Linoleum with felt base. Which linoleum is better for an apartment - household or semi-commercial, foam-based, or felt? Hot bonding

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How to glue linoleum with five different ways

Docking linoleum has always been one of the most problematic stages of the installation of this type of coating. On the this moment Perhaps the most popular way to connect panels is the so-called cold welding method, but it is far from the only one. In this article I will try to explain in detail how to glue linoleum with cold welding, and also talk about other effective ways to join linoleum with my own hands.

Existing ways of joining the material

It would be wrong to label and categorically state that there are good and bad docking methods. Since these methods exist, it means that they are in demand in some niche. Since linoleum joints can be glued in different ways, the main thing here is to correctly determine which method is suitable in a particular case.

Method number 1 - landing on double-sided tape

Let's say right away that this method is fast, very easy to perform, but not very reliable and not durable. After all, adhesive tape, even the highest quality, was originally developed for temporary, lightly loaded joints.

Double-sided tape is a good thing, but it has one flaw, such tape will not adhere firmly to a porous surface. Therefore, before installation, any base, whether it be a cement screed, wood or a concrete slab, must be treated with a strengthening primer.

A felt-based coating cannot be qualitatively joined using double-sided tape.

When the primer dries, you need to remove the protective tape from below, stick the tape itself to the base. After that, with one hand pull off the top protective tape, and with the other hand simultaneously press the edges of the joined canvases. Upon completion of this procedure, it is advisable to roll the joint well with a hard roller. That's actually all the wisdom.

In fact, this method has only two main and only advantages. It's low cost and simplicity. Otherwise, I personally can recommend it as a temporary option for a maximum of a year. Then you have to glue, as expected, or change the coating.

Method number 2 - overhead threshold

The range of plastic and metal overhead thresholds, although not particularly large, but, as a rule, you can choose.

As for the complexity, the instructions for installing such thresholds with your own hands are not far from double-sided tape.

  • Each such threshold has ready-made holes for fixing with self-tapping screws.. First you need to cut the bar to size and attach it to the junction of two canvases, mark the entry points for the screws;
  • After that, an electric drill is taken and a series of holes is made with a six-millimeter drill, according to the marking. Plastic dowels are immediately inserted into these holes;
  • Now you just have to attach the bar and fix it with screws.

It would seem that everything is beautiful, but the problem is that the threshold is a consignment note, of course it will stand out strongly on the floor surface. Since it is not necessary to glue the linoleum here, in fact, you just press it well, this method is great as an interior transition in the area of ​​​​the doorway. Or to connect two different coatings, for example, tiles and linoleum.

Method number 3 - mastic

This method can be safely considered the patriarch of this trend. Mastic is one of the types of adhesive composition. In those days when the assortment of linoleum was, to put it mildly, small, all coatings of this type were glued to the base with mastic. The method is quite reliable, but if everything is done as expected, it will not work to dismantle such a canvas without tearing it.

Now, quite often people prefer to use mastic only to join two canvases. Many craftsmen believe that gluing linoleum over the entire area is relevant only for industrial and public premises with a high load, and I agree with them on this. At home, it makes no sense to completely fix the canvas, it will not go anywhere anyway.

This method is somewhat reminiscent of gluing on double-sided tape. In the same way, before gluing the joints of linoleum, the base will need to be primed, and the edges of the canvases should be degreased with any alcohol-containing solution. Just do not try to degrease with acetone or any solvents, because some models of linoleum can simply corrode these compounds.

After that, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joint, mastic is smeared on the base with a spatula, and the edges of the sheets are pressed, for reliability, you can still roll the joint with a hard roller. Only mastic is not adhesive tape, it will dry for about a day. And until it completely hardens, the edges of the linoleum should be pressed tightly. Usually a board is laid on the joint and a load is placed on it.

Method number 4 hot welding

Hot welding is a capital and very reliable method, but it is far from suitable for everyone. In this way, only high-density linoleum can be connected, which is most often used for arranging floors on industrial enterprises and in administrative buildings. Models intended for the residential sector are too thin and “loose”, from such a temperature they simply melt.

