Kidyaev Viktor Borisovich April. Viktor Kidyaev Suspended from Work Due to Fake Employees of the Presidential Administration

Deputy of the State Duma Viktor Kidyaev nominated for a preliminary vote in Mari El. Why he chose our republic, what he saw after talking with the residents, and what specific assistance he can offer - we asked the deputy himself about all this. Fortunately, there were opportunities for this - together we traveled several districts with him.

The main thing is a business approach

Even a few minutes of communication with a deputy is enough to understand that Viktor Kidyaev is a very energetic person. But, perhaps, its main feature is a businesslike approach to everything. At meetings in the districts, he asks unexpected, but very specific questions:

Where do you sell milk? Do you ship outside of the country? This is wrong. We need to improve our processing. Then from each liter of milk you will receive three or even four times more profit, - he advises a farmer from the Gornomariysky district.

In the Paranginsky district, the deputy was interested in a mini-bakery. He speaks with the owner of the enterprise, with employees.

Your dough is very good - lush, plastic. What kind of flour do you take? What about additives?

Having learned that the dough is prepared according to traditional recipes with a minimum of additives, Viktor Kidyaev admits:

I myself led the consumer cooperation for many years, and then for 12 years I headed the largest district in Mordovia - Zubovo-Polyansky. Bread is the main product for the villagers. It's great that you have preserved the tradition of bread baking. Everywhere I go, I always eat bread. So, you have it - one of the most delicious that I have tried.

Having learned that the deputy is “from Moscow itself”, a queue of people who want to talk and complain about everyday problems is lining up for him. Viktor Kidyaev listens to everyone. But promises are not scattered. Each problem is individual and requires specific study.

You don’t even need to talk about the roads, I saw it myself, - he laughs in the Kuzhenersky district. - I know that you have been making the road for several years, and the work will not be completed in any way. Let's think about how to help. I will try to bring my good friend Evgeny Moskvichev, Chairman of the State Duma Transport Committee, to visit you. He is a great specialist in these matters, for sure he will prompt and help.

In conversations, it turns out that Kidyaev knows about all the problems of the inhabitants. About low wages, about prices in shops, about utility tariffs, about the need for new jobs. Understand what's going on, stay tuned real life- the task of any representative of the authorities, the deputy is sure.

Help not in words, but in deeds

The deputy's promises do not diverge from the deed. Having traveled around the districts, Viktor Kidyaev proposed to hold a kind of forum for municipal development on the basis of the Council of Municipalities. And he promised that he would invite representatives of federal ministries to it.

No sooner said than done. On April 5, a general meeting of the Council was held in Yoshkar-Ola, which was attended by deputies of key federal ministries - finance, construction and housing and communal services, justice, economic development. They not only took part in the meeting, but also offered their solutions.

For example, Deputy Finance Minister Leonid Gornin spoke about different schemes for financing the regions and invited the republican authorities to a closer dialogue to work out options for additional assistance to Mari El. Andriy Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Utilities, praised the residents for the high collection rate of payments - 80%, one of the highest high performance across Russia! - spoke about the new opportunities of the program for the resettlement of people from emergency housing.

It just seems that Moscow is far away, and federal programs are created for someone else, - says Viktor Kidyaev. - In fact, much is being done in Russia to support the regions. You just need to know how to take advantage of these opportunities.

Something, but Viktor Kidyaev knows how to raise funds for the development of territories. During the five years that he represented the Tambov region, investments in the region increased several times and in 2015 amounted to an impressive amount - 144 billion rubles. More than 120 thousand rubles per person per year!

I was taught from childhood to work hard, - says the deputy. - A rolling stone gathers no moss. It is necessary to develop and propose projects, look for which regional and federal programs you can enter in order to receive co-financing. Then there will be movement, there will be development.

Viktor Borisovich raised his children in the same vein. He has three of them. And now five grandchildren. A big strong family, respect for elders, for work is the basis of all foundations, the deputy is sure.

