Horse man and rat woman compatibility. Horse and Rat - an ambiguous relationship Relationship between a horse and a rat

The compatibility of the Rat man and the Horse woman is a big question, their union is complex and ambiguous. But, since these two signs are completely opposite, two scenarios are possible here.

Either these partners will accept each other, will complement and form a happy and lasting union, or their contradictions and disagreements will never allow them to be together. What is important here is the determination of each of them and the confidence that it is with this partner that they want to overcome all life's difficulties.

Most often, the decision to be together or not to be,. Although, it is worth noting that these relationships are also established only thanks to the initiative of the Horse woman. She makes a decision - to win the heart of the male Rat, and embodies it, and he simply takes it for granted.

Rat Man and Horse Woman - Compatibility

By eastern horoscope compatibility male Rat and female Horse are very similar. Both are active and impulsive. Often, representatives of these signs are quite wealthy people and occupy a good social position. It would seem that the compatibility of this pair should be perfect, but not everything is so simple.

In the union of a male Rat and a female Horse, opposite temperaments and outlooks on life collide. Both spouses are independent and active, but they manifest themselves in different ways.

True, there may be problems in this area. the Rat man, with his isolation, gives the impression of a cunning and deceiver. Therefore, without openness and trust, business relationships can fail.

Rat Man and Horse Woman - Compatibility in Love

In order for relationships in the sexual sphere to bring joy and satisfaction, the Horse woman will have to give in to her lover. If she does not subdue her ego, then the couple may face serious problems.

Intimacy plays a big role in the life of the Rat man. Sex serves as an outlet for his emotionality, and if he suppresses his emotions, it will make him very unhappy.

So, dear women, submit, pay tribute to the masculine principle, and both will benefit from this.

Advice from "Moon Today" for a pair of Rat Man and Horse Woman

The Horse woman has every chance to build a harmonious relationship with the Rat man, it is in her that the potential for making the right decisions is laid. She should not infringe on the interests of the male Rat, take care of him more and argue less over trifles.

For the harmonious development of relations, it will be good if both partners learn to hear each other and show tolerance. The Rat man should not find fault with his chosen one over trifles, and the Horse woman should not reproach her man for fuss and grumbling.

And if the Rat man gives his Horse woman the opportunity to prune a little from time to time, then this union has every chance of becoming strong, happy and highly intelligent. Because no other zodiac sign can be compared with the intelligence of the Rat and the Horse.

That is, this couple has two options: either complement each other, or live in constant contradictions and misunderstandings.

To make family life happy, spouses need to share territory and responsibilities, as well as develop a system of concessions. And family values ​​will help stop the confrontation.

In fact, the Rat man and the Horse woman have a lot in common. Both have a lively mind and developed intellect, occupy a good social position in society. Both love travel and need new experiences. Together they are never bored, and their romance is full of many bright events that will never be forgotten.

This couple really has a lot of common ground - the main thing is to devote more time and attention to what unites, and spend less energy on disputes and the desire to prove something to someone.

Family relationships will develop more successfully, the more there is a desire to bring joy to a partner, to make a pleasant surprise. Visit more often, chat with friends and travel, go hiking, conquer mountains, etc.

According to the eastern horoscope, the Rat and the Horse are very similar. These two signs are active and impulsive. Often, representatives of these signs occupy a good social position and are quite wealthy people. It would seem that the compatibility of the Rat and the Horse should be perfect, but not everything is so simple.

At the stage of dating and the candy-flower period, the couple is doing great. She seems exemplary. But recognizing each other, many problems arise due to the difference in characters. According to the horoscope, the Horse loves to dream and often lies, she sees the truth in a distorted light. The mouse, on the contrary, is a rare realist. She adapts well to life and finds a way out of any situation.

Rat Man and Horse Woman

Such an alliance is possible if the Rat comes to terms with such qualities of his beloved as daydreaming. In addition, the wife is not averse to spending the money that the partner earns. The rat does not always like this, as she is used to counting every penny and putting it aside "for a rainy day." According to the eastern horoscope, these people have different temperaments. merman man

The rat is a great father, he spends a lot of time with the children, even despite the hard work.

According to the horoscope, a woman is always in the clouds and easily succumbs to temptation. Often in such couples, a woman is fond of another man. She considers her lover a dune, some kind of rest or haven. At this time, she does not worry about the future of her family and children. Very often, a woman realizes her mistake, but the Rat man is not able to forgive, he breaks off relations forever. Women born under the sign of Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini are prone to treason. Relations are aggravated if a woman is born in the year of the fiery Horse.