But anything happens in life and perhaps in your case it will be what you need. I immediately warn you, compared to other methods, hot welding is the most expensive.

To work, you will have to get a special hot air gun. In appearance, it looks like a regular soldering iron, only it is heated with hot air. In principle, the price for it is high, but the tool is specific, highly specialized, so it is better to rent it.

Hot welding can only be carried out if the coating is glued over the entire area of ​​​​contact with the floor.
First, the canvas "sits" on the mastic, and after its strong setting, you can begin to weld the seams.

  • Hot welding is reminiscent of classical welding methods. A special polymer cord acts as a solder here. It is inserted into the nozzle of the hot air gun and, as it melts, fills the seam between the two canvases;
  • First you will need to widen this seam. Some craftsmen prefer to simply join two edges with a small gap of 2 - 3 mm, theoretically it is possible to do this, but this is not entirely true. It is better to first join two sheets without a gap, and then cut a V-shaped groove along the seam. Professionals use a special cutter for this, but at the amateur level, a good one will do. sharp knife, I use a slanting shoe knife;
  • The cross section of the cord should be a couple of millimeters larger than the groove between the blades. It goes without saying that there should be no debris in the groove, and the edges of the linoleum should be degreased;

  • Naturally, each soldering iron has an instruction, plus there should also be an annotation on the packaging of the polymer cord. But if for some reason you did not have this information, then keep in mind that the average melting point of the polymer ranges from 300 - 500ºС;
  • When the cord is inserted and the tool has reached the desired temperature, the tip is brought close to the gap between the sheets and, as it is filled, the hot air gun moves along the seam. I just put the tip on the groove and move the soldering iron;

It is better to solder the canvases first from one wall to the middle, and then in the same way, from the opposite wall to the middle.
Docking of seams is carried out with an overlap of about 30 mm.

  • The joint must be filled completely so that the liquid polymer protrudes above the joint. If the cord doesn't melt well, add some heat. After welding, leave the joint alone so that the polymer hardens;
  • Now you will need to take an arcuate knife and carefully cut off the protruding excess. Just do not try to “clean up” while the polymer is still liquid, the fact is that it tends to shrink and if you rush, then you will have a groove at the seam. The best time, this is when the composition has already seized, but still warm.

There is one more nuance in hot welding technology. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to achieve an inconspicuous seam. Welding will be clearly visible, this is often used creative personalities creating original linoleum panels.

To be completely honest, hot welding is easy as long as you read about it. When it comes to direct welding, having no experience of tinkering, you will have to pretty much. Therefore, it makes sense to think about hiring a specialist here.

Cold welding or the most popular method number 5

Having no experience of qualitatively and, at the same time, imperceptibly welding a seam of linoleum at home with your own hands, the easiest way is to connect using cold welding.

In a nutshell, this is pure gluing of surfaces. Only instead of ordinary glue, special formulations are used. They are selected depending on the type of linoleum and specific connection conditions.

Types of adhesive composition

Since it’s impossible to glue linoleum correctly with anything, you will need to choose one of three options.

After all, if “Cold welding” is written on the package, this does not mean at all that this composition is right for you.

  • The most commonly used "Cold welding" type "A". This composition has a rather liquid consistency, due to which it easily penetrates into the pores of soft linoleum. Typically, such linoleum is used for residential premises, some also call it foamed, although this is not true. If you are going to glue a new canvas, then this is exactly your option;
  • The composition marked "C" will already be much thicker. This consistency allows you to glue surfaces with a gap of up to 3 - 4 mm. Theoretically, it can also be used to bond a new coating, but the "C" type was developed more for repairing a torn web and gluing open cracks. This connection method is somewhat reminiscent of hot welding with a hot air gun, only instead of a soldering iron and a polymer cord, a wide seam of linoleum is filled with a jelly-like substance;

  • Cold welding type "T" is not suitable for amateurs at all. It is used in a narrow niche PVC coatings based on polyester. Working with such a composition requires serious practical skills, in addition, it has a rather high toxicity and it is dangerous to work with it without preparation.