Deputy to Deputy

Viktor Kidyaev himself lives by the same principle - to work hard and hard. Immediately after the army, he came to the plant as a fitter apprentice, and then, having passed all the steps - from the foreman to the chief engineer - he became the director of the plant. And even now, heading the State Duma Committee on the Federal Structure and Issues of Local Self-Government (and this, by the way, is a position that requires full involvement), he manages to engage in active public work - he leads the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities, in the party he is responsible for organizing elections throughout Russia .

Viktor Borisovich, at one of the press conferences, the secretary of the party's general council, Sergei Neverov, said that such political heavyweights as you, "if they win the preliminary vote and are elected to the Duma, they will strengthen the support and opportunities of the territories." What do you think he meant?

It is difficult for me to comment on the Secretary of the General Council. But I think he meant exactly what he said. Let's not prevaricate – after all, there are different deputies. Someone literally "plows", and someone appears at the plenary sessions only on great holidays, a couple of times a year. Voters must see who they are electing and understand what a person is capable of, what benefit he will be.

The benefits of a deputy (I already want to call him “our deputy”), as we can already assume, will be quite real. An authoritative politician, a statesman in the truest sense of the word, Viktor Kidyaev belongs to that rare category of people who are ready to make decisions and take responsibility for them. As deputy secretary of the General Council of United Russia, he is part of Putin's team and supports the president's course with all his work. There is no doubt that Mari El with this course is on the way.

At the general meeting of members of the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities on April 14, the chairman of the State Duma committee on federal structure and local self-government was unanimously elected the new president of OKMO.

Kidyaev thanked his predecessor Stepan Kirichuk, who headed the Congress since the founding of the organization in 2006, for his work and said that he intended to increase the rich experience and traditions of the Congress. “For me, this position is not only an honorable duty, but also a referral to responsible work, and I am grateful to the members of the meeting for their high confidence,” Kidyaev said.

He noted that he sees the search for possible measures to further improve the norms of federal laws and provide consulting assistance to regions and municipalities as the key direction of his work as the president of OKMO.

According to him, the council of municipal formations of a subject of the Russian Federation should become a real and actively working body of inter-municipal cooperation. “The Council has every opportunity to declare itself as an effective platform for expressing the interests of municipalities and exchanging best practices. Experience, sample solutions, schemes for performing work - everything should be available in the Council,” Kidyaev explained. In his speech, he outlined directions for further improvement of local self-government and added that he would continue active legislative activity in the future.

Viktor Borisovich Kidyaev

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Federal Structure and Issues of Local Self-Government.

For more than 12 years he worked as the head of the Administration of the Zubovo-Polyansky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia.

Since 2009 - Member of the State Duma of the fifth convocation.

In 2011, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation, a member of the residium of the United Russia faction, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Self-Government.

In 2012, he was elected Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party.

From December 4, 2013 to September 12, 2014 - Head of the Central Executive Committee of the United Russia party.


The All-Russian Congress of Municipalities (OKMO) is a single all-Russian association of municipalities. OKMO was formed in 2006 by the councils of municipalities of 83 subjects Russian Federation. The supreme governing body of the Congress is the general meeting of members of the Congress. It takes place once a year in Moscow. It is attended by heads of regional councils of municipalities - members of OKMO, as well as employees of federal authorities, heads of interregional associations of municipalities.

Viktor Kidyaev was born on July 9, 1956 in the village of Zhukovka, Zubovo-Polyansky District, Mordovian ASSR. In 1973, he graduated from the Shiringush high school, worked as a laborer at the Shiringush cloth factory in the Zubovo-Polyansky district. In 1974 he was drafted into the Soviet Army.

After demobilization, in 1977 he got a job at the Shiringush workshop of the Zubovo-Polyansk knitting factory. At first he was a fitter's apprentice sewing machines, then worked as a fitter, assistant foreman and foreman, and from 1978 to 1979 he was the head of the factory. In 1979, he moved to work at the Kiselevsky woodworking plant as a process engineer. At the same time, he studied at the correspondence department at the Ivanteevsky Technical School, from which he graduated in 1981.