Rat Woman and Horse Man

According to the horoscope, this is a vector marriage. People in such an alliance are divided into Master and Servant. The servant in this pair is the Horse. The marriage is open, so there are always a lot of guests in the house, and this is great for a couple. Since they will spend less time with each other. The Rat and Horse vector means that there can be great love in this union, but it is abruptly replaced by hatred. A very stormy relationship, an explosive mixture always accumulates around such a couple.

These people are fully consistent with the statement "together is impossible, and apart in no way."

Such an alliance for a horse can be very deplorable. The rat is able to suck all the juice out of it and throw it away. Especially if she is Capricorn or Libra.

Such love can be considered sick, but both partners are unable to break it. This is a kind of vicious circle. Relationships are most often broken at the initiative of the rat or because of the betrayal of the Horse. As you can see, marriage compatibility is not the best, although there are positive examples of the existence of such families. In this marriage, the Horse suffers more.

How to save a relationship?

  • The rat needs to learn to control his anger;
  • The horse should become more "earthly" and practical;
  • the ability to compromise both partners.

Unlike the Pig, the Horse does not stop the rat's indignation and anger. She endures in silence. This irritates the Rat, it starts up even more. When the Horse breaks down, there is a huge scandal. These people always live like this, it's normal family life for them. In such pairs, dishes and things often fly out of the windows. But there are exceptions, some couples live happily.

The compatibility of the Rat and the Horse in love and marriage is very controversial and raises a lot of questions. This is a difficult tandem. There are so many differences between partners that relationships can develop in two directions. Lovers accept each other with all their shortcomings, complement the other half and create a stable and lasting union. Or, due to disagreements, they will not be able to be together. Much depends on how much both seek to create a couple.

Often it is the woman who decides whether the relationship has a future. She also acts as the initiator of the beginning of the novel. When she meets a male Rat, she achieves his reciprocity. He, in turn, completely trusts fate.

Rat Man and Horse Woman: General Compatibility

The Rat Man considers everything that happens to him in life from the point of view of common sense

Lovers have a lot common features and qualities. Everyone in this pair is active, active and impulsive. In most cases, both are financially independent people and occupy an excellent position in society. It may seem that the compatibility of the male Rat and the female Horse is quite successful, but this is not so.

The problem is that they have completely different temperaments. In addition, partners hold opposing views on life. Both are freedom-loving and active, but they show themselves different ways. The Rat man tends to be practical. For him, first of all, the material world is important. He behaves in such a way that he suppresses the romantic aspirations of a restless and impulsive woman born in the year of the Horse. Both are unable to understand the partner and adjust to his changeable mood. For this reason, periods of ardent and vivid emotions are replaced by unexpected and all-encompassing apathy.

At the beginning of a relationship, lovers look like a happy and very successful couple. They will not hide and hide their feelings. They are interested in each other's company. A woman appreciates the solidity and seriousness of a man born in the year of the Rat. He is proud that he attracted the attention of such a bright and peculiar woman.

When domestic issues arise, partners manifest themselves in the whole palette of their negative qualities. At the same time, both do not want to put up with the peculiarities of their second half. The Rat man is characterized by prudence, caution and slowness. A woman, on the contrary, is fussy, impulsive, repelled by personal aspirations and impulses. Such qualities of the Horse woman unnerve the Rat man, who prefers to think carefully about everything.

Rat Man and Horse Woman: Marriage Compatibility

Horse Woman sometimes behaves extremely illogically

The main problem is that partners do not want to make concessions. Everyone is convinced of their undeniable rightness. In a couple, a tough struggle arises for the right to be the main thing in a relationship. Both use every opportunity and means to achieve their goal. Of course, such tactics have a negative effect on the compatibility of the Rat and the Horse in marriage.

The man uses his cunning and resourcefulness. His companion moves ahead and does not remember that she is a woman. She tries to suppress her partner, her defiant actions. Such behavior forces a man to embody even more rash actions.

To stabilize and harmonize relations, the Horse woman should recognize that the Rat man should become the leader in the family. In this union, she will have to make sacrifices. She will be forced to close her eyes to the pettiness of her partner, his rationality and caution. It is difficult for lovers to come to compromise solutions, because a man tries never to rush and not to start from his own impulses. And his companion, on the contrary, is guided by internal impulses. Sometimes her actions are reckless.

The head of the relationship will be a man. And in some way he will even suppress a woman born in the year of the Horse. If such a union is concluded in a family that adheres to oriental traditions, then the marriage will be strong and happy. After all oriental woman should be submissive. But otherwise, such relationships will be extremely difficult and painful. Scandals will not subside between partners, which over time will provoke the onset of depression in the Horse woman.