Cold welding technique

The question of how to properly glue linoleum with cold welding, in view of its special popularity, deserves more detailed consideration. As I already mentioned, the type “A” is most often used here. Any package of this type is equipped with a kind of adapter with a thin needle, through which it is convenient to introduce the composition between tightly connected canvases.

Too many tools are not needed. Of the necessary, you will need to buy a roll of painter's or ordinary stationery wide adhesive tape and a sharp knife, just do not take a stationery knife, it is too weak to cut linoleum. To ensure an even cut, you can take a metal ruler or any flat metal bar. I use a long building level, besides the fact that it is even, this tool also does not bend.

When you lay the flooring in your home, first cover the room with linoleum in the position in which it should lie and leave it like that for a week. During this time, it adapts and you just have to glue the seams, evenly cut off the excess fabric around the perimeter and press it along. Believe me, he will not go anywhere and will lie indefinitely.

This method of laying allows you to do without gluing the canvases over the entire plane, which is not only cheaper and easier, but here you can still easily remove the canvas and use it for other purposes. For example, if you decide to change the coating, then old linoleum it will not be difficult to roll up and take to the country.

The base, that is, the floor, no matter what it is made of, must be clean and perfectly even.
From my own experience I will tell you, do not rely on thick linoleum to hide cracks and uneven floors.
When the canvas settles, all existing defects will appear on it.

In order to ensure a tight, inconspicuous seam without the slightest gaps, two sheets are overlapped. If alignment of the pattern is not required, then an overlap of 3–4 cm is sufficient, in other words, the width of the adhesive tape. When dealing with a pattern, decide for yourself, but after cutting, the pattern on adjacent surfaces must match exactly.

Glue "Cold welding" is an aggressive thing, a carelessly dropped drop can easily spoil the surface of linoleum. In order to protect ourselves from such incidents, we will use adhesive tape.

At the beginning and in the middle of the future connecting seam, an adhesive tape is glued along the bottom web. After that, in the same place, the same tape is glued to the top sheet.

Now put a metal ruler in the middle of the adhesive tape and firmly press it, after which you cut this whole cake to the very floor with a knife. By removing the trimmings from the bottom and top, you will get a tight, even connection, both sides of which will be protected by adhesive tape.

Next, you will need to take a tube of cold welding, immerse a thin needle of the adapter deep into the seam and fill it so that the composition protrudes slightly from above (the needle is immersed approximately to the middle of the web thickness). You need to squeeze out simultaneously with the movement of the tube along the seam.

The glue that comes out from above does not need to be wiped off immediately. The edges of the canvases are protected with adhesive tape, so you should wait until the composition is completely dry, and then, pulling off the adhesive tape, you will get a clean seam. If there is a small excess, they just need to be carefully cut off. If everything is done right, the seam can only be found by touch.

Linoleum repair

In the case when you do not plan to change the coating, but there are unpleasant cracks on it, you can repair them using cold welding of grade “C”. The main thing here is to carefully fill only the crack itself with the composition, because accidentally smeared glue can make it even worse than it was.

Before gluing torn linoleum or cracks on the canvas, the defect site will need to be well cleaned and degreased. After that, adhesive tape is glued directly to the place of the gap. Now take the blade and cut out this very crack along the edge in the adhesive tape. Such a "surgical operation" when everything around is sealed, and there is only access to the place of the gap.

Next, the crack will need to be carefully filled with glue and wait until it dries. At the end, the adhesive tape is removed, and the protruding influxes of glue are carefully cut with a knife. Theoretically, any tape can be used, but in this case, I prefer to work with transparent stationery tape. A crack is clearly visible through it, as a result it is much easier to cut it out.

If we are talking about a fresh tear in the canvas, for example, due to inaccurate movement of furniture, then while the edges of the canvas have not yet had time to strongly deform, it makes sense to glue with cold welding of type “A”. About the same as you would glue new surfaces.

In this case, I stick adhesive tape, make an incision along the contour of the gap, fill the seam with glue, and cover everything on top with a rag or paper napkins and put the load. Excess glue is absorbed into the rag, the next day, the adhesive tape, along with what sticks to it, simply breaks off, but you will only need to slightly clean the seam with a blade and that's it.

