaxation, clean air, sea, warmth, communication.

Rehabilitation in Spain is just the place where the patient can completely relax and return to a full life. Magnificent landscapes, azure sea, cozy rooms will be a huge step towards recovery.

We select an individual approach to all patients, we do not limit its actions, but try to support and help. For every day we have several main activities planned, the rest of the time a person can make his own plans. We do not force you to live under dictation, since the patient will have to decide everything on his own in later life.

Our task is to increase a person's self-esteem, to give him the opportunity to believe in himself and in his strength. Thanks to cultural adaptation, sports, new acquaintances, the patient again feels like a full-fledged member of society, which gives him the strength to move on and not give up. Only self-motivation to change one's life can lead the patient to a full recovery.

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Rehabilitation of drug and alcohol addicts abroad in Spain, Malaga

Rehabilitation for drug addicts and alcoholics abroad in Spain- This is a continuation in the treatment of drug addiction or alcoholism. Our organization implements this program to restore physical and mental state, but after undergoing the medical part of treatment in a drug treatment clinic or .

Rehabilitation abroad takes place in Spain, Malaga, south of the country. The created conditions, clean air, the Mediterranean Sea and the distance from the actual place of consumption contribute to the improvement of all areas of life that have been destroyed by alcohol or drugs. The stage of rehabilitation abroad is used as a social and cultural adaptation to establish the habit of living a different life and gaining new values.

Treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism abroad: Spain

We have deliberately included rehabilitation center in Spain in the program of the course on psychological correction of behavior to change the quality of life. Other rehabilitation centers that are located on the territory of Russia are a theoretical block, a rehabilitation center abroad is a kind of practice, which is accompanied by consultants and the therapeutic team of the center. We do not turn the program into a sanatorium center and work effectively on individual programs for each course participant. The preparatory stage in Russian and to identify concomitant diseases and detoxify the body.

Treatment of forms of addiction in Europe: away from temptations and closer to comfort - south of Spain, Malaga

Rehabilitation abroad in Spainfor many, it becomes a new sober look and experience of aging with their personal life history, goal setting, problem solving methods, a safe way out of stressful situations that can lead to a breakdown. Return to Russia and smooth adaptation to life in society, because isolation and no rehabilitation center will solve the problem of an addict, only an independent and clear decision to change life will give effective results in the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism. You can get more detailed information about the range of services in the treatment of addictions from the hotline specialists and conduct rehabilitation abroad.

November 10, 2011, 15:00

Drug addiction is not a problem of one specific country, drugs do not know borders at all. In relatively small Poland, out of 38 million people, 100-125 thousand are recognized as "problematic". It seems to be a little, but the complex of measures aimed at prevention and treatment has a scope that is much larger in volume. As for its quality, the fight against drug addiction is considered one of the best in developed countries peace.


For the first time, drugs as a problem in Poland were discussed in the mid-1970s, when it began to be distributed in the country under the name kompot (a solution for intravenous use brewed from poppy straw) .

In the early 1990s, according to Interpol, Poland became one of the largest manufacturers amphetamines in Europe, and then to a major transshipment point for drug trafficking. It is not surprising, therefore, that the number of drug addicts in the country has steadily increased. In 2002, they numbered from 33 thousand to 71 thousand, in 2005 - already more than 100 thousand people.

Data for the past few years is not yet available, but experts believe that the number of drug addicts in Poland has not decreased, and it’s good if it remains at the level of five years ago.

The law of carrots and sticks

The attitude of the Polish authorities to the problem of narcotization of the population and the treatment of drug addicts can be briefly described as a policy of "carrot and stick". On the one hand, the situation here is unique among other countries of Central and Eastern Europe in terms of approach to such patients. The first therapeutic community, whose task was to rehabilitate drug addicts and assist them in long-term abstinence from use, began operating in Poland in 1978. Since then, this approach has only evolved.

At the same time, according to some human rights activists, until recently, Poland had one of the most "draconian" anti-drug laws in Europe. Its rigidity was that the possession of any amount of narcotic substances, including for one's own use, was considered a criminal offense.

According to a petition addressed to the Marshal of the Sejm of Poland, prepared by the Polish Drug Policy Network, between 1999 and 2007, the number of criminal cases initiated for possession of drugs increased by 1.500%! This rapid growth is due to the adoption in 2000 of amendments to the anti-drug legislation, which made possession of drugs a criminal offence. However, in most cases, as it is written in the appeal, young people who were detained with drugs for their own use fell on trial, while large drug dealers remained at large.

Representatives of civil society, among them - more than 70 cultural figures, ex-president countries, Alexander Kwasniewski, world-famous human rights expert Viktor Osyatynsky, insisted on reforming anti-drug legislation. As a result, new amendments were made in May 2011.

Now people arrested for the first time with a small amount of drugs can, by decision of state prosecutors, avoid trial. The prosecutor's office must also determine whether the detainee is a drug addict and send him to treatment. At the same time, the maximum sentence for drug distribution has increased from 10 to 12 years.