When a woman decides to marry a Rat man, she should remember that he likes home comforts, and he expects household issues to become the responsibility of his wife. She will have to devote a lot of time to housing and the household, cooking and putting things in order. If the lovers cannot resolve this issue, then over time the relationship will become obsolete. Their future depends on the aspirations, wisdom and tact of everyone in this tandem.

The spouse should come to terms with the dreaminess characteristic of the Horse woman. She is like that by nature. She loves to dive into the world of her fantasies. There is nothing wrong. In addition, the wife loves to spend money. And her chosen one prefers to postpone them. And here it is worth coming to a compromise that will satisfy everyone.

Lovers can think about a joint business, because both have an entrepreneurial streak. It is worth noting that the ideas and desires of a woman are brought to life without any problems thanks to the resourcefulness and logic of the spouse. But there are some nuances in doing business. A closed partner may seem cunning and a liar. To build a successful business relationship, both need to be open and trust each other.

Rat Man and Horse Woman: Compatibility in Love

In order for the sex life to be happy and give pleasure to partners, a woman must learn to give in to her other half. She should moderate her own egoism, otherwise the lovers will face a number of problems. For a man born in the year of the Rat, sex has great importance. It is through love intimacy that he discharges emotionally. If he does not have such an opportunity, he will become deeply unhappy.

If the partners learn to “hear” each other, then the union of the Rat and the Horse will have a happy future

A woman born in the year of the Horse has all the prospects to create a harmonious and happy union with her lover. It is the partner who has excellent potential for taking optimal solutions. She should not forget about the interests of a man born in the year of the Rat, take care and avoid meaningless disputes.

For relationships to develop the best way, lovers should learn to hear their other half and not forget about tolerance. A man should stop clinging to his chosen one for no reason. She does not need to reproach her husband for being too grouchy. If the lover can come to terms with the peculiarities of his companion and give her the opportunity to be herself, then the partners will be able to create a long-term and happy marriage. Both in this tandem are distinguished by amazing intellectual development. Partners either successfully complement each other, or are in endless quarrels and disagreements.

In order for both a man and a woman to feel happy in these relationships, everyone should have a personal space that the other half will not encroach on. In addition, partners should share all responsibilities and learn to make concessions. Since the family is the highest priority for both, they will certainly be able to come to a compromise.

In fact, the spouses have a lot in common. Each of them has a living mind. Both are highly developed intellectually. They often carry weight in society. Each of them loves to travel, because they are looking for new experiences and emotions. Partners are not able to get bored with each other. Their romance is distinguished by a huge number of unforgettable moments and events.

Lovers have a lot in common. It is important that they devote as much time as possible to joint hobbies and interests. And the number of conflicts, disputes and quarrels must be reduced by all efforts.

Regardless of the compatibility of the male Rat and the female Horse, their family union will certainly become happy if the lovers strive to please and surprise their other half. Spouses should visit more often, meet friends, travel, go hiking and have fun.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
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  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

The horse is calm by nature, if you don’t put pressure on it, don’t try to tie it to yourself. The rat is the owner in a relationship, so it is difficult for a couple to be together. The encroachment on the freedom of the Horse makes them implacable enemies. There is still a lot in common between partners: interests, hobbies, preferences in bed. But for the perfect compatibility of the Horse and the Rat, physical proximity alone is not enough. As a percentage - 70 out of 100 that they will be able to agree.

Compatibility Horse Man and Rat Woman

Horse and Rat - a controversial union. The couple has different views on situations: on the one hand, the signs complement each other, on the other, a conflict and misunderstanding develop. People who do not agree to live with this quickly disperse, others try to find compromises, live a long happy life together.

In love

A Horse man will definitely fall in love with a Rat woman at first sight.

Both signs prefer to be in society, constantly surrounded by friends, which becomes a point of contact. The Horse and the Rat are too fixated on themselves, their interests, they are not able to notice the desires of loved ones.

The Rat Woman can move away from her partner, not show love, attention. For her, those relationships are promising, where there is a material beginning and emotional development.

The Horse Man lives on a different scale. He is selfish, fixated on his career. From the side of financial success, the Rat will certainly be interested, but in order to achieve harmony, you need to establish interaction, learn to appreciate each other.


If a couple decides to enter into a marriage union, it promises to be reliable. Family dance will swirl them in romance and love. According to the horoscope, both have an open character, which is useful for living together. Young people are glad to meet guests in their house, they have a positive attitude towards large companies in the circle of friends.

Over time, a woman will no longer pay enough attention to her husband. Sex will become the only common interest that satisfies the spouses. The man will be offended, although this will not be a reason for major quarrels.

