Space-planning parameters of one-story industrial buildings. Parameters of space-planning solutions for buildings Unified parameters of space-planning solutions for industrial buildings

Unification -- bringing to uniformity the dimensions of the space-planning parameters of buildings and their structural elements manufactured in factories. The unification aims to limit the number of space-planning parameters and the number of standard sizes of products (in form and design). It is carried out by selecting the most advanced solutions for architectural, technical and economic requirements.

Typization is a technical direction in design and construction, which makes it possible to repeatedly build various objects through the use of unified space-planning and design solutions, brought to the stage of approval of standard projects and structures.

In addition to finding optimal space-planning parameters (span, pitch and height) and structural parameters (range of building products), unification and typification should establish gradations of functional parameters: the durability of individual structures and buildings as a whole, temperature-humidity and technological conditions, etc.

Typical space-planning and design solutions should allow the introduction of progressive standards and production methods and provide for the possibility of developing and improving production technology. Here it must be borne in mind that the periods of rearrangement and replacement of technological equipment are very different: for some industries they are 3-4 years, for others - 10 years or more.

When developing issues of typification and unification, the prospects for the development of load-bearing structures (especially large-span buildings), the requirements of a modular system, the possibility of providing an expressive architectural and artistic appearance of buildings, and technical and economic indicators are also taken into account.

Thus, unified space-planning and design solutions are not something frozen; they are constantly being improved in connection with progress in the technology of construction production, changes in design standards and urban planning requirements.

It is possible to ensure the interchangeability of elements with an integrated approach to their design. A necessary condition for interchangeability is the development of a unified system of tolerances for the manufacture and assembly of structures, regardless of their materials.

Examples of interchangeable structures are the replacement of metal crossbars with reinforced concrete or wooden ones, roofing with purlins, wall blocks with large-sized panels, etc. Interchangeable panels should be the exterior walls of buildings that are the same in size, in terms of thermal engineering and other qualities, but made of different materials.

The highest form of unification is the creation of universal structures and parts suitable for various objects and design schemes (for example, the use of columns of the same size in buildings with different spans, the use of the same panels for walls and coatings, etc.).

Like universal planning solutions that make buildings flexible in terms of technology, universal structures and details expand the scope of their use. So, the main tasks of unification and typing are:

reducing the number of types of industrial buildings and structures and creating conditions for their wide blocking;

reduction in the number of standard sizes of prefabricated structures and parts in order to increase serial production and reduce the cost of their prefabrication;

rational division of structures into mounting units and the development of simple methods for their pairing and fastening;

creation of the best conditions for the use of progressive technical solutions.

Industrial enterprises are classified by industry. The branch of production is an integral part of the branch of the national economy, which includes industry, agriculture, transport, construction, etc.

The classification of branches of production in industry is established according to various criteria, for example, according to the homogeneity of the economic purpose of products (industrial or consumer), the type of processed raw materials, the nature of the technological process, etc. mechanical engineering, metalworking, etc.).

Large industries, in turn, are divided into smaller ones according to the purpose of the product or the origin of raw materials, according to the homogeneity of technological processes, etc. There are more than 160 such smaller industries. For example, mechanical engineering, as a large industry, includes the automotive industry, tractor building, machine tool building, etc.

On the basis of the industry classification of production, a classification of industrial buildings. Regardless of the industry, they are divided into four main groups: production, energy, transport and storage buildings and auxiliary buildings or premises.

TO production include buildings in which workshops are located that produce finished products or semi-finished products. Industrial buildings according to their purpose are divided into many types according to the branches of production. These can be metalworking, mechanical assembly, thermal, forging and stamping, open-hearth workshops, workshops for the production of reinforced concrete structures, weaving workshops, food processing workshops, auxiliary production workshops, for example, tool, repair, etc.

TO energy include buildings of thermal power plants (thermal power plants), supplying industrial enterprises with substations, compressor stations supplying electricity and heat, boiler houses, electrical and transformer substations, etc.

Building transport and storage facilities include garages, parking lots of floor industrial vehicles, warehouses for finished products, semi-finished products and raw materials, fire stations, etc.

TO auxiliary include buildings for the placement of administrative and office premises, premises of public organizations, household premises and devices (shower rooms, dressing rooms, etc.), food and medical centers. Auxiliary premises, depending on the type of production, can be located directly in the production buildings.

The dimensions and location of the premises, the geometric shape, number of storeys and type of buildings directly depend on their functional purpose, the spatial organization of the production processes taking place in them, the placement and dimensions of technological equipment, the dimensions of manufactured products, as well as the mode of operation in the premises. However, this dependence can be more or less rigid.

In a number of industries (heavy engineering, etc.), rigid schemes of production flows: heavy equipment, large dimensions of products, horizontal movement of their movement predetermine their placement in one-story buildings. Other industries require a vertical solution of technological processes (for example, a mill) and, accordingly, placement in high buildings. In a number of industries (for example, in the chemical industry), the technological equipment open or located in the workshops directly determines their shape and placement.

However, in many types of industries there is no such strong relationship between technology and the type of buildings. The relatively small weight and dimensions of equipment and products, the possibility of a multi-variant organization of production flows allow for a more free choice of the type of buildings and their number of storeys - from single-storey to multi-storey, of various shapes in plan and volumetric solution.

To date, industrial architecture has developed a wide typology of industrial buildings by purpose, space-planning and design solutions.

On a functional basis, they are divided into production, auxiliary production (energy, storage, repair, transport, etc.), serving production and auxiliary buildings (administrative, sanitary, public catering, etc.), serving workers. According to the space-planning decision they are subdivided:

  • to one-story(pavilion, continuous building, span, cell, hall);
  • two-story(span, cell, hall, with and without a technical floor);
  • multi-storey(narrow width up to 60 m, span, cell, hall, with technical floors);
  • multi-storey(mixed number of storeys, cascade type, etc.).

New types of industrial buildings include shell buildings, terraced buildings, closed (without light openings) monoblocks.

A special type of industrial buildings includes multifunctional (production + maintenance), universal (with a fixed or flexible layout), developing (growing) buildings.

A wide range of space-planning types of buildings allows, when designing, to make the necessary choice of the optimal type based on the characteristics of production and the spatial organization of production flows (horizontal, vertical or mixed), the characteristics of machinery and products (dimensions, weight, floor loads) and the required microclimate ( lighting, temperature and humidity conditions, air exchange, etc.).

One-story industrial buildings are used in the fields of heavy engineering, transport, construction, energy, chemical, food, textile and many other industries with horizontal technological processes. Two-story buildings are used in various industries of light industry (clothing, knitwear, haberdashery, etc.), precision engineering, instrumentation, food industry, etc.

Multi-storey are increasingly used in enterprises of light industry, instrument making and electronics, precision mechanics, some types of food, chemical and other industries where a horizontal-vertical scheme of production processes is possible. They can also accommodate auxiliary premises: administrative and amenity, engineering, research, etc.

Buildings designed to accommodate industries are called industrial.

Industrial buildings according to their purpose are classified into:

  • production basic, designed to accommodate shops that manufacture products (mechanical assembly, foundry, forging, etc.);
  • production support that serve the main production (repair-mechanical, instrumental, etc.);
  • energy(CHP, boiler, transformer, etc.);
  • transport(garages, depot, etc.);
  • warehouse designed for storage of finished products, raw materials, materials;
  • auxiliary (administrative and household), designed to accommodate the plant management, laboratories, canteens, clinics, amenity premises, etc.).

The choice of OPR and the constructive solution of the building is influenced by the technological process that will take place in the building.

Technological process is a set of technological, transport and storage operations that are repeated many times and cyclically in a certain sequence.

