Incidents with the stars. Curious situations with the stars

Another incident with popping breasts occurred at a Britney Spears concert in one of the cities of Maryland.

36-year-old American pop singer Britney Spears accidentally showed her breasts to fans, as reported by Cosmopolitan. A curious incident occurred in the city of Oxon Hill as part of the Piece of Me tour.

It is noted that the singer tried to rectify the situation, but she failed to do this to the end, and she continued her performance in this form. Immediately after the concert, a corresponding video appeared on YouTube, but soon, due to the request of the copyright holder, the recording was deleted.

Such oddities happen to show business stars quite often, despite the fact that a lot of time is spent on preparing music shows. We present you a selection of the most unexpected situations that happened to the stars of domestic and foreign pop on stage.


Beyoncé, being one of the most sought-after singers of our time, never ceases to amaze and amaze the audience with chic numbers, on which dozens of specialists work and think through everything to the smallest detail. Despite this, the singer often gets into awkward situations during a performance.

So, during one of her performances, Beyone sat down on the edge of the stage next to the fan, where her hair fell. The performer continued to sing, but the guards were engaged in unraveling her hair.

More than once, Beyonce fell off the stage, performing spectacular moves.

Sometimes she managed to resist ...

The video, in which the singer sneezed right during the performance, gained more than 300 thousand views.

Justin Bieber

But a fall is the most harmless thing that can happen to an artist on stage. Here's who really got into an awkward situation, so it's Justin Bieber. It's hard to believe, but right during the performance he was overcome by an attack of nausea. The only thing the girl idol managed to do was turn away from the audience and take a comfortable position.

Comments immediately circulated on the Web that Bieber himself was sick of his songs. After the speech, he commented on the incident, writing that he was poisoned by milk.

Enrique Iglesias

The famous Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias almost lost his fingers during one of his performances. While trying to catch the drone and send it into the crowd, he severely injured his fingers with a propeller. Having finished singing the song, he went backstage, bandaged his hand and continued the concert.

Especially emotional fans admired the act of the singer.

Katy Perry

In 2008, Katy Perry, speaking at the Latin American MTV Awards, was supposed to appear on stage jumping out of a cake. However, closer to the performance, the idea seemed too banal to her, and she decided to jump into the cake.

And everything would be fine if it were not for the slippery cream that did not allow her to get out of there and calmly continue her performance. The singer knocked down everything in her path: microphones, musicians and equipment.


The legendary American singer was also not spared by embarrassment. In 2015, during a performance at the Brit Awards, the singer got entangled in the skirts of a long raincoat and rolled right off the stage. It is worth giving her credit, she continued to sing like a true professional.

True, she later admitted that it was hard for her to breathe due to the fact that the suit was pulled too tight.

Lady Gaga

Outrageous Lady Gaga is probably the leader in the number of incidents that happened to her on stage. Suits accompanied by extremely high heels often cause falls off the stage, which do not cause much surprise to her fans. Fans are already collecting these moments.

However, in 2011, another fall almost turned into an injury for the performer. Standing on a chair from the piano, she lost her balance, and only a couple of centimeters saved her from hitting her head on the instrument.


Fergie's performance in 2005 in San Diego can be called the worst in the career of an American singer. From excessive excitement, the singer peed right during the performance.

Then she had to blush for a long time at press conferences and answer the same question “How did it happen?”. The singer herself explained this by the fact that she did not have time to visit the restroom before the performance due to traffic jams.

Nicki Minaj

The 35-year-old American singer, who gained fame, among other things, thanks to her impressive buttocks, probably wants to erase from memory the performance in which her fans saw false buttocks.

Nicki Minaj denies all fans' suspicions that she achieved such forms with the help of plastic surgeons.

FROM Russian stars it's much simpler: they don't fall while doing acrobatic moves, and they don't get tangled up in their costumes. Most often they are criticized for the fact that they use a phonogram.

Stas Kostyushkin

During Stas Kostyushkin's speech at the closing ceremony of the New Wave contest in Jurmala, there was a small embarrassment. Performing the song “Woman, I don’t dance,” he went up to the table at which Alla Pugacheva and her husband Maxim Galkin were sitting, and climbed onto it. However, the design could not withstand Stas, and he fell right on the Primadonna, and the phonogram continued to play.