Opponents of the reform - for example, members of the conservative Law and Justice party - did not want to change anything and call the adopted amendments "a concession to the drug mafia." In their opinion, drug traffickers will benefit from this in the first place.

How drug addiction is treated in Poland

Drug addiction treatment is administered by gminas (volosts) and voivodeships (provinces). Treatment is financed by state system health insurance, as well as the budget of communes. In addition, financial assistance is provided by private organizations or sponsors.

The country has an extensive network of outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation centers, detoxification units, day care centers, drug addiction treatment units in hospitals, medium and long-term rehabilitation facilities, and drug addiction treatment units in prisons.

Drug addiction treatment in Poland is divided into three stages:

detoxification, during which a person is helped to survive drug withdrawal with the help of various drugs.

Rehabilitation, during which psychologists and counselors help the addict to change the way of thinking that led to the use, motivate them to change their lifestyle and give up their favorite substance.

Unprofessional help. During the course of rehabilitation, which lasts from several weeks to many months, patients are also motivated to attend 12-Step Self-Help Groups (eg, Narcotics Anonymous) after the end of treatment. This is done to ensure that people do not relapse into drug use and do not succumb to addictive behavior.

Outpatient and inpatient treatment is provided by non-profit organizations, government agencies and private companies, post-rehabilitation programs are implemented mainly by non-profit organizations and are financed from the state budget and funds from local authorities.

In 2007, according to the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction, there were 255 inpatient rehabilitation centers in Poland, where 12,582 drug users were treated. The age of 38% of them was less than 25 years. 75% of patients were male.

"Minnesota Model"

"Treatment in an inpatient rehabilitation center is usually based on the so-called Minnesota model," says Ewa Osiatynska, clinical psychologist, director of the Regional Alcohol and Drugs Program at the Open Society Institute in Warsaw. the main role under this model, it is given to counselors who also had drug problems, but were able to overcome them through the work of the 12 Step program. A person is told about addiction, shown attitudes and beliefs acquired in childhood or adolescence that could play a role in its appearance, taught to work with feelings and self-esteem ... In cases where it is possible, the family is included in the treatment.

"People get treatment in different ways - some come on their own, others are brought by relatives, someone is sent to court," the specialist continues. “The main difficulty is that addicts do not want to admit that they have problems, they deny them. But there is such a therapeutic procedure - intervention, when the addict’s inner circle sees his problems and sends him to treatment in an ultimatum form: if you get treated, we will help, if you don’t, we’ll fire you from your job or expel you from your family, leaving you alone with addiction. In some cases, this helps a person get into treatment and stop using, in other words, stay alive.”


Drug prevention in Poland is carried out by the National Bureau for the Prevention of Drug Addiction and the State Agency for the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems. The implementation of preventive programs in schools is carried out by the Ministry of Education of Poland. At the level of regions and localities, the responsibility for the prevention of drug addiction lies with the authorities of gminas and voivodeships.

In 2002, a law came into force in Poland requiring schools to develop and implement preventive programs that meet the developmental needs of children, as well as identifying early signs of use and providing psychological and educational assistance to such students.

Recently, in Poland, more and more people are talking not about drug prevention as such, but about the prevention of so-called "risk behavior", which includes early sexual life, drug addiction, violence against peers, etc.

According to Anna Shved, director of the Youth House of Culture in Warsaw and addiction treatment consultant, a promising direction in working with "difficult" children is peer prevention, when the children themselves take the initiative to help their peers.

“Such “positive” children go to a “difficult” child and talk to him as an equal with an equal, trying to involve him in other activities that are not related to drug use or “hanging out” in a bad company,” says the specialist. “And if children cannot help someone, they help themselves anyway. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that it is not necessary to do prevention FOR children, you need to do prevention TOGETHER with children.”

In addition, various non-profit organizations hold presentations in schools on the topics of dysfunctional families, teenage drug addiction, alcoholism, arrange seminars and workshops, take schoolchildren to special summer camps, where they act out various scenes from life, conduct trainings and simply help children have a good time.

In some schools, children form groups and study with a "guardian" teacher, who, in turn, receives the necessary knowledge from professionals in the field of drug treatment and work with "difficult" children.

harm reduction

Harm reduction activities in Poland are also given close attention. It has been in operation since 1989 and includes dirty needle and syringe programs (318,054 syringes were distributed in 2008), preventive education programs and opioid substitution therapy, which had 1,522 participants in 2008.

Behind the dry figures of official statistics are saved human lives. It's no secret that a drug addict is ready to inject himself with any syringe that is offered to him in the "withdrawal" - and is unlikely to stop, even if he knows that the person who hands him the syringe has HIV or hepatitis C. Program for the exchange of dirty needles and syringes helps reduce the risk of contracting these dreaded diseases.

Replacement therapy can be treated differently. It is believed that it helps drug addicts "get off" heroin, so that later they can lead a productive and socially useful life. However, some experts in the field of narcology argue that this is a replacement of one addiction for another, and it is not known which of them is worse ...