Industrial buildings must meet the following general requirements:

  • functional, which ensures the rational placement of technological equipment;
  • technical, which provide strength, stability, durability;
  • fire-fighting, which provide a sufficient degree of fire resistance;
  • architectural and artistic, which contribute to the creation of an expressive appearance of an industrial building;
  • economic, which provide for minimal costs of labor, money and time;
  • industrialism;

and special requirements:

  • heat resistance and fire resistance;
  • acid resistance and chemical resistance;
  • explosion safety

For the implementation of lifting and transport operations inside the workshop, it is necessary to use various handling equipment.
TO floor trackless equipment includes forklift trucks. TO floor rail equipment include gantry cranes, all types of railway transport. TO continuous equipment conveyors, elevators.

Floor equipment of industrial buildings: a - forklift; b - autocar; c - belt conveyor; g - gantry crane; d - wagon; e - roller table

Electric hoists are used for lifting and transporting cargo in a suspended state for mobile lifting and transport equipment.

Electric hoist: 1 - cargo winch;
2 - monorail; 3 - suspension; 4 - control panel

Mobile supporting lifting and transport equipment are overhead and overhead cranes.

Hoisting and transport equipment of industrial buildings: a - overhead crane; b - overhead crane; 1 - cargo winch; 2 - monorail; 3 - control panel; 4 - I-beam bearing; 5 - movement mechanism;
6 — control cabin; 7 - crane bridge; 8 - trolley with lifting mechanism; 9 - crane runway

overhead crane or Cathead with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons serves the entire span area. The crane consists of an I-beam with an electric hoist, which, with the help of rollers, moves along monorails suspended from the supporting structures of the roof. The crane is controlled from the workshop floor.

Overhead crane: 1 - electric hoist; 2 - I-beam suspended from the coating;
3 - push-button switches; 4 - I-beam driving beam; 5 - braces; 6 - axis of the suspension beam

Overhead crane with a carrying capacity from 5 tons to 600 tons serves the entire span area. These cranes provide movement of cargo in the longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions. The crane consists of a bridge formed by four parallel trusses (total width 5.5 m), which moves along rails laid on crane beams. A trolley with a lifting mechanism moves along the top of the crane bridge. The crane is controlled from a cab suspended from the crane bridge.

Overhead crane 1 - crane operator's cabin; 2 - crane beam; 3 - trolley wires;
4 - crane trolley with winches; 5 - steel trusses of the bridge; 6 - hook; 7 - runners of the bridge; 8 - links between farms
Staircase with a landing platform: 1 - overhead crane cabin; 2 - landing site; 3 - stairs

The main space-planning parameters of the building are:

  • step, those. the distance between the marking axes of the transverse rows of columns or walls is marked with numbers and is equal to 6, 9 and 12 m.
  • span, those. the distance between the marking axes of the longitudinal rows of columns or walls is marked with letters and is equal to 9, 12, 18, 24, 30.36 m, etc.
  • height, those. the distance from the level of the finished floor to the bottom of the main element of the coating and can be - 3.6; 4.2; 4.8; 5.4; 6; 6.6; 7.2; 8.4; 9.6; 10.8; 12; 12.6; 13.2; 14.4; 16.2; 18 m
  • column grid, i.e. the total distance between the columns in the longitudinal and transverse directions is 6 x 6, 6 x 9 m.

The famous triad of Vitruvius defines architecture as usefulness, strength and beauty. Industrial buildings are no exception.

The concept of benefit in their design can be translated as the influence of technological factors, namely production technology, technological equipment and vehicles. It is these three factors that put forward their own, sometimes quite stringent requirements, that open the list of everything that determines the space-planning organization of an industrial building.

Taking into account the existence of two systems in production facilities - a machine and a person, the paramount importance of these three factors becomes understandable and explainable. Indeed, many buildings for various processes are initially predetermined to be multi-storey, such as elevators, where all technology is deployed vertically and gravity is used to move grain. The elevator tower has well-defined parameters and today its height reaches 60 m. The buildings of processing plants have the same vertical development, where the extracted rock, by independent movement along inclined links, passes sequentially through different operations, and as a result, the percentage of the necessary raw materials in it increases. .

At the same time, assembly buildings in the automotive industry, where a conveyor is used, are located in spread out, extended volumes. It is simply impossible to imagine them as multi-story, with a predominance of vertical dimensions over horizontal ones. Hydroelectric power stations also have a horizontal development, the spatial construction of which is also strictly determined by the technological process.

The influence of these three factors may be unequal. Sometimes the production technology is the main thing for shaping a building. A convincing example here is a blast furnace, as a technical structure of a metallurgical plant. Its shape and dimensions are largely determined by the process of metal smelting.

Otherwise, the technological equipment used comes to the fore. For example, in the production of rolled metal, such bulky machines (rolling mills) are used that it is simply impossible not to take them into account when developing an architectural and planning solution for a hull. The milk drying workshop in the city of Uglich, Russia, has an interesting shape of two cylinders of different sizes stacked on top of each other. This decision was dictated by both the influence of milk evaporation technology and the size of the equipment used in this process.

Sometimes the vehicles used to move the product or raw materials inside the building have a decisive influence on the choice of its planning parameters. These can be all kinds of mechanized devices (conveyors, bucket elevators) or devices for transferring material by gravity: ramps, pipelines, etc. The influence of vehicles on the space-planning structure of the building is clearly illustrated by various options for multi-level parking garages for cars.

The next group of factors influencing the space-planning structure of an industrial building includes natural, climatic and urban conditions considered during the development of the project. Features of the construction site: relief, temperature and humidity conditions, prevailing winds, etc. - affect the formation of any architectural volume. It is these conditions that determine the traditional, regional approaches to architectural design and, accordingly, determine the forms, principles and methods of organizing the environment used in this area.

The joint influence of natural-climatic and technological factors on the space-planning structure of individual, specific objects of industrial architecture is interesting.

The possibility of using solar energy, thereby solving energy saving issues, is very relevant in industry, where energy consumption is high. There is even a group of industries, which is called so - energy-intensive enterprises. Connecting devices for the accumulation of solar and sometimes wind energy with the technology of transferring and using this energy in any production process can provide amazing possibilities for shaping.

To select a space-planning solution for industrial architecture objects, urban planning conditions are as important as for all other buildings, if the enterprise is located in a city or town. And today, about 87% of industrial buildings, in terms of their sanitary and hygienic characteristics, can and are located within the boundaries of residential settlements.

The “exit” of the production building to the main or secondary streets of the city, the shape of the occupied site, the orientation of the main entrances to the highways, to passenger transport stops, the presence of a pre-factory area from the side of the main approaches to the enterprise, etc. - all this is taken into account when developing architectural and planning decision. Many industrial buildings have become an integral part of the development of city streets and squares, a kind of landmark.

The large scale of industrial buildings makes them noticeable in the surrounding buildings of a different functional purpose, but, based on urban planning conditions, they can also be visually reduced. The city makes its own demands on architectural objects, and industrial buildings are no exception here.

A separate group of factors are working conditions and organization of production. Working conditions include such concepts as temperature and humidity indicators of the internal environment, the illumination of the workplace, the location of equipment, the provision of sanitary facilities, the state of the internal air environment in terms of the presence of toxic substances. The latter circumstance becomes very important for the foundry, chemical industries, and certain types of food industry. It causes the appearance of special premises for mechanisms and devices for air purification, decontamination and sanitization of work clothes, expansion of the composition of premises, and consumer services for workers.

The last group of factors includes building materials, construction time and operation time, the influence of which on shaping is more noticeable in industrial buildings. The utilitarian orientation of such objects determines the absence of functionally unclaimed details in industrial architecture, including decor. Much here depends on the proportions, texture of the surfaces, the shape of the structures used.

Since building materials and structures made from them have always influenced the span, the height of the used roof truss, arches, frames, they participated in the formation of the space-planning structure of the entire building.