In March 1981, Viktor Borisovich was appointed head of the department of the Kiselevsky DOK, Zubovo-Polyansky district, and since October he became the director of this enterprise. In 1987 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev with a degree in Accounting and Analysis of Economic Activities.

For nine years, from 1987 to 1996, he was the chairman of the Zubovo-Polyansky district consumer society. In December 1996, he was elected head of the Zubovo-Polyansky district of the Republic of Mordovia, having given this position for 12 years. He was elected a deputy of the Zubovo-Polyansky District Council of Deputies, a deputy of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia.

In May 2009, Viktor Kidyaev was elected to the State Duma. Federal Assembly Russian Federation of the fifth convocation, becoming the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Local Self-Government. In December 2011, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation, becoming chairman of the State Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Self-Government Issues. He is a member of the Presidium of the United Russia faction and becomes the First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction.

Later, concurrently, Viktor Borisovich was the deputy head of the Volga Interregional Coordinating Council of the United Russia Party, then the head of the Central Interregional Coordinating Council of the United Russia Party. In June 2012, he was elected Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia Party. From December 4, 2013 to September 12, 2014, he served as head of the Central Executive Committee of the United Russia Party. Since April 14, 2015, he has been the President of the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Viktor Borisovich Kidyaev was elected a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation as part of the federal list of candidates put forward by the All-Russian political party "United Russia". Regional group No. 16 - Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia, Nizhny Novgorod region. First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction. Member of the State Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Self-Government. The date of commencement of office is September 18, 2016.

Subsequently, Viktor Kidyaev moved to the committee on agrarian issues and became the first deputy head of the United Russia faction. Since January 29, 2016, he has been the Chairman of the National Association of Territorial Self-Government.

Viktor Borisovich's many years of work have been duly appreciated by many awards: the Order of Friendship, the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, the Gratitude of the Chairman of the State Duma, the Order of Glory of the III degree of the Republic of Mordovia, the Badge of Honor of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "For merits in the development of parliamentarism", the Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation.

He has the titles of "Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation", "Honored Worker of Local Self-Government Bodies of the Republic of Mordovia" and "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Mordovia". Awarded with thanks and diplomas from the Head of the Republic of Mordovia, Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia, Chairman of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia.

In the first half of 2016, it was hard not to notice the emergence of a new person in the Mari politics - a deputy of the State Duma of Russia Viktor Kidyaev. But “appearance” is an understatement, since Viktor Borisovich literally burst into Mari El and spun here from a half turn. As you know, he immediately became an active character in the information field of the republic: he conducted a voluminous “familiarization and installation” tour of the municipalities of the region, met several times with the Head of the RME Leonid Markelov and became a member of the "native" primaries. In the preliminary internal vote, Mr. Kidyaev, of course, won, as expected and easily, which indicates the presence of a serious administrative resource behind him.

With character and sympathy

In the "understanding party" they turned their attention to him, first of all, because of his status with a rich past. Firstly, Kidyaev is the chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on federal structure and local self-government, the president of the All-Russian Congress of Municipalities, the deputy secretary of the General Council of United Russia - that is, a high-flying bird, completely unexpected for our small and subsidized Volga region. Secondly, Viktor Borisovich's unique and not entirely unambiguous experience inspires me. Over the past two or three years, he managed to be a leading or prominent party curator of primaries and election campaigns in such federal subjects as Novosibirsk, Kaluga, Moscow, Lipetsk, Tambov, Tver, Yaroslavl regions and others. In whatever regions the “main guardian of the LSG of Russia” would not show its activity, the discussion of its activities went wild everywhere, and not always in a positive way. It is also impossible to assert that only one criticism revolved around his surname. It's just that among the figures of United Russia they like to colorfully characterize the methods of work of their party member, moderately speaking, "tough".