Kostyushkin later apologized to Alla Pugacheva for this incident.

The network gets a lot of photos and videos in which Russian and foreign celebrities get into unpleasant situations during performances. Many of them manage to gracefully get out of the situation. The funniest incidents on stage are in the material.

Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva fell during a speech

Popular Russian singer fell on stage during the concert “Stars of Russian Radio” in Moscow's Crocus City Hall in April 2018. The singer performed the song “Close People”, decided to go down closer to the audience, but got tangled in a long skirt and. The guards helped the star to get up, she calmly continued her performance, but the fans still managed to notice that the performer was singing to the soundtrack.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry plays the flute to the backing track

The American singer amused the fans at one of the concerts in 2011. The singer wanted to surprise her fans with her ability to play the flute, but she failed to use the instrument in time to the soundtrack. In addition, fans noticed that Perry even held the flute incorrectly. After that, the frustrated star admitted that she was not endowed with the talent of a flutist.

Emin Agalarov

The fall of the stage worker made Emin Agalarov laugh

The incident happened to the Russian singer in December 2013. The performer sang the song Still Live at Crocus City Hall. The fan gave the performer a bouquet of flowers, and Emin threw it to the stage worker, but he slipped and fell. He did not receive serious injuries, but the performance was hopelessly ruined: Agalarov laughed until the end of the song and could not recover.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber vomited on stage

In 2012, an unpleasant incident on stage also happened to a Canadian performer. The musician vomited during the performance of one of the compositions in Arizona. Bieber later apologized to fans and admitted that he didn't feel too well because of the stale milk he drank shortly before the show.

Philip Kirkorov

The fan scared Philip Kirkorov

In 2009, speaking at a corporate evening in Tashkent, he did not notice how a fan approached him. In surprise, the singer squealed into the microphone, which frightened the woman. The video of this funny embarrassment is still gaining views on the Web.


Beyoncé fell with her sister Solange

In April 2018, the singer, along with her younger sister Solange, performed at Coachella in California. The stars sang and danced seductively in snow-white outfits, and then decided to hug. However, Solange did not keep her balance, and both performers were right on the stage. Fans captured the embarrassment on camera.

Nikolay Baskov

Baskov falls at the RU TV awards

Falls at the RU TV award ceremony have already become a tradition. So, at the first event, the singer got tangled in the train of the dress and fell right on the actress. In 2015, the Internet star Bonya (the duet “Bonya and Kuzmich”) decided to lift the artist in her arms, but did not calculate her strength and dropped him.

“Make a wish, the star has fallen”, - the Basques left the position.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga fell off the piano at a concert

High heels often cause trouble for the star, so her falls on stage are no longer surprising. However, in 2011, the singer decided to take a spectacular position, standing on a chair from the piano, but could not keep her balance and collapsed, almost hitting the instrument.

Celebrities are people too, so they sometimes get into all sorts of strange, funny or ridiculous situations. For example, a celebrity suddenly fell, slipped, or tripped on stage or on the red carpet. Things happen. Compiled top 10 of the strangest, funny or ridiculous situations that happened to the stars during concerts.

1 place. Masha Rasputina

Once the singer slipped and fell, and on the edge of the stage, miraculously not falling into the hall from it. The hitch lasted a few seconds, after which Masha continued the song, already sitting at the site of the fall. Indeed, artists are strong people.

2nd place. Philip Kirkorov

With the king of the stage, different things happened. Once, Philip fell, slipping during the performance. No wonder, because the singer is always active on stage. Fortunately, after the fall, he smiled and continued to perform.

Another time, the singer was let down by his stage outfit, or rather, the activity and scope of the skirt. This happens to women too...

Another funny case is related to the singer's fans. One day an old woman came up to the stage holding a bouquet of flowers. The artist noticed the woman only when she came close. Turning his head, Philip was frightened and cried out. The exclamation echoed in the microphone, and all the spectators heard it perfectly. The old woman, frightened by his reaction, also screamed. The situation seemed funny to the audience, at the same time it increased Philip's popularity as an artist. The audience was convinced that the singer gives all his best, sings himself, without a phonogram.