Today, industrial construction uses different materials. The most common reinforced concrete is being replaced by the metal being mastered, as it were, from which not only load-bearing, but also enclosing elements are made. This use of metal is much more economical than its use in reinforced concrete elements. This is explained by the possibility of recycling the metal during the reconstruction of the enterprise, its remelting and reuse, which cannot be done with reinforced concrete structures. In domestic architectural practice, the widespread use of light metal structures began in the 1970s, when, in combination with effective insulation, they began to produce sandwich-type wall panels. Possessing lightness and a certain elegance, such panels, which allow any "cutting" of openings for windows, doors, gates, gave new means of interpreting facades, new plasticity and articulation.

The question of the time of construction and operation of a production facility is closely related to building materials. There are a number of buildings and structures, the service life of which may end before their physical wear and tear. These are mining industry facilities, a number of processing industries. Until recently, such buildings were designed as temporary and, accordingly, their collapsibility influenced the architectural and planning structure.

So, space-planning solution for an industrial building depends primarily on the technological process that takes place in it. The technological process, in turn, is determined by the production and technological scheme. The technological part of the project is developed by technologists. The assignment for building design should contain the following basic materials:

  • a scheme that determines the sequence of production operations;
  • technological equipment layout plan, linked to a unified grid of columns, indicating the dimensions of the equipment, passages and driveways, technological platforms, storage areas, as well as underground structures;
  • height parameters of the building: the height from the floor level to the bottom of the main load-bearing roof structures for craneless buildings and from the floor level to the mark of the crane rail head for workshops equipped with cranes; floor height for multi-storey buildings. In addition, the marks of working and technological platforms and whatnots should be indicated;
  • data on the means of in-shop handling equipment;
  • data on industrial hazardous waste that may be emitted (gases, smoke, dust, etc.), and their sources, as well as on the required temperature and humidity conditions in individual rooms;
  • the nature of the work in terms of their sanitary characteristics and degree of accuracy;
  • the number of workers and administrative and managerial personnel for each shift (men and women) and separately according to the sanitary characteristics of the work performed;
  • category of production according to the degree of fire danger;
  • data on the area and construction site;
  • topographic plan of the construction area;
  • materials of hydrogeological research and testing of soils;
  • special conditions (seismicity, permafrost, the presence of mine workings, etc.).

The availability of these data makes it possible to start building design, the main tasks of which are:

  • development and selection of the most rational space-planning and constructive solution for the building as a whole and its individual elements, taking into account the implementation of construction by industrial methods. At the same time, unified standard sections (UTS) and unified standard spans (UTP) are widely used, calculations and justifications of all products and parts are carried out, taking into account the construction area and the class of the building;
  • ensuring the required fire safety in accordance with the established degree of fire resistance of the building;
  • creation of the most favorable working conditions (organization of workplaces, temperature and humidity conditions in the premises, safety and hygiene conditions, lighting conditions);
  • calculation and design of administrative and amenity premises;
  • solution of issues of technology and organization of construction, its estimated cost and issues of protection of work and the environment.

Industrial buildings should have a simple configuration in plan, while it is advisable to avoid extensions to the building, which in the future can complicate the expansion and reconstruction of production. Modern practice shows that it is advisable to block production with the same type, and sometimes different technological processes, in one building.

Such an association should not contradict sanitary and hygienic requirements, fire and explosion safety. Modern typification methods are based on the use of a single modular system and end-to-end unification of all building parameters of buildings and structures. The development of complex standard projects, standard design solutions, drawings of standard structures and products, standard assembly and architectural details make it possible, when performing specific projects, to confine ourselves to drawing up assembly diagrams with reference to the corresponding working drawings of standard structures, products and parts. For each area of ​​industry, on this basis, the optimal dimensions of the blocks are determined, from which it is possible to compose industrial buildings of the required dimensions.

  • dimensions in terms of 144x72 and 72x72 m with a grid of columns 24x12 and 18x12 m;
  • the height of spans for craneless and suspended vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons, inclusive, 6 and 7.2 m;
  • span height with overhead cranes with lifting capacity up to 30 tons inclusive 10.8 and 12.6 m.

Additional sections have also been adopted. UTS of multi-storey buildings are designed for buildings with 2, 3, 4, 5 floors, a grid of columns of 6x6 and 6x9 m should be taken. The floor height can be a multiple of 1.2 m, depending on the technological conditions and dimensions of the equipment, choose 3.6; 4.8; 6.0 m. No more than two heights are allowed within one building. One of the important issues in the design of industrial buildings is the organization of human and cargo flows and the evacuation of people from the building. The workshop must be designed in such a way that people have the opportunity to move along the shortest, most convenient and safe routes. Workplaces must be freely accessible. Intersections in the same plane of intense cargo and human flows should not be allowed. In places of inevitable intersections, tunnels, passages and passages are provided. For the transition of workers to the other side of conveyors, conveyors, roller tables and other moving devices, transitional bridges are provided.

When designing and constructing industrial buildings, ways of forced (emergency) evacuation of people from the premises are necessarily provided. The evacuation time is determined by the norms and depends on the nature of the production. Emergency evacuation of people from buildings usually occurs in conditions of high temperatures, smoke and gas contamination. For quick and safe evacuation of people, a sufficient number of exits, a certain length and width of evacuation routes and evacuation exits are required. At the same time, it is taken into account that the evacuation time depends on the flow density, i.e. the number of people (or the sum of the area of ​​their projections, m2) per unit area (m2), as well as the length of the evacuation route. Escape routes should be as direct as possible and not crossed by other streams. Doors on escape routes should open in the direction of exit from the building.

Usually, a special scheme for evacuating people from the building is developed, and all people working in the building are notified in advance about the evacuation procedure in case of possible emergency conditions. When designing industrial buildings, along with technological factors, it is necessary to take into account a number of physical and technical issues that play an extremely important role in the operation of the building. These include issues: building heat engineering, ventilation, including aeration; illumination, fight against excessive insolation; snow control; isolation from aggressive influences; control of industrial noise and vibration. In case of excessive insolation, when direct and reflected sun rays, entering the eyes, interfere with work and cause injuries, and also, by heating the irradiated surfaces, cause overheating of rooms oriented accordingly, or buildings as a whole provide for the installation of glazed surfaces or apply constructive measures against insolation. An important issue is the protection of structures from aggressive chemical influences through the rational choice of materials, as well as painting with special compounds.

Noises and vibrations that arise from the operation of machines and vehicles have a harmful effect on the human body, reduce its ability to work and can cause deformations in building structures. The main control measures in this case are:

  • installation of equipment on independent supports and foundations isolated from the building structures;
  • arrangement under the machines in the thickness of the foundation of elastic pads and "screens" from sheet piles or trenches covered with loose material; reliable isolation of rooms with significant shaking and vibrations from other rooms and their placement on the first floors or in the outer spans, etc.

As already noted, industrial buildings are designed on the basis of UTS and UTP. Typical projects are tied to specific construction conditions. The design of industrial buildings has two stages: design assignment and working drawings. The binding of the main structures of buildings to the coordination axes is done in compliance with the rules set forth below.

The developed project can meet all applicable standards, catalogs and state standards, as well as guidelines for the design of industrial buildings.

In industrial buildings, it is advisable to use a prefabricated reinforced concrete frame. If, in accordance with the technological process, it is necessary to increase the height, then the frame structures are made of metal.

Single storey buildings may have simple or complex shapes. One-story industrial buildings are designed for industries with horizontal flow diagrams (for example, heavy engineering). Basically, a rectangular shape prevails, and complex shapes are typical for industries with significant heat and gas emissions, if you need to organize the inflow and removal of air.