In marriage, a Horse man and a Rat woman can live for a long time, provided that the husband earns good money and fulfills all the whims of his wife.

in friendship

Friends have problems understanding each other. The horse acts decisively, emotionally, does not waste time on unnecessary thinking. The Rat Woman, who thinks about every step in advance, does not understand her friend. Common interests that can unite friendship are still present: both are public figures, people who are not devoid of intelligence, lovers of creativity.

Horse Woman and Rat Man Compatibility

The love union in this pair places all responsibility on the Horse woman: thanks to her way of thinking, she is able to resolve conflicts. It is a lady who can nullify love with her whims and emotions. She hardly accepts the slowness of the Rat, his reasoning and rationalism.

The Rat Man is a calm, homely person, waiting for conquest from the chosen one. He is also able to crush, suppress. He will never change his mind that a partner should be a follower.

In love

Relationships develop harmoniously at the initial stage. This is accompanied by falling in love, when partners turn a blind eye to all the shortcomings. They are two opposites, although this attracts them to each other.

The Horse Woman is an extraordinary person who is difficult to conquer. The Rat Man amuses pride by conquering the girl's heart, but happiness will soon end. It becomes difficult for two antipodes to understand each other. The impulsive Horse does not perceive the slowness and prudence of the Rat partner, everyone wants to lead in a pair.


In a married couple, the male Rat has an advantage - the guy is able to suppress his wife morally. The Horse Woman goes ahead, does not want to put up, give in. Each of the spouses is sure that he is right.

The girl does not strive to be the mistress, the shore of the hearth, and the husband, on the contrary, loves life and comfort. Sexual compatibility, in contrast to the love predisposition of partners, is present in the guys. Signs prefer physical intimacy to spiritual connection.

The main thing is not to turn sex into a distillation of who is more important. The wife must submit to her husband. Maybe, loving people will be able to agree, to survive the difficult period of grinding.

in friendship

The Rat man is a true friend, the Horse woman is a wonderful friend, but not for each other. For friendly relations, there are few common interests, misunderstanding will be annoying. But development is possible in work - an emotional, sociable, executive Horse under the guidance of a judicious Rat will succeed in partnership.

The eastern horoscope speaks of the differences between the Rat and the Horse: for a life together, one will have to break down, give in. According to life wisdom - this is a woman. But will the partner not like the fatal, but the submissive girl?

The Rat and the Horse, from the point of view of astrologers, are a hopeless couple. They have little chance of finding mutual understanding. Love, especially marriage, is almost impossible. So that the low compatibility of the Horse and the Rat does not prevent people from finding mutual language everyone will have to work on themselves. However, the selfishness inherent in both sometimes spoils everything.

Horse Man and Rat Woman

An energetic man who loves social life does not understand a woman who values home comfort. And the Mice cannot stand a showdown, so they will not conflict, defend their position, they will simply turn around and leave, most likely forever.

They need stability, a reliable partner, a cozy home. If a man with his ability to make good money becomes for a girl the person who will give her financial stability, she

will become his faithful companion for life.

In love

At the beginning of a romantic relationship, the couple will find stormy sex, a beautiful relationship. The high compatibility of the Horse and the Rat in love at the first stage is due to the insane passion of the first sign. A man is ready for anything for his beloved, his self-sacrifice flatters her. The rat rushes into the pool of love, but at the same time keeps its head clean. She does not tend to give herself to anyone, to anything without a trace.

The closer the partners come together, the more shortcomings they will notice in each other. The biggest danger for the union is to start open conflict. If dismantling begins, they will become long, tiring. A woman will not withstand nervous tension, she will try to end the tiresome relationship as soon as possible.

Astrologers believe that this pair forms a vector relationship, where it is the Rat that rules. If a man cannot obey a woman, the bond will fall apart. If he is interested in extending the relationship, he needs to learn to humble pride.


By creating a marital union, partners will find a soul mate who shares many important ideas about life. A man in marriage strives for constant improvement of the material wealth of the family. A wife who dreams of stability will diligently begin to help him in gaining prosperity. Everything will be fine in a couple if the spouse does not forget that not only his precious person needs attention.

When a spouse takes care of her soulmate, she reciprocates: she tries to listen to him, follow his advice, if necessary, stops his dreams, prompting him to return to reality. If the wife feels that she is deprived of male attention, the Rat will begin to look to the side. The horse’s husband will not forgive the wife’s infidelity, then a black streak will come in marriage, which will lead to the end of love.