Without taking into account the aboriginal zest

For example, one of the most recent cases, “The Continent Siberia business portal” reported big news in May: “political technologists representing the headquarters of United Russia in various regions say that shortly before the preliminary vote, Viktor Kidyaev’s team stopped supervising their work ". The journalists of this publication turned to the relevant specialists for clarification. In particular, according to the research director of the fund of the Institute of Socio-Economic and political research Alexandra Pozhalova, it is extremely logical that it was Kidyaev who took over the leadership of the campaign in difficult regions for ER. In particular, the expert explained: the goal of Viktor Borisovich “at the stage of launching the primaries and registering candidates was to organize the project in accordance with federal guidelines for open competition, without taking into account any behind-the-scenes agreements.” One way or another, the need for a formidable "Kidyaev style" of regulation of processes occurring in the controlled subjects of the Russian Federation from the category of "dangerous or problematic" was then fully justified by the Federal Center. However, after drawing up a general alignment, including an understanding of the main leaders of the PVG and reaching agreement between groups of influence on the ground, this very indicated “need” calmly dried up. The democratic picture has been created and on this “everything is enough, we are unloading”. And, by the way, in the same muscular Siberia, during the period of preparation for the primaries, eminent United Russia noticed the growing abstraction of the noted “political landscape designer”: Kidyaev “is also elected to the State Duma”, he corny “began to devote a lot of time to his elections.” Clearly, your shirt is closer to the body.

Volga-Finnish attraction

But from Mari El, the "assault squad" does not seem to be going anywhere. Recall that earlier the “supreme LSG congressman” was elected to the Russian Parliament from the Tambov region. Now we can see perfectly well: he had to change the regional site for the next start, he was asked “from above”. In any case, Viktor Kidyaev himself emphasized the latter when meeting the local audience: “I come from Mordovia and, like the Mari, Finno-Ugric. The leadership, including because of the national proximity, decided that it was better for me to run here.” Plus, in his explanations, he touched on the topical topic of protection and “attracting investors to the hinterland”. Thus, it has long been no secret to anyone - the “hero of the plot” clearly intends to be nominated according to the party lists from the Mordovian, Chuvash and Mari Republics ... Or will additional adjustments be made along the way? Although we also note in passing - the sources of Kommersant (Kommersant) in the Tambov branch of United Russia assured: "Here, many breathed a sigh of relief when they learned about his move to Mari El." What? This means that the curious delights of working with the entire regional vertical of election commissions will go to our small homeland.

Essence: causes, effects and connection

Meanwhile, before the final change of territorial priorities, the press service of the eminent parliamentarian explained: “An authoritative and strong politician will help the republic<…>to continue the progressive development<…>communicating with people in the districts, getting to know their needs and problems<…>can help develop programs and projects that will qualify for federal funding. He has sufficient political experience and connections to solve the most difficult problems" - with the orienting vector "Kidyaev must strengthen the Mari team of United Russia in order to ensure a convincing victory for the party." An absolutely similar task is repeated by the portal of the ruling party. Once “strengthen”, then the role of the “anti-crisis manager” is unequivocally clear ... After all, the dam is being strengthened so that it does not break through. Yes, and the skin of the ship is strengthened in the most vulnerable and damaged places. Such a “reinforced concrete” format a la “move away from sin, it’s better we figure it out and guide ourselves” may well seem like throwing a heavy stone at the garden of professionalism of the Mari El United Russia “team” ... or personally towards Leonid Markelov.

Their views on this issue were shared in the regional branches of political parties.