Structural solution of a one-story multi-span industrial building:

1 - concrete gravy for supporting foundation beams; 2 - crane beam; 3 - column of the middle row; 4 - rafter reinforced concrete truss; 5 - reinforced concrete bezraskosny farm; 6 - reinforced concrete floor slab; 7 - vapor barrier; 8 - a layer of insulation; 9 - cement screed; 10 - multilayer roofing felt carpet; 11 - glazing design; 12 - wall panel; 13 - plinth wall panel; 14 - column of the extreme row; 15 - metal cross vertical connection between the columns; 16 - reinforced concrete foundation beam; 17 - reinforced concrete foundation for the column

One-story buildings are today the most common type of industrial buildings both in our country and abroad. Approximately 70% of the buildings built for production in the former USSR were of this type. In the countries of Western Europe, 80% of the annually commissioned industrial buildings today are one-story.

Almost all technological processes can be placed in such a building. Moreover, some of the processes cannot be placed in any other type of production buildings, except for one-story. These are processes with heavy equipment, the large loads of which must be transferred directly to the ground. The advantages of such an industrial building include the ability to place heavy equipment. The location of the equipment in one plane provides simple and reliable technological connections.

Economically, such connections are the most profitable, since horizontal transport (floor, overhead, crane) is among the cheapest. The undoubted advantage of a one-story building is also the possibility of its overhead natural lighting through the lanterns of the roof, which gives a uniform level of illumination of the internal environment. The main disadvantage of this type of building should be recognized as the difficulties of the architectural and artistic plan. Flat, extended, having a small height and significant dimensions in terms of volumes do not easily fit into the urban environment; compositional issues, the achievement of expressiveness of the appearance, its individuality are not easy to solve. The difficulties of construction and operation are added to the shortcomings of the architectural and artistic plan. Large one-story buildings require flat, almost no slope areas (up to 3%), which are difficult to find in the settlement and even in its suburbs. Large external wall surfaces and coatings lead to heat losses and increased heating costs. However, the shortcomings of a one-story building can be eliminated by the skill of the architect and the use of additional sources and energy savings.

By the nature of the building, one-story buildings are divided into two subtypes: pavilion And solid buildings. The first is characterized by the fact that the building appears as one, slightly dissected object.

Second, pavilion, the building is characterized by a rugged plan shape. The building consists, as it were, of separate parts (pavilions) connected by passages. Such buildings are used for industries, the technological process of which is heterogeneous in terms of microclimatic, sanitary and hygienic, fire, explosive or other conditions (for example, in the chemical, microbiological industries, where greater isolation of individual workshops is required).

Industrial building with an internal cargo yard: a - transit traffic; b - dead-end traffic; 1 - production room; 2 - administrative premises; 3- sanitary facilities; 4 - laboratories; 5 - utility rooms; 6 - checkpoint; 7 - human flows; 8 - reception hall; 9 - cargo flow; 10 - landing stage-expedition

Industrial building with an internal cargo yard: 1 - industrial premises; 2 - administrative premises; 3 - sanitary facilities; 4 - laboratories; 5 - utility rooms; 6 - checkpoint; 7 - human flows; 8 - reception hall; 9 - cargo flow; 10 - landing stage-expedition

Industrial building with an internal cargo yard and a combined checkpoint: 1 - industrial premises; 2 - administrative premises; 3 - sanitary facilities; 4 - laboratories; 5 - utility rooms; 6 - checkpoint; 7 - human flows; 8 - reception hall; 9 - cargo flow; 10 - landing stage-expedition; 11 - green fences

Industrial building with an external cargo yard and a separate checkpoint: 1 - industrial premises; 2 - administrative premises; 3 - sanitary facilities; 4 - laboratories; 5 - utility rooms; 6 - checkpoint; 7 - human flows; 8 - reception hall; 9 - cargo flow; 10 - landing stage-expedition

U- and W-shaped or comb buildings are used for blacksmith shops, T-shaped - for foundries (they are also referred to as pavilions). The presence of this form is explained by the need to isolate technological operations that lead to significant noise, vibration and heat emissions, as well as gas contamination of the environment.

In pavilion buildings, natural lighting is often limited to side window openings, which are not only more economical and easier to operate than roof lights, but also provide a visual connection with the environment, which is required to create an environment that is psychophysiologically normal for workers. Pavilion building has advantages in terms of architecture and composition. The large spread-out volume in this case is divided into separate components, sometimes different in height, the perception of which, taking into account the unequal proximity of the parts, forms a more interesting, plastic whole.

As a result, the choice of one or another subtype of a one-story building (solid or pavilion building) depends on a number of technological, technical, natural and climatic factors, and is also evaluated based on considerations of cost-effectiveness of construction and operation. The most common pavilion buildings are for enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical industries and for individual buildings of metallurgical and machine-building plants.

The solution of the coating structures of a one-story industrial building with overhead lighting: a - with a square grid of columns; b - with a checkerboard grid of columns

The main types of one-story industrial buildings: a - single-span lanternless; b - multi-span with lanterns; c - the same with a flat coating; d - general view of the building

Depending on the nature of the technological process, one-story buildings can be span, hall, cell And combined type.

span buildings are designed in cases where technological processes are directed along the span and are serviced by cranes or without them.

The main structural elements of a modern one-story spanning industrial buildings are: columns that transfer loads to foundations; coating structures, which consist of a bearing (beams, trusses, arches) and enclosing (slabs and coating elements) part; crane beams, which are installed on the console of the columns; lanterns that provide the required level of illumination and air exchange in the workshop; vertical enclosing structures (walls, partitions, glazing structures), and the wall structures are based on special foundation and strapping beams; doors and gates for the movement of people and vehicles; windows that provide the necessary light regime.

Types of shed structures with one shed in a span

Structural solutions for shed coatings with two sheds in a span

Exemplary solutions for shed structures

One-story industrial buildings are most often designed in a frame system formed by risers (columns) built into the foundation, and crossbars (trusses or beams). Special connections (horizontal and vertical) provide spatial rigidity of the frame.

The dimensions of prefabricated elements for industrial buildings have been unified, and, accordingly, the dimensions of structural elements based on an enlarged module have been unified. The span of buildings (transverse distance between columns) is 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 m, etc.

The height from the floor to the bottom of the supporting structure of the coating is set to a multiple of the module 0.6 m (from 3.6 to 6.0 m), the enlarged module 1.2 m (from 6.0 to 10.8 m) and the module 1.8 m (from 10.8 to 18.0 m).

According to the placement of internal supports, one-story buildings are also divided into span, cell, hall.

One-story industrial buildings: a - cell; b - hall without intermediate supports; c - hall with a central support

Structural solutions for covering cell one-story industrial buildings: a - with a prismatic roof profile; b - with a curvilinear profile

Structural schemes of one-story industrial buildings

Hall type buildings are used when the technological process is associated with the production of large-sized products or the installation of large-sized equipment (hangars, aircraft assembly shops, main buildings of open-hearth and converter shops, etc.). The spans of hall-type buildings can be 100 m or more.

The development and implementation of automation and mechanization of technological processes creates the need for the movement of vehicles in two mutually perpendicular directions. The need for frequent modernization of the technological process is easily implemented in one-story buildings of continuous development with a square grid of columns. Such a space-planning solution was called cell, and buildings - flexible, or universal.

IN combined type buildings the main features of buildings of a hall, span or cell type are combined.

Transient subtype provides good technological connections, but only along the span. The entire technological process is built sequentially, in a chain, from one span to another. Therefore, span buildings are well adapted for conveyor production.

The use of an overhead crane that transfers loads directly to the ground makes it possible to work with fairly heavy products here. Approximately 35% of all one-story span buildings are equipped with overhead cranes, 15% with overhead cranes. This subtype is indispensable for heavy engineering industries that produce turbines, heavy vehicles, large-sized machine tools, etc.