Felt-based household and semi-commercial linoleum has recently become very popular. Let's look at the features and benefits of this material.

What gave linoleum felt?

The patent for the production of PVC material saw the world 150 years ago. Since that time, linoleum has not lost its relevance, despite the existing shortcomings:

  • significant residual deformation;
  • low ability to resist moisture;
  • inability to absorb noise;
  • poor protection against fire and burning;
  • low level of thermal insulation.

Linoleum with a felt base is almost completely devoid of all these negative aspects. Instead, he demonstrates:

  • The deformation has become significantly less, and all due to the elasticity and softness of the multilayer structure;
  • The noticeable rigidity of the coating disappeared. Now it springs, even if it lies on a concrete base;
  • Felt-based linoleum exhibits excellent soundproofing properties;
  • Felt is impregnated with specific anti-combustible additives. This does not exclude the possibility of fire, but it makes it minimal, and not as large.

To sum it all up, we can say the following: linoleum on felt is a coating that perfectly retains heat, is almost soundproof, durable and capable of maintaining a decent appearance over a long service life.

Existing varieties

Felt linoleum of two types is mainly represented on the modern market.

The first option provides for the presence of five layers, each of which performs its "duties":

  • External, which is a transparent polymer, reflects all external negative influences.
  • The second also has a protective function, and has a thickness of 0.7 mm.
  • The third - decorative, is responsible for the aesthetics of the coating.
  • The fourth is the same layer of felt that distinguishes this species linoleum.
  • The fifth is represented by a layer of dense polyvinyl chloride.

In the second case, linoleum already consists of 7 layers, namely:

  • Outer layer made of polyacrylic or PVC.
  • The second, consisting of the same PVC, enhances the protective properties. The existing GOST obliges manufacturers to make this layer 0.15-0.8 mm thick.
  • The third is decorative.
  • The fourth foamed PVC.
  • Fifth - stabilizing fiberglass.
  • Sixth - Felt backing.
  • The seventh is additional waterproofing that preserves the felt.

Nuances of application

In general, household and semi-commercial modern felt-based linoleum demonstrates the following disadvantages:

  • The need for careful preparation of the base, which should be well dried;
  • Welding of felt linoleum on a felt basis should be done by the hands of a professional. The coating should be monolithic, covering the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room with a single canvas;
  • If it is not possible to achieve installation without joints, the joints must be well protected from the possible penetration of moisture. How to glue the joints of linoleum in this case? A moisture-resistant adhesive tape is bought, which fastens two separate pieces of material from the inside;
  • The first samples of the coating showed noticeable shrinkage, about 1 cm for every 5 m. Now manufacturers are saturating the market with heterogeneous felt linoleum, which almost does not “shrink”. Again, if there is no complete confidence in the quality of the purchased product, it is better to leave 5 cm gaps between the walls and the panel, which will then be covered with material.

In order for the coating to fully show its advantages, it is necessary to perform high-quality bonding of felt-based linoleum, adjust it to the dimensions of the room, and firmly press down with skirting boards.

Do-it-yourself welding of linoleum

At home, it is impossible to connect individual sheets of material in a hot way, which is considered the best in terms of strength and tightness. Only cold welding of felt-based linoleum is available to home craftsmen, which is the use of PVC-based glue, plasticizers and tetrahydrofuran.

The product is produced in the form of a tube with a thin needle, from which, when pressed, the adhesive for linoleum is supplied. Since chlorine is present in its composition, the edges of the joined parts dissolve, and the frozen seam comes out smooth, even and almost imperceptible.

Self-gluing felt-based linoleum by cold welding can be done using the following types of glue:

  • For new and hard surfaces. Such a composition is very liquid, leaves no traces after “welding”, eliminates even minimal gaps;
  • For repairing old material that has come apart at the seams, burst or cut during use. Such glue is much thicker than the previous one, tightly fastens seams up to 5 mm wide, and its excess is easily scraped off with a clerical knife;
  • Professional, made for PVC linoleum on a felt-polyester base. Absolutely transparent and gives an elastic joint.