Honest wives of the Mouse in the person of the spouse of the Horse receive a real stallion, ready for any trials for the sake of the second half. Then the compatibility of the Horse man and the Rat woman will delight others.

in friendship

In friendly relations, the Horse man and the Rat woman without conflict show their best qualities. Partners remember each other's problems and try to help. The complexity of the friendship of a couple, where the man is the Horse, his woman is the Rat, in the slow reactions of the latter to requests. That doesn't mean she doesn't want to help. mice readily come to loved ones in difficult times. She just thinks about it for a long time.

Horse Woman and Rat Man

The common negative feature of both is selfishness. Everyone will put their own interests above the needs of the other half. Therefore, an agreement is unlikely to succeed. Horses are fickle, Rats are solid. It is important for them to create a house - a reliable fortress.

They do not understand how you can prance without thinking about the consequences of their actions. To keep a man, a woman will have to become a faithful, reliable companion. If this does not happen, the guy's attitude towards her will deteriorate sharply. He does not accept frivolous acts.

In love

Relationships develop quickly. At first everything will be fine, only with time the lovers will understand that the wrong person is nearby. Therefore, it rarely comes to the registry office. Usually lovers begin to quarrel because of the desire to defend their position. The mouse does not cope with the need to sort things out.

Such a person does not like conflicts, abuse. He will prefer to retire so as not to stoop to a state of war with his former beloved. Therefore, a woman is able to maintain a relationship. If the lady does not unleash hostilities, her chosen one will never do so either. She better show tenderness, charm - strengths her femininity.

Serious problems arise in couples where the Horse is fiery. Then the girl becomes more temperamental, indomitable. In a vector relationship with a powerful man, she cannot get along. Then it is better to look for more suitable partners by year of birth. These can be a Dog, a Goat, a Pig, a Rooster.


How long will the couple live together? chinese horoscope does not speak. The outcome of marital relations depends entirely on the wife. It is a woman who is able to maintain a relationship. But only she spoils them. Usually, the compatibility of the Horse woman and the Rat man collapses only because of the eccentric nature of the first.

She creates problems, so she needs to try to level them in time. The husband will not analyze too closely the reasons for her behavior. The main thing is that the wife should be patient, maintain outwardly decent behavior. Then the Horse will be able to maintain freedom, even go on vacation without a spouse. The rat will prefer to make a stash hidden from his wife in order to feel more confident. You can maintain a strong relationship with the help of simple means:

  • Joint vacation in exotic places.
  • Mutual respect.
  • No pressure on partner.

The Horse man, his Rat woman have a different attitude to communication. He is too direct, she is secretive. The girl begins to perceive his desire to tell the truth as a manifestation of rudeness, bad manners.

in friendship

The selfishness of the horse, her passion for social events will go against the Mouse's ideas about a good friend. After all, she does not want to waste time on empty entertainment. The horse will begin to be cunning in order to get his way. The mouse will close, start avoiding meetings. However, if necessary, he will still come to the rescue.

Disconnects friends slowness of the mouse in making important decisions. The horse is not always ready to wait a long time for an answer to the questions posed. If the Rat encounters the displeasure of the Horse, she will move away. The horse will not understand the desire of the Rat not to conflict, not to sort things out. She will just be offended.

Sexual Compatibility

The selfishness of the Horse manifests itself even in bed. If Konyashka does not want to think about the satisfaction of his partner, he will start looking for comforts on the side. If in the year of the mouse a man is born, a woman must give him the right to lead in sex. Such a cunning move will save relationships, increase the closeness of partners. After all, they are truly temperamental, they love pleasure.

Rats love sex in a romantic setting. Routine sex in a normal setting is very disappointing for them. The sensuality of the Horses also requires physical realization in bed, but their excitement is highly dependent on the little things. Therefore, they also require a beautiful environment for the realization of sexual fantasies.

Work and business

The business relationship of a couple is better than love, marital. Everyone can lead. But the result is higher in those tandems where the Horse dominates. Leadership does not mean a blind passion for the ability to issue commands. One must be able to plan, including the Mouse in responsible projects, so that her prudence, adventurism, and other positive business qualities work for the common cause.

Important! Mice are considered ideal helpers. They do not find equal in responsibility, diligence. With such support, any project is doomed to success.

Important! Frequent conflict situations can generate hatred. Then the compatibility of the Horse and Rat pair will become very low.

The main problem that destroys the compatibility of the Horse and the Rat in marriage, astrologers call the inability to compromise. Both are ready to strive for high goals, but the Horse in her dreams is far ahead of her partners. If she starts to soar in the clouds, a situation will arise when it becomes clear to the mouse that she has been deceived in her expectations: there is a huge difference between the plans of a loved one and reality.