The spans can be located both in one and in different directions, have the same or different width and height. The limitation is the height difference of spans less than 1.8–2.4 m. With a smaller difference, all spans are leveled to avoid the formation of a snow bag. Uneven heights and mutually perpendicular spans are often used when introducing railway transport into a building. Such a span has other linear dimensions and is arranged, as a rule, on the edge, not inside the building

The number of spans is not limited, but a large number of spans leads to excessive building area, which causes difficulties in construction and operation.

Schemes of a span (a), cell (b) and hall (c) types of a one-story industrial building

Various structures are used to cover spans, most often trusses of various shapes. It is possible to use a shed coating. The outline of the roof can be either flat, simple, or more complex. The shape of the coating for a one-story building plays a significant role in shaping its external appearance. Often it is the roof line, expressive, tense, that can distinguish a rather large and at the same time relatively low industrial building from the surrounding buildings, make it interesting and memorable.

The overhead light in the building is arranged by linear or point anti-aircraft lamps located along the span. Light lanterns are able to be aerated at the same time, providing natural ventilation of the buildings. Quite often, this is used in workshops with large heat emissions - forging, foundry. Heated air, together with harmful gases, vapors and aerosols, rises naturally and is removed through light-aeration lamps at no additional cost.

The dimensions of the spans are selected depending on the production technology, products, machines and equipment used, and there are 12, 18, 24, 36 and more meters. The well-known Atommash plant in Russia, which manufactures turbines for nuclear power plants, has a span of 42 m, equipped with overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 1200 tons.

Cell subtype one-story building appeared in the 1940s. due to the need to complicate the flow of the production chain, to move from unidirectional movement of the technological flow to the movement of the flow in two, mutually perpendicular directions. This subtype is characterized by a square or close to it grid of columns; load-bearing structures of the roof are intersecting beams, trusses, box decks, mushroom-shaped monolithic or prefabricated ceilings (column grid - 12x12, 15x15, 18x18, 24x24 m). In a word, any combination of structural elements that work in two directions is possible.

Overhead cranes are not used here, they are replaced by all kinds of suspension devices, beam cranes, overhead conveyors. The difference between these mechanisms and overhead cranes lies in the transfer of the load to the ground through the floor structure, and not directly, as happens with an overhead crane. Therefore, the carrying capacity of such devices is much lower.

The ability to move along the technological chain in both directions makes it possible to have a more flexible production space inside the building, which can be easily rebuilt and changed. Therefore, cell structure buildings are used primarily for industries whose technological process often undergoes changes, for example, in the electronics industry and instrument making. The benefits of more flexible interior space also contribute to the widespread use of this type of building in industries that do not require large spans and heavy-duty equipment.

hall building is an almost single-span structure with a very large span. Such a span is covered by trusses, arches, vaults, guys, space-rod structures, or combinations thereof. The main purpose of using large-span and rather expensive structures is to create free unsupported space inside, which is necessary for production with large-sized equipment or manufactured products. Aircraft hangars, metal rolling shops, assembly buildings of machine-building plants - these are the main areas of application for a one-story hall building. At the same time, this type of building can often be found in small industries, where volumes are small, the floor structure has a small span (no more than 24–36 m) and therefore is relatively inexpensive. So, a service station, made in the hall version, is distinguished by good conditions for organizing the internal environment, free movement of cars, re-equipment and re-equipment of posts.

The internal space of one-story buildings (span, cell, hall) is zoned vertically and horizontally. Horizontal zoning includes the allocation of areas for the main production, ensuring the production of ventilation and power plants, warehouses and servicing workers (amenity premises). All these zones are placed parallel to each other along or across the building (longitudinal or transverse horizontal zoning). The planning zones are separated from each other by driveways, which act as passageways for people and ways for moving trucks. In this regard, their width can reach 3–4.5 m.

Driveways are the main horizontal communications of a one-story building. Their system becomes the main one in the planning organization of the internal space, the placement of all workshops and production sites. Driveways are a kind of planning frame of a building, on which the rational arrangement of its internal environment depends. At the same time, passages seize the production areas of the building - areas that ensure the production of products - and, accordingly, the economic indicators of the enterprise - the cost of operating material assets, their payback, the cost of manufactured products, etc. Therefore, the system of passages must be rational, technologically and technically provide optimal organization of the internal space of the building with a minimum length of the transport path.

Vertical zoning is the use of several levels within one floor. The upper level, the overlap zone, is intended for the placement of engineering equipment in the form of open installations or in the form of superstructures on the roof; there are also technological and technical communications. Their laying is carried out in the inter-truss space or in the channels and cavities of special load-bearing structures - box decks, hollow box-section beams, etc.

Inside the building, it is possible to install mezzanines designed to accommodate equipment for both the main and auxiliary production processes. Warehouses and amenity premises for workers can also be located here.

The lower level is sometimes represented by a basement, which may contain primary emission treatment plants, separate auxiliary equipment, warehouses and even amenity premises.

All sections, workshops and related premises are located in accordance with the technological scheme of production; it is desirable that each of them go out on one or more sides to the driveways. Premises with explosive processes are located near the outer wall, not inside the building.

Production shops and other premises in a one-story building are separated by partitions, often not reaching the bottom of the floor. The design of the coating, as a rule, is not hidden by a false ceiling. The exception is some food industry and microbiology industries, where a clean wall and ceiling surface is required to avoid dust and other substances harmful to the process or products. The floor height of a one-story building is considered from the mark of the finished floor to the bottom of the supporting structures of the coating and is a multiple of 0.6 m or 1.2 m - 4.2; 4.8; 6 m and more up to 30 m.

A person perceives the space inside a one-story building as a single, integral one, and this space is filled with many technical elements moving in different directions, knocking and thundering. The height of this space is much less than its dimensions in plan. All this can cause specific mental reactions in a person who is in a room, and even more so a person employed in production. Therefore, the development of interiors of workshops and premises requires special attention of the architect. The formation of a comfortable environment is achieved by a special use of color, the choice of which depends to a large extent on the nature of the technological process - hot or cold shops. Sometimes the architect deliberately overestimates the height of a one-story building so that the people inside do not have the effect of squeezing, the heaviness of the overhanging ceiling.

According to the constructive scheme, one-story buildings are:

  • frame with full frame, which are a system of columns associated with the coating;
  • frame with incomplete frame, which have external load-bearing walls and internal supports in the form of columns or brick pillars;
  • frameless, which have external load-bearing walls reinforced with pilasters;
  • tented, which do not have vertical supports and external walls, and the coatings rest on the foundation.

Constructive types of one-story industrial buildings: a - frame; b - frameless; c - with an incomplete frame;
g - tent; 1 - outer wall; 2 - column; 3 - farm; 4 - coating slabs; 5 - crane beam; 6 - load-bearing wall;
7 - covering beam; 8 - pilaster; 9 - foundation; 10 - arch; 11 - coating on the top of the arch

Progressive methods of building construction are increasingly being introduced into the practice of construction, the factory readiness of building structures is increasing, new materials and lightweight structures are being used, the cost of construction is being reduced, and its quality is improving. All this requires the use of standard design.

Structural schemes of cells of one-story industrial buildings

The part of the production building area between four adjacent racks is called a cell ( A); one side of the cell is equal to the pitch of the uprights, and the other is equal to the span. A cell can be rectangular in plan ( a, b) or square ( V).

1 - foundation; 2 - outer column; 3 - truss truss; 4 - farm cover; 5 - coating plate; 6 - inner column; 7 - roof truss; 8 - fencing panel; 9 - rigid belt of spatial coverage; 10 - spatial coverage

Typical design allows you to repeatedly apply proven and cost-effective space-planning and design solutions for industrial buildings. At the same time, the typification of buildings is inextricably linked with the unification of its structural elements, i.e. with a limited choice and the use of building structures that are uniform in shape and size, manufactured by industrial methods.