3rd place. Christina Orbakaite

Often people reproach the artists that they say they sing to the record. This is why the voices sound so smooth and clear. Once, Kristina Orbakaite unwittingly proved this when, in the middle of her performance, the soundtrack suddenly turned off. There was a pause, after which the singer began to sing live. The difference between the sound "before" the hitch and "after" convinced the audience that there was a soundtrack. Christina tried to justify herself to the assembled fans, then the recording was turned on again.

4th place. Nikolay Baskov

Incidents always happen unexpectedly. One day, Nikolai Baskov accidentally stumbled over the cord of an outstretched microphone. It happened at the time of the large-scale presentation of the music award. The artist fell, accidentally pulling standing next to girl. Stretched out on the stage, Baskov smiled and was able to translate what had happened into a joke, saying that he simply could not resist, stunned by the beauty of the girl.

5th place. Britney Spears

Often, stars are let down by the outfits they choose for their performances. Once Britney was singing Circus when her corset suddenly came undone. The girl had to support him and at the same time continue to sing. It was great for the audience to see. Luckily, a dancer soon ran up and zipped it up. It’s good that the corset just unbuttoned, and the seams didn’t spread ...

6th place. Geri Halliwell

Alas, sometimes the weather fails. One day, at the famous BAFTA ceremony in London, the wind suddenly picked up. The gusts of the elements exposed Geri Halliwell's ass right in front of the snapping cameras as the celebrity stood to greet the people on the red carpet.

7th place. Hofit Golan

Often, the stars themselves initially choose unsuccessful outfits. Perhaps this is an erroneous decision of the stylist or a celebrity managed on their own. One day, the beautiful Hofit Golan came to the Cannes Film Festival. Everything seems to be fine. And the face is beautiful, and the figure is on the level. However, the appearance of the actress was remembered by others. Her underwear, which was considered by everyone present when the girl turned her back ...

8th place. Ani Lorak

Once the audience saw not only talent, but also Ani Lorak's underwear when the singer sang a song. Perhaps she simply did not calculate that the dress would rise in motion.

9th place. Madonna

Madonna tries to turn her performances into large-scale, colorful shows. Each time the singer dances, actively gesticulating. On the stage, in addition to her and the dancers, various objects are installed. Once Madonna stumbled and flew off the dais, falling straight on the guys from her backing dancer.

10th place. Lady Gaga

The singer danced and ran around the stage so actively and famously that her trousers could not stand it. The seam just came apart in the back...

Have you ever experienced awkward situations in your life? If so, the memories are probably still tormenting you now. Luckily, bad things can happen to anyone, so it doesn't make you stand out. Even stars can't save face sometimes. They have a particularly hard time, because all this always ends up on the Internet or is broadcast in live. It turns out that popularity is not always such a plus. Thousands of fans track your success, but they will also see any shame. Check out the list of the most embarrassing situations that happened to celebrities.

Harry Styles and Gigi Hadid

It must be extremely embarrassing when a star you know decides to hug all your bandmates right in front of you and only holds out his hand to you for a discreet handshake. It looks too weird and awkward to be an accident, so Gigi did it on purpose. Does she have something against Harry? Is she cold to him because her girlfriends Taylor Swift and Kendall Jenner don't like him? This we will never know for sure, but we can say with confidence that the case was extremely unpleasant, and thousands of people saw it.

Kylie Jenner and Ryan Reynolds

Think a movie star like Ryan Reynolds can get upset when she's treated with contempt by someone like TV celebrity Kylie Jenner? Probably not, however, it is still unpleasant to sit next to a person who does not even want to talk to you, and at a public event. Apparently, Kylie does not care that she is surrounded by Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Donatella Versace and others. She is much more interested in what is happening on her phone. What a strange and disrespectful attitude!

Bella Hadid and The Weekend

It is not known who this situation was more embarrassing for, the musician or Bella. Clashing with an ex is always unpleasant, but when everything happens right on stage, the emotions are especially negative. Bella is definitely uncomfortable walking down the catwalk, you can see it on her face. On the other hand, she is a Victoria's Secret model and looks flawless, so the musician must have regretted breaking up with such a girl, right? Either way, the situation looked rather awkward.

Jerry Seinfeld and Kesha

Who doesn't love Jerry Seinfeld? He is a popular comedian who reminds many of the old series. The singer Kesha was no exception. She asked Jerry to hug her and came up with outstretched arms, but Jerry refused. It was already embarrassing, but the singer also continued to ask, repeating her offer three times! This is a very unpleasant situation, which was remembered by many viewers.