Performance of "welding" works

The process of how to glue felt-based linoleum is as follows:

  • The parts to be welded are glued masking tape.
  • An incision is made in the middle of the adhesive tape, coinciding with the joint.
  • A needle from a tube of glue is inserted into the slot, a uniform supply of glue is performed.
  • If the substance has got on the unprotected part of the linoleum, do not try to wipe it off immediately. This can damage the drawing. It is better to wait for the excess to dry completely and scrape it off.
  • The adhesive tape is removed after 5-10 minutes, and after two hours the glue will seize tightly.

In principle, these are all the subtleties of how to weld felt-based linoleum on your own. The main thing is to be accurate, consistent and not in a hurry.

Opinions on felt linoleum

In view of what the product has, it is logical that there are consumer reviews about it. What are they? Let's get a look:

  • “... has been lying in my hallway for a couple of years now. There is no humidity in the apartment, they mounted it on concrete screed in one piece, they didn’t cook anything, they just pressed it with skirting boards and thresholds ... ”;
  • “... if you take it, weld it in the store right away. At home, it’s difficult to weld normal seams yourself, it’s expensive to hire a craftsman, few people take it, and the glue itself will cost a pretty penny ... ”;
  • “... I cooked it myself, it’s okay, just don’t twitch and do everything carefully. If something goes wrong, the seam will just be noticeable a little. But I have patterned linoleum, and, in general, my joints do not catch my eye ... ".

Linoleum insulated with felt eliminates the need to take care of additional heat-insulating materials and carpets, it washes well and keeps its appearance for many years in a row. In addition, its cost is fully justified, because there are tangible savings on adhesives, substrates and work in general.

Currently, linoleum is perhaps one of the most popular types. floor covering.
Linoleum in Khabarovsk and other cities of the world is represented by various brands of domestic and foreign manufacturers. The variety and features of designs, characteristics, as well as constantly improving product properties - all this is important to consider for high-quality and durable repairs.
This article discusses the structure, composition and properties of the base of linoleum.

The basis of linoleum is the lowest layer, which is in direct contact with the base of the floor and is exposed to moisture, temperature changes. In addition, it depends on it how good the sound and heat insulation properties of the selected flooring will be.
Currently, there is linoleum in Khabarovsk on different bases:
- fabric or felt,
- foamed PVC layer.
How do they differ and which is better to choose?

Textile base.
It is believed that felt-based linoleum is much warmer than other types of coating. With just a glance at it, it seems that the floor will be covered with a warm blanket, and cold and moisture will not penetrate into the room.
Previously, natural fibers were used for such a base, for example, felt, pressed linen, jute, which looked like burlap. But these materials were later replaced with synthetic ones, since when moisture got in, such a base deteriorated, rotted, a smell appeared and the entire coating had to be changed. For modern linoleum, synthetic fibers were added to the natural fabric base or completely replaced with artificial materials.
Textile-based linoleum is not too picky about the surface, it does not need perfect mirror smoothness, because. it can hide minor flaws in the floor. Modern materials more resistant to moisture, tk. the pile is treated with special impregnations, but still it is not recommended to lay it where there is a risk of periodic contact with water, for example, in swimming pools, bathrooms or damp, basements- for them it is better to use foam-based linoleum.

Foamed PVC backing.
The second type of linoleum base is foamed polyvinyl chloride.
Such a base is more rigid and elastic, it contains air capsules of various sizes, which act as an air cushion between the base of the floor and the floor covering. It is more resistant to mechanical stress than its fabric counterpart. Such linoleum is suitable for use in almost all rooms, even with high humidity.
At different collections and types of linoleum in Khabarovsk, a layer of foamed PVC differs not only in thickness, but also in density. For example, in semi-commercial linoleum, it is denser and more rigid for greater resistance to vertical and horizontal loads, punching.
In addition, commercial and semi-commercial linoleum has collections that use a calendered base. It is made by pressing several layers of PVC with high temperatures. It turns out a very durable and dense coating with high resistance to stress, stretching.