Techniques for the layout of production areas: a - analogue solution; b - new solution

Zoning of the building areas according to their functional purpose: a - transverse; b - longitudinal; c - combined; 1 - loading ramp; 2 - warehouses; 3 - technical rooms; 4 - communications; 5 - sanitary facilities; 6 - offices

Options for placing light apertures on the roof of the OPP

Typical and unified parts and designs that have proven themselves in operation are included in the catalogs of typical products and are required for use. There is a "Catalogue of typical industrial reinforced concrete and concrete products", which includes the following collections: K-1 "One-story buildings"; K-2 "Multi-storey buildings"; K-3 "Engineering structures".

On the basis of this catalog, the designers determined the optimal dimensions of the blocks, from which it is possible to compose industrial buildings of the required dimensions for a very specific type of production. For example, for mechanical assembly shops at aircraft engine factories, the following types of main building sections are accepted:

  1. Dimensions in plan - 144 × 72 and 72 × 72 m with a grid of columns 24 × 12 and 18 × 12 m;
  2. The height of spans for craneless and suspended vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons is 6 m and 7.2 m;
  3. The height of the spans with overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 30 tons is 10.8 m and 12.6 m.

In addition to the main sections of buildings, additional sections for transverse spans are also adopted. In some cases, buildings are assembled with a variety of space-planning solutions. On fig. 2.3 as an example, layout diagrams of buildings from unified standard sections are given.

Used in light, food, electrical and other industries.

According to the design scheme, multi-storey industrial buildings come with an incomplete frame and load-bearing external walls or with a full frame (Fig. 12.4). The main elements of the frame are columns, crossbars, floor slabs and ties. Interfloor ceilings are made of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of two types: beam and beamless.

Structural solution of a multi-storey building:

1 - column; 2 - mounting table for supporting wall panels; 3 - vertical metal portal connection between the columns; 4 - beam (crossbar); 5 - reinforced concrete ribbed floor slab; 6 - reinforced concrete crane beam; 7 - reinforced concrete gable roof beam; 8 - reinforced concrete floor slab; 9 - wall panel; 10 - window glazing structures; 11 - blind area; 12 - foundation beam (rand-beam); 13 - concrete tide for supporting foundation beams; 14 - sand preparation

Prefabricated frames can be solved by frame, frame-bonded or bonded system. With a frame frame system, the spatial rigidity of the building is ensured by the work of the frame itself, the frames of which perceive both horizontal and vertical loads. With a frame-braced system, vertical loads are perceived by the frames of the frame, and horizontal - by frames and vertical ties (diaphragms). In the case of a braced system, vertical loads are taken by the frame columns, and horizontal loads by vertical ties.

The grid of columns of multi-storey buildings is 6x6 or 6x9 m; recently, projects have been developed with a grid of 6x12, 6x18 and even 6x24 m.

The heights of the floors of multi-storey industrial buildings are unified and can be 3.6; 4.8; 6.0 m, for the first floors a height of 7.2 m is allowed (module 12 m).

For vertical transport in multi-storey buildings, freight and passenger elevators are provided, which, together with stairs, are combined into nodes.

When choosing structural solutions for industrial buildings, it is necessary to keep in mind the economic significance of the cost of individual structural elements in the total estimated cost of the building. For multi-story buildings, the walls, frame, floors and openings have the greatest impact on the cost, in single-story buildings - the frame, roof structures, floors and walls.

Multi-storey industrial buildings designed for industries with vertical flow diagrams (light industry).

By appointment, multi-storey buildings are divided into industrial, laboratory and administrative buildings.
Most multi-storey buildings are erected frame.

Constructive types of multi-storey buildings: a - frame; b - with an incomplete frame;
c - with load-bearing walls.

Space-planning solutions for multi-storey frame buildings: a - mass type; b - with the upper crane floor;
c - with inter-farm floors; g - two-story

According to the ODA, multi-storey buildings are distinguished:

  • unified type with a grid of columns 6 x 6 m or 6 x 9 m, with a floor height of 3.6; 4.8 m and up to five floors;
  • with an upper floor equipped with an overhead or overhead crane;
  • two-story, in which heavy technological equipment is placed on the first floor, and light on the top.

List of used literature

  • Kostov K. Typology of industrial buildings / Abbr. translated from Bulgarian. Ts.M. Simeonova: Ed. N.N. Kim. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1987.
  • Designer's Handbook. Architecture of industrial enterprises, buildings and structures / Under. ed. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR K.N. Kartashov. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1975.

Space-planning decision of the building (OPR) Location (layout) of premises

The location (layout) of premises of a given size and shape in a single complex, subject to functional, technical, architectural, artistic and economic requirements, is called space planning solution building (OPA).

The entire internal volume of the building is divided by horizontal (interfloor ceilings) and vertical (walls and partitions) structures into separate rooms.

Premises according to the method of their connection with each other can be impassable(isolated) and checkpoints(not insulated). Non-passable rooms communicate with each other using a third room, usually one of the communication rooms (corridor, stairwell, etc.).

According to the signs of the location and interconnection of the premises, there are several space planning systems buildings:


system with horizontal communication rooms;




mixed (combined).

If the rooms are connected to each other directly through openings in walls or partitions, then this technique is called enfilade planning system(see figure 2.1). This system makes it possible to create a building with a very compact and economical structure due to the absence (or minimum volume) of communication rooms. All the main rooms in the building with the enfilade system are walk-through, so it is applicable only in buildings of a predominantly expositional nature (museums, art galleries, exhibition pavilions), or partially in separate elements of the building, for example, between the rooms of one educational group in a preschool room.

Rice. 2.1. Enfilade planning system

System withhorizontal communication rooms provides for communication between the main premises of the building through communication premises (corridors, open galleries). This allows the main premises to be designed impassable. In this case, the premises can be located one at a time (Fig. 2.2 A) or on both sides of the corridor (Fig. 2.2 b). With a one-sided location of the premises, the corridor has good natural light illumination, which is necessary in some cases, for example, in schools, where the corridor also serves as a recreational space.

Rice. 2.2. Planning system with horizontal communication rooms

A- gallery; b- corridor

1 – open gallery; 2 – closed corridor; 3 – work or living quarters

The planning compactness and efficiency of a building solution with horizontal communications is estimated by the amount of area of ​​the main and auxiliary premises of the building per unit area or length of communication premises. On this basis, schemes with two parallel or ring corridors are the most economical. Planning systems with horizontal communication rooms are widely used in the design of civil buildings for various purposes - hostels, hotels, schools, hospitals, office buildings, etc.

The disadvantage of the one-sided location of the premises is the increase in the ancillary area in the building and the perimeter of the outer walls, which worsens the economic performance of the space-planning solution.

hall system the layout provides for one large (main) room of the building, which, as a rule, determines its functional purpose (cinema hall, sports hall, etc.), around which the rest of the necessary premises are grouped (see Fig. 2.3). This system is most common in the design of entertainment, sports and commercial buildings. The hall system is used for buildings with one or more halls.

Rice. 2.3. hall planning system

Atrium system- with an open or covered courtyard (atrium), around which the main premises are located, connected directly with it through open (gallery) or closed (side corridors) communication premises (see Fig. 2.4).

Rice. 2.4. Atrium layout system

1 – atrium; 2 - communication rooms

In addition to its traditional use in the southern dwelling, it is widely used in the design of low-rise buildings with large halls (covered markets, museums, exhibition centers, schools), as well as high-rise hotels and administrative buildings.

The advantages of this system in open courtyards are the close connection between the open and closed spaces required by the technological scheme (in the market building - the connection between the trading floors and the seasonal trade space, in the museum building - between the closed and open exposition).