Gennady ZUBKOV, Secretary of the Mari Republican Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation:

- Our party in the Duma elections in Mari El will be represented bySergey Kazankov, head of one of the most successful domestic agricultural holdings.<…>At the same time, the rating of local authorities in the republic is very low. During last year's election campaign of the head of Mari El, the Markel administration barely managed to avoid a second round, and in fact the loss of the governor's chair. The nomination of Kazankov plunged the republican government into a state of shock. It got to the point that on Victory Day, the head of the republic, Markelov, was not too lazy to personally approach our agitators in order to blow off a balloon with the symbols of the Communist Party. Obviously, watching all this, the Kremlin, not relying on the political opportunities of the local United Russia members, decided to send a curator from the high-ranking leadership of United Russia to the republic, who should restore "constitutional order." The political past of Viktor Kidyaev gives reason to believe that during the upcoming election campaign, the authorities are going to totally use the administrative resource and “shut up” state employees. But this resource is already almost exhausted. People are tired of being afraid, they want change.

Natalia GLUSHCHENKO, Chairman of the Council of the RO of the Just Russia party in the RME:

- War-plan will show. It's hard to argue now. However, there is a natural desire for the elections to be fair and legitimate. I really hope that the administrative resource will remain in the past. After all, the people are not stupid and everything that is done is done just for them.<…>No matter how many times representatives of A Just Russia meet with the voters of Mari El, people always and loudly ask one question: “How could this happen?”. They do not understand why the party in power is always ahead when it is not supported by the majority. There is no equality of opportunity. Be that as it may, the results should reflect the opinion of citizens, the final picture should not be realistic, but real. Those who are sane understand very well that they should support their fellow countrymen, those who were born here or have lived here for a long time. We need new faces with a clean reputation.

Mikhail LOGINOV, deputy coordinator of the Mari RO LDPR:

- The arrival of Viktor Kidyaev, a man who occupies one of the key positions in the ruling party, reflects the inability of the current United Russia team to hold Duma elections. Such an increase will not greatly affect the course of the elections, because the so-called "hard methods" are not alien to the local team. But to change the oppositional views of the inhabitants is beyond the power of Kidyaev either. People are tired of the empty promises of "politicians with connections" sent from the capital. Elections to the Duma-2016 will not be easy for all parties, and the main reason is the loss of interest in the elections among Russians.<…>The main task of the Liberal Democratic Party, including the Mari regional branch, is to convince the undecided and "denying the elections" to vote for a candidate who is really interested in the development of the region, for the political force that defends the rights of citizens and protects ordinary people.

Without creating a headache for Moscow

United Russia itself in the RME approaches the described awkward shake-up from a reasonable side. She prefers to remain silent on one issue stubbornly and without reacting, on another - to answer, "properly agitate, succeed, work "in the fields" with voters." And the “pulsation” of Kidyaev in the public space has suspiciously subsided. Not for a long time, probably... In the meantime, the updated and prevailing circumstances in the republic give some reasonable appeals of the Head of Mari El a slightly different color. So, relatively recently, Leonid Markelov in a special interview with the television company "Region 12" Regarding the post-election situation in the region, addressing the audience, he stated the following:

“Don’t give in to empty promises! Believe the people of action! Today a difficult situation. Why do you want to suddenly change your mind? You have supported us all these years, and we have worked for you. Do you want to believe some scammers and swindlers that you saw for the first time?<…>The most important thing now is freedom<…>Today we need to maintain stability and trust people. To those who create and created something for those who live in the Republic of Mari El. And not those who came there to collect our votes and get into the deputies of the State Duma and then receive a huge salary, retire from there<…>Do not trust anyone, you need to vote for your own, the one who lives with you, whom you know.

Konstantin Strokin

Higher education: Mordovian Order of Friendship of Peoples State University named after N.P. Ogaryov with a degree in accounting and analysis of economic activity (1987)

He worked in production, went from apprentice adjuster to director of the Zubovo-Polyansk knitting factory. He was also the director of the Kiselevsky woodworking plant in the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He was the chairman of the board of the Zubovo-Polyansky district consumer union.