What is the basis of linoleum is better?
There is no single right answer - it all depends on the room in which you will lay the selected floor covering.
In terms of heat and noise insulation properties, the textile and the foamed polyvinyl chloride base practically do not differ. The air gap present between the fibers of the first and in the capsules of the second base is what determines the presence of these characteristics.
But in terms of cushioning properties, the leading position is occupied by a base made of foamed PVC, it better restores its shape after squeezing.
Therefore, felt-based linoleum in Khabarovsk is best laid in small, dry rooms where there is no heavy and voluminous furniture. Foam-based linoleum is suitable for any premises, because. it has a higher resistance to mechanical stress: heels, chair legs, heavy loads.
Linoleum on a calendered basis is better to lay in rooms with a large area and high traffic and load on the base, but its heat and sound insulation properties are lower. Such a base is very wear-resistant, but more demanding on the quality and smoothness of the base.

One of the most popular floorings is linoleum. It consists of materials that provide high strength, wear resistance and reliability of the coating. Such material is relatively inexpensive, while it has high performance. Linoleum can be commercial, semi-commercial and domestic. Insulated linoleum is used in rooms with too cold concrete or wooden floors. It can have a different basis: you need to pay attention to this when purchasing it.

When the floor is cold in the room, either its thorough insulation or the use of materials that can provide thermal insulation to the surface is required. Linoleum is an excellent coating that does not require large material costs, unlike installing a warm floor. Insulated linoleum is used to insulate the floor without additional material costs.

Thick linoleum is often used to cover uneven surfaces to hide cracks and floor deformations.

Linoleum can have a different base with a complex structure. At the same time, manufacturers offer a wide range of coatings with a variety of patterns: geometric, abstract, thematic. Such linoleum is elastic, which ensures comfortable movement on the surface.

Types of bases for linoleum:

  • Foamed. It is characterized by a complex structure. It consists of a top decorative layer. The middle layer is foam rubber. It creates excellent thermal insulation, and also protects against the penetration of excess noise. The material is quite effective, despite its thinness. The cover is practical and easy to care for.
  • Warm. It consists of a film that is glued onto a jute or felt base. The cover has a soft, pleasant surface. The disadvantage is the vulnerability of the upper layer to damage. Do not lay this material in a room with high traffic, as well as in a room where there is high humidity.

The choice of material quality directly depends on where the linoleum will be laid. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the room, its permeability, humidity level and floor finish. Reviews of each type of warm linoleum can be read on the Internet.

How to choose the right warm linoleum

Modern warm linoleum is no longer made on the basis of natural materials. Artificial materials have proven their reliability, strength and wear resistance. Warm linoleum can be divided into several types, depending on what kind of basis it has. Linoleum laying methods also depend on what materials it is made of.

For example, linoleum with a felt base can be laid on the floor without prior screed.

For laying in residential premises with a cold floor, especially on the first floors, felt linoleum is used, which perfectly stores heat and does not let the cold through. It is this linoleum that is best used for summer cottages, if it is not possible to install a warm floor. In order for linoleum to serve for a long time, when choosing it, you need to follow the advice of professionals.

Tips for choosing warm linoleum:

  • Linoleum based on jute or felt is best to lay indoors with high level humidity.
  • If the floor will have a large load, it is better to lay foamed linoleum on it.
  • Linoleum decor is important to choose according to the overall style of the interior. When laying, make sure that the pattern or pattern matches.
  • The width of the linoleum should be such that there are not too many joints on the floor.

The choice of linoleum should be influenced by how durable it is. The service life of the surface will depend on the class of linoleum. When buying, it is important to pay attention to product quality certificates.

Foam-based linoleum layers

The structure of foam-based linoleum is quite complex. The thickness of the linoleum is large enough to provide the surface with heat and make it even. Linoleum with this type of base has a beautiful appearance, which contributes to its popularity among consumers.

One of the well-known types of linoleum, which is widely popular and has high quality characteristics, is Tarkett.

This is linoleum with a heat-insulating surface, wear-resistant, durable and breathable at the same time. Its basis consists of six layers, each of them performs its function. Linoleum is thinner than felt, but the addition of fiberglass makes it much stronger.