The advantages of the atrium system in closed courtyards are the creation of year-round functioning public spaces and an increase in the heat efficiency of the building as a whole.

Sectional system consists in the layout of the building from one or more single-character fragments (sections) with repeating floor plans, and the premises of all floors of each section are connected by common vertical communications - stairs or stairs and elevators. The sectional system is the main one in the design of multi-apartment residential buildings of medium and high-rise buildings, individual fragments of this system are included in the space-planning structure of dormitory buildings, hospitals, some administrative premises, etc.

Rice. 2.5. Sectional layout system

1 – block sections; 2 – vertical communications (stair-lift nodes)

Some mixed-use buildings have mixed planning system, since the building combines premises for various functional processes (main and auxiliary). So, for example, in the building of a large sports and recreation complex, the hall system of sports halls is combined with the corridor layout of the premises for classes in sports sections and circles (see Fig. 2.6).

Rice. 2.6. Mixed layout system

1 - hall system; 2 - corridor system

As a rule, the requirements of convenience are met by the most compact placement of premises with the shortest paths for the movement of people and means of transport, without their mutual intersections and oncoming traffic. The shorter the path of movement and, consequently, the smaller the area of ​​communication premises, the smaller the volume of the building and the lower its cost.

Rooms connected by a functional or technological process should be located as close as possible to each other. This condition is especially important for manufacturing enterprises, where the length of the ways of movement of objects of production affects not only the volume of the building, but also the cost of production. No less important for industrial and public buildings is the absence of intersections of human flows, and the intersection of human flows with cargo flows is generally unacceptable both in terms of technological conditions and safety conditions.

The development of a space-planning solution (OPD) is carried out on the basis of a scheme of functional processes occurring in the building ( functional or technological scheme). It is a conditional graphic representation of the grouping of rooms and functional connections between them. For example, in a theater building, rooms are grouped, as a rule, according to homogeneous functional features. Artistic premises are grouped near the stage, with which convenient communication should be provided, and foyers and corridors adjoin the auditorium, representing a group of premises with a homogeneous functional process (see Fig. 2.7).

With a significant complexity of drawing up (for example, when designing industrial buildings with a complex technological process - assembly lines of car factories, etc.), a functional or technological scheme is developed by a technologist together with an architect.

Rice. 2.7. Functional scheme of the theater building

When grouping the premises according to the functional diagram and determining the appropriate connections between them, the expediency of organizing connections horizontally or vertically in accordance with the selected number of storeys is simultaneously revealed.

Building design, i.e. the layout of the premises, it is convenient to conduct, using a grid of centering axes. The dimensions of the spans and steps are determined in accordance with the dimensions and desired proportions of the premises and the dimensions (according to the catalog) of the typical load-bearing structures of floors and coatings. Then, taking into account the given area of ​​the premises, their placement is planned.

The main shape of the premises in plan is rectangular, although other, more complex shapes are possible. The layout of the premises must meet functional, technical, architectural, artistic and economic requirements.

The shape of the building in plan is usually also rectangular or consists of several rectangular parts connected to each other. Other complex forms are also possible. For example, for public buildings with halls, the shape of the plan and the building as a whole is determined by the features of the functional process.

The volumetric solution, which is the basis of the architectural composition of the building, is determined by its shape in plan, as well as the number of floors and the shape of the cover.

The number of storeys of a building depends on its purpose, economic considerations, urban planning requirements and the natural data of the construction site. In the case when the functional process can be carried out in any buildings, the number of storeys is selected on the basis of a comparison of these options by technical, economic and architectural and artistic assessment.

The low number of storeys of buildings of schools, kindergartens, nurseries is due, for example, to the desire to avoid the movement of children up the stairs as much as possible. Cinemas, shops, museums, train stations, etc. it is advisable to place them in low-rise buildings so as not to make it difficult for people to walk up stairs, to facilitate the evacuation of people in case of fire, and not to create heavy loads on floors. Production shops with heavy and bulky equipment or installations that cause dynamic loads should preferably be located in one-story buildings.

Often, the number of storeys of a building depends on the number of storeys of neighboring buildings or the development approved by the master plan for a given area of ​​the city in order to achieve its architectural unity (buildings must be located in context with surrounding buildings).

The choice of number of storeys is also influenced by local conditions: site topography, hydrogeological characteristics of soils. With a relief with large slopes, as well as with soft soils, it is advisable to increase the number of storeys in order to reduce the cost of earthworks and foundations. In order to reduce the amount of excavation, one-story buildings with large dimensions in plan should be located only on sites with a gentle relief.

When designing a multi-storey building, the premises are usually grouped according to the expected number of storeys so that the floor areas are the same.

Many buildings, regardless of purpose, have the same type of separate rooms and their groups - architectural and planning elements(main entrance to the building, stairs, transport hubs, sanitary facilities). Their planning decision and placement in the building has a significant impact on the layout of the building plan as a whole.

Each building usually has main entrance and usually several secondary(official) inputs. The main masses of people participating in the functional process pass through the main entrance; secondary entrances usually serve auxiliary functional processes, and are also emergency emergency exits.

The main entrance to the building should be clearly visible when approaching it. entrance platform usually defended canopy from precipitation. To protect against the penetration of cold air, small rooms are arranged at the outer doors - vestibules. For the climatic zone in which the Nizhny Novgorod region is located, the use of a conventional single vestibule is sufficient. For the northern regions (at a lower temperature of the coldest winter five-day period), the use of a double vestibule is mandatory. These requirements for residential, public and industrial buildings will be discussed in more detail in the relevant courses.

Next is lobby And wardrobe. The lobby is a communication room with distributive functions, from where the flows of people are directed to the corridors, stairs, lifts. The area of ​​the wardrobe and the vestibule depends on the number of people using them. At the entrance node, there are usually some premises for service purposes ( security rooms, shopping kiosks, sanitary facilities and so on.).

For communication between the floors of the building are arranged stairs and hoists periodic ( elevators) or continuous ( escalators) actions. In buildings with large human flows, escalators are used, i.e. moving stairs, and instead of stairs - ramps, i.e. inclined flat surfaces without steps.

The staircase, along which the main flow of people is directed, is considered the main one and differs from other stairs in its large size and less slope. The remaining stairs are called secondary and service (if associated with an auxiliary functional process). The width of flights of stairs and landings depends on the number of floors, the significance of the stairs and the number of people using the stairs. For traffic safety, the width of the march of the main evacuation stairs should be at least 1.05 m in sectional residential buildings, at least 1.2 m in corridor residential buildings, at least 1.35 m in public buildings. In all cases, the width of the landing should not be less than the width of the march.

The slope of the flights of stairs (the ratio of the vertical projection of the flight to the horizontal) depends on the number of floors, the significance of the stairs and is taken 1:2? 1:1.75. These slopes correspond to the dimensions of the steps: height ( riser) 160? 165 mm; width ( tread) 300 ? 290 mm.

Gentle marches should be designed in the stairs of multi-storey buildings and on the main stairs, and steeper flights are provided in low-rise buildings and secondary stairs. For safety in case of fire, a multi-storey building must have at least two staircases enclosed in stairwells, lit by natural light and having external exits. The distances from the most remote premises to the evacuation staircase or external exit have strict regulatory restrictions depending on the type of building, its number of storeys, the degree of fire resistance, etc.

The most common and economical two-flight stairs. However, there may be other types of stairs, for example, three-flight stairs, in which three flights are located within the floor, multi-flight stairs with different arrangements of flights, round (spiral) stairs. The design of stairs is discussed in more detail in the second chapter of this Handbook.

In all buildings with more than 5 floors, elevators are arranged, as a rule, located within the stairwell or near it.

The location of stairwells and elevator shafts greatly affects the layout, as they must occupy the same relative position in the plan of each floor of the building.