He was elected a deputy of the Zubovo-Polyansky District Council of Deputies, a deputy of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia. Before being elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation - the head of the administration of the Zubovo-Polyansky district of the Republic of Mordovia. He began to exercise his deputy powers on May 22, 2009 (Decree of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2009 No. 161/1151-5)

Since December 21, 2011 - Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Federal Structure and Local Self-Government

On September 18, 2016, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA"

On September 24, 2016, Viktor Kidyaev was approved as the first deputy head of the UNITED RUSSIA faction, head of the intra-factional group

Member of the All-Russian political party"UNITED RUSSIA", Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the All-Russian Political Party "UNITED RUSSIA"

Honored Worker of Local Self-Government Bodies of the Republic of Mordovia. Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Republic of Mordovia. Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the Order of Glory III degree of the Republic of Mordovia, the Certificate of Honor of the Republic of Mordovia, the Certificate of Honor of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia. He has numerous thanks and diplomas from the Head of the Republic of Mordovia, the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia, the Chairman of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia

17.10.2013 14:16

Kidyaev: The All-Russian Congress of Municipalities will be held in early November

This was stated today by the head of the Duma committee on federal structure and local self-government Viktor Kidyaev, speaking at an expanded meeting of the Council under the Chairman of the Federation Council on local self-government, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the ratification of the European Charter on Local Self-Government.

15.10.2013 17:30

Kidyaev: It is necessary to systematically inform citizens about the procedure for entering the civil service

This opinion was expressed today by Viktor Kidyaev, Chairman of the Committee on Federal Structure and Local Self-Government, commenting on the adoption by the State Duma in the first reading of the bill on a unified database of civil service vacancies.

11.10.2013 10:38

Kidyaev: The Committee on Federal Structure and Local Self-Government supported the draft budget for 2014-2016

This was announced today by the head of the committee, Viktor Kidyaev, commenting on the committee's decision to recommend that the State Duma adopt the draft budget for 2014-2016 in the first reading.

08.10.2013 19:29

Kidyaev: Municipalities will closely monitor how the rights of people with disabilities are respected

This opinion was expressed today by the head of the committee on federal structure and local self-government, Viktor Kidyaev, commenting on the amendments adopted in the first reading by the State Duma, which will allow the transfer of funds received from fines for violating the rights of persons with disabilities exclusively to the budget funds of municipalities.

07.10.2013 14:47

Kidyaev: It is necessary to increase the revenue side of municipalities

This opinion was expressed today by the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Federal Structure and Issues of Local Self-Government Viktor Kidyaev, speaking at a briefing "Local Self-Government: 10 Years of Reforms."

07.10.2013 13:09

A briefing "Local self-government: 10 years of reforms" was held.

During the briefing, Viktor Kidyaev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Federal Structure and Issues of Local Self-Government, drew attention to many problems in the field of local self-government - first of all, this financial question. According to the legislation, local self-government should be financed at the level of 8% of GDP, which in monetary terms is about 5 trillion rubles, however, current expenses federal budget for these purposes do not exceed 3 trillion, says the deputy.

26.09.2013 18:09

A conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation has opened

Today, on September 26, the II scientific-practical conference on the topic "20 years of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: institutions of the rule of law, civil society and the law-making process" began.

26.09.2013 16:45

Kidyaev: Local budget revenues can be increased up to 500 billion rubles.

This opinion was expressed today by the head of the State Duma Committee on the Federal Structure and Issues of Local Self-Government, Viktor Kidyaev, speaking at round table dedicated to the topic: "Improving the delineation of powers and interbudgetary relations as a condition for the development of regions and the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens."

18.09.2013 17:18

Kidyaev: The level of social assistance in the regions should not differ significantly

"The bill on targeted support by the regions of poor and needy citizens is the implementation of the President's Budget Address," Viktor Kidyaev, head of the Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Self-Government, said today, commenting on the draft law adopted by the State Duma in the first reading, allowing the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to independently determine the criteria for providing additional material assistance to poor and needy citizens.