Foam-based linoleum layers:

  • Transparent layer for protection;
  • Decorative;
  • foam layer;
  • primed layer;
  • Bottom foam layer;
  • Back layer.

This is the most practical look floor covering. It is easy to care for and wash. It is only important to remember that it is better to clean linoleum daily, and not once after it becomes impossible to wash it from accumulated dirt and dust.

The process of laying linoleum with pile

This type of coverage requires specific attention. It should be noted that the choice of linoleum is a simple matter, because it is chosen for a long period of time. The material has a two-cavity structure, which affects the characteristics of linoleum and its performance.

Linoleum with pile is perfect for those who love warmth, comfort and coziness: it is soft, resilient and easy to cover the floor surface.

But it is worth noting that this material can only be laid in a dry room, since moisture can destroy the structure of linoleum and render it unusable. If the floor will experience heavy loads, then it is likely that the piled linoleum may not withstand this. Therefore, before buying, it is important to take into account all the nuances and characteristics of the room in which linoleum is supposed to be laid.

How to prepare the floor:

  • Remove old coating. Assess the condition of the floor without it. Finishes must be good, otherwise it will be necessary to carry out repairs.
  • Lay the substrate, which will be the transition layer. It is better to choose the jute option - it has a natural base.
  • Cover the floor with plywood sheets - this will give the surface strength.
  • Carry out waterproofing, if the floor is covered with wood. To do this, put the film. Cover it with fiberboard, prime it, cover it again with foil.

The film floor is laid on top of this entire floor structure. Experts do not advise laying chipboard under linoleum - this is a rather fragile material that can lead to floor failure. Linoleum with a pile is perfect for dry living quarters, with a normal level of humidity.

Types of insulated linoleum (video)

Insulated linoleum can significantly save on the installation of underfloor heating. Usually they cover cold concrete wooden surfaces. Linoleum can have several bases, but they all differ in their heat and sound insulation function. This quality largely depends on the thickness of the coating. You need to choose the material very responsibly, taking into account the characteristics of the room in which the linoleum will be laid. Linoleum is of three types: household, commercial and semi-commercial. When buying, be sure to check the quality certificate of the goods.

If you need to insulate the floor, but do not want to spend a lot of money, then felt-based linoleum would be an ideal choice. It can be laid not only on a cold concrete floor, but also on an old wooden base. Since such a coating has a significant thickness, it can be laid on an uneven surface that cannot be leveled.

The main advantage of this material can be considered a low cost for the rapid insulation of the floor. In addition, due to the thick coating layer, it can be laid on a base with a slight height difference.

Felted wool is a good insulation

Additionally, it can be attributed to the advantages of felt linoleum:

  • Variety of designs and colors;
  • The softness of the floor to the touch;
  • Affordable price range;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Resistance to mechanical damage;
  • Possibility of flooring on uneven ground.

Along with the positive qualities, the coating also has disadvantages:

  • Do not install in high traffic areas.
  • It is not recommended to use in rooms with high humidity, as mold may form.

This fabric is easy to install.

These shortcomings are fully compensated by the advantages. Affordable cost and other positive qualities of felt-based material completely cover the existing disadvantages.

Felt flooring is a multilayer material. In the construction market, such a coating is presented in two forms.

Structure of 5 layers

Insulated linoleum of five layers has the following structure:

  • The first sublayer is made of high-strength polyurethane, which resists external influences;
  • The second is protective, 0.7 mm thick;
  • The third is a pattern;
  • Fourth - insulated layer (natural felt or jute or fiberglass);
  • The fifth is a dense layer of polyvinyl chloride.

Sectional material

Each layer performs its task assigned to it, and in general gives the linoleum its characteristic qualities.

Structure of 7 layers

To give rigidity and increased thermal insulation, manufacturers add two more layers to the coating. The felt covering, consisting of 7 layers, has the following structure:

  • First layer of durable polyacrylic or polyurethane;
  • The second is protective, made of pure polyvinyl chloride with a thickness of 0.15-0.8 mm;
  • The third is a decorative pattern;
  • The fourth is made of foamed polyvinyl chloride;
  • The fifth layer is fiberglass;
  • The sixth layer is a felt underlay for linoleum, foamed PVC or jute;
  • The last layer (seventh) is protective.