The layout of the floors is also affected by the position of sanitary facilities, kitchens and other rooms, which are always located on the floors one vertically above each other. This arrangement greatly facilitates the wiring in the building of pipelines for water supply, gas and sewerage. In addition, "wet" rooms (i.e., rooms where high air humidity and wet structures are possible) are placed compactly in buildings so as not to have a harmful effect on other rooms. The location of "wet" rooms near the outer walls of the building is also undesirable.

Vertical load-bearing structures (walls and columns), as well as stairs and elevator shafts, must cross all floors, occupying the same place in the plan on each floor. Only in some cases, load-bearing walls and pillars of the upper floors can be supported by horizontal load-bearing structures. Therefore, it is advisable to locate rooms with large spans on the upper floors or move them to one-story parts of the building so as not to rely on the ceiling of a large span of the structure of the upper floor.

Thus, the economical solution of the structural scheme has a significant impact on the overall planning solution of the building.

However, the functional process remains the leading factor in the design of a building, which determines its space-planning solution. New functional processes or changes in existing processes cause the emergence of new space-planning and design solutions for buildings.

The space-planning decision is also influenced by the natural conditions in which the building will be erected. The harsh climate predetermines compact volumes of buildings with a minimum area of ​​external fences. In a warm climate, on the contrary, complicated volumes of buildings are advisable, giving more shade, contributing to the connection of the premises of the building with the surrounding nature.

The configuration and dimensions of the plan, the height and profile of an industrial building are determined by the parameters, the number and relative position of the spans. These factors depend on the production technology, the nature of the products, the productivity of the enterprise, the requirements of sanitary standards, etc.

span width in an industrial building L) - the distance between the longitudinal coordination axes - is the sum of the span of the overhead crane ( L To) and twice the distance between the axis of the crane runway rail and the modular coordination axis (2K): L= L To+ 2K (Fig. 1).

The spans of overhead cranes are linked to the width of the spans and are determined by GOST. The value of K is taken: 750 mm for cranes with a lifting capacity Q ≤ 500 kN; 1000 mm (and more than a multiple of 250 mm) at Q > 500 kN, as well as when arranging a passage in the overhead part of the columns for servicing crane runways.

Rice. 1. To determine the span parameters

The minimum allowable width of the spans, determined by the conditions of the production technology (dimensions and nature of the equipment, the system of its placement, the width of the passages, etc.) is not always economically feasible. Shops of equal size in area and having the same length can be both small-span and large-span, and in some cases, large-span. For example, a building 72 m wide can be formed by six spans of 12 m, four spans of 18 m, three spans of 24 m, two spans of 36 m, or one span of 72 m. At the same time, it must be remembered that large-span buildings, having an enlarged grid of axes, are highly versatile in terms of technology.

Column spacing - the distance between the transverse coordination axes - is assigned taking into account the dimensions and method of arranging technological equipment, the dimensions of manufactured products, the type of intrashop transport. So, with large-sized equipment and large products, the column pitch is set to large, which increases the efficiency of the use of production space, but complicates the design of the coating and crane runways. Basically, the step of the columns is taken equal to 6 or 12 m.

span height - the distance from the level of the finished floor to the bottom of the supporting structures of the coating - depends on the technological, sanitary and hygienic and economic requirements for an industrial building. It is formed in spans with bridge cranes from the distances from the level of the finished floor to the top of the crane rail H 1 and the distance from the top of the rail to the bottom of the supporting structure of the coating H 2 (Fig. 1).

One-story buildings are usually designed with parallel spans of the same width and height. In cases of technological necessity, buildings are designed with mutually perpendicular spans of different widths and heights. In the latter cases, elevation differences are recommended to be combined with longitudinal expansion joints, and the difference in heights should be set to a multiple of 0.6 m and not less than 1.2 m.

For each industry, their unified parameters of industrial buildings are used. Modern construction is focused on the use of standard unified space-planning and design solutions.

Unified parameters of industrial buildings

  1. span- the distance between the longitudinal axes. The span can be: 6, 9, 12, 18 (in 6 meters) up to 48 m;
  2. step- the distance between the transverse axes. Can be: 6, 12 m;
  3. height- the distance from the floor level of one floor to the floor level of another. In single-story buildings - from the floor level (0.000) to the level of the bottom of the supporting structures of the coating. Height: 3.6-6 in 0.6 m; 5-10.8 after 1.2 m, 10.8-18 after 1.8 m;
  4. column grid- a set of distances between the longitudinal and transverse center axes.

Dimensional schemes of buildings are marked with a code:
B 30-84
B - frameless;
30 - span in meters;
84 - height in dm.

K 24-144

K & - crane;
24 - span in meters;
144 - height in dm.

Each industry has its own unified parameters of industrial buildings.

Modern industrial construction is focused on the use of standard unified and, which allows you to plan industrial facilities according to a modular scheme.

Specialists have developed mandatory parameters for the manufacture of structures and their assembly for industrial facilities in various industries. This allows to largely unify the process of manufacturing and installation of building structures.

1. Industrial buildings of machine-building and metallurgical profile with spans of 18 meters or more are designed in such a way that the length of the transverse spans of the ball is a multiple of 6 meters (for example, 24 or 30 meters).

2. In industrial construction, such a concept as a column pitch is used. The pitch of the column is the distance between the center axes in the longitudinal direction. This parameter is also taken as a multiple of 6 meters.

3. The height of industrial buildings is unified. The variable value for industrial facilities with a height of 3.6 - 4.8 meters should be 600 millimeters, for objects with a height of 4.8 - 10.8 meters - 1200 millimeters, above 10.8 - 1800 millimeters.

The axes of the transverse sedimentary joints are designed to coincide with the transverse staking axes, the geometric axis of the end columns should be displaced from them by 500 millimeters. The axis of the crane rail must pass at a distance of 750 mm from the center axis. If adjacent spans have the same height, then the geometric axis of the section of the columns of the middle row must coincide with the center axis.

The distance from the longitudinal axis of the building to the outer edge of the extreme columns is also regulated. For industrial facilities where cranes with a lifting capacity of more than 30 tons or with a step of between 12 meters are expected, this distance should be 250 or 500 millimeters.

Another important parameter in the design of industrial buildings is the height difference between two parallel spans. If there are no cranes in the building, it is carried out on one column, for buildings with cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 30 tons, one center axis is taken, more than 30 tons - two axes, respectively, between which an insert is designed equal to the binding value (250 or 500 mm). With a width of an industrial facility of more than 60 meters, in the event of a height difference in parallel spans, the expansion joint of the building must be aligned with the junction of these spans. In this case, parallel spans are connected on paired columns, and an insert is inserted between the stakeout axes. If these rules are observed, installation without the installation of additional structures becomes possible.

In connection with the use of various technologies in various industries, when designing their supporting structures, it is necessary to place them in a strictly uniform manner in relation to the staking axes. This allows you to design unified and interchangeable building structures that can be used in the construction of various industrial facilities. Today, unified sections and spans are widely used in industrial construction, for example, for the construction of one-story industrial facilities with. As a result of continuous scientific and technological progress, both technologies and industrial equipment are constantly being improved, as a result of which production modernization is often required. This process is almost always accompanied by an improvement in the layout of equipment and transport routes, the replacement of obsolete equipment, and the installation of additional units.

All these processes are most easily carried out in buildings designed with the so-called "cell structure", which involves continuous building and a square grid of columns. It is used for one-story industrial facilities. The big advantage of such "flexible" buildings is that changes in the technological process do not require changes in the structure of the building, that is, due to the "flexibility" of the building, the technological maneuverability of industrial enterprises increases. This is due to the possibility of more efficient use of existing space and lower construction costs. The most relevant use of "flexible workshops" in the engineering industry.