Amy Schumer with Kim and Kanye

Only Amy Schumer would think that in a good way to attract someone's attention will be falling right in front of him face down on the red carpet. Clearly, she is a comedian, and it looked really funny. At the same time, Kim and Kanye definitely did not understand the joke. Kim looks only slightly surprised, but Kanye is completely unimpressed, as usual. What an awkward situation!

Charlize Theron and Sean Penn

Here's another embarrassing example of how frustrating it is for exes to accidentally bump into each other in public. These hugs are extremely constrained and tense. You can feel the discomfort of both just looking at the photo. Well, this behavior of the stars is quite understandable.

Jessica Lange and Lea Michele

You are happy to see someone, and this person passes by and does not even notice you! Poor Lea Michele! She pretended nothing had happened and straightened her hair, but everyone had already noticed what had happened. It was an extremely awkward moment right in front of the cameras.

Jack Nicholson and Jennifer Lawrence

Jack Nicholson suddenly appeared out of nowhere and told Jennifer Lawrence that she looked exactly like one of his ex-girlfriends? She tried to laugh it off, but her face said it all. She, it seems, could not even believe that this really happened, it is noticeable by her behavior. She was embarrassed, but all the guests of the Oscar ceremony remembered this incident as quite funny.

John Travolta and Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett then said that it was all about the bad angle and she was actually quite happy with John Travolta, but let's not be fooled! The expression on her face said it all! She seems to wish she were somewhere else. John did not notice her discomfort at all, at least it seems so from the outside.

They are stars, celebrities, faces from TV screens, but this photo selection only proves that they are ordinary people who, like us, mere mortals, are not immune from minor (and not so) troubles that clothes bring us. Too tight pants or too loose dress, torn suits and unbuttoned blouses - you will find it all in this issue. Anyone who has ever forgotten to zip up or knows what an unbuttoned bra is. Italian swimmer Flavia Zoccari had to pull out of the Mediterranean Games in Pescara, Italy after her swimsuit cracked. At the premiere of "Beowulf" in London, Angelina Jolie not only stepped on the gum, she also put on too tight leather pants, which eventually cracked. Fortunately, the male hand of Brad Pitt was most welcome (top right). Warning! The content of this material is intended for mature viewers only. By watching this material, by clicking on the links "View more" or "Write a comment" you confirm that you are over 18 years old. Gerry Halliwell showed it all at the BAFTA Children's Awards in London. Not only the path has blushed! Actress Hofit Golae at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival.
The expression “disorder in clothes” came into use after Janet Jackson’s chest fell out at a concert (it’s not clear by accident or it was planned that way). Justin didn't seem to mind. It seems Keira Knightley regretted not wearing a strapless dress to the Pride and Prejudice premiere. Although the straps did not save Katie Price from a slight shame at the premiere of her book in London. When TV presenter Mary Nightingale put on this dress, she did not know that Michael Barrymore would suddenly decide to lift it ... and, in a rather strange pose. The author of the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling, revealed herself to the fullest during an autograph signing session at school.
The shame of This Morning host Judy Finnigan was broadcast to the millions. Angelina Jolie caused outrage from critics when she appeared at the Screen Actors Guild Film Awards in a blue dress from Max Azria, wearing it back to front. As conceived by the designer, the cutout was planned in front. Radio 1 presenter Fearney Cotton came to work with a torn dress. It's good that he works on radio, and not on television.
Oh, in vain the participant of the famous show "American Idol" Cornelius Edwards decided to sit on the splits in these jeans. Jennifer Lopez had to fasten a torn dress with a pin during a photo shoot in New York. The BBC received complaints from angry viewers when Point of View host Terry Vaughan appeared on screen wearing overly tight pants.
Matadors "punctures" in clothes are known firsthand. At the festival in Pamplona, ​​the Spanish matador "El Cid" was hit in ... well, you understand ...
And matador Miguel Angel Perera from Spain had to wear regular denim shorts when a bull tore his pants.
British bobsledder Gillian Cook ripped her suit at the World Championships in Switzerland.
Ricky Behrens of the USA tore his suit while diving into the pool at the start of a 4x100m swim.
The joy of victory was too strong for Freddie Flintoff's pants.