Multilayer linoleum

It is not recommended to lay in the bathroom

In general, household or semi-commercial insulated felt-based linoleum is recommended for flooring in the bedroom, nursery, living room in a residential building and an apartment on the ground floor. The premises on the ground floor have a cold concrete floor and need thermal insulation. For this, linoleum is just right, which has an additional warm layer (felt) that protects the room from cold air. In addition, it is pleasant to walk barefoot on such a floor due to the soft elastic properties of the material.

In order for the flooring to serve for a long time and show only positive qualities, it is necessary to glue it correctly, fit it to the size of the room and fix it with a plinth. Before laying, the moisture level of the base on which the felt linoleum will be laid must be checked. It is important to remember that when laying the material may shrink, so you should leave allowances on all sides.

Insulated flooring - perfect solution for the living room

The pattern in such a coating is applied over the entire thickness, so it can be washed using various detergents, and traces of abrasion will be hardly noticeable.

When choosing a felt material, it is better to select the width so that the laying is carried out as a whole sheet. If this is not possible, then the linoleum is laid end-to-end. Sheet joints must be glued. There are a number of methods that will help to securely connect sheets of material.

hot welding method

This method is costly and requires a sufficient number of different tools (special knives, a welding dryer, a special cord for it).

This approach is complex and costly.

Before gluing the joint, linoleum on felt is well glued to the base. Then, at the junction, a recess is cut along the length, excess parts of the material are removed. Hot air gun for welding special nozzle at a temperature of 400 degrees Celsius, they pass along a cord that is laid in a recess. After the melted cord has solidified, the remnants are cut off with a sharp knife.

After hardening, the seam is reliable and the composition coincides with the components of linoleum.

Rarely used at home

This method is only suitable for use by professional craftsmen, and not for home use.

Cold welding

One of the most reliable and simple ways bonding is cold welding of felt-based linoleum. For work you will need: a knife, a ruler, masking tape, cold welding.

First, the edges are carefully joined with a complete match of the pattern. Next, the edges are glued with masking tape so as not to be smeared with cold welding. The seam is cut with a knife, and glue for felt-based linoleum is poured into the middle. The tape is removed after welding hardens.

Docking with the installation of thresholds

This method is used at the junction of coatings from different rooms. This connection is carried out as follows:

  • Laying and docking according to the drawing of the coating sheets;
  • Threshold size determination;
  • Adjustment to the size of the nut;
  • Fastening the threshold with self-tapping screws.

May cause inconvenience in the future

This mounting method is inexpensive and easy to implement. True, the protruding part of the threshold can cause inconvenience during operation. Also, there is a difficulty in choosing the right color for linoleum.

With tape

The base of the floor before laying the felt linoleum is well cleaned of debris and dust, and then primed. When laying the coating sheets, it is necessary that the pattern matches. Then adhesive tape is glued to the base of the floor in the place where the two edges of the material are joined. Gradually and carefully remove the film from the adhesive tape, and stick the edges of the sheets. This method is considered not very reliable for a strong joint connection.

It's not the most reliable option.

Insulated linoleum can be found in many manufacturers. When choosing a coating, you should pay attention to three main characteristics: wear resistance, overall thickness of the material and the thickness of the protective layer.

First of all, you need to look at the thickness

For apartments, it is desirable to give preference to the 23rd wear resistance class and a coating thickness of at least 3 mm with protective layer 0.3-0.4 mm.

Each manufacturer sets its own prices for Decoration Materials. The table below shows manufacturers and approximate prices for felt flooring.

Perhaps such a coating is not durable, compared to expensive tiles or parquet, but you can change the floor every 10 years without significant financial costs.

Such material is a simple solution for the floor

Brand Tarkett

Felt based tarkett linoleum is one of the best products from this company. Tarkett produces products of the highest quality. Felt covering has a wide range of colors and patterns. This makes it possible to choose the flooring for